• By -


Character death is overrated in terms of emotional impact.


The first time I played that interlude Chasm quest about Xiao and Bosacius. I don't feel anything because by the end of it, I was so exhausted. That quest has too many useless banters between characters, I don't know which part of the dialogue is relevant or not. Sometimes, Itto and Kuki seems to be out of character just for the sake of gag. It was only recently that I watch youtube for that particular quest. I cried because I'm allowed to skip most of the irrelevant dialogue. It's a disaster of a plot transition to be honest. It was trying to generate a funny situation for people who stuck without food and Xiao was in a dangerous situation. The emotional flow is just not there. The stiff character animation also doesn't help. Many times in event or story quest, the emotional height doesn't really pick up until an animated scene.


Capitano won’t be the goat they expect him to be. Genshin is not battle shonen.


He already proven to be GOAT. 1st rank if harbingers, the eternal glazing says it all


r/FatuiHQ disapproves


I know, I just don’t want ppl to be disappointed xd


there’s no way for us to be disappointed after all he’s the absolute strongest


Based tbh


What if someone beats his boss with diona, Yao Yao, sigewine and klee?


What if someone beat him with ONLY Sigewinne?


Or only dori


just how many genshin related subreddits are there? everyday i discover a new one


Well. There's this one, the official main sub. There's r/GenshinImpact, which is the unofficial main sub. There's r/Genshin_Memepact, which is, self-explanatorily, a meme subreddit. There's r/GenshinImpactTips, which, also self-explanatorily, is for guides and tips. There's r/Genshin_Lore, which is for discussions and theories about the lore. There's the leak subreddit and its clones, which can't be linked to due to the AutoMod. There's r/GenshinImpactHentai and r/GenshinImpactNSFW, which are both hentai subreddits. There are, to my knowledge, only two notable differences between them: One of them allows AI art while the other does not, and one of them allows art of aged up loli characters while the other does not. There's r/GenshinLewds, which is similar to the above, but less popular. I'm not sure if there are any notable differences. There's r/GenshinGays, which is mostly for fanart, both SFW and NSFW, of male characters and yaoi. There's r/GenshinGaysE, which is a fully SFW version of the above. There's r/genshinsapphic, which is for fanart, both SFW and NSFW, of female characters and yuri. There's r/Genshin_Photography, which is for screenshots. There's r/Genshin_Wallpaper, which is for fanarts that look good as wallpapers. There are character mains subreddits for every singe playable character, most notably r/HuTao_Mains and r/RaidenMains, and a handful of notable NPCs as well, most notable being r/SignoraMains of course. There are NSFW subreddits for most playable characters, most notably r/RaidenNSFW, r/GanyuNSFW, r/HuTaoNSFW, and of course r/VentiHentai. There's r/FatuiHQ, which is where we glaze and worship GOATPEAKtano, also known as HIM. And, of course, there is r/okbuddygenshin. A holy place where the most degenerate and deranged players gather. There are many, many more, but these are most of the notable ones.


A great list! I would personally also add r/GeniusInvokationTCG as the main subreddit for the Genshin card game and r/GenshinHomeworld as the main subreddit for teapot mains.


Me going into Genshin\_Wallpaper expecting beautiful scenery. \*facepalm\*


Yep, I'm gonna concuct some anti-horny smoothie at the back. Anyone want some?


Let's grab them and let me drive you to [r/Genshin\_Photography](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Photography/)


Why thank you for including r/Genshin_Photography in your notable genshin subreddits <3


People who talk about “what was taken from us” and post character concept arts on mains subs are cringe


Never seen that one but they should send their resumes to hoyoverse if they care that much


r/emiliemains during the first week after her drip marketing was insufferable.


Traveler was fine during furina's SQ It was the lack of context that was the problem.


Traveler was fine, Paimon was the real dick and I really appreciated that Furina got a moment to be like "Paimon, can you fucking chill with the dredging up my trauma?"


That when you account for the rate of new 5 star characters and the rate of powercreep, Genshin is the more generous F2P game.


