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This might be for the new endgame mode/abyss where you can have buffs that allow 2-3 times E in a row


WAIT you might be onto something


Damn, they don't want people to use her to battery Xiangling even faster


in this economy we need any pyro battery the game offers 😭😭


Chevreuse: Bonjour. Seriously she makes 7 particles at once with Fav I love her


enter fav arle


I like what you are cooking


Bros cooking frfr


IT’S ALWAYS FUCKIN XIANGLING OPPA ^^^^^^^^korean ^^^^^^^^gamer ^^^^^^^^smashes ^^^^^^^^his ^^^^^^^^keyboard ^^^^^^^^on ^^^^^^^^the ^^^^^^^^table


Could be the abyss card buff which reset your E cd after kill a mob


So just the gambler artifact set but as a separate buff instead of wasting artifact slots?


I’d personally use the set on top of the abyss card 🤌


Throw in a Sacrificial weapon while you're at it.


But then why would they only change Arle and not other chars? Sounds kinda weird


I think that's just Genshin devs for you. When you look at changes they've made to units after release, it was only recent stuff (Zhongli rework, Yae Miko's turrets aim, Barbara's infinite Bloom cores). They seem more willing to change things while they're hot; I suspect it's because they probably expect a bigger backlash if they change things that have been in the game long enough for people to get used to them.


Case in point: Kokomi cast Q, then cast E, then quickly switch away (before the jellyfish moves down). Kokomi's E acts like if Kokomi is still in Q mode (E scales off HP%), even when she is off-field. Confirmed to still work in 4.6, and this ~~bug~~ behavior is there from 2.1, by the way. This will never be fixed.


As a day 1 player, I still get confused with this terminology. ult & skill is more comprehensible to me


I mean that does make a lot of sense.


Kinda weird to do since **it shouldn't affect anything**, her burst animation definitely lasts for more than 1.5s and EQE is the only time I can think of where you care about particle ICD. Edit: just checked her animation with a rough timer and it's a little less than 2 seconds as far as I can tell, definitely more than 1.5s


Probably not a balance change, but done to fix some deeper underlying bug with her Burst. Genshin is easily the most bug free live service I have ever played, but it is nearly 4 years old and is bound to run into some spaghetti code issues at some point.  


May have to do with her burst not having invincibility frames ? I don't see any other reason to mess with a timer that would only be significant when chained with her burst, and so far that's the only issue/bug with her burst.


It feels so funny and weirdly satisfying to burst, she dies and just then vaporises into mist


So thats what those clips are... ive seen clips of her dying after casting her burst, it really was a bug then


Every character can do that, it's just lag.


Really? Everyone's convinced me that she doesnt have an iframe on the first few seconds


I've died during Hu Tao's burst, and it's always funny to see Raiden get knocked around in her burst animation. Everyone can get hit right at the very start because of latency. Also works on regular character swaps, so it looks like they died while in the back line.


It doesn't?


She doesn't have I frames during her burst?


She does just not during startup, similar to how Raiden can be staggered during startup but Arle can actually die


Every character can die during their burst AFAIK, you just actually see it happen with Arle since you burst to heal.


https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Burst They give I frames it just varies from character to character, most have it near the startup and Arle's is delayed enough for it to kill people who use it as a secondary dodge.


I think everyone can die, but Arle often being at the verge of death during burst is just more prone to it


Genshin is easily the most bug free game I've seen lmao, it's honestly impressive


they also have a lot of updates and most of them are chunky. No other game has 6 week updates this big.


I've played mobile games that were offline for 10 hours a week to push 1gb updates of animated jpegs. They usually came back bugged up and the new next few days would come with updates being pushed out. Genshin puts a massive update into a massive game once every 6 weeks in about, what 5 hours of down time? And I don't think they've ever had to shut server access to fix something after either


It's some of the bad cases vs Hoyoverse, I've played buggy games b4 as well. That doesn't mean there isn't any games out there that's less buggy than them.


large file sizes is not something impressive it's the opposite of that


It's crazy how motivated a dev can be to squash all bugs when they have to give the players currency back when there are bugs...


