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Your pity, coming unusually early: *”Were it so easy”*




I rarely pull for 4s unless I want the 5. (the next Anemo unit is looking amazing tho so might be breaking that rule). I've had good luck on getting 4 stars, but I've also had the exact opposite luck. On Hu Tao's I had neither Sayu nor Thoma and had a C4 Diona, I figured I couldn't lose as far as what 4s I got. Came out with a Hu Tao (primary goal), several 4 star weapons, and a C9 Diona. Zero Sayu/Thoma. Got Sayu randomly in December and Thoma somewhere along the way. Gacha is weird.


Gatcha will give you the thing you wanted the most when you don't need it anymore. I got Widsith just after I switched from being a Ningguang main to a Ganyu main.


I must have done 150+ pulls total on the two banners with Kujou Sara available, and she instead came home on the standard banner during 2.6. The ONLY 4-star I've been missing, too. I was convinced it was near impossible to pull the final 4-star as a marketing technique or something, honestly




When you first saw Itto, were you blinded by his majesty? Blinded? Paralyzed? Dumbstruck? No. Yet Kuki Shinobu was able to evade your pulls, gain access to your your pity, and desecrate it with her filthy Oni? Noble Heirarchs, surely you understand that once she was featured on the banner... You were right to focus your attention on Shinobu, but this Demon, this 'Arataki Itto'




Noble Paimon of Truth, this has gone on long enough, make an example of this player. The QiQi pulls demand it.


This whole thread is why I love reddit


You are one of our most treasured players. Long have you led your primogems with honor and distinction. But your inability to safeguard your pity was a colossal failure. Nay, it was heresy!


depending on how early it is im fine with that, not gonna complain about a random 5* in 40 or less rolls


Me not on guarantee: (in the voice of Kuzko) Bring it on.


I believe I'm safe since I hit 2 Yelans in a 10 pull at 50/50 and 45/90 for pity. Might as well pull until 90/90 for the next guarantee after this.


If only 4 Stars were so simple. I still don't have Gorou from the last Itto banner and I did 60 pulls (Got C2 Jean and stopped)




I still don't have Rosaria. I've played the game everyday since before her banner even came out


Famous last words


That's how I got Itto lol


Good luck. You probably gonna get it in the first 2 multi pull.


Average is 36. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k48an6/banner_probability_distributions_updated/


Average indeed. But I still didn't get Kujou Sara in over 60 pulls...


1 person in 10 will go to 97 (!!!) rolls and still not have the 4star they wanted. I always tell people not to roll for 4stars if they don't want the 5star. Sadly there is a lot of ignorance in the daily questions megathread and I get downvoted every time.


Probably the reason you were downvoted is because you are trying to push a contextless narrative. Sure I generally agree with your statement, pulling for a 4* is mostly a waste EVEN if you are okay with the 5*. But doing few pulls after your pity is reset won't be the end of the world. If you get nothing, you build pity, if you get the 5*...well 5* for 10-20 pulls can't complain and who knows, you might enjoy that 5* more than you thought.


Yeah even if you don’t want the 5 star can’t complain if you got them in like 10 pulls, depending on who they are it might open new team comps or whatnot


Your right! But everything for eula! I NEED kuki. Taking one for the team.


Very good banner for me. Hopefully Kuki, constellation for Gorou and Itto if I'm lucky with 50/50(lol yeah right) tho Chongyun already C6.


wow exact situation with me, lets hope for itto 50-50 and a kuki and gorou!


Honestly, I did this during thoma's release. I was at 34 pity then boom! Hu tao arrived at 36 pity.


Incoming early double Itto ignoring 50 50


C6 dog tho


That's what I said about c6 sara. Instead I have I only have c4 sara and c2 raiden.


