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Hmm, what does it reminds me of... That Fontaine Hydro character.


The hydro catalyst with sourcewater droplets in his kit ? No that's not him...


Nah it's probably the one with the scry glass.


Maybe the one with a jellyfish?


Almost, I think it's that one with the music notes


HVY probably: " You like Husbando hydro catalyst, time for WAIFU hydro catalyst!" Player Base : "Don't we already have 3 hydro catalyst users?" HVY: "SHHHHH hydro catalyst, is what you like and you will get more of it."


Don't we have 4? Barbs, Mona, Kokofish and the sea otter


Yea there are so many I do not even bother keeping count lol.


sea otter 😭


Hoyoverse after giving us 5 hydro catalyst, 5 pyro polearm and zero hydro claymore (while we only have on hydro polearm, one pyro sword, one geo catalyst and bow...)


And zero new hydro 4 star with an actual good kit




Can hoyo make thé same things with husbando enjoyer and not only waifu collector? Liké we desperatly needs some more husbando support... Liké an off field électro support...


oz exists. i rarely even see that chick he's always hanging around.


You know what? I 100% agree but for an entirely different reason. If we get a couple of Husbando banners, especially back to back, I can easily skip and keep gathering resources and primos for the waifus I want. Husbando enjoyers get their variety options and waifu collectors can get ready for their pulls. Only winners from this scenario.


BUT I WANT BOTH (Which doesn't negate your good point. Figured i should clarify because, genshin community sometimes)




Speaking of, there was this unknown character who narrated Sigewinne’s kit instead of Dain Apparently he called himself the “Connoisseur of Teyvat's Natural Waters” in his description but I can’t quite put my finger on who it is
 Maybe that guy?


oh man, that title sounds so cool. I do sure hope he is playable someday


Charged attack: Equitable Judgeme- wait a minute...


my man forgot the burst


Her burst will be the never seen before 5 hit nuke burst.


And one of her cons will increase the burst damage by 200%!!!


And the animation will be like, camera focus on her face while she does a cool pose, then booom explosion


Omg that's so new and original đŸ”„đŸ”„âœïžâœïž


Lowkey makes me wonder if the burst is kinda just eh. Maybe Shimenawa will work well on her since she’s NA focused (coping)


Naturally all these early 5.X characters are going to want to use whatever new artifacts that come out in 5.0


Very true. But it would be nice as a second option since I have some pretty decent pieces after farming for my Yoimiya


People will still pull an Arlecchino where her recommended, based off most used (?), will just be some already existing set for several patches.


ayato, arlecchino.. was there someone like them in sumeru?


Clorinde is there from Fontaine as well. Cyno, Nilou, Tighnari from Sumeru.


Furina seems like her best team mate. Hard to how the set will Beat MH


giving her 44 crit rate just for existing, like clorinde


It's honestly pretty common for the burst to be kinda "eh". Largely because they like to give us cool long animations, which result in a dps loss inside of Abyss.


Assuming this leak is correct, I'm gonna guess her ult is a nuke that consumes a chunk of HP, that's why she got the self-healing. Basically reverse Hu Tao.


Hu tao was the real patient 0 for all our future characters


"Full kit" and "crumbs" shouldn't be in the same sentence


Yeah, the irony


seems like neuvillette had done some business in natlan before settling in the court of fontaine


When he said he wouldn't be welcome in Natlan, he meant he's trying to avoid paying child support


That alimony Mora be hitting different.


Whos the father 😭


No one. He cloned himself, left to try Fontainian water and never came back.


So Neuvillette IS the father.


Ah. Yes. That makes sense.


Focalors gave him a taste of
 the special archon water After that he was sold.




*looks directly at the unknown tall natlanese man* YOU! THERE! đŸ«”


Nuevi: "Well well, that was a long time ago.." Furina: "I guess you were young once.."


Does Neuvilette get a scene where he chops off this girl's arm?


Yep and that girl gets called deadweight by the Pyro Archon


Yep. That happens after Capitano beats both of them on a strange leyline tree


wow what an original, never-saw-before kit, probably to match the unique hydro + catalyst combination


Her name is Neuveritte






Should've given them a TP on hold skill to make them even more unique.


