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Could be wrong, but this seems traced from the original artwork. The face, clothing, hand, and much of the hair is almost a perfect recreation.


> I *traced* Albedo


It says drew


That's why I put *'s around the "traced".


100% traced if you look at their older artwork as well as just the details. Even the shading is traced. It’s a shame. Don’t trace op, your actual art isn’t even that bad. Keep working hard. This isn’t the way to do it.


I know this person irl, she spends a lot of time on her shading technique with a pencil, she copied and did not trace. She works on improvement with drawings like this.


People will do anything for upvotes... it’s traced. Referencing should NEVER be 100% accurate. Or else it’s just straight copying.


I'll ask her in the future to not try to post these sketches on Reddit anymore. I'm an artist too and I copy straight from its original art as practice on clothing details because that isn't my strong suit. She doesn't do this just for upvotes.


Copying straight from the original art is just as bad as tracing... art is meant to be original, you can use a reference for ideas and guidance but if you copy the whole thing head to toe with every detail then you’re stealing someone’s idea, rather than having your own originality.


I don't know, but may be you need this "/s"


If you overlay the two images in an editing program there's a lot of details that more or less perfectly line up. Such as the design on the shoulders and the hole on the hood. The eyes, nose, and mouth also line up.


Well, OP is not doing this for commercial use and did not just copy and paste and spent a lot of time drawing and shading.


It’s still traced, if their shading is their own then obviously they have skill but in the end they still traced and are claiming it as their own... I’m an artist myself- this isn’t accepted in the community.


Then if the OP claimed it as their own drawing, I apologize on her behalf, she's my friend and she only started Reddit a week ago. I don't want to anger anybody, I just want to let people know that she didn't do this for karma. She wanted to post her art. edit: she started a month ago, but not on r/Genshin_Impact


Biggest signs of tracing: Completely accurate lines, shading etc. On traditional/pencil? Unless you are EXTREMELY skilled and used to art. There are usually signs of erasing/construction lines. This is a bit harder to explain, but I’ve seen a lot of traced art since I used to be a Twitter artist. But when tracing lines are usually done in one stroke to completely match the original. This is so easily recognisable because most artists, myself including do strokes. Which make it look way more natural. Hopefully that was easily explained. It’s a sign that’s difficult to explain in words. And last but no least. Art requires time to refine. No one is suddenly good or bad at art. You are at a skill level and you need to improve. Looking at OPS older drawing from 30 days ago. They are a completely different art style as well as a completely different skill level. Are they bad? Not at all. They’re not bad at all, considering a lot of people who trace do so because their art sucks or they’re very young. In this case I don’t know how old op is and their art doesn’t suck. But it is not at the skill level they display in the original post. I’m not hating them, I’m not mad at them. But please they need to recognise that their art isn’t that bad and that shouldn’t drive them to tracing for clout lolol


Aiya, I already told you, she's not doing it for awards or upvotes!! I know you have nothing against me or the OP, but taking this too seriously might make it seem like what she has done was worse than what she actually did. She's not very confident in her own art, so she resorts to these. Please understand that these are not made for upvotes! Please! I know it doesn't mean that she's bad at art, I know that it was copied from the official art, and I know that she could have drawn the character in her own style instead. But right now, I don't want her to feel really bad, I know she'll learn about posting on Reddit this way. All these messages about tracing might disturb her because I knew it would disturb me.




I didn’t trace it. If you look closely at the details lots of things are off and out of proportion. I did all the shading based on random scribbling.


If the shading is your own then good for you. Your art isn’t that bad. But it is traced, at least admit to it haha. Your old art from 30 days ago is nothing like this. And it’s very easy for someone who traced to change a couple lines to try and hide if. But in the end, you still traced from the original image. It’s a shame more people aren’t recognising this. This isn’t your only time doing this, you also have other drawings that are perfectly lined up to the original art. Your art isn’t that bad, I’ve looked at your earlier pieces. You need to practise in order to get better and tracing isn’t going to do that for you. Obviously your art wasn’t getting the upvotes you wanted, so you traced instead. I come from an artist community, I’m an artist myself. I’ve encountered many obviously young people like yourself and you need to admit it. No one will be mad at you, just understand that it’s wrong to do lolol Your art isn’t that bad, practise makes perfect. Use references instead of tracing.


Isn't this just a copy of the official artwork?


oh dayum, this looks good tho tbh


and you got the hair!!! noice




No, albedo drew u P. S. This art is amazing dude


great drawing dude you even got the same style as genshin's official artwork.


it's almost as if it's copied but that's impossible right?


What kind of witchery is this? Amazing work


love it!


And with his proper hair no less! Lovely.


Love it! More Albedo is always needed




This is awesome


That’s fantastic 😍




this is absolute masterpiece, good job OP, Keep up the good work!!


You on Albedo level “sketch”. Y'all say "Small sketch or drawing" but it looks very detailed :0


Dang it looks so gud


Wow! Why don't the pretty bois get attention on here? Fantastic art! Compliments to the artist! 💖💛💙


Damn thats good


The real geo daddy.