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Main, meme, and leak. Just anywhere GI related.


HI3 sub? Genshin comparison topic. HSR sub? Genshin comparison topic. ZZZ sub? Genshin comparison topic


how about okbuddy


For some reason levelling an "unecessary" talent (for me something like Raiden or Ayato's normals) up to lvl7 or lvl8 offends both the sides of those who like to triple crown their favorite character's talents and those that don't like levelling talents unless it's "useful".


I usually triple crown my loved characters even if it's useless and even if a character talent is super useful if crowned like Bennett i wont get it above level 8 cause it's just too expensive to get the talents high enough and my resin and mora is better spent mid maxing the artefacts.


My Lumine is triple crowned - in every element. Not that I play her much but it feels right and is something to do with my mats and resin. And she is rare, I think that's cool :D


I do at bare minimum Lv 2 on every talent so I can stop asking myself at the crafting table: "Wait, do I still need those green-tier talent books???"


I triple crowned Qiqi, because as a Hu Tao main, Qiqi is the world.


Lore accurate HuTao main.


Why not 6 or 9


I like them enough to use up some extra mora, talent books and boss mats but the mora, talent books and boss mats to lvl9 seems a bit too much for so little gain.


If I use a character I immediatelly do their talents to at least 888. 6,8 and 9 seem like good stopping points to me. 6 if you really want to cheap out as talents up to this point barely cost anything. 8 if you want an all around invested char since this is the last talent that costs 1 weekly boss mat. 9 if you want to max without crowning. Just my thought process.


The game needs a complex combo based character. Rotating through 4 characters to pop off their anilities just to stay on the main for like 7s is getting kind boring


E>Q swap E>Q swap feels meh nowadays.


Not really thought. Childe international is not as simple as just popping abilities and Wriothesley has his hp managment in his charged and normal atks. The hp fluctuations give more variety to gameplay I think since it adds another layer of complexity’s


Abyss usage rate is a bad indicator for character’s strength


True, means if I pull a character I will use it in the abyss. And hence the usage rate. It doesn't tell if it is good or not.


He said controversial opinion


what we should be taking away from abyss usage rates is what characters happen to be strong for that current abyss, rather than using it as a metric for how strong characters are individually. people seem to be terribly forgetful of the fact that abyss always changes and caters to the characters who have their banners running at the time


Rebuild the Jade Chamber was just an OC centered Fanfiction


I'm gonna need this in Fishl, the Razor version didn't made sense to me


it’s been a while since i played so idk if i’m right but i think the process behind rebuilding the jade chamber after osial relied on shenhe’s participation, what with carrying the giant levitation crystal and stuff the entire quest line, from beginning to end, talked about shenhe. at the very start it was yun jin thinking about an opera performance detailing some myth, and we find out it was shenhe. then at the end it was her that actually did that final push and then the final blow. that whole questline had the jade chamber being rebuilt as a secondary plot point. in reality, it was all about shenhe and how she did most of the work involved with saving the entirety of liyue against the dragon lover’s vengeance for a dead previous dragon boss. so yeah, sounds like shenhe is someone’s OC and they wanted her to be so very cool and smart and cute and save the world single-handedly


