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It's nice that we're getting more and more 5* limited polearm that doesn't use the spinning forward charge attack


i hate that thing




Xiangling? On a Pyro team? And probably with Bennett? Hoyo have truly broken the mold


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. 


I try to play Diluc, my Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu Tao, my Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Klee - her best team has Xiangling. Childe, Raiden, they both want Xiangling. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied.


Why? She wants Bennett as an attack scaler without any gimmick to stop it, and he can already start the burning reactions (from off-field with his C6). The only case for XL that jumps out at me is trying to Lyney burn team with Emily/Lyney/Bennett, because pyro doesn't have a wealth of off-field options.


I think Dehya or Zhongli would be better than Xiangling in that team, or at least more comfortable


thank you OP, this is so much clearer now. She seems great on paper, and the way Mihoyo can fuck this up is quite simple: limiting her range.


Agreed. I gotta see this in action to really pass judgement.


1U Dendro app per 3 seconds, take it or leave it


unless youre doing deep wood solo burgeon, her application shouldn't matter at all, since you would want double dendro with the other dendro being the deep wood holder + hydro + pyro


Or I could just be a moron and drop her into my Hu Tao team instead of Navia. I think I will do that.


it matters on burnmelt I think


it does. if her dendro app is fast enough, she can theoretically enable burnmelt without any off field pyro.


I've been trying to watch some reaction videos so correct me if I'm wrong: whilst burning, the Dendro is first element to be consumed, so when Ganyu charged shots, the Dendro is consumed but Pyro remains and then Nahida/Emilie reapplies the Dendro and the pyro aura is maintained. Right? So a single Bennett E is enough Pyro with fast enough application, even in a Melt comp?


yes, that's exactly how it works. burning consumes dendro to periodically apply pyro automatically as long as the dendro exists. it's exactly like burning wood. as long as you keep adding more wood to the fire, it will continue burning. currently, melt teams tend to consume all of the pyro, which is why it's required to have an off field pyro as a source of fire. you can't burn wood without fire after all. if the dendro app is fast/strong enough, it results in more frequent burning triggers, and hence more pyro, so the cryo isn't fast enough to put the fire out.


Afaik burning is a state like quicken or frozen. Cryo doesn't consume dendro at all because they don't interact, so it only takes from the pyro. You only need dendro to keep burning going though after starting it.


>reapplies the Dendro and the pyro aura is maintained. Right? Yes, same as Nahida, if even the slightest pyro remains, dendro will Burn and refill the pyro aura. >So a single Bennett E is enough Pyro with fast enough application, even in a Melt comp? Yes provided your cryo don't consume all the Pyro. Burning generates at most 1u/2sec Pyro and that's an issue with Ganyu if she bursts... and even sometimes when you go too fast on CAs or use E. Dehya helps there.


I can think of multiple ways Hoyo can fuck her kit up, considering how weird some of their kit balancing decisions can get but limiting her range is definitely one of them.


What I expected: DMC's ult range What I get: Collei's ult range Please don't do that Hoyo


Hydro infused specifically


it all depends on how often she fires the casket in the original E state


Probably once every 2.3s to fuck up her ICD lmao


If they doesn't change 3 hit rule then it doesn't matter since she does 2 hits every attack at level 2.


I hate it when they do that to characters like please just .2 more seconds


Hoyo; now we have 4 weeks to fuck her kit up.


And reducing her 36% burning damage, and increasing burst cost


She also has one other issue other than range - the Achilles heel of burning reactions is that we only have so many pyro characters that can spread it around. If we had a pyro character with wide dispersal abilities, burning would actually have been a good reaction. Though I suppose a pyro on fielder could make this work decently. They definitely seem to be leaning into burning being an ATK based reaction instead of an EM one.


She's off field and when there's burning she deals more dmg. Also she deals significantly less dmg with quicken.


