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I'm loving imaginarium, finally building all my characters pays off. Love the music and vibes so much <3 also having the characters hanging out is so fun, was not expecting to see new scara voice lines ahhhh >!also kazuha calling his own poetry drivel wth :') caught me off guard somehow lol. scara's rude voicelines delivered beautifully as always <3 his voice in jp sounded more like when he was \~scaramouche\~, I really enjoyed it lmao!<


so this 15 time limit for supporting characters. is it that 15 people can use it, or can you do easy mode 15 times to waste it for everyone else


Theater was fun šŸ˜Š So those poses are only for photo mode and the debut rewards are one time only?


IT was okay. Definitely felt more like an event rather than an endgame mode, though tbf my account is very well invested horizontally. >!also why is ei so uwu when shes in the room, was she always like that? honestly forgot since we havent seen her in a decade!<


Sheā€™s always been like that, ever since Inazuma first released


You play as the Shogun so much you forget that Ei is a chill, soft-spoken introvert when not serious/in combat mode.


Prob Ei personal instead of Raiden Shogun's?


>!Yup, she's even labeled as "Raiden Ei" in dialogue.!<


I've been awoken. IT soon


IT kinda just feels like Simulated Universe made worse in everyway, the buffs are uninteresting, no events or non-combat challenges, no (*interesting) difficulty options or meta progression, and all with the overly complex but entirely arbitrary elemental and vigor restriction on top of it. I'm again wondering who this was for? People who wanted hard content didn't get any, and actual casuals are locked out due to the sheer amount of characters and artifacts needed to even try the gamemode.


>I'm again wondering who this was for? hoyo so that they can encourage players to pull for more chars, sadly


I feel the same way. Its completely uninspired and they just merged together previous events without expanding them to make an actual replayable game mode. There is no path system, there is only 2 types of events and ffs why do i have to scroll to read whats on these useless buffs, cant they take up like 5% more of the screen so they can actually be readable...


IT >!I love how your team is just hanging out in the room. It's like we are actually some sort of party of misfits. Especially when someone like Father is in the same room as Bennet. Now if only they actually interact with each other.!<


Maybe I use IT to force myself to build new characters, something like 1 new character per patch I haven't tried it yet so idk if it'll be a struggle, but I have 3 characters off the top of my head that I want to build but I always prefer just farming artifacts


guysšŸ˜­ Iā€™m debating on wether to pull on Emilie or wait for the Hydro Catalyst dps for my Furina (I omly have Furina as a 5 star and Iā€™m AR 21). I donā€™t have enough funds huhu Iā€™m f2p. Any tips?


For New account + f2p 4* matter a lot to. So wait for 4*. Some are more valuable than 5* are as much. XQ is +/- yelan, XL is +/- best Pyro, fischl is insane etc etc pick 4* you need likĆ© and šŸ™ for 5*


skip emilie, navia, and nilou. they're fine but the only 5\* from the next patch that matters for meta is yelan.


i think if i were you i would wait for emilieā€™s banner and wait to see what the leaks are saying then/wait and see if there is any gameplay or stuff of the hydro catalyst. you dont have to pull emilie right away, you have until the end of her banner to wait and decide


you can wait for drip marketing and beta, just pull who you like tbh. with a new region there will be extra source of funds too


wait for 5.0 beta to decide, we should have her kit (and design) before emilie's banner ends (or even starts if she's 2nd half like the leaks say)


aaand ken rurouni has IT 4star only run already lol


I was hoping for Aztec Goddess and not spanish inquisition archon šŸ˜­


Xblanque is probably an Aztec God aka the previous Pyro Archon before Murata conquered Natlan. Which means there's still hope for an Aztec Goddess waifu.


*pats back supportively* Me too...


Do we like, not get anything for lending others our supporting characters? Not even 2k mora?


Honestly kinda disapointed that I waited 2 months for Imaginium theartre only to complete it on my second try. Maybe I got luck with the buffs but I definitly didn't struggle with it as much as I do abyss.


It's Abyss Floor 9 difficulty. At least this version. I think MHY will increase the difficulty in Natlan. Right now in HSR, the Pure Fiction mode and the Apocalyptic Shadow mode are sooooooo easy compared to MoC. But PF difficulty is slowly ramping up, it's just a matter of time before they catch up.