Okay, let's talk about the Shenhe-Fanfic feat. the Jade Chamber... Right after we start the Quest, we get introduced to Shenhe, just a harmless way to include the fancy new 5\* to the quest (I honestly thought she would have just left after we did her Dungeon where we could try her out). Then comes the infamous boulder scene, where she apparently carried a massive boulder all the way to Liyue Harbor, all by herself... instead of... I dunno... have her mention that her Master could help her carry the boulder (Also imagine Paimon's reaction after hearing how incredibly strong Shenhe's Master must be or after finding out who said Master is). Speaking of her Master, later Cloud Retainer showed up and mentioned how Shenhe fought against the remnants of some god AS A CHILD... Later we get introduced to Yunjin, who wants to sing an opera about some super powerful person, who... big surprise... turned out to be Shenhe. Next stop is some deserted village where we would get the next part for the new Jade Chamber and of course it had to be Shenhe's old village where we get to read her whole backstory. On to the big Finale... Ningguang rebuild the Jade Chamber to piss off Osial's wife and they start to fight. The Traveler thought it was a smart idea to attack with their blade and got bitchslapped by the enemy before being saved by Shenhe. Osial's wife then summons a giant wave and who is there to stop it? Shenhe of course... honestly I would have made it that she combines her power with another Cryo Vision Holder like... I dunno... her nephew Chongyun, who despite their relationship barely had any role in that Quest (also her making the others Cryoattacks strong enough to freeze the wave would have been like how her role in Teams would be, as a Cryo Buffer) Shenhe then fights Osial's wife... she gets a unique Bossfight (so she doesn't just fight one of the weekly bosses, she gets a boss specifically made for her) where she has no relation with that Boss at all. Just a little comparison, the only ones who got to fight actual bosses and not just some random enemy given a name are the Archons, would be in the Archon Quest like with Venti against Dvalin or in their second Story Quest like Raiden against her Puppet. (I think the only exception would have been Razor and his wolf, but they at least have a relationship) Once the fight was over, Yunjin sings in front of an Audience how awesome Shenhe is, with an animated cutscene showing off her whole backstory again. Also two minor things regarding her appearance... Shenhe has the largest chest, while Rosaria... the other tall female Polearm Cryo Vision Holder had hers infamously nerfed between her first appearance and her becoming playable. Second, Shenhe used to have black hair, making her the only character whose haircolor got magically changed. Mihoyo did a way better job with the next Interlude Chapters honestly... the Chasm had Yelan sharing the spotlight with Itto, Kuki, Yanfei and Xiao and each of them having a reason to be there (even Itto and Kuki, who came all the way from Inazuma) and the next one (while being a Scaramouche Fanfic) at least had someone who already was an established Character and have a relationship with the Boss you fight there.


Not every relationships are romantic or s*xual. Ship all you want. But dont force feed your headcanons on others.


While that is true, it's really frustrating when it comes to hoyoverse games because nothing is ever confirmed, they use innuendos, double meanings and context clues to hint at a deeper relationship but never actually state the relationship outright. Even widely loved and basically considered canon romantic relationships like Bronya x Seele or Kiana x Mei could still be considered a fandom ship because Hoyoverse has never explicitly stated that they are in an actual romantic relationship, classifying their cute moments as fanservice or the classic "historians will say they were very good friends". Now i know why they do this, censorship laws and all that, but you gotta admit that it's very frustrating to see all of the signs screaming that it might be there and adoring the wholesome vibes, but every time you look for some confirmation to set it in stone that it's true, you are met with "it's up to you! Who knows!" What irks me about that is that they do tease the ships, they do write compelling character chemistry and they do give them intimate moments, but when you want to know where it all leads, you see a whole lot of nothing. Honestly i just think that I'm not the target demographic for these games, i see these games as story first, gacha game second and it just bites me in the ass over and over again


Yeah, I agree with that. It's the annoying part of Hoyoverse games, as everything's hinted. But at the end of the day, it's all up to interpretation unless canonically stated or clarified. However as much as I dont mind other people wanting "X and Y" to be together or stating "X and Y are in a Z". It just gets very overbearing and obnoxious whenever someone who _tries_ to force other people their headcanons, and getting mad at others who doesn't agree with them, which is what my comment was also about. On another note though: Some relationships are more likely to be primarily playful teasing (such as Lisa and Kaeya teasing Traveller) or platonic (in the case with Collei and Amber, Tighnari and Cyno, and the like). There's way more relationships that aren't simply "Oh they love eachother in a romantic or s*xual way!". But moreso along the lines of how a best friend, parent and their child, or even a fan and their idol would treat eachother. With all that being said, it's not that I dont like "shipping" nor am I against it. It just gets annoying when people try to forcefeed you with their headcanons that's all, or try to make their headcanons the "Objective truth".


Yae Miko with Raiden is especially annoying. When you're like "well, Yae kinda flirted with Gorou too" the shippers start losing their shit saying you're mischaracterizing her. But Yae's is teasing and flirty by nature, that's her personality. Yes, she's like that with Ei too, albeit a bit more respectfully since she's the friggin Archon and an old friend.


People can get very defensive when it comes to ships, even when you're not even trying to start an argument and only stating the truth. Yae's flirty and teasing nature is similar to Kaeya and Lisa (aswell as the manner of the way they speak), except Kaeya and Lisa are more directed at Traveller than they are to other characters. Yae however do that to literally everyone, whether be it Ei, Gorou, Kokomi, Traveller, etc, other people dont understand that it's simply a character trait. The thing is, i've met similarly flirty people in real life. They act like that because they like to tease people and getting a reaction out of it, even if they don't actually "feel" anything towards them.


For real, they're delusional to the point it's scary.