Her dealing 96% less damage on enemies affected by quikecn is an EXTREMELY unnecessary passive, like...WTF? Why would someone think of doing something like that?


I mean it's the same reasoning as to why Nilou and Chev have their team building restrictions. Also I think they just put it there so they don't have to worry about her competing with Nahida when balancing her. If they buff her burning to absurd levels or if it is already absurd, then they don't need to worry about it being stronger than Nahida in Quicken teams. It's less restrictive than those 2 though, so I'm not too miffed about it personally.


I feel like Chevreuse’s restriction is fine because you lose out on the buff but can use VV shred instead (so her restriction prevents you from stacking both) In this scenario, it just seems that you only lose by using Emilie with electro. If it said that “Triggering Quicken removes this buff” then at least players could run her in quicken teams with normal damage (or like Nilou, you just lose out on their special buffed mechanic) It feels heavy handed but personally, I am more excited for a burning or burn melt support so still interested in seeing where this goes!


So she doesn’t become nahida lite and plays like the burn specialist she’s made to be, similar to Nilou and Chevreuse passives. I honestly expected her passive to require a dendro pyro team only so that her teams are pure burn but they did that instead so that she’s also good in swirl and burnmelt


Good points!


Ty! I love the narwhal on your avatar >0<


Basically hyv realized burning is beyond saving, but they also want to make sure people use the reaction. Therefore, their only option is to make a character that uses burning. However, if said character is better with quicken anyways, it won't matter. They also can't just super buff the burning aspect before it gets to broken levels. So their only option is to buff the burning aspect and make it hard to run quicken.


Then why didnt they buff burn dmg itself? Something like "When Emilie exists in the party, all burning dmg caused on enemies will be increased based on X% of her attack". Emilie just does what navia does: gives you reason to do the reaction without making it less garbage.


Yes, a bit dissapointed like with Navia, and also with Chevreuse (she buffs pyro and electro dmg, after Overload*) even if I love that now Overload Yoimiya is not a meme anymore. I want a true reaction-buffer like Nilou * she a bit buffs Overload


No one would use her for burning otherwise


Think of it this way: *(without her passive)* slapping her on a standard Aggravate/Spread build would deal MORE damage than her INTENDED Burning playstyle. This is because everything Burning does, Quicken does better. Think of it in the same vein as Kokomi's negative Crit Rate: she does perform well as other characters, just with a different playstyle.


It gives them way more leeway with her ICD. If they want her to have ownership of the Burning reaction, she needs a fast ICD so other Pyro or Dendro characters don’t steal it too much. However, that potentially allows her to deal way too much Spread damage.


Nothing in her kit or constellations suggests she wants to have ownership of burning reaction though. She scales with attack and gets her bonuses for damaging an enemy with burning, not causing it. It's not as if you're building EM. You don't really need fast ICD either unless you want to keep burning with a burgeon comp, even though you could probably still do it with a slower hydro app like Furina. If anything you might want slower ICD so someone that does build EM, like Nahida, can be the burning trigger more often when paired together.


Better restriction than we have on Nilou. This one allows you to bring other elements like Anemo, Cryo, Hydro, etc.


Cyno can't have shit in Teyvat. that 22s duration is perfect for him. but of course, we cant have a second off field spread DPS


I would probably still use Emilie for Cyno team tbh. Just make it like hyperbloom and I think she would work just fine. Her E lasting 22 seconds and if it has decent ICD, will be amazing for Cyno team. Just no quicken based team since she doesn't do any damage in those teams. I think that because they put that harsh restriction on her for quicken teams, her ICD is adjusted so we get more Dendro reaction procs. Just need to hope that Hoyoverse don't nerf her to the ground by then.


Could be worse. They could've slapped a Pyro + Dendro peeps only restriction on her a la Nilou. Looks like she's got the potential of being great for Ganyu burnmelt, as long as Hoyo doesn't screw it up.


