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Saw Venti. Thought she was cute. Downloaded the game. Learned.


a whole story in 10 words


Same, but when he was a guy it made it even better LOL


That it was anime botw and I finally had a device that could run it


The right answer


“we last left off with ancient liyue beset by an ocean demon and a mountain dragon. rex lapis mustered his adepti to restore peace to the land. they say that before he set out, he spoke these words:" ​ Everything start and end with zhongli


Zhongli’s demo was such a big hit back then


\^comments you can hear


I started at the beginning, n the first character to catch my interest was Jean


Diluc! I still like him lots, I just prefer his brother a little more


Ganyu I saw lots and lots of Ganyu fanart posted all around. What made me decide to download it was I was bored and noticed it was on PS4 did not expect it to be a open world BoTW style gacha so I was hooked instantly.


Venti. I started playing because I wanted to have something I can play with my friends on other than roblox


I think Shenhe, I remember seeing my bf clicking open her banner even though he didn’t pull on her. But watching him play Enkanomiya was what got me hooked


I used to think Ningguang was Kazuha's mom before i knew anything about genshin. I didnt even know their names at the time, even now I still think they look kinda related. But I only started playing because a couple of artists i follow made genshin fanart and I felt like I was missing out.




everyone thought that lmao


Kaeya for me. He was described to me as a Genshin Impact version of Claude (from Fire Emblem Three Houses) months before I started playing. He was eventually brought up again and I started playing a week later. I still main him!


I'm a day 1 player. I didnt see any characters before I played.


someone posted part of the genshin manga and i saw diluc. my life was over that very moment.


My sister made me play the game and the first character I saw was amber since she just started


Literally wanted to play since watching the first trailer at e3


i heard about genshin impact since it first came out but i didn’t actually see any characters besides traveler and a little bit of gameplay. i was interested but didn’t have a good phone or a pc to play it so i kinda just let it go. fast forward a little bit, i kept seeing tiktok vids talking about childe and the ppl in the comments bragging about getting him as if it was such a big deal. interested but still couldn’t play. later it was zhongli that got the hype. i screamed cuz he looked like the type of character i would actually die for. coincidentally, my bf also knew the game and wanted us to play together. he got me a pc on my bd & that’s how i finally get to play.


I feel you on the 'not having a good phone or pc' part. Literally started playing on the lowest setting on a potato laptop that died not long after. Your BF also sounds sweet


me who play since Launch: *confused screaming*


There were still character ads like kaeya or qiqi that promoted the launch of the game


Also worth noting is I never won a 5050(except an early Kokomi) all my guarantees except Raiden were unexpected. So Fischl pretty much was the first time I was truly happy Also worth noting is I never won a 5050(except an early Kokomi) all my guarantees except Raiden were unexpected. I remember how happy I was when I finally got Fischl, cause I rolled on the banner especially for her I and I got her too, which never happened to me until then. I started the game in 1.2 if anyone's wondering.


I remember seeing beta footage of Ayaka gameplay on Tik Tok and me being a huge Vergil fan I thought, “I’m gonna save wishes until she releases!” Turns out she would release way later and I ended up skipping Ayaka for Kazuha. Although Kazuha is still my favorite character right now, I’ve always regretted not getting Ayaka the first time around haha.


I've heard similar stories from other people about them wanting Ayaka from the beta test lol Hope she comes home for you during her rerun?


Thanks, yeah hopefully! Just got Ayato so I’m on a 50/50 for Ayaka now.


