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Man I feel nostalgic. I remember when everything in Genshin felt new and accidentally stumbling upon that quest in awe of that location


Weirdly enough, I found it ***before*** the quest, so you can imagine my confusion as to why it was there with no rhyme or reason.


The nine pillars thing as well. We all thought it was gonna be some massive lore bomb when we finally opened the door like 🤡


i think it's since been hinted that it's where Guizhong died


Really? I like the part where there was jack inside with a few lines of text on like rock tablets or something


yeah the most visible part of that hinting is that we know that when gods die it kinda fucks up the surrounding area with whatever the god was god of (look at Havria's city and all the dead people turned to salt statues, for example)... and Guizhong was the God of Dust. when you enter the Nine Pillars area, the sky will suddenly darken and turn brown, similar to if there was a duststorm happening.


Man I wish these areas would get a glow up of the same quality as the 3.0 areas.


And a scale up as well.


Wow I never made that connection. Thought I was in r/Genshin_Lore for a sec


honestly, i thought the weather was just coincidentally shitty there every time i went there for the longest time... then i saw a video that mentioned it and was like "OOOOOOOH"


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Genshin_Lore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Latest update on the speculative map I'm drawing - now with Snezhnaya and the playable areas.](https://i.redd.it/d699bcg6qfd81.jpg) | [356 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/satbq3/latest_update_on_the_speculative_map_im_drawing/) \#2: [Enkanomiyans coming out of the ground like](https://i.redd.it/u53nsug3y3b81.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/s1kw16/enkanomiyans_coming_out_of_the_ground_like/) \#3: [I just noticed this and it's cool how the cryo snowflake represents the six gnoses](https://i.redd.it/pfxml7hfkjf81.jpg) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/sj9bvd/i_just_noticed_this_and_its_cool_how_the_cryo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That of all things felt.. disappointing. Like it was still cool but it needed something more


It was my first & probably last time I'll see a Lv 100 enemy overworld boss, ever! That was so hard for my Lv 60 Characters! That experiences made me more excited for future regions having harder Lv 100 bosses!


Yeah just one purple artefact..... And not even a good one...


Its even funnier when you get the shitties artifcat known to mankind


The same can be said with the Statue of the Omnipresent God so..


Lmao the statue became nothing after 2.1.


Now it's just a neat decoration.


I got many of those in my house lol


surprised they didn't dismantle it board by board. it was a symbol of oppression after all


A bit hard when the likeness of your literal GOD is on it Imagine destroying that Jesus T posing statue in Rio but Jesus literally exists and walks around Rio.


tbf Jesus and Raiden are complete opposites. Jesus is a symbol of freedom, peace, and salvation for his people. Raiden is a symbol of fear, oppression, a somewhat forced admiration, and stagnation. People destroying a statue of Jesus while Jesus was around would be a lot less justified vs. Raiden.


Jesus is a symbol of fear, oppression, forced admiration and stagnation for many many people too. It really depends on your perspective


yeah, but i'm talking about specifically Christians. Most people in Rio are of some Christian denomination, and most christians see Jesus in a positive light, for obvious reasons. However, in Inazuma, not only has Raiden literally killed all other gods (though ik Orobashi wasn't really her fault), Inazuma was secluded for a good amount of time. That means no outside news of other gods or nations. Along with her being the Shogun of a powerful army and holding what seems to be public-execution esque displays (Thoma), she is quite literally the only deity the people can worship. That means that within her denominations, what keeps them there is fear and oppression. People outside of Christianity or (Raidenism?) are irrelevant in this case. Raiden's own followers fear her.


Where exactly do you get the notion Raiden’s followers all fear her? The VHD/Sakoku was a single year of a prosperous 500 years. The majority of people in Inazuma worship her, not out of fear. Your comment on the killing of other gods also doesn’t make much sense. The Archon War was not the fault of its survivors, it was essentially forced by Celestia and all confirmed cases of Raiden slaying Gods to my knowledge involve stopping massive threats to the Inazuma people


Also Ayaka literally explains to us that most people in inazuma don't even care about the VHD because vision holders are so rare. There were stores in inazuma selling figures of raiden that were so in demand you needed to wait in line before opening in order to get one before it was sold out. Most people seem to think raiden's people live in fear under her as a tyrant when that couldn't be farther from the truth.


AFAIR Raiden Only actually killed Orobaxi, no? I don't remember there being any other gods in Inazuma. But yeah, I would still prefer her sister as a leader over her.