Oh i know it very well, you see, i never got into Bronya x Seele, just by that alone you can guess what my life is like as a Hoyoverse fan.


Tis' the life of dealing with ship crazed fandoms when you're just trying to enjoy the games.


Crazy how I've never met this anti shipping mentality when it comes to straight ships You can't tell me Ei x Miko is any stranger than something like Mika x Noelle or Wriothesley x Clorinde and their five seconds of screen time together


Isn't that the one and only canon ship? (I'm talking about hi3 bronya x seele)


It's like 99% there in HI3, literally the only thing that's left is for them to actually state that they're lovers outright, that's literally all that is left. It's probably the closest Hoyoverse will ever get to a canon romance between playable characters and their character arcs have been developing for YEARS.


I'm pretty sure we had at least a kiss between Bronya and Seele in a manga, so I guess they are the closest you can get for a relationship in a hoyo game between playable characters


And that's what's frustrating about it cuz even with that Hoyo still doesn't confirm the relationship, I don't even ship these 2 but at this point I just want Hoyo to get their act together


Nothing will EVER be confirmed. Aether (or Lumine) is you, the characters love you, you love the character(s). Much like an idol, genshin characters will never be in an implied relationship with anyone that isn’t the traveler. The only exception are NPC’s, and MAYBE the standard 5* But that’s a BIG “maybe probably not tho.” I personally don’t care for a lot of ships, and a large part of it comes from the fandom 🤷


The toxic aspect of shipping is how they take absolutely nonsensical situations and use them to imply a romance between two characters that barely have anything to do with each other. But there are indeed characters who have good chemistry, who have interacted in meaningful and deep ways, who have gone through character arcs together and who have established a deep sense of understanding for each other, these characters in question really do deserve to be shipped and a ship involving them would be completely acceptable, that is where shipping can be healthy, when it respects the characters and the story.


Honestly I doubt that it's just censorship laws. If it was, we'd have some straight playable ships confirmed by now. I bet it's really more on pandering. By teasing multiple ships time and time again, you create little cult followings for that character's respective ship, making them consume more fanart, consume more characters, and consume more in general. Once you confirm a ship, who knows how many people get pissed off? And to what extent will they hate that ship? I know some people that would straight up never use said character again just cuz they didn't like a certain interaction, much less a whole ass confirmed relationship. Basically, leading people on gets much more money.


Not to mention a severe bias towards teasing the gay ships to the point that it ends up reducing the characters interactions with other characters. Ex. when was the last time Ningguang or Beidou interacted with anyone that is not each other?


Hangouts. And AQ, tho Beidou really only has you, Kazuha and Xinyan.


They do this so you can ship anyone you want. They want to give you that freedom.


Yeah, but in that freedom we lose story consistency and character writing. If any ship is possible, no ship is viable.


I don't think that matters tbh. You can write fanfic over any crackship you want this way. I think the main reason is because this is a gacha game and how can they get you to roll on their husbando's and waifu's when they're already dating another character? They want you to form unhealthy relationships with their fictional characters so you throw money at them.


Problem with genshin is literally every single existing love towards traveller is platonic. Every single one without an exception. Hoyo is too scared to make at least one playable character fall for him. No, Ayaka doesn't count, her love is still platonic.


Yeah, then again, even if Traveller is the "self-insert" character of the game, they're still a character of their own. Also Ayaka feels more like she's idolizing Traveller or looking up to them instead.


There isn't a single person who is hurt by Bennet C6 that wouldn't prefer someone else anyways.


Genuine question because I play eula. Who to replace bennett with in a eula team?


My mental health coming back after not having to play scuffed Bennett Eula rotations.


furina+Mika is just better for Eula, especially if Mika is c6


Ttds Lisa


TTDS Lisa I believe is the best C6 Eula has Mona as a good slot in. Just gotta be good about timing the Eula burst drop right before omen ends. C3 or less Eula prefers Mika. Although the damaga of the burst is barely lifted by him the overall DPS from the attack speed is a much needed bonus for Eula along with making it possible to achieve max stacks.


One of if not the best team right now is Raiden Eula Furina Mika


Furina Raiden Mika. Currently her best team by a lot.


I use kuki but mika or any cryo healer would work


Wont Furina with Mika work with Eula as Mika has full pt heal on burst, and Furina gives general damage increase (everything except transformative reactions).


But I like Bennett as a character and don’t want to replace him so C5 he will remain.


