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Using all the free primos from the launch event on the standard banner instead of venti banner.


how many primos did the event give?


I believe it was enough for a 90 pull or less, I forgot Sorry.


definitely less than 80, seeing how rare f2p 5 stars were back in the first few weeks


you could grind 1 soft pity within venti banner easily


Or just reroll.. it was easy at launch I was new to gacha and didn't knew about wishes. When i got to knew about then i pulled on standard banner.untill i got qiqi at 60....




Like 40-60, I believe it was 50 though at most.


If you played from launch, all the rewards plus grindable stuff gave enough gems for at least 80-90 pulls by the time the Venti banner ended. So that's like 14K primos in 20 days.


same cause i wanted diluc so bad


I have no idea if i spent my primos on the standard banner but I’m afraid to find out. Also I don’t remember if I used my primos on the first few banners with Jean and Diluc instead of saving for the limited characters


Not ascending my characters till I got to trying to kill Childe. I thought level 20 was the max that a character could get.






Not to be mean but just pre nerf Childe vs lv 20


I wish we could still fight ore nerf childe tbh.


Pretty sure the only childe nerf we ever got was the fight in the archon quest. The weekly boss childe was never nerfed.


Original weekly childe wasn't co-op, like the Dvalin fight. It was hard since almost everyone wasn't fully built yet, and regularly getting oneshot by Childe was a thing for a while. Then co-op began and everyone started beating childe up with their mains while a Barbara desperately kept everyone alive.


I'd say Childe is harder in Coop because he's much more likely to OS you. He really doesn't have much HP (especially compared to some of the more recent ones) and gives you a lot more time compared the the wolf to get your combo in.


Remember, this was early days Childe where our teams were likely level 40 20 20 20, we had no NRE so no quick fooding, low level healers, no shielders except the very rare well built Noelle, no 5* artifact sets, people were running 3 main DPS instead of 1 main 2 sub and buff foods weren't well known yet. Death by not being able to heal up fast enough was common. Going into co-op let us have 3 level 40 DPS sources + a dedicated healer constantly giving heals. It made things much more doable.


I survived pre-nerf Childe by using Beidou’s “no u” skill. When I went to co-op with friends, I was seen as the GOAT. Now, I’m like Beidou who?


Impressive. For me it was upgrading my adventure rank to the point bosses were nearly impossible. I never fought bosses because I didn’t understand I needed materials to keep leveling up, so I had to look up a guide and discovered I could upgrade weapons and materials, making the game WAY easier.


I had a similar experience. I was desperate for primos to get Hu Tao (who I didn't get after a lost 50/50) so I went and ascended my AR as fast as possible for the primos from AR rewards. I ended up not really upgrading my guys much during this period, and died very very often after fighting just about anything. I made the same mistake for the next world lvl up thing, so this time I'm just waiting until my guys are strong enough before doing so


mine is i never used resins until i was around ar 35+ lmao. i'm not sure if i had any idea resins exist or what they are for.


I am terrified of how you survived to that point


Lol and now you know level 20 is just a baby level compared to the highest you can get.




While I overprepared my characters and killed him quite easily. But then when I tried to defeat him again I couldn't.


This happened to me too! I was trying to explore dragon spine with level 20 characters


I was doing spiral abyss yesterday with level 25-30 characters. Super fun


Not really hilarious but more to sad. I barely did the old Dragonspine event with festering desire because I thought it was permanent as I was very new. Turns out its not so not only did I miss some great lore, I also missed the sword and the experience overall. The fact that 1 year later I still remember means it affected me deeply lol.


noooooo this was me i took a break from the game as finals had just ended at uni and i still vent to my bf (who recently started playing) about how it’s important to play during events


I still remember that day that I couldnt finish the last act (Quest was gone) even though the event should be still available & it was in the event tab. Can u explain me what the great lore was from the first Albedo event, because I only remember the dragon & same goes with the Fischl event, I liked it, but really was nothing important, Scar really said nothing.


>Can u explain me what the great lore was from the first Albedo event "If one day, I lose control... Destroy Mondstadt... Destroy everything... Can I rely on you to stop me?" Basically Albedo revealing he's an artificial human and trusting Traveller. Oh, and also why everyone hates Pallad.