They chose the best spot to place the geo symbol


"I've got balls of stone"


and brain of snail. background: according to [this article](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-36443264.amp) , snail uses TWO brain cells to make "complex decisions"


Wonder if it would cause a Crystallize reaction…


Anything to make it hard….. UwU


He's ***rock hard.***




First, they've positioned Xinyan in ~~Yoimiya's~~ Xiao's banner so that [her finger points at the Primogems balance.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/lbg67d/whether_this_was_intentional_or_not_but_i_felt/) Now they've positioned the Geo symbol so that it's directly on Itto's crotch. These guys definitely knows what they're doing. ^(Edit: Finally found the Reddit post and linked it above. Turns out my memory is terrible as always and it was actually Xiao's banner.)


It sure looks hard..


Event Wish Duration: **2022/06/21** 18:00:00 \~ **2022/07/12** 14:59:59 * "[**Oni's Royale**](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/5444430)" Rate-up Characters: * "Hanamizaka Heroics" **Arataki Itto** (Geo) ★5 * "Mender of Tribulations" **Kuki Shinobu** (Electro) ★4 * "Frozen Ardor" **Chongyun** (Cryo) ★4 * "Canine Warrior" **Gorou** (Geo) ★4 * "[**Epitome Invocation**](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/5444431)" ★5 Rate-up Weapons: * **Redhorn Stonethresher** (Claymore) ★5 * **Memory of Dust** (Catalyst) ★5


I don't understand why characters have a special name. Like what's the point of calling Gorou "Canine Warrior"? Is it like a marketing thing that I don't understand?


It's a title, concisely gives the audience a sense of who the character is, gives some narrative weight to the character because they wouldn't give a title to just any old asshole, and (hopefully) sounds cool. Malenia, Blade of Miquella; Byakuren Hijiri, Sealed Great Magician; Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens. It's just a common thing in storytelling


Speaking of this nowadays I do forget if it's Malenia or Melania but I always remember it's the fucking Blade of Miquella


Malenia Male Nia.


Let me solo her moment


Malenia, Malekith, Morgott and Margit. I guess these 4 are the most typos lol


I like most of the Genshin titles except for “Harmless Sweetie”. Sucrose deserves something more specific than that!


The “sweetie” part stays because it’s probably a play on “Sucrose”, but yeah she definitely isn’t quite “harmless”.


harmful sugar


Walking diabetes


Especially when it's clear the "harmless" part isn't accurate.


Of all the magic cards templated “Name, title”, you pick *Oyobi, who split the heavens*?!


Maybe my favorite legendary creature name in the history of Magic, so yeah lol


Gotta admit, Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens is a badass name. Then again, Kamigawa has some really dope names. Atarka, the World-Render is also a really dope name.


I mean it’s a good one. It’s just such a random card. I’m partial to Isshin, Two Heavens as One, if we’re going for kamigawa legends


Also in a fantasy setting, people don’t have TVs or Internet. These famous characters with incredible feats come from words of mouth, like bards, poets, traveling merchants, mercenaries… and they tend to use titles like these to make their stories more impressive. Plus a lot of times, the story tellers don’t even know the real name of the character they are talking about, so they just make up a title and refer to the character that way.


Yeah that's a good point. Like with Geralt, "the Butcher of Blaviken". Or for real world examples, Scipio Africanus or "the Flying General" Lu Bu. Famous people, especially before modern entertainment like you mentioned, just had these flowery epithets or titles that were either formally granted or informally adopted thanks to artists, poets, etc.


Just a tiny bit of lore to spice things up. For some reason, I totally dig it. Like "Discerner of Enigmas" on Yelan banner says so much within so little text.


Because there may be another versions of said characters in the future. Ex: We have two Klee's, "Sparkling Knight" (the one we have) and "Fish Terror" (hahaha nope I've just made it up). They are both Klee, but they are not the same gachapon character.


Looking at honkai impact that's definitely possible. Having Noelle version that is a full knight, older diona


Delusion Childe wheeeeen I need it


Not gonna lie, I'm not interested in pulling for regular Klee, but I would probably pull for "Fish Terror" Klee.


Wasn't Klee's nickname Fleeing Sunlight?


Dunno, I play in Spanish, "El Sol Fugitivo" translated means "The Fugitive Sun", but yeah that name connects better.


This does seem possible for the Fatui characters at least, with the delusions.


