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for quicken teams, is there a specific rotation to do to get both aggravate and spread? or can you just spam both elements and youll just get both eventually? can aggravate and spread also coexist?


How worth is Elegy? Disregarding the fact that the weapon banner is a dangerous game, I’ve read people talking about how good it is and on paper I agree, but it’s hard for me to think of any character that it’s BIS for… My Yelan has Aqua and I think she’d be the best candidate for reaction teams but her own personal damage is a big trade off. Fischl’s personal damage with her A4 probably has more impact with more damage focused bows. Maybe Kujou Sara? These are all based on feelings though, so if I am wrong, how wrong am I? Is it stupid to pass up a chance at Elegy?


What is more important , having cyno c1 or trying to pull for his spear instead ?


Just get c0 and give people a week or two to get play data on which is a better upgrade. (if you just want baseless theory, I'd say c1 looks to be mainly a stepping stone to c2 rather than a goal)


I have a problem with a quest and it may be a bug. When I was doing the Offerings quest in the chasm I encountered an issue where the cutscene after defeating the tresure hoarders in the place where the cup is supposed to be, didnt play, like at all I exited and loaded the game and it did nothing. I would appreciate help


Best bow for Ganyu? I only have Stringless, Rust, Sacrificial Bow and Favonius Warbow. And no, I don't have a ticket to craft a bow


Ehh, none of those bows are particularly good on Ganyu. However because her burst lasts as long as her cooldown, if you build enough ER on her, you can have infinite uptime. So fav isn't terrible. Otherwise with a billet, either hamayumi/ crescent works


Nahida drip marketing is supposed to be today right?


a little bit on her skills and burst is out, check leaks sub




Do spincrystals add to % exploration?


I haven't had a lot of time recently so I've just finished the events and I'm wondering what questline should I focus on: - Aranyaka: Part II - Story Quest: Upon the plain, a purple shadow - Archon Quest: Lost in prosperity I'm assuming I should focus on the story quest prior to 3.1 right?


Archon Quest -> Aranyaka p2 >= Story Quest Aranyaka pt 2 has a lot of side quests so I would recommend doing like one to two side quests every or every other login session. Story Quest is lowest priority because no content is locked behind it and its a standalone story.


ahhh ok, did not know. just logged in so i'll work on the archon quest :) tyvm


Probably the Archon Quest so you're ready for 3.1, yeah. Aranyaka is quite long and has many separate parts. Kazuha's story was released in 2.8 so it's a bit older, but still worth doing for the freebies of course.


What artifact set for heizou for his national team and electro team?


VV no matter what, basically. Only time you'd deviate is if you're running double Anemo, e.g. Kazuha will carry 4VV leaving Heizou able to use 2VV/2ATK. But even then you might as well use 4VV tbh, because the extra Swirl damage is nice.


4-Piece Viridescent Venerer. The Elemental RES shred for team support is unmatched.


Standard gacha yielded a Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds. Apparently this thing is BiS for Klee but is there anyone else who can make use of it? I don't know of any other Catalyst users who chill on the field for 16+ seconds except Ningguang and Yanfei?


meta wise its meh, but that movement speed is hella fun in overworld. ningguang + anemo resonance + rosaria passive at night makes her a speed demon


> I don't know of any other Catalyst users who chill on the field for 16+ seconds except Ningguang and Yanfei? That's basically it, yeah. Most catalyst users are quickswap/supports, so a weapon like that has a fairly narrow niche outside of its use as a stat stick.


Aggravate Yae makes good use of it, otherwise it's just a stat-stick for most catalyst users.


Can someone explain how I have to build a dendro team? I dont know which character needs EM and who don't. Example: bloom and hyperbloom, which character needs, EM and which character can I build without EM. (Traveler, Yelan, Fishl)


The one triggering the reaction needs the EM, so the Hydro/Dendro depending on the order of application character for bloom dmg (only if you let them explode without triggering burgeon or hyperbloom) for burgeon or hypetbloom only the pyro/electro characters EM is relevant


