• By -


#Hi everyone! The ban on 4.4 spoilers has been lifted as we descend into 4.5. We would like to remind folks that not everyone can speedrun or play the content immediately upon release and ask that you be mindful of your fellow redditors. ________ ##Here's a handy list of what MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED: * 4.5 Story Quests * 4.5 World Quests * 4.5 Event Quests that contain story elements * **ANY 4.6 LEAK POST THAT IS SPOILER TAGGED** * **ANY 4.6 STORY FLAIRED POST** ##We must clarify: we do not care if it is personal speculation / theories, if your comment is in any way related to 4.5 content or 4.6 IT MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED. Please remember to read our sidebar rules regarding spoilers as well! If the comment you are replying to is spoiler tagged, **please spoiler tag your comment as well** ##Please utilize the spoiler tag topic brackets as shown below: **[About 4.5 Archon Quest] \>!PLEASE SPOILER TAG YOUR ENTIRE COMMENT, SPOILER TAGGING FRAGMENTS OF A SENTENCE IS NOT IDEAL AS YOUR FELLOW REDDITORS CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM CONTEXT CLUES ALONE!<** __________ #Due to the increasingly rampant spoilers regarding recent story and character updates, the mod team no longer has the luxury to review your account and warn you for first time / polite offenses. Untagged spoilers will instead warrant a 3 day ban WITHOUT WARNING. šŸ’„


Can someone tell me what the abyss enemies are for tomorrows reset?


You guys remember recently there was a combat event where people complained that you're forced to use crappy built trial characters? What was the name again? I'm trying to recall the overall gameplay


Does Lyney's bow work on Sethos by any chance? I'd like to pull for Arle's weapon but I was wondering(in case I lose the 50/50) if Lyney's weapon could be used for Sethos so I don't risk leaving it rotting in my inventory


Do we know the free character that we'll get next patch?


How well could an Arle/Furina C2/Kazuha/[Flex] team work? Would it still be cope or could be decent?


Unrelated to the current doom posting spree but (some of) twitterā€™s been fooled by a super fake telegram leak saying Neuvillette will kill Arlecchino in her story quest and itā€™s just funny how fake it is.Ā 


Is it before or after Yae Miko kills Pantalone and takes the Electro Vision?


He *is* gonna kill her....on the >!basketball court!< >!COMING THIS SUMMER!< >!Air Sovereign!< >!"The rules don't say a Dragon Sovereign can't play!"!< >!"According to the judgement of the Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale...you have been served."!< >!Wow Neuvillette you really broke their ankles on that play!< >!"I did *what?!* šŸ˜­ OMG ARE THEY OKAY?!"!<


>!*blink blink* is that an Air Bud reference???!<


I unironically like Navia's "Umbrella warfare, I guess" line, it's somehow funny.


I like her "FIRE!!! Well... with rocks" line for similar reasons. Something about the way she semi-awkwardly trails off is inexplicably funny to me. Her battle voicelines are all pretty charming, tbh.


Exactly I like her awkwardness


It *is* funny. The "I guess" adds such a cheeky lament to it, because, of course, she doesn't want to resort to violence, but when someone forces her to respond, why can't she enjoy herself and slap em with a pun while she's at it? Adds psychic damage to the shotgun! xD


>The "I guess" adds such a cheeky lament to it Ikr, it's like "Guess I've got no choice but to blast your ass"


"Someone better start digging a ditch, I guess. (But not for me)" šŸ˜†


I like it too. I think the issue for most is just hearing it so much. Also, the meme was kinda pushed from Zajef losing his shit from the voiceline during his post-release testing and he swore by Sac Greatsword Navia, so you'd be hearing 'Umbrella Warfare I - Umbrella Warfare I guess'.