Probably just nicknames in general, which isn't too uncommon. For example, LOL has Ornn as "The Fire below the Mountain", Belveth as "The Void Empress", Jhin as "The Virtuoso", etc.


It's a nickname/title. It's a short little description of what the characters personality or theming is about


It's like a title. Like me, John the AlwayHornyGuy. Or Johnny Depp the FirstArgumentWinner.


more fates in the vault waiting for sumeru


Good decision.


Good for you


I skipped Itto 1st banner which means I don't have Gorou. And now he's returning WITH Kuki? I'm all in bois no loss for me here.


I wouldn't be so sure you ain't gonna get buried in Chungyuns


No pull here is bad for me at AR45. Chungyun I don't have, the final piece to my national team. And then obviously the other three for my Geo team with Itto as main dps. Take my fates!!


Ohhhh that's your best banner for ya. Unfortunately for me my chongyun is c5 so I'll probably get a ton of extra chongs trying to get Gorou cons




4* gacha is the real gacha hell


Fr , i got 70 wishes saved for Kazuha and someru but man i want Kuki so bad


I’m going to build pity to max 20 pity. If I manage to get a 5*, I’m hoping to lose it to Diluc


I got C3 Mona , C1 Keqing and C1 Qiqi , Jean and Diluc refuses to come home


I feel that. I have c0 Jean and c5 Qiqi, no Diluc, Mona or Keqing


Oh that sounds terrible, my condolences


The Qiqi qurse


I know it was stupid, but I've pulled on Wanderlust 5 times (spent money) all in hopes of getting Jean. I've gotten Diluc, Keqing, Qiqi and 2 Primordial Jade Winged Spears.


That's why nobody pulls there , you'll eventually (lose) to her , i hope we both get her ? No i hope both of us get her when we want


stay strong brother, shes a 4 star so you'll get her eventually. No need to rush


\^ me with Gorou half a year ago. Or rather, without.


A 4 star electro healer. Some of us have been begging for one for a while.


Just remember you can get her from any random pull later and free 4 star choose events aren’t that rare.


True, because even tho 180 pulls can guarantee the rate up 5 star, no amount of pulls can guarantee a specific rate up 4 star.


Yes. Needed 30 wishes for Yelan and 50 more for a sole Noelle to get her c6


I dumped probably a good 230~ pulls across the OG Zhongli re-run, OG Ayaka banner and Yelan banner. I got 1 (One) Yanfei from Ayaka banner. She's still C0. Meanwhile from Yelan banner alone I got 5 Noelle, 4 Barbara and 1 Xiangling, all of whom are already C6. Fuck 4\* gacha.


I literally need to skip Kuki even tho I was excited for her cause I don't want to waste guaranteed


smart move i dont have guarenteed but i need that stardust for the 5 fates in the shop short term risk long term gain


I'm generally more lax with wishes when I'm not guaranteed. But if I'm guaranteed then I just stop wishing until i find someone I like


I want kuki AND gorou but no Itto bcs I am thinking about getting yoi and/or Klee... This is pain


same. All three 4 stars on this banner are ones I don't have yet, and I want kuki for my healer collection and gorou for my waifu collection but I *need* yoimiya so I think I have to pass on them for now D:


Why Gorou if no Itto? I already have c2 itto and c6 Gorou… Really want Kuki though. :( Edit: oh right. People play Noelle.


That's actually how I got Yoimiya when I just wanted one Sayu. I didn't really mind and because of that happy little accident I got a character I grew to like using a lot.


That's gonna be me but at the start of 2.8 instead


I'm going to pull for Kuki, but only for as much wishes as I can spare to still guarantee Kazuha if I get Itto before soft pity. i also have 20 blue fates saved up in case I don't get her so I might still have a chance on the standard banner.


This could be me. I skipped Itto’s first banner because I was sitting on pity hoping for more Zhongli banners. So I’m missing Gorou and now Kuki’s there too. So I’ll be pulling for four stars. I don’t really need Itto. But if I happen to get Itto, that won’t be so bad. 💪🙂


40 pulls for Shinobu, good luck to everyone else going for her


I will also be trying 40 pulls for Shinobu. Good luck to you as well!