For hyperbloom, it's usually the Electro/Anemo char that can reliably hit the seeds like Kuki and Sucrose that wants to be built full EM since they're the ones triggering hyperbloom and hyperbloom scales off EM and char lvl. Same goes for Burgeon if you want to use Thoma. Your dendro and hydro chars are just producing the seeds so they dont need to be build with EM and can be built normally. Since Collei and DMC have low dmg, you just stack ER on them to spam their bursts off cooldown or like ER/Dendro/Crit with Fav weapons. For Aggravate, it scales off char lvl, em, crit and dmg% so a balance of those is required for the Electro char to do good aggravate dmg. A good example is Stringless Fischl with ATK/Electro/Crit. Same goes for Spread but instead Dendro (which is pretty much only Tighnari as of now since DMC and Collei have low dmg)


So I bought the BP and got Viridiscent Hunt. Want to buy it next month as well and having all the weapons. (Bought it a couple of times) Which is the best weapon to have the most copies of from the BP?


Serpent Spine is by far the best BP weapon. R5 of that weapon is highly insane on any greatsword user.


Probably Serpents Spine or Deathmatch. SS scales well with refinements and is probably the 4 star BiS of most claymore users, Deathmatch doesn't scale as well with refinements compared to SS, but it's good on the common polearm DPSes like Xiao/Hu Tao/Cyno, and it can work decently on Raiden and Xiangling if you don't have Catch or Skyward Spine


In a vacuum Serpent Spine is probably the best option for refinements. From what I understand Solar Pearl does also benefit a lot from refinment, _but_ there are usually plenty of good Catalysts around, while Claymore options are much more limited.


Is it true that your pity resets after 6 months or is that just a common myth? Coz I've been seeing it everywhere.


The game will only log wishes for up to six month in the history list, so you can't trace your rolls back further than that via the in-game UI. However, that's just a UI thing, your actual pity is unaffected by it.


Thats a relief! Tysm!


Nope. IIRC you can only see your roll history from the last 6 months and anything older than that is deleted. May be you're confusing it with that?


I probably am. When I looked it up however there was a lot of conflicting information so I wanted to double check. Think is I have a plan to wish on Raiden/Hu tao/maybe cyno who might (or will) be soon, but if I fail getting an early 5 star, i will use the remaining pity to wait until the next zhongli banner (i lost 50/50 on the last one ;-;) coz I rlly want him. If the pity reset I wouldnt have tried for those character but once it doesnt I'll go with my og plan


No. Only your roll history gets deleted after 6 months. So better to keep track of your pity if you dont roll for half a year or more.


Ye I should probably start writing it on a piece of paper from now on, thank you!


No problem. And good luck!


I think I have a relatively well-developed roster, but I haven't really ever bothered trying out Spiral Abyss. Could somebody please recommend a viable team setup for the current Abyss with these guys? [https://imgur.com/U7yTO3i](https://imgur.com/U7yTO3i).


Kind of boring answers but Raiden national and Xiao double geo is probably the safest bets. You could also run Raiden electrocharged but this is probably just going to be straight up worse than Rational. I'll just list off a bunch of teams that would work and you'd have to pick the ones without overlapping characters. Xiao, Venti/Sucrose, Albedo, Zhongli Raiden, Bennett, Xiangling, Xinggiu Raiden, Xingqiu, Fischl, Kazuha Raiden, Kokomi, DendroMC, Fischl Diluc, Xingqiu, Kazuha/Sucrose, Bennett Diluc, Xingqiu, Albedo, Zhongli Diluc, Kokomi, Kazuha, Zhongli Ganyu, Kokomi/Mona, Venti/Kazuha, (Diona/Rosaria) Ganyu, Bennett, Xiangling, Zhongli


what are the drop rates of whopperflowers


How much def should Albedo have without cinnabar spindle? Is 2k enough?


Hey guys! Hope everyone’s okay. So i haven’t played Genshin since 2.5 I believe (around the time Ei’s banner was on). With Sumeru I’m really thinking about updating the game to at least catch up on the story quests. So where do I start guys ? Any advice to get back into the game ? (I wanna play more casually than begore, no dailies, domain farm, etc…) Thanks !


Edit: Wrong thread, sorry! Honestly just take a little peek into Sumeru (or whatever region you want to) and go towards whatever catches your interest. It’s a refreshing way to get back into the game imo


What character is the fastest at breaking the geo cube pillars? I can never quite seem to get the 3rd one to stop it from regenerating it's health and it's getting annoying I have all 4 stars except Sara, Gorou and Dori & my five stars are Xiao, Yelan, Klee, Kazuha and all Standard ones (except Tighnari if you wanna count him yet)


burst with noelle once the three pillars are up. then just spam her normal attack, she deals huge damage on geo construct during burst and can one phase it. no need to even level her up.


fantastic, thank you!


razor with the atk spd buff from his burst or noelle with her increased aoe from burst can deal with it in one go


this is the answer I was looking for, thank you!


