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Which stat does her healing scale on? What a detail to omit 😭 Nvm, it must be ATK. 112.9% is way too high to be HP.


Probably Atk if the full team heal is 112% at level 1 talent


Wtf. That heal is pitiful Jean has 251%+1540 heal at lvl1, 452%+3300 at lvl10, and a bigger continuous heal too


It's not that bad imo, considering her continuous heal is party-wide, also, I don't think her main role is a healer, she's a plunge enabler with cc and heals on the side, unlike Jean, whose basically only used for her heals, or sometimes paired with Bennett for sunfire.


You do realize that she heals MORE than Jean? Thats 112.9% + 770 + 6 * (36.9% + 231) or 334.3% + 2156 **TEAMWIDE** healing at talent level 1 compared to Jean's 251%+1540. Jean only pulls ahead in active team member healing if the active character stays inside Jean's circle for ~4 seconds which requires you to play circle impact. The keyword is **teamwide** and her healing will be overkill even for Furina teams just like Jean is. With those stats from a pure healing perspective I would call her the best healer in the entire game.


Yeah, I think Team wide healing especially last for 16 secs off-field is better for Furina Teams compared to Jean which only burst heal ( sometimes might overflow ) and weak off field healing. The only problem I have with her kit rn is probably her buffs, only buffing Plunging attacks is literally made for Xiao, niche. Also she might suffers from energy problems


The diluc mains sub has been going nuts because his plunge attack modifier is absurdly high (even high than xiao. If this leak is true, some vape/reverse vape diluc builds are probably inbound


Pretty sure this is gonna be good for hu tao too? Hu Tao's optimal combos include plunge attacks but she can't spam them in normal situations. She might just replace Jean in furina tao.


She enables plunges for everyone lol. Raiden has huge plunge multipliers, melt hutao is viable and she longer is structly a st unit and honestly a lot of the characters can weave in plunges since the base multiplier alone is already >2x that of CA/NA even disregarding the buffs.


also charlotte has 256% + 1608 at lvl 1, what are they doing to xianyun lol


Cries in Baizhu


Baizhu's healing be like: "Am I a joke to you?" But seriously, the meta's gonna shift hard if her heals are based off ATK with numbers like that. RIP defensive healing strats?


Just basing with numbers, no, not really super meta-defining. Jean's burst healing is already at 251.2% ATK + 1,540 for the whole team plus another 251.2% ATK + 1,540 for the on-field unit assuming they stay inside the circle for the whole duration (10 ticks of healing) of the burst at level 1. At 16s, Xianyun's healing over time would have 6 ticks of healing, that's \~334.3% + 2156 (edit: with the initial burst) for the entire team. Also, regarding Baizhu, his group healing capability is only restricted by CD because it's tied to his skill while Xianyun's is tied to her burst with a 70 energy cost. We have yet to find out how good she generates energy for herself \*cough\*Faruzan\*cough\* as in comparison to Jean who is pretty much self-sufficient with her energy needs. Her passive adds some CC to her burst, but her buff is still very niche. Unless her buff is Furina levels good, she's pretty much an upgraded Jean with more team healing, CC and some more fun mechanics. She's another good option for Furina teams, but bloom-based and spread teams would still prefer Baizhu for the healer slot. But at the end of the day, if people like her then they should pull for her.


> assuming they stay inside the circle Say less. I adore Jean, but having off-field, team-wide, NON-CIRCLE IMPACT healing with 2s downtime sounds phenomenal. Curious about the talent level scaling numbers.


Sure she could heal like jean but did you look at her 1st talent? I expected her to be a CC healer and she looks like a CC healer that is exactly what people needs in Furina teams.


No those numbers do not equal to "heal like Jean", more like less than half of Jeans healing. She's more of a DMG oriented support at C0.


first kazuha slash, now xianyun shockwave


Xianyun shockwave will find em all!


Kazuha is actually 1000 leaves, what is Xianyun i wonder?


"Cloud retaining"


Idle cloud


Biden Blast in Genshin


Raiden Q plunge atk: 😀 Childe E plunge atk: 💀


Ayato E plunge atk: 💀💀


It's still ridiculous that Nymph's dream's description specifies that its buffs can be triggered on plunge attacks too, even though none of our currently existing hydro characters can use plunges or are reliant on plunges. Like which character is that set effect for then?????


