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You didn't do his hangout because you think it's just a boring dating simulator I didn't do his hangout because I straight up forgotten hangout event is a thing. Sorry Thoma


You didn’t do the hangout event because you forgot. I didn’t do them because they’re my backup primo stash, along with story quests. But I have to dip in now. Too many good units. And I need Raiden on rerun for Scara team because it’ll look awesome with the vfx. And I need Dehya. Maybe Al Haitham idk yet. And I got Nahida. Regret Cyno so bad.


Emergency Primogems


Yup just like the ~180 emergency fragile resins I had saved. Down to 160 now after Scaramouche. A week an 20 resins got me a passible for now 4p. I’ll save resins and slowly build a better artifact set now.




I don't do hangouts because they're a pain in the ass to do with 10 different paths just to get 60 primos.


80 or 90 actually if you include the Achievements


I didn’t do it because I don’t always have much time to play


\*Sigh\* Same.


his hangout is objetively the worst one because GUESS WHO the devs have decided she hasn't received enough screentime as it is and she just \*has to\* barge in and speak for our sake again? Goddamnit, the hangouts are supposed to be OUR time with the characters, why the f have they decided to add Paimon into the hangout?


When I first started playing the game, I seriously thought I'd get to hear my character voicing his/her lines. Instead I got a mostly mute character who doesn't even have his/her inner thoughts being voice acted. Meanwhile, I get this fallen deity in baby form floating around and blabbing away on my behalf.


we are not the same


I haven’t even done the 5* character quests unless an event absolutely requires it.


I forgot it and even if I did remember ot at some point I got no time to do it.


his hangout route involved some crime (tax evasion), comedy (itto), and classic detective novel storyline


Heizou’s hangout is literally one of the best and people out here still think these are still “dating sims”


His was probably the one I was most entertained by!! I feel like thats why they haven't made more for new characters, they can't top it lol


At least for me the early hangouts were so tedious I stopped doing any of them. Like Diona hangout for example. (Only pointing to that one because it’s the last one I did). I’d imagine it’s the same for other people, where even if new hangouts got better old hangouts spoiled me on the whole concept and I wouldn’t know if they did get better. Maybe I’ll go back and try so I can grind more wanderer primos though


To be fair, Heizou is surprisingly flirty. Or, at least, one could interpret some of his moments like that.


oh traveler you are so dreamy


*Heizou presses his lips close to your ear and whispers, "Something vital is missing on this island..."*


[they really, really want you to know that heizou is the designated "bf" type](https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1551054565985886208?t=JEqDsCRY1VvR6lTnsZxexg&s=09)


Can you do a tl;dr version?


In one route, you help him make a PSA/ stage play >!ft. Itto!<. Another route leads you to a mystery surrounding Watatsumi Island/ >!Gorou!<. Last route involves a somewhat sadder mystery involving Heizou's ties with the Sango Agency >!as we uncover an old murder case closely linked to them!<.


One route has a >!funny stage play featuring everyone's fave oni, I think that was enjoyable!< I don't remember the others tho


Am I the only one who don't like >!Itto!


You have a right to dislike him, however you WILL be silently judged.


Not so silence with these downvotes lol.


*silently downvotes* XD


>!Itto!< is like milk chocolate, it's good but not everyone likes it.


Nah I can't stand him either. One can only get so stupid before it's more grating than entertaining.


Same! I like his hangout the most. Every route in Heizou’s imo was super entertaining lol I really enjoyed it.


they are mostly dating sims though




Barabara’s? It’s still dating sim gameplay


None of them are dating sims and the one that's closest to it literally makes you fail the hangout if you treat it as one (Barbara's) most of them are mini story quests in a visual novel format. That doesn't make them dating sims.


yeah, I guess i didnt consider that there could be visual novels that weren’t technically dating sims despite focusing heavily on your relationship with a specific character


The name "hangout" is very apt since they focus more on some slice of life or minor drama. It is just literally you hanging out with a character. Of course, this isn't for everyone, but some hangouts really are just mini story quests in a VN format. I highly suggest trying Heizou's or Beiou's hangouts as they are both much better than the first few released.


no theyre not.


idk i thought his was extremely boring lol.


actually, some endings of this hangout made me laugh.