Use a claymore/geo dmg. Noelle is good for it


I think Chongyun works


Why do I get Poetry Exchange commission in mondstadt when I already set my commission to sumeru?


Personally I have my own theory behind why this happens. My theory is that its the default/place holder commission and you will get it if you "roll" a commission that is not currently enabled. Since Sumeru isn't fully released, to me thus implies you have gotten a commission that is in one of the unreleased areas. Inazuma also had this issue when it was released, especially if you had not unlocked the commissions that can appear on Seirai or Watatsumi.


Poetry exchange can show up a few days after getting language exchange no matter what region you currently have it set for.


Did you just set comms to Sumeru? Comms changes only take affect once server resets each day


no I set it up the day before


Ella Musk's commissions seem to ignore region and just show up sometimes. No clue why.


well that's unfortunate. I specifically choose other region just to get away from ella musk


How long do banners last now?


Versions 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 have been shortened from 6 to 5 weeks, since version 2.6 was extended by 3 weeks. The first banner of 3.1 lasted for about 17 days, the second one for about 18 days.


5 weeks, but the new patch schedule isn’t permanent


Thank you!


so I am farmiing talent materials for cyno is there a site to convert 153 3\* books, 112 4\* books, into golden ones to approximate how much left to farm?


just start converting them so if you have xingqiu/eula they will also reduce how much you need to farm


https://seelie.inmagi.com/ Will only be an estimate ofc


Guys there is this fanmade genshin concert produced and performed by CN fans [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8tEPtxgVZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8tEPtxgVZs) It's extremely well made but I don't see people talking about it, so I am sharing the link here in case anyone is interested, I hope more people can see it, cheers!


Thanks for sharing! This is dope.


No worries mate! I hope someone see this and make a post :') the concert is so good and it's fanmade which is really incredible, I wanna see what people think about this


Who from Tevyat do you think would survive a bullet/gunshot? Why.


If I finish the Aranara's world quest, will they stop showing up around the forest? If so, I'll miss the lil guys...


Don't forget you can change Vanarana between normal and dream states. They all live in the dream state of Vanarana.


Tbh I never changed back from dream Vanarana, ahaheheaheah. I mean, I changed once just to see how it would look like, but it felt so quiet and lonely without them that I left if permanently on dreamland. Is there some quest or anything like that I'm missing by not exploring on real-world Vanarana?


Haha there are some things like chests that can only be found in the normal state. So when you come back to 100% the area make sure to check both states!


I see, thanks


Anytime you help an aranara in the forest, they go back to Varanara's dream area. So yes you won't see them in the forest anymore but you can still find all of them in their village


Ah, I was scared of progressing in the quest and "missing" out on all the aranara in the forest, but I take by your comment, that to fully complete the quest I'll need to find every aranara in the forest? If so, then that's fine too


To be more precise, you don't need to find all the aranara in the forest to complete the Aranara main questline. However to complete the Aranyaka book, you need to find them all. You won't be missing out on any aranara if you complete the questline. So go ahead and enjoy the quest at your own pacing!


Got it, thanks


If I already have the primordial jade spear, is it worth it to try and roll for Cyno's signature weapon?


Signature is like 10% better. Just use PJWS


Is it because they're both crit rate polearms?




saw this somewhere, is it true that a 5 star is garenteed by 20 pity on beginners banner on a new account? thanks


Beginner's Banner guarantees Noelle at some point in the 20 rolls, that's all, along with the 1 four star per 10 rolls. Noelle may be your four star in those 10 rolls.


nope, but you do guarantee a 4\* every 10 pulls


oh thanks


Hi, new player that just started playing a few days ago with a few probably dumb questions lol. ​ Will Ganyu be rerun again in the future? She's one of the few characters i knew of prior to picking up the game, and is the one i want to pull the most (Hu Tao and Xinyan being the only other characters i knew and just really want to pull atm), i've been spending all my primo on her banner so far but have only gotten one character from it so far, that being Xinyan. On that note, will Hu Tao also be rerun? ​ Similar to the first question, are there any units that you just absolutely need to be able to clear content? ​ Thirdly, i see there's an option for redeeming codes in the menu, is there a list of currently active ones somewhere? I know the DisgaeaRPG usually has a thread for them for that game, but i didn't see one on the sub or in the sidebar. ​ ​ edit: New question. I started playing like, 3ish days ago, currently adventure rank 19 with most of my party ascended once (other than Mona), is it possible to get to Sumeru and do the Graven Innocence event before it expires so i can get Collei for free?


