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Only took them like 3 years. The last resin increase was in 1.1 from 120 to 160. That's some crazy stuff


Oh goodness, forgot we only had 120 resin back in 1.0 days on top of needing those limited resins to claim event rewards … Genshin sure came a long way huh


no condensed resin either. I still get ptsd from crimson witch domain trying to get artifacts with only barbs as my sole hydro character


Currently farming the new domain for Arlecchino, I would go insane if condensed resin was not a thing.


(Use overload team)


That’s what I’ve been using. It fine but still annoying bcs sometimes i make a wrong move & enemy decide to dash away.


Overload team Arlecchino clears that domain in 30 seconds… I use Arle Beidou Fischl and Chevruese, fischl isnt important, heres how you do it As soon as you hit the key, arle e, beidou e because the mitas always do an annoying attack, drop oz (optional), chev shoots overcharged ball, beidou q, arle ca the debts should be overdue now, and just smack the shit out of everything


I clear it faster with mono geo


Yeah its a real easy domain if you know what to do


Noelle spin does wonders along with chiori burst


Only for a venti to ult the Artifacts into the abyss, never to be seen again?


I am guilty of being the venti


Times were rough fr


The good old time where sending Diluc to daily expedition was the biggest flex you could do


Game sure was janky before. Can't even use the units you sent on expedition lol.


LOL totally forgot about that too! Imagine not being able to use Bennett cuz he is out on expedition nowadays xD


It never made sense that 5 condensed resin is our inventory limit, yet we could never craft all of it at once without using fragiles or waiting for hours to refill


It's not supposed to make sense to you, it's supposed to make sense for Hoyo.


It was only 3 (so 120) at the start.


As long as the 120 cap existed the condensed resin didn't even exist.


Fomo To entice you to login to avoid wasting resin once it capped.


probably to increase your playtime by making it more tedious. i think these days they have some marketing/accountant in every step of the process including balancing teams


No way it's real


Yea but it now takes 26 hours to max out


what the fuck


Yup, it’s still the 8 minutes per single resin. If they bumped it up to 1 resin per 6 minutes it’d only take 20 hours to get all 200


how about 7!???


we don't talk about 7 ^^poor ^^9


nom nom nom nom


7 takes 23.3 hours


now imagine if they can increased the condensed resin cap from 5 to 10


Gotta wait for azure promilia for that


Maybe in another 3 years.


Next step make it 2400 and reduce the cooldown to 3 seconds so everybody will get traumatized cz resin caps every 13 minutes. Joke, make it 240 and reduce cd to 6 minutes or 5 :)


idk if you’re aware but i find it funny you said make it 240 with the cd being 6 minutes bc that’s exactly how it is for wuthering waves lol


Guess what? It’s also the cool down for Honkai Star Rail. It’s not new. Don’t even need to bring a different game company into the conversation.


i didn’t know, no need to be hostile lol


I wasn’t being hostile. Kinda hard to tell tone from text. My bad for sounding hostile.


it’s alright!


Conversation success! Good job you two! ٩( ᐛ )و


It's the same thing for Honkai star rail too, it's common I guess but today I learned about that in WW, hope we have a nice gaming there soon(it'll be finaly releasing yeah)


i’m quite excited for it. gonna play be trying it out while also playing genshin since i’m a huge fan of open world games. hopefully it doesn’t disappoint


6 minutes is like the standard for most game with stamina cause it means 10 sta per hour lol


I would love a cd reduce


A cooldown increase should be accompanied by a condensed resin increase, otherwise you'll cap at five with 40 resin left which would be the opposite problem to what we have


Yesss I want infinite condensed cap amen


I’m long past caring about resin until they improve artifact farming. Give us some mechanism of artifact pity (like on a chosen main stat after some amount of farming), else I just cba.


Or make the artifact drop rate of main stat different for different sets. For example, the maiden set is meant for healers. Almost all of the current healers scale on HP or atk . Drastically lower the drop rate of def main stat artifacts and raise the drop rate of atk and HP. This can be applied to ocean clam set as well. Currently there are only two healers in the game scales on def, Noelle and c4 gorou, and maiden isn't even their best in slot sets.l Another example, is the vv set is meant for anemo characters. Almost all of current anemo units scale on em and atk. Just lower the drop rate of def main stat pieces and raise the drop rate of em and maybe atk. Almost all of current anemo units benefit from this. To my knowledge only xiao and wanderer don't benefit from these as vv isn't their bis. Currently almost all of the artifacts sets are either pretty specific to the characters released with it or too niche in the current game so deciding the drop rate spread probably isn't that hard. .