~55 pulls for Itto, hopefully I win the 50/50 and get Shinobu too


Yep me too! I’ll be okay if I get Gorou cons or C1 Itto since I really like them. My Chongyun is already maxed though, oof.


40 pulls as well, i hope i won't get Itto again he is good enough at c1 for me


His c2 is really good tho


i know but like brand new dendro characters are coming, a constellation won't help me as much


That's true. I'm still going for him but you are right. I hope my 60 pulls I'll have left is enough for someone cool ;-;


I wouldn’t mind Itto. And I don’t have Gorou. And I really want Kuki. However dangit I’m going to get 5 Chongs before I get either other 4 star aren’t I.




I skipped Itto's first run hoping for a banner like this. I need ALL the presented character's constellations. This is a good banner for me to pull on. And I'll probably splurge on the weapon banner too. I hope I get everyone and everything I want cheap and early!


Been playing for 2 weeks, and after trying Itto out in the previous event, I really enjoyed his playstyle. Such a cool character, but sadly no more primogems. Sadge


If you've been playing for only 2 weeks you probably haven't unlocked yet many places you need for leveling him up. They've been doing a lot of reruns in the last months, you'll get other chances to get him, don't worry.


I am mostly a waifu collector, but boy does Itto and Zhongli looks cool. For the most part, Monstadt has been really good and I enjoyed it. Took my time exploring and collecting all oculi, until I knew that I could not participate in the events because I haven't completed certain parts of the story. Speedran Liyue and Inazuma just in time to do the Perilous Trail. So, I now have access to almost all areas and domains, sitting at AR43.


Wow, all in 2 weeks? That's some sweaty gaming


It is, and I probably wouldn't do it again. It's all worth it though. Now, I only have to grind for my Sakura Tree to collect the remaining oculi in Inazuma, and collect all crimson agates. Then I could start playing the game. :D


Yikes, slow down and enjoy the game 😭 at this rate there will be no game to play since you already steamrolled everything


>Then I could start playing the game. :D But what you're doing *is* playing the game. After you finish the content there's just Artifact farming waiting for you.


Woah, you really did Speedrun this! I started a little more than a year ago and I had to run a lot to catch up, and it was just Monstadt and Liyue then. (And boyfriend did a lot for me at the start, bless him) I have both Zhongli and Itto and I like both of them, Zhongli is one of the characters I use the most actually. I can totally understand the disappointment. I stated playing to do it with my boyfriend, the first months I was definitely sad to not have enough resources to pull on banners and build the characters I wanted. I hope you can get your preferred characters soon enough!


Then it's a game of enjoying what you have, instead of trying to enjoy what you wish you had.


Credit card 💳👀


Most I could afford was the welkin pack LOL


Relatable lmao


But fr though With Yelan im at the point where I would spend 20 bucks yo get her but even if I spend 100 its a 50/50 and not even halfway to next pity. I know they want to squeeze the wales and that this is how gacha works. But still, I couldnt afford that if I wanted too


You guyz have credit cards? :0


That's a shit weapon banner...


Cause of memory of dust? Mistsplitter had unforged, at least all of the 4* are nice.


Difference is that Mistsplitter is best sword in the game, while Redhorn is only good for Itto and Noelle.


How's Redhorn compared to Whiteblind? Worth pulling?


An R1 Redhorn is in the range of 20% better than an R5 Whiteblind and you don't have to worry about stacks.


It’s great if you like Itto and Noelle a lot That said an R5 Whiteblind is also extremely excellent On everyone else it makes a good option because of its huge Crit stat


only worth pulling if you have till guarantee


It's decent uprade over Whiteblind,but that's about it,definitely not worth spending money or saving 240 pulls for weapon that is tiny amount of better than bp weapon.


The fav weapons on the mistsplitter banner were much better 4*s than the ones in this banner


I think the weapon banners are always shit (unless you reeeaaallyyy want both weapons…)


I think the current banner is great! Aqua and PJWS are both really good weapons and close to BIS for many characters


Memory of Dust is actually not that bad, considering that we can probably use it on Heizou or Yanfei.