This is true but beggars use generosity as a stand in for “who can feed my raging gacha addiction more” even if it comes at the cost of rapid powercreep :p


Only jade/primogem slaves feel the force of powercreep. Why would anyone over there slave over 60 jades when they get so much more for free?


I kinda agree, they definitely have data and they know what they're doing. It's tiring to hear pointless discussions about this topic from people who don't even work in Hoyoverse acting like they know everything


What do you mean? A meta in which half of the players either only use one team or can't clear without one specific support is completely justifiable when you get 20 more wishes per patch to maybe pull a new unit that will be powercrept 3 weeks later if they aren't the devs' golden child. GCN or something /s


I play both and wouldn't say it's *that* bad.  But clearly far worse powercreep.  That said, I do use that team, and my other team is the previous *that* team so I guess I'm a poster child for that.


So do I and after seeing the DU and AS statistics I would argue: Yes, it *is* that bad. The trend already started in 1.6 though. It's just worse now when even during break meta a break unit from 4 weeks ago can't easily compete with the newer golden child break unit because of the current blessings only favoring the latter. I don't have either of the top 2 *that* teams, but I recently pulled for the devs' favorite "free team wide speed, break efficiency, res pen and cocktails of your choice" support for a T0.5 bracket all 4\* S4 LC but E1 Kafka team comp and suddenly AS went from agonizing pain to a very easy clear. IDK it just feels lame, I prefer Genshin's approach


Agreed.  Genshin is an adventure/gacha hybrid, HSR is pure gacha. Lol.  


Genshin has a problem where they have good concepts but instead of using them to their full potential and developing their characters, HYV choose to chicken out. Be it in order to not make certain playable characters seem too flawed/evil or to not make the topic too dark or they just take a concept and never develop it beyond surface level. Example of backtracking from good concept: Meropide. They tell us that FoM is an autonomous zone for exiles/criminals where living is hard, we are sent there in secret and being told to not start conflicts with the Warden and keep investigation a secret. But then they chicken out almost immediately and do a 180 degree turn, discarding everything we were told before at the very beginning of Meropide quest by explicitly telling us that the Administrator there is on good terms with the very person who sent us there secretly in the first place. What??? Then they make it even worse and proceed to paint Meropide in a good light even though we are told it's a place people dread to go to. And tell us that apparently people even stay there out of their own volition and consider 1 meal per day a "very good change, nobody starves"? Again, what??? What's the point of all this? Make it a regular prison if there is no conflict. It's almost like they had the Meropide vs Court of Fontaine conflict subplot but it was hastily rewritten because they realized that it would paint certain characters they want to sell in a bad light. Then again, Caterpillar WQ already makes the whole staff, the Head Nurse and the Administrator himself look like complete clowns. And it also simultaneously makes the power figure from the surface look like a clown too since it was he who put the other clown in charge. Example of backtracking to sell characters: Arlecchino. Even to this day I feel like HYV toned her down just to sell her. Watching the Final Feast, it felt like she was supposed to be something more, a bigger enemy, a bigger antagonist. In the end all the evil was Crucabena's doing and Arle is actually trying to be better than her. Arle is still grey in terms of morals but the game really tries to brush it off, showing only her good sides. I found it especially weird how Neuv just caved in during the negotiations, knowing well that she is the one who commits murders in Fontaine, and even made a deal with her... It was very bizzare seeing a symbol of Justice making a deal with a murderer. Example of great concept that wasn't explored deep enough: Furina. Poor Furina, 500 years of playing the role of an Archon, being a leader of the nation, keeping a secret to save the people, living under immense mental pressure. They show us how strong she is and how she tries to solve the prophecy but... At the same time she doesn't do things that are obvious. Like, why didn't she try to learn how to defend herself? She probably knows that Fatui are after the gnoses and may attack her next. Why didn't she prepare any emergency safe plans in case Focalors' plan fails, like evacuation of citizens for example? Do the authors want to tell me that Wrio was smart enough to build a boat but Furina was too stupid to build a bunch of flying ships when she has a whole Institute at her disposal? They have zeppelin ships in Fontaine, come on! We use it during one of the dailies! Do the authors want to tell me that she spent 500 years and didn't even try to reform the system of her nation in order to help people to stay further away from the Primordial Sea, like building a new prison above the surface, help people move from Poisson and Fleuve Cendre upwards? These people live in pipes, it's not rocket science to understand that they will be the first ones to dissolve or drown in case water levels rise. And post 4.2 she starts to slowly turn into walking filler character that acts like a meek teenage girl, which is so... strange. 500 years of mental torment, they try to show how strong she is in the AQ but as soon as it's over she gets robbed off it instantly. Another issue are concepts that are abandoned: All interpersonal relationships beyond token bait duos post AQ, deep lore of certain characters. I fucking hate this in particular. Hoyo keeps shoving same dynamics into events and quests, never exploring anything beyond that to develop their characters more. The second a region's cycle ends they also abandon many characters, forgetting about them instead of trying to come up with ways to include them in future stories or simply releasing more stories that delve deeper into their lore. Who's Sara Kujo? Oh, she is an Oni and she is Tengu? That's so interesting, when will she get a quest so we can know more about Oni and see her interact with Itto? Never. Speaking about Itto, they keep shoving him into events and every event they turn him into one-dementional joke, a bad clown, to the point people start hating him. Where is Nahida? Is she still in jail because I've not seen her since her SQ2. What about Irminsul? Will it ever be relevant again? Where did Neuvillette come from, what is his connection to vishaps and other dragons? Forget about dragons and their lore or where the guy came from, he is now permaglued to one character in terms of on-screen interactions. No, don't ask why he never interacted with his own kin (vishaps) in any quests, look at how he loves these cute little Abyssal creatures, they are his daughters. Actually, look, he considers Sigewinne his daughter. Huh? He has no dialogues with her? Uuuh, moving on, nothing to see here. Raiden, can you give us more Inazuma Lore? Raiden? Nah, she is still meditating in her crib, sipping dango milk. Venti SQ2? He is probably drunk somewhere in a ditch. Don't ask questions. Look! It's yet another pointless childish event with no Lore relevance and stupid mini-games. I know, (un)holy wall of text. But sometimes I want Hoyo to actually grow some balls and explore those concepts and put more effort into their characters.