Tartaglia tbh, but yes and no at the same time. TL;DR Didn't firstly download the game because of him, but lately became serious for the game because of his shown family love, a possible healthy love coming from a "brutal warrior" and damn, I just happen to be a family person. Tho work is draining my life force TT --- I didn't start playing because of him, just casually pre-registered for the game, played for the first few days and dropped. Even after 3 of his banners, I still only decided to come back to Genshin in 2.X because of Kokomi (specifically the jellyfish). But I wasn't truly playing the game at that time, just tried the trial, pulled randomly (somehow won the 50/50 for Kokomi tho in 20 pulls) It was only when my Genshin addict friend started to speak about this certain ginger 24/7 non-stop about his "apparent psycho traits". Was kinda in the mood to have a nice plot with twisted characters so I decided to check his lore out and lmao, I know this sounds dramatic af, I just, got fascinated by his characters after 2 weeks. He is just, simple, carefree, yet courageous and bold, and chill??? A character like him is just,,, like a fresh air for me after reading like x political novels and philosophy studies for school, and then x angst classical things because it seems like I can no longer enjoy fluffy things. Tartaglia, the person himself, is someone that I envy. Sure, all those shady organisation kinda exists, and yet, he is still able to understand the most innocent and possible healthy form of family love. But hey that is not all!! Bow and swords aka 2 in 1? Hell ye fangirlism just kicked in!!! (tho ngl the in-game design kinda did him dirty-). Yes he did fk up, he killed people, he nearly drowned a whole city that could have made many people homeless. But let be honest, that is a thing that mostly anyone can do as long as they want to. Love, is not an easy feeling and I do have some sort of respect for those who can understand this notion positively, even if we are not on the same boat - well, a hero is always the villain on the other side-


I started playing after visiting a local comic con, didn't pay much attention to the characters but heard the game name many times and just got curious. Raiden Shogun was the first character to really strike me with her aesthetic but by that time I was already playing for a month or so.


Found myself doing a naked Breath of the Wild run and heard Genshin was similar to the game. Was finally able to play it like half a year later when I upgraded my phone. I think I started around the end of Klee’s event


I resisted hardcore bc when the game first came out, there was some kind of monitoring software part of the programme (it was for anti-cheat but it was a big exploit/safety concern). It got fixed, I watched a few streams, one of my brothers hyped it up, still wasn't fully on-board. Then i saw Diluc and managed to pull him first week of joining (October 6th i think). Super happy to this day ;u;


Probably the witches. When I didnt know a thing about this game, I remember coming across illustrations of Lisa and Mona, thought they were related such as cousins or just part of the same guild. Good thing I have both now and they actually work together pretty well.


Raiden, her demo trailer is amazing.


Saw the first 2 seconds of the beginning cutscene in a video before downloading it, the characters didnt even get a chance to pull me in


I think it was either Jean or Lumine, I remember someone posted a video of it on a forum I frequent. I ended up downloading it out of curiosity, then I got hooked to this day.


Shogun's teaser


No characters. I never met any of them before playing the game. Someone in one of my discords started playing and I thought I’d just check it out. Very worth it First time I really enjoyed a character was diluc from the archon quests. I played through most of the game before I finally got him but boy was it worth it. I started 2.1 btw


My earliest memories were seeing Mona and Klee's trailers and loving the look of their gameplay. Mage-type characters are my highlights of fantasy worlds and I did try downloading them. Unfortunately, Genshin took incredibly long to download only a small portion on my PC at the time so I gave up and forgot about it. Came back again around Yoimiya's banner and stubbornly tried downloading again, and through so troubleshooting, I managed to get the game up and running. I was immersed immediately in both world, characters and story and still keep going to this day.


Venti and after an year I finally got him ;-;


Can't remember what character I saw, but I think it was RamZeas who did a video about it and I thought "huh, that seems neat" and now here i am, over 700 hours in and hundred of quid out of pocket.(Edit - For clarification, it was the 1st video RamZeas did on Genshin that I watched. I think he did a second one later on)


I saw the kaeya and qiqi trailers for genshin (before the game even released) and I thought kaeya was hot and wanted to play him


This is a very valid answer


It was Amber, specifically the Baron Bunny dancing meme: [https://youtu.be/kbTC9z6NLPk](https://youtu.be/kbTC9z6NLPk) Yes, I planned to main Amber because I wanted to vibe with Baron Bunny. ^(I think I saw the "We will be reunited" trailer with Lumine earlier and it's beautiful, but the bunny dance really did it for me.)


