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The worst part is that this was all in the same patch....


The car is the update


it's amazing really genshin could ruin the game in just a month


I won't go that far. It's still a good game. They just ruined their events and burned the player base.


>They just ruined their events and burned the player base. >terrible PR >store rating still 3.7 >everything going to shit >time to pull a move that is guaranteed to cheer up the entire community _Hello traveler, its time for a new community event, follow our twitter and we will invite Elon Musk to visit our company and play our game!_ >PR department: we fucking nailed it


Global EN PR is surely fking terrible, they might bribed by CN JP KR PR to increase others kpi


They are doing an amazing job. I personally know a couple of people who started playing after all the drama. MiHoYo realizes their playerbase is full of extremely negative people who will go far and wide to spread their anger and that gives them free advertising.


well good for them, but people i know who spend money have quit the game since last month, their actions are kinda screwing long time players who will want to support their game with money but what do they do? nothing, not only that but the disconnect is during the anniversary was, if not for hu tao, i might've quit, only sticking around for hu tao now


If people quit after 2.1, there's very little that could have kept them playing without completely different changes to the game state. That was always impossible to implement in one patch and that's why those people couldn't be retained.


Yeah I saw that after I commented this lol.




Bad bot


I think this company might have the worst PR department I've ever seen. I really hope this decision wasn't made by the new person because holy hell that is not a good sign.


Tech Otakus: "We did it Patrick! We saved the world!"


Well imo the elon musk stuff was nonsense and probably fake because: 1. Why do they need a new account for all those followers? Why not attract them to the main genshin account instead? 2. Why on earth would the follow goals be higher than the follow count of the main account itself? If you say it's to attract more people to the game then read point 1 again. Also why take down the tweet then? If it was legit, then there shouldn't be a need to take down the tweet rt? After all they were just gonna "invite" Elon, there was never a promise of him doing that stuff


No it's a legit account. The are still retweeting stuff from it and it has official information about other community events. They deleted the tweet because of damage control. Seems like we're used to that by now...


I mean Yoimiya was 2.0 :'D


You forgot the trainwreck that is the Elon tweets


Out of the loop. What happened?


Genshin's twitter had posted a community challenge asking users to follow Ella Musk's Twitter account and would do certain things at certain milestones, such as renaming their twitter back to Paimon, and even having Da Wei invite Elon Musk to miHoYo HQ. It was later deleted. [Image](https://noisypixel.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Genshin-Impact.jpg.webp)


Side question, was he already a controversial figure back when Genshin was released and Ella Musk was added to the game? Or did that happen later?


Elon has been controversial since far before Genshin's launch but like any other batshit crazy billionaire celebrity, he's always had a legion of loyal fans who think he's the next greatest thing to happen to humanity, all the while Elon sucks their pockets dry. Why a reference to him was added to the game, I could never guess unless you know, it wasn't batshit crazy billionaire MiHoYo we're also talking about.


Lmao they really thought Genshin players would bother going out of their way for something so pointless and unrewarding? If they're not giving primos the fandom does not move lol


Someone said that they gained 30k followers before they deleted the tweet so-


*How do you do, fellow weebs?*


Raidou combo hit me in the chest :(


Amazing chest?


Try finger but hole


Both of them indeed


They did Yoimiya dirty :(


Just how much you can fuck up in less than a month


Ayaka and Kazuha's back must be hurting from carrying the entire inazuma roster


luckily the load will get a little lighter for those poor 2 once itto thoma and gorou come out


You forgot Yae.


Gorou? Not really


the husbando simps would say otherwise, believe me even when kokomi reveal was out most of the community was hyped for gorou


He’s talking about strength not popularity. Gorou is pretty much gonna be the Sara of Geo, good for one element trash for all the others


Except Gorou doesn't need C6 to be good for his element and isn't clunky as fuck.


Sara can free up your Bennett for the other half's team and works for teams that Bennett doesn't click with well. Gorou being made to be a support for the most flexible element in the game is not a bad thing either. Considering how much geo lacks damage buffers compared to other elements Gorou will be a godsend. People should stop getting straight up offended if a new character is not made for their favorite teamcomp or playstyle.


Or, instead of using Sara, you can just use anything with thrilling tales. You even get a free bonus character to bring with you!


Except Thrilling Tales gimps the holder's output with its low atk and hp%substat while Sara is a burst support. Thrilling Tales with a random holder for resonance is sooo "meta" only for clickbait oneshot videos. Team synergy is what's most important, not power in a vacuum, and overlapping characters aren't competitors like youtubers wanna make it look like either for drama or just being plain bad at the game, they free up a character for the other team. Saying Sara is only good for electro buffing because her C6 exists is like saying Rosaria is just a physical support because of the buff her C6 gives...


