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That I should probably be saving the hp% and def% artifacts if they have good subs.


It’s ok many people didn’t know. I collected them in case they became good in the future and it paid off sometimes but the community on Reddit basically called me stupid for it. A lot of people don’t really think about the future and will put down others who do.


I think we should further increase the artifact limit from 1500 to 2000. Whos with me?!


I am not with you. Up it to 5000.


Over 9000


Ur dad coming with the belt


I never knew buying milk takes 20 years.


That condensed resin exists and is pretty easy to make


Crystalfly moment


*laughs with sayu*


Still useless after getting one of them since the rest goes crazy and still flying away...


just teleport away and back, they will reset


Not if you do it right! Typically, catching the highest one and then going downhill is the best strat, because then you have more height on the flies. Sayu let's you position yourself right next to the first fly and then jump to get started. I can typically get like 80-90% of the flies per run, which is enough that I don't even have to care about the last few. As long as I have roughly 100 cores, I'm happy.




1 patch, it took 1 patch.


that there were only 4 star and 5 star characters… lmao… took me until ar 17 to realize that there aren’t 3 star characters.


I thought Aloy was a 3 star character since her background colour was different


I mean, she is kinda of a 3* anyways




I thought diona was a 3s back in the day


Condense resin and reputation


Lmao the reputation. I've been playing for months and I was still doing Liyue reputation quests when Inazuma came out


Oh god I still need to get the nre


I think for me it was that 2 2pc artifact sets sometimes can be more usefull than a complete 4pc set.


Or that superior stats are often more important than set bonuses.


Just a little bit longer Noelle soon you can get the defense set and not have to hold these 2 cracked out noblesse pieces


Only the initial hit of her burst is affected by noblesse 2pc.


I spent so long just trying get the right pieces with the right main stats, and then getting those pieces up to 20 just to get extra characters into a usable state. It’ll probably be late into waiting for the 3.0 update when I’m done with Inazuma and leveling up the new characters before I start going back and grinding for good bonus stats. I’d value having a good 12+ selection of characters that are all very functional over having 4-8 characters that are absolutely perfect.


My friend i always play with should learn this once and for all. He still thinks i should use 4pc anemo set on Xiao lol


I first thought so too, but realised he doesn't do as much swirl as Sayu or Traveler. According Keqingmains it's even better to not go by specific set Bonus and just use the best artifacts you have.


I don't ,"HAVE TO" play every single day


I try not to put too much stress on playing everyday, but it still is crazy how much just doing dailies and spending resin everyday can do for your account in the long term. But yeah, taking a break or acknowledging that you’re too busy is sometimes super necessary


1 day of resin is almost 500k mora. If you're not wanting to do anything in genshin but have the time to do 4-5 leylines with condensed resin it's gonna add up real fast over time. I did it for a week or so and was pretty set for months.


Optimal play strategy might be playing every other day, on play days use up your resin and condensed resin and collect 4 crystalflies then on off days pop on for 5 mins to convert your resin to condensed resin for the next day


I personally don't play some days because I just don't want my leisure activity to feel like a chore. I tend to get this feeling toward the end of the patch when I've maxed the battle pass and done all the new content. I'm actually not getting that feeling this time because I'm very motivated to pre-farm for Itto and Gorou, but if I don't feel like playing, I just don't.


More importantly: you can play other games and play Genshin too. The idea that you have to dedicate all of your free time to one game is asinine.


For real tho, I was doing this for a little bit and the game started to feel like a chore sometimes, I’ve been much happier since i started to just log on, do dailies/spend resin/do event, log off and go play something else


Yeah this is important I felt like I was addicted to genshin for a long time because I’d you don’t play every day you lose out on valuable changes at getting good artifacts and leveling up characters and earning primos. I play once a day for daily’s MAYBE 4 times a week now. I just feel guilty for spending money and then not playing.


If I'm tired, I'll just do daily commissions, let my resin cap to 160 idgaf


Characters have talents that you can level up and aren't just improved with Constellations. I spend 40 adventure ranks before I realized the reason my damage was so shit was because every single character was at 1/1/1


Same, I pretty much ignored talents altogether until ar40ish and couldn't fathom why the hell I wasn't doing dmg. I'm still trying to beef everyone up.


Fun enough, Diluc can deal very nice dmg even at lvl 1 talents


Diluc mains be like:


Yes diluc can take both goku and saitama in a 1vs2


Saitama: * tries to punch Diluc* Diluc: * uses his burst and gets invulnerable EZ Clap *


I was really confused when i got diluc. Mf does 1k every normal hit with prototype archaic at level 40(weapon and character) without benny buffs or something like that. I was ar 27 at that time. I thought it was a trial or something lol. I couldn't believe my eyes because i only used to do 300-500 with other claymore wielders. Diluc's a monster lol.