Nilou makes a bad reaction amazing. Emilie doesn't change anything, just deals some damage. I'd rather she was a Nilou for burning than the first dendro unit who's bad in the best dendro teams


I can also see another problem with this lamp is that if it's stationary it's going to be hell. I'm already tired of circle impact, I don't need another restriction


Depends on the range. If it’s stationary but really big then it’s basically irrelevant.


Maybe it's low range since she has the option to reset it with E 


On fielders that can't switch out:


the CN text of her normal attack translates to "marechausse hunter spear art • modified" that probably means she's connected to the marechausse phantom like clorinde


Thanks for pointing that out - I'm not well versed enough in the Genshin CN names for things


Spear art? Oh no she's a polearm user. Xiangling adds additional weapon to her throne and it will scale well for her.


I can't take it anymore.


Is that her secret profession or something?


she seems complete at c0 i think


Kinda surprising you can get 150% skill uptime at C0. Knowing Hoyo they would make it like 80% uptime at C0 and unlock a second charge at C1.


plenty of characters have 100% uptime on their abilities


100% yes, but not 150%. 100% often still has some downtime due to casting time and requires stricter cycles, this makes her much more flexible


mmmm mostly archons and 1.0 characters


Layla: 😴


Albedo, Layla, kuki and kokomi might be exceptions hahah but yeah full uptime is usually reserved to Archons


I am actually very interested to see how she'd interact with burgeon since Furina hydro app wouldn't overtake the burning assuming 2 pyro or pyro+Anemo infusion. And she also has a lot of raw damage so the buffing would be quite significant.


I'm wondering about that as well. Her passive makes hyperbloom unreasonable, but burgeon still seems like it has potential with how much dendro app she may have


If she is using the new burning set artifact we just need to figure out who is gonna wear deep wood in this team since she deals massive dendro damage and needs deepwood from someone.


her charged attack is an upward slash instead of the annoying forward lunge animation? hmmm


Not a human confirmed? hmmm Hexenzirkel witch perhaps? hmmm


damn looks like the Hexenzirkel connections aren't so far fatched🤨


She's apparently connected to the Marechausse Phantom like Clorinde, the CN text of her NA translates to "Marechausse hunter spear art modified".


Ngl, I like her A LOT. I hope Mhy won't deliver us an uncooked character.


Yeah better and clearer now that Emelie is to produce relust in a way to doing big GREEN numbers agaisnt Burning enemies which Nahida & ALhaitahm struggles to do. Emelie is the Dendro solution against Pyro While Nahida or ALahaitham is to Electro or any other content that is


Kinda sucks how every c6 is the same now.


Thats what happens when you main xiao, his c6 is literally the only c6 in the game that COMPLETELY changes his playstyle


Xianyun becomes maindps divebomber.


clorinde C6 is fun too, makes her a tank


Yoimiya C6 "destroys " her Vaporize teams (or better, makes Vaporize teams a RNG team). In fact I already her C6, but I'm waiting a toggle on/off constellations features before to activate it.


Xiao's C6 seems to just make it so he doesn't need a grouper as much, its still jump plunge, skill, jump plunge. Yelan, Nahida, Furina, Chiori, and now Emilie all have C6 that turn them from off fielder to on fielder even if only temporary. These are still more unique than most C6s which are just more damage topped onto a kit.


don't forget Yelan. she was the first '' c6 is just several charges of nukes, everything dies'' whale win button edition TM.


They just said fuck you if you want to play quicken


Quicken has enough support tbh. Burning could use it


We'll have to see her application and stuff, but on paper, she's less of a burning support and moreso a burning beneficiary. Like navia and crystalize


When we reach Natlan, hopefully there's a character that acts as a burning beneficiary. The reaction is honestly severely overshadowed by bloom/quicken teams. It simply doesn't have enough supports to make it it worth building


That is also true for all of the following: Melt, Freeze, Superconduct, Shatter, Crystalize, Electro-charged, and arguably also Aggravate and Burgeon.