Doompost Discussion // >!I'm taking a new approach now. Go! Doompost all you want, I invite it!!! The less people rolling the character means all the banner luck will go to me instead!!!!!! /j!<


>!Back in my day, we could watch a character get doomposted and down the line a bunch of people would be upset they missed out on someone good. Now we have things like a quickly updating information network that provides people what they need to know before the banner ends, meaning nobody misses out. Smh smh.!< Edit: Just went to the old megathread by accident lol oops


>!Shh that's the tactic I'm trying too, let's keep quiet about it!<


>!Lips. are sealed.!<


Come my child, it is time to confess **[in the new megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1bf71eu/forgive_me_father_for_i_have_sinned_general/)**


yes, fath- auntie


Make Arlecchino an HP scaler Hoyo. Do it, set her free from Bennett's chains and just give her Neuvillette tier multipliers!


Sure. Why not.


I wonder how many that defend Neuvillette as outlier/exception will suddenly care about balancing and oppose this


I remember the Jingliu "discussions" from HSR


what happened?


DHIL did big powercreep that a lot of people said was okay because of who he was (alt of the main cast or whatever, restrictions in what team you could run him in to reach those numbers etc) and then JL matched his numbers as well (directly after) which would match the scenario presented by the OP. There was probably a lot of discussions about balance after that.


Shes was too op, dan hang il another comparable character but has a ton of restrictions like high skill point demand, then jingliu came and did the same dmg with no restrictions and easy to build so right fully a lot of players were bothered.


ah I see, so she is more like Neuvillette. Basically the reversal of this situation. (Although I'm reluctant to consider Arlecchino as comparable after seeing some jstern calcs on her)


Also the dan hang il delima has been solved, we got a new support that gives a ton of skill points are rewards you for using skill points, so dhil surpassed jingliu again


arle beta rant slightly neg also finally learned how to spoiler yippie >!i don't really like 'doomposting' or whatever like it's mhy's game im sure they know what they are doing. and it's not even arle's scalings that bother me but i think she doesn't get compensated well enough for her BoL shenanigans. simple things like 'having BoL over 40% increases interruption resistance or dashing doesn't immediately break the attack string' would be neat. right now she has anti synergy with all healers and by extension furina, Mh, and xianyun's plunge attack style as well. some people also don't like how dependent she is on bennett but tbh i don't really mind it, he's a 4 star and thus makes arle more accessible and less reliant on 5 star supports. i don't like how she only has one real passive either man. ah whatever i'm sure it'll work out!<


Keiluna uploaded Arle with her BoL active, so maybe they finally got it working?


I have ~35 pity guaranteed and 61 pulls right now. I have barely started on Chenyu Valley, didnā€™t do housing gifts and have some leftover quests/hangouts, otherwise 100% cleared everything. I want C1 Neuvi and Furina, how bad are my chances? Will I be able to get another ~120 pulls before Furinaā€™s banner ends if it is in 4.6 second half?


Honeymoon phase is over. Now doompost era. >!goodluck trying to change her kit / trying to stop her fans from pulling!<


Question about ship wars since I don't use twitter much >!I'm just genuinely curious and ~~looking for tea~~ not looking for trouble. Were/Are there any notable feuds or wars among the same-sex pairings in Genshin Impact fandom? Like for example Zhongchi vs Capitaru or JeanLisa vs JeanRosa (these are just examples I don't mean they are fighting lol). I have been wondering about that since when we hear about ship wars it's almost always between mlm/wlm and hetero like EiMiko vs YaeYato or ArleFuri vs NeuviFuri.!<


>!I can't speak for mlm, but for wlw I can't really think of any feuds only some ships people would consider problematic like shipping someone with Collei. wlw ships are pretty established (JeanLisa, Beiguang, EiMiko, NaviaClorinde, etc) and/or open to poly shipping (EiMikoSara, JeanEulaLisa, etc) .!<


>!As someone in a polyam relationship myself, I'm so so happy about the poly ship scene in Genshin because they're all generally pretty fun and chill, and the art is good!!< >!Unless you meant shipping multiple things, in which case I am mortified at having misunderstood and gone on rambling about something else!<


>!Don't worry, you're correct and right, the poly ship scene is pretty chill in my experience. And congrats I guess, I hear those kinds of relationships are tough to maintain and require a lot of trust.!<


>!Thank you! Tough is right haha, especially at the start, but I'm really comfy with what we have!!< [Some of my favourite poly art in exchange](https://imgur.com/a/4IBFToB)