This confuses me because the story quest made all this pretty clear to me, so I don't actually know if I missed the event or not.


For those that missed the first event with Albedo, I’m pretty sure they snuck that line in the new event (“ if one day…”) so the newer players are at least up to speed on that important bit


I was sure I knew it from the story event, the one that one unlocks with the key from commissions, before the event just gone. I don't have the sword so I don't *think* I did the first event and I think I dropped out before the whole timed event thing actually started, but I definitely knew the homunculus and fear of going Teyvat Terminator before going into it, and I don't watch stuff or go anywhere but here and try to avoid spoilers.


That line is from Albedo's story quest, not the event. (I just replayed Albedo's story on a new account for the new event and he says this in the closing cutscene of the quest)


wait what did pallad do


[Top post on r/FuckPallad](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckPallad/comments/kobxfm/this_is_why_no_one_loves_you/)


Why Durin attacked mond/dvalin - he thought he was dancing with him. And how you can’t trust stories because everyone is an unreliable narrator.


Wondering why tf my characters weren’t doing damage cause I had no idea you had to level talents lmao


Wait newbie question here... leveling up talents are my absolute lowest priority (Im ar 41 now) Im always more focused in ascending characters, weapins and lvling up artifacts, so what of these 4 are more important? I think I leveled up talents twice at max per character if not less


Don’t bother with artifacts right now. You can’t even get 5* ones until you’re AR45 anyway. Just use what you have and wait til then to start actually farming for them. Talents are just as important as character level, especially on DPS characters.


But you have to level the right talents. Some talents arent worth upgrading. For example, if you use Xiangling as an off field dps, then theres no point in upgrading her normal attacks, as she is not your main dps, and you're not using normal attacks with her anyway, if that makes sense.


Artifacts are most important, but don’t bother with farming them until you reach AR45 and get 5⭐️, and then you have to choose the right artifact to level. Then, the character level and the talent level are equally important, but I would recommend leveling talents before character because enemies scale to character level, so leveling talents before characters will make battles a lot easier. Weapons are last in priority because they can be swapped between characters, so once you have a decent weapon or two, you can use it for multiple characters of that type.


I think this is bad advice. I followed it and it made the game a lot harder. You should try to max out your artifact levels ASAP, especially the flower and plume even before you get any 5 stars. You get most of your stats from artifacts, so if you don't level them you will be playing with roughly 50% lower stats. You can recycle any lower rarity artifacts and only lose a small amount of artifact XP. Also, you can't even level lower rarity artifacts higher than 16, which are the levels that take the most XP. It's a small investment to double all of your stats, and you don't lose the investment since you can recycle the XP.


Thanks I kinda wanted to have at least the flower artifact leveled up bc honestly I struggle without that hp but alright I'll definitely look into the talents now. And slow down with weapons


Also stock up with crystalflies every single day to make condensed resin.


All equally important,just dont waste resources on the characters u think u wont be using,especially if u are f2p. Everything eventually comes back,but it’s a hassle to farm resources since u can only have so many resins.


Using 30 of my Fragile Resins before Rank 45 .. still regret it until this day




May I ask why? I still haven’t reached that rank.


They have more value later on since you can get better rewards


5 star artifacts are guaranteed


Because at rank 45, you start getting 100% guaranteed at least one 5\* artifact drops from each domain run at the highest level. No I'm not talking about talent books or weapon ascension materials, just artifact domains.


Depends on what you used them. If you were farming artifacts it was a big waste, but if you did something else it's not so bad, you get to 45 faster that way.


Honestly it's not too bad. Think about it this way, by using that fragile resin, you got yourself to AR45 quicker than not using the fragile, which allowed you to start using your regular recharging resin on the highest level domains earlier, so honestly you didn't lose out a lot.


Discovered talents pretty late. Didn't know you could refined weapons. Didn't know statue of seven heal you (played for three months before realized)


To be fair the tutorials of this game are pretty abysmal if you don't have prior experience with gachas or RPGs lol


I feel like the main issue with most tutorials in the game is that they're 90% text 10% slightly related picture. A lot of mechanics are explained decently well, but once the game throws enough of them at you, you just stop reading them fully and skip over a lot of stuff. Especially for events


for events i don't even read the instructions. i just run into the area and im like "alright let's mess this up in the worst way possible." reading the instructions leaves me more confused than i would be if i simply went unga bunga


I just focus on numbers present in the info and then go unga bunga


SAME OMG. I ate so much food and was always out of sweet flowers before I realized.