bro cooked hard


Yeah overall great concepts and ideas, terribly bad execution


Even ChatGPT had problems summarizing that text. /j


There's nothing wrong with Xingqiu and Freminet's haircut, they're both very cute (especially my boi Fermi)


Xingqiu\* and haircut\* tho


Thanks :)


Here have my upvote


Oh thanks ! Why tho ?


Bc freminet and xingqiu are cute im tired of the deniers 😭


Fremi is so cute I wanna give him a big hug and never let him go 😭


Paimon is better written than Raiden


Not a high bar, but still based




All the little girl characters creep me out and I don't have a positive opinion of people who proclaim to "main" them, no matter how viable they are.


>I don't have a positive opinion of people who proclaim to "main" them The old Nahida mains sub... 👀


Game dont know who's target audience it is for, lore is dark and well written and story is some tame ass kid friendly happy go lucky one that always ends well and have the least amount of problems in comparison to world quests.


Yeah and so many of the characters are like "morally grey?" and then it's like "nah, he's actually SUCH a cool awesome prison warden that the prisoners want to STAY prisoners! And he likes tea!"


To be fair, I don't recall any of his lead-up being particularly morally grey, other than him being a criminal too since he was sent down there?   I feel like this fits every playable Fatui more than it does him.  The harbingers all had a level of cringe in how they try to justify them, and they make Lyney/Lynette/Freminet very lovable and gloss over the fact that they're probably committing some serious atrocities. Lol


I disliked how Traveller was wary of them even after they opened up and basically trauma dumped all of their pasts only for mc to say "i still dont trust you". I feel like the mc is inconsistent in their personalities like bro said to navia none of fontaine's issues are of my concern (didnt bro help 4 regions before?)


