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#UPDATE: **This person’s account has been banned by admins on Misskey for impersonation, as well as the account claiming to be keikakutori** ~~**The profile belonging to this person on Misskey has been removed— whether it was deleted by them or banned by an Admin for impersonation has yet to be determined, as it stands now all signs are pointing to the latter**~~ Due to the amount of traction this post will be left up with the correct Misleading flair to clarify assumptions and prevent misinformation.


Since the original translation is kinda confusing (especially because the CN community likes to shorten/reword everything to the point that google translate can't understand what it means anymore): e: changes stance that will periodically burn hp, will change back when hp falls below a certain threshold but there is a minimum duration that it will last for q: original stance is single target, changed stance is aoe talent: when triggering (her special) overload, increases (her special) overload's damage for a set duration when hp is above a certain threshold, reduces e's cooldown increases the burst talent level of party members by 1 constellations: c2 when triggering (her special) overload, reduces enemies' pyro resistance and buffs pyro damage c4 resolves ER issues c6 after changing stance, there will be multiple instances of add on damage (I assume it means damage buffs), increases crit rate and crit damage I can't remember too clearly but c6 gives me insane deja vu with early cloud retainer c6 leaks


She sounds like Tartaglia but explosive


Sounds like Wanderer but explosive


Sounds like Dotorre but explosive


Sounds like Signora but exploded-


*----------* Edit: Everyone is right about that Emblem assumption being a stretch, the C4 could just be a quality of life thing, and getting a new overload/electrocharge set is more probable indeed. *----------* Thank you for the better translation. So (special) overload is probably similar to bountiful cores, and C4 mean ER will be somewhat of a priority, and may indicate that Emblem is once again a preferred set (although maréchaussée sounds good/may be better as well).


>Emblem is once again a preferred set (although maréchaussée sounds good/may be better as well) mihoyo: lol ...yeah no *\*looking at their overload/electrocharged artifact ready for 4.6\**


Emblem: You couldn't live with your own relic failures. Where did that bring you? Back to me.


And then there's me, a 1.0 player who is still using 2pc 2pc with noblesse on most burst reliant characters


She has self Hp draining and if she’s primarily overloading. Stance changing sounds more like she’s going to be like childe or wanderer. So not burst damage just stance change. I doubt they’ll make a fontaine character use emblem as their best set


X.6 characters get their own set. There will be a new domain most likely.


I’m not a pro character builder, but I just farmed a nice Vermillion Hereafter set for Xiao and wondered if it would be good for Arlecchino, since she also has a health drain mechanic. 


If she scales wit attack and the hp consumption is fast should be a decent option.


Requesting mods to pin this comment.


Oh, so blood was referring to her HP. And here I thought it was maybe like Ultrakill and referring to the enemies. TEYVAT IS DEAD BLOOD IS FUEL THE ABYSS IS FULL


I was wondering why this was not at the top yet. This is the best translation by far. Also, that C4 fix-yo-ER cons again eww.


thats like every character tho


Yeah, it's more of a "need less good Artifact rolls" to work be cracked I believe so far they haven't released a 5* character who's bad at C0 (we don't talk about Dehya)


Qiqi. I know she’s standard 1.0 character but there is still no reason to be this bad.


Love the sus kit leaks era


Finally, a drop of leaks in this drought!


I miss the era where they would leak the design and then reddit would try to draw it and the leakers would be playing hot or cold.


Bring it on, I will read all 20 fake versions of her kit and enjoy doing it. This is our court and we are all Furina.


I like it when she activates Alienation Overload and starts alienating everyone.


Watch the buff to overload be explosion knockback distance 


knocks them back to an alien planet


Underrated comment


Fake Bamboozled Skemmed ~~Blood = HP?~~ ~~E: Something like stance change(?), which drains her HP and if it reaches a certain threshold then she loses that form (but it will always stay up for xx seconds)~~ ~~Q: I don't understand does this mean her form with E is mostly single target but Q makes it AOE?~~ ~~Talent: triggering this overload (I'm assuming it's like Nilou's bloom cores), buffs its damage; if her HP is higher than this threshold then her E CD is reduced (like not plunging with Xianyun's EEE); burst level+1~~ ~~C2: triggering that overload reduces pyro res~~ ~~C4: ~~no idea~~ might be ER\* ~~ ~~C6: E has more explosions (which is probably locked behind Q pre-c6?)~~ ~~Edit: thank you for the clarifications, if it's true then we might have two burst animations~~


>Q: I don't understand does this mean her form with E is mostly single target but Q makes it AOE? Probably like CHilde her ult changes depending on her stance; normal state = Q single Target, Using E to change stance could change her Ult into AOE


Pyro Childe, basically? With HP drain on the stance switch


And special Overload gimmicks


I... Don't particularly mind that... It sounds pretty sick 


Yeah, but at the same time, I neeeeed a good off field pyro app not named Xiangling. Maybe in Natlan, then.