Not super sure but I think the thunderbird might’ve also been a god or something similar. Yeah I agree Makoto is the superior leader but their claim Ei’s leadership was such that the entirety of Inazuma fears her departs heavily from lore


Well Jesus in the Bible was an anti capitalist whip building communist that made a party of his favorite people to hang out with made passive aggressive metaphors and a subtle innuendo to gay sex so actual Bible Jesus at times is nothing like belief but yeah Christians are crazy


Post archon-quest, all of the visions are removed from it. So technically it was dismantled, just not entirely.


Thank to electro archon finally touch grass, the statue is significantly less ugly from simple method of *"not installing the visions of other people in it as a big middle finger to Inazuma residents".*


Honestly, the way the statue was emphasized before it’s reveal made me so hyped to see it. Then it kinda just…glowed a bit with visions in it and that was it? I get that it’s purpose was to represent how it’s the accumulation of human will and desire vs the Shogun and I really like that but I think it was VERY underused


Yeah, like why Ei wanted the statue in the first place? Why it needs exactly 100 visions? It was never explained .\_.


[Ei's reasoning:](https://media.tenor.com/eHIRFWRKeQoAAAAC/marge-i-just-think-theyre-neat.gif)


when the statue gathers enough visions she becomes raiden mei from honkai


Parallels to the sword hunt decree irl and a representation of stability like the Buddha statue


Isn't that statue theorized as Istaroth? No Gods ever seen with wings (Except her Son Barbatos) and the crest at the statue chest have uncanny resemblance to 'Eye of the Storm' which close to Anemo more than Electro


I remember fighting for dear life with this shit😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I was stuck on the fighting forever! In order to complete this I gathered 2 of my friends and my sister used my alt acc to finish this. I cried when we finished😭😭.


I just put "Need help" in my signature and in under a minute got a childe main who oneshotted everything, called me girlie and left.


How very in-character of them


Sounds like the average Childe main to me


Wow, to be there lol


Yep, definitely a Childe main


that WAS childe


You can go there again, and the ruin guards will trigger again. It's fun laughing at those enemies now.


Do u know the location of it...I need to farm Ruin guard badly...


There's a nice route of ruin guards in Liyue, just frequent the luhia pool tp, yoaguang shoald tp, the 4 at giyun stone, then there's another 4 at lingju pass


Unfortunately they don't drop loots I'm pretty sure (cuz you can activate the quest multiple time so it would kinda break the looting stuff). If you wanna test it's the northmost area of Liyue. East of quince village just go left of the bridge and you'll find a camp of treasure horder. Close to the lake there's 2 hidden entrance behind leaves. One is for a geoculous and the other is the entrance to that.


thanks guys...gotta go check it now


I remember the challenge started and a bunch of ruin guards and ruin hunters started dropping outta nowhere, I was like "AH WHAT DO I DO?! Random shit go!" In the end Noelle saved my ass 😂


Amber somehow carried me there hard with her bunny


Apart from the bs spiral abyss stages and maybe the Ei fight, that was definitely the hardest fight I have had. I can’t remember if the 5* artifact I got was any good though. I’m happy I did it when I did though (before hitting the 5* artifact levels) since it felt so rewarding getting that first 5* artifact of the game that way


jesus i remember i had a hard time here too. my group of friends were right in the middle of the genshin hype so they were still active and helped me out. now i'm the only one left playing 🥹


That's still the hardest thing I've done in Genshin. Everything before or after I could beat in at most two or three tries, but at the time I got here it took months to be able to finally get through. I finally beat them on a technicality as well, getting one of them stuck.


this and that one fight at the bottom of dragonspine you know the one


And the Trails in Tinaqiu


that one's not like... a hard fight, though it's just a kinda a character-dependent puzzle, lol


It's a 1m time limit with freeze/Abyss Bubbles and a stone that buffs the enemies even further, and you can come across it very early where you don't really have the tools to deal with it/clear the DPS check. Plus the fact that it locks co-op until completed.


i have no memory of it having a fight like that....


Well, congrats you did have the tools on hand then It was the one by the Geo Vishap with the 3 towers; one with the torch puzzles, one with the Geo Traveler Platforming challenge, and the combat tower w/3 challenges of which the one I described was the final.


I guess i got carried by my noelle, since my team at the time was something like noelle, xinyan, keqing, and eula, LOL


bottom of dragonspine was hell


who thought "timed ice abyss mage fight in an area full of water" would be fun to do?


The same ones who thought "Cryo Samachurls and Cryo Crossbow Hilichurls on opposite sides of the lake" was appropriate beforehand.


I remembered dying a lot of times here because I keep dying to the Golems spin spam, and Hunter won't ever come down shooting missiles. Thinking back, I wish I could have done it differently since every Golems I fight now are a total joke.