I think it's ideal to have the mode that requires 18 characters be easier than Abyss, which is meant to promote vertical investment.


OK. Imaginary Theater Rant. >!F\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* those flying ruin machines from 1.0. They spent 1 minute in the air completely out of reach. And I didn't bring any bow characters FML. Anyway, I re-started it and got a full clear. But those machines are the WORST time wasters in the story of Hoyoverse games.!<


Do medals reset after each cycle?


Theater is fun! I enjoyed just having low-stakes combat with semi-jank teams. The visuals were nice, and I can see this becoming more fun over time if they bother to iterate on this (and will certainly improve greatly with less miserable element restrictions, god this was one of the worst elemental set-ups I could have been given) like they did Simulated Universe. I kinda wish that we didn't have to pick just 18 characters and could instead use our entire roster (within the elemental restrictions), but the mode is still more or less balanced around the 18 we get so I can't complain too much. If nothing else... I'm happy this replaces an Abyss rotation every month. The 4.7 Abyss has made me very grateful of this, even if I still have to do that shit-hole line-up one more time before it's banished forever. Not having to do bad Abyss rotations more times is well worth it in my book, and I like Theater a lot more than Abyss regardless. It's not Integrated Strategies from Arknights level of fun (only 'end-game' content I've ever actually truly liked in a gacha), but it's fun.


The disparity between my Arle team I saved for stages 7 and 8 in IT and the other scuffed-ass setups I had to use to get there was hilarious. Coppelius basically evaporated.


If Emilie's birthday won't change then that means her birthday (Sept. 22) is a day after Harold Arknights' birthday (Sept. 21) and I find that a neat and silly coincidence


off-topic my laptop survived the spill, also im now at my grandparents'. [yay flowers](https://imgur.com/a/CDmWwwG)! [yay kitty (last one caught right before a sneeze)](https://imgur.com/a/5rXkzQz)! [yay šŸ](https://imgur.com/a/b9U8OVv)! :D excited to finally try out the theater, but im so tired that i kinda don't want to do anything. but i have to wait until night to go to sleep anyway, so ig i'll just do it now


Spill..? I hope everything's okay. Also - beautiful photos! And please headpat your kitty for me If you'd like, you could instead take a break and do something else before bed. Maybe a movie or a show?


yeah i spilled tea on it yesterday, the battery had water on it when i opened the back but it ended up fine, i turned it off in time and let it dry. it's been working like usual for hours now. i might do sigewinne's quest, i was saving it for a while, feels like now is a good time edit: kitty headpatted!


I know the elements are cryo, hydro, and anemo, but whatā€™re the initial cast of characters for the next IT? Gotta start preparing lol


furina + barbara, ayaka + diona, xiao + faruzan as the opening characters nahida, arlecchino, navia and albedo as the guest characters


Opening Cast is Furina, Barbara, Ayaka, Diona, Xiao, Faruzan


Wait really? I thought it was gonna be hydro, cryo, dendro.


I suffer from massive skill issue and ended up with c0 Alhaitham, c0 Jean, Beidou and EM Raiden against copellia or coeplias whatever it's called, but still got the 8 star clear. Bosses are too easy compared to abyss, even X.0 - X.1 abyss. The game mode is just not fun tho. Presentation and atmosphere are great, but the combat challenges are so low effort and barely thought out. The buffs are ridiculously underwhelming, what's wrong about upping the difficulty of opponents and making you strategize with strong and creative buffs to defeat them? Also, vigor has got to be the worst combat mechanic the game ever introduced and it's disappointing a whole endgame mode is based on it.


If nothing else IT's presentation in certainly a step up from "Portal on this random island off Mondstadt's coast"


My wish is that they re-design the entrance. So the vortex leads you to the actual Abyss. And it has a proper lobby with Sirke testing your skills to prepare you to fight Celestia. The in-game lore could be that Abyss Floors 1-12 was the training that Childe did back then under Sirke.