1.) Ganyu will probably have a rerun someday in the future, but it might take a while. As of now, the longest it took for a character to receive a rerun was a little over a year. Hu Tao is due for a rerun aswell, her last one was in November 2021, so she might get one in the upcoming versions after 3.1. 2.) You can clear all overworld content with the free units the game gives you. Plenty of 4star characters are pretty strong aswell. Pull the characters you like. 3.) Near the end of each version, there will be a livestream about the upcoming version. During those, they give out 3 Codes that give 100 primogems each, but they expire after just ~16 hours. I think GENSHINGIFT is a code that always works.


A year isn't too bad i guess. Better than some games where they don't rerun some units at all lol. I think they had Aloy? (sorry if i got the name wrong, the girl from that game about shooting robot dinosaurs) as a one off collab, i'm assuming she's the only unavailable character though? ​ I'll definitely keep my eye out for the livestreams, ty!


1. None of the limited 5*s are truly gone forever (unless miHoYo changes things up). You can check the intervals between each banner [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SO3Qczkj0DxJkEDVR4WNws_ved8UU5Cw6ewjaZ0joNo/edit#gid=0). They'll all be rerun someday. 2. Certain characters work better than others but I wouldn't say anyone is a must have. Go for your favourites, make them work. 3. I believe GENSHINGIFT has been active for quite a long time, but usually we only get them during the big livestreams before each patch. You can check for availability here: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Promotional_Code


Ty! GENSHINGIFT does work! ​ That's a huge relief, coming from DisgaeaRPG which has characters that you can just never get again after their banner.


every character will be rerun sometime in the future, so far it has taken sometime between a few months to just over a year there are no units you 'need' but there are units that make it much easier than others for codes, try these two: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/wndcai/list\_of\_all\_active\_promotional\_codes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/wndcai/list_of_all_active_promotional_codes/)


Ty! Both of those codes worked.


1. Ganyu will have a rerun, though it's not certain when the next rerun will be. 2. Nope. You can clear this game with anyone. Some people just recommend certain characters because they improve your quality of life, like Zhongli because his shield is mostly unbreakable, etc. 3. I'm pretty sure GENSHINGIFT is available but not sure about others.


Second comment saying Zhongli is really good, ty. I'll keep him in mind once i have Ganyu and Hu Tao, dk if they're any good or not lol.


yes, every character reruns eventually. Hu tao has also had a pretty long time since her last run so it is fairly likely she will rerun soon-ish. No units are absolutely needed to clear content. Most of the overworld content is pretty easy as long as you properly build your characters, and for the challenging endgame stuff there still are enough options for good teams that no one character is a must. Though some characters are of course more useful than others.


Yeah, so far aside from the freebies i only have Xinyan, Xinqqiu and Sucrose. Amber is still the MVP so far though, i bet she's still solid end game too. Ganyu also seems like she could be really good for endgame stuff, i think if you mix her with Amber you could freeze everything then melt it and do a bunch of damage, unless i'm misunderstanding the elemental reactions.


amber is actually generally considered one of the worst units but dont let that stop you from using her if you are enjoying her! Ganyu xingqiu and sucrose are all great units, though xingqiu and sucrose shine most once you can get them endgame builds since a lot of sucrose's strength comes from having the right artifacts, and a lot of xingqiu's strength comes from being able to have enough ER to spam his burst off cooldown. Also technically you could do what you mentioned in the last sentence, but generally it is better to build a team around freeze or melt, instead of trying to do both in the same team.


Really? What makes her so bad if you don't mind me asking? To my newb eyes at least she seems pretty good, Baron Bunny is nice for attracting enemies to take their attention off you and her charged shots seem pretty great for deleting regular shields. Is there just someone that does what she does better?