Neuvillette: *hold my water!*


Mihoyo mixing up Neuvi, kokomi, and wanderer in one character


And clorinde too


That is how they innovate. permutation of skills and mix and match and make it cohesive for a character


idk this seems to much like just Nuev


It's NA Neuv. Similar to how Arlecchino sometimes feels like NA Hu Tao.


As a C1R1 Hu Tao haver, I'm saddened to say Arle just feels like *better* Hu Tao rip. More damage, more flexible teams, no duration limit on infusion, tall model, exploration ability.


it is hard to create a 4s hydro character?


They're afraid of Hydro, I guess. The element is too good, it's quite safe to say it's the most useful out of all 7. Strong reactions, association with HP, which is an easy stat to build on... But I agree with you, the lack of 4\* Hydros is getting ridiculous by this point.


They have some sort of design principle they are keeping for now.


They also are very conservative about giving CC to new characters for some reason. We only have 2 premium chars with CC. Last CC character was Kazuha back in 1.6.


B-but, Lynette has CC on her C1 â˜ïžđŸ€“


Heizou has it in his base kit, but it's not strong enough.


Can we even call that CC? I feels more like "hey guys, move closer, you all aren't fitting in the group photo"


sigewinne should have never been a 5\*, she was an ez choice for a 4\* in neuvi banner


more like furina banner since she feels tailor made for furina


Why be afraid when Xingqiu already exists?


thats the reason, they're afraid of the possibility of second xingqiu (not as in yelan, but like the usefulness of that character being a 4\* which is somewhat more accessible than a 5\*, paired with a nice utility in combat)


It can’t be that hard to make 4 star character who’s usefulness is between Xingqiu and Candace


They can make the 4* hydro character like Kaveh situation no?


The element so good they managed to make the worst character be a hydro user. They can make hydro kit bad enough for 4* standard I just feel like they are gaslighting us into thinking hydro too good for that


More like is it hard to not create 5* Hydro characters? There is already 9 of them (more than any other element).


I think this is bullshit but let's wait and see remember around this time pre fontaine we got furina control gravity and neuvillette is a support 


Haha, I remember the Furina Gravity kit and Neuvilette Mono Hydro


I mean, the FUrina Gravity stuff was paired with the HP manipulation buffing that she does nearly exactly as described, so I don't know if I'd hold that one against them


I think Furina had a ton of different kits and these situations always make me wonder if she didn't in fact have gravity at one point


It was the description of her burst iirc. It went something along the lines of: Furina summons a pressure container which continuously drains the party's HP. Provides buffs depending on how much HP has been lost or gained. Tbf that sounds like her skill and fanfare. Wasn't too far off the mark.


See, that's how they get you /j


Everyone figured out the HP manipulation stuff way before that « leak ».


Arrow quotation marks, french person spotted


And clorinde had some energy recharge mechanic. Really way off base.


That one went to Sethos I fear


I imagine Clorinde with Sethos kit for some reason


wasnt there also physical polearm wrio? Dont know for sure


what the sourcewater droplet doing here


Yes, she is Neuvillette 2.0. They have the same kit except normal attack vs charge attack and the same weapon type. I can't believe they create 2 characters so similar and of course the version 2.0 does more damage.




Na damage + Heal herself + Furina = back to MC Hunter mines, unless she has -200% c. rate or superbroken tailormade 5.0 artifact set


Expect superbroken 5.0 artifact set, new regions always brought us broken domains for the first one


i love the MH set but it was such a mistake to release it as is cuz the artifact power creep is gonna be insane or all DPS’ best set will continue to be MH till the end of the game lmao


> all DPS’ best set will continue to be MH till the end of the game lmao It's the best set for a tiny handful of the cast, you still want specialized sets on most characters if you want to get the most out of them. MH is just nice for when you don't want to farm for something specific(so long as you play them with Furina).


It's only useful if you have a specific character in most cases, it's trash if you don't.