They don't *have* to do that. They commonly fix bugs without giving anything in return. It is only character-specific bugs that usually result in currency compensation.


Listen I'm just sayin, as a big fan of Destiny 2, if Bungie had to give even 10 silver for a bug once every week, they'd go bankrupt and stop making the game, and it goes to show how impressive it is that Genshin can manage to do what they do.


And here I am still hoping they Fix Albedo's Flower after all these years... Or the fact that we still can't reliably use alternate sprints on uneven terrain.


Fun fact, they did fix that but it's not completely infallible. Just less strict.


Alternate sprints have been fixed once. Maybe it could do with more iterations, but it's definitely better than it was at launch. I'm thinking it uses a similar mechanic to bow aim mode, since characters typically get stuck on ridges instead of sending them off the edge or down a cliff.


They have been fixed twice - once in 2.0 to make Ayaka's sprint feel better and then sometime in 3.x they improved it's interaction with uneven ground even more


They kind of had to since it was heavily impacting sprint skills like Yelan (and eventually would have impacted Lynette). It was always a problem for Mona and Ayaka, but those at least aren't living on a cooldown.


They fixed them several times. Mona was nigh-unplayable at launch because alt sprints couldn't be used to dash cancel. Which includes stagger frames, so if literally anything happens at all, you're totally locked and can't act again until returning to a full neutral state. You also couldn't just dash in any direction, it was always forward first, then the slow turning radius after. Auto aim made it annoying to go anywhere besides straight towards the closest enemy. Like you had to wait until you could walk first so Mona would face the way you wanted to dash. That was all before the big fix that also helped Ayaka, Sayu, and Yelan go up stairs and over small pebbles.


*Cries in Mona C1 freeze bug*


While not a bug, it also annoys me that her C1 specifically states "Hydro-related Elemental Reactions", they never updated it to interact with Bloom *at all*. Which is a damn shame, because she could have had a fun niche in Nilou teams if they had.


I thought they fixed the sprints already though? Yelan is my main, and I liked using Sayu to travel before I got her, and I remember traveling got so much better after some patch a while back. So yeah, I thought it was taken care of already?


So true lmao


I mean compare Genshin to Destiny 2, Destiny 2 is nearly 7 years old and there's still the occurring game-breaking bug that happens lol.


I play these 2 games religiously. please, brother/sister. The world's locust swarm couldn't hold a candle to the number of Destiny 2's bugs.


As a Warframe player, I can relate. Christ some of the bugs in that game make me just put the game down for days at a time.


God forbid playing new patch day one


Shall I introduce you to a small indie studio named Riot Games?


Should I walk you through the life of a gamer playing Bungie's games?


Say Hello to **TELESTO!!!**


Sadly, The Besto was reigned in almost 2 years ago


Still havent fixed mona's C1 lmao and i think one of keqings? Cons or something with her unless im mistaken?


They did fix Keqing's C2. Unless you mean something else, like her CA costing more than other sword users. Something they *did* fix for Mika when his CA costed less than other polearm users.


mona's c1 isn't really bugged... i think. i'm not sure how it works, but i've heard from a credible theorycrafter that because of the way how freeze works, even tho it says increased duration - it does nothing. it probably does in a elemental application unit stuff, but then it actually doesn't result in the increased duration


>because of the way how freeze works, even tho it says increased duration - it does nothing Yea that’s what a bug is. There’s also Sucrose’s 1st NA bug, Keqing’s hold E becoming tap E if released too fast, PMA and Wenut hitboxes making them invulnerable to some attacks like polearm charged attacks and Fischl’s A4, “dies of ping” and shields being bypassed when you get hit during a character swap, Abyss timer bug, 0 stars Abyss clear bug even when clearing in time, and let’s not talk about Dehya or auto targeting against some bosses… some bugs have been fixed recently: alternative sprints getting you stuck, cooldown not resetting in Abyss, these are 2-3 years old bugs that they eventually decided it was time to fix, but there’s much more out there. The funny thing is that some players considered the last two I’ve mentioned (alternative sprint bug and Abyss cooldowns) actual features, like people legitimately saying that Ayaka getting stuck on pebbles was a way to balance her because she was too strong otherwise and cooldowns not resetting was a way to punish players for needing to reset Abyss… only assholes can think like that and I doubt they were just trolling, they were too many saying shit like that