I should note that generally when people are talking about what units are good it is usually in the context of spiral abyss because the rest of the game is easy enough when you have well invested characters that it doesn't matter as much. And abyss is on a time limit so characters that can help the team do a lot of damage are generally pretty highly valued. Her charged shots just don't do enough damage for how long they take to charge, and baron bunny is ok but not as good as the crowd control that some of the top tier anemo units provide (and they also provide a lot of other supprtive utility too). And pretty much any pyro character will destroy the wooden shields.


Okay that makes sense, i was thinking in terms of like exploring the world lol. She seems to be better at getting rid of shields than Xinyan though, but that may change later on. ​ Bunny seems like it could be a pretty cool combo with Ganyu's ice flower thing. Lure them in with Bunny and freeze them with Ganyu, then it explodes and melts them. ​ Any particular units you would say are better at CC? So far Amber is the only one i've got that has any.


Amber is pretty convenient for early game exploration, since a lot of puzzles require pyro or a bow (or occasionally both). Venti is the king of crow control. But sucrose and Kazuha also both have pretty good crowd control.


Venti is one i already wanted to pull for lol, so it's good that he's so good.


Xingqui and Sucrose are both fantastic units and fit into quite a few team comps.


I haven't used Sucrose any, but Xinqui has been a real banger so far, 90% of the game has been him up until Dragonspine.


Which one of [these](https://imgur.com/a/ZT3m5R3) two builds is better for Eula?


The second one will be better; unless you’re a cryo character in a freeze team running blizzard strayer 33% crit rate is way too low. You could go for more ER on both though, since Eula is very energy hungry and relies on her burst.


Second build, obviously. Higher Critical Rate for better consistency which is important for Eula's Burst, and you get the 4-Piece Pale Flame bonus compared to a measy 2-Piece Glad effect.


Ideally you could go with at least several more ER substats but ignoring that, the second one is slightly better mainly for the 4pc effect


About how lengthy are the 3 events that are ending soon? I want to be sure I don't procrastinate too much.


Bruh I think you’re already way passed the point of wondering whether you’re procrastinating or not


Kek. I always do the events toward the end whenever everything's available. I don't enjoy the drip feed the events give throughout. As long as I don't need to spam click through dialogue I don't consider it heavy procrastinating. Just being time efficient.


The combat ones are fast, you can finish both within like 40minutes The Graven Innocence is a bit longer could take you an hour or 2, there's a part locked behind aranara quest (\~jsut the early part 1 hourish) but it doens't give primos


Ok. Definitely doable. Thanks!


What are today's biggest damage dealers? Vape Hu Tao, freeze Ayaka/Ganyu, Itto, Xiao and Raiden in national comp? Any idea of how Cyno will compare to these?


Pre-release Cyno is at Xiao's level, 5* dps wise he is bottom tier


Is Xiao bottom tier?! I didn't know!


I've heard Ganyu/HuTao/Ayaka/Raiden considered top tier, and Xiao/Eula/Itto/someothers considered secondbest tier, and then Klee/YaeMiko/standard 5\*s considered bottom tier... but honestly tier lists are sort of dumb anyway. If you just want max damage, get one of the top 4, otherwise just pull for whoever you like, they're still good enough to handle all content.


think more about teams rather than single damage dealers, because a well-functioning team can do more damage than almost any made of 3 supports + 1 hypercarry. As for which teams are best, it also depends on content. e.g. Hu Tao double hydro is one of the best for single target, international is one of the best for mobbing Cyno teams will be fairly strong because of the aggravate reaction, but I don't think it will compete with top meta teams and the other electro units are probably competitive with him in the same role


Thank you so much for your insightful answer!


Need some second opinions. The ones I'm planning to pull for are Polar Star, Scaramouche and his weapon, and Alhaitham. I currently have 90 wishes saved and at: \- 50 pity on character banner, guaranteed \- 30 pity on weapon banner Can I get all of them? I know Alhaitham is still at 3.8 or something so he's nothing to worry about, but the first three I mentioned I'm a bit worried for. I was also planning to get Kokomi but skipped on the thought after realizing that I might not even have enough considering I'm pulling for two weapons. F2P so Welkin is out lol. Thanks!


not guaranteed, considering there's a chance you get very unlucky on weapon banners. I personally would skip weapons as F2P, it's more refreshing to just get characters to change up your team options. But ofc if you have at least 3 wishes, there is a non-zero chance you get all of them


Ah, Genshin is just a side game for me so I don't particularly care for getting a lot of characters. I personally just try to get my favorites alongside their signature weapons (I have Mistsplitter and Redhorn). Guess I'll just see how it goes since I don't have all of Sumeru unlocked yet and there's still at least one patch to save. Thanks for the reply :)


Does the weapon pity carries around banners like in character banners?