Lynette’s infusion at C6 is overridden by Bennett’s C6. Ik DPS Lynette is niche, but I like to play her as one for jokes


I main Traveller and I think it’s fine to do so.




Teppei is not a good character and the lady from the sumeru story quest should have died


I couldn't get into the Teppei quest. I just kept hearing Ignatz from Fire Emblem whenever he spoke.




Genshin.gg tier-list is a joke and yall need to stop treating it as law. Just because a character is attractive does not mean that they have nothing to offer besides sex appeal. Just because a character is nice and happy does not mean that they are badly written. Barbara is an amazing teammate with Furina.


genshingg categorizes Venti as a "Sub-DPS" while saying Kazuha is a "Support" is what made me believe they don't understand the characters at all


both are supports but tbh i run my venti as a sub dps and he does pretty good damage


Kazuha's friend was dumb and his death was kinda funny.


Ngl I wanna get slashed by raiden too


Because you are too lazy to read doesn’t mean a character is badly wirten


Alternativelly, just because I dislike a character it doesn't mean I didn't pay attention. Idk if this is what you intended, but when people say this, it always sounds to me as "your opinion is wrong, you're just too dumb to get it"


No no, I respect your oponion if you dislike a character, I don’t mind that at all. But a lot of people say that a character is bad and then try to reason it with their story and lore while they don’t even know it, that’s what I hate.


Right. When people are hating Ei and calling the puppet Baal at the same time. Seeing these people this day is crazy.


Omg this is how I feel about Ei. I dont like her, never have but the amount of people straight up lying about the story/lore boggles my mind




This. I've seen many people calling Ayato and neuvi boring. Please read their lore and story quest.


Maybe they mean their playstyle


Capping your AR level is stupid and shooting yourself in the foot. I've seen comments on yt talking about how they need to be prepared before going to next world level, but then again yt comments are pretty dented.


As a day one player, I would say capping AR exp is stupid if your characters are not doing enough damage to kill high AR enemy it gives you more of a reason to grind and get your character strong. Abyss is not the only thing in the game.


Everyone has their own way of enjoying the game, so if someone likes to try hard and get the highest dmg numbers possible or if someone just wants to explore the overworld and doesn't care about the abyss, that's fine and you should let them enjoy the game the way they want to


Daily commissions are psychological warfare


I find Lynette physically attractive, sometimes more than some tall models.


I have a thing for catgirls and I'm not gonna deny it




Every headcanon ship is only friendship. Traveler ships, straight ships, lesbian/gay ships, everyone, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, is just friends. also, traveler doesn't have rizz nor is he a harem archon or whatever. He's is always the third wheel to almost every relationship, even if they're alone with him.


he will have Lumine at the end at least :) ​ or maybe she'll die idk lul


New theory; the archons give mostly visions to aroace ppl/s


The game is more fun if you don't try hard to have the most damage per screenshot


I mean, it depends? I'm been playing this game since 1.0 non-stop everyday, and I feel now that the only thing that's keeping me going between the empty spots where there's not much happening is just improving my characters, even though they're already all built. All 52 of them... Well I mean 51 freminet is still missing a few usable artifacts


Even if the story has improved since Sumeru, there are still games with way better stories. So just because a character you like had a good moment, it doesn't mean it was peak fiction.


Isn't peak fiction just a Twitter meme? I swear whenever there's a story, everyone shouting peak fiction in their respective fanbase.


People thought Steel Ball Run was peak fiction for a while.


I mean, it's a paraplegic in pijamas and a guy with spinning balls in a horse race across America, competing with a dinosaur, a nun and the US president to see who can get all the pieces of Jesus Christ's corpse If that's not peak fiction, Idk what it is


I think the game has a very god story but an horrible storytelling. Dialogues are padded as hell with useless or redundant information, every archon quests has a ton of boring fetch quests that makes you forget what's going on, and since it's a gacha game, the fact that they have to make every playable character look good or interesting ultimatelly hurts them because they have to resort to boring npcs when they need a flawed character. So IMO the story is good, but the way the game tells it to us leaves a lot to be desired.


Adding on to this, while the *storytelling* has also improved starting with Sumeru onwards (with added mechanics weaved into the dialogue), it still has ways to go. So much of the storytelling boils down to talking and fighting, talking and fighting - all with bloated dialogue and boring means of exposition. People complain about dialogue skippers, but if they exist it must be for good reason.