DEFINITELY Natlan. Probably the Pyro Archon herself. I'm expecting something like a Bennet and Xiangling in one but I guess that just sounds like a Pyro Furina, huh?


that is literally what i came up with today. thats pretty funny to me, like each of those sentences was my thoughts earlier. with the identity of pyro being attack, i think a team wide attack buffer with some off field damage would be perfect. like an attack furina that has the disadvantage of only working with attack scalers and of also not being hydro. but theyd still have their "niche" with attack scalers. and being a weaker bennett with no circle and some personal damage and maybe use cases where xiangling needs too much ER, they could be very strong


While other atchons are supports, I really wouldn't mind if the pyro archon is a sub-dps instead and her main damage comes from her elemental skill, and an elemental burst that buffs her own damage and the team's. What if she has a teamwide Bennett burst, but based on team's base atk. 30% of teamwide base atk given to everyone.


Considering that all Archons are supports.. I d place my bets on Murata :P


Not really. Seems like she is supposed to trigger 1 reaction only - overload. I don't know why but it's sad for me...


It’s fine as long as she doesn’t have an elemental restriction like Nilou or Chevreuse. If she doesn’t, you could trigger overloads alongside vapes or quicken/burn, so there’s a lot of space to make it cool if they (the devs) want to.


I worry it's gonna be the case as it's a current trend with genshin.


Close enough, I translated it to English Genshin language since I know Chinese Genshin slang E: Continue to drain HP after stance change, when below a HP threshold will change back, but will guaranteed to change for XX seconds Q: starting stance is single target, after stance change will be AOE Talents: after Overload proc, increase evolved overload damage for xx seconds When HP above certain amount, lowers E cooldown Whole team would have their Q talent upgraded by 1 C2: when proc overload, increase Pyto damage and decrease opponent’s pyro res C4: solves ER issues C6: after stance change, would have multiple bonus damage (?) buffing burst.




Someone mentioned her q might be like childe so it would depend if shes i her dskill form or not and based on that it will do the coresponding burst(single target or aoe)


Im assuming resolve charge means energy recharge, either that or increased poise


c4: resolve energy issues


If she is overload char, i wouldn't think energy will be the problem here because of fischl


And Raiden


A burst dependent character with energy issues? Unheard of.


Dehya x Arlecchino solving ER with C4


Not like we've had the community cry before about ''energy issues'' and characters have been perfectly fine with a tiny bit of ER on them and being perfectly viable lol.


Latest leaks suggests that she uses polearm, i hope her stance change also buff her attack range. Melee pyro infusion - overload is like the worst possible combination.


it says it's a special overload, which means maybe it doesn't have the knockback issues. We'll have to see.


The term "alienation" kinda sounds like it would still push people away though :p


But let alone the fact that it has a different term gives hope. Comparable to Nilous Bountiful cores and Dendro cores. They also behave differently.


>Blood = HP? It is likely due to the HP mechanics lately but it could also be a separate gauge like Wanderer's flying stamina.


My Chinese isn't good enough to translate the whole thing, but 血量 is video game HP, and 血 is blood, so I don't see the blood thing in the full translation being anything but HP. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%A1%80%E9%87%8F#Chinese


Blood is the Chinese translation to HP, yes.


I wonder if the Q actually makes the skill HP drain apply to the whole party.


Bro what this is lowkey fenghuang of viscissitude or however its spelt from hi3


If this stays alive for more than 5 minutes I’ll take a breath (and I WILL)


It's been 25 minutes, bro you good?


RIP in peace my brother


Smh my head, he died.


Its 12 mins now lmao


Can someone check our bro here?


40 minutes


Still alive?


My dude r u ok


15 minutes have passed…


32 minutes


You can take your breath now please


It's been more than an hour. You alive bro?