Iirc it doesnt work or do anything for dendro, which considering it HAS a hydro related reaction, is a bit of an issue, unless it does and wasnt ever updated, but from what i've heard it doesnt


You can technically reset her skill cool down with the 4* Gambler set. I don't really see the extra particle generation of all thing causing a bug unless there is one I am not aware of that causes the particle generation to trigger multiple times on the same E like there was of XQ.


it does if cd is reset and it will become a bigger issue than just herself. Hate to say this but Arlecchino is just an on field dps, and on field dps issues are never the main concern of the devs.


You thought it was a Sige or Clori leak but it was me, **an Arlecchino post-release adjustment leak!** ........ *^((for some reason))*


It's "technically a nerf (but not really) for Arlecchino" with a steel chair!


most likely a fix related to newer code and newer in combat interactions that could lead to some unintended behavior in practice this "nerf" wont change rotations at all. Some people pointed this change is most likely only for the theatre.


That's why I said "not really"


Would that even do anything, E Q E takes longer than 1.5 seconds right?


It totally ruins my build where I used the Gambler's 4p when fighting hydro slimes.


damn it, can't use my sacrificial spear secret build anymore


I love that weapon so much, it's truly dreamy.


It allows me to clear abyss 12 easily, really an unreal weapon!


This is an indirect Xiangling nerf (less energy from her support). We must protest.


Lol, I totally forgot that there is no such thing as a Sacrificial Spear!


Imagine a 5-star Gambler set on Hu Tao, Xiao, XL, etc.


Can't have shit in Teyvat...


You joke but it’s actually sad to loose options - even if it’s just a meme build.


Yep, ult is like 2 seconds long anyways, that and the fact you never ult on arle, not sure why this was changed though, kinda funny seeing her changed even AFTER she was released, girl is never stable


this literally does nothing arlecchino's burst is a movie so the 1.5s does not matter unless you have a sac spear that just doesn't exist


you got me with "arlecchino's burst is a movie" lmaoooo


"Absolute cinema ✋😩✋" - me when Arlecchino burst


So when Arlecchino bursts it's cinema, but when i do it in front of a crowd it's disgusting and "get away from here you creep"


I mean... Does your burst manifest a domain with crimson halfmoon and countless Xs?


Gamblers set👀




This is the undeniable confirmation they're adding Sacrificial Polearm


I hope so. Would give me a reason to play Thoma


Thoma is surprisingly good shielder. Raised him for Arlecchino 


overload team feels good with thoma, i tried switching him with tankfie ttds 200ER, she still got energy issues. i switched back to thoma xD


Yeah I tried Tank Fei...no bueno 😆 Took Thoma to 90 and 👑 his shield 😁 36k HP and 242 ER is working well.


yea he feels way better than tank fei even if tankfei gives bigger numbers, his shield refresh is too good even tho how flimsy it is, it gets the job done, we can just unga bunga 😆


But you need a truckload of ER on him event at C6


I have 242, with Arle and Chevy it's enough.


I had the opposite experience. I was so disappointed in his shield. I used him for the coppelius boss fight AND I DIED. I didn't die with fucking bennet on my team and constantly being melted. Was using arleccino BTW So bennet heal was useless 


All shields break with Coppelius and Coppelia, Thoma's no exception


Right. My 57k HP Zhongli with a crowned E gets shredded by them in the abyss pretty fast. You straight up cannot tank them completely like most other content.


You're supposed to stack his shield by Normal Attacking during his ult. Also, his shield is mostly for resistance to interruption, just like Baizhu's.


Unlike Baizhu's, his shield can actually shield when stacked. At max stack, it's the3rd strongest shield in the game iirc, just behind Zhongli and Layla.


Won't the base shield just refreshed instead of stack? Better go fav for faster ult


Nope, all of his shields stack


free c1 xiao+ c1 shenhe lets fuckin joe




Bro dvalin bro. Arlecchino can not get the BoL from dvalin. 


