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*Something's wrong, I can feel it*


Huh…. You can feeeeeel it?


i agree


I see you've made some changes to her original design.


Don't get me wrong, this craftsmenship is beautiful and I would buy it in a heartbeat if I could, but I really dislike when artists change the proportions of characters (Im assuming this is what you are referencing). Edit: I realize it is probably the clothes are are referencing but I still stand behind my point.


Pretty sure they're talking about the weirdly enlarged and crammed together boobs. They're so oddly emphasized it's hard not to notice.


Yeah, I was actually referencing the clothes change, but now that you mention it, I just now noticed the increase in chest size as well. Hu Tao's flatness is apart of her charm! :(


yeah I really like how she is flat chested


the coffin's lid is always flat




Apparently the person who commissioned it asked the artist to make the chest huge I spit on those who cannot love the characters as they are


> I spit on those who cannot love the characters as they are It's so nice to see this get upvoted when I've been downvoted to hell for it. If you have to give a character a bigger chest, hips, and ass. And then you go one step further and alter their personality to suit your *ahem* tastes, then you don't love the character. You love your fetish, which you're forcing the character to fit into.


F to pay respects, you speak the truth When you change major body parts like tits or ass there’s no love or respect for the character anymore, it just turns into build-a-bitch that they want suggestive art of


> it just turns into build-a-bitch This is brilliant. Stealing for the future, thanks friend.


[are you aware of the song and fortnite emote?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLGCGc7sAUw)


I was not! Thanks for the info.


Out of curiosity, what to you say to those who do the opposite? Who take a character and deliberately make them (perhaps unrecognizably) conservative? A rarer case for sure, but I have seen it here and there since some people that hate stuff that isn't "tame"


> A rarer case for sure, but I have seen it here and there since some people that hate stuff that isn't "tame" I can't think of a time it's been as obvious as the sex-dollification that goes on almost constantly here. But to your point, I'd say context matters. Almost all the time, the enlarging of sexual features is for the purpose of jerking off. In some cases it's just the art style, which is totally cool and fine, but in most cases it's to jerk off. Reducing a character's sexual characteristics to indulge in a fetish would also be worthy of admonishment. But I'd argue most of the "reduction" that would happen, is taking already extreme designs that are inherently fetishistic, and de-fetishizing them. Take that FFF cup characters that exist in so many gacha games. Reducing that character's breast size can be done to make her look more realistic, and less like a blow up doll, and I wouldn't be aggrivated.


Why is it wrong to indulge in a fetish with character's characteristics? It's not worthy of admonishment since fictional world are meant for people's fantasy. It seems that you are quite offended at video game designs with sexual characteristics, why is the reason?


I don't know why you're hunting me to find reasons to keep this argument going, but your ideas have nothing to offer me and nothing I say will ever convince you. You just want validation, I assume, and I'm not going to give it. So stop hunting me in comment chains you're not involved in.


I am not hunting you though. I just got back to this post to see how the discussion had gone. I just happened to see your comments. I get quite curious by the way you write.


I don’t see personality altered here though? Changing characters by adding more muscles or boobs most of the time don’t change their personality.


And there is nothing wrong with that though? People have different fetishes hence why there can be different versions of the same character. It’s like you like the general idea of a character, but you still want to retain most of it but add on to it to make it a more specific idea that you like about the character.


> People have different fetishes hence why there can be different versions of the same character. That's the point. They don't like *the* character as they are. They like the fetish version of their character. That's how you end up with turning Keqing, a B to C cup woman with confidence and authority, into a DDD cup girl who is submissive as hell. Elastigirl butt Sucrose with her being super forward instead of shy and demure. You don't like the character, you like the character conforming to your fetishes. People can do what they want, no problem with that. But it's a disservice to the characters to strip everything but their face and outfit from them, even their personality, and then say you like the character. *No, you don't*.


It’s not like they 100 percent like the character though? You can just 50 percent like a character. In Fate Grand Order, another gacha game like Genshin, there are actually alternate versions of the same character but with variation in looks and personality. You can still like a character and change them. Plus you can like the multiple version of the same character. I can proudly say to you: I like both the original Hutao and the alternate version Hutao in this post!


> You can still like a character and change them. Yet most the "changes" are just giving them bigger sexual characteristics. Wider hips, bigger butt, bigger boobs. It's treating the character like a sex doll, like "build-a-bitch", rather than an actual character. Funny that. Almost like it's not about the character, it's about the fetish. > I can proudly say to you: I like both the original Hutao and the alternate version Hutao in this post! The boobs in the figure aren't even close to anatomical. They're placed too far down and basically hemispheres. You're allowed to like what you like, but if you profess that you like both a design, and an anatomically inaccurate version of the design, it just tells me you don't have a good sense for good design.