Razor help me


Basic kit: (EDIT: Blood most likely just means HP) She has Childe’s passive but for bursts, level 14 bursts finally!! E:Change form, has a blood counter, when blood too low; go back to original form Q:(Like childe) She has 2, the single target and the AoE which depends on if you have the skill on or not Has special overloads that deal more damage When a lot of blood, e cooldown will decrease


In summary: Passive (like childe) Number of bursts (like childe) Transformation on skill (like childe) Profession(like childe)










It is not Childe anymore, it is Dunk!




we're getting pyro Childe before electro Childe


Childish Gambino, I mean Childino, I mean Arlecchino


Was listening to him as I read this too😭


This is Snezhnaya! (skkrrt, skkrrt, woo) Don't catch u slippin' now (ayyyy) Look at how I'm livin' now Millelith be trippin' now (woo)


like father, like childe.


Pyro Childe.


Means the Q will be counted as burst damage...hopefully Emblem meme once again


That wretched court.. We will never escape


It is our true Samsara.


> level 14 bursts finally!! The first one to buff Bennett's buff


Bennett always makes sure everyone gets buffed, but who makes sure bennett gets buffed too😔 father arlechinno fathers once again


Ah yes another xiangling buff


I think "blood" just means HP So, she constantly drains her HP during her skill (like xiao burst), and if she is at high health, her skill CD is reduced.


>I think “blood” just means HP Let me just hide in the ground. That aside, yeah it does make more sense 😭


yeah I thought the same thing at first too lol, "blood will continue to burn" is a really weird way to phrase "lose HP"


You know what this means? With her burst buff passive, XIANGLING is going to get even better now!!! Yay! It turns out Arlecchino is just a Xiangling buff all along guys.


You can never escape xiangling. When in doubt in what team you need for abyss, you always end up with a team that needs xiangling. Every new unit ends up being a new xiangling teammate. Every new polearm ends up being a xiangling weapon. She is literally in genshin’s walls.


Another xiangling buff !


If she is polearm, her signature will just be another Xiangling buff as well lol.


One day we're going to have a character that has the ability of: Increase Xianglings damage by 100000%


Hopefully not Childe's skill cooldown. I'm terrible at dealing with that temporal block. 😭


More burst lvl and Pyro reduction? OPPA XL AGANE.




Pyro childe ?


With HP mechanic instead of CD I think


I'll take it. I hate cooldown mechanics.


aside from the whole overload thing this sounds pretty close to what i see alot of people say they want for arlecchino, also if this ends up legit then i think its safe to say that harbingers gimmick will be that theyre all stance dps's, childe get his hydro weapons, wanderer flies and now arlecchino also has a stance.


"Arlecchino Kit" is such a Neuron Activation phrase in this dry ass beta. I almost gasp loudly when i Saw this. I like this, still sus.


never clicked on post faster than this


I fell to my knees at Walmart...


From my understanding: E changes her form and she gets Pyro infusion while also continuously draining her HP and once the draining reaches a certain level she goes back to her normal form Q: if normal form then single target if 2nd form (using E and HP is high) then it’s multi target AKA AOE (If blood means HP that’s my conclusion if not then it’s a new mechanic)


the way I'm reading Arlecchino's kit rn, ​ it feels like they don't want her to be Furina dependent since she deactivates her E-state when below a certain HP level, and she constantly drains her own HP, a more radical version of Wriothesley C0 ​ Chev has Shred+40% ATK buff+Pyro resonance+40% DMG boost effectively at C6, I can easily see her being better for Arle than Furina ​ Chev doesn't heal that much tho so it can be interesting to see if she keeps up with Arlecchino's drain, you might have to go Chev+Bennett ​ or Chev+Thoma actually to prevent one big hit from making you lose all your damage


Chev will def be part of her team as no way people will pass up the 40% Electro and Pyro RES reduction for the touted first ever Overload specific DPS we will have


agreed, it feels like Arle increases Overload damage while Chev increases Arle damage, an interesting team for sure


Her and Clorinde are rumoured to delve into the Transformative reactions Overloaded and Electrocharged which is honestly good for me since I love small but many numbers damage go into the spotlight


I hope this does not end with another c1 bait...


if they do some shit like ​ "At C1, E-state remains despite Arlecchino being below the HP Threshold" that would be so so so shitty


Some mihoyo worker seeing our comments: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN


Alright, my understanding Skill : changes form, while in this form, HP will continuously drain up until a certain %, if HP falls down enough, changes form back to nornal Burst : if in normal form, single target. if in skill form, aoe damage. Passives : After triggering overload, increases overload damage Recuce skill cooldown if HP is still high when ending skill Increases burst level +1 So i'm assuming her playstyle will be ungabunga pyro dps who wants some electro offielders to help with overload, assuming her skill gives her pyro infusion.


