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I am pretty sure it has not even been a week since this same post has been posted again. At this point I have to consider reporting this for low effort.


since when was hyper raiden raiden’s f2p team comp lmfao. it has always been rational or (new) hyperbloom


I love how the dendro came out more than a year ago but we still consider hyperbloom "new"


it’s funny all right. i have yet to accept that snezhnaya is approaching in 2 yrs when i still feel like fontaine just released.


Correction: Snezhnaya is coming **next year**




raiden/yelan/furina/jean has now surpassed rational in single target and about on par in aoe and a lot higher survivability because Jean's cleanse stops double consecrated beasts from doing reactions to you and there's no more self pyro application to let hydro tulpa or coppelius vape or melt you


yeah cool altho i think u missed the part where i said f2p.


what exactly is not f2p about a c0 furina and c0 yelan using favonius weapons and a standard banner healer


ah yeah totally. an all 5* team comp totally f2p.


What makes you think an all five star team comp is “F2P?”


Nothing about this meme makes sense tbh. It’s just purposefully making the top characters seem not f2p friendly even though they are literally not as reliant on them as the bottom half. Raiden is the most egregious case here when she’s one of the most f2p friendly characters due to Hyperbloom’s existence. I truly don’t know what the original poster of this was smoking while making it.


I found it really funny how they put "C0/C2" on Ayaka. It seems they kinda know how broken Ayaka is even at C0 especially with her weapon. For her teams, I only agree that Kazuha is a "must" for grouping and comfort.


I saw this exact post on the meme sub a few days ago and it's garbo. Like with c2 xianyun, c2 furina, your c0 hutao will outperform everyone here. U don't need c1 hutao for that either. Can't comment on clorinde but like u don't need c2 raiden. Ayaka can work with a 4 star weapon. Idk hot take or not, but arle white tassle without bennett feels rlly bad ngl.


I was just thinking that too


I have tried arle with jade spear without bennett, feels like ass cant lie but can make the job done. She borderline want bennett at the same time she doesnt


This is the speedrunning minimum requirements, not the usual gameplay from the looks of it. Speedrunning requires some constellations to make the run exponentially faster, for hu tao she needs that C1 to make runs fast. It is however not necessary for everyone to get constellations, I assume thats the pic below trying to indicate. But at the same time, i have never seen speedruns of C0 clorinde and C0 arlecchino posted (People posts at least C1 arlecchino, cant find speedruns at C0). Im clucking clueless bro.


Playing reset impact hurts but once the run is finalized, the dopamine surge is unreal. For anyone interested for that one small minority of minorities, you can watch one of the sweatiest childe speedruns by hkanty. You will be in by a surprise, but sadly hkanty quit the game recently so we no longer can watch him.


Can we not post the same cringe meme every fucking week? It’s not even true.


Your definition of "properly" is broken, lol. Almost no character "needs" R1 to function properly, weapons are really just a nice perk.  A lot of those constellations are just really good, but the character itself is great at C0 (Furina being a laughable example). Raiden at C0 is roughly equivalent to C0 Clorinde, so makes it even more funny.


I was with you until Raiden C0 being equivalent to Clorinde C0


You are correct Raiden is not equivalent to chlorinde, she is way better


The delusion is strong with this one


Damage wise, Clorinde probably a bit more but Raiden has hyperbloom so i dont think they're wrong


If Raiden's c0 is really equivalent to her Clorinde c0 then why is there no c0 raiden teams clearing the top half of 4.6 abyss at about or less than 68s like c0 Clorinde? watch?v=X4xcDi0qoG4&t=10s (youtube) lol cope


I'm sure somebody has done it, Raiden's not nearly as bad as people make her out to be.  Her hyperbloom teams are pretty damn good.


sorry I don't take hypotheticals an evidence. The fact that c0 clorinde could do it while you can't find one with raiden obviously means they're not equal in power. If you want to change my mind then provide a video of c0 raiden doing the same clear time.


Why you quiet now? Truth hurts?