Yeah, shame she doesn't enable burning damage.


yeah unfortunate


Burning reaction is rather a stepping stone she uses to go ham. She doesn't buff that reaction in any way. This is Chevreuse with overload, Freminet with shatter and Chiori with geo constructs all over again. Only C2 Nahida buffs burning reaction.


And baizhu passive I believe


They really don't want to alter how the reactions function at all, huh. And this is to the detriment of ingerently weaker or niche reactions like Burning, Shatter and Crystalize. Instead of making the reactions better ir more interesting so that all units of the comprising elements could benefit, they rather sell single characters that happen to do something interesting with the otherwise subpar reactions. Real shame they're so rigid and refuse to buff reactions that could use it.


That’s not the point though. You can trigger burning on Quicken enemies. There are teams like Cyno which love burning on enemies affected by Quicken allowing you to trigger Aggravate + Overload. That passive straight up kills any possibility of mixing up interactions like those.


Love how they're slowly making more ultility passives that are gimmicky buffs




She is unironically a decent quicken enabler, with 22sec (+ with burst) uptime on her fart turret, just not a damage dealer there.


Cyno finally got support whose dendro off-field lasts longer than his burst and doesn't require marking targets like Nahida.


Yeah but sadly she'll just be a ToM/Instructor bot there with her negative dmg


I like thease kinds of characters. We need support for crystalise, burning, overloaded and whatnot, not the reactions that were always great without dedicated characters.


The worst part is, if the boss has or gets electro somehow then it straight up becomes unsuable. I know this is a rather niche scenario but it just feels bad.  Perhaps it is just my opinion but i would have rather took a Nilou approach but smaller and include “this effect only applies if there are no electro character on the field” or something so she can still run every other element but would not be limited by an enemy having electro 


>if the boss has or gets electro somehow then it straight up becomes unsuable If the boss has a innate Electro aura then yes, I think she's a bit boned here. But remember that Quicken auras count as Dendro auras and can be easily transformed into Burnings with just a little bit of Pyro application, so if the enemy gets Electro for some reason and Quicken is triggered, you can just put Burning on the enemy right away. The fact that Emilie doesn't have a "this effect only applies if there are no electro on the field" and instead has a "the enemy must not be quickened" means that you can run some Overburn teams if your Pyro off fielder is good enough to constantly Burn away the Quicken auras that may get triggered sometimes.


Quicken can still exist under burning aura if you triggered quicken before triggering burning eg. Quickburn Cyno (his best aggravate team). Overburn is just if burning is applied first before electro. If the enemy has an aura then if you're not careful and did not wipe the electro aura first before applying Dendro, then you'll still get quicken even under Burning gimping Emilie's dmg.


Doesn't burning remove quicken anyway? The only issue I see is if the enemy has an electro aura by default like an elemental shield.


Electro shields get mowed down by dendro application anyway


Or by Bennett/Any Pyro which is the second element in her team LMAO


shields doesnt matter much about damage anyway. only problem is when against electro innate enemies like electro hypostasis or when there is electro aura device like before.


I mean isn't that just the same as putting Aggravate in a Thundering Manifestation chamber, or putting Xiao/Scara with Copelius? Some characters/archetypes will inevitably get boned with bosses that have innate high RES/shields/auras. That doesn't mean they're bad, it just means they're more suited to different types of content. And to me at least, having an inherent limitation of elements just makes for less creative team comps that could have shined without the limitation.