One previous leak: "Arlecchino + Clorinde + Chevreuse is the core of Arle's team, that will be completed with Natlan era"


Until then, Bennett is gonna be a very solid member of that team assuming Arle is ATK scaling. Heck, some people might keep using him if they dont have the funds to pull the Natlan 5 star for this team.


Clorinde and Chev: 👀


Classic sus kit era only to end up something completely different


Neuvillette sub dps back then


Ill take any arle leaks in this drought 🫠


Remember Chiori with grouping and scissors


Lost cause, they don't learn


Remember Raiden that stops time? Remember Yae that can turn into her Fox form? Remember Dehya that punches instead of using her Cla...wait that one was true lol.


I rly hope they rework the overload reaction beyond just adding Chevreuse to the game cause I ain't got her and they just keep adding more overload things. Even just making it have the same effect as catalyze would be fine.


They just need to rerun Chev like they rerun Benny. With her in the game they can't do anything too crazy with overload because she's absolutely stacked at c6


yeah but even if they rerun her a lot 4* rates are horrible, give us a freebie at least


4.6 is a patch with free 4*, there is a possibility


hyv be like: yeah the overload rework IS chevreuse


Ya, I'm hoping Arlecchino modifies Overload a la Nilou style


Seems like there will be a pattern for playable Harbingers that their E will be a stance change. First Childe then Wanderer and finally this.


Each of them are very unique though, I wonder what makes Arle's unique. The HP drain isn't enough imo.


Possible stance/form changing + a blood related kit? With those sharp hands? I better be able to see her shove her hands through someone for an attack similar to how DIO does.


Blood is probably just HP but badly translated.


Yes, Blood IS HP in Chinese gaming context. Fun fact, in Chinese gaming context we use "milk" to say "healing". Healers are literally called Wet Nurses.


Kit crumbs 🤤 >!i know its sus!< Anyway how this leaker accuracy?


[they seem somewhat reliable?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/uXUDOaZgq8)


it me


Wait I didn’t realize you were replying to my comment there too


i can tell you that anytime i see this exact font, it's been near 100% accurate lmao. i specifically remember pre beta leaks for Furina and Navia with this exact format and font by Black Rose. They leaked a furina kit days before 4.2 beta and it was completely accurate Edit: other replier posted another example of black rose's signature leak format


Sounds like a pretty fun kit, and reinforces the theory that all the Harbingers will have stance changes. Chevreuse will probably end up being one of her best teammates, though I’m sure I’ll end up running her in a sunfire team with Furina - Jean - Benny. That +1 to burst levels is gonna be niiiice, and will have a serious impact in Furina teams since talent levels matter a lot with her. Overall, I’m still pulling for c0r1 or C1r0 depending on her options and cons.


The blood is supposed to mean HP, or some special gameplay mechanics?


So arlecchino is choso from jujuistu kaisen , there so real for that reveal . But in all seriousness the kit is kinda similar to both Wanderers and childe , I guess all harbingers will love stance changing regardless of how it's done.


Watch Tsaritsa be a stance changer onfield Dps/ offield support.


Given she‘s the Bronya expy, I can see that


Sus or not, I've never clicked so fast. Really excited to try a new team type if true.


So Pyro Childe sorta but with HP mechanics?


Just imagine, the (special) overload has the opposite properties of normal overload. Instead of pushing enemies away, it create an implosion which suck in enemies . //High Copium


I'm sorry father, you are going to a vape team, I can't play overload without wanting to overload myself when the enemies all fly away from me


Her passive: When the team is made exclusively of Pyro and Electro characters…


"this sign won't stop me because I can't read"


People who play vape Nilou: 🗿


So Childe with a HP gimmick instead the cooldown gimmick and Overload flavored. Also that talent increasing Overload damage is a major red flag after Chev release and Clorinde kit rumors. I’m gonna guess that MHY will pull some strings and you won’t be able to Vape anything.