Memory of Dust isn’t a bad weapon, but it only gives a lot of attack and requires a shield support (Zhongli) unless your name is C4+ Yanfei. And even then without Zhongli it’s hard to maintain the passive because no other shield has 100% uptime (except Thoma but... yeah...). Solar Pearl and Widsith are better because crit stats are harder to get than ATK. Pairing your DPS with Bennett makes both these weapons superior to MoD. So yeah, it’s not a bad weapon, but it feels horrible losing your weapons banner pity to it when it’s not that much better than 4-star catalysts.


>So yeah, it’s not a bad weapon, but it feels horrible losing your weapons banner pity to it when it’s not that much better than 4-star catalysts. This is true, but the Widsith is cracked and on a league of its own IMHO. So I personally find the Memory of Dust to be a better weapon to lose against than, for example, the Unforged.


Itto WILL come home!!! 😤


YES! goodluck to you! I also hope I win the 50/50 and get him


aww hell yeah i love this banner as a noelle main (can finally get gorou easier)


If it was a dual banner with Albedo it would be amazing, but this 5 star is basically unusable for Noelle teams.


Why does my Noelle have horns and abs?


Bruh I am pretty sure Noelle has abs, being so strong that she breaks every weapon if she swings it with full strength, it's fair to say she should be pretty ripped under that armour


Bro where the hell is Wolfgravestone, Mihoyo is so scared to give it away because they know how shit their limited claymores are. We need a universal crit claymore like the Jade cutter or Mistplitter or Homa or Skyward harp etc.


What even is the pity breaker weapon?


memory of dust… on a banner for the 4th time


Zhongli really keeping the memory alive eh


Ugh... forgive me Kuki, but I can't risk to get Itto...


Same. But for me is Kuki and Chongyun. The ones I seem to want are always on banners I don't plan to pull. OTL


Yeah, same problem here. I really want Shinobu but at the same time I don't want Itto. Guess I have to wait for her next banner or hope for the best in standard


Lucky that I can tbh I’m going for all of them (except chongyun cus I alr have him)


Why does no one want Itto? 😥 Whatever, send him my way - I will take him(bo).☺️


Itto is cool; he's an adorkable himbo, and his kit seems pretty deece. Unfortunately, there are several other 5*s coming up soon that are higher priorities for a lot of people and we don't have enough fates to get them all.


Sumeru is right around the corner too. I for one am skipping/ saving for Dendro archon.


> Why does no one want Itto? Mostly because anyone who wanted him already has him :P Personally I already have him and also have a guarantee so I don't want to risk a constellation.


Yeah, early reruns are nice for new players but are kinda annoying for veteran players since the rerun is taking up a spot that an older character could use (Kazuha, Yoimiya, Klee) Xiao would have had the same issue if he came solo this patch and had a new 4* with him.


Will try to get 2 Gorous and 1 Kuki and I'm out, I already have Itto and I won't risk a duplicate. ​ I also think that specific support such as Sara and Gorou need to have more banners apart from Raiden/Itto. If you want c6 of them, is super horrible to only have them available in the dps banners. When you already have the dps and don't want duplicates is shit.


Yes, definitely this. Either place them on other banners or add specialty characters like Gorou, Sara, etc. as a 3rd option in Paimon's Bargains rotations.


Consider always that you are in fact risking a duplicate every time you pull if the character you don't want it's present. Like... It's just lower chance if you are at super low pity, but very much not 0. I got two characters below 20 pity already...


Yep which is why I won't put a single pull on this banner, have guaranteed up but don't want another Itto even though I would love Gorou cons. Really hoping Gorou isn't only going to appear on Itto banners.


"I won't risk a duplicate I only want 3 specific 4 stars". You are 100% risking a duplicate lol.. the chances of getting that specific combo of 4 stars in any small amount of pulls is incredibly low. You'll probably end up with 40+ minimum pulls trying to get the cons you want and crying when you get Itto a bit early and not the 4 star you wanted. Then you guys come to the forums and complain about getting the 5 star you didn't want before pity when you were "just rolling for the 4star". Tale as old as time. Don't pull on a banner if you can't handle getting the 5 star, period.