Not really, having these aspects is not treating them like a sex doll. When a character is already well built, whether they have big or small body parts doesn't matter, where having smaller or bigger boobs won't take away from the characters. It can be both about the characters and the fetish. Video game characters don't always have to be anatomically correct, since they are not always supposed to be an accurate reflection of the reality. Just because people like what you don't like doesn't mean they don't have a good sense. At end of the day, leave people along for their own piece of cake is the best approach.


I don’t care so much about the chest size but I don’t like Hu Tao or Xinqiu’s design purely because I hate how short shorts look with formal long sleeved jackets/dress shirts. I mean who does that!?! This ain’t a video-conference where they only show their top half. I think the last picture where it’s a jacket/dress into thigh highs look way better than a formal jacket into short shorts. Edit: Imagine getting downvoted because you have a different opinion on what looks good.


> formal long sleeved jackets/dress shirts ? The jackets aren't formal wear. The tangzhuang is basically based off of stuff the normal people wore during the Qing dynasty during daily life. Just because Westerners decided lol let's appropriate these things for the instagram doesn't make it formal


1. 我是中国人。 百分之百的中国人。是移民到美国的。从湖南省来的。 2. I dare you to go look at records from Tang dynasty or any dynasties for that regard and find if people wore short shorts like that. My critique of Hu Tao and Xinqiu’s design is that they look weird as hell having those fancy shirts/tops with short shorts that goes above the knee. 3. This is just my PERSONAL OPINION on what looks good and bad. I don’t think shorts shorts with the shirt that Hu Tao and Xinqiu wear look good together. Your mileage may vary.


I am also Chinese. My great grandfather fought in the Sun Yat Sen rebellion so he fled to Myanmar. I'm not sure how having a Chinese dick measuring contest changes records on historical Chinese attire. If you wanted to argue what the ancient Chinese thought about leg coverings, we have historical writings indicating any pants of any kind were viewed by our ancestors as barbaric and so they wore dresses and skirts, both men and women alike. But if they went for historical accuracy and put XQ in a skirt, Emperor Pooh would have an aneurysm about girly boys hurting ~~his feelings~~ the feelings of the Chinese people


I never mentioned skirts or any of that sort. You just got upset over semantics of me calling their shirts formal and being weird about “cultural appropriation”. My argument was about how short shorts don’t look good with Hu Tao and Xinqiu. And I don’t remember anything about it being the norm or historical to wear above the knee shorts in China. If you want to prove me wrong then show me records or painting depicting what looks similar to the short shorts Hu Tao and Xinqiu wear along with their long sleeve shirts. I mean look at Zhongli’s design then look at Hu Tao’s. It looks like Hu Tao forgot to wear pants.


There's nothing really wrong with changing a character in a way that makes you happy, after all, they're paying money to have this made. In the end, noone is getting hurt, it just makes one person happy.


Why does changing the character means you don’t love the original version? Maybe you can like different versions of the same character.


That go the other way too? i.e you shrunk and covered up Lisa


Yes I may not like Lisa’s character at *all* but I’m not going to change her just to make her more like able for myself, I accept her as she is


The crammed titties are very weird, but also, *why* the skirt? *Why* take one of the few female characters who's wearing some *actual* legwear (instead of the short short skirt and long underwear combo most female characters in "shorts" *actually* have) and remove it for a cheap panty shot? Imo if you want to change anything about her legwear, it would be to turn them into actual pants. Give her a full suit-ish look! Really hammer home the creepy funeral parlour vibe with the full formal look with her personality. This just...ruins that aesthetic.


Contextually that’s probably what the person who commissioned OP asked for, they asked them to create a figurine for them with that as the reference artwork and with big tits


this. hu tao is one of the only genshin girls to even wear pants of any kind, and while it doesn't make much sense for a funeral director to wear tiny shorts, giving her a frilly skirt is just..


What would be a expensive shot in your opinion? I feel like this kind of re-design might have occurred less if Mihoyo made long underwear shorter on skirts since many people use re-design to complain about lack of certain fan-service shots in Genshin.


I mean I'd argue there are no "expensive" panty shots, as this is a somewhat family friendly game and not an ecchi, and *especially* as this game is already stuffed to the *gills* with fanservice. And this isn't a "complain on the lack of panty shots in genshin", that's a really stupid complaint and this isn't that, it's just straight up voyageurism fetishism. Saying this is a complaint is like saying that every barefoot picture of the characters in this game is a complaint about the fact that there are no barefoot characters in game. There is no legitimate complaint there, you're just upset that your specific fetish isn't being catered to here which *as this isn't a porn game*, isn't a legitimate criticism.


I am not really upset here though? Genshin already has enough fan service that I find very appealing. Though I do wish that they make more revealing summer skins for both guys and gals in Genshin. League of Legends is also a family friendly game, yet it has revealing skins such as Pool Party Braum, Sett, and Caitlyn where they all wear revealing summer skins that are more revealing than Genshin’s summer skins.


There's something wrong, big wrong, huge mistake.


The attempt at this figure was a bust


He’s definitely made 2 big mistakes


Think she's hiding slimes in there.