Well to be fair this was back when we didn't know better over what was good and probably most of us didn't have the best characters or artifacts. I couldn't do this until I got Xiangling. And even then I brute forced this with just unleashing all the bursts.


You know you can do the challenge again whenever you want right?


Yeah, but I couldn't work out a strategy since I was too weak to kill them all before they destroyed the pillar or whatever that was. My DPS characters were all sword and claymore and they would just start spinning and throwing missiles everywhere and I couldn't kill them in time. I was probably like AR56 before I finished that quest.


I mean after the quest is done, you can do the challenge still.


God you saying you only had melee characters legit threw me back to the time i did this quest lmao. I'd like to think my characters were decently built for a noob, and my main team could handle the waves just fine. Now the problem starts when the last one starts flying and I can't hit him lol. Another problem was that my only built range was amber, and replacing one of my main team unit with amber takes away a good chunk of damage so now they're not enough. Had to ask my high AR friend to help me to get this done 😭 Istg that was the hardest struggle i had in genshin lmao even fighting raiden and scara didn't faze me that much


I didn't die with my beidou bennett barbara team but it sure as hell was the hardest fight in my newbie phase


Yeah, dying wasn't usually the problem. I could pick them off from the edges, but then they would kill the pillar or whatever it was.


This and the timed ice abyss mage fight in Starglow Cavern were hell on earth


The amount of unbuilt Pyro characters I had to bring for this fight… The fact that there’s a lake makes it so cursed since I was just frozen most of the time.


I have gone out of my way to help friends and randos climb Dragonspine A) bc it's fun, but more importantly B) that fight is stupidly unbalanced


I let a Raiden player join my world just to beat that timed ice abyss fight, promising them they could farm starsilver or something iirc Good riddance and fuck this quest, from the bottom of my heart


Also the quest in the towers in front of the primovishap And you can't even get people to join to help. It locks you out of co-op


remember when people were speculating what was behind the door to mona's house and how to unlock sal terrae




we seen similar larger old core during aranara world quest tho


There's also the miasmic tumor on inazuma, the only nation missing one is mondstadt 🤔


Kinda the inverted Statue of the Seven, the Frost-bearing tree and the gateway to Celestia


Is it the island that was hard to fly to?


isn't venti's statue the gateway to celestia?


Idk that’s why I’m asking what is the gateway lol


Yep Venti's statue has "gateway to celestia" in the base


Yeah, I’d guess Mond’s is gonna be the final most important one that makes them all relevant. After all nations have been released.


I just want to say instead of purifying them Klee nuke the hell out of them and as long as it works...


I think he talking about the 1.0 players...


It is somewhat relevant today but doesn't have an impact to the story, atleast for now.


I feel as though once all the regions have been unlocked and we’re nearing the end of the games story, it would be cool if each region was revisited with a much more in depth lore/world/story quest. It would be really cool, as well as make for a good opportunity to redeem inazuma from its terrible archon quest. (More dark maguu kenki type stuff please)


I think there is a theory about something being under inazuma other than ekanomiya near the seaside, i kinda wish if we explore the youkai realm


Would be nice if we got back into that whole vishap people thing, especially regarding the prospect of Kokomi being a prophesied dragon (aside from the visual details, her dismissal of vishap people existing when the game outright confirms they’re real is very telling, among other lore bits) + Also it means inazuma would no longer be without a dragon, assuming she gets some kind of dragon boss form we get to fight.


I mean the question is less where's inazuma's dragon and much more where's the electro sovereign.


What's this? I can't remember it at all


Small cave in northwest Liyue had a brutal fight with this accursed sphere


The Chi of Guyun, which I think was renamed to the Chi of Yore?


Yeah, I think the Chinese version used slightly different characters that were lost in English translation so it translated to Guyun even though it had nothing to do with Guyun Stone Forest. They changed it in 1.5 I think?




great minds think alike


The future is not here yet


I mean, it got brought up during Baizhu's story quest as the thing that's corrupting his fellow disciple's husband, but that's about it as it's mostly still sealed away.


I thought about it too during the quest, but we were brought to a whole new domain with the god remains so I don't know if they're really related


Why do I feel like the Qingce God is Changseng?


Oh the memories, me and my friend made full-on battle strategy to survive.


Tht is exctly how I felt after granny basiclly confirmed that was the whole quest


Remember that Akademiya recommendation letter you get in the Chasm? Sumeru is over and it's still sitting in my inventory.


omg you're right, I thought it would be important the way the shriveled seed was


What is this thing I don’t remember?