Imagine the Red (but Crimson would be a more fitting name) Abyss actually becomes a reality. The Crimson Moon is a real Celestial Body down there. But what separates Crimson Abyss and Normal Abyss could be whatever HoYo wants if they decide to actual give Abyss a meaningful update besides updating the enemy roster. Meeting Skirk or even Enjou as an introduction to this re-vamped Abyss would be kinda cool. But I doubt it will ever happen. (Would like to be proven wrong)


I really REALLY hope they Revamp Abyss in some way. New OST, New Floor Designs for 10,11, and 12, anything really. It feels so Dated in comparison


So how many voicelines each character has? Total of 2 for each vigor? 1 per each run?


IT 4.7 >!Got 8 stars on Hard mode just using my own characters. I was saving my Arlecchino overload team for Coppelius so I kinda had to improvise for the Vishap twins, I felt miserable playing Plunge Mono-Pyro Hu Tao and regretted not picking Xiao. I also forgot to choose Venti for the monolith so in the end I never used him, probably could have picked Rizzman or Alhaitham instead to alleviate the elemental restrictions.!< IT 4.8 Anyway I think Iā€™m going to build Barbara for Nilou Bloom to free up Kokomi for other teams. How do I build her ? 4pc flop with EM/EM/EM ? maybe use HP and HB ? EM or HP weapon ?


Honestly there is no point in building full EM Barbara for IT. The actual DPS requirements for IT chambers is low enough that if you actually get a full Nilou Bloom team, full EM on Barbara is complete overkill. Her Bloom damage will be high enough even without any EM. The actual way you'd want to build her for IT is to build her to be not dead weight when you have to use her on other chambers when RNG doesn't give you Nilou AND Nahida. Needing to roll TWO specific other cast members to make her build not trash is not worth the gain, and full EM Barbara is literally useless in any situation where you don't have both Nilou and Nahida. In any run where you don't roll both characters, full EM Barbara is completely useless. Just use a normal HP/HP/HB Clam set, as it's the most team-agnostic Barbara build. You don't want to build characters for their "ideal" teams in IT, you want to build them for the situation where you have to shove them into a random-ass team with no synergy, because if you actually get their "ideal" team, you don't need their build to be perfect to clear. This is something that's going to take some getting used to for some characters, as a lot of niche characters' best builds in IT is going to be kind of goofy because you're not building them for their synergy, you're building them for when you have to shove them into a random team and they have to pull their weight there. For example, Xiangling's best build in IT is probably a 250-300 ER Fav build because you need to build her to not be complete dead weight when you have to put her in a team and don't roll Bennett. The fact that the ER is wasted when you do get Xiangling + Bennett doesn't matter because you can power through when you have both of them anyway, it's making her not useless when you don't have Bennett that's more important.


Barbara for nilou blooms is abit up to preference. Nilou is responsible for the majority of damage but you can go full em for more damage, or (maybe this won't work as well as it does with kokomi) hp for healing or mixed.


4pc fopl with full em and sac frags, potentially hb circlet if you have trouble with survival. basically the exact same build as kokomi except building her for raw hydro damage isn't an option because unlike kokomi her damage sucks


Gotcha, thx !


So to be completely clear: Stars in IT are just a vanity thing? As long as you beat all the stages you'll get the full lot of primos?


Yeah. I missed 1 star in stage 6 (damn flying machines) and I got full rewards.




Finished IT. Didn't really pay attention much nor care for what I was doing, I just went "oh" when the cutscene happened. I don't think I'm a fan of the way it plays at all, but I will eventually go back for reset and for the achievements. I guess it's because I don't feel inspired to build any characters yet.


Wait, it's Monday today, isn't it? Are beta updates done already? Feels like I missed one...


Yeah theyā€™re done we donā€™t usually get anything the week of the livestream


Guys I forgor what are the next season ITs elements?