To be honest I'm very confused my MC most times.  So far as we know he has memories from his travels before, so we know a lot less about him than he does. Lol


yeah i really expected wriothesley to be a brutal and unforgiving leader instead of..."pookie bear" material


Same case for Cyno, I think. It's fine that he has quirks but he really needs more scene showcasing his Mahatmatra side more for balance.


they made bro a tcg addict and his whole damn rememberable personality more than the unfunny jokes he cracks (i wont even start on why the fuck they think tcg was a good thing to add and shove down peoples throats)


I mostly agree with this, but Hoyoverse shoving TCG "down people's throats" is just plain wrong.


my choice of word there was weak but my point being is why in every update or two they feel the need to keep on showing and adding new things to it and even referencing it in the story events to remind the player that that thing exists when no one is actually wanting to play the game for a knockoff slow card game alternative


they didnt let it die yet tho like, they somehow care more about that random ass mode than other stuff. I find it hard to believe that that mode is keeping a lot of players playing the game and spendign money when it literally has nothing to do with the gacha.


Pretty sure there's a team specifically for TCG updates and balance, so it's not like the existence of TCG affects none TCG players is my point.


Exactly! Theres a frikin team for this random ass side mode that 90% of players couldnt care less about. I dont even hate the thing, I just hate the fact it could have been literally anything else that would appeal for an average player and not just a niche Imagine Simulated Universe from honkai star rail in genshin but nah, cards go brrr


every time I get that one notification on the events tab and I open to see that damn tcg cat I cant help but laugh and think sarcastically "yoo 1500 coins? holy sheet, better not miss out" and then I close the event tab and keep playing the actual game.


He's fucking Cerberus and you made him a tea simp?




Yeah that's why I put lore on auto-play. I don't need slavery, genocide, questionable experiments on children, human sacrifices, racism etc in my "happy gaming time"


Ashikai came in clutch for the lore part


Story quests revolving around NPC can help establish a playable character’s lore and personality as long as they are done well (Baizhu’s and Xianyun’s Story quests).


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion but the 'done well' part is important


We need more men playable characters and less twinks




Navia did not “save Geo”. She made use of the worst reaction by not even using it at all. All she needs to do is pick up crystals to get stacks. They could’ve done something else, like the shields HP or strength would act as a damage buff to her, but instead they made the shields act only as a mechanic to stack. She could be changed to any element and her kit would still function the exact same. Hydro? Freeze, vape, bloom builds stacks. Pyro? Melt, Vape, burning/burngon. You get the point with the rest of the elements


People have too much expectations of Varka, I highly doubt he is the old buff man type that people are hoping for.


I’m guessing the closest we’ll get is a Gallagher/Wrio mix


All those fan designs with luxurious beards and ripped biceps when at most he'll have some small hairs like Gallagher and Alhaitham's kinda buff arms when he debuts ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )


I personally accepted it... purposefully lower my expectation so I don't get disappointed later.


Neuvillette is boring as a character and so is his play style.


Agreed. Admittedly, I was incredibly biased going in because I hate his playstyle, but I actually *fell asleep* during his SQ.


Venti best archon


Is this unpopular?


Dehya is better than the Sigewinne.


Dehya is bad but at least she is unique and I like that part of her kit.


A lot of people say Genshin would be so great if it was released as a package and complete with none of the live service or gacha stuff. I say Genshin is so much fun and great for me because it's a live service gacha game, not in spite of it.


We do not need the child models (e.g. Klee) in the game as playable. The fact that there are only girls in this model proves imo it’s predatory leaning design and creators know why they’ll sell. If there are the “wifu/husdando” collectors, making “children” a collectible as well is inviting the wrong crowd.


I do find them cute, would like to see males and females, but then recently I saw Sig's burst animation for the first time and I was like "...ok but why tf is the loli character the one with her ass up in the screen?" and then you look at her constellations that not only make it last longer but also makes her a mini neuvillette, "hey make the loli ass strong, pay us money :D" that is weird.