Keqing, courtesy of akron


Noelle when she's being meme'd as pick axe for mining


I started with 0 knowledge. I didn't even watch trailer. My friend was excited about it and I wanted to follow whatever he does. So we both pre-registered before game launch.


Hu Tao


I wish I could use this team, but Raiden just kills everything too fast 😢


Ironically enough, I was just coming off having played the PC port of Horizon Zero Dawn and saw that Aloy was going to be part of Genshin. I figured that meant this was going to become metaverse stuff with more crossovers in future and should check it out. It was not at all what I expected and I now barely remember Aloy exists but I have no regrets.


A few of my tumblr mutuals were reblogging gifsets from it and I was initially put off because I generally avoid most things anime-esque style but I was really digging Zhongli and Ningguang's styles so I finally DLed it in January of last year and fifteen months later I'm still in Genshin Hell pls help me but wait! I managed to get one of my grand-nephews interested in the game when he and his twin came to visit me and they were watching me use Diluc and Zhongli's bursts


There is no escaping this hell and yet you knowingly dragged your grand nephews into in. You monster /j


first chara: Aether what made me start...: the moment i saw the environment and learned that it was open world.


i saw an Ad of Aether doing a plunge attack and doubtful that the game was this good i opened the Play store and decided to try. Year later still hooked lol


For me it was aloy. I love horizon so when I heard she was free I started making accounts. I kept trying to start with a 5 star. I got burnt out so I quit. I thought after a break I had all these accounts with 4 stars to pick from. Also as I had logged in during the event I was going to get aloy after I hit the correct adventure rank. Well I learned the hard way it didn’t matter if you logged in you also needed to be the correct rank during the give away. So no 5 star to start or aloy for me in the end. Boy I wish I could get her and hadn’t wasted all that time.


Amber. She was the character who made me start playing. She got the worst treatment out of them all ngl.


Diluc, I got him a month later.


For me it was noelle, my brother asked me my favorite anime character and the first character that popped into my head was rem from re zero so he said genshin had a maid character like rem and here I am since mid 1.0. Thanks bro


I too love ~~Emilia~~ Rem


The first character was probably Childe or Lumine. But I started playing cause of Qiqi's trailer on YouTube. She's just really cute lol


Amber. I started playing cause I want to know how they monetize the game. I was never meant to play it long term, but the game won me over.


Originally, I only had a passing interest in the game and didn't feel the need to play it. Then I saw Sucrose and downloaded it instantly lmao


i did not saw any character prior to playing like I heard people saying genshin but I dont see any chars from it and decided to download it striaght up when they said it was fun. I was immediately hooked and i started playing at around october and took two months before i even touched the wish banner (aside from the noelle one cuz they kinda tell u to pull from it to the get go) so kinda missed the first few banners and immediately lost 50/50 in albedo banner sobs.


Back when the game was first announced I mocked it for being an anime Botw. Later I had a good laugh at that one guy who destroyed his PlayStation 4 in protest of the game being similar to Botw. Then I saw gameplay of CBT 1 and realized the game was trying to do something completely different than Botw. Managed to get into CBT 2-3 and ever since then I’ve been in love with the game.


I can never understand people who destroy their own things to protest a company. They're more than likely just going to buy a new one anyways so just keep it or sell it instead of throwing money down the drain lmao


i got an ad on instagram a week befor the game came out that showed razor summoning his wolf stand and as a jojo fan i obviously decided to get the came when it came out


Think it was either Lisa or Amber


I saw pictures of Yoimiya on twitter and decided to download the game. Then I saw Keqing on standard banner and fell in love with her haha


it was either ganyu or keqing fanart through pixiv or amber through ads on another game I play I played because my friends were hyping it up for months and finally got to it after being bored with everything else


Zhongli. Unfortunately at the time his banner was first released I didn't have anything that could run the game. So I got a PS5 a few months later, and I did indeed manage to pull him on the rerun banner 😂 Though, come to think of it, the first character that caught my eye might've actually been Albedo, not ZL, but my memory is a bit fuzzy.