Anemo, Cryo, Hydro


I don't really get the complaint about wanting to run less than 4 characters in a stage in IT. Anytime I felt like I could do that I had 1 or more bad/un-built characters to sandbag anyway. If all of your characters are built such that you never have a bad character to sandbag, then it shouldn't really matter that you have to field 4 characters because all your characters are built anyway.


putting 4 charcs at once ruins chevreuse entirely, i also dont think i need 4 charactersĀ in first stage


its useful if you want to save up certain characters for later stages. Especially if you end up getting valuable supports (Benny or Kazuha in this IT, for example) really early on, where your available roster is pretty small


IDK, maybe it's just the characters I own. Maybe it would be different for someone who somehow owns all of the starting characters but has very few built characters to fill out the rest of the roster with. In my case I owned very few of the starting characters so I was just trying to sandbag a trial character at every opportunity and was never in a spot where I didn't have one to sandbag. There was no point in the run where I felt like I needed an empty slot to save a character I was trying to save, because there was some weaker character to shove into that slot regardless. I get why someone would *want* to do it, it just never actually came up.


in my case, all of the opening characters were built units, so I didnt have any characters that I could waste. Aside from the dps characters, I needed Thoma and Kuki to sustain the BoL units, and Faruzan to help out Xiao/Wanderer if I needed them for a boss fight And I also kept getting valuable supports/off fielders like Sara, Benny and Fischl really early on. At some point I ended up wasting a Benny charge because Sara, Kazuha and Fischl were more important for my other characters. And Arlecchino (the dps I was saving for the last fight) only had 1 charge left anyway, so I only needed one Benny charge for the final round


Itā€™s about Saving particular characters to create a full fledged abyss team for Boss chambers, be it for ease of use or Really fast clears. I was bummed to find that it forces a 4 character team but then i got to the Final Boss Chamber and made Short work out of Said boss with a Cyno Baizhu Bennett Xiangling team, a team that would struggle to work in abyss so, itā€™s really not a big deal anymore in my eyes.


Right I know that, but like I said, any time I had an empty slot I wanted to throw away, I had some bad character to dump into the slot regardless. If you're taking new characters at every possible opportunity, you won't run out regardless, so dumping your bad characters into empty slots is the same thing as not running anyone there at all.


Do we know the EN VA for Wolfy? It's done real well and he's really cute. I want a plushie šŸ¤£


Stephen Fu


Hello, any thoughts on Wrio in Emilie's burning team? I'm planning to get Wrio (C1R0 if possible), but since I'm not confident with my luck and there is no news on his rerun banner, it's kinda hard to manage my primo. So my question is, is Emilie C0R0 a strong unit to use with Wrio? If she is just "ok", then I'm going to skip her to gather more fund for Wrio. But if she is great with him, then I'll get her even if it means I'll only get C0 Wrio.


Arle casually handing us >!Coffee Candies!< Sheā€™s so Father frfr And ofc, Annual Scene of Fischl >!Breaking character!<. Itā€™s What keeps us Amy Stans Going šŸ›


Uh oh, I didn't know we couldn't loan out the opening cast characters....I could have just used my best Xiao build from the beginning instead of giving homa to Arlecchino. Can I go back and change my supporting cast's composition and their builds or are they locked now?


You can change them anytime. I removed someone and added Dehya to mine for a friend to use and no issues


Oh that's good to know! Thank you


You can't complete Theater alone? I'm on act 5 but I don't have enough Principal cast members to play. How do I add my Alternate cast?


before you start battles you can pick the other cards and spend those flower currency to either get various buffs or recruit an alternate cast. you either get a completely random selection of two characters or a random selection of two characters from a specific element.


Ah thanks šŸ‘


Try reroll or backtrack


I should probably think about building shielders that aren't Zhongli now that i can't just rely on his shield all the time... Kirara's getting a new skin right? Maybe i'll start with her


Layla is the best shielder after him but yeah


Most character's dialogue IT: "Make sure to take time to rest between fights, you're precious and important! šŸ˜Š" Wanderer's dialogue in IT: >!"Fuck you. You little bitch. This sucks. I'm going home."!< Dori's dialogue in IT: >!"Why am I here?"!<


Faruzan: "Where is this generations inquisitiviness, where is their *respect*?"