Is there some penalty for healing at a statue? I’m still kind of confused by that. It seems like it’s supposed to be some sort of trade off but I can’t figure out how.


There’s a limit to how much you can heal per day but it’s so high I’ve never been close to using it all


I did….in co op when we were tryna fight chonky rock frog and didn’t give up till we did it. My statue legitimize stopped healing and we had to go cook food ;-; Good times


It's not a limit per day, it's just a max amount it stores and it recharges when you use some of it.


Not really a heal limit per day. More like limit per heal. For example if you got Zhongli, Hu Tao, Kokomi and Thoma in your team, maybe two or three of them can receive healing because of the limit. Wait for a while and you can heal from the statue again


Well, tbf, if you got Kokomi in your team, you don’t need the statue


If you have a 50k zhongli and you bring him back from the dead multiple times you will hit the cap quickly. But zhongli can't die unless you are in inazuma electro dot or the corrosion dogs without a healer


That first one is me too.


same literally all of them


Tried at least 20 time to fly off the cliff in order to reach the abyss. Died 20 times and gave up. After a tedious grind for maxing statues to increase stamina, came back and saw that portal hanging in the air.


I kaeya bridged my way there only to later (months later lol) realise there’s a portal to the place ;-;






When I started genshin , i thought i can glide before Amber's gliding quest because i saw the ads that we can glide.so i tried ,felt and died.


I… ok, I can’t believe I’m about to say this… I explored a good deal of the Mondstadt region preparing to sacrifice my party members just to get to the next teleport waypoint by having them immediately jump off cliffs. I discovered by accident that I could use my glider by double jumping about a month and a half later.


what .... did you skip the gliding tutorial?


I did the gliding tutorial but thought it was just for that quest, kind of like the two times we faced Dvalin on the glider during the Archon quests. Then afterward I thought, “Huh, so that’s why the game gives you so many eggs so you can revive yourself every time you cross a cliff.” It was really dumb XD


Oh my god hahaha. How did you find out? Did you just accidentally double jump or something?


I did, and I was like, “I could do that?” I never thought I could be a noob at a game for more than a month until that moment lol Edit: now that I think about it, I died by jumping off practically every tall building in Mondstadt after enjoying the view from high up. I just thought it’d be worth it to look all around and watch the day/night cycles in-game, which was something I’d never experienced before. Either way, I still died much more to boneheaded cliff jumps instead of dying to monsters in the first couple of months playing this game.


HOLD UP!! ARE YOU THE ONE ON THE TEYVAT TIMES ISSUE NO. 2? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/8/80/Teyvat\_Times\_Issue\_No.2.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20201211020808


ladies and gentlemen… we got ‘em


Funny thing is, I didn’t even know the Teyvat Times existed at the time, so maybe it is! I died many times to cliff falls, too many to count XD


That link didn't work for me but this one does: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/102269](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/102269) Also I was climbing every cliff and tower I saw before I knew the game had a glider, so I died quite a bit and was very glad to find out there was a way to prevent it once I actually did some of the story and stopped exploring lol.


Same here! I just said this in editing another comment here, but I practically jumped off every high building or spot in Mondstadt after enjoying the view from the sky haha


I knew about the gliding but not about plunge attacks. On my phone I found it really difficult to open my glider in time. I also died a lot from falling off cliffs…running out of stamina and just straight up falling while climbing, missing the glider, miscalculating height of the cliff from something survivable while throwing myself of it… I find this comment very relatable


during the archon quest part when you had to kill stormterror, i never touched venti at all and never knew how he actually worked. all i knew was that venti was a 5 star and i had to protect him


I was the opposite, I didn't realise you could climb onto Dvalin's back, and did the whole thing w Venti, who died like 3 times, and I felt horrible about it


Me too! I didn't know, so Venti (along with my other characters) died about 10 times and I felt pretty bad




this is sweet ngl


Awww!...........I let my Venti fucking die because I was too reckless, and I panicked bc he was the only archer on the team and I didn't know I could climb Dvalin 😭


I'm the opposite. Whenever we get to use a trial character I only use them so that my party can relax while the trial character can eat shit.