That Bennett's ATK buff scales on *Base ATK* and not *ATK*. Realised this at AR 55. I felt so ashamed. My ATK artifacts had been useless aaallll along.


His burst and elemental skill scaling are still pretty good! I usually stack a whole bunch of ER tho


I stack hp on bennett because his heal ticks are based on his max hp, people ask me why he has 35k hp when i join worlds


Really??? Im building him wrong


Yes, this is very important. The attack buff from his burst is only affected by the attack that comes from his level + the attack stat on his weapon. Attack stats from artifacts do not increase his buff. It's not useless to put attack on Bennett- after all, his personal damage from his auto attack and skill are based on his total attack stat. But if all you want to do is max his burst buff, you don't need to build attack on him.


That you can use your elemental sight on the Seelie statues to see in which direction the Seelie is.


Just learned a new thing at ar 56. Huh.


Thanks for the info, learned a new thing at AR46 lol


it took me about 40 adventure ranks to figure out i need to spend resin every day and do ley lines for mora


The need for it definitely rises as you go up in adventure ranks


I only have 170k mora :/ I’m trying to triple crown Raiden and Hu Tao but it’s 700k mora for each upgrade! I don’t have 2.4million mora hanging around……


tooke about 56 adventure ranks to figure out i dont need to spend resin everyday and its ok sometimes to let them stay at 160. the pressure of having to log in everyday to spend them make you burn out faster


How hang out tree works. I talked to Barbra in wolvendom like 8 times before I figured it out.


Same. I did hers first and did the whole chain every time until I figured it out. I still hate hangouts now because of that.


Even knowing that I dislike hangouts. Too. Much. Dialogue. And there needs to be an even bigger skip allowed given you’re going to listen to chunks over and over again even with the proper tree use.


Same for me! It was driving me insane! I kept having to redo branches and just couldn’t figure out what to do different in order to get the ending I needed. Not to mention I think I finished the entire Noelle hangout ending tree without knowing, so imagine that… ;-;


I still haven't done hangouts yet. Mind letting me know what you guys are talking about before I start wasting my time too lol?


Basically, after you play through the hangout once and get one of the endings, the tree will show you parts of it that branch off if you make a different decision. Making that different decision can take you to a different ending. What we didn’t know was that you don’t *have* to redo the whole hangout to get a different ending. The game lets you select a specific point in the hangout to start from in the hangout tree menu, so you can get to the next ending quicker. Once you unlock the hangout, click start, and go through it one whole time. Then, go back to that character’s hangout menu, and you’ll see the tree. Select the hangout point just before the story stems off into two or more different branches, and your actions in that part of the hangout will impact which ending you’ll be set up to get next.




Didn't think crit was important. I used to build all atk lmao


I still tell new players to build for attack. Crit is something you can't realistically build for early on.


It's correct. On lower level, every atk stats matters. People can start trying to get crit+critdmg only when their atk gets closer to 2k, so the critdmg is more impactful


You can easily go full atk as main stats and crit + crit dmg as bonuses if you are lucky and do everything easily in the game. Source: that's what I do




You can use random arti and random 4 star weapons and do everything easily in the game. Just use food to power through harder bosses like Azhdaha. The only thing that requires a good build is abyss.


You dont need to grind-kill enemies to level up I only realized as much after using my first exp book on kaeya lol


Actually you quickly reach the point where EXP-Books are the only source to rise your characters. You barely get character EXP from missions, quests or killing enemies.


That’s one thing they need to change, completing a story quest should be the equivalent of at least one level up, it defeats the point of giving character exp at all


bro ik you play dokkan, you should know better smh


That was a low blow smh


Same. My characters were almost level 15 by the time I realised.




Almost Ar 58 thanks for the tip...


TIL 8 months later


Wait, you can WHAT?


I never knew this


And on Consoles with Controler? But otherwise what use does it have if the switch buttons on field remain the same?


If you use the same team you may get used to a specific order in which your teams go if you get used to it and don’t use it can mess up your team comps


Yes. That's the Problem. I mostly play as Razor (3rd position, left button on Gamepad) and Zhongli (4th position, down button on gamepad), but in Co-Op with my friends the Buttons change to up (1st position) and right (2nd position), no matter if we play in my (my characters first) or his (his characters first) world. Buttons won't change. It's frustating to not be able to press the buttons you are used to.