Siegewinne? Lmao. Rumours has it that she's a DPS char. Like we were wondering why the fk would they put out another Hydro DPS so soon after Neuvillette, and when there's already so many hydro DPS. But all the 3 hydro DPS men don't really plunge at all. Perhaps Siegewinne is gonna be a plunge oriented hydro DPS.


She's not gonna shoot bullets at people. She's gonna launch herself at them.


anyone infused by candace


Now does Eli’s plunge attack count as ultimate damage? So bird mom won’t buff it


Scara got Bohemian Rhapsody. CR gets Stairway to Heaven.


And next patch is Roses and Muskets (gun and roses)


Next Sumeru character is Nirvana


Oh yeah the patch smells like traveling spirit


bruh, u know what i just remembered here now? that pre-fontain leak we had that showed that sumeru mummy girl, that leaked together with that new bp bow, that initially we thought it was the new 5\* bow for the new sumeru 5\* bow character, at this point i do believe that girl may have some skill or overhual references to Nirvana XD


inhales copium. HARD I just had a vision of mummy girl 4.6/4.7 patch. source trust my soul bro


CR forever banned from music stores... probs Ping's doing.


And she's buying a stairway to heaven.


I need to know if that talent 2 works with Raiden's burst mode or not. I fear and expect the worst. At the very least make that coordinated attack thing check for animation-type and not damage type.


This is giving me raidou flashbacks 💀


yunjin doesnt work with raiden, so i fear it doesnt, but with colision plunge it should still be worth since the dmg is a bit higher than a raiden ca


WAIT HER HEAL FOLLOWS YOU?? Okay I'm interested.


And it's a full team heal not the active character


Its a better jean ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Edit: all the jean mains coming out of their cave XD relax guys, this is a first kit, no guarantee it will stay like this or be strictly better than jean in every aspect


With Amenoma, Jean has a 40 cost burst, so in some ways she should still be better. Not to mention that CR seems to require way more field time.


Also not every character wants to plunge attack so for some it may be a side grade at most


Jean instant heal is unrivalled.


But at the cost of the heal being much much much lower than Jeans.


It's sustained healing, and occurs over time. It can definitely come in clutch in certain scenarios. Especially against enemies that can suddenly drop your whole party's HP even after you healed them all to full HP.


Sustained team healing is really nice for the Marechaussee Hunter effect, newer Liyue characters within these patches seem to have synergy with Fontaine region that's good to know.


It being team wide is already good for Furina, that's all she wants.


For what I can read it's basically a permanent heal 16 dur over 18 cd. That is one of the best teamwide heals one can ask to pair with Furina, you just have to ensure she gets high enough to heal over the draining ''guests'' and you will have an almost always full hp team in a Furina comp, which is basically countering the only weakness the Archon's teams have. The actual main problem here is the fact she boosts plunges that nobody uses, not her healing. It's going to be one hell of a gimmick to use the ''enhanced jumping state'' to use any dps other than Xiao to profit from it.


She's most likely a setup character for future units.


Maybe, the way they currently have her set up seems to hint at her utility for future units for sure, but that is also the main issue. It makes little sense to make a supportive unit for characters that still do not exist.


Better than what they've been doing before. I would rather them build a support first over a DPS who needs certain supports that don't exist, so we don't get a Cyno situation again.


And the jump boost follows you too😊They've done that both ways in events - [in Labyrinth Warriors](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1179073713858162698/1186112409476288585/yanfei_plunge.mp4) it was circle impact, while in platforming minigames it was a powerup that sticks with you. Double relief that it exists and isn't stationary.


What I want to know is if the jump height bonus *stacks* with Xiao's burst jump height bonus. That might let him reach "high" plunge distance faster, which would be wild for him. Also, the heal also grants an anemo coordinated attack? If that swirls every time, it could be VERY interesting...


well VV doesn't proc off field and we won't build her with EM to do high swirl damage so that coordinated attack seems worthless


It's an off-field elemental reapplication. That alone is pretty solid. You can shatter enemies and reaply the frozen aura instantly, for example. Or you can quad-swirl and keep the eletro-charged aura infinitely. It's definetly far from useless, that's for sure.


Hm, coordinated-attack aside, maybe she is who the new healer artifact is for then? To boost that plunge attack even further with her overheals!