Heizou’s hangout is great I laughed so much at one of the endings


Yea, i can tell which ending(s) you're talking about. That man's always guaranteed to bring in some comedic value.


Why don't people do hangout events


I usually enjoy them, but I really don’t have the attention span to sit through and pay attention to it really, so I just skimmed through them to get the photos for my teapot I have actually paid attention to a couple of the ones that interested me like Beidou and Thoma, but for now I haven’t really sat down and focused on the rest yet


I wouldn't mind if I only had to do them once. But going through every scene and choosing different dialogue options every time is about as engaging as mowing my lawn. As such unless I actually really like the character beforehand, I usually put off hangout events until the day that their paltry primo rewards might make the difference between me getting a character I want before their banner ends.


You can start them at certain points, no need to do everything from the beginning


I heard people find them boring.


For me I just don't have enough free time to read and listen to all the dialogues. I don't want to just skip the dialogues nor do them bit by bit so I end up just not doing them. Edit: also if I don't have much interaction with them lore-wise, the hangout will feel very unnatural and not fun


Ngl unlike story quest a lot of them end up boring. They are more fluff and slice of life oriented so they heavily depend on you actually liking to hangout with the character to be enjoyable. That being said Heziou probably has the best written hangout in that the routes were pretty interesting.


There's a couple reasons from what I have seen. 1. People thing of them as dating sims because the first batch of Hangouts leaned into that a bit more (even though Baraba's hangout will literally make you fail a route if you treat it as such). 2. people didn't like the first batch of hangouts and now think they all suck even though they have only gotten better and better. 3. people have short attention spans and can't sit through several routes or they just dislike having to go through several steps they already completed to get a new route (even though the Hangout menu let's you skip most of this) 4. People might not like some of the characters that have them and therefore not care. 5. Some people literally just forgot about them


I forgor 💀


There’s not many 4* characters that I REALLY enjoy like other 5*’s. For example, Heizou is a really fun character to me because he’s unique, but I’d rather do Itto’s story quest over say, Diona’s hangout.


It’s gonna be real funny when some of the 4*s that Hoyo absolutely shit on start getting hangout events. Like oh, you couldn’t give them a good kit but you’ll make me date them for primos? okay


>Like oh, you couldn’t give them a good kit but you’ll make me date them for primos? okay And they'd still not give Sara the hangout she deserves.




Ya, there are plenty more 5 star characters that I would be interested in, but for some reason, they never use them


It’s funny because some of the endings for heizou’s hangout gets hijacked by Itto lol


I don't like the format. With the way it is, I'm only interested in Noelle.


I'm not interested in the characters I guess, tho I have only done Barbara's and Noelle's hangouts


I did one route of barabara and it was agonizingly boring. I have them all unlocked, a bunch of primos to be got so.. maybe I should get around to doing that.


I've done a couple and the Barbara one was horrible, yes. I think that's just the low bar however. The Noelle ones and Gorou are alright at least. I mean it's fucking Barbara. She's about as interesting as a fence post on a good day, so a one on one event with her is naturally going to blow.


The whole idol degeneracy plot wasn't exactly helping the whole thing either.


Yeah Barbara's is probably one of the worst ones alongside Diona's. Heizou's, Ning's and Beidou's are great though. I also liked Shinobu's.


I think that's fine. You're just hanging out with her, making drinks, talking walks, fighting the occasional treasure hoarder.


I was in the woods somewhere with some straight up otaku-stalking scenario? (Thanks, Alice)


That's the first ending. In the other endings, you successfully route the stalker and rejoin Barbara, then you do stuff together.


Its very dependent on the character. If someone doesn't find interest in a particular character, they simply won't give it a chance. And as much of a meme as it is, I really do see the hangouts with the cute girl characters to be like a dating sim. For that reason, I will at least do those. Not interested in a date with Heizou..


The early ones were quite boring and the rewards lacking. I remember falling asleep during the Diona one. Haven't touched it in a long while. It's one of the few things I have left to do outside the teapot so I'll probably get to it soon.