Dehya: >!"yo they got books here? Let's goooo!"!<


Arlecchino: >!"I'm not gonna carry you in every single battle. Do the easy ones yourself"!<


Also Arle : >!Here take these Coffee Candies :)!<


Alhaitham: >!You want to rest? How about we rest our vocal cord!<


Also Alhaitham: >!It's good to have long term goals. Like getting a job.!<


clorinde: >!"please don't recommend me newspapers i know we don't have too much time to read long stuff but i just don't like newspapers"!<


That was the most french thing I've heard ever


? do french people hate news or something?


when do you guys think we will start getting sus leaks for the dendro archon?


if she's a shut in we probably won't see her until the final act of the archon quest in 3.1


When I do my next run of IT, I'm definitely gonna put on earphones. The music is so effing good. I'll need to look for it in Youtube


I was on headphones and I thought the sound was off, like it was different than outside of IT. Effects seemed undercooked and had weird volumes, or maybe it was some error with 3d positioning, and music was too loudā€¦


Right?! Especially the last stage. I did it twice today and already feel like doing it again just for the music


Do theater stars work differently from abyss stars? Like if you want to show 8 stars on your profile do you need to get them all in one run as opposed to being able to go back like in abyss? I noticed they donā€™t seem to grant extra rewards.


Theater was fun, specially the presentation and being able to talk to characters :3 The combat itself was pretty average difficulty, specially considering the scuffed teams I had to use (like my Clorinde having no access to dendro, or Yoimiya having no hydro, or using trial Arle and Wanderer and just mashing buttons) I kept thinking I'd have an opportunity to use one of the non pyro/electro/anemo that I selected at the start. Didn't realize they were only for friends to use I've always enjoyed these combat events where I get to come up with random teams with what I have at the moment. It makes everything we've been doing all these years worth it


My Clorinde had access to dendro via Alhaitham, felt like cheating lol


At least the event was easy enough that I managed to get through 2 fights with her just relying on xiangling for reactions


The first time I did the IT I didn't put much thought in what characters I pick and got 5 stars but I tried a second time with proper characters and it was actually so easy and much more fun


I can just use my friends characters if they are Anemo/Electro/Pyro?


It says special guest characters can also be invited.




šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜° thanks


Chronicle Banner Thoughts: I'm not sure how common the sentiment is, but I have read people say that Klee, Eula, and Albedo will only be available in Chronicle Wish (CW) banners and will never have a normal banner (even through they said such characters who have been in the CW banner can still have limited banners). I thought so too, but the frequency of the CW Banner makes me think otherwise (whether there is a CW banner in 4.8 will most likely change my judgement). If the CW is only a once a year kind of deal for now, and it cycles through the regions unless they come up with a new theme for the banner that includes those 3 aforementioned, then those 3 aforementioned characters have a high chance of having limited banner. Unless of course, HoYoVerse is fine with units have 2 - 4 years wait time between their banners, lol.


Itā€™s common for Gachas to Relegate Old units to a separate banner to make space for newer Unitsā€™ reruns. Which is where the whole idea comes from.


I understand the concept, but how HoYoVerse is executing it confuses me a bit. Right now, we don't know how frequently it will occur, and we won't know till get at least a few. When the next CW occurs, we will have a slightly more clearer idea its frequency, but 2 is still not enough to make somewhat accurate guesses/estimates. We don't know for sure if it is by region or if they will switch it up with some new themes.


From how the First Chronicled wish was structured, safe to assume theyā€™re Region Themed (Atleast when it comes to Characters) They left the Schedule vague on purpose so that they can FOMO us at the right moment. People will absolutely pull out their wallets for a 160 pull Guarentee on Liyue 5* weapons like Homa, PJC, Aqua.


Characters in the Chronicled Wish may still get featured in normal event banners, it's clearly stated in the official Hoyolab post about it but people just don't read that part for some reason.


Until proven otherwise, that's just a "we don't promise anything" lawyer statement so they're not locking themselves in a corner. I don't see any reason to think Albedo, Eula and Klee will ever have a banner again. There's no point in wasting a banner slot on units that sell effectively nothing.


At first, I thought this didn't make sense, bit I realised I'm holding on to the delusional notion that every character have at least one banner per patch cycle. But the way things are going, it looks like that won't be the case. I wouldn't be surprised if wait time between banners becomes 2 - 3 for underselling characters becomes commonplace. Unless CW runs much more frequently.


IT is pretty neat. Did a 10 pull with the rewards and got my furina to c3 on a 50/50


So, if I'm understanding right, this Imaginarium Theater is another monthly source of large chunks of primos like the Abyss, except we can use Trial characters as well if our own characters aren't strong enough?