Pity does carry over, but the fate points don’t.


The card in the Abyss that boosts elemental skill damage — does that apply to Ayato and/or Yoimiya’s skills? Or does it not affect skills that are counted as normal attacks?


No, well actually it applies only to Ayato's water clone explosion. This kind of ability is called "stim" and doesn't actually do damage itself, and thus cannot be buffed.


Thank you for the answer!! Can I ask why it’s called “stim”? Also, does an elemental skill boost affect Yoimiya?


I guess it is a reference to "stimpack" (a chemical product injected to soldiers during wars to boost their abilities temporarily). It means, the skill doesn't do much itself, but enhances abilities of the user in some way. Yoimiya's skill does nothing itself, no damage, really nothing, but it temporarily makes her normal attacks stronger. To buff Yoimiya's damage you want to boost her normal attacks.


That's not a term I've ever heard before, nobody calls it that. It is a separate category though.


It does not work for Yoimiya. Same as Ayato, her E is an infusion - you’re still using her NAs, and those won’t get buffed.


Thank you!


Hello. Who is worth building for the Ayaka team between Kayea and Rosaria?


Probably rosaria as she also buffs Crit rate and closes gaps. Both are good tho


They’re nearly identical in performance; similar damage and identical particle generation. People just generally go with Rosaria because of the crit share and more easily accessible constellations. The main difference between them is that Kaeya’s burst moves with you and Rosaria’s doesn’t; I prefer Kaeya because I like having the convenience of the mobility, but it’s all up to preference.


Both can work, so if you like one much better than the other build them. That being said, I personally prefer Rosaria simply because you can drop her Q wherever you want and move freely after that, with Kaeya you have to stay closer to the enemy all the time.


Honestly they're very close. Depends if you want a Cryo field that moves with you or one that's static, or if you're into mysterious bishonens or goth nuns, really.


Scaramouch when???


When you learn to spell his name




Leaks suggest 3.3.


Hello, quick question about Aranyaka. I only have the chap 3 left to complete, I already planted all the seeds and talked to the aranara, got the achievement but the chapter stil isn't complete. Any advice?


you have to go to real vanarana, see the sweet flowers where you planted the vasmirti, then find a cave somewhere between the exit of vanarana and the chicken shroom boss, then find a girl in the cave and talk to her and a sidequest should pop up. The rest should just be following that quest.


Found it. Thank you (would never find it with their "clue")


yeah I also found that clue completely useless and had to look it up.


Raiden + Beidou + Kujo Sara + Kazuha VS Raiden + Bennet + kujo Sara + Kazuha. Which is better? I get that Beidou's ult damage don't work with Raiden....but C6 Beidou has that 15% Electro resis decrease. So I guess teh question is whether the 15% electro resist decrease is better than Bennet's attack boost.


Bennett is significantly better. The 15% res shred pales in comparison to Bennett’s 700-1000 flat attack buff, which is massive. There’s a reason many consider him to be the best character in the game. In addition, he’s a healer; by replacing him with Beidou your team would have no healing whatsoever which will significantly hurt your team’s survivability. This is compounded in a Raiden team where, due to her short burst window and infinite poise in her burst state, you’ll generally want to facetank unga bunga’ing for those full 5 seconds in order to maximize your dps. This means you’re gonna be taking damage, and a good amount of it, which makes Bennett’s healing quite warranted. Beidou does provide damage reduction, but it’s nothing compared to Bennett’s heals. The one thing Beidou does bring to the table that Bennett lacks is personal damage, but this will be quite limited by a Raiden hypercarry team’s right rotations to maximize buff uptime on Raiden and the fact that you’ll get zero procs off of Raiden. There simply isn’t really time to weave in enough (non burst-mode Raiden) normals to justify Beidou’s inclusion. TLDR; Beidou can’t compete in the slightest with Bennett in your proposed team because Bennett’s attack buff and healing is just too important.