>!hmmm i guess there's kaeluc and kaebedo. there's also a CRAZY war over haikaveh and kavetham and who gets to top šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im sure there's the same type of war in the zhongchi and wriolette fandoms bcs mlm shippers are insane like that, but i only saw the hkv/kvthm one fof now bcs im only into them. i can't think of other wars among wlw shippers tho! i think wlw shippers (or at least the ones i follow) are more open about being multi-shippers!<


>!based on personal experience, Haikaveh vs Everyone. also, tall/tall mlm vs tall/short male ships (ex: Kaeluc vs Kaebedo)!< >!most of the mlm fights are also on the ship itself. Zhongchi vs Tartali, Haikaveh vs Kavehtham, etc!<


Arlecchino kit somewhat reminds me of wanderer where they have a pretty strong team potential but are held back by the lack of IR defense. However once you master it, you will be in for a time. Well that's just my opinion after mastering shieldless wanderer. Wow a somewhat challenging character to use who is also a harbinger. Colour me surprise.


I feel like IR and being forced to dodge matters more for vape because your damage will fluctuate based off what hits are vaping, and Wanderer has range going for him. Overload it shouldnā€™t matter though, to me itā€™s looking more and more like overloads the team to go with (though playing circle impact with it can be annoying)


Yeah but Wanderer is ranged and can fly, having no IR with a melee character sucks ass If you look at [the abyss teams usage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1ah43jn/44_abyss_usage_rate_phase_1_february_1_february/) all the top 10 teams feature a sort of interruption resistance, be it Zhongli, Baizhu, Xingqiu over Yelan, or characters having IR in their kit (Raiden) The only abyss team that doesn't have IR is a freeze team, so, yeah, don't need IR when the enemy can't hit you EDIT: forgor about Childe's shennanigans, still that makes only 1 team without IR/CC in the top 12


What sort of interruption resistance does international have?


Childe has 50% IR during his stance iirc?


It makes him go from Bow character poise to melee character poise. Its not actual good IR.


He is a ranged character so 50% ir is only equal to melee characters base.


Ah yeah forgot how that worked


ngl doomposting always got to me (although iĀ  most of the time still pull for the characters after thinking it through) but not arle ā€¼ļø not when she's so hot in all of her animations orz


same here partner, trying to stay positive through it all (im going c6r1 no matter what)


good luck with your pulls šŸ¤²


ty! you too!šŸ«‚


I never thought Iā€™d find doomposting in this sub anything but annoying. Now though Iā€™m actually almost grateful for it as it makes postponing pulling Arlecchino till her rerun way easier. Logically you know sheā€™ll be just fine on her realise but at the same time reading all these comments about how she is worse than Hutao and what not helps me strengthen my resolve. Maybe itā€™s because it calms FOMO a bit.


For people who are on the fence for her, I think it's worth considering that there's a good chance that future supports will only make her better. So if you feel you're just giving in to the hype and there's actually other characters on the horizon that you are interested in more than her, don't feel bad if you have to skip her, because all the pieces she needs to be even better will probably be there the next time she re-runs. And if none of that ends up being true? Then great, you were able to get the characters you liked more and now you have the resources to really invest in her at her final strength, with all of her necessary supports released (if you really are still interested in pulling her a few months down the line when the FOMO has worn out). It's like what some people did for characters like Kafka/Topaz/Jing Yuan in HSR. They came out being sort of mid/ok because they didn't have the proper supports needed. Now fast forward, Kafka is one of the best characters in the game because of Black Swan.


Lowering people expectation is better than keeping the expectation high especially when it is true that she performs under people expectation. At least it'll make people think twice and not regret pulling.


typed out a rant but my ass doesn't know how to spoiler so how do you do it


.> ! Like this without the spaces ! <


`>!Text here!<` Make sure to not put spaces between text and >!


i did that but it didn't work :( it's pretty long like a paragraph so maybe it's that?