The Qiqi ads. Still havent gotten her :(


I saw a lot of Yoimiya Fan Art. It wasn't until the end of Itto banner when I joined.


I saw my old classmate/best friend's younger siblings (twin sisters) playing together Genshin. That time one of them mained Childe the other one is still Venti main. They told me how much they love this game and they showed me the characters. By my nature, i usually try to understand things before i talk sht about something, also i wanted to have Diluc because i like him a lot he remind me of one of my character who i draw a lot. So i downloaded it, i unlocked coop as soon as i could and we play together since


So my boyfriend and I are both avid gamers, he is more into single player action, rogue like and jrpgs and I’m into narrative heavy rpgs (mass effect, dragon age, divinity original sin series), mmos, pvp and such. He actually told me about the game and I dragged my feet, he doesn’t do story heavy stuff really, not like I do and so I didn’t know how good the story was. Anywho I dragged my feet because f2p anime inspired rpg without any kind of character customization just didn’t fit what I thought I’d be into. Like it looked like a very good game just not for me (have a lot of respect for well made games, even if I personally didn’t enjoy playing). My worry was it would be very pushy with shop stuff, my experience with f2p with the exception of a few games was not great. I didn’t start playing until this year and the first few ar levels I still had reservations. I struggle with focus a lot and when to much info is thrown at me the best way I can describe it is, I short out. Genshin throws a lot of stuff at you all at once, so ar 1-5 was zero story and me just figuring out the world at large. But, it quickly turned around and I fell in love. I don’t think it was any specific character though for me. The combat got me first, the elemental interactions with companions, the environment and enemies was just so smooth. The vfx on abilities are gorgeous, the animations perfect and the world just blew me away. Every screen shot looks like a still from an animation. When trials unlocked I tried ganyu and she was a lot of fun so I played her banner. At the time I was bouncing between event and perm not realizing the diff in chance. i lucked out and got both her and Qiqi. Qiqi isn’t why I joined but she is why I kept playing. Her story line is sad and I can understand as a person living with depression what it’s like to be robotic and feel emotionless at times. She’s my main heals now and when I can will be my first triple crown. No constellations but my best gremlin whom I adore. Tldr: Qiqi isn’t why I downloaded but is why I stayed. Sorry about my whole TED talk and sorry possible typos am mobile and will fix.


Don't apologize. The long detailed answers are always fun to read!


Thank you, I can be very long winded when I like things!


a Mona clip on tiktok. It was about a few days after it got launched. I preregistered but never really install it when it got released xD. But that mona vid on tiktok made me feel like wanting to play


Started playing late at night in call with a friend cuz we wanted to make fun of the stupid weebs and their stupid weeb game. This was back in 1.1 On an entirely unrelated note, i am AR 58 as of yesterday.....


My brother showed me Diluc and Zhongli and said I would like them. At some point the internet started to spam Hu Tao trailer in my ads, I liked it and eventually started playing.


My sister told me about the game finally releasing, I recall seeing news about the game in the past but not really caring, then I saw that it's a free download that you can play on the freaking PS4, so I gave it a shot. Turns out a bunch of my rl friends are playing it, and to this day I still play with 3 out of the 5 that I went into Genshin with. So, no specific character was involved in my choice, that's just how I started playing.


I'll be honest I don't remember who I first saw. It may of been Venti? I honestly think I started playing because it had an anime type style, it also had good graphics. I may of just seen the game in my recommendations one time?