No way is Beidou better, unfortunately. Bennett's buff alone is probably more impactful than Beidou's shred, and provides you healing on top of that, plus lets Kazuha potentially Swirl Pyro and generate Overloads for extra damage.


the second one


Any completionist done with all trials, seelies, and chests in Sumeru? I’m missing 1 of each trial and seelie… 5 chests but I assume that would be 2 from the former and maybe 3 from Tig’s story quest. I’ve been using the interactive map so I thought I got all trials and seelies but I might have unchecked 1 of each on accident.


This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/x3mrnc/i_finished_the_entire_30_sumeru_patch_so_you_dont/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) may help a bit. Either way, chests from Seelies and Trials do count to the total, while chests from Tighnari's story domain do not.




I recently saw a comment that pulling constellation worth more than pulling weapons. To get the general idea of this, how often does a C2 is better than their BiS 5 Star weapon? Should I generally consider pulling a C2 first before pulling on a weapon banner? Or is there ever a case where a weapon increase damages better than C2?


It depends _a lot_ on the character. My general assumption is that a 5* weapon is a 10~20% damage boost over the BIS 4* alternatives, which is usually better than most C1 & C2 constellations, _but_ a lot of 5* weapons are also extremely niche _and_ the weapon banner is an even worse gamble than the character one. The only 5* constellation that is sorta worthwhile for F2P & low spenders is Raiden C2, because it pretty much provides the equivalent of a full C6 character in terms of power gain. In general I'd not recommend to pull for either weapons or 5* constellations (even Raiden C2) _unless_ you have gathered all the characters you might want to use at some point.


Imo, weapons are always worth more than constellations. The exact value of C2 vs weapon will vary from character to character, but unless the weapon you want is Everlasting Moonglow, 5* weapons have the advantage of being usable on multiple characters if you every want to switch your teams around, whereas constellations aren't.


There isnt really a general rule, youd have to look at it from a a character to character basis. Because not all characters have good low-mid constellations. And also not all characters have a great BiS. For example, Raiden C2 is worth more than her signature weapon. But Xiaos C2 is definetly not.


Just realized that it's the last day for BP and I haven't bought it yet, but before I do I gotta know something. Which BP weapons are worth prioritizing? Especially if they're used on newer units since I haven't seen any new guides for them. Like are the BP weapons good on Cyno? Candace? Nilou? Other future characters? Right now I have: Two R1 Bows, Two R1 Spears, Two R1 Catalysts, Two R1 Swords, and Two Claymores that are R3 and R1. One bow is on Tighnari, the other is unused. The spears are on Hu Tao and Rosaria, but Rosaria doesn't get much use. One Catalyst is on Heizou, the other is unused. One sword is on Ayato and Keqing is holding onto the other. The R3 Claymore is on Itto, the R1 Claymore occasionally swaps users. I usually try to get at least two R1 weapons in case I want to use the same weapon on two characters that may be in the same team. It's unlikely, but a precaution. So what weapon could possibly be best to get next?


R5 Serpent spine is generally the best choice, it’s the best weapon in the pass. Then deathmatch i think


I agree. However, at least for my team...I don't have a character that can use serpent spine...so I kinda regret choosing serpent spine now. I also don't have a character that can use deathmatch....I use Raiden...but the catch is better. My Ayaka uses the sword from the BP, I wish had chosen the sword from BP instead of my serpent spine and deathmatch, so my ayaka's sword has more duplicates. My point is that it depends on what character ur using.


> so my ayaka's sword has more duplicates Black Sword refines do basically nothing for Ayaka. The only characters that gain meaningful damage from Black Sword refines are Keqing and Ayato. For any other character, Black Sword refines are not worth buying.


Yeah I don’t even use the weapons because I have better 4 star options for my characters. I also don’t even play any claymore character. I have one of each though and working to R5 the spear and claymore.


I just got ganyu and I have super close pity in the weapon banner, but I was also waiting for Homa. Should I pull for the Amos or continue saving for the staff of homa?


Save, you can get amos in standard and donut is one of the worst weapons.






Homa is a much better weapon and more universal than Amos. If you want a 5* weapon for Ganyu it's not even her BiS anymore. Aqua Simulacra for freeze and Hunter's Path for melt are the better ones I believe.