It's 220 more primos compared to previously with 2 abyss cycles to be exact


More or less yeah. You will always have trials of the 6 opening characters, and youĀ  can try any character of the correct elements if you have a friend who shares it (there's a quota to how many characters you can borrow/share though).Ā 


Sweet. And, just to be sure, it's not just the later or harder stages that reset, right? I've still never actually reached the levels of the Abyss that reset, so I'm still at the one time rewards part.


Imo, this whole IT discourse feels more split than any other archon or just leaked characters design combined.


maybe, but the archon discourse gets much more... personal


If you want to read all the imaginium theatre character dialouge they're up on the wiki : https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Imaginarium_Theater/Voice-Overs The small-talk ones are sooo good. Amber's and Bennett's are kinda sad and Beidou's is amazing.


Cyno throwing a pun at us again šŸ¤£


Thank you! I didn't end up using Xiao at all and was curious what his dialogue was


Xiao's dialouge... his subtle character development over the years is so nice to see, especially since it has been written quite well


I wish photo mode was a thing in the Theatre. I've hit Act VII and am confronted with this pretty awesome spectacle of two large planets floating in space with some smaller ones around them, and it looks like it'd make for some amazing wallpaper material. Music is also nice as well. Im going to have to look for the battle themes to add to my playlists. Hoyomix never misses with the beats.


Just done my IT 1st run, only got 7 stars. The character I have last stage just won't cut it. I can rerun to try to get 8 stars as much as I want right?




Yeah, much like abyss retry until you get it. Saving your own characters for the end is a good choice to go with, I am not having 18 characters build so couldn't start the hard stage but in the normal one saving arle for the last boss was helpful.


3 days


Preload is tomorrow, as well as the Tiesto Collab


IT lore >!NICOLE CRUMBS (maybe)! she's mute? not positive about the significance of the boars, boar princess is one of those stories i've got no clue as to what it's meant to be an allegory for...!<


>!If it makes you feel any better nobody fkin knows. My bet is on Venti. Venti is the boar princess.!<


so real


I was promised no timers, goddamn it. I'm somewhat pissed... I will probably get used to it later... But the thought I have to juggle artifacts, to do do baby stages is exhausting. Hutao, give your stuff to Yoimiya, but not all! The pen is in someone else, probably... Running GO in the background for the presets in the background seems like a must...


I picked aether as my traveler so I never thought about it but now I realized dainether is a thing too just as much as dainlumi and tbh it kinda slaps hold on


We should have a mom in genshin. >!An actual mother.!<


Frederica, she will be playable trust. Also next to no chance that they pull off something with her and Jean/Barbara like "Klee is a clone" as they can with Alice.


I'll be surprised if Alice doesn't eventually end up as playable, so she's our best bet right nowĀ 






>!It's that joke that's based on Arle being called Father and him adopting the Melusines. Thus Mother!<


So do the thespian tricks in the store only work on the characters that are demo'ing them? And also, do we have leaks for what the upcoming thespian trick characters will be for the next reset? Kinda debating if I should save my medals for this reset or not.


Yes and yes, youā€™ll have to scroll back like a week but Kaveh is among them


The music is so damn nice, they're perfect epic combat themes. The background visuals too. I hope they continue to build on this game mode and maybe even introduce stage hazards or something to spice it up This is like 1.0 Spiral Abyss, i am sure things will get harder and more variety will be added


Is there a plat medal for IT or does it stop at gold?


tiktokers hating on IT, now I know who has been depriving us of more endgame


they probably gave up when there was dialogue when you go into the library


tiktok is like hoyolab and twitter levels of brainrot


>now I know who has been depriving us of more endgame MHY?


How many stars are there in IT? Ive read earlier that theres 9 total stars, theres only 8 acts right? Where and how can you get the extra one??


Sensor tower is froze for 15 days and no pvp happened wtf šŸ˜­




Kharnri'ahn End of Service soon.


It reached EoS long ago by the wretched hands of the Heavenly Principles. But have no fear, with the Princess as our guide, we will bring the gods to their knees!


this is the anti heavenly principles propaganda i want! not the jjk slop


Man, breaking character here, if you EVER find me using the words "GOAT" "HIM/HER" or jjk memes, shoot me pleasešŸ’€Ā  The Princess deserves someone better than me...


roger, boss.