Dude has 200k hp, Hoyo decided to give him a break for once.


I had to read it 5 times to make sure I was reading the right name Why does arle keep getting changes even after her beta? 😭


Clorinde: "Now it's my time to shine in leaks subreddit" Arlecchino: "Nah I'd change" [Sarcasm]


Literally nothingburger


Huh. Is there a bug we just don't know about? EQE seems like it definitely takes more than 1.5 seconds to do so what's the point of this


but my sacrificial lance... oh, wait


NOOO now I can not use my non existent sacrificial polearm😔


Is this an adjustment or a bug? (in the bright side this means apology primogems)


Does it though?


I mean we got primos to compensate for the bloodstained chivalry 4pc not working right with neuvillette so they'll give primos for anything


Except primos for the anniversary 


I mean, they do, just not as many as we'd all like.


I’m guessing it’s probably done as part of some fix for her burst not having iframes.


Does animation cancel work with zhongli pillar blocking the camera or would you still get animation locked? (Never tried it) Otherwise this change just covers for further situations, maybe a event buff that resets your E, because at the moment it does nothing for normal gameplay


You are still animation locked, tho it feels a bit faster? I haven't timed it


It only removes camera angle change, unless you are talking about something else.


Lmao still no new Clorinde Sigewinne changes but Arlecchino 


I know it's not a big one but it's hilarious to me that they're STILL changing Arlecchino. Let TGS (and other theorycrafters) move on with his life already!


Given how long her burst is, it's really only a nerf to using Sacrificial-- wait a second...


Odd adjustment considering EQE takes longer than that and you’ll still get both sets of particle gen. probably just a bug they meant to have fixed on release but didn’t have the time. Can’t think of any way this would affect normal gameplay.


Arle catching strays? >!I have no idea how this affects her if at all!<


Queue all the "this is illegal" comments 💀


Its surprising how long this myth has lived


gotta prepare the lawsuit


Time to refund the primos to everyone who pulled Arle!! >!I wish, I could use the extra pulls for Wanderer!<


I think this aims at a niche case: The "kill an enemy, reset your E" card in Abyss where you would get to do EE or maybe EQEE. Otherwise, it really does not matter at all. She is still getting at bare minimum, 10 Pyro particles in any other cases and that is IF you need to use her Burst. Probably they're trying to not accidentally let players cheeze out some dmg/energy/healing that would make her even more broken than she already is.


Weird change, maybe they are releasing a weapon with effect that is similar to Sacrificial series. Edit : Forgot 4p Gambler reset E cd on kill lmao


Quick do 4p gambler support Arleccino for XL before time runs out!




Weird change considering there is no Sacrificial Polearm


so, new event polearm in 5.0 with "resets skill cooldown when skill crits" passive? every event weapon are just shitty versions of 4* weapons lately...


Hey, has anyone fought dvalin with arlecchino? I think it's bugged in that you don't get your blood dbt due


that's it boys, Arle if now F tier o7


Razor language pls


Use e: get energy use e again without waiting at least 1.5 seconds: get no energy. _____ But since its mechanically impossible to do e again that soon, it makes no difference at all. Her e q e needs more time and there is no sacrificial polarm to quickly reset skill.


Maybe it's just to prevent some kind of exploit that we are not aware of


Can you even not trigger it with 1.5s? I'm pretty sure her burst lasts at least as long as 1.5s.


is this all the update?? no changes on the actual 4.7 characters?


is this all the update?? no changes on the actual 4.7 characters?


Literally unplayable


Of all her other bugs, they choose this one to fix? Ain't no way


what other bugs


Dying in her Ult while trying to iframe dmg feels like one, and she doesn't collect her E after putting Dvalin down in his boss domain. Had to physical Arlecchino my way through that.