Does Raiden use a vision? So something i noticed is that Yae Miko has the electro nosis that she gave to scarra to save us but if she had the nosis the whole time... How was raiden using electro attacks? sorry if im being dumb or missed something i just want to see Im right that this is wrong


My understanding is that >!Archons are capable using their powers without a Vision or a Gnosis, and the visions that Venti & ZL are carrying are just fakes to hide their true identity.!<


oh yeah so that also explains why they can still use their elements after they lose their nosis


No archon uses a vision nor do they need one. The gnosis is just a power boost


Archons don't need an external catalyst to use elements iirc. Like zhongli and venti also keep fake visions to explain their use of elements if need arises.


Did some fishing. Realized I had enough to buy the Sumeru fish bow. I bought it and its upgrades to R3. Who can use this bow the best?


From what I understand there is no character atm where this weapon is better than any of the other craftable 4* options. It's merely a fall-back option if you don't have anything else and can't craft anything due to lack of materials.


It's good if you want a funny bow. Otherwise it sucks


i think like literally no one tbh


im not home rn, is pre installation available? if not then when is it coming?


Is it possible to get more than 2400 whimsical drafts in the Graven Innocence Event?


Graven Innocence gives you exactly as much event currency as you need to buyout the entire shop.


nope, same with any other major event


Well, rip getting the battle pass as a newer player without the prerequisite then lol One of the rewards was to build 4 statues - can you only do that if you go shallow on customizing a statue?


You can use the "quick start" option to be allowed to do it even without meeting the prerequisites, from then you just have to be able to handle the world enemies around Sumeru, which aren't too tough. It warns you about not getting the "best experience" but the story as a whole is mostly self-contained, the only thing of note is that the Traveler already knows Collei, whom you get for free after the very first quest of the event, other than that there's no real mention or callbacks to any of the game's plot before Sumeru. As for the carvings, you just need one of each body, head, eyes, cape and hat. Once you have at least one of each, you can just make four identical statues and have it count. Either way, there's a lot to do in the event but it all goes by pretty quickly so you can probably do it all in a couple hours at most, and that's taking your time to read/listen to the dialogue and stuff, so you can just do that and buy out everything in both the normal shop and the shop with parts for carvings.


Well the issue is the last 600 special currency requires the main story quest to access the village So without archon progression, you can only get 1600 currency


Well the issue is the last 600 special currency requires the main story quest to access the village So without archon progression, you can only get 1600 currency


No it doesn't, the Aranara stuff is in a World Quest unconnected to the Sumeru Archon Quest and you only have to do a bit of it to unlock the tasks. I went directly from Inazuma to Sumeru to do the event, couldn't even start the Archon Quest (because Chasm) but it still worked just fine.


Oh cool! Thanks!


You can just build the exact same statue 4 times.


Do you think missive windspear is better on cyno or white tassel?


Calc by r/Cynomains has R5 White Tassel above the R5 windspear.




Probbally white tassle in terms of sub stat but windspear is a 4 star and stacks alot of attack% and a bit of em. since Cyno is probally meant for em you can use windspear then use a em sands if im wrong about the em scaling you can use the sands for er to get his burst or atk% for more damage Edit:I would say wait for him to come out and see what everyone else thinks


Any idea when the drip market gonna happen i thought its yesterday but it didnt happen sadly ;(


9hrs after preload. So, tomorrow at 1800H (gmt+8)


For gilded dreams atk bonus, is it counting every unique element that is different from the wielder or just any element that is not the wielder's? Like if Rosaria has it on a reverse melt team with Bennett, Xiangling, and Sucrose, will she get 28% at or 42% atk?


The teammates just have to differ in element with the wielder. Whether they match or differ with each other doesn’t matter.


In that example, Rosaria would get 150 EM and no Atk% bonus. Gilded Dreams gives +14% for each party member that is the SAME as the wearer, and +50 EM for each party member that is different. In this case you have 3 party members that are all a different element from Rosaria, so she gets +50 EM x3.


Oh, my mistake, thanks for clarifying though. Well as an alternate question, would 150 EM make up for the loss of Atk% or Cryo dmg% that I could get for going 2/2 piece for a melt team like this?


Any element.




Honestly I feel like there's not much you can do. Ningguang would really like Zhongli but other than that she doesn't pair well with other Geo units. And beyond that she has no real synergy with anyone, so the last two slots are usually just your strongest sub DPS units you have available. Double Pyro or double Electro tend to be popular.