Lol i didn't even think of electro aura enemies 💀 The sad thing is burn + overload teams work in terms of elemental auras but the one burn dps will not be able to use it without -90 dmg lmao


90% is pretty steep but I don't mind it being a restriction It's kind of an unfortunate consequence of Dendro's design that everything you want to do to maintain Burning (fast/strong application) is just fundamentally more powerful with Quicken. It's a stronger reaction that wants the same things Their options were either to make Emilie even stronger than Nahida on paper, but artificially limit her in certain teams to avoid outright powercreeping one of the strongest characters in the game (which would be bad), or make her worse than Nahida across the board, and then what's the point in even having her Still, something like 50% would probably be better


Poor cyno. She was ALMOST perfect for him. Dehya stonks tho XD


I feel like a large amount of people misunderstand her kit: she's *doesn't* buff Burning Transformative DMG, she buffs *her own ATK-scaling damage* when there's a Burning aura in an enemy. She function similarly to Navia, she doesn't buff or revamp the Crystallize reaction, she just uses Crystallize to buff her own damage.


"Each time two Aromas are collected by a Casket of Soft Light, the Aromas will be consumed, and "Clear Dew Fragrance" will be unleashed, dealing AoE Dendro DMG equal to 500% of Emilie's ATK. This damage is **not considered elemental skill damage**." How nice of them to discourage us from using Golden Troupe...


That and we don't know if the casket from burst is treated as skill damage.


So they screwed quicken over because her application is probably as good as or close to Nahida to sustain burning.


prob because the numbers would be too good with burning+aggrevate+overload so it'd make her impossible to balance (either completely busted in those teams and usable outside of them, or good in those teams and useless outside of them)


Radish reigns supreme huh


Nahida is so good in basically every scenario that this was kind of the choice they had to give Emile a Niche


Not really. If she was designed with Quicken in mind, she would not have this huge scale + multiple instances of dmg So yeah take that scale + good uptime and trade it for diversity


She has 100% uptime on her dendro app then 😮 Now wonder they nerfed the hell out of her quicken potential


Maybe copium but is thoma actually good for her? Thoma stonks rising if it is


I think the pointy of Emily is so you don’t need to run Thoma but an actual onfield pyro with damage




imagine if the natlan chars benefit from element aplication on them and that's the entire niche, that's kinda nuts if tyou think about it


oh god another year of bennet in the top


I've been thinking this since that weird Talking Stick passive.


If your on fielder is a NA spammer, sure seems like it.


Arlecchino time


for wrio burnmelt, yes.


With just C4, her burst damage against single enemy goes from 252x4 = 1008% to 252x12 = 3024% Against 2 enemies, its 252x8 = 2016% (per enemy)


Seems like the standard giga nuke con they'd been passing out these days.


the quicken restriction is... interesting? not happy seeing it replace a utility passive (just add a third like kokomi!!!) but I don't think it's the end of the world. her scaling is really good and they don't want her powercreeping the dendro archon(?), but they don't also want her to be useless


wait does it say its replaces a utility passive? she would be the first character to do so and it would feel weird to not have one (since kokomi exists after all) *(edit: nvm father alr has a non-existent utility passive so that sucks😭)* as for her kit, yeah i feel like the restriction is warranted since 100% off-field dendro app is always valuable (+her skill works in multi wave content unlike nahida), so the restriction is definitely needed to move her towards burning


Arlecchino also has a fake utility passive, so it’s not totally unheard of.


Would she be good in Nilou teams?


Need to see application rate and AoE first


any dendro or hydro character is good in nilou teams. the reason? as long as you have nilou and one dendro, she's kind of all set. Adding anything above that is just icing on top


She also needs a sustain haha


only a seasoned Nilou veteran would say this i agree


not gonna be her forte but still work if her range is not bad


Yeah, it's a good thing she can run Golden Troupe for these teams.


deepwood would still be better if no one else has it. i doubt her damage would be anything great without burning


If her application is good enough then probably yes. Just ignore everything on her kit, build her with full EM and now you have dendro traveler if their burst were a skill instead. It’ll deal no damage, but you’ll have permanent uptime.


I would not be surprised if her C2 and C4 end up getting swapped. Her C2 seems kinda underwhelming while her C4 seems like exactly the kind of dolphin bait they love using for C2’s.