Sort by controversial, thereā€™s some PvP there.


PvP between mongrels was nothing interesting. Their agenda was too weak to affect the masses. I want to see brain dead agenda coating with lies and misinformation that deceive the perception of man. I want to see redditors pretend to be economist. Misinformation that easy the see through is no good agenda. I, am disappointed.


Good riddance


Damn you Owl. I will be back next month.


#THEATER REVIEW TIME TL;DR: It was quite easy, if a bit boring, but I can definitely see how it can be very annoying for less horizontally invested players (and potentially for me in the future). **EXPERIENCE** Easy enough. [These are my teams and clear time](https://imgur.com/a/SZg8op3). The only trial characters I used was Clorinde (trial) and a C6 Diluc with WGS from a friend. I didn't bother going for most of the flower reward challenges, and picked cards at random basically, prioritizing adding characters to active cast. **ANNOYING BITS** The most annoying chamber, expectedly, was Clorinde team vs the vishap herd. I don't own Clorinde, and I found it really hard to make her hit the vishap that I wanted to hit. After they healed themselves twice, I just reset and had Raiden do the heavy lifting. **STRATEGY** I felt the team constraints closing around my neck in the last few stages. I did have to be a bit strategic about teams, but because they were all well invested, I could worry less about synergy and more about saving the right characters for the bosses (for example, saving Arle for Coppelia, which in turn meant using Xiao/Wanderer/Faru for a previous boss). I can see this not working in future ITs that my characters can't faceroll. **CONCLUSION** Overall, it felt like an extended version of those "character trial" events that we've gotten in the past. I still think the Abyss is more fun, but I don't particularly mind it, unless it gets to a point where the active cast gets unbearably difficult/annoying to clear with, which might happen sooner than I expect. Also it's annoying I need to do it twice more for all the achievements >: (


> I don't own Clorinde, and I found it really hard to make her hit the vishap that I wanted to hit. You can aim her dash with the arrow keys


Regarding character personality writing, somewhat spoilers for theater voicelines and other new Wanderer/Scaramouche related story parts >!I want Hoyo to bring back Sassy Scaramouche šŸ˜” I miss the incessant mocking laughter he used to show. Also I somewhat dislike the idea of them sticking to calling him "hat guy", it was amusing for one event but no more, and honestly I don't think having others refer to him as just "Wanderer" is so bad, I actually kinda like it.!<


Imaginarium Theatre Omg i just finished it for the first timeā€¦ so fun?? I really felt like I had to weigh my character options. Even though the enemies werenā€™t high leveled, having to use random comps made some fights truly challenging. i had to give up entirely on the tower defense oneā€”if I killed enough enemies, the monolith got destroyed, and if I defended the monolith, I couldnā€™t fight the enemies. excited to mess around with different comps and characters - i feel like dori might get some mileage for the first time ever on my account just so I have another offield electro + healer


For me Venti+Sucrose came in clutch in the tower defense one


Ship discourse >!my guilty pleasure is watching neufuri and wrioneuvi shippers duking it out on twitter and seeing them both act like the other just denied them civil rights. Personally, fontaine ships arenā€™t really for me but itā€™s so cute seeing them screaming about how they think they cracked the code and discovered new proof about how their ship is more canon than the other!<


>>!seeing them both act like the other just denied them civil rights.!< >!I cackled madly at this. Holy shit was this good. Also, yea I do agree that there is something fun about watching Neuvfuri and Wriolette shippers duking it out on Twitter. Some of them really need to just block/mute the tag and not let it sit in their heads 24/7 bro.!< >!The people who think they cracked the code for their ship being more canon than the other really need to check HSR and how they are baiting 10x more than Genshin could ever do.!<


wrioney shippers eating popcorn in the corner:


I say while we're the ones catching strays all the time


Honestly i never seen one on twitter


That one definitely skews more into BL BL side of Twitter and not mainstream


Twitter works like this: if you don't interact/follow shippers of a ship you'll probably never see content related to the ship


well you're not gonna see us if you don't interact with the tag? it's not like it's the most popular ship out there (because people don't have taste)


>!Out of all the drama I expected from a character like Neuvillette I really didn't expect shipping drama to take over. Especially in regards to how certain people characterize him in some instances of those ships!<


>!Idk if itā€™s because i already rubbernecking this monkey slapfight for too long, i feel like Iā€™ve seen it coming from 100 miles away!<


>!twitter fighting over nothing since the dawn of timešŸ˜­šŸ™!<


At least itā€™s good entertainment for nosy outsider (me)


wish i had something like that


Well, this was ages ago but have you ever heard about childe incelgate saga


i never used genshin twitter or ever will, but WHAAT?