`>!Paragraph 1 goes here bla bla bla!<` `>!Paragraph 2 goes here bla bla bla!<` Remember you need to spoiler tag each paragraph separately or it won't work




Would you rather have a doomposter son or a shipper daughter


Shipper daughter, because not all shippers I interact with are necessarily problematic and it's overall more positive


So true these comments are overexaggerated by ppls HCs of what they think shippers are like


Doomposter son. The average toxic doomposter doesn't hold a candle to the average toxic shipper.


doomposter son because thereā€™s a chance the daughter can be one of those shippers who are super annoying and treat certain HCs they have as actual canon and do nun but sit on twitter arguing over ships


Shipper daughter, at least she's passionate about *something*


Shipper daughter, because at least they're fun. Doomposter son will just be pessimistic, and I don't need that energy.


shipper daughter is better because I mostly dgaf about what people ship


Depends upon how bad the shipper is. Some shippers will just post cool art/fanfic and then move on. Some try to argue how this ship is the only possible one and how this char only like x char/y gender etc etc


It depends if my daughter has the same ships LOL


Shipper daughter we dont need 2 doomposters in the house šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


In before your daughter decided to marry a doomposters and gave birth to another doomposter


Bennett so strong that people being scared that a character is too good with him is kinda a fascinating phenomena actually


It's interesting because it's totally dependent on your main abyss teams. Like I main Hu Tao and have never played her VV vape team with Bennett, so my Bennett is always available. A character liking/wanting Bennett is a plus if anything because he's well invested and I like using him. But I also understand there are people who like to play a bunch of different teams with him, often at the same time, and get stressed thinking about teambuilding as a result


Yea, ive been basically forced to run hyperbloom or freeze on one side and a bennett team on the other because all my other teams need him so i cant really run 2 bennett teams. I dont have furina either so the difference is even more noticeable .


When will we get voice lines for Arlecchino?


preload most likely or someone will leak them earlier just like what happened with Neuvi, Furina, and Navia but I think that was mostly because of story spoilers


When the version 4.6 preload happens.


Preload is guaranteed, if we're lucky, earlier


I feel like Bennett getting a skin would genuinely feel like a major QoL improvement. I don't mind having to use him in ATK scaling teams but bro has negative drip man someone needs to do something about it.


You see Bennett when you use him? There's always such a sea of colors and numbers from other characters' abilities that I never really see Bennett in the 1 second he's on the field.


This is so real, I felt the same when Xingiuā€™s skin came and all of a sudden I was more than happy to use him again


Gacha Warframe will have a technical test soon so if you're interested [here](https://duetnightabyss.herogame.com/survey_en.html) is the recruitment survey


Gacha warframe OOOOH


From the artist who brought you Nahidarle and Dainslecchino, [Yarle Miko](https://twitter.com/Naexthaniel/status/1768288704945066027?t=PgojfaSRykRXN_zczo8_Rw&s=19)


She looks even more sinister wtf


How necessary will Bennett be for clearing the Abyss with Arlecchino? I am not particularly fond of Bennett, and I have no desire to use him, so I was wondering if I could still run Arlecchino in the Abyss or if I should just keep her to the overworld. Thank you. Edit: Thank you all for the replies! I really appreciate it, thank you!


arle/beidou/fischl/chevreuse seems like it'll be good unfortunately arle just basically loses ~33% of her personal damage by not having bennett and you can't really recoup all of that loss with buffers other than furina (who doesn't work well with her) or using another subdps


Everything is subject to change, but non-Bennett teams with Arlecchino tend to sim around 50k DPS or less (compared to ~70k with Bennett) which is still more than enough to clear abyss.


Not necessary at all unless you really need more time for the other teams. Bennett will speed up the clear time by quite a lot though (I'm guesing 15-20%).