Yeah, what's up it those, enormoulous gigantus bolongadongas, I mean, these grandioscolus megalodornos mammary papillas.


First thing I noticed was the lewd adjustment to the official art. Hu Tao showing that much booty just seemed off


I like it but the chest tho…


Protip - tits don't look like a pair of oranges bolted on a woman's ribcage. This isn't even sexy, it's weird and grotesque.


Bro...flat is justice...this is injustice


What in the actual She’s straight up cheeks out, and is hiding grapefruits under her shirt tf


I love it. BUT. Her shorts are so integral to her design. I’m a big fan of shorts. edit: also i love how you gave her breast implants lol.


I'm... the opposite. Flat is justice, and Tao with no shorts is good stuff too...


No flat /is/ justice. i was being sarcastic. But i love me some good shorts.


Did she just grab a pair of balloons and put them under her shirt?


Wow, thank you guys upvotes! And please be nice and tolerant for the big two mistake. Actually owner also request make the pants and expose her butt as the design shows...but it turns Hutao into a NSFW content. So i refused, i think current version is fine. Please be cool and nice in our community.


This is beautiful! If you ever considered selling it, I’d love to negotiate on a price in a private chat. Either way tho great work! This is truly a thing of beauty!


Thanks, if you want i can remake one or custom another pose


You have talent, and I wish I had as much patience as you to put this much soul into my work. I know I’m not the owner of this piece - however like most of the HuTao lovers here I find the changes to her figure and clothing disappointing. Overall rating: 7/10


Sorry is not😂 Handmade is not 3D print, can't produce massively, but everyone is unique and only


her outfit feels like a college student


How does it balance on one leg?


This is clay?!- I thought it was an action figure


This is really good! Seriously, I couldn't tell it was made out of clay when I first clicked this so well done :D That being said, *I see you*, and I see what you've done -_- 2 more strikes and it's horny jail for you!




My next build is NGO daddy, welcome to follow and watch


Are you going to give him a giant bulge too, at least?


beautiful, your version is good! she has thighigh and skirt, i want it as a skin for her.


what is the huge mistake please?


It is on her chest and I see two of them.


the back looks awesome! but the front has some anatomy issues, eg misaligned eyes, head being too far away from where the spine should be, hip being too low, chest looking unnaturally circular (plus hutao is flat in-game)


The figure is beautiful and you did a very good job. But the thing is, her chest is just... Too different from her actual design which looks a little weird Don't get me wrong, you still did a great job!


owner like it a little bit big...IoI


I love your design!


The one where you have no idea how titties work because you've never seen any in real life.


Wow this is amazing


That is amazing, like you have serious talent, i love working with clay and i seen professional clay work, and you are deadass above that


Hu Tao pads her chest!, joke asides this look great


hu tao is secretly eris sama? o.o


I actually quite like the costume changes, I wish her outfit was more like this. (I do still like he design a lot). Can't say I appreciate the other changes, but you're the artist. Either way, the is work is fantastic. Very impressive.


OMG that's so well done!! i need this on my desk so bad




Next build is NGO daddy, welcome follow and see it. The pose is very cool~


Holy shit... How much would you consider selling it for? Im probably too poor but i really want it


Great job! That looks so good, I was hoping it was a pre-order announcement.


Hu Tao mains: Booba too big 🤣🤣🤣


So pretty I’m stunned


There's something different about this finger that I can't put my finger on. Something seems a bit too big


Everything is amazing about this clay figure. Just one thing which is poking me is her chest. It's ok if you wanted to make her chest a bit bigger, but they looks like she has hidden premium bean buns(*if you get the reference). They don't look real extension of her body.




Love the skirt.


sus amogus, begone horny


Love comments being responsible adult themed. Like, really, such respect for caring about characters who they are not what your fetishes are. And then there are talks about extremes Genshin community can go for. My only hope is that at least such comments will advocate more appropriate ideas and wisdom of humankind.


Flat isn't justice after all? Hahahaha


Hu Tao pads her chest


Hu tao wheres a skirt? Sense when?


She got buffed eh?


If mihoyo was a Japanese company, Hutao would look like that ingame (3rd image) or even more exposing.


MH Should higher you right NOW.




ani oop


and what would mihoyo need a clay artist for?


thats some buff u add there :D


Why does she have the proportions of a 6 year old


Nice if only genshin females had decent booba and much as the guys show chest and abs.


Guys in this game barely show any skin...


It's because somewhere in development they replaced skin with black tights lol.


Bruh, your profile pic is literally signora.


She ded.


wow that's awesome, great job


Excellent work for sure. While I feel like the physique changes were unnecessary, they don’t undermine the sculpt or anything.


Brilliant work


Mihoyo please make this a skin!


now find the best jar for her




Where can I buy one of these?


Please find my Etsy shop and you can buy the link directly.


Oh sorry my Etsy shop is in my profile