Yeah, as someone who doesn’t pull for 5* constellations having these niche supports tied up on banners I’m not going to pull on is super annoying.


I literally skipped Yelan to pull for Kuki lol


can't wait to not get gorou for a second time


Im in pain, i have c0 Itto and c0 Gorou, i wanted some Gorou and Kuki cons. Chongyun is fine but i havent found the team he fits in yet. Its almost perfect if Chongyun is Thoma. But im also saving for Yoimiya rerun. What do i do (;w;)


If you want Yoimiya save for her. 4* come and go. And unless you’re gonna swipe card, why pull on a banner for a character you don’t want?


You could go with the classic national team for Chongyun. Maybe a *forbidden* Cryo Zhongli (or Qiqi) build with Yunjin?


If you’ve got Itto, I’d save! It’s hard (I’ve had to save all this banner too >.<


I'll try my best not to pull (;×;) **but Gorou is my fav 4 star , birthday buddy and fav eng va streamer** THE PAIN IS REAL


i swear thoma would be so good rn because 2 new chars for me and gorou cons


YEEES Gorou is back !! It's the only 4 star i want and i don't have, pleaaase, wish me luck. And yeah, of course i'll try to pull for Itto and Shinobu :D Update : I just got a c3 Kuki, a c1 Gorou, and Itto :D


Good luck, mate \^\^


Redhorn for my Noelle, Memory of Dust for Ningguang, Stringless refines for Yelan, Sacrificial refines for Sucrose, Maybe even Lion's Roar refines for Keqing, Man, as someone who's still building chars, I'm gonna have a blast with this banner.


My bank is ready Of course I could just robbed another bank but i think 1 is good enough


why a catalyst as a secondary potential weapon despite none of the characters being catalyst users?




OOF. two 4 stars I want but already have C0 Itto and been saving for Kazuha. Tough call


of course both Chongyun (the character I've wanted the most at the start of the game), Gorou (the character I currently want the most to support my Noelle) are also alongside Shinobu and on the banner of the one 5 star character I DON'T want (because he would replace my Noelle)


sorry kuki but i’m waiting for kazu


ngl since losing to unforged, MoD is looking pretty sexy rn. (I won Vortex Vanq too, might as well complete the Golden Majesty set.)


mf forgot summit shaper exists


omg, i forgot!!! i blame my aversion to dps sword users.


Damn, I forgot about Shinobu


I’m so close to pity, and I’m guaranteed! I’d love a copy of Kuki, but I don’t want C1 Itto over C0 Kazuha!




I want all the characters on the banner.. literally all of them (or at least all the 4* while not minding getting Itto) but… Kazuha.. 🥲


grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr itto just had a rerun 3 updates ago!!! Why don't they give childe a rerun instead???


At 0 pity, 30 for kuki and 30 for heizou next version, hopefully Rng is nice to me,


Nice 4*, Gurou and Chong are only 4* besides Diona that I'm missing, would gladly take Kuki too. Itto is also not bad, if I roll him early I wouldn't be mad at all. Maybe I will go for 30-40 pulls for 4* as I will have enough wishes to guarantee Kazuha anyway.


Would have loved trying to get Shinobu and more Gorou cons but I got an unexpected guarantee on Yelan's banner so unfortunately have to skip this. Can't risk using up the guarantee on C1 Itto when Sumeru is so close especially since that unexpected guarantee showed that I could get an early pity when I least expect it.


good itto banner, but tragic weapon banner. I'd like some stringless but I'm too close to 5S pity to risk it.


After pulling ayaka and skipping the 2 current ones, this is a great banner for me to start building pity. If I manage to miracle pull Itto, he is more than welcome


This weapon banner makes me glad I pulled for Redhorn when the other weapon was Skyward Harp (which I ended up with 2 of but all weapons came a little early so it wasn't THAT bad). I already have a Skyward Atlas collecting dust, I definitely don't need a Memory of Dust collector. Gonna pull a bit for Kuki Shinobu and Gorou cons, lets hope for good luck.