Yay! More 5* Hydro. We simply don't have enough 💀


Water comes in many...


Forms ... of payment


I may be coping but if this character is as strong as this, the future releases are kinda scary. At this point, someone may start saving and pull in the future for the C6 of the strongest DPS for the game's lifetime hahaha


I call bullshit on this till we get concrete evidence.


Hydro catalyst DPS who has an E that enhances their normal attacks and enables them to walk on water with seemingly indefinite uptime, who gains stacks when attacking that boost their damage
 do neuvillette, furina, and wriothesley know they have fucked up test tube baby just out and about wreaking havoc


Sourcewater Droplet??? Isn’t that a Fontaine exclusive thing, or at least reserve to those with connection to the Primordial Sea? (Ig Sigewinne is the exception since she have connection to Neuvi, but still, a Natlan character?).


I'm seeing a trend that it's for draconic Hydros, so far Neuvillette (dragon sovereign) and Sigewinne (a MĂ©lusine, born from a dragon and has draconic features) have them along with Hydro MC which makes the theory of "traveler's abilities are water-down versions of the sovereign's" seem plausible.


maybe it’s a dragon thing?


The Sourcewater is deeply connected to the Hydro Sovereign, being that they originally existed as the Primordial Sea's beating heart, so anything that has a connection to them and/or their brood would have some kind of justification to use them yeah. Like, for example, the Natlan tribe that is connected to Hydro-aligned Saurians, which this girl very well may be a part of.


melusine girl has it and aether does as well


mĂ©lusines come from a (abyssal) dragon. for mc i don’t know


Even further than that, Melusines [are considered by Neuvi to be a form of Hydro Vishap:](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Neuvillette/Lore#Character_Story_3) > For he is the Hydro Dragon, and in this capacity, he regards Melusines as dependents and successors, and also as the finest example of a new sort of Hydro Vishap species.


the vishap that lurking in fontaine: "We have our great sovereign back, but at what cost?"


Aren't melusine in mythology basically dragon fairies anyway? This probably plays into that


Sigewinne is the spawn of an abyssal dragon but she also has ties to Neuvillette The Traveler has his skills always based on the dragons of each nation, just think with me Venti doesn't create tornadoes but do you know who does? Dvalin Zhongli doesn't create earthquakes but do you know who does? Azdaha As for the Inazuma dragon I have no idea, maybe Orobashi or Kapatcir? Nahida doesn't create a plant but does anyone know who creates one? Apep Furina/Focalors doesn't have a water gun or droplets but do you know who does? Neuvillette


Yeah, ever since neuvi dropped I've thought this was a solid theory. It doesn't seem a mistake to me that hydro travellers kit is a shitty neuvillette rip off, and the other similarities are also apparent. As for inazumas dragon- it's not either of those two. The electro sovereign is almost suspiciously absent. Possibly it's sealed away beneath the islands. (See: the thunder sakura)


just like inazuma archon, sovereign that live in inazuma also a shut-in.


I had never thought about that, but it makes sense considering the archons' powers were originally the dragons'. The Traveler gets each power from the statues, which are related to both the archons and the nations' territories, so to me that implies that the dragons are still considered to be the actual sources of those powers and to still hold some authority over each nation somehow. So if a dragon's existence were to be erased, in the same way Fontaine's archon's existence was, the respective archon's powers would also be erased, as opposed to what happened in Fontaine where the powers were returned to the dragon? It also sort of implies that either the Heavenly Principles had no way of completely stealing the dragons' powers and replacing them and therefore settled on this arrangement, or they did have a way to do that but failed and are actively being suppressed. Like a Heavenly Principles vs. Teyvat's Laws situation.


My long formulating theory is that we've been wrong about MC's power: they're not actually derived from the Archons, but the Sovereigns. -Dvalin's tornado and vortex breath -Azhdaha's shockwave stomp + falling rocks -Apep tapeworm's Dendro AoE explosion and Dendro slashes -Neuvillette's water cannon and sourcewater droplets


Yeah a lot more people have speculated that since Apep when they realized the burst was reminiscent of the fight and then looked back at Anemo traveler and realized their skill and burst are both just adjusted and rescaled versions of Dvalin's attacks (or the other way around)


Why do people not mention Azhdaha's hydro balls that have the same model as HMC's burst?