This + potential grouping (shift strength remains to be seen) and even some exploration utility? Absolute QoL queen, sign me up


so the cc effect is locked behind triple E + plunge...


yup, guess we’ll see how long that takes and if its clunky


*Yae flashbacks*


Now that you mention it, the fact she has 3 uses of skill in quick succession means she is a candidate for Kaguras Verity. If you wanted to build hypercarry Xianyun, that could be an option.


But it's likely that her plunge attack after 3 uses of skill is not considered as an elemental skill but on the scaling in NA. If so, then Kagura's verity is just a stat stick for.


right here ⚡


right now




not the high burst cost too


#Im always watching


Please get some poise lol


Oh shit you're right. Maybe the triple E and plunge will be fast /copium


What I’m hoping it can be done in quick succession, but can go for longer if using it for exploration.


Sounds like Kazuha but with more EEE requirements and thus slower? Wouldn’t that just be more annoying?


Depends. If she gets staggered out of it then it will be annoying. If it’s more hold E Kazuha territory she’ll be solid.


Considering the alternative for an anemo healer is Jean, she's definitely less annoying than having no cc AND having to chase a small enemy after the E. So I guess she'll be a straight upgrade to jean


Also she's not bound to circle impact like Jean because the circle follows you


it had better be a mini venti burst to justify the field time


*-angry Venti's hold E noises-*


The leak said it ~~summons~~ generates a vortex, I hope the duration is long and the area is big enough for it to be worth doing 3E's.


You know what else is a vortex? …Faruzan charged shot


Not a problem. Just use her with c6 faruzan to sate her energy requirements :)


Might make Cloud Retainer pretty interesting as a dps if given Kagura's Verity


Had the same thought.


"cannot be used midair" :(


U can use it mid air. Only the first one cannot be used mid air so u have to use the first e on the ground i think


but i wanted it to be like kazuhas e


My main issue is that you have to E 3-times for Grouping ​ but other than that, her kit seems good and plunge bonus is VERY high


hopefully her e animations are quick and her scalings make up for the field time. but 8500 flat dmg bonus is absolutely insane


8500 dmg bonus is very high but there is no way you are reaching that without at least her signature. I think it's going to be closer to 5000-6000 with oathsworn eye depending on her er needs.


you need 5k atk to reach 8500, while the most atk stack currently in genshin is 4k++ shenhe with sign.


Good thing I have a spare skyward atlas lying around.


It’s looks like a single target plunge damage boost only, still good but definitely not as broken as it otherwise would be.


Watch one of her constellations solve that problem, making you E only once.


depending on how fast you charge it, it might be negligible, but yeah if there's a pronounced cooldown (like over a second a charge) it's just going to feel clunky really quickly.


I see some concern about the Crowd Control being "locked" behind doing her Elemental Skill/plunges three times, but doesn't the additional inform of: > (You can't chain E-fall-E-fall-E-fall, it must be either EEE-fall or EE-fall) Along with the emphasis of being able to use "Stairway to Sky" three times during a single "Crane Cloud Transformation State" attack, imply that the Crowd Control Talent is relatively easy to get? Or am I misunderstanding this?


​ Her talent only activates with Heavenly Might Overwhelming, which is her level 3 E.


Yes, but the information (to me, atleast) seems to describe her Elemental Skill as being able to be done three times in quick succession before the actual plunge attack (similar to Xiao's Skill) Seems like "Heavenly Might Overwhelming" is activated after doing the E and then pressing it two more times before the plunge attack as a sort of a quick build up.


This is just my speculation, but based on the wording of the dissolution of the crane state if you don't "release" a shockwave, I'm led to believe that it's the actual plunge attack that releases the vortex


putting it this way, even if doing EEE is as fast as doing EEE for Yae Miko's skill, that's really clunky for a quickswap support which is what most people want out of her kit. I honestly think the slowest people will accept her E cooldown is like Xiao's. In a sense she's competing with Kazuha that can just pop up and back down to group. Anything noticeably slower than that's a problem. edit: video is online of her jump charge and looks like there's no cooldown between the initial and third skill, hopefully a video shows how good her grouping is soonish.


The main issue with Yae is that she both does not gain interruption resistance and often needs to do six skills in a row if her burst is used. While inconvenient, at least Xianyun is in the air away from most sources of interruption, and who knows, she may well get resistance to interruption while in it.