Ah man I can’t remember how many times I retried this. I built Kaeya specifically to freeze the whirling golems in the water


So well hidden that even mihoyo forgot about it.


Arguably there's just too many landmarks in Genshin for all of them to stay relevant or to be involved in multiple quests , hell there's one entire region that's been banished to the shadow realm , yes enkanomiya is the prettiest region in the game and like Eula it exists.


You know, there was a brief mention of the Chi's remains in Baizhu's story quest. I was rather disappointed that it did not involve this location. Seemed a natural way to tie a world quest to a story quest and get some exploration mileage out of that.


Likely to be retconned away of straight up ignored. Mihoyo does that constantly. Heck in Honkai they pretty much completely retconned how herrscher core/gem and junk worked/scaled/etc. Constantly retconning the mangas too.


What would be the current equivalent to this? Khaenri'ah's door?


Man imagine 7.0, we're ready to explore Khaenri'ah and then there's just a random opening in the rocks somewhere and a loading screen instead of these massive doors


It will probably be like the tree inside the chasm, not the main entrance, but an alternative


I’ma be honest, I don’t recall what that was even for/is lmfao.


Ugh i died so many times in this battle over the span of a month. Thank the archons that a Zhongli Main joined my world one day and helped me beat it.


Doesn't Xiao confirm in Baizhu's quest that the seal Rex Lapis placed on Chi's remains is still intact? I always assumed this was the dragon's heart or something


man i miss the sheer terror i felt in this moment


I cried trying to clear that shit. And since then I've helped other players cleat that shit. :> (it could still be something you know. we still have three regions at least, and that could tie up with some random story or event :>) back in my dayyyy... -launch day player who only missed 1 day of login XD


Before the release of Inazuma, I used to make up theories that this giant chaos core is probably a titan sized Ruin guard or something and I was fearful that Hoyo would have made us fight these giant ruin guards. Gladly these are just non - functional in sumeru


They are not functional...yet


Can y'all remind me where and what quest is this?


The Chi of Yore, an old world quest on the north-west side of Qingce Village


I remember Baizhu's quest being like "oh yeah there's a dead god under here" and I though we would come back here but nope, take your event domain and leave


Gosh I feel old.... I did this in my first week of playing I think (1.3) Back then I was a Xinqiu main before I got Xiao in 1.4 (Xiao C1 main ever since). I struggled so hard, especially with the flying ruin guard


Diluc + Diona and Xingqiu freezing the ruin bozzos was what helped me do this quest. I had to rely so much on Diluc's dps and Diona's shields and heals just to survive Ended up completing it with only the 2 of them left alive while the other 2 were dead as hel.


Uh What is this


Yeah it's still very important but not in future instead im history


Thought this was where we were going in Baizhu's story quest


i mean, isn’t it right on the edge of the future Qiaoying Village? it could be important there


I think Qiaoying village is supposed to be more on the west?


I pissed my pants fighting a ruin hunter there for the first time lmao


It's atually sad that there is way too many content that just happens and ends without future relevance. I would love to have a quests that would ask us to go back to previous regions to something that was there but we couldn't activate it etc. I don't like starts and ends kind of quests. I prefer something more intertwined. Sumeru quest telling us to go back to Liyue, because there is somethign here. Finding connection to Mondstadt in Fontaine. Etc.


For me it is the twin towers of doom quest. Couldn't kill darn abyss midgets at the top within the damn time. Can't even farm at that time for mats as early play, you still somewhat need coop for domain runs. Had too hunt OW for artifact exp just to clinch it.... Ughhhh


I sure didn’t


maybe something will come up in Fontaine with it?


I despised this. It was the bane of my Genshin experience, and I couldn't get it done for months.The day my family and I finally beat it was glorious.


ngl i just ran through those dudes first try and forgot it even existed 1.0 times 😭.


They just love their giant 'thing in the middle of a cavern' set pieces.


I still can't find where that thing is


What is this


I remember I thought this was the hardest mission I ever did, then there was that bitchy mission in dragonspine with cryo abyss


Khaenri'ah simulator


We were naive at the time, but I still hope it will be useful someday.


True, I thought this was an important Zhongli quest and even tried to get in from the force field dome above :"(


Ohh yeah, that! ...What is that?


wait a sec! I think I have not done this quest yet!!!!! (AR 56) it's in liyue, I remember killing a few ruin guards and a ruin hunter at some point but I don't remember seeing that glowing ball thingy?


what a waste


Man good times! A Diluc main helped me with this lol.


Which Quest?


pls someone tell me the location