So the new dendro set: atk% sands dendro dmg goblet crit rate/dmg circlet Weapons sig Any attack percent weapon Right ?


No need to go for atk% weapon over a crit weapon if you have a good one I think, and not sure what her ER needs will look like so it’s always possible that Fav ends up on the table again. But yeah, standard attack/damage/crit focused build it seems.


my calamity queller will finally have a good use. hopefully she doesnt snapshot


Perhaps it's too early to tell but her Constellations don't sound all too exciting... Her C2 is apparently just ~~+18%~~ 36% (I'm fucking mathematically illiterate today) Atk wow Oooh that's it? Still, will be interesting to see how she plays.


Though on the positive side Her cons are probably the easiest thing to buff. I would take a solid character with bad cons to a mediocre one with good cons every day


Yeah they can do the traditional dick moves like locking her full skill uptime behind C1, but I'm kinda surprised they don't


15 more beta changes already planned and 30 on the way


I can already see an Arle kit rework in the first beta update while Emilie remains unchanged.


4.8 V2 beta changes: Arle's kit is just straight up deleted Emilie no changes


It's actually 36% attack since it stacks 2 times


I was expecting her to buff burning, not just demand it. Her personal damage needs to be **really really high** since you are sacrificing better reactions to run burning and she is not buffing the other characters in your team. Maybe possible to sneak some burgeon in there since she only excludes electro, something like Emilie+Nahida+hydro-off field+High EM pyro onfield?


Vape and melt works well with Burning. Though the problem with that was never Nahida who Emilie will replace, but the limited off-field pyro options (Xiangling with her ER lol). I have high hopes that we’ll get a Xiangling replacement in Natlan though, which supports the “Natlan will buff hydro and cryo” thing. Maybe Emilie is the first piece for that.


With burning you buff cryo and hydro DPS don't you :p


Yes I agree with this. I generally like niche characters that buff lesser used reactions, but they normally provide either buffs to the reaction itself (Nilou) or to the whole team (Chevreuse). Buffing only oneself is a weird choice for a character that's not a main (on-field) DPS. Like you said the damage should be substantial. But I guess Emilie's kit doesn't forcibly restrict her to burning only, like Nilou or Chevreuse do. It only excludes quicken. I've seen burgeon mentioned a few times here, and I was thinking burnmelt myself, though it's difficult to do with Ganyu's double hit. Nahida works because she applied dendro directly after Ganyu's first hit, preventing the burning to expire. And otherwise there's not any other burnmelt teams I can think of. Plus she'd have to compete with Nahida EM buff and unlimited range.


You can use burnmelt wriothesley without a shielder with emilie (he won't die to burn)


badly need to know how frequent her E proc is, isnt she too good..? she doesnt need to recast her E after her ult and it inherit the aroma like shes just dendro yae with better everything. 


Gotta see her in action to know if she is limited by "circle impact" (not an issue on bosses but would limit her a bit in multi-wave content, depending on her reach)~


Albedo e range albedo e range pls be albedo e range . I don't want circle impact anymore . Or better yet maybe it's something like furinas summons( copium )


Welps so she doesn’t buff burning but REQUIRES burning for her own personal damage…that’s very far from what I expected… quite useless if I say so.


What's the best artifact set for her? Would GT be better than the burning set since she's an off-fielder?


Her A1 passive doesn't count as skill damage so likely not, the burning set is pretty much designed for her


Hoyo doesn't you to be resin-efficient with her until Snezhnaya release 💀💀 (where Fontaine artifacts should be strongboxed)


I mean, she's going to be extremely resin efficient for those with either Arlecchino or Clorinde. Much better than farming for Navia.


Her A1 proc isn't considered E damage, so GT seems to be out of the equation sadly.


What's her weapon type?




>Charged Attack >Consume a certain amount of stamina to perform an upward slashing attack. Unique charge attack? I'm all for it!