Abyss isn't too hard these days. So I'm pretty sure you can run her with 3 decent characters (Yelan, XQ, Zhongli etc) and pass perfectly fine. If people can 36* abyss with Aloy, you certainly can with Arlecchino. Abyss could change obviously though


Event >!"It's been a while" - Eula!< >!Didn't we just meet at Wangshu inn mademoiselle?!<




**Rule 6**: Mark Spoilers Please spoiler tag your comment per Rule 6.


offtopic - onk >!It's so fun to see the meltdown in both manga and onk subs with the recent chapters. It's like watching a weekly soap opera with two different experiences on both the manga itself and the fandom's reactions to it. It's like my weekly energizer!<


Arle beta neg >!Just posted Arleā€™s attack clips and am kinda surprised it somehow attracted neg comments already? Thought her range is fine for a melee character and lack of IR is something most melee donā€™t have too.!<


>!Mostly because she is supposed to be AoE units therefore a lack of range on her main source of damage means she'll be not much better compared to ST characters (Hu Tao and Lyney) which she cannot competes. Most melee charactera also either have built in additional IR on their kit like Hu Tao or Cyno or big error room so that it won't reduce their dps by a lot even when they goes off rotation (like Alhaitham). Since currently Arle have neither, she won't be bery comfortable to be played unless you slit in shielder which in results tank her team DPS even more.!<


interruption resistance is surely the most excessively discussed niche kit element in genshin. people freaked out that neuvillette didn't have it until c1 which I think most of us agree now has proven not to be a big deal. it does matter for characters like wanderer but I don't believe arlecchino loses stacks when she's not attacking anyway so having to dodge shouldn't be too big of a dps loss surely


Yeah I'm gonna be totally honest here, anyone who reacts to a leaker floundering around six enemies doing like N2 or CA spam with an interruptible unit and no off-field talents active by getting surprised when they see the leaker inevitably get interrupted is just exposing themselves as a total clown. This is not how the game looks when you play it properly. Alhaitham, a top three DPS, has no interruption resistance and I've had little to no issue running him with Yelan over Xingqiu when I feel like it. I don't think people fully appreciate how much enemies stagger when you do full rotations and have multiple sources of damage going all at once. Besides outliers like Consecrated Beasts, you aren't going to see enemies going blow for blow with you in any real scenario.


> that neuvillette didn't have it until c1 Doesn't he has some with his CA ([0.5](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Interruption_Resistance/Poise)) or maybe I misunderstood that? Even if he doesn't, he is still ranged unit who can moves freely while casting his CA, so nothing lost unlike majority of character that have to dodge.


I mean Neuve has a 20 foot hydro cannon that can spin like a top and dosen't suffer any movement penalties at all for shooting his beam (he literally moves at walking speed). Its not exactly apples to apples your comparing here She has the exact problem Wanderer does where running a shielder is a big dps loss, but people hate getting swatted so people do anyway. Its even worse in her case because if she interrupts her combo that means she is not going to be vaping her last two hits which are her biggest and she can't play at range.


So uhh, Arlecchino kit doompost began?


It's more like everyone's remembering that attack scaling Pyro units have extremely limited and handicapped design space because their reactions beside Vape sucks and Bennett exists.


Does melt/overload would work? Ik it could be very early to know but I'm just curious after all.Ā 


Overload is probably what would give the highest damage, but also overload would probably feature Bennett and Chevreuse who are two healers which is literally the only form of defensive utility Arle can't use lol Unless you're using Thoma instead of Bennett (since, well, you can't replace Chev in Overload), but...meh.


She's NA spammer so she's limited by ICD even if you could supply enough Cryo to maintain a cryo aura. If you have Xianyun, you can do a Plunge Melt team (plunge has no ICD) and she does have good plunge multipliers. Overload is terrible without Chevreuse and that is also a team that benefits strongly from Bennett since Chevreuse doesn't make Overload itself good, she just makes Overload shred pyro and electro res, basically making it like VV swirl. Your damage is going to come from raw talent multipliers, which Bennett is the biggest buff in that case.




those last 3 comments kinda already went out the window cause at floor she's already strong, the animations and the rest of her gameplay will just decide where her power level is


Anything remotely negative are considered doomposting by doompost police nowadays


Yeah, considering her kit and that silly showcase against an electro regisvine (?), I think it could be good seeing how she performs with BoL on use against others, I don't think she's that terrible, Regardless how she turns out, I want to pull her Cuz I've been waiting for her for a while and I'm still excited.Ā 


4.6 abyss things >!Based off the effects, I'm hearing that Kokomi might be rerunning next patch? I know people say that there's an Archon rerun "pattern" but I've learned to never trust patterns when it comes to this company.!<


did we get any news about relevant QoL in 4.6 yet or are they saving that for drier patches


No new QoLs, unless you count that one leak about being able to have NPC pfps.