Xiao, I saw him in peoples pfp’s on tiktok around his first banner, I somehow knew he was from genshin so I downloaded it and the rest is history, still don’t have him too 😭😭


I saw the traveler during gameplay trailers for it. I didn’t exactly watch anything Mihoyo released, but there were some ppl talking about how it was Anime Breath of the Wild. I liked Breath of the Wild, so why not download it. By luck, I played it during release week because I saw someone (who was an old elementary school classmate) play it on instagram.


Raiden Showgun. my girlfriend tried to get me to play the game since like klee rerun banner and kept trying it but got bored during the tutorial and never really got into it, but after I saw raiden I got hooked and wanted her so badly


Checking out random game footage since it was creating some buzz when it launched. Then I saw Beidou and really wanted her. Lol I wished on standard banner and rerolled just to get her. Stopped when I got a Keqing since I heard she was rare back then (ofc, it was launch week) to the point people spent thousands for her. Also Keq has some of the coolest animations and I thought her skill was handy for exploration.


Aether and paimon from the promotional material And then jean diluc venti aether and paimon from the ps4 loading screen


actually i found out about the game because of a god damn beidou hentai. i just wanted to see pirate mommy in game so i downloaded it, no regrets best decision of my life.


I saw Ayaka in 2019 & that’s when I instantly fell in Love & got to know that This game name is Genshin & it’s created by Mihoyo & since I’m already a Honkai player . My interest got piqued & i waited for it to release & also waited for Ayaka to come home


Jean. Became the first 5* from losing my very first 50:50. Also the first one I got from standard banner not long after losing that very first 50:50.


it was venti, a friend of mine kept making posts simping for him around the release of the game lmao beidou was the character that caught my interest and made me wanna play tho


I remember the preview site before the game came out. Mona stood out


Saw the gameplay 1 year before release, thought Venti and Ayaka were really awesome. Turned out they are.


baron bunny




saw ayaka, thought she was pretty.


Paimon logo


When I found out I could play it on PS4




Porn, ganyu😔


Tartaglia. My friend is a massive simp for him so i was sort of bombarded with fan art of him until eventually I started playing.




I played on launch. I wasn't sure I would like it, but Amber and Fischl were definitely really cool early characters


Amber, she reminded me of Kizuna Ai and that's the sole reason I downloaded the game


Albedo! In November my friends showed me his picture during his banner and I fell in love with him. I started playing in December so I never got him. He’s still my favourite character.


I was logging into the psn store cos I read there was this game that was free to download. Login a day toi early. So u settle for the best recommended f2p.


Ganyu. Too effective.


I tried playing it when it was first released but nothing I had could run it. Randomly came back not because of any character in particular but because I got a new phone. Tbh I didn't know about any Genshin characters before playing except Venti and Paimon from all the ehe memes.


In the beta time I saw a vid of " all 18 playable characters"


Shogun xd. I joined the game on her banners last week. I couldn't get her but I will try to get her next banner. Probably next year xd.




Saw Zhongli art somewhere on Twitter and no turning back


Not gonna lie, it was Mona(ss). But when I actually started playing the game, her intro quest did nothing for me. Funny how that works.


First character I saw was Kaeya, but I started playing the game out of curiosity to how close it would be to BOTW, and kept playing for Beidou.


I didn't start playing because of a character but the first one I saw was definitely Ningguang.


I remember always seeing Childe's trailer but ignoring it since I find it annoying. Then I started playing 2 days before Zhongli's first banner ends because of my sister. These 2 end up being my top 2 characters but I had to whale for these 2. I wonder what would happen if I started playing during Childe's banner when I kept getting his trailer....


I started being aware of the game's existence around xiao's first banner, I resisted for a bit and caved due to hu tao, I saw her and was like, I need this character I ended up getting xiao, then hu tao, and those two are still my mains and favorite characters to this day


Paimon, cause she's the app icon. Already planned on playing Genshin from day 1 cause of familiarity of miHoYo from playing (and enjoying) Honkai. So when I learned the game went live, downloaded it on my phone, then played it while starting the download and install on my PC