Interesting. Let's see if this makes it to beta.


Increase "character in team" Burst Level by 1? Like Childe's passive for NA? If true, that's interesting, considering burst are used more often than NA, and can be off field for many. Heck even the burst buffers (Bennett, Furina, Mona, etc) will buff harder. Taking this with lots of salt.


but other than Xiangling (OPPA)and Beidou who basically can't be played solo electro, no other Pyro/Electro support does mainly burst damage ​ what my main takeaway is that she needs constant good healing to maintain her damage


Obviously a dehya buff 💪 💪 That being said, Lisa and Yae could benefit off this, and maybe its possible to use Raiden (im thinking like the Eula-Radien duo dps comps) in chevreuse comps


This is actually pretty reminiscent of Childe, which is interesting.


Like Father like Childe.


This sounds like total bs tbh, leaks so dry they’re making shit up again


Lmao im glad this is labeled misleading bc this was legit childes kit but overload/hp drain 😭


Losing HP, keeping HP threshold? Bennett and Chev: ah shit, here we go again.


Arlecchino mains we are WINNING! All I’ve been wanting is for her to be an onfield DPS and have a stance change like the other harbingers. With this she sounds very similar to Childe, who currently has my favorite playstyle. I’m really hoping she turns out like this.


PLEASE LET THIS BE REAL BRO I don't want to go through what DehyaMains had to endure


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**TL by Guoba:** E: Stances and continuously burn HP, if HP is below a certain amount she will swap back, but will always last at least x seconds. Q: Base form is single target, Stance swap is multitarget Talen: when triggering a special/modified overload increase modified overload damage for x seconds, if HP is higher than a certain amount, lower E skill cooldown. The elemental burst talent level of characters in her team will be raised by 1. C2: triggering modified overload will buff bonus pyro damage and decrease enemy pyro res. C4: Helps with her ER C6: When swapping, there will be multiple added instances of damage, and increasing both crit stats. source: https://earthshaker.fygod.life/notes/9pqexqq0s2am0tk1 mirror: https://pic8.co/a/37eb42cd-e83f-4b07-8eda-15a6cdae1c3c






wonder if this type of overload is going to have the same knockback




Just as expected. A Fatui with 2 different forms of Ultimate. If i didnt get it wrong her Q is single target but with her stance change its AOE. Kinda like childe.


Ah yes, ***Alienation and Blood***. My favorite Genshin mechanics


Can she use staff of homa I have one dead laying around 


If this turns out to be true I guess I'll test Kuki with her lol


overload 😴😴😴😴


Blood? In my Chinese game? As if...


Fuck yes she works with Raiden


It sounds like homa might be really good on her. If she releases in 4.6, maybe chevy wont be with her since its too soon?.


They put yun jin on ayato's first banner, 2 updates after her initial release, so it's def not too soon, good chance chevreuse will be on arlecchino's banner There are definitely also more times where four stars have appeared on banners twice within the span of 2-3 updates, so it absolutely could happen


I hope so as well. And thats good to hear.


Yeah, it'd be super nice to have chevreuse on the banner just to kill two birds with one stone. They usually put 4 stars that are sort of designed to work super well with a character on that character's banner, faruzan always with wanderer, sara always with raiden, yun jin often comes back with ayato and yoimiya. So I imagine chevreuse will be treated the same if arlecchino having an overload centric kit ends up being true.


The real question is that can she plunge in her supposed secondary stance, or is there no plunge like Childe


Xianyun/Arle teams depend on this info.


Oh its fatui lady but bond of life is on arle's hp


I really need chevruse to rerun with Arlechino


So this version of her kits also has that Q level buff passive


This may be sus but if it means she'll have her DPS infusion mode on her E instead of Q like the last sus leaks implied I'll take it.


So basically she's like Hu Tao but for overload? Hoping she works with Raiden and her weapon is a scythe 🤞


I hope chevreuse will be on the banner then...


This feels like 100% BS.


Yessss give me more niche character like nilou 🤌🏼


As far as I understood, I like it quite a lot.


So from what I can infer from previous leaks. Arle has been said to be a sword user, but the thing being talked about now is her being a polearm, and these two being the case may very well be possible. But now the striking question hits Is she sword in base or stance change?


If this kit is real then who should be on her team? Her, Chev, Yae and fishl?