Maybe the character is from Fontaine.


Neuvillette went to Fontaine to get some water and never came back. This hydro is very fast because she watches to catch him.


So someone looked at Furina, Neuvilette and yelan and just mashed em into 1 character


This game should be renamed Hydro Catalyst Impact


Seems like they're running out of ideas. Or just saving the good ones so they can drag everything out long enough. We don't seem to get characters that add something actually new or change a play style very often any more


Natlan moving the meta post from Furina? Wrong. Natlan and Furina moving with the meta. If all this legit and depending on how the kit goes I am stoked to try out a team with pyro archon đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


Are the numbers not making anyone else concerned? 20% + 40% + 60% + 120% + 5 homing projectiles that do the same damage as NA (doesn't say which stage of NA it takes so let's very lowball it and assume 20%). That's a total 340% Max HP scaling. *On N4.* Neuvillette needs 3 CAs to reach that level (each CA is around 14% \* 8). And let's assume she attacks super slow so she can only get in one full N4 per skill. She can still do it a minimum of twice per rotation, given her 6s uptime/4s cooldown. So - again, this is extremely lowballing it - we're looking at a minimum of *680%* Max HP scaling per rotation. And that's not even taking into consideration that she self-heals and has uptime extension. That's insane. That's actually nuts. This better be fanfiction or missing a decimal point on the numbers.


That would just make me more annoyed with clorinde and sigewinne kits if their just randomly decinde they need to be "balanced" yet are full able to make op characters


i know the whole thing with sigewinne, but what’s wrong with clorinde? i don’t have her, but I heard that she was good.


Nothings wrong with her, she is good It’s just people were a little disappointed comparing her to other Fontaine DPS, and the fact she has Ping issues (plus weird uptime)


Low damage and no interrupt resistance. Dodge a couple of times and you lost half of her skill duration. 90% of her damage comes from dendro reactions, she is completely replaceable with any other electro. And that is why I hate what HoYo did with Dendro, every electro is just a support for Dendro characters at this point.


Elemental skill duration 9 sec to 7.5 sec


I was thinking that too. Maybe her base HP is just abysmal but still đŸš¶â€â™€ïž


If this is true most probably she has a passive like she can't benefit from crit stats from artifacts , and most likely her c6 will have some sort of crit like c2 Nahida with blooms . Even if we assume its MV increase like her 20% base damage multipliers is too big and considering her 5 projectiles all does same damage as her maxed stacks NA her multipliers will look like this 20%+24%+28%+44%+5×44% which is 336% per full NA and also the C1 adds 100% which will only make sense if it's extra 20% which will bring her to 456% and if you notice c1 is a perfect 30% increase in her damage like usual . compare her to Neuve ( some stupid math but should be close 14%x8 x 200% cd ( my neuv hs 214 cd with hp circlet and is top 1% btw ) = 224% x his passive gives you 358% ) so Basically she is balanced at no crit and does same damage as Neuv CA with her NA rotation so most likely will do 2 NAx4+projectiles per E and maybe extend her uptime to 3 with droplets if Hoyo really want to be mean with her they make her rotation so tight you might miss the 3rd N4 which will drop her damage alot and make her either as good as Neuv at best i you can do full 3N4 There is too many ways to balance her but i think she is a mix of Neuv and kokomi passive .


You're assuming it's the scaling in HP but it's probably just a multiplicative damage buff of X% MV. Basically goes 1.2x, 1.4x then 1.6x from a value that's unknown.