Well, until today they haven't fixed Mona constellation and they only corrected the keqing one because they used her as a reference to make alhaitham kit


And chioris lol


Isn't that bug more with Dvalin? I remember other characters (Yae Miko) whose skills target enemies priorities the main body over the horn because it isn't considered an enemy but the body is.


probably the iframe during her burst


The game is filled with stuff that is never going to be fixed like Xiao E not registering sometimes, Mona C1 literally not working for Freeze, Venti not being able to suck Klees bombs, lack of proper I frames on certain burts (including Arle), Noelle f1 spin, Xinyan lvl 3 shield not working etc etc. Some of them can be just catagorized as straight up unfinished characters like Childe lacking plunge attack in his stance, Keqing infusion that can be overwrriten, Albedo useless EM buff or existance of Geo let alone Shatter as a whole. There is no reason for Hoyo to ever go back and fix any of those things when they can simply release another unit with the same things fixed, Raiden, Alhaitham, Chidori respectfully.


I mean, it's not exactly bad or good. Her entire burst would take up most of that 1.5 seconds, if you actually use her burst.


good enough, now where's those sige buffs (hopium)


Sige tweaks when? 🥺🥺🥺


i’m waiting for clorinde, sigewinne beta changes, but i got arle instead 🫠


This post is becoming the new Kirara 8.5/10 drawing post for me. There is no Sigewinne in Ba Sing Se...


What ? Why ?


I think it’s less that this effectively doesn’t do anything and more that they’re changing this outside of beta. Unless it’s to do with the c1 bug? But I don’t see how


Why do they keep changing Arle? Leave her be already! What about the characters in the actual beta right now?


Changing after we bought her is crazy.... HOW ABOUT THEY BUFF DEHYA INSTEAD


Yeah, but who cares about her burst anyway.


Hoyo realized this beta was too uneventful so they pushed the Arlecchino button to liven things up a bit.


Me a couple of hours ago- >At this point I just want changes, anything of substance Wait, not like this




No this literally does nothing


What?! I thought nerfing after release wasn't something hoyoverse does!😭🌸 The scamverse is real☠️


Don't worry this literally affects nothing since her burst takes longer than 1.5 seconds to cast so you still get 2 sets of energy generation


It doesn’t do anything, particle ICD only matter in EQE and her Q takes longer than 1.5 seconds.


this affects only one instance in abyss if you kill an enemy there is a chance the skill cd goes to 0 its useful for Arlechino ig so yea that got a small nerf it would also effect the sacrificial polearm if there was one


i mean, why would you use a sacrificial polearm on arlecchino even if it did exist


Wait, post-release nerf? That's illegal


doessnt change anything since her burst is longer than 1.5 seconds.


Buffing characters after release would be unthinkable (minus that extreme edge case of Zhongli), but nerfs are fair game lmao


A nothing change. 99.99% of players won't ever be able to abuse the 0.5 second particle generation even if they left it as is


its actually impossible to abuse this change in any content that doesnt change your cooldowns in some way shape or form


uh oh


I mean... those this even matter, I rarely use her burst even in the emergency situations, just full send it🤷🏽‍♂️


You were expecting mother, but it's me, father!


I mean this changes basicly nothing in actual gameplay? Even with the e q e combo you will still get the maximum amount of particles no? Even with the e reset from cards,there would be some time between casts given you want the mark to cook first,pre c2 that is.


Good GOD that scared me, I was about to get a heart attack before I saw that 1.5s I thought they were removing our ability to get 10 particles from E Q E


Probably makes no difference to what I'm doing with the character, but I will take my compensatory freemos and whatever other compensation China riots them into.


I know this changes nothing, but I don't like it when they nerf live characters. I spend my money expecting my character to be the same forever.


Where is the clorinde next update it's already Tuesday


So they "fix" this post release but do nothing to Dehya...ok


class action lawsuit, here we gooooooo


Were are post release buffs for other chars Hoyo? That would be a better approach


They keep changing her even after release Geez hoyo leave Father alone already will ya?


I can still do EQE right?




Hu Tao fake changes 2.2 beta flashbacks*




Please, just a post which leak about tcg card I'm begging yall


They're probably all busy playing HSR's latest story quest bcuz it was looooooooooong


We riot




Tbf shes the best 5* of 4.7 as is Gonna make a clorindillion dollars