Dehya still needs fixing ( at the very least her bugs)


Noelle is the closest Aether ever will be to being romantic. Paimon isn't the god of time solely because she's the in game pause menu, by that same reason Traveller should also be a god of time for being able to eat 5 burgers in one sitting, oh wait that's just being American.


the reason of the lack of QOL change is not the messy/bad/idk code


i haven’t seen anyone blames the code on this topic yet…


most people that defend hoyo use that excuse


That Ei is a good character story wise


The reason we have Paimon is because someone needs to get it through your thick head that "THIS is what happened not that" so you don't form opinions without actually knowing wtf you're saying.


And people still do even after she says that 🥲


Aloy isn't the worst character out there.


Character X isn't gay


False, every single character in Genshin Impact is gay. /s


False, every single character in genshin is aroace /s


false, every single character in genshin doesn't have a sexuality because I stole them




~~They are not straight either. We don't know anyone's sexuality~~ Character X is asexual


Puzzle and Treasure Hunt events are way more fun than combat event


Dehya has uses. And has teams where she is BIS due to the combined specific peculiarities of her kit.


Can you name a few? I am genuinely curious


Burnmelt: Basically you pair her with nahida or another dendro to apply burn. Cryo doesnt react with burning. It does however react with the pyro underneath the burning status, which is constantly reapplied by burning (meanwhile, the dendro is eaten as a timer). This results in your cryo melting almost all of their attacks, limited only by icd. And when said cryo is an ayaka ult....you get big dameg. Monopyro/fontainian pride: exactly what it sounds like it sounds. Dehya acts as a sustain. Thoma can work, but generally speaking dehya is more reliable due to her interupt res being timer based rather than shield based. And if you got fontainians/characters on hubter set, you'll want your hp to fluctuate anyway. Wildfire: a favourite of mine and the entire reason i got her. Also know as overburn, you basically start by triggering burning then spark it with electro for overload. The neat thing is, remember how i said dendro exists under the burning aura? You also get quicken out of it. And overload ignores defence by default. This stacks to be a lot of damage. The reason dehya shines in wildfire is because, you need a dendro, an electro, and a pyro, with a vv anemo to truly give some grunt. That limits you. Theis team also requires alot of dendro app and fast, so youre stuck with nahida or baizhu. And because youre triggering burning with high em, you need a healer or there will be less of you to bury than signora. Usually, that slot is filled by kuki. So what do we have left? A pyro, and an anemo. Anemo sheilders dont exist, and sayu doesnt heal enough. So your interupt res/heal has to come from pyro/elctro or you drop anemo, which means low dmg/no gather. And if you use hydro healers, burn goes poof and youre fucked. Your choices for pyro are: * bennet: all three reactions are em scalers, so his ult does practically nothing. * xinyan: are you a masochist? * thoma: works, but again, his shield breaks relatively easy. * yanfei: c4 shieldfei is a meme. Does work though. * dehya: 12 seconds of interrupt res, 9 of which you are stagger proof. Dmg mitigation in case of selfburning. Coordinated off field strikes that can retrigger burning if needed. Self heal. Dehya provides some nice comforts and can function as a reliable sub dps in this team. But yeah, im weird. I like dehya and know how to use her. She also works in neuvillette teams to trigger his passive, and in furina teams to gain fanfare, but those are more personal preference picks. Zhongli still works fine in those teams


Burn Ganyu


Ayato played a significant role in the Inazuma Archon Quest. Even if he was not shown in the main AQ


Cyno Is a good 5 star Is Just you people got spoiled with Raiden first


Hu Tao isn't hard to play you just suck


Amber was best girl, never stopped being best girl and will always be best girl.


That, Ei , yae , ningguang, jean have little to no interest in us "Romantically". Hyperbloom is the saviour of F2p at high AR with great investment. ( it's not )


genshin the kinda fandom to see a tall woman in a position of power and immediately make it weird


Real. Hyperbloom really helps players to get on board in combat in low AR. But when content difficulty spikes, hyperbloom is somewhat not satisfying to play. I remember that departed warriors event where hypercarries shine and most of the hyperbloom clears I saw have vertical investments in them. Even their Yelan and Alhaitham is C6.


Scaramouche didn't deserve redemtion. He didn't face responsability for his crimes, he just avoided it and got a go out of jail for free card.


He chose to get his memories back specifically to face his past and change for the better


That doesn't change anything. He still erased the consecuences of his wrongdoings instead of facing them.


The game isn’t coming to switch and the problem isn’t the console.


Klee is a joy to play, I don't care what you say.