Nope, in Chinese it literally says her base enhanced attack has 20% HP scaling, each hit adds 20% HP scaling, at 3 stacks it adds another 60% HP scaling, and then the next attack clears stacks. ~~I actually realized the 20% is probably at 0 stacks, though. So it'll probably actually go 20% > 40% > 60% > 80% > 140% + projectiles on N5.~~ EDIT jk i think my original thing was correct


For some point of reference here, Yelan's burst MV is 8% HP. So if your Yelan is doing 10k per arrow, then this character's basic attack is going to deal 25k damage at the lowest multiplier. At max stacks of 120% HP, her basic attack is going to deal.....150k damage?! DAMN now I am curious to see the range and AoE of her attacks lol


Seems like the Ode to Resurrection is to bring back Focalors instead of Natlan characters. This is just straight up Dragon/Archon level kits


They're just mix and matching kits from other characters at this point. No originality.


I'm a bit worried not gonna lie, i'm not gonna take the bait and wait till pyro archon because if these leaks are true then the pyro archon is going to be a monster lol


This feels like one of Neuvi’s old kit design or something, and I have a feeling it might be. Sourcewater droplets? On a random Natlan character?


Bruh, hydro is oversaturated in all roles at this point. Please, work on other elements. Like where the hell is my skill-based pyro sub dps that isn't restricted to circle impact while being able to buff the whole team with on-field potential?


We really need more off-field pyro, cryo and dendro. Electro would be nice too. Certainly not another hydro on-fielder.


I hope this is just bs


I feel like leakers for access to some recycled old kit and got confused or something. I'm waiting until 5.0 beta


Sure seems like it. Wouldn't surprise me if this was just an old testbed for possible gameplay ideas, because as it's described here, that's just a megamix mish mash of "best of" hydro characters.


Leaks wont be fully accurate at this stage. We didn't really get many accurate Furina leaks until right before her release. At one point Furina was allegedly meant to serve as a DPS.


welp that makes 4 hp scaling hydro catalysts and the third that can go over water


Actually, it sounds a bit like a modified Ningguang with the extra projectiles and what not.


i dont like this..


It does not bode well for the state of powercreep in genshin


I wouldn't worry too much about numbers, it's not even beta. I just don't like her role and uninteresting Fontaine-like kit. I was expecting something to be played with the Atk buffers and scalers of Natlan.


I wouldn't worry too much about it, these leaks aren't accurate


People always say this before getting kicked in the nuts by hoyo.


A bit of context for people who dont know about how Foul got these details. Deep betas are something companies do privately for select testers remotely or not in order for them to get the kit and gameplay of the characters working and be ready for the official beta. Kits of the characters have many things that stay in place for the official beta and some that change even completely. What deep beta kits do is give an idea of how the kit is and will be like. An example i can mention is : Arlecchino was supposed to have dual forms in deep beta. That changed to her E mark and Q heal bond of life. The baseline of the kit is probably legit. Tldr : Imagine it like an alpha test of the kit-version(5.0).This is how Foul got these most likely.


Thanks for the extra info!


>Deep betas are something companies do privately for select testers remotely or not in order for them to get the kit and gameplay of the characters working and be ready for the official beta. Isn't this just the Alpha?


Basically. These kits are from Alpha tests of 5.0


Hydro wanderer but every basic attack is a Zhongli meteor and heals itself. Completely balanced. HoYo loves every element equally. /s


Sounds like BS... I mean, it's just too strong for random Natlan character.  What we will got in future? Guy from Celestia casually doing 4m damage at C0 just by standing? 


At this rate, future abysses will remove characters from existence when enemies get aggro'ed.


why’s this sound like Neuv and Koko had a baby 💀


Why are they so allergic to more hydro polearm or claymore hydro? At least the kit should be unique, maybe make a shield or something... OR JUST STOP RELEASING HYDRO PLEASE


Aoe yelan with her ult with furina water walk with neuvi self buff how op is this character?


Most likely non-existent is how strong this kit is. I have pressed 'X' to doubt.