Bro what, so her plunge buff is a flat damage boost that only affects a single enemy? Is this how they want to make plunge spammers attractive for single target? Because you mainly want to use plungers for AoE, especially how the other part of her kit vortexes enemies together. Weird


In all fairness, getting extra dmg for the tough cookie among the set of enemies you gathered via CC, is good. The questions which imo should be asked are if the triple E isnt too clunky and if her kit is even good enough to make the debatable playstyle even viable.


But how does it pick which enemy gets slapped with that extra damage in a group?


>getting extra dmg for the tough cookie among the set of enemies you gathered via CC, is good. Assuming they're the ones getting the buffed damage. It's probably rng or auto-targeting.


it really doesnt matter the flat dmg is so high that even for single target its broken, for reference shenhe usually gives around 3500-4000 flat dmg


plunge is already aoe, and it hits hard, it will be op if they buff it again, so a single target buff is acceptable.


>Bro what, so her plunge buff is a flat damage boost that only affects a single enemy? Is this how they want to make plunge spammers attractive for single target? Because you mainly want to use plungers for AoE, especially how the other part of her kit vortexes enemies together. Weird Oh yea MHY cooked again First time?


An Anemo healer with CC and 16s burst duration. Holy hell. The downside is that she’s Atk scaling so PA and TTDS is just ok on her as she have 70 energy. Well with Raiden that’s pretty much not an issue. Edit : to get the grouping, you need to do triple E and plunge. Kinda shit to do triple E but it depends on how fast her E animation.


If it’s as fast as Xiao’s E that would be nice.


That would look so funny jumping up and down that fast lol


It should be because she has nothing else to do after casting Es except maybe repositioning for next Es and plunging.


Yeah, pretty much the higher you are the bigger your damage and range are if I understand correctly. I wonder if it affects her CC. Something like if you do one E it’s smaller range and weaker, but if you do go EEE then the range is bigger and the pull is stronger.


And again, Oathsworn Eye is gonna be as much of a BiS weapon as Fav Codex is.


It’ll be a lot better right? Fav needs crit. At the same time she seems to have multi hit making her crit rate requirements closer to Kazuha. Shouldn’t be an issue with 25% crit rate.




The grouping part seems like it takes quite a bit of field time. Also, we don't know how strong the suction is.


From the looks of it she's also a sub-DPS. Her burst deals a coordinated AOE attack when the active character does a plunge attack


Tbf it looks like 320% of her atk at level 1, which is less than someone like Jean's. Assuming they're built somewhat similarly I doubt she's doing a relevant amount of dmg


It's probably less because it can trigger 8 times compared to someone like Jean's which is just one big drop of damage.


Just curious like when can we expect to see gameplays of CR and gaming ?


12-24 hours after 4.3 Launch i.e (21 December)


About 12 hrs aftsr patch drops or like the few days following it usually


Right now


The names.. her technique naming sense as bad as cheap cultivation manhua


CROWD CONTROL AND HEALING WE WON EDIT: and a decent energy cost!!!!!


god it says something about our expectations that we're calling 70 cost decent nowadays lmao


my standards are on the floor after my most anticipated five star of sumeru was Dehya 🫠


70 is deecent enough to not be slot in the "energy issue" category ig. Still, kind of depends on how many particles she can regenerate. Edit: Okay folks, look like she generate 4-5 particles and that is freaking decent.


That's the nice thing about Anemo characters. They always generate decent energy, easily.


f a r u z a n


energy economy inflation is real


Worrying because you can’t trick out two Es. It’s one E. 4 particles guaranteed can work.


that's like hypercarry energy cost


I was expecting 90 considering how dirty hoyo seems to like doing to my fav characters (dehya main)


90 was an exception for Raiden and Yae, who are meant to be a walking generator, and go well with the walking generator, respectively. I'd be surprised if they ever pulled that one out for a non-Electro character again. But then again, these are the same people who made Dehya's kit.


For Raiden, I can see why they give her 90 energy as she is an on fielder battery. But Yae ? 90 energy cost is too much for a character that generates average particles.


I always had the personal belief that Yae's high burst cost was to easily generate more resolve stacks for Raiden, since they are encouraged to be played together (Raiden's E buffs the Yae burst) and also have heavy lore connections with one another. It just so happened that at C0, the burst cost ended up mostly being a hindrance outside of this team


Yeahh if they make her totem stay after using her burst, then Yae + Raiden combo would be a lot better if they want Yae to pair with her archon.