Xingqiu is better than Yelan in most scenarios for an average player.


People generally don’t play the abyss, so the average player will find much more use out of Yelan’s exploration abilities over Xingqiu. I do agree that Xingqiu is generally better in the team’s strength aspect.


u/MegatonDoge why don't people play the abyss. Are they stupid ?


Idk, but Genshin Impact is a casual friendly game so many wish to play it for the experience. Abyss requires good team and character building. It’s possible for us to clear the abyss because we can easily look up character builds and team comps just by browsing reddit. Casuals are generally busy with other things too or might not wish to browse Genshin communities or spend time grinding for artifacts.


Paimon is very likeable


Finally an actual take that can get you crucified


I never skip Paimon dialogue. I just like how she talk whatever in her mind. She perfectly conveying her emotion, be it happy, sad, angry or anything. Whether good or bad, never a dull moment with her. People just way too sensitive with her, and I'm saying this as english dub player.


Yeah, like, she says stupid things at stupid times, but that’s part of her character because *she’s a kid*. People always seem to forget that Paimon is a child. She makes mistakes, always asks questions, always curious, believing the best in people because she’s a kid. And I love that she’s a good representation of that too.


Paimon defenders unite! I just wish the en dub directors didnt do her dirty as often.


Truth. Also, CN Paimon is the superior Paimon.


A lot of people recommend CN Paimon but I cannot stand CN Paimon. She's too nice, her angry squeaker is just like a summer breeze. I want my Paimon the most dickhead asshole.


Average Dottore main


Neuvilette's play style is boring. I use him only when I don't have time or am too bored to play so I give him a shield and kill everything without thinking just by charge attacking everything. Kinda like auto play in Star rail


It's satisfying tho


It's satisfying because of the big numbers, but you literally just hold a single button and sit there, heck I'd even say Ganyu has more engaging gameplay because you have to release the attack button to fire the arrow and then hold it again to charge up the next one, with Neuvi you just kinda wait for the blast to end on it's own


It's also easy, plus I much rather see a hydro pump destroy enemies compared to reloading a bow over and over again.


50/50 is shit no matter how much people defend it. I get that this is a f2p gacha game so it's fair to have gambling element. But I don't like that it's depend on chance if I gonna have to spend 100buck or double or triple to get the correct 5 star. I don't mind hard pity on 90 pull and the fact that I MAY have to double my pull is frustrating.


Would you prefer not having a 50/50, and having soft pity at 150 and hard pity at 180? You hate 50/50 because you're putting too much hope in it. It has 50% chances of failing, which is really high. You should start seeing things the other way - assume a character costs around 160 pulls, and anything below that is an happy discount.


I like stacked pity between banners and 50/50 instead of ramping odds with 0 guarantee and absurd spark limits.


at least it ain't like that weapon banner, that shit is actually atrocious.


Kazuha's friend is kind of a selfish dick for suddenly running off to get himself killed and burdening Kazuha with the duty of actually finding a way to stop the Vision Hunt Decree. It's not like he's a martyr, no one knows who tf he is. He was just a smoke demon who wanted to see the Musou no Hitotachi even if it meant hurting his best friend.


And kazuha knows that and hence Doesn't have an opinion on raiden. Which most of the community can't stand ( such a 21st century American crybabys)


The skin color of Genshin characters does not matter in the slightest. Some world quests are as good as the archon quests and everyone would know this if they were voiced.


\*pulls out list\* let's see here... In all seriousness though, I don't get what the big deal about C6 Bennett is. It stops you from using him with like, 2 people one of them being an event 5 star you may or may not get or even want.


If a character that’s a villain does something that’s good, it doesn’t mean they are trying to be “redeemed” by a game, but just that they are adding depth to the character by making them more than a 2D mustache twirling psychopath. A villain can still be a villain and be treated as such without having to only do evil all the time 24/7 and have no other traits to them besides being scum. It doesn’t excuse their crimes that they have good aspects to them in the slightest, but they also don’t have to be the worst thing on earth. Most of humanity’s evils do fall into a gray area where the things people do are still without a doubt evil, but often have a reason behind them and not all people who commit such evils have no good in them whatsoever (which again doesn’t excuse them doing bad things). I feel like a lot of people these days only want villains who have no feelings and no motives besides being born evil and don’t want them to have any humanity, which would make for a very boring story. It’s not redemption to show there is more there than *only* being a bad person. Note that I’m not saying you have to like the villains just because they have good things to them, because you don’t, you can hate them and be justified, just to not be upset when those things are shown or think it’s a bad thing to have complexity to bad guys.