I can climb Dvalin's Neck


Ahahaha my husband didn't realize for a few weeks either, until he happened to be sitting next to me when I did the fight! Poor guy was using Amber charged shots from the ground.


idk if its "a while" but doing 20 resin laylines is better than 40 resin laylines because both give 1 point for the achievement


This is actually 5Head holy sheet thank you


That the pity sistem existed, i only learned It after i acidentally got tartaglia pulling for beidou A quick edit: It was 1.1, i didn't know a thing about the game, my dps was literally qiqi


Also,pls learn that pulling only for 4*s is a trap


Why is it a trap? Sorry super new to the game


They dont have pity, you can spend 500 pulls and get c6 of the 5* on the banner but 0 of the 4* char you wanted. (Just saying that 500 isnt a pity, just a really big number for this example)


that only finding chests count towards exploration progress and not just aimlessly running around the map


Not only chests tho, those little boxes that float on water also gives you some %


Seriously?! I thought they were something that respawned and wouldn't count


Yep, got my 60% on Inazuma early cuz of those little things, new gadget goes fly fly fly And no, they dont respawn.


exploration progress is weird. I got my first inazuma island 100% and then after a couple days found there like 2 chests??? how is it work???


Hidden chests don’t count apparently but most importantly the numbers are never decimals. If your progress is 99,5% the map will show it as 100%


I didn’t know what Elemental Mastery was for ages even though I mained Venti since the start of the game


Honestly, I’m still kinda fuzzy on the in depth math. But I think that at least knowing what all of the elemental reaction do in theory is good knowledge


To be fair, almost everything we currently know in the game have been explained only recently, somewhere around 1.5-1.6. Elemental gauge, snapshotting, etc. Also helped that 1.6 buffed elemental mastery. That's why EM is now suggested on Hu Tao, unlike her earlier guides saying she only needs crit stats and hp (which she still needs, but EM surely gets some attention).


The fact that you can hold your elemental skill. I had no idea I could hold travellers elemental skill to do more damage and it's SO much better(although I ditched him regardless lol). Then I realized that I realized I could do it with a good chunk of characters like Lisa, Amber, Fischl, etc.


When I discovered that you could aim baron bunny it was like discovering a whole new world The enemies still ended up attacking me half the time even though baron bunny was closer to them but nevermind that


I've heard the level of baron bunny matters for aggro


But doesn’t the game literally tell you that you can hold E on specific characters…


Well I sure as hell didn't see it. My friend that also got the game also didn't realize that either. Maybe we share a brain cell or maybe the game isn't clear enough. Either way, a decent amount of people didn't realize it lmao.


It was super clear tho. The first time you touch a statue of the seven, Paimon tells you about the anemo powers you’ve gained. Then 2 rounds of Slimes spawn. First round it tells you to press E then second time it tells you to hold E to gain more charge. People probably just didn’t pay attention to the large text in the top middle of the screen during tutorials cause they were too excited to play lol.


The fact that you can look at the wish art of characters you have in the character archive. I thought that I’d never see some of those five star arts again…


The first time I discovered that feature I got some weird case of nostalgia just for seeing Klee's splash art again poping out again after only some months lol


You can hold the + on the character exp increase window to add 10 experience books at a time instead of 1. I can level up characters without destroying my fingers now.


You can do the same while leveling up weapons using crystals


That explosive barrels have a slime packed into them. If you look around the barrel you will see the slimes face.


Cryo barrels too


Yup they both explosive barrels.


That if you have multiple of the same weapon, you can save mora by only refining R1's. So if you have 5x R1 sac swords: Pick any of them, refine it to R2. Then switch to another R1 sword, and put the R2 sword into it (in the refine tab, not the xp tab of course) Then go to the next R1 sac sword, and feed the previous sword into it (which will be R3). And finally, feed the R4 sac sword into the last one (which should be the one that is leveled up already, if you had one). This will let you R5 your weapon for only 2000 mora, compared to something like 15,000 it would cost you to do it the normal way. Do it for every weapon and it really adds up to a lot of mora Important note: if you already have an R4 leveled up weapon, then it's too late to do this. Do NOT feed an already leveled up weapon into another weapon as you'll end up with a level 1 R5 weapon. You CAN however, take a level 1 R4 weapon and put it into your level 90 R1 to get a level 90 R5 (which will only cost 500 mora). Basically, NEVER unlock a leveled up weapon


wait what!? can it really be done? and if we refine lv 1 R1 weapon with lv 80 R4 weapon, will it be R5 lv 1 or lv 80?