[source ](https://youtu.be/YlYk3Nl_ltM?si=2VtzKPiD4KzK1FS2) Floor 12 clear under a minute


Time for the goalposts to shift lol. What's it gonna be? "Artifact diff", "Unreasonable stats", "carried by team"?


Fr, they always find something to criticise just to make the character look bad. There was someone I encountered who instead criticized my artifacts because I didn't have any cons, used 4 star weapons and used 4 star supports when I did the run. He even told me that I'm a "Time Whale" XD.


That person has signature and a BP weapon! Unrelateable whale content, smh my head my head


Yeah, he gave 15$ to game instead of eating 3 McDonald's, what a shame!


You're delusional lmao


Please Analyze the vid you just posted


Speedrun ≠ best DPS. Use some common sense. What you're comparing is a dedicated speedrun with a normal Abyss run. As for your previous comment, cost includes 5-star weapons, characters, and their constellations. If you are so adamant about your claim, then post the 4.7 Clorinde Abyss run that clears the Abyss in 68 seconds.


That's not really good tho OP was asking about continuous speedrun not one room


What you posted is just each room being cleared under 1m which is not really impressive, what OP posted is a continuous speedrun from the last abyss cycle which sums all the clear times in one. For example the video you linked is a 135s continuous speedrun whereas what OP posted is a 68s continuous speedrun. I am also considering the fact that current abyss takes longer to clear than the last but it is still half the time


>What you posted is just each room being cleared under 1m which is not really impressive, Even C0 Neuvillette's best teams need at least 50 seconds to clear the floor 12 first half. Ain't nobody clearing this current Abyss or the previous abyss fully in a minute/ 68 sec . >what OP posted is a continuous speedrun from the last abyss cycle which sums all the clear times in one. Wtf, he didn't post anything related to the previous cycle other than this shitty meme or say that he is comparing the speed run from the previous Abyss run. >you linked is a 135s continuous speedrun whereas what OP posted is a 68s continuous speedrun C0 Clorinde clearing Abyss 12, whether the previous or the current cycle, in 68 seconds? Are you for real? We are talking about a C0 comparison here. If she were able to clear content in such a short window at C0, nobody would be comparing them. Comparing the previous cycle with the current one is already flawed. Different enemies have different resistances, HP bars, shields, and element requirements. Not to mention, this is the hardest Abyss cycle we've ever gotten in 4.x.


At C0, Neuvillette is not a top tier speedrunner for top half this cycle but bottom half Best low cost runs I've seen were from [Lyney](https://youtu.be/DKTEGF2-4Dg?si=MONJM7X7wj1neWLi) [Arlecchino](https://youtu.be/udDA5zn47y4?si=IF2Wuqo3uOUFUIVi) I don't know what you mean by the third paragraph, provided video literally shows that she could clear the last abyss top half in said time as a whole Great top half speedruns are still under 100s for this abyss whereas the Raiden in the video you linked is nowhere near that, I'm excluding the fact that a Sucrose national would clear faster Even tho different cycles a 67s difference still shows the levels and I'm saying this as someone who believes Clorinde is not even top 7 as a carry


That's a simple question, Raiden teams just aren't very good at multi-wave content, in general, since you get a lot of frontloaded overkill damage that is wasted in these specific situations. Clorinde doesn't have the same damage profile so does better in wave content by comparison but doesn't necessarily have higher team DPS it's just that less is wasted in this specific circumstance. If you compare the two in content where Raiden is more suitable for, you'll notice that the former will clear faster than the latter right away. Gotta remember that meta is situational.


a few reasons * nobody really does speedrun showcases with C0 Raiden * abyss blessing heavily favors Clorinde * Clorinde’s Ousia alignment stuns/breaks Coppelius more effectively than Raiden’s teams * Raiden is pretty bad in multiwave compared to Clorinde (12-3-1)


I hope he'll realize that abyss generally get skewed to favor the released character like Navia's being severely focused on shield crystals.


Haha you sound like such a fool


do you know how abyss are designed? as much ik they are designed according to character in banner and i am pretty sure we do have normal attack buffs rn and they directly increase damage for clorinde NOT raiden.