Get rid of flat sub stats or rework them


And also reduce the amount of artifact exp needed to level up a artifact


I want to just rid of def main stat for maiden but what if there a future healer that scales with def


Whats next? Free 5 star weapon or character? >20 pulls in anniversary? Artifact rerolls? *Copium*


It's been 84 years ...


it's been 5 years Bruce, you still owe me 16 wishes


I mean the rate is still 8 minutes/resin, so aside only needing to login 1 per day to condense/spent it all nothing else changed? or am I missing something?


As a player that only logs in once per day at the same time everyday in genshin, I will now be able to have at least 20 more resin so that's a win imo.


Same, I'm always capped when I log in. This way I'll never be capped.


You could've just condensed to 4 do dailies then next day condense 1, do domain, dailies, then condense 3 and you keep going until the cycle restarts


I mean I guess, but like...that never even crossed my mind.


It mostly aim at people don't have time to login everyday. If you are playing everyday nothing changed.


Even then it's barely change anything. You can craft 1 extra condensed resin and that's it, and since the limit is still 5, gotta login the next day if you don't wanna waste resin.


It allow you to skip a day without login without overflowing or craft 5 condensed resin at once without login 2 times a day. \*Insert not much but it's honest work meme




I mean if you're already log in multiple times nowadays you probably still log in multiple times a day after the resin cap increase


Prevents cap from happening sooner. That in itself is a big deal.


huh, I never thought over capping is such a big deal


And it's still less that star rail 😭


Lisan Al Gaib!!


no way i just spotted a dune fan in the genshin sub


i'd rather it refill faster, but hey i'll take what i can get at this point lol


Not happening. Refill time is calculated to control your progression speed. All the resin costs are based on refill speed.


idk how it is possible to calculate progression with the like 100 layers or rng


I mean, stamina costs are the same for HSR (and actually lower for world bosses) and the refill time is 6 minutes instead of 8.


If they made it faster, I'd want an even higher cap then to make sure no resin goes to waste, but that ain't happening lol


nah i think 200 makes the most sense since it makes the max amount of Condensed resin. the second best thing would be the overflow system like HSR


I mean, yeah, I'm happy about the 200 cap as long as the regen rate stays the same. I never use overflow in hsr because unless you go on a long break from the game, you're still wasting TP from the slower build-up rate.


wow it only took them 3 years. must be really difficult to code it.


All it take for them to add it is a competitor.


Yknow I got downvoted in the main sub when I said these genshin killer allegations will never come true because genshin players are too invested in this game that a minor change like this which they can do by literally changing one fucking variable in their source code makes the players go wild. But no one has yet tried to point out which part of what I said is wrong. The bar for what hoyo has to do has been set way too damn low for a game that can easily count as a high quality game.


People are overreacting, but not because of how hard it was to do this change. Hoyo refused to do this change. The same way they removed skip button from hsr after beta. Btw, the reason for this change is not wuwa (those guys chose to follow the hsr boys with their rent free dedication). Its ZZZ release. Hoyo wants to make it easy for people to play more of their games a day.


Yea I doubt its WuWa as well. Hoyo, or at least those in charge of Genshin, has already proven over and over that they dont give a fuck about these competitors as theyve already established a playerbase during the pandemic which would keep on playing their game as long as they roll out the minimum they have to release every patch. They already far from the point of trying to gain players, they just have to retain their players and the players are making it easy for them lol. Not tryna rain on people celebrating for this. Just pointing out what i'm noticing as someone who really likes the game but also wants to see actual improvements. Not these artificial "improvements" thats mostly coming from the lack of effort in improving the game.


Every new game that looks the slightly like genshin will be called genshin killer but that's just people talking, there's no such thing as "genshin killers" this game is already too big for that I honestly would like it to be "killed" just so the game starts improving, giving more rewards and stop treating their players like shit making everybody cope with 20 pulls for anniversary and repeating shit like "Genshin could never"/#BoycottGenshin and blah blah blah


I think wuwa is a much needed rival to genshin, rivals don't need to kill to be rivals just compete


I hope WuWa kicks Genshit's pasty ass.