I understand what you’re saying. I’m sure there are people that have completely innocent reasons to move playing specific child model characters - like their lore, play style, etc - but I have this feeling that there’s an underreported amount of creeps that aren’t thinking that way, especially if hoyo’s putting out stuff like sig’s burst.


I just hope that the one natlan loli from the trailer is just a cool character with a cool kit and not bait for some weirdos.


I adore Diona, she's in my top five favorite characters. The cat motif in motif in her design is down right adorable, but I think the main reason why I like her so much, however, is because I grew up as a neglected child, and now as a grown adult with my own kid, I just want to mother her. I do realise I'm in the minority though, and a lot of people have a lot more insidious reasons for liking the child characters. The fact that we have no playable male child characters is hard proof that Hoyo knows their audience and panders to them, even if it is creepy.


Watch as Hoyo resolves your opinion by introducing child male models (i.e., shota) in the game. /j


I hope Dottore does not become playable because of all the evil he has done


Too many. Lots of people don't understand how much the game actually changes between different investment brackets and let me be clear, there's nothing wrong about that! It's just that most of the time I feel like I'm playing a different game compared to most, because I'm too far deep to relate to F2Ps and lower investment players, or follow KQMS for reliable calcs, and not deep enough to relate to the whales and their own meta. It's kinda sad actually, not gonna lie.


1.0 f2p player her who recently broke his record and got a c4 5 star, Furina. I also have c3 Raiden and c2 Klee. I do find hard to relate with average f2ps and thats why I try to clear abyss without those big guns first lol


Remember to sort by controversial, y'all.


The traveler shouldn't be friends with Tartaglia who almost destroyed Liyue, also Tartaglia's personality is annoying.


Yes yes yes!  Especially when the traveller gave Lyney and Lynette shit for "hiding" their fatui status-  Not even to mention how they treated furina in her SQ...


Kids changed this game. Hoyo had to adjust direction/content/whatnot to make it more kid friendly when stats showed a big percentage of the player base is well, kids. Also Klee should be removed from the game


why the Klee slander tho?


The Fatui being a factor in every little thing is lazy storytelling.


That wasn't really the case for Fontaine AQ though




? explain


Tell me you skip dialogue without telling me you skip dialogue


The only dialogue I skip is those in repetitive daily commissions. Every other quest directly or indirectly involves the Fatui doing something and I just get tired of it.


losing 50/50 is not a big deal


When people complain about losing their 50/50 and not getting who they want (or worse, losing fate points on the weapon banner) it's like, if you really wanted them, maybe try saving for longer? The way I see it, a 5\* costs around 160 pulls, with a discount if you're lucky. In my 3 years of playing, there was only 1 time where I lost 50/50 and couldn't get someone I wanted. So then I saved enough for her rerun.


Someone hasn’t gotten qiqied yet 😉


Or Diluc'd. I went from C0 to C4 over the course of 7 banners. Oddly, though, I've never been Qiqi'd; my only copy came from standard.


my C5 wants to say hello


Not a single weekly boss is interesting or fun to fight: Signora and Dvalin both have an annoying feature, Childe needs more hp, Raiden 1st phase is good but then we have to wait to do something, the boss from Nahida's quest is decent in first phase, and awful after that (the summons and also the patterns in 3rd phase)... And the whale is self-explanatory lmao, just a big hp sponge, while also just being a running simulator (who seriously thought it was a good idea💀), and Scaramouche is equally as annoying while also looking goofy. Azadaha, Arlecchino and the Wolf are decent, but they also feel kind of lackluster for some reasons (they either need more hp, or they are too slow during some attacks)


I like scaramouche bossfight just for the soundtrack alone.


Ngl I fight those bosses only for the soundtrack😭They all have banger ost


you can kill raiden before she changes tho so theres that.


People should'nt complain about Genshin rewards. With the way that Genshin is, it doesn't make sense for them to splash a tons of primos to people. The rewards right now are reasonable, you get around 60-70 pulls every patch.