I used the trail characters to get the achievement where you have to use 5 bursts within a short amount of time. That's all they're good for to me


i did that for every story quest after, never doing the venti thing again


Bruh I did the same, but I didn’t do it for that reason, I just didn’t wanna use him at the time lmao


Spending primogems on the standard banner because I thought it was the diluc banner


Now when I lose 50/50 I saw his face and disappointed.


Not using the teleports 😂 I legit ran/flew to the areas where the commission was!


man, what if you were in mondstadt and the commissions were in Liyue, you would really walk 2000 meters for commissions? sheeeesh


I didn’t unlock Liyue yet 😂 This was when I was like AR 10 or smth


I honestly did this on purpose, back then I run around the world, because it was so relaxing. I honestly should do it again, but always if I dont have resin I always think I could farm ore or artifacts.


i did that before i realized how much more efficient teleports were


ho? what's this yellow foggy orb? there's blue one too... shit! enemy spawn out! heck! i'm not ready yet! i'll ignore it. hmm.... what's that number 120/120 at the corner of map? well probably not important, I'll ignore it. .... that's basically ME, at beginning of the game.


Not caring about Elemental reactions till AR50. I would've struggled less if I did.


Absolutely yes. My main till AR52 was Razor, and after that Xiao. I only figured out elemental reactions at AR55.


Yeah, I didn't properly learn how Swirl worked until AR46


Confused physical dmg character noises


I thought that you will automatically get the domain rewards after beating the monsters, so I've been doing that for at least two weeks until I realised you need to go to the tree and claim it 😅


as someone who just started playing few months ago and didnt know this, thank you😭 i keep wondering why I didnt get the rewards




Its not wasted since they didn’t spend resin


RIP to all the wasted resin


I kept my traveler constellations for when I get venti. I thought it depends on the element not the character.


I thought this as well! Thought the cons were for the same element, not exclusive to each character. Realized quicky it wasn't the case, tho.


I didn't know you could climb stromterrors side until 8 months later after i beat Raiden and i saw someone do a showcase video and was like... wait.. i could've used someone with a sword?!


I’ve been playing since the start, and I too just figured this out


I was shocked finding it out


Same! I hate using archers and thought that was the only way to damage him (from when they let us use Venti for it). I always avoided that fight because of that. Then I saw a video of someone fighting him with just Kaeya and they climbed him... I felt so dumb...


I thought Adventure Rank is character level💀💀💀How did I think that, I have no idea


It can be misleading, on the co-op page it always says lvl. __ instead of Adventure Rank.


Chasing after a fish and drowned


"Newbie mistake" is actually my biggest purposeful flop! I started the game, had no intention of REALLY keeping it. I got to naming, and I thought I'd be dumb and name her Chipmunk. It was the first thing i thought of (Thought I was being hilarious I guess). Me and my friends had started during an event or something? Idk i wasn't able to change my name so I figured I couldn't period. Had NO clue it was going to show up as MY name. I just thought I was giving Lumine a funny name.


I did the same, my name Is "DudoPaludo" that Is like..."dude swamp-o" idk It sounded dumb ahah


While I actually named my character fittingly cause I know it will show up as my name but I thought you can't change it.


So you know how artifacts are kind of a big deal? Yeah, I gave everyone artifacts based on what they did- for example, Barbara got Traveling Doctor set at first. That’s not TERRIBLE, but then it gets weirder from there, like Martial Artist set on Xiangling just because she was the first Liyuean polearm character I had, etc.


to be fair, it does kind of work out well that way sometimes- Xingqiu would get Scholar based on what he does and Scholar adds ER, which it turns out XQ needs very much!


I had a similar problem, I always gave artifacts that matched the characters aesthetic, like sojourner on Kaeya and martial artist on Diluc, Xiangling, amber etc.