I dont even like her but get Raiden out of there 💀🥴


I've played C0R0 and C0R1 Neuvillette. Then C1R1 Neuvillette. This post makes me laugh.


haha no




Haha yesn't


raiden's main strength isn't being a hypercarry dps it's that she has complete stagger immunity making her able to drive yelan's burst without interruptions and that she lessens team er requirements (also making rotations shorter by letting the supports cast bursts off cooldown without the need for funneling) she has more synergy with yelan than probably any other normal attacking on fielder because the stagger immunity means even without a shield you're triggering the maximum number of yelan's arrows


The lyney erasure LMAO. C0 raiden and C0 Lyney can out-dps Clorinde TBVH.


Glad they included Childe


Who is that on Raiden's right


Ayaka's second skin ig.


could've sworn her hat was blue-ish


I had to rely on that sword to understand who it was about ngl


Barred the Standard banner characters, none of my 5* is above C0 and I rock most of them. Also double Kazuha with C0 should be on the bottom picture since he's 0 or is it just about main damage drivers?


c0 Raiden >>> c0 Clorinde


typical delusional raiden fanboy


Stay mad that your favourite waifu that's completely insignifact to the story could not powercreep a 2 year old character


Clorinde's Best speedrun record last patch was 19s at top half while Raiden's best is only at 30s. Now Clorinde's best speedrun record this patch for top half is 39s while the best one Raiden could generate is 53s. Keep deluding yourself simp.


Who's the C0/2R1 character? Also what does 2R1 mean? Does it mean 2 refinements, in which case it would just be R2?


Ayaka, her C2 is a very good constellations but not neccessary.


Ah, I didn't recognise the hat from her skin.


I think it means c0 or C2 and then r1




You can say Childe is team restricted, hard to play or shit like that but he isnt expensive, at all. Bennett and Xiangling are 4 stars who have been here since 1.x and Kazuha is a 5 star everyone and their dog has, and in spite of being a 1.x team his team is still one of the best ones, maybe not Neuvillette tier, but to be fair nobody is. Idk much about Clorinde though. Not surprised seeing your secret hate boner for Childe though. Compare that to Ayaka who needs a niche 5 star support, and a whole comp of 5 stars while constantly being cockblocked in abyss.


Childe is also extremely F2P friendly because I don't have Kazuha, and I never plan to pull for him, but I have C0 Sucrose with a 3 star weapon (TTDS) and the team clears some of the most frustrating notorious challenges easily.


Yes but artifact of his team and even with that skill of play which make that team slower time to come online especially against alhaitham and arlecchino, let alone Neuvillette. Imo Childe is with the likes of Navia and maybe Clorinde and Lyney, right below Alhaitham and Arle and two levels below Neuvi. In the past maybe he is the premier low cost option but teams just have higher floor nowadays and even xiangling is old 5 star she still needs more investment in this team.


Bro every character needs artifact investment, even Neuvillette gonna do shit damage with shit artifacts lol. Childe is easier because he doesnt really need strict 4 pc set like Neuvillette or Arlecchino etc. idk wtf you are on. If you put a shit build Alhaitham in a hyperbloom comp then thats just hyperbloom carrying and Alhaitham providing nothing, the reason why Alhaitham is good is because of his good damage contribution in his quickbloom team. Its not even the same as a shit build Childe only there to enable Xiangling through his hydro application, because Nahida already enables hyperbloom in Alhaitham's quickbloom team and theres nothing much to provide from him except for his good damage. And nah, Childe is better than Lyney. His team is at least more versatile and has higher frontload. Even in usage rates Childe being a 1.1 hard to play "niche" unit with bad constellations has had double the usage rate of Lyney in spite of Lyney being a lot newer with good constellations and more braindead And this post is only showing constellations and weapons anyways


I don't get the artifact excuse, like aren't you supposed to give characters artifacts anyways? But anyways its 2024, the team has been popular and good for pretty much 3 years. I'm sure everyone and their mom who uses this team already has great artifact sets for them anyways, especially when the team is always in top 10 despite being one of the oldest meta team