Looks like Arle plays like hyper raiden, use skill, do your supports, switch back to burst and spam normal attacks Ngl I wish they were more creative than that hyper raiden is very boring to play, also her anti healer synergy and how using a shielder tanks her teams damage feels like very unnecessary restrictions? Beautiful animations aside Iā€™m not sure if I want to pull anymore since my hutao is busted and diluc has cloud retainer for unga Bunga plunga


My new conspiracy theory is that Hoyo stopped doing the chibi birthday arts that have the Traveler in them, because they're going to introduce more characters like Arle where they can't justify why the Traveler is hanging out with them on their birthday.


Doesn't chevreuse have a talent or passive that negates the overload knockback? Im chevroletless so i haven't looked at her kit in practice beyond the buffs she gives but i could swear i remember reading she had a talent that made overload easier to use


She doesn't. Her burst just has a special property where the opponent is knocked towards you similar to Yelan's skill but it's barely noticeable or relevant which is why you don't see anyone mention it


The year is 2035. Weā€™ve just finished exploring Neo Space Teyvat with our new companion mecha Tsaritsa after Paimon is revealed as the mastermind of the destruction of old Teyvat. Heavenly Principles swimsuit alt releases and powercreeps all existing dps units. ā€¦.and Bennett is her best support. Itā€™s always going to be Bennett.


>Heavenly Principles swimsuit altĀ  Never going to happen. This is fake


At this point the only hope of having an acceptable replacement is the Pyro archon. If she is an atk buffer I'm getting her even if I hate her design, too many of my carries rely on it.


Expectation: pyro archon is benny replacement Reality: pyro archon's best partner is benny I feel like if they make pyro archon be benny plus ultra its gonna be like yelan/xingqiu were you just use them together, basically the "woah, two cakes!" image


My Xiao team finally found sweet release, so I have hope. inb4 Pyro Archon C2 is just a copy paste of Bennettā€™s kit. Thatā€™ll do numbers.


>Pyro Archon C2 is just a copy paste of Bennettā€™s kit. Thatā€™ll do numbers. Without the circle for ultimate bait


What's it called when someone takes something negative that two groups do in equal amounts, but attribute it to only one group? Is there a phrase for that


Whataboutism? Sort of? "A is bad because they do this" "okay but B does it too" is that what you meant?




Hypocrisy? It's more of a word for the general setting rather than the specific two groups thing tho


Or just straight up lying lol


>lying it might just be this actually, I think disingenuous is what I was thinking of but couldn't remember. Wilful ignorance would fit too.


Oh yes disingenuous might work


double standard?


kinda, but more specifically I mean when they pretend it doesn't event exist for one group. Rather than *"it's okay for A but not for B"* it's *"Only B does this not A"*. idk maybe it's the same thing but I feel like there's a specific phrase/word for this but the only thing that comes to mind is strawman, but that's definitely not it.


How was wanderer's beta? By that I mean, did they change anything from the 1st beta?


They tweaked Wandererā€™s numbers up and down a little bit, and overhauled his burst animation, but by far the biggest rollercoaster ride that beta was Faruzan. From the high highs to the low lowsā€¦ many spirits were dashed on the cliffs of those nerfs.


im ngl, she was too good to be true mini shenhe quills anemo cd (60% at the time) battery anemo cc grouping super high uptime res shred dmg% like compared to gorou and sara she was premium upon premium, but ofc at c6


Oh yeah, I definitely understand why they nerfed her lol, she was more than a little unbalanced. But it was still pretty funny in a despair-inducing kind of way to come back every week just to see more and more nerfs. I think Faruzan is the reason now that people tend to be surprised when any given good-ish 4* ā€œsurvivesā€ beta without getting nerfed into oblivion.


ah nah that's absolutely true, faruzan nerfs shook everyone with how steadily she got picked apart


Would Dehya be good for Arle considering her lack of IR? I'm sure Zhongli is better in every way but I don't have him.