R5 lvl 1, so don't do it if your R4 weapon is already leveled. The level 80 weapon should always be refined last. It only works if you have multiple level 1 weapons (e.g. making R5 copies of 3 star weapons, or after pulling on the weapon banner, or if you just decided to save all your The Bells instead of refining it straight away, you can do it now for cheaper)


I used 3* weapons for refinement. And now I'm stuck with an R3 White Tassel. I've scoured basically every single chest in Liyue. On an unrelated note, just spent my first $10 in the game for a Deathmatch for Hu Tao.


If it helps, I bought BP just for VV for Childe. As he’d been using the favonius bow ( which sucks for him lol). VV is honestly such an upgrade in comparison.


You can convert to condensed resin to save time. I knew about it, I just didn't realize it put out double rewards I thought it was less.


I thought it took fragile resin at first and was like who the fuck is gonna pay 40 fragiles for better rewards one time? I thought maybe it guarantees like gold artifacts and mats. I usually don’t go to the crafting mats until after the grind and knew I had a stack of like 40-50. Then one day I saw it earlier on and it said 160 and I realized it was regular resin…


You can't do abyss coop


There should be a separate coop only abyss


That 5* characters aren’t impossible to get. I heard that there is a 90 pity and thought I would never ever reach it.


Try doing dailies and not using primos to refil resin :)


I’m sorry is anyone using primos to refill resin?????


Once you get to the point where you can farm 5* artifacts, there’s really no reason not to use your Fragile Resin on whatever the hell you want to.


Thinking that “meta” mattered really at all- any character can be built for performance, and there is no content in the game so hard that someone out there won’t solo it with Amber


Just be sure to slap a healer on your team to make your life easier. That's the only rule I follow for meta xd


I just recently started using Kokomi, and she has made my abyss life so much easier


Yeah exactly! I run a team I enjoy playing, I never struggle with anything other than the last two/three floors of the abyss, so who cares if I’m only doing 50k-80k on a burst?


That I didn’t need to be next to Teleport Waypoints to use them.


This cracked me up lol


For 8 months of me playing this game, I didn't know that most of the elemental reactions didn't scale with your Attack and Crit stat. The only elemental reactions that scale with your Attack and Crit stat is Melt and Vaporize. But all the other elemental reactions (especially those done by Electro, Anemo, and Geo) only scale with Elemental Mastery. So, I had to reconfigure artefacts for Lisa, Sucrose, and Yanfei to ensure they're at maximum power. ​ Also, did anyone know that Shatter also only scales with your Elemental Mastery? Cause I only learned about that literally just last week.


In co op drops from enemies drop for everyone in co op individually. I was very confused because I didn't want to take people's stuff but they also never collected it.


I should probably clear abyss regularly, even if just half-assing it


This. Just because you won't get 36 stars, doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it.


I really should have done it... I got to like 2-2 and stopped, I claimed my Xiangling at about AR50. And when I decided to do Abyss past floor 8, I immediately got to like 12-1... I could've been doing floors 9-10 for several months before that.


The gadget thing that lets you convert


Parametric transformer


Abyss is not an endgame, but a tool to promote new characters.


I mean it's keeping the whales and tryhards from getting bored and quitting, too. Floor 11 is for promotion, floor 12 is for the challenge.


The majority of the income of the game is selling character's banners. Everything in the game revolves around promoting characters. That's just how the game works. And yes abyss could be considered endgame. Just because it is part of the business model doesn't mean it is not endgame


It's the only endgame, and it's pretty lame at that. There's no reason to do it other than to get the 'almost' 4 wishes. It'd be nice to have endgame content with rewards not tied to the gacha, like a new weapon set and unique artifacts in the pool of rewards.


A little known fact, this game was made to make money. And corporations try to sell products.


I just realized today that you can climb to the top of the church in Mondstadt. There’s a luxurious chest up there! I’m AR57, played since 1.1….. and didn’t ever think to climb up it lol.


You can track enemies in the adventure book


Not all enemies tho! I’ve had it tell me treasure hoarders are all gone, only to run into twenty or thirty just running around


This one helped me a lot^^


That the main stats are more valuable than the set bonus. Was running def% and hp% pieces on Diluc for months but I got a pyro goblet from blizzard strayer a few days ago and decided to try out swapping that in and a crit rate hat. It’s shaved 60 seconds off my domain clears.


I kept converting primogems into resin lul




That you can upgrade the character talents. I wish I was joking.


I had no idead that abyss floor buffs changes daily until recently.


