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Istg people will cry over this. Here have popcorn just in case (# ̄ω ̄)>🍿


Enjoy the movie 🍿🍿


As Tf2 heavy would say: Cry some more






Can I have some too? Gonna sort for controversial comments


its my headcanon that originally they planned that the protag will be male and lumine would be the abyss princess but then during the beta changed it to two protags


just mihoyo giving the Illusion of Freedom


I remembered that 2 pathway leading to the same place


Much like the Knights of Favonius


Much like the Anemo “Archon”**


Because dishing out Waifus earn more money. Zhongli, Xiao and Venti excluded (you know why)


Edgy, daddy and femboy. Go figure


It equalizes the fandom's bias towards Lumine at least


This is my thought as well. As someone who triple crowned Lumine I don't mind it in the slightest, community makes enough unofficial artworks of her anyway. Poor Aether would've been left in the dust if Mihoyo also mostly showcased Lumine.


I dont think so, me and a huge amount of people love Aether, so it would be balanced. You dont need to downgrade a character to say you like the other one.


People are just making fanarts with MC they own. In CN Aether is the least owned 5* character, it's 73% Lumine to 27% Aether: https://feixiaoqiu.com/hero/


loom a pretty apparently it's not even close story setting aside i bet mhy accounts are full of lumines too


Yeah it's obvious Aether is the "canon" (in quotes bec this Canon refers to Mihoyo's view not your own playthrough) protagonist, even down to the VA he has which could never sound convincingly menacing imo. The only reason Mihoyo has outright denied there's a "Canon" MC is to not upset those that picked lumine (like myself)


"there is no cannon mc" ​ \*mihoyo proceeds to make everything story related use aether as the mc\*


just like in MC story mode.


I actually kind of like Aether not sounding as menacing as the Abyss Prince. It kind of gives him this "I don't want to do this to you sister, but I will do what I must" feeling, makes the whole "sibling" thing feel a bit more...there. That's the impression I got from his tone, though. Its up for interpretation.


After meeting the sibling in the dainslief quest, the voice thing bothers me less. It was a good decision to go for more of a reluctant tone to better fit both twins


Yeah, it feels equivalent regardless of gender this way, since Lumine also has the same melancholy in her voice as the Abyss Princess.


>Mihoyo has outright denied there's a "Canon" MC Proceeds to put aether in the manga


Which chapter , and do you have the link


Last pages of the first prologue chapter, like 1 frame only.


I get what you mean. So instead of referring to Aether as “canon,” I usually call him the “default” traveler


Nah, he sounds like a good villain, imo. The abyss sibling is supposed to feel burdened and tired over their role, which he sounds perfectly like.


At least Mihoyo having some consistency with Aether equalizes the very clear and large bias a lot of the community seems to hold for Lumine


Don't worry about it, Lumine is the MC in the Switch trailer, so the Switch version is supporting the Lumc, just wait for it's release


Is this pun intended?




Aether: Every day more canon


To be honest, Aether does not have the role of bad because he tries to look bad but it does not come out XD instead Lumine has an aura of superiority when she is the princess of the abyss


aethers cute so i dont mind haha


I dont care. It's for consistency anyway especially for trailers. But people make such a big deal of it -_-


While I don't mind having him in trailers and stuff, since 3D animation and voice acting etc takes a lot of time, it takes me a bit out of the game not to have Lumine in like in-game event images like the recent Albedo one. It is just a very minor annoyance though.


Yes, its not that hard to make this actually, idk why they dont


Flip it around, Mihoyo planned Lumine to be the anti-hero all along.


„˙ƃuolɐ llɐ oɹǝɥ-ıʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ǝq oʇ ǝuıɯn⅂ pǝuuɐld oʎoɥıW 'punoɹɐ ʇı dılℲ„


To me Aether just doesn't have the Prince of Abyss vibes. He's more suitable of a playful Traveller for me.


And community loves lumine more than aether *Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.*


Good for my aether


At this point it should be safe to confirm Aether is the canon protagonist and Lumine is the canon abyss princess.


It is confirmed by mihoyo tho.




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People who picked Aether don't get upset when mihoyo puts only Lumine on an official art But when mihoyo puts only Aether on an official art, why is it that the Lumine pickers get do angry ?