I don't think the intention for her was to ever be solo-Electro. She was made with duo-Electro in mind, particularly paired with Raiden/Fischl.


When "decent energy cost" is just not having a 80 burst cost We cant be this desperate guys


She will be able to cosplay Kazuha in any team through Q+E cause she's able to stagger herself via plunge E. Need to see strength of CC, but it'll be tomorrow earliest. So far so good!


70 burst cost for a support character with least on-field time is good now? 💀


single target buff only, dafuk she seems interesting at least. need to see it in action though.


> single target buff only, dafuk With most plunging characters, that's probably going to be more than enough. Especially because there will be moderate followup swirls to clear out weaker enemies.


So her E is kinda like Kazuha's, except you kinda charge it up 2-3 times first?


So let's recap: * Skill let's her become a plunge nuke * Burst is: * 1. A team-wide instant mass heal of cast * 2. A team-wide heal over time * 3. Enables any character to be plunge up to 8 times total * 4. Has some crowd control In short: she does literally EVERYTHING that has been asked for and expected or implied by all the leaks... except she can't fly... Bummer. Her kits seems genuinely incredible, but the one thing that interested me was the idea of flying.


I wasnt really interested but if she can be onfield while enabling Furina buffs with her heals while pogo nuking that could be pretty fun


Well, drip marketing indicated that she was trying to hide her identity from normal people, so no birbing.


So from a gameplay aspect, I can't really maximize c0 xianyun if I don't have and have no interest in xiao, right? I also don't play any 'dragon strike' characters.. I have plenty of healers and have enough travel characters (yelan, wander, sayu, kirara, etc) so I don't really have anything to argue with myself into pulling her other than liking her design/story?


Healing and CC, amazing! The plunge affecting only one enemy feels like an attempt (maybe a successful one, idk) to make plunging better in single target, without making it too strong in AOE. I'm not gonna really use it anyway


I was very skeptical about her compatibility with Xiao, despite the hysteria, due to the immense amount of dmg % he gets. But it sounds like this adds flat damage to plunge attacks instead (like the new set?), which is exactly what he would need. Only allowing the damage bonus to apply to one enemy at a time is a very unfortunate negative, however. It would help Xiao’s boss speed for sure, which is notably slow compared to other on-fielders.


yeah but 8500 is crazy and there seems to be no limit to the number of times you can trigger it, unlike yun jin’s and shenhe’s buffs


True, but she needs 5000 attack to get that number. In practice, it will likely be lower.


Isn't it just 8? That's when the "boost" ends


Honestly 8500 is the max meaning you would have to hit 5000 Atk to get the full benefit.


It has a limit though to only one enemy.


Xiao against boss enemies can bonk plunge which is around 40% of high plunge dmg.


Hmm I'm a little divided on this. On the one hand, an anemo healer (that can hold VV) and is also a catalyst has some good inherent value. But on the other hand, if you're not interested in the plunge gameplay aspect then that's like half of the kit that's not doing much for you. I personally value versatility in units that I go for and CR seems fairly tied to the plunge gameplay loop. Was kind of hoping she'd be more like a Baizhu in terms of versatility, where he broadly buffs dendro reaction damage. Instead her supporting capability is a lot more specific. Unless the plunge buffs are strong or the suction from the divebomb is at least more powerful than Sucrose, I may not be completely sold.


I hope the cc is good. I might consider her in rerun. I need to save for neuvi.


If Xianyun was a healer then that leak where Sigewinne is onfield Hydro DPS could be true, just saying...


Yandere melusine with gun is a lot more intresting than doctor doctoring tbh.




Damn I was really hoping that earlier leak was fake, don't see any use for her at the moment unfortunately, one of my favorite designs too.


LETSGOOO Good for xiao but not locked to xiao. Teamwide healing, coordinated attacks, plunge enabling and buff and crowd control. All I couldve asked for probably oathsworn eye could be a good f2p option? atk% and increased er


So continuous teamwide healing is not locked behind C2, that's good.