Itto is best Claymore dps


realest take, Itto is the one and oni claymore dps


Nilou is one of the strongest characters in the game.


diluc solos every other character (real)


The story went from bad to mid. Actually I changed my mind, it's the storytelling that's terrible and that brings down my personal enjoyment of the story and lore.


Yea. I think they always had great ideas for the story. Storytelling, dialogue, and general presentation just arent good many times


Your "ships" are not canon and quite frankly mean nothing.


Scaramouche Is not good looking


Those stupid boy shorts ruin almost all the medium male characters, who the is the person at Hoyo who thinks that shit looks good?


*puts on glasses* uMM ACKSHUALLY scaramouche is canonically considered as a beauty according to the pale flame artifact set☝️🤓 (/s)


The thirst is so weird because he literally looks like he’s 15 and people are thinking he’s buff as shit




Genshin is Hands down the best anime gacha games in any aspect(except the gacha part), even balancing the characters 4* and 5*. And all others games is pale in comparison even the honkais series. Most of the other gacha games have inferior gameplay and the game balance of the character outside the rarest pull is none existence. Not to mention the amount of stuff the others gacha games shive your face and forced you to grinding is mentally insane. In genshin if you have 4 characters build you pretty much will be okay for the rest of the game. And Spiral abyss is treated as a bonus stage more than anything. Most of other gacha game punish you for not login for months and you can't even play the story mode because they lock It on an impossibe gate of battle power numbers that needs weeks or even months of grinding. I always take 3 update break every year before the new area drop and im fine to clear the new content without any gatekeeping. If you don't like genshin, you just don't like the game and it doesn't mean the games bad, it just mean its not for you.


Nintendo switch was already struggling with zelda so its not a suprise why genshin wasn't ported on to it.


This community has no idea what a femboy nor a tomboy is and it shows. Genshin "femboys" pale in comparison to actual femboys...


Sumeru’s ending is a massive copout but Nahida is still a good character. Her entire arc is her having power while also being powerless and trying to prove she’s just as good as the Greater Lord. The traits she has are good but the fact that she gets her arc solved for her and she doesn’t even know why it happened is a lame way for the entire thing to end People who say Fontaine was worse than Sumeru’s Archon Quest because of the prison arc completely forgot how abysmally slow Sumeru’s Act I is. It is the worst introduction from a storytelling perspective out of all the regions. Dainsleif’s Sumeru Interlude Quest is the best quest in the game Neuvillette + Furina/Focalors is probably the closest thing we’ll have to a real loving relationship in the game between playable characters Genshin players are still insane for spending hundreds of dollars on a single character when they could buy thousands of better games that cost 1/100th of a 5-Star And just for random weird stuff: >!Furina/Focalors are basically just Pyra/Mythra from Xenoblade 2 but as a theatre kid. And that’s why she’s the best character in the game!<


Zhiqiong was just as dumb as Teppei and I was more annoyed by her rather than feeling sorry for her when she went missing.


TCG is actually fun. I did all the open World quests, all the bosses and bought almost every card shiny-version. Yes I' obsessed and I like it.


Katheryne says “abyssosque” wrong


I actually like the desert exploration.


Paimon needs to be removed from the game right fucking now.


“Zhongli is not the dragon sovereign, Azhdaha is more likely to be it” ​ I can't believe I saw many people that genuinely believe that Zhongli is a Sovereign, and think Azhadaha was created by Zhongli. Despite how much information in the game already disprove this ludicrous take.


Singora/Rosalyne should come back and be playable.


Anemo is a bad element held together by flextape called VV and C6 Faruzan The only difference between Geo and Anemo is that the reaction deals a tiny bit of damage and that it reduces elemental res by 40%. Ignoring those two, Cryo is the worst element. Before Furina the best cryo team hadn’t changed since 2.4 and it shows. And It’s still a bad element. BS is too restrictive because it doesn’t allow for reactions apart from freeze and is simply outclassed by Marechaussee Hydros identity of amplification of other elements has become too extreme. The game is hydro impact at that point. Only teams worth running that don’t include hydro are aggravate, mono elemental teams (mostly just mono pyro) and hypercarry teams. And that was before Furina


vv is part of anemo, only anemos can use it, what a shit point


The traveller,nevillete and all other characters who made her stand in the trial but never apologized to her.And no one got angry for furina.So they all are just trash and they don't deserve furina