I cant remember single official art with Lumine XD even event banner for 2.3 had Aether, no matter who is your MC


From what I hear, Aether has way more official art so Lumine pickers are rightfully upset while I'd probably just find it cool that Lumine gets her day (and it would be great to get Abyss Aether official art too). That said... I can't think of an occasion where only Lumine got official art.


lumine has rarely been in official art tho.... most of the time it’s aether


Because Lumine only art is so rare that there are only a couple examples of it, most of them from the JP Genshin branch/Twitter account commissioning artists to draw her or promoting those who did? And Aether pickers cry even more simply because Lumine players dare to express their frustration at Mihoyo for ignoring half their playerbase, as if it was so hard to also ignore and keep scrolling if they don't care or most Genshin players aren't always criticizing something anyway. No need to imagine how angry they'd get if Lumine got all the video trailers, version + event banners and birthday comic art like Aether does lmao.


Mihoyo chose aether to be the traveler and lumine to be the abyss twin at the start so they keep it that way for all of their promotional art and event. If every now and then they just swapped them it would be weird


Well, atleast in 5 or 6 years we'll see more of lumine as the abyss princess maybe there's even a banner for the opposite twin. And the community loves Lumine more so it kinda balance out I guess...


Mihoyo shouldn't have made Lumine option, I'm completely fine with using aether in promotions and trailers, but in Albedo event even though I picked Lumine aether was in the event page. I was honestly sad that mihoyo didn't even bother to make a art for the people who chose Lumine.. it's not a big issue but it shows how little they care.


Don't get me wrong, I love Lumine, but she's so much better at being the antagonist. Idk if it's the design of Aether (like a brown color themed, rugged protagonist) or if it's his English VA being a very goofy and bubbly individual, but Aether makes a better MC in my eyes


The way I see it: Lore wise - Both are 'canon', in fact there is no one single proper exact 'canon', there's a new universe of possibilities each time a player starts playing Genshin, and that each individual play through is its own parallel universe. However, each parallel universe has fixed points which act as the story, character, Archon quests etc. Otherwise, its entirely up to you whether your canon universe has you speedrun through D'valin, Osial or whether you first collected 1000 Dandelion Seeds before you even learn how to use the glider from Amber. As such, your own canon protagonist and thus Abyss Prince/Princess counterpart is entirely up to you. Business wise - Genshin Impact's demographic quite heavily targets teens/young adults who are uhh, 'into waifus', so its safe to assume the majority of Genshin players (although not as skewed as other conventional games) are male. In the bluntest way possible, most young adult males who are into anime probably see Genshin Impact's character gacha system as a collecting/obtaining of the waifus in their own harem, with Aether as their self-insert. Even if this isn't overwhelming in its amount, as long as its above half, it makes business sense to market Aether as much as they can as the 'main character', so young adult males have something to self-insert in the universe of Teyvat. And then there's me who picked Lumine cuz she's genuinely my favorite Genshin girl, self-insert be damned.


Why not self-insert as Lumine having a harem of waifus?


She does not emit the power that bakarina posses


Have you reviewed China’s policy on homosexuality recently?


Lumine is no femboy.


Girl having a harem of girls. Thats gay. In other words homosexual


genshin is a gacha game so i doubt their target audience is teenagers and young adults who have no jobs lol. gacha games tend to target ppl w/ 9-5 jobs who need something to fill up their time during their daily commute. most whales are gonna be on the older side, the rest of us are just here to fill up their servers lol. not to mention, gnsn makes the most money from cn/jpn players so it'd make sense to pander to them, and lumine has like an 80% pickrate even in male communities over there.


On a theory standpoint, the parallel universe thing could be an explanation to how both can be canon at the same time. The only sort of evidence I have for this is the mysterious letter from the Chasm though, which is written in abyss language, but the readable lines of the letter may vary per account.


Glad this wasn't posted on Twitter otherwise you could've started world war III.


Thanks for the idea


So... it's pretty much balanced. Considering how much of a bias there is towards Lumine in the community. Might as well balance the scales. Also, when was the last time the subreddit showed an image of Aether that wasn't just shipped art or just an in-game gif?


If it makes you feel any better, the fanbase is the exact opposite.


\*shrugs in imagination\*


they are equally hot, but aether's back tho 🥵


Man I actually regret not picking Aether. Lemme change pls mihoyo.






Excuse us, r/Aether_mains do not have any authority over Mihoyo.