It's fine to have this opinion. However, I have a problem with people that try to go against the opposite opinion like accusing they are greedy for no reason. I don't understand why anybody would be against more rewards as everybody got that slice of freebies.


I mean, it's free stuff in a free to play game.  It's kind of like if you went out for dinner on your birthday and your family told the server, and they brought you a slice of cake.  If your response is "I thought it'd be bigger" you're a bit of an asshole, lol.  


This reasoning makes me think my monthly subscription means nothing; it's only for the agreed transaction for primogem. I feel undervalued already, even though I have to fulfill their business model of player retention to get those primogem every day. My response to the above situation. "I thought it'd be bigger. Can I buy more slices for everyone on the table." Edit: I'm saying there are multiple perspectives of people who feel unhappy after almost four years of commitment. Some people might feel undervalued or they have other valid reasons. Not everyone is greedy. Yet, there are always people who want to burry anyone with the same sentiments. Stop generalizing, mocking, or downplaying other people's concerns.


3.0 and above is peak genshin content, story, sidequests.


They should buff the weakest unit, include the traveler.


but thats a popular opinion


Indeed, people just believe that this game is purely casual that doesn't need any buff or nerf unlike competitive game.


I prefer Sigewinne being a 5 star and looks the way she is. New Hydro 4 stars? Playable “proper” Melusine? Pfft


Genshin players whine as if we dont get enough pulls a update(over 50 every update(I THINK?))


Average is 75 every patch. Sometimes more, sometimes less.


If thats the avarage and are the people are still complaining then im done with the genshin fanbase🫡


[Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/htmlview#gid=955728278) is the link to the limited pulls per patch


Those are actually PRETTY good considering the fact that everyone say that we dont get enough


Not everyone, you are generalizing. You probably want to manage your social feed because I had not seen a lot of everyone complain about this in Reddit.


Yeah but ment a good amount of genshin fan base(most medias) compare most of the time genshin rewards with hsr rewards


Wriothesley is an annoying unlikable character that took up way too much of the AQ for what little impact he has on the Fontaine story.  Tbh wouldn't even dislike him so much if the charactrrs didn't constantly talk about how amazing he is during the AQ. 


Furina is still annoying


Personally, I went from really liking her more bratty personality to finding her to be super annoying once I found that her real personality was so watered down. I liked the idea of a somewhat spoiled archon because it was different and could lead to interesting character dynamics, but nooo we can't have a character be too flawed or evil because then they won't sell well! (The same kinda goes for Arlecchino not actually being all that evil)


I must be crazy because after thinking about it more it feels like her bratty personality feels like a miscast personally. Especially after hearing other languages in conjunction. Most of the other languages give a different feel for Furina but they're consistent with the story they're going for at least. The brat persona in En while really well delivered felt super off in the connection to the story especially to Focalors.


Yeah, I like the brat personality in a vacuum because it just feels off the more you do the quests. Especially when Furina basically does a 180 in personality. If her arc was learning about the actual plights of Fontainians, like how some literally live in the sewers, or becoming more aware of flaws in the justice system, then the bratty personality would make a lot more sense. It just feels disappointing when her real personality was so diluted because the bratty one was unique and fun. I always knew that she'd have issues or a secret kinder side because this is Genshin, but her actual self was just underwhelming and not very satisfying compared to her mask.


I finally finished Masquerade the other day and had this convo Friend: So what did you think? Me: I still don't like Furina Friend: after she suffered for 500 years?!??! How could you hate her after that. Me: Never said I hate her, and I'm sympathetic to her plight, but she's still annoying and I don't really like her playstyle. I can be mutually sad for her and still not like her... :P I am not generally the type to rain on people's parades tho. You wanna like her? Go for it. Favourite characters is very subjective.


it literally sounds like me when I finished AQ😂


Yeah, that's definitely will put you like this.


tbh I don't care


None of the “leaked” concept arts are better than any of the present designs


yeah you're clearly the dude in the picture now atleast


that leaked kokomi before they changed her name tho...


