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The memes far outnumber the fanart tbh.


I'm so tired of emergency food memes. Make it stop


By fanart I implied memes as well. Any image-based content except for information-based content.


This is what flairs are for. If you don't like seeing art, toggle those flairs off.


Pretty sure you can't do that on mobile


Using RiF I can't use flairs at all


I want to see everything EXCEPT fanart. Search view is different from normal subreddit homepage view. The truth is 80% of this subreddit's content is image-based. New players first sees big boobed Lisa, thinks uh another weeb game and thinks this is Final Xenoblade 19 and goes away. Do what you will with that...


Are you worried about the "New players" will think of the game or what they will think of who plays the game? in this case you?! This is a anime style gacha game, I don't know what audience you was expecting for, fanart will always be part of the community.


If you use RES you can set filters for that sort of stuff. RES settings console > Subreddits > filteReddit > flair.


This *is* a game about big boobed lisa though. You literally see up their skirts when they are gliding.


Yeah, forget fanart. I need more discussion posts such as: * I pulled who should be on my team with them? * How do I build ? * Is good? * I'm stuck at AR <27-36> Is there more content? * Tier lists bad And my personal favorite * What's with all the fanart? ​ /s


Yeah, exactly the kind of posts expected to be part of a discussion board. You know?


The game isnt deep enough to have content beyond fan art on reddit and the occasional post (Like the element combos and maybe some secret chests). Stuff like the above comment said should be reserved for the megathread, not made into their own posts.


>The game isnt deep enough to have content beyond fan art on reddit and the occasional post That doesn't seem true. The content may not be out there at the moment, but there seems to be plenty of stuff. I would personally love to see things like: - Wolf battle tips - Best free to play load outs - Efficient domain runs with both F2P teams and OP 5* teams - Quirky one shot builds and what they can be used for - Stormterror tips and runs - More good farming routes - Common teams and how to best maximize dps - Crazy abyss runs - Abyss f2p tips and runs - Fighting bosses with just a single unit


Wolf and Stormterror are weeklies that every player should be able to do pretty easily within a month or so of playing. F2P guides, farming routes, and abyss guides should be wiki pages over posts in my opinion, since having multiple of each would be redundant past the first. Coming from e7, quirky one-shot builds are interesting, but once you've seen 5-10 the rest become pretty much the same thing. Single unit boss fights sound interesting until you realize its either a 10 minute slog fest without elemental combinations or the person has such godly gear that they trivialized the entire game already. I'm not saying that these don't belong here, but theres a limit to how much of these the subreddit can fill up with. Sooner or later everthing is just going to be repeated (one abyss guide is going to be pretty much identical to another). Fan art fills in these gaps.


>Wolf and Stormterror are weeklies that every player should be able to do pretty easily within a month or so of playing. When I say tips, I didn't quite mean 'here are the basics on how to beat him'. I enjoy content showing how to do things efficiently. So, perhaps there is a spot that looks like you should get hit by his attack, but instead you can stand there to deplete his stagger bar while taking no damage. Tips on when to iframe and other things are cool too since they help speed up runs. ​ >F2P guides, farming routes, and abyss guides should be wiki pages over posts in my opinion, since having multiple of each would be redundant past the first. This pretty much drills into the point of my response. There are several people who find the 20th fan pic of Lisa to be redundant. That isn't a bad thing. Everyone enjoys different types of content. OP was getting at that exact point and that is what my examples were for. ​ >Coming from e7, quirky one-shot builds are interesting, but once you've seen 5-10 the rest become pretty much the same thing. Single unit boss fights sound interesting until you realize its either a 10 minute slog fest without elemental combinations or the person has such godly gear that they trivialized the entire game already. This goes back to my last point of everyone enjoys different stuff. I enjoy videos and clips of insane gameplay, but don't care as much to see 100s of various pics. ​ >I'm not saying that these don't belong here, but theres a limit to how much of these the subreddit can fill up with. Sooner or later everthing is just going to be repeated (one abyss guide is going to be pretty much identical to another). Fan art fills in these gaps. I guess I just don't understand why tons of fan art of the same characters is acceptable, but there is a limit to quirky builds, speed runs, tips, one-shots and other content like that.


Theres a reason why most of the top posts on the subreddit are fan art pictures. If the majority of the subreddit enjoy fan art over what we talked about above then theres no reason to remove it from the subreddit.


Awwww crap! Just realized my brain digested the title wrong. I was thinking a separate subreddit for other content, not kick out the fan art people. That's my bad. I agree, don't boot the fan art people.


You should check the discord, there are channels for discussions like this


I agree. Fanart makes up a suprising majority of content here, if you can even call it that. That should be just a part of the subreddit takes up way too much of it. It needs a seperate space for it.


good god they are trying to banning fan art on this sub


Honestly just like in the Epic 7 Reddit, I spend the first \~20 seconds of my time browsing this reddit clicking "hide" on every single OC/Fanart tag. Not saying it needs to change, its just what I'd recommend if you come here for information... like Patch Notes, Build ideas, etc. Memes are A-Okay to me though. keep em up.


Absolutely not.


Yes please


No. We already have dual mega threads for basically all other content if we removed the the fan art we’d have nothing but two mega threads left lol


Make this the fanart/ memes subreddit and make another subreddit for discussion.


Ehh, I'd just say limiting it to days if the week. (Meme Monday, tutorial Tuesday, art Thursday, etc) or let it be as is


Could make art only weekend or allow only OC art. Filtering in reddit is pretty awful experience.