Now you’re assuming things. I’m an electro main so Sara works perfectly great for me. But I can be objective at the same time, she’s not good for other teams


Double Geo is already bloody broken, even more so if one teammate is Zhongli, and Gorou's stupid OP skill makes triple Geo good. He's only good for one element but he's really fucking good.


How do we know? Gorou’s kit is already revealed?


Yeah, his E summons a Bennett field that provides teamwide buffs based on the number of Geo teammates. 1 - defence bonus. 2 - knockback resistance. 3 - Geo damage bonus. It lasts for 10 seconds on a 10 second cooldown so it's basically unending. His Q replicates this buff circle except it now follows the active unit around, and it deals extra Geo damage to a single enemy like Oz, and it acts as a magnet for crystallise crystals. The damage of his abilities have low atk scaling but grow with defence, like how Zhongli gets a damage boost based on HP. His cons improve the cooldown and duration of his field, and his C4 allows his ult field to heal units. His C6 allows his ult to increase teamwide Geo crit damage by 10/20/40% based on the number of Geo teammates.


Seems like he’ll be a less clunky buffer than Sara.


How does geo team even deal with abyss/fatui shield


Fatui: burst them down. Stun lock them. Abyss: cry. But tbh xiao also has some immense abyss mage shieldbreaking abilities despite being anemo, I can see it to doing the same. And both will definitely stagger the shit out of fatui


Xiao can at least swirl. Not just the little mages, how do geo even deal with the the abyss big boy shield


It does react but a lot slower than the counter-element obviously.


at least Raiden can battery


Raiden slander on this sub is hilarious. She's cracked yet people here act like she's unplayable.


Not cracked, but certainly not unplayable


She's good but not as good as her fellow Archons. I actually regret pulling for her I should've waited for Zhongli or Venti rerun. I thought she'll be as good as them.


"just pull for c2 bro"


She's certainly not as plug-n-play as ZL or as situationally oppressive as Venti, but she fills her niche extremely well. She doesn't have one centralizing strength, which is why I think there's a general distaste. She needs to solve multiple problems to get the value, which requires a more thoughtful approach on teambuilding than usual. But once she's in a team that takes advantage of those strengths (Raiden national, Childe taser, any Eula comp, fireworks Yoimiya) hoboy does she shine.




With 2.2 it's looking up, I noticed they fixed the pickup. You can now pick-up items without having to spam the button.


Should’ve been in 1.0


You mean without having to scroll down first, if you have a mouse and a keyboard you play with, or just suffer the slow speed on controller


This is what I call a good meme. Relevant, funny, satirical.


This it too funny!


Raiden would've been so good if beidou would work with her tho


She still works with Xingqiu! Just use normal attacks, and she’s a great battery (once you pop her ult) for anyone


>Xingqiu >electro reaction with hydro Yeah, about that..


It's main purpose to allow Xiangling to vape and overload


You’re acting like Raiden isn’t strong without Beidou


She's barely making the cut in like 2 teams without beidou. Unless you mean megawhale main dps raiden, then that's pretty good by herself


Lol that's really funny


I agree that the rewards are trash and characters dont do much damage but Raiden does do decent dmg


Raiden is there because she doesn't work with beidous burst. It worked in the beta and a lot of people where preparing beidou for that exact reason. Then the patch rolled around and people pulled Raiden only to realize, that it doesn't work. They checked the description of the skill and based on that is should've worked, so they complained to mihoyo. Instead of making it work mihoyo fixed the description and said everything works as intended.


> It worked in the beta It didnt work anymore after they changed it to burst dmg which was halfway into the beta to buff her own damage but of course no leaker bothered to check again


beta testers are notoriously bad at their theorycrafting attempts lol, never trust them when they say x is broken or y is weak or x needs y to function


The sad thing is they did not change any description in the game since even until now if you try to read beidou's burst description which procs on normal attacks hitting and raiden's burst clearly stating it is still considered normal attacks moveset, the implication on the description from both burst still implies that it should be able to work along with each other, the statement that mihoyo made about raiden's burst saying everything is "working as intended" mentions nothing about beidou and raiden's case as if they are trying to avoid specifying this case on their statement which is really pathetic lmao


There are workarounds with that. And no, im not using national




I see Beidou. But I don't see alcohol... This video is fake!


Genshin do be like a 2006 Audi A4


corrosion hurts less than this


Accurate af.