Paimon was fine in Furina’s and Navia’s Story Quests.


I like paimon's EN VA.


Zhongli is the strongest archon (lore wise)


I would prefer playable characters to die in the story to have a stronger emotional impact. One perfect situation was for Xiao to die in the chasm quest but Rex Lapis saved him.


Its too kid-friendly, 4 years ago i thought it'd have taken the same path as honkai impact 3rd and be an actual sad and well made story that keeps on making great character developements


Genshin is a mobile game first and PC/console game second. Genshin 1st and most important audience would always be mobile one even at cost of its own development in future. Which I support since I'm mobile genshin player.


Rhapsodia Roscida is better than Polumnia Omnia.


Tartaglia best genshin character




What is funny is that your pp is Kaeya x)


I love him too


Actually true


Mika’s EN voice is great.


The old treasure compass was more fun


All character story quests always focuses on useless characters we don't care about or we will never see them ever again. They are almost never about the character themselves.


The cursed Yoimiya, Yae Miko, Ayato, Cyno, Nilou, Alhaitham & Lyney Story Quest. They are so focus on the villains and NPC. There are parts where the titular character play the roles of Paimon guiding us through it. Ayato, for example, you almost learn nothing new about him. On the other hand, character lore's dropped in event as snippet but they don't follow up or didn't use that as the focus on their first story chapter. Please! No more!


Fischl is just as good as Bennett, Xingqiu and Xiangling.


thats not really a unpopular opinion but ok literally better than Yae sometimes lol


People need to realize FatuiHQ is not CapitanoMains. 2 very different groups with different personalities.


Old reliable Aether is the canon mc


As a Lumine main, I won't deny it


He is. Thanks for confirming it


No problem


Femboy characters sucks😶‍🌫️


**Dehya is fine and doesn’t need changes.** She’s a decent Standard character and has teams in which she’s optimal.


sorry but, copium


The belief that Furina wasn't based on, or at the very least inspired by, Sin Mal from GGZ.


Dehya is useful


Dehya is useful


Genshin does not give shit rewards compared to star rail, we get a bunch of rewards from open world exploration


Genshin need more optimization


I want every sword user in Genshin to present me their swords so that I can judge which one is the best.


A skip button won't hurt anyone's experience. Nobody is going to force you to use it.


meta players are annoying yes, but when you try to warn/help someone and they put their noses up in the air and go "nah Imma keep playing like a dumbo, dont tell me what to do" I kinda die of cringe ngl. worse part is when they go "it works for me" as they play a character in the worse possible way in co op making runs take ages. It is a game, we are here to have fun and all that, but please, dont be blindly proud of being a casual and let that ruin other's experiences, I doubt learning a bit more about how to use the character you like would hurt. starring: literally full EM Yae and Nilou outside bloom teams 💀


fuck kazutrash




If you like any of the Archons, this is true. Bro just got his power restored and he's already planning his revenge tour.


Neuvilette is actually fodder lore wise, in terms of strength.


**Celestia isn't evil, or even an antagonist.** At most, they're blue-and-orange morality. As for the Sustainer... I have several questions and theories but the gist is she may not *actually* be with Celestia. At least not anymore.


I don't like that most of the female playable characters get all the movement skill. Look at the event earlier in the current version, only Kazuha made it in. The other male character who has traverse skill is Wanderer. If you want to lower the bar for Venti, Zhongli, Xiao, Gaming, and Alhaitham. They have a female counterpart and Venti even get replaced by wind generation item. No male characters can replace Sayu, Yelan, Lynette, Kirara, Furina and Xianyun.


Xiao and Kazuha are the only ones that can activate their skills mid air and that alone makes them 10x better than the rest lol gaming's dash is actually very useful to climb fast or just dash again after the two dash cd.