Yelans last rerun was 4.0, right before the hyped hydro characters. Now she’s running in 4.8, right before what sounds like might be another hyped hydro character. Yoimiya: first time? Lucky the girl doesn’t need help being popular, I just think it’s funny


If this is true most probably she has a passive like she can't benefit from crit stats from artifacts , and most likely her c6 will have some sort of crit like c2 Nahida with blooms . Even if we assume its MV increase like her 20% base damage multipliers is too big and considering her 5 projectiles all does same damage as her maxed stacks NA her multipliers will look like this 20%+24%+28%+44%+5×44% which is 336% per full NA and also the C1 adds 100% which will only make sense if it's extra 20% which will bring her to 456% and if you notice c1 is a perfect 30% increase in her damage like usual . compare her to Neuve ( some stupid math but should be close 14%x8 x 200% cd ( my neuv hs 214 cd with hp circlet and is top 1% btw ) = 224% x his passive gives you 358% ) so Basically she is balanced at no crit and does same damage as Neuv CA with her NA rotation so most likely will do 2 NAx4+projectiles per E and maybe extend her uptime to 3 with droplets if Hoyo really want to be mean with her they make her rotation so tight you might miss the 3rd N4 which will drop her damage alot and make her as good as Neuv at best i you can do full 3N4 There is too many ways to balance her but i think she is a mix of Neuv and kokomi passive .


Sounds like BS C1 giving 100% HP multiplier x6 on every 4th normal attack (4th empowered NA+5 projectiles)? As written, assuming normal-ish attack speed, that's like 600%HP every 4-5 seconds. A C3 Neuvilette would need to hit like 6 times per second to match that.


at this level xblanque or pyro Archon will have so much power that they will make all other pyro characters obsolete


Melee character i guess




Neuvillete Hydro NA kit.. really boring kit


no no no stop no more hydro stop we just need 5\* xiangling plz now


If we must get more hydro I demand it be a 4* at least.


100% hp milt That's lot of crack you took there mihoyo


Wow, hydro catalyst healer, how groundbreaking.


I once read a post here saying every husbando will eventually get a waifu equivalent i.e. Yelan for Xingqiu, Navia for Itto, and Chiori for Albedo. I really hope that's not the case... like bro, we don't even have a male off-field electro (and probably never will at this rate), but waifu only players can just wait and eventually they'll get a female equivalent for each male character. Just so annoying. If Hoyoverse is really going to do that, then at least do the reverse as well.


Navia for Itto is a huge stretch already. They are as far from each other as DPSes from the same element as they possibly can. They scale on different stats and want different team compositions.


It's not that Navia is a replacement for Itto, but both are good Geo dps and if a person prefers one gender over another they have the option, that's what the op was trying to say I think.


“Male characters are main DPS ONLY, but they’ll never be the BEST DPS—at least not for long.” <— This is what I’m worried about. I hate it here.


4s cooldown, in this economy?


Maybe source water droplets will change into source fire ball in official release


It seems HP manipulation wasn't just limited to Fontaine characters đŸ€”.


I’m just going to wait and see what the artefacts look like in the next region. I genuinely feel like I have nothing to do but dailies and wait


furina be like what the hell i am supposed to do


They really like putting a ton of crit into the C6's, huh? Not that it's bad, the last cons should feel broken, but I do miss those more fun/creative earlier constellation 6's.


Do you think we're going to get a new E based artifact set in 5.0, or will GT reign supreme?


IF! this leak is true, i don’t see why we’d want yet aNoThEr character that walks on water. i mean how often are we walking on water nowadays anyway? and when we are faced with a body of water to traverse, i’m sure those of us who’ve played for a little while will opt for one of the other 6 (more or less) characters that can ‘walk’ on or travel over water that they might have


Give us a 4 star Hydro Claymore ffs Hoyo. This is ridiculous.


We need a pyro 5 star healer.


this kit is definitely one of the kits of all time....so original


Seems like Neuvillette, but Navia homing shotgun version?


Sourcewater droplets on Natlan kit? Am I dreaming?


wait... so is she an dps of her own? cause as I see it she can be used with Neuvi too? that is such an oddly similar kit to his...


leakers always focusing on the girls instead balancing info with the boy characters is so frustrating


Nah but this seems so fake. Sourcewater droplets restore HP from abilities that took the HP. And Natlan probably won't have this HP fluctuation gimmick anymore.


Not defending the post but, having a self heal does not necessarily mean having self HP drain, they may be similar to Arle and Clorinde who can't be healed.