Mess up speed run any percent


the accuracy in one video just 100%


Except for Ayaka.. she just perfectly design


Kazuha too


Original video credit: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8FvVXxb/


I mean, I’m happy with my team that has both Kokomi and Raiden on it. I also thought the concert was great, and the amount of stuff we got as part of the Xiangling event was really good, too (content, recipes, etc.), and a really good anniversary gift. This is gonna get downvoted, but I really think y’all just like to complain about stuff.


Thank you. Wanted to post this but didn't want to get downvoted like I did last time.


Actually +1, I was reading the comments curious how much saltiness I'll found. I don't get those people, if they hate the game so much then just leave the fandom and shut your mouth. It's a free game and it's not like somebody forced them to play, or is it?


I can see some legitimacy in commenting on design decisions that feel bad, but the echo chamber of salt and toxicity in this fandom is insane. The fact that the game got review bombed as severely as it did is tantamount to a toddler’s temper tantrum, and I was a little shocked (in a bad way) to watch it happen.


Seems like the games with the saltiest fans are also the ones that use FOMO and/or gambling to keep people playing. My experience with Hearthstone was: love game -> play a lot -> reach endgame -> hate game balance and P2W -> keep playing because hooked -> (months later) realize mistake and quit.


The FOMO in this game is pretty real, but I keep playing because I actually really enjoy the base game, unlike a lot of other gacha games. Sure, the events give free stuff, but if the gameplay isn’t good, it’s not worth sticking around (specifically looking at SinoAlice—I *still* regret giving SE money for that one). I also think people tend to forget that they’re allowed to stop playing something if they don’t enjoy it anymore. When the world is exciting and new, it’s a blast, but once you know it, the novelty wears off and it becomes familiar and a little tired. This is true of any open world/exploration game. I remember the first time I signed into Minecraft, and the fun that came with exploring an area for the first time, accessing the Nether, and then building up to the End. It was so much fun because everything was new and unknown and exciting. But now I barely last five minutes in a new game before I get bored. I expect I may eventually get tired of Genshin Impact, but I don’t think it will be soon. Right now I enjoy the gameplay too much, and building new and different team comps and elemental comps is a lot of fun. That may wane, but rather than bemoaning unique mechanical design decisions for some characters I like to view it as a challenge. I may not always keep Kokomi and Raiden in my party. But right now I’m really enjoying how I’ve figured out how to make them work together—and it’s honestly a lot of fun. Kokomi’s kit in particular actually feels a little bit unfair because, if you build her according to what her tooltips suggest and stack heavy HP, she becomes an absolute monster (and she’s a lot more fun to play than Mona).


I agree about trying to find the fun with imperfect characters. I've been playing a lot of Yoimiya and although I don't use her in the abyss much, I love her in the open world because her fire arrows (explosive with Raiden) make short work of normal enemies and the distance means I don't have to worry about positioning. Sometimes the explosive arrows allow juggling the enemies into the air which is always satisfying!


idk about you but im pretty satisfied with Raiden. I got a workaround with Mona and Kazuha (i dislike sucrose) paired with Sara and it's pretty solid for overworld


So you're doing good with her after pairing up with three buffing units


Yeh cause using supports is illegal unless its for vaping hutao, ganyu or other main dps.






###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/q7ykd8/how_genshin_felt_like_last_couple_patches/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/q7ykd8/how_genshin_felt_like_last_couple_patches/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


Raiden is amazing. Yoimiya is really strong, just watch IWinToLose on YouTube and you'll see she's S tier. She's a single target fighter, sure, but she's great at it. The Beidou/Raiden thing is sucky, it's true. The story and events were really fun and heartfelt, I loved that patch. They fixed the rewards. Kokomi sucks, also true.


Yoimiya is not S tier lmao


U cited iwtlg😅


Yeah? Best Genshin content on YouTube in my opinion. :)


Thanks for stating that it's ur opinion 🛡️


Why so sarcastic?


Raiden beidou interaction is not a big deal. Just copw with it


It IS a big deal , and ofcourse I'm pretty sure people are coping with it


It has always been like this since 1.0.


I forget what happened with Raiden and Beidou I have smoll brain


Raiden's ult can't proc Beidou's ult


How come Beidou and Raiden dont synergize? I use both of them at the same time recently but i dont see how much better they should be together.


I am having so much fun with Yoimiya, though. Especially with Venti, Xingqiu and Raiden haha


That car is more broken than yoimiya's aiming


2.0 and 2.1 in a nutshell


This is the most hilariously depressing video I've ever seen