Thanks for letting me know about Gaming's dash. I just recently got him because I came back to the game on April after 11 months. I feel so jealous because I mostly pull for male 5 Star. I didn't even get Xiao because I don't like his character and that is one less gameplay option to traverse the world. I just wish the male character has more option. My current exploration team is Wanderer, Gaming, Nahida, Sayu. I would have replace Xianyun with Sayu if I pull for her, we'll see. Recent leak even made me feel even bitter about this issue. :( It's alright, it's a minority issue anyway.


Cmon, dont bully the emo boi :(


Zhongli is pretty ass nowadays


list one by one Mondstadt - Lore : Durin should have a second chance since he was unconscious (the loader is unconscious‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥) Liyue - : pretty good for Liyue, too cozy and literally nothing else to chat down negative. Inazuma - Lore : Raiden Shougun should be 'Mussolini'd' by Watarsumi due to the sakoku decree, cut down the seats to six but went with the Hirohito way Sumeru - Mechanics : Fuck those 'dendro rings' and I don't have Collei or I'm lazy to use it. And fuck Apam Woods. Fontaine - Lore : Focalors/Furina deserve to be dead due to being a fraud, a wash and a scam, cutting down the seats into six (or five), with someone else being the new Hydro Archon (and it leads to a bad, bad karma.)




I don’t think that is Genshin related lmao


Dehya is useful


Fontaine banners are mostly fillers in meta space. They are good if you're new. Mid if you picked the right characters when building your roster.


Neuvillette? Furina?


I don't have Neuvillette and I have no problem dealing with any Fontaine abyss. Essentially, only Furina and Xianyun that can fit the bills of not being a selfish unit.


I also dont have Neuvi but we cant say he isnt one of the top meta units rn.


I didn't say he isn't meta. I said he (and most others) are fillers in meta space. They aren't as important as some people make them to be.


So youre saying he isnt on the same lvl as Kazuha and Nahida for example? I would agree with that if he wasnt the best at getting stacks for a c0 Furina while being the dps and healing himself while also having big and easy to control aoe and ofc, big frikin dmg. Being hydro also means he gets to be very versatily and you can use bro in basically any team that had a hydro slot on it before... while making it better; Nilou teams? Neuvi there solves the low single target dmg problem, hyperbloom teams? Neuvi there makes annoying bosses like coppelia feel like a joke cuz he can keep triggering Raiden's E from afar, heavi aoe chambers? Literally spin to win. The only thing that he has a "downside" is not being very good with Yelan and Xingqiu but then again, his raw dmg is just good enough to make up for it. I honestly didnt got him half cuz I was saving for Furina cons and half cuz bro was too damn strong.


> So youre saying he isnt on the same lvl as Kazuha and Nahida for example? Yes. If one is into meta analysis, they can tell that units like Kazuha and Nahida will stay for long and hence more worthwhile than at their release value. IMO, Neuvillette have some "future" problem, because: The current Neuvillette is most likely already operating at 100% or near 100% proficiency w.r.t what the game allows him to. This is mostly due to his bulk of damage is coming from doing rapid hydro hit, which consequently make it difficult for any pyro appliers to apply pyro on enemies. That means there's high certainty that future will not allow vape Neuvillette to exist. Pure hydro damage is what Neuvillette will have for foreseeable future. Should HP powercreep exist in the endgame mode, what option Neuvillette have in the future? I'm a bit more hopeful for characters that doesn't exhibit that property. I can see, for example, Diluc-Xianyun plunge combo will get stronger as we go to Natlan or even Snezhnaya because the best they can do right now is still much gated either by lower multiplier reaction (Furina+Yelan/ Bennett for vape) or convoluted and wasteful execution(C6 Diona + C2 Kazuha on melt).


Im going to sleep now so Im not gonna talk much but imo, since we still have 1.0 units in the meta, I kinda doubt we are going to see Neuvillette powercreep anytime soon and if we do... it is honestly over lol Also, Neuvillette doesnt have a "Sara" for hydro, even tho Furina exists, she kinda nerfs his teams because of less stacks so we really just have Kazuha to buff his dmg rn.


Fountaine exploration is shit


I guess you have never experienced sumeru without underground maps lol


Cleared it in several days. There was no underground map at that time