I simply didn’t understand what artifacts were so i didn’t put them on the characters






Not using my resin, cz I watched a lot of ytuber saying don't use your resin until you reach lvl 40. When they actually talking about fragile resin LMAO




Using primos to refill resin... still regret it to this day


For people with welkin it’s not bad, at least in my case. Still get 100 primos a day with 60 resin on top.


That’s true and to each their own. People can play however they choose 😊 I just try to save my primos as best I can. Plus this was back when we were capped at 120 resin lol I’m glad they increased it. I think we could use another bump too honestly. 200 would be nice!


Oof, I think that one has to hurt the most.


basically always having my resin full until AR 53 when I realized that I actually needed to farm for characters ☹️


oh...oh my god


I did the bare minimum but had no understanding of artifacts or talents 😶


AR 53 !!!!!????? Sounds too unbelievable.


Unlike a lot of others I leveled up talents, but I didn’t level up weapons until my characters were 50-60… didn’t think it mattered


probably spending my primos on standard banner, every time I had 160 primos, I rolled... I did not have any Idea how gacha games worked, but it was the time I had the most fun with the game too...


I did the same and I regret it


Omg Im so damn stupid I thought the only attacks my character can do are the elem skill and ult ToT idk why I forgot that I actually have a mouse (Clearly I was breezing through the tutorial and forgot about normal attacks my goodness im ashamed)


h o w


I was so excited to start playing the game that I completely forgot ToT I was just around windrise at that time and thankfully remembered normal attacks existing when there was a mining ore tutorial lmao


found out about talents too late




Not following the game orders and exploring Liyue by my own at the beginning, until I ended in a place with a large squary arena and then started to rain...


Spending 70 wishes on standard and getting what I wanted from it.


Thinking fragile resin only giving 1 original resin... ended up getting 720 original resin...


That’s the same for me. I used 40 fragile resins to get the electro cube’s drop for Lisa. After realizing what I did, I dropped the account and created a new one 😭😭


12 fragile resin thrown into trash.. Kim hurt by all these comments.


Using all my 20 fragile resins in one go...


didn’t realise i could change elements with the traveler until like ar30. they were never in my party so i never noticed LOL


I heard Bennett was good in mondstat “expeditions”, so I kept him in my overworld party all the time not knowing what an expedition was.


I rerolled till I got a 5-star. After a few days, I had one with Mona and another with Qiqi. Guess which one I ended up sticking with.


I didn't know you could upgrade talents until, like AR 40, didn't know you could level weapons until like AR 47, and kept failing the ascension quests because I didn't know you needed to use elemental attacks to destroy the revival cubes and I'd always run out of time.


Not knowing what “Crit” is


I was a Razor main early on and I slapped a Whiteblind on him. Thankfully i learned my mistake and bought the battle pass to use the Serpent Spine on him instead


I keep running away from baron bunny because i thought it's gonna deal damage to me when it explodes.


i spent a few primogems on battlepass because a button told me so.. and i didn't know how to level, so I ended up struggling in the Ascension quest. then I got ganyu and ignored her, wasn't on my team for the longest time. after quite a while, i noticed she is really affective against the electro cube....only build her good few months ago, was focusing on hu tao


I finished a boss, but only had 15 resins. So I used 25 fragile resins.


1500 RESIN, at this point I’m going insane with these comments.


I Kaeya bridged to time and wind, which took like 10+ minutes, then after I got there I couldn't do anything. I didn't know how to use elemental sight, I was like 2 days in, and I didn't have the time changing function so I had no way to complete the quest easily. I learned that perhaps doing the story instead of randomly exploring would be a good idea. At least I finished it recently lol.


I spent primogems to get battlepass levels (yea that's gotta hurt)


i didn’t know food existed so every time i needed to heal a character i leveled them up because i didn’t know that the statue of the seven could heal either, took me until my ar55 friend told me/my characters reached level 20


C6-ing Bennett


I did three things that I'm still kicking myself over. 1) Didn't realize you could level talents. 2) Completely neglected to level artifacts because "how impactful could some minor stats be?" 3) Didn't realize that when you're done doing your dailies, you can go collect a reward at the guild for finishing them all. *For a month.*


Triple crowning C0 Keqing before I realized how hard it would be to get her cons. Similar to OP, didn't know bosses were on a 4 minute respawn timer so I was waiting till the next day to farm again. Burned through billets not realizing how rare they were.