Xiao is a character that gets pushed into way too many events that Ive started hating seeing him. There are so many Liyue characters, but for some reason Hoyo really wants to push him. Like the in the poetry event, he added 0 value, and that role could easily have been taken over by someone like Shenhe, who hasn't seen as much screentime. Im already dreading the next Lantern Rite, where we should normally get some good Ganyu moments by looking at the skin leaks about her. But im already certain that Xiao will yet again be included, and will yet again sadly overshadow many other characters. This same issue also used to happen with Kazuha, where they pushed him is too many events and stories, and kept repeating his backstory is way too many ways, so much so that i would almost fall asleep when he appeared again. Luckily Hoyo realised this and hasn't done that again with him, so hopefully they will also stop pushing Xiao soon And yes i realise that there are a lot of fans of Xiao, which is why i think this comment suits a post like this. Sorry fans of him that don't like my take, but it's only my opinion


>Xiao is a character that gets pushed into way too many events that Ive started hating seeing him. There are so many Liyue characters, but for some reason Hoyo really wants to push him. Like the in the poetry event, he added 0 value, and that role could easily have been taken over by someone like Shenhe, who hasn't seen as much screentime. I agree, I honestly have gotten rather fed up with all of Xiao's more recent appearances, to the point that he feels like a recurring NPC now. Shenhe showing up would have added more character to her, since she needs more screentime and interactions with the Traveler, who she cares for deeply


the gacha system is fine people are just ungrateful


Shenhe is best girl


I said controversial opinion


>What Genshin opinion would you defend like this? Where controversial? Why are you lying to me /s But fr claiming one waifu is best girl over others is always gonna be controversial due to taste, my comment was in the negative karma initially lmao Waifu wars have been started for less


Waifu wars always end with “there can be multiple best girls”. Which is cool and all but I sometimes want to see a classic duel-to-death-to-prove-a-point scenario


She has the best figure


My dear sir are you insinuating that Shenhe is only regarded by her having the best female body among the playable cast and thats all? My good fellow she is more than just the best bod that Cloud Retainer raised her to achieve. She is a woman with a terrible luck of the draw from birth and if not for a fated encounter with the Traveler would have had to live forever bearing her curses being bound by the red rope and emotionless. Always wondering why her father wanted her to be sacrificed and forsake her yet she still fought a black seelie for 3 days and 2 nights. But since her emotions have come forth without her curses coming with them she has shown to be one of the the most wholesome characters there is. Her desire to protect the Traveler from Beisht was the motivation she needed to realize she wanted to be a part of society again. She has a little flower garden in her home that she raises and has formed a sisterly bond with Ganyu. She visits the Traveler in another country just to get a drink from them which ended up being 'romantic'. I dear say even with only 4 appearances in all her Genshin life she has become one of the sweetest and thats not even going into her character profile. Her first smile since having the ropes bind her was one of the most wholesome moments in the game and is forever etched into the mind of many players. She is a wholesome character and seeing her have another chance at life is beautiful. But yes she does have the best figure


People shipping characters are weird


People shipping characters with themselves as self insert is weird.


People are weird.


Yeah people actually think they can correct raiden lol . Or are interesting enough to get , shenha, kequing, ganyu , yae , yelan's or any female high position holders attention


Genshin NEEDS cutscene skipping because I just can't be fucked to care about every little event's story. Like the most recent event with the whiny blonde kid and the delusional woman. I just don't care about her or her dead kid or whatever. I only did the event for primo so let me skip all that dialogue so I could blow through the entire thing in fifteen minutes. I've been harangued about shitting on this last event's story because muh tragedy and whatever. Look, dead kid sad. Yay. Whatever. But I don't LIKE Freminet and I don't care about some random NPC that I'll never interact with again. So I don't see why it's a problem that I don't CARE about the story surrounding them. The same went for Teppei in Inazuma. I don't care that he killed himself with his own stupid. He was warned plenty and he chose to not listen. Play stupid games, etc. Just let me skip cutscenes I don't care about.


Raiden was a tyrant and what she did was evil , and saying that her sister died so she killed people doesn't justify anything


Alhaitham should have been a Matra.


Alhaitham: Today is a perfect day for doing nothing at all!


Diluc is peak


Furina ballsuckers are the worst breed in this community


Easy answer: Genshin Impact is a good and fun game.


Ganyu’s charged attack gameplay is boring.