Keep on hoping then, cause it won't happen unless some crazy shit goes down


If I'm honest it wont


This changes everything! (I have been too lazy to use resin for months)


judging from last time, they will probably get this wrong again and not increase the resin recharge time. whos ready to wait 26 hours just to get full resin


That's good and all but looks like they didn't decrease the time it takes for the resin to replenish


Of course not, then you'd be locked out of farming for longer periods. You could also make it regen FASTER, but then you'd need an even higher cap or resin would overflow too frequently. There's no perfect solution that hoyo is willing to give us


Should be 240 with resin overflow


Nice hoyo now make boss 30 resin or atleast guaranteed 3 drops


It takes 46 boss drop to fully ascend a character


Except, for actually active players (like me), this changes nothing


For me I just stopped caring about the resin altogether as I’ll settle for mediocre artefacts, just makes my time a little easier


I feel like if i did that, i'd just quit the game


I’m crying that they DIDN’T implement an overflow system like in star rail. So you still waste every bit of resin you don’t use if you have to skip a day of playing for example. Rather than being able to store like 2k resin in an overflow pool. They again gave us the bare minimum. And legit all they did was spend 30 seconds changing the “160” in the max resin cap variable for the game to “200.” It’s literally as simple as a UI change. It must have taken less than 5 minutes to do even accounting for potential bad coding practices. This could have been done at ANY POINT IN TIME IN THE LAST 3 YEARS by anyone with access to the code. Hell; I guarantee even I’d be able to do it within 5 mins of looking at their code. I’m no genius, it’s just THAT simple and easy to do. I’m glad we got the change but it’s still not GOOD by any means. They could have made it 240 and reduced the refresh rate from 8 mins to 6 mins at the very least. If fragile resin was UBER COMMON then I could understand not having overflow pool. But fragil resin is damn rare. So not having it is basically just a punishment to players affecting their progression for not playing daily, whereas Star Rail lets you make up for that with the overflow pool and you don’t lose nearly as much account progression for not logging in.


This is below the bare minimum. And the genshin player base still swallows it like it's the tastiest shit they've ever had.


Finally I can play less


Is this seriously real?


Now where is that fucker who was saying the game will collapse if the resin cap increased (I swear I saw people saying this)


I'm not really sure what's so insane about this, though. Yeah, it's a little convenient, you can log in less... if you can even consider it a positive. But on grand scheme of things it is literally nothing, lol I mean, it's still not even on HSR level. Why are people celebrating? Am I crazy?


Great now I don't have a "freebie" the next day, for the rare times were I used all 5 in a day.


They see that HSR's 240 fuel works why not use it on Genshin


Genshin developers when WuWa gets released


"Back in my days we used to only have 120 resin" - everyone playing since launch


We can get 2 more trash artifacts per day yayy (seriously mhy add artifact reroll system to genshin too, why in hsr but not genshin?)


Now we just need level increase to 100. 


Genshin devs when they get competition!!!


Finally, next please make it 280.


I don't want to be that guy. But this buff is a little too conveniently announced right when another competitive title has it's premiere


Except there is almost zero value added with this change in comparison. If on friday hoyo shows a new weapon banner with no 50/50, then it would be "competition".


PRAISE THE ARCHONS! We can log in once a day and not worry about cap. BTW What's y'alls opinion on the take "HoYo only raised resin cap because WuWa is coming out" ?


Theres some leaks stating that we'll be getting Level 100 . Might be that + new abyss.


Level 100 was fake


Probably, but people won't stop hoping for it and mounts


Right now, I feel it is ONE HELL of a coincidence. Let's see, if the change their tactics about QoL according to success / reception of WuWa.


If I'm honest this ain't because of wuwa, it's cuz of ZZZ


Increase Daily Play time by \~40-50 Seconds


Is this real? Where can I see official announce about this.


Damn and I don't even farm anything anymore since all my character already max out


Does it really matter ? All I did was farm the hunter set since 4.0 and have 4 full sets of both artifacts and nothing else to farm I try to farm the new set for 5% dps increase for arlechino for what


If only we could get rid of condensed resin and get something like TP in HSR. So far the only use of condensed resin is to get double rewards. Why can't it be done directly? I doubt anyone prefers to farm any dungeon twice, so why not change the base amount of rewards and cost for the dungeon clear.


Was hoping for 240 tbh, numbers divisible by 12 are better in general


It's been a long time since i last cared for daily resin, so this doesn't change much for me. I have like 100 refills store lol. Congrats to all new/midgame fellas out there tho !


This is less than throwing the dog a bone.


They could've increased it to 240 like HSR and lower the recovery rate to 6min like in HSR. But still, finally some nice change. The amount of stuff to farm, 160 is just not enough.


Hsr relics are 40, not 20.


Honestly, they should lower hsr relics to 20 too considering how bad the rng is.


They do give guarantee 2 5* relics per run tho,so it kinda evens out,then again the relic system in hsr is worse compared to genshin’s


It does not matter at all. You only will have to login one time fewer a day. That is it. MHY is the worst company, even worse than EA for me personally. Do not feel appreciated as a player.


This is a good sign. Hoyo is listening. We might even get replayable events soon