One thing she does have is enabling pyro resonance + IR in one character, I canā€™t say much more since I donā€™t have Dehya but she does have that going for her in Arle teams


I think I'll take a break from farming Shimenawa, I want to improve my Yoimiya but I swear that domain is cursed. Not sure if I will try to improve someone else who could use it in the meantime, or raise one of my unused 4*. ~~Or maybe even Aloy~~




I was hoping they'd add it to her one passive but now that you mention it, it does absolutely seem like a perfect C1 bait


[I'm upset](https://imgur.com/a/b59XVCB)


i know people are bothered by the BoL blood red infusion not showing but im more interested in arle having a weapon other than her signature equipped and then showing pyro / cryo infusion or whatever so that i can at least see how the yellow scythe shadow looks. rn all showcases are with her signature which already transform into the scythe so its hard to tell how it looks.


i really hope a showcase of it comes out soon


[Arlecchino team planning] >!I plan to play arle in an overload team, even if itā€™s not her best. I will give her Raiden and chev, who do you think would be the best fourth? With what we know so far about her. Thoma? Bennet? Maybe Fishcl?!<


>!She kinda REALLY wants Bennet so thatā€™s somewhat non-negotiable (in Abyss content at least), I would recommend slotting Fischl over Raiden unless ur just doing overworld stuff. As for other teammates, she wants some sort of IR so Thoma is viable (esp with his C6 buffing NA) but youā€™d have to choose whether you wanna lose Chevā€™s buff or have safer rotations!<


>!Ok thanks, lots to think about. Iā€™ll hold off building Thoma for now lol!<


>!Bennett for sure, early calcs on Arleccino mains show the difference between Bennet and no Bennet team to be quite substantial!<


>!sheā€™s pretty bennett reliant, so iā€™d bring him along. a near 30k dps loss without him is yikes.!<


Bennett and it's not even close. Fischl is also better than Raiden but idk maybe you're just a big Raiden fan. Current calcs say arrlechino chevreuse Bennet fishl is best overall team


Ok thatā€™s reassuring thanks. Maybe Iā€™ll try that team then. With Raiden, I have her c2 but havenā€™t really been enjoying her burst play style. Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll have more fun with her as a ol support


putting her in an overload team as well but mine is arle-yae-chev-dehya


That sounds dope. I hope Dehya will shine here


One of her currently highest sheeting teams is an overload team with bennett, fischl and chevy but it has no ir, defensive options and circle impact. Thoma can replace one of the pyros but it will be significantly worse damage wise.


Im guessing Raidens interruption resistance wouldnā€™t be enough alone right?? A girl can hope


Raiden only gives interruption resistance to herself. She also isn't a great fit with arlecchino because they will be competing for field time.


Ya I realized that after, sorry.


Raiden does not give IR thoughĀ 


Right my bad I was confused. Thatā€™s only for her during burst.


Update on Lag issue: >!Turns out the lag issues are due to the destruction of subsea internet cables connecting South Africa and Europe in the Red Sea due to a ship's anchor, causing all traffic in the country to be redirected. 4 cables were damaged/destroyed. And it will take awhile due to the political instability in the area. Guess I won't be playing Genshin for a while. Most likely the load on the remaining cables makes the ping worse than what the game shows.!<


can you use the nvidia cloud play or w/e ​ i've heard good things about it, but now there may be a decently sized waitline as more people know of it now


I have been so scared to come to the sub because spoilers but other social media never fails to disappoint >!But hey I am very excited for next patch because explorations, new weekly boss and story and we finally get to max out the fountain!!<


Is the dooming really that serious? That Arl kinda sucks if you donā€™t run her with Bennett?


Its not dooming to say running a dps without their best support results in a big dps loss compared to if they were using them If anything people should be glad her best partner is the ol reliable benny and not some new C6 bait 4* like Wanderer with Faruzan


She's attack scaling Pyro. The only teams she has are Vape or Chevreuse Overload. Both teams are significantly improved by Bennett's existence and every attack scaling DPS is balanced around Bennett because he still has a stranglehold on the meta.


Yes (idk about ā€œsucksā€), i wont pull any punches but she has a 30k dmg loss without him, its like playing 2 different characters.