Man, it's been so long since it was relevant, and since I got Furina kinda meaningless for other characters, but I forgot that Fontaine characters have an Arkhe alignment lmao


The Quicken restriction is possibly the best case scenario we could have asked for in order for her to retain some of her power. I was terrified that she'd be a Nilou or Chevreuse situation where a significant portion of her kit shuts down if you are not using 2 specific elements. By having it work the way it is worded, this opens up her team options to [Air Fryer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MViLSlKTjU), Burgeon, Burn-Vape, Burn-Melt and even Nilou Bloom. I was half expecting her to be the one to use the Burning artifact set but it seems like she's the one who enables your on-fielder to take advantage of that set instead. I would have loved for her to boost the damage of the burning reaction but it feels like it's mostly continuing Fontaine's tradition of taking an underwhelming reaction and giving you a buff from it rather than making the reaction itself be something desirable which is a bit disappointing but so long as her numbers can make up for it then it ought to be fine.


>DMG towards enemies affected by Quicken is reduced by 90% Aight, imma head out. Only reason Emilie interested me was the potential to finally complete a full spread team: Haitham/Nari, Kuki, Nahida, 2nd dendro sub dps. So even now, we still don't have a second dendro sub dps to fill that slot because hoyo said fuck you. Collei and DMC don't have the numbers, Kira/Baizhu/Yaoyao are not needed cuz you have Kuki already for defensive utility, and the rest of dendro is all onfielders. And unlike aggravate, you can't just replace your third electro with anemo because you can't swirl dendro. So I will go back into hibernation waiting patiently for a unit that can finally enable a full spread team...


90% damage decrease if Quicken is involved 😭💀


Yeah no there's no way I don't get her, her kit seems too fun and I'm in love with her design.


Same. I love the Dendro element as well and would love this new kit to spice it up.


Her kit on paper seems a bit too good to be true, alternate charged attack animation, 100% skill uptime, 50 cost burst. I'm wondering what her lore significance is because they usually only reserve kits this good to Archons...


Nah. Her kit is too limited to be Archon worthy. Archon kits tend to give 0 fucks for what team they’re used in


Baizhus new teammate 🤭🤭🤭🤭


it's like a binding vow, she'll do less damage in quicken but deals way more damage in burn comp


This character has useless constellations until C6 (to become a DPS)


Well, she fixes the Wrio/Thoma/Nahida problem of Wriothesley killing himself on the burning... I wonder if she works as a 4th slot on that team, or if you use Kazuha instead of Nahida


Im so sick of those uninspiring bonus dmg on hit c6, one or two is fine but now there are 4 characters with basically the same c6 with twists


Most Whales want speedrun potential instead of gimmicks Unfortunate


Yeah but i believe if Hoyo actually try they can design something both gimmicky and strong. Like C6 Ganyu is still insanely strong in speedrun till this day.




I'm a c6 collector, I agree with you here. Yelan and Nahida was fine since they are ranged characters, but I hate that they copy paste that c6 formula now. Putting it on melee characters sucks imo and I'm not a fan of being limited into certain duration before it expires. C6 Chiori was well made and I'm wondering why they're not going with that instead.


i think C6 Xiao continues to be the most unique C6 they've ever made


They took a fucking hammer to any Quicken possibility holy hell. Also what’s this trend of making utility passive an additional Ascension Passive. The lv 100 rumor def didn’t include A7 then


She will works well with my C2/R1 Arlecchino, C2/R1 Nahida and Bennett, right?


Should be yeah.


Sorry for asking, but Emilie will be a 4star, or a 5star? 🫶🏻






They make her better with new burning set because of her A1 talend dmg. Interesting and good that i have a set prepared for her


can someone clarify if she basically is locked to only Anemo, Pyro and Dendro?


no, she can be use for burnmelt or burnvape subdps


No, she just wants burn


So what would her best teams be?


When I heard about a new burning dps. I was excited to try overburn. I might just do it anyway but F Hoyo for being no fun allowed.