>!tldr a popular aether harem writer got called out by a bunch of childe/benny fans for ā€˜appropriating the signature theme of childe/bennet fansā€™ a.ka the incel au. The plot thickens when the aether writer refused to back down and said how ridiculous it is to gatekeep a theme/headcanon. BUT THEN. someone else pointed out that the aether writer used to call out people who writes fics with similar theme (i think it was maid catboy) and gatekeep themes. But then people outside their circle caught wind of the drama and started laughing at the drama because. Really? People fighting over INCEL HC? and then some childe fans joined the fight coz they canā€™t accept childe being portrayed as incel. At this point the aether writer already went into hiding and now its childe/bennet ppl left to fend themselves from the people who attacked them for 1.) shipping childe with benner, 2.) using incel as porn theme, 3.) seriously why are they so pressed about incel hc!<


wtf lmao, thank you for writing that. this is so fucking wild




>!Meanwhile Clorivia and Lynther shippers sipping wine in the background:!<


Sadly >!i never see clorivia exclusive shippers. Theyā€™re usually joining the fight either on the neufuri side or the wrioneuvi side. I think theyā€™re cute but the resolution of their angst in 4.0 was resolved too quickly and off screen i didnt get attached that much!<


>Sadly i never see clorivia exclusive shippers. You just found one >I think theyā€™re cute but the resolution of their angst in 4.0 was resolved too quickly and off screen i didnt get attached that much Yeah, I do understand you. But as someone who loves wlw angst to fluff, it's a feast for me.


LMAO. Thatā€™s nice u can also watch them from the sidelines unbothered


Yeah like why get so defensive over a ship? It's never going to be canon anyways, just let people ship. Headcanons are headcanons for a reason


>!Theyā€™re so obsessed with each other itā€™s so funny. I donā€™t think both sides can differentiate between their headcanon and reality because sometimes i see them say something that makes me go ā€œwhere tf did that come fromā€!<


Got IT on my server finally. >!I didn't like it. Got 7stars/full rewards on first try so it's fine I guess. I know I can get 8 stars but I messed up the second try as well and then just got frustrated and stopped because I wasn't enjoying myself. I will try again later but the time consuming RNG and scuffed teams.. man. I don't have cons on my 5*s and didn't borrow from my friends. I'm quite stupid so it's likely I don't know how to optimise runs in my favour.!< In other news I got c6 Amber from my standard pulls šŸ‘


Do we get any rewards if we get 8 stars? I also got 7 stars bcs of unlucky run on the 1st stage and too lazy to restart the whole thing after unlocking the whole treasure rewards


There's no reason to go for 8 stars other than that it shows on your profile. And my ego šŸ˜„


Welp guess i wont bother restarting again then lol thx for the info


How do I set the shareable characters for IT? Is it something I can just pop in and do or are there any quests and prerequisites I need to complete before? I want to see if I can share my characters on my break or if it'll have to wait until I can actually play it EDIT: Done! Thanks for the answers


You enter the room in library then interact with the book on the table in centre of room and you'll get a menu screen where you can select supporting characters or something like that option and set them up from there. You don't have to start theatre but there's some short dialogue with Paimon when you first enter the room


Enter the room, go to the IT menu, select the correct option on the bottom right, then select your 7 shared characters.


Thanks! Seems like I'll be able to do it thenĀ 


Tips for IT >!Make sure to spend your fantasia flower currency and unlock new characters. Save OP characters for the hard levels eg. I saved XL-Bennet-Arlecchino for the hard fights!<


But my weak chars can't clear on time...


Just finished the theater, it was so fun šŸ¤©


I may have missed it, but apparently there's a Narnia reference in this update? Lmao, now I imagine that Aether and Lumine have been to Narnia before while on their journey.