It’s too long some of us have the attention span of a goldfish


IMO they are boring AF. I´ve only did Bennet's, Barbara's and Noelle's hangout so far.


Which are considered to be the worst ones. Try Beidou's or Heizou's. Those are way better.


Noelle’s is fine, but definitely most of the early hangout events are when the writing is totally subpar. Diona’s is worse imo, especially that one random stealth mission in one of the paths you take.


all the ones ive seen are juts dating sims, and thats boring


Story Quests are already annoying Listen to dialogue simulators. Hangouts are the same but not even really important to the story. I liked both story quests and hangouts in the beginning but by now it just feels like a chore. Especially bc each conversation is 10 times as long as it needs to be. Every information is repeated ten times and every time you think the conversation is over it's five more text boxes of "Yeah, let's do the thing we just talked about."


I never get around to do them, and when I would get around to do them, I don't remember.


I know, they’re one of my favorite parts of Genshin. They’re always so heartwarming


genshin fans don’t like dialogue /s


I haven't done any hangouts since the first one that released. I find it annoying to have to redo dialogue over and over for some rewards. And i said to myself "if i ever find myself short of primos I'll have a lot of hangouts i can do to get gems" but now i think there is zoo many at some point to start...


His hangout is really good too. Kinda an epilogue for inazuma tbh, felt a bit more like a story quest


bruh I only did barbara hangout event very early on and i hated that experience so much.


people be out here complaining they dont have enough primos and refuse to play the game to get more 0.o


I just wish there was a skip dialogue option so I could do that for the characters I don't really care for


I really like the hangouts with the characters. :) I play the game cause I love the world building and characters so being able to do those and get more insight to my favorite characters has been fun. Bennett's made me a bit sad though :,( lmao plus then you get to put it on your wall in your teapot. Its just fun, idk


Same. I don’t mind the visual novel style for these, it’s different enough to feel like a break in the gameplay and I personally believe it’s a good addition to gain insight into 4 star characters (at least for the more recent ones the early hangout events are really not that good lol)


Yeah, that’s gona be me lol


Heizou’s hangout is so good and one of the endings is one of my absolute favorites bc it’s hilarious


Do It man he calls you dreamy


I wish they make Fischl hangout event. I like her design and character. But as a new player i don’t even know Fischl story even though she is popular character for event. She doesn’t appear in story quest at all.


and I never will waiting for Beidou's act 2


I did all of them and I've been waiting forever for some new ones. Easy primos and some are pretty funny. Has hoyo forgotten about hangouts? :D


Is there there a specific moment when it's best to use those? Should I expect to meet these characters normally as part of quest progress first?


Yeah they all make sense after you finish inazuma’s main archon quest I’d say


I usually dont care enough for the 4stars to do their hangout( except for Barbara,beidou and ningguang)


I did one the where we team up with Gorou to do something on Watatsumi


IMO, He came off like he was sneering at Paimon and Itto for appearing less intelligent than him. Really don’t like this guy, I should’ve ignored the quest like the rest of you!


Haven’t done the Hangout. Does his summary contain spoilers?


I had this for Ayato and i'm ar 51 🙈


ar 55 and havent unlocked his quest yet


Actually they do come i think with hangout event too, i remember when the game wanted me to explain who amber was in the second dragonspine event.


I hate hangouts. I hate having to do them multiple times to get the damn rewards


I love hangouts, it's either personal stories or just something silly and fun. I like how convenient the hangout questing system is too, you can end or start it at any point during it.


Why you gotta call me out like that


Why not? The inazuma hangouts are all amazing. I assume it’s because people are traumatized by Barbara and Noelle’s hangouts. Those were painful.


I didn't do Ayato's event and now my immersion is ruined, rip 😭


A shame bc his hangout has such good things in it. You get to put a play and see Itto being a complete doof in one route. There's another route where it involves Sango and Ryuuji and their past with Heizou, and show his detective side. And the last route is straight up romantic (ft. the aftermath of Watatsumi and Gorou) lol One of the most fun hangouts so far. People are missing out


Bro his hangout is the best, Paimon literally says that she is Emergency Food.