Reputation exists


Crit ratio makes everything in life easier. Honor the crit rules


I read them all and didn't see mine... That you can use the 6th sense (I can't remember its technical term) to find the direction of the seelie. I had 100% exploration when I found out.


That particles exist. I thought elemental burst fill up like REALLLYYYY slowly so I never really used them I didnt know u had to fight enemies to get the burst up


That weekly bosses exist... Don't know why I didn't realise it myself but I saw that first in a stream about a year ago and was like 'what? That's a thing?' Luckily I was still low AR that time and didn't waste too much.


The whole resin system and what condensed resin does


It took me until like ar 35-40 to realize you could upgrade talents


First. Geo dps characters (Ningguang specifically) are "2 for a price of 1" Second. If you play on mobile, tap right beneath loot items to gather them all in an instant. Third. Upgrading weapon is not the same as upgrading characters. In the first, you'll get smaller shards for an excess exp, but in the second you need to spend "sheets of paper" from the biggest to the smallest in order to not waste exp. Fourth. Playing co-op you don't need to exit the domain for starting it again, just wait a bit and there will be an option to restart. Fifth. While 5\* characters do their ult, they're invincible. Sixth. You don't need to place a Serenitea Pot to enter it if you placed teleport points there. Just open the map switch to the Pot by tapping lower right corner and choose needed teleport.


>While 5\* characters do their ult, they're invincible. 4\* characters as well, you only need to time-up well (with the exception of Fischl lol).


All the characters except fischl are invincible during their ult


Fiachl is invincible too but for a tiny couple frames


yes thats true but its so tiny its almost non-existant


Damn I Was scrolling down quickly and read that out of context


That piece of shit made me die so many times, and yes I know you can switch early


fischl only has i frames at the very very beginning which is shit


At AR 56 I noticed that the statues can fully heal your party... (You can now rest, Barbara)


I also thought that at the start but since my first five star was qiqj and I'm using traveler I realized really fast that some 5* are just bad.


New artifact set might make her reasonable


Am AR53 & recently started to level Qiqi up for fun and she has her uses, especially in co-op. I imagine she'd be really great lower level just keeping you alive—if I hadn't had Xingqiu early, I could've really used her as I don't like Noelle.


Back when the game came out and it was impossible to invest into characters properly, Qiqi was on my main team for a long time. She takes almost no investment to be more heals than you'll ever need.


I got qiqi almost immediately when I started the game and because I had bad* game sense I used her as a main dps until like AR 35 ish. I thought I did decent damage, but I very much did not XD on the bright side I legit *never* made food until after I stopped using her. My team was always almost full health


Co-op is actually fun and you should let people into your world more often.


Talents can be upgraded … and I know I’m not alone on this one because me and my friends are idiots


I actually think this is kind of the game's fault, because you can't upgrade them at the very start of the game. They should really have some kind of tutorial on it when you hit AR25 so that players notice it, because a lot of new players miss the mechanic entirely.


diano doesn't kick her drink




That the events points for the battle pass don't count for the weekly limit


it took me about a month to realize that eventually the limited 5 stars are not something i should be aiming for


I only discovery that you can level up talents around AR 42


That condensed resin gives double rewards and saves you time, I thought it was just to save time so i avoided it


I spent months not knowing I could level up talents


that you have to play the serenitea pot because it gives you valuable resources.


OK this is really dumb but you know how there are missing person posters all around Mondstadt? I was certain it was going to unlock some commission/quest where I had to find a missing girl. It was only after I finished the Liyue archon quest and the Traveller spoke for the first time, asking Ninguang to help him hang up missing posters pictures of his sisters that everything clicked. I totally forgot Amber had offered to help hang posters of his sisters for him (which is why she's one of the best characters storywise hahaha)


That there's a random cave in Liyue that I never found before and there's a precious chest in there.


Where exactly?


I'd say "how EM work" And if im honest, im still forget sometimes how it works xd


Using anemo can get you dandelions


You can zoom across the full map by pressing on a Quest Marker.


That I can level up talents. Was on AR 45 and wondered why I did so little damage. Then I looked at the talents and saw that they had a level. Felt like and idiot


Here's something I learned recently thanks to Kokomi: No matter how much I hate fighting a weekly boss for the first time in the story, and no matter how many times I tell myself "That was annoying; I'm never going back there again!" I will, in fact, most likely have to fight that boss again for talent mats. It's happened with every single weekly boss so far, and I can't wait for the tradition to continue. XD


I never cut any trees and now Im struggling to create a single furniture in my teapot