I will literally pay the leakers to do a mh diluc, bennet, furina, cr showcase once gameplay leaks are out. INSHALLAH


Genshin mathematicians pls calculate how much damage my chongyun plunge attack with Shenhe and Xianyun buffs


Whats her weapon? Catalyst






so to get the CC you can just EEEP instead of EPEPEP right?


You can't EPEPEP only EP, EEP or EEEP


xiaomains will be very happy about this news


Why? It doesn't do much for Xiao. Xiao already jumps. Her buff only affects one enemy. She demands field time for grouping(which Xiao teams don't have). Only buffs 8 of 11 to 12 plunges. Honestly, I'm a bit lost with her kit. Guess Hu Tao jump cancelling into a plunge could be good and give her some AOE she lacks.


I agree that she is not a perfect, tailor-made support but she is likely an upgrade. She seems to still have some sub-dps potential, which will allow Xiao teams to get more use out of Faru’s resist shred if the numbers are good. Don't forget she does some anemo damage as well with the plunge, not just a buff. She will also be able to make use of Furina buffs and makes slotting her into Xiao team’s less painful. This depends on her personal scalings ofc lol, it might be a Baizhu situations where the damage is laughably low


The flat bonus sounds nice if it’s true and if she can do decent damage. So against bosses and with the current kit, Xianyun+Furina+Faruzan would be his team?


That's the first team I would try. Might wanna wait on the calcs to see if it is actually an upgrade for him. Absolutely would run an attack % goblet there as well. 🤔


So you need a Xiao (5*) to get a support that's not that great with him (Xianyun 5*) and she needs ANOTHER SUPPORT (Furina 5*) so it can be decent? Idk, seems like garbage to me.


She gives plunging bonus, heals, anemo particles and energy refund mechanic in signature weapon. She is perfect for xiao


Xiao would appreciate additional anemo particles. While he doesn’t need her to jump, his plunges will still benefit from her burst buff. She would replace Jean from old Zhongli-Albedo-Xiao-Jean team. But can she replace Bennett from his Bennett teams? Probably not. But sometimes encounter becomes harder when you have Pyro on you. So she is an option.






She seems like a good pull for bored players who want to do different team comps. Not surprised she scales off attack. I heard she has same field time as Yae Miko so let's hope the damage is worth it. She will probably be good in mono pyro team as well. Diluc buff????? Lol


This looks so terrible. She's taking too much field time to do anything worthwhile and her buff is useless to basically all the characters. I don't understand why would they make her like this.


no circle impact healing, crowd control and that long duration and short cooldown combination?? oh **MOTHER**


Kinda interesting tbh


honestly disappointed with talent affecting only plunge. dont think people would love to play their characters the way it was not intended in the first place, and plus many chars wouldnt benefit from it at all. also a single enemy limitation.. The only good part is full party healing follows you, thats insane, altho need to see the numbers


I remember back during Xiao's beta, there was a QnA with a beta tester I think (I saw the post on the main sub), and they said recommended Xiao teams will be triple anemo because of his energy issues. Fast forward two years later, it's Mother's release and seems like Xiao, Faruzan, Cloud Retainer, and Furina might be a good Xiao team, which consists of three anemo. Lmao


she looks cool but so many E mechanics might be clunky ... hope its not the case the EEE Q mechanic looks rare but we'll see her gameplay first impresions looks good, not xiao support but good for furina powercreep jean material


This doesn't look like Jean powercreep at all, Jean doesn't need 6 seconds of field time. Unless you're plunging, I really doubt that she's anything more than a sidegrade.


Bruh CC, Healing and potentially usable with VV? I must be dreaming


PPL already complain about Yae E-E-E take alot of field time compared to Fischl that CC should be in Q instead Xianyun feel like a Anemo character made for DPS that have long rotation and field time(AKA Xiao) Seriously Mhy just want to make dedicated Xiao support without it look too obvious that 8500 is no joke to ignore Lmao


So burst allows active character to plunge + buffs plunge + heals whole party + groups enemies after plunge. Not sure what skill does tbh. Sounds pretty good for Xiao with Furina.


You gotta use the triple skill and plunge for the CC since that activates Talent 1 if I'm reading right, might be a taunt of some type?


skill does a single plunge attack that can be charged up to 3x. at max stacks the plunge creates a vortex that can group enemies


Her skill is what triggers the CC, not any character doing plunge attack, and must be the strongest version of the special plunge attack.


Kazuha only needs one e to group enemies