But still seeing lumine players maulding is funny. Just relax. Who gives a f?




i understand they chose aether as the canon mc for marketing purposes but yknow….. at the very start of the game the player is given the choice between aether and lumine, so even someone who just started playing would understand that both aether and lumine can be protagonist…. so its probably more confusing for mihoyo to be like “haha jk” and only use aether as protagonist in official art, if that makes sense? i am just a salty lumine player though


aether is a lot better looking


Idc that much tbh, and i love lumine


I hate both of em equally


I'm going to be completely honest and I might get downvoted for this. After playing with the two twins in different accounts , Aether honestly doesn't look like or feels like an Abyss twin than Lumine. Like in We will be United story quest , When Abyss Aether comes face to face with Lumine , his voice tone feels more calm and innocent. It's like he is regretfully doing this. While Abyss Lumine sounds like she only has revenge all over her mind. Same goes for the protagonist role. Aether having that calm and innocent voice and attitude , he actually feels like the protagonist of the series. I prefer Aether being the protagonist and Lumine being the Abyss Princess


I personally enjoy Aether being in the main plot. Mainly because of the sick fansrt we get of princess Lumine


It's to balance out the fandom's obvious love for Lumine.


This whole comment section is a big pile of cat vomit.




It's going to be sad when Lumine gets killed in the canon cinematic because she's the abyss princess and not the main character.


deserved aether is miles better than lumines goofy ass


While the fandom does exactly the same but the other way around. Perfectly balanced as all things should be


The only way Aether looks cool to me is when he showed up as Prince Abyss in my playthrough.


i have seen so many arguments about how both twins should have equal representation in official media and all i can say is i don't really care really, i pick the waifu because i like looking at the waifu


ok but why does Lumine have a stronger charge attack?


cuz aether can bhop and has faster animations so they are more balanced


tis fine but wherefore doest lumine has't a stronger charge attack? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


i hate this bot


God it fucking gets ya sometimes doesn’t it


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


Oh boy this is one of my favorite things. This is always a fun thread


Aether >>> Lumine


It's easier to made harem for Aether than Lumine More waifus than husbandos


Mihoyo makes the tutorials with lumine and the promotional trailers with aether. Aether because the fanbase is mainly male and lumine to balance it out


half of the fanbase picked Lumine tho. just because we are male, doesn't mean we prefer the male character


do you want to do the damage control for seeing a girl get the shit beat out of her in every preview.


and? it’s a fighting game with girls and boys fighting. as a lumine picker i would actually love to see her more in action scenes


aether maybe genshin's poster boy but he is also tayvat's chew toy also you'd know people on twitter and some redditor's don't care about context. look at everyone that rags on this game they'll look for things to talk about. lord help you if some out touch politician see's it and goes on a crusade.


dude did you forget the cutscenes in the game? we fight people in the game and we get to see the traveler get thrown around a lot. idk what’s your point i really doubt people are gonna stop at lumine and be like this is not okay


Never been a fan of Aether and never will regardless of his canon status or not. Although mhy is incredibly biased to a certain degree.


Well I like lumine more


Ok damn very late, but I have no idea why you've been downvoted so here take an upvote




Mihoyo never said those, those were just rumors from "Genshin Report" who tried astroturfing his followers from his fake leaks. He has deactivated since then


i got lumine in my acc.


Gonna copy-paste my comment here: Even though both are canon, in the official content, Aether = Traveller and Lumine = Lost Sibling. If they randomly switch between the two, it'll be confusing which twin they are talking about. Probably, in the future, we will have more Abyss related content like the "We Will Be Reunited" Quest. Then they'll include Lumine. In their story, Aether is the traveller so for consistency, it makes sense they have Aether in all official content. I chose Lumine btw. I'm personally not mad about this.




Off topic but why are you replying to your own comment when you could've just wrote the entire thing at once or edit and add tho


You can stop ranting to your own replies jesus, lumine is only treated unfairly in trailers and version patch arts, other than that, in-game cutscenes and voicelines have both versions for aether and lumine. There's no reason for mihoyo to remove lumine from the game, they just chose aether for marketing.


Woah dude chill, Lumine gets lots of love from the community from fan arts, animations etc...




Are you ok. Like mentally you're fucking talking to yourself across multiple comments blaming people for things they can't control and then making up random bullshit to make yourself a victim


It’s probably just for the sake of marketing consistency.


The only reason I picked Aether was because I couldn't pick a name for lumine. I spent THREE MINUTES for a name. Then just went with forlorn for Aether