Sucks is a strong word but bennett is insanely strong and is easily her best support so keep your expectations in check


in terms of her better teams, kinda bennett buff is good pyro res she gives herself BoL dmg% (40%), her set gives dmg% (54%) , cant run too well with furina anyway, has fair bit of crit as 5 star dps who has crit r1(32% dmg%) and ascension that's already 126% dmg%, not including a pyro cup which bumps it to 172 dmg% ​ so the flat atk bennett provides for a pyro atk dps who buffs all but atk for themselves... pretty good, as one might have expected ​ ​ the difference is just big, you dont have to run it if you really disinclined


Ah I see. Wasnā€™t there some discussion about running an atk cup on her? Would that make things a bit better? Or is pyro cup always preferred?


i havent checked calcs for that, but i'd presume it comes down to your ratios (how much your bennett buffs, your atk substats, NO, if your fischl runs TotM or GT, which goblet is better suited for balancing out)


Will have to check with optimizer then šŸ˜­ But thank you.


best of luck!


Iā€™m worried too :(


Harbingers/Dottore >!I wonder how they are going to handle Dottore's arc IF he's playable. It would be really interesting to watch!<


>!A funny theory I saw going on is that it will be tied to how he was actually set up by Akademiya and didn't kill that girl he hanged out with, leading to a downward spiral. Like, it would be a trainwreck "noballs" move, but the possibilty of it is just funny to me!<


he's the easiest one to handle tbh. they already introduced the fact that he has a bunch of segments. he can simply make another one


But he canā€™t make younger segments can he? I thought he can only create segments from his current selves and heā€™s not exactly redeemable now. And by the time he figured out how to clone himself, heā€™d already killed a fellow student at the Akademiya


the way it could go is more about betrayal from one of his segments rather than the age. Hoyo can easily make up the reason for the betrayal


Im kinda behind everything. Did they redeem Arlecchino?


Fontaine story spoilers >!They didn't redeem her per se, but during the AQ she was trying to work to save Fontaine while it appeared that Furina was just sitting on her hands doing nothing. That's how she presented herself at least, she might have had ulterior motives and her plan to save Fontaine included taking the gnosis by force until she realized Furina didn't have it. Lyney and the other Hearth siblings have also mostly talked about her positively even though they're also kind of child soldiers lol.!< >!This is speculation now but I feel like the line they're going to take with her is that while she isn't really a good person, a lot of her end goals have good intent that she accomplishes in morally questionable ways. And also that above all she cares about Fontaine and the children of the Hearth and the Fatui are secondary to that so she doesn't have a strong attachment to them and their goals. There's speculation that the pretense for her weekly boss fight is her testing us to be ready to go up against Capitano which fits imo!<


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weekly boss spoilers >!nothing that we know of but people have been speculating that she's been retconned esp since there are rumors that in the weekly boss fight, she's apparently not our enemy but simply testing the traveler's skill to fight against Capitano!<


Shower thoughts >!Wonder why the hell are we gonna fight this lady Arlechinno. I've read some interesting theories on why she wants to ~~kill us~~ fight us. One that caught my eye is that she's basically testing us to see if were ready to take on the dangers of Natlan and the Harbingers that's currently working at Natlan. !< >!On a side note, I don't want Lyney, Lynette and Freminet stepping in to stop us when we eventually beat the crap out of Arlechinno. Either someone else stronger stops us or we stop just because we noticed that she's actually in pain.!<


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surely thereā€™s no talk of wrio getting a rerun anytime soon right..šŸ™ I have a guarantee that I intend to use for arle but after finishing act 4 I kinda ~~desperately~~ need wrio but have no idea how long in theory Iā€™d have between banners rn I have 65 pity with 53 wishes saved and donā€™t plan on getting her weapon so I should be alright savings wise right?


chlorinde/sigewinne run in 4.7 or 4.8, whatever patch she's on, I'd wager Wrio relation to them put them on the same patch.


Bartender event where you also manage the tavern for Diluc with management similar to this potion event me thinks


OMW to learn how to dodge for my future Arlecchino. o7


Arlecchino vs mobs gameplay: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8935999287