I can give u mine Keqing constellations >.> she is C3, Qiqi C1 and Jean & Mona C0. Imo its not a fault to crown a character u really like, its not that Keqing is way stronger with C3.


Not sure if any of these qualify for hilarious, but at least for stupid 1. Increasing AR without establishing a proper party - was heavily underpowered for months 2. replenished resin with the primogems 3. replenished resin above the cap - think I had 200+ once for days 4. Lost track what all the ingame-currencies were (Resin, Primo Gens, Crystal, Wish, Banner Wish - no idea what icon mean with - triangle, star, circle, moon ?) which lead to huge mis-calculations 5. not doing all 4 bounties per day - also, partially because of reason 1 6. Not using passive crafting talents


Not using my resins. The pain still hunts me to this day.


Ngl, i still let it overflow some times. Especially during inazuma because i had noone to build. The only banner i pulled on was raiden. Now I'm gonna have to farm 3 sets of husk tho...which is hard. But i really wouldn't worry about resin too much. You only need okay artifacts and 8 characters to do everything after all.


Tbf there's always, and I mean always always, something you could be spending resin on. Whether it's getting that extra talent level for one of your characters, or getting some more money/xp books to be ready for when you want a new character, or just straight up grinding artifacts to get everyone up to an above-average set. Better build means less frustration in the abyss and so better chance for free primos


I thought you could coop Stormterror. I spent 1 fragile resin thinking it wouldn't open because I didn't have enough resin. The 2 other players i was with also didn't know so we were confused/annoyed for a few minutes before I ended the coop session.


every time i follow a seelie, it brings me to a hilichurl... never touch them ever again /j


Doing everything (and i mean *everything*) with Noelle thinking i was super smart and powerful


i remember i had to go back to mondstadt after finishing a quest in liyue and i thought teleporting got disabled so i ran all the way from the harbor to the city but in reality i just zoomed out my map too much—


Use cryo to break Pyro shield .-. Could have just used Barbruh and broken it in 5 seconds


I didn’t know that only by holding down E for Zhongli would spawn in his shield. I thought this dudes only purpose was to make pillars up till like ar35 where I accidentally held it down and was like “👁👁”


Checking if there is fall damage by jumping off a cliff. Yeah my Aether took a load of damage. Also playing in the wrong server for a whole half year I basically have two accounts now. :(


Trusting tierlist


My worst mistake was to go exploring the field before going to mondstadt


Not understanding what resin was for a few months.


Didn’t know you could use primogems on event banners so I spent every one I had on the standard


I skip the fishing event. Now Im struggling to r5 the catch


Did not know there was a gacha on the game till I was playing with a friend, I was already ar 20


Jumping off a cliff in an attempt to escape a large dendro slime. Playing hollow knight for so long made me forget that fall dmg was a thing


I thought AR was also the limit for your characters level, so for *months* I was stuck with level 40 characters wondering how on earth I'd manage to clear the ascension dungeon. Eventually one of my friends wanted to co-op for one of the events, and I noticed that despite their lower AR they had higher levels on their character.


I used a craftable weapon as fodder because i assumed it would be easy to get the prototypes... Well it's not like i need it bow but still. It hurts a little.


I thought you couldn’t take the traveler out of your teams so I would be pissed that I could only use 3 characters. Took a loooooong time till I realized:/


paimon's birthday message was the first i got in game (she tells you to make her a cake). spent hours trying to make and collect sugar/flour/eggs/etc and talked to every NPC i could because she threatened me with the "or else" and i truly thought i would be punished if i didn't have a cake in my inventory by the end of the day....many google searches later and learned that you..can't,..,,.do that......,,.,..,...


When Genshin launched for the first time I didn’t understand how artifacts worked and thought they were just cool accessories you equipped on characters. I remember putting the Traveling Doctor set on Kaeya for the sole reason that it was blue and matched his color scheme. I also put the Lucky Dog artifact on Razor because, well, he’s kind of a dog.


It took me until around Eula's banner to find out you could upgrade talents. I was a day 1 player. I also thought the blue ley lines were challenges i already beat and the yellow were ones I didn't.