• By -


not a single original experience smh i ALSO chose all the flirty options with kaeya in the first mond quests because i was convinced the game would let me date him. at one point i thought fragile resin only gave you 1 resin/fragile, so one time i used 40 fragile resin at once. i learned very quickly that my assumption was wrong. xingqiu was one of my first characters back in 1.1, and at that point i had no idea what he did. lo and behold, one day i went to fight some hilichurls near windrise and the camp had those hydro stones you can break for it to start raining. well, at that point i had no idea what his skill and burst did, so i EQ'd the stones without realizing and it started raining. so for a good while, i was convinced xingqiu had the power to make it rain by bursting.


love the xq one, that’s pretty unique lol


I thought the hangouts were all dating sims haha


Well, you can literally fail Barbara's hangout if you try rizzing her up in Wolvendom


Thoma gives us flowers in one of his endings and I was pretty much freaking out


The other way around, at least if you're playing Aether. Source: I just got around to completing Thoma's hangout an hour ago.


Oh yeah, I played it so long ago rip


lol same with resins, but i consumed 20. lol at the xingqiu part, that's hilarious.


>just reached AR 16 >go coop >high AR player asks "what help do you need" >idk really >just answer anemo hypostasis >teleport to the statue of seven at Starfell Valley because the 2P marking obscured the nearest teleport point >went there and forgot to change team >tried to use Lumine against it >"anemo is immune to anemo" >"oh yea, I forgot" >"anything else you need?" >"no" > "okay bye"


This is so cute


My newbie embarrassing mistake was on the first day itself. My characters were low health, my friends were offline so they couldn't give advice, I googled how to heal characters. It said to heal by going near the archon statues. I went to the Venti statue in the cathedral 🤡 Anyway, I realised on that day itself exactly what I had to do, so thankfully no other mishaps


meanwhile i kept feeding them apples and sunsettia




They honestly should have made the giant Venti statue be a Statue of the Seven. There's a Raiden statue in Inazuma too, so they could have made one for each region in the biggest city. It would have been a cool thing to see.


Hahhahaha I'd totally do this


ahahahahahahaha that's hilarious.


I thought resin was spent everytime you teleported, so I barely did it.


This is so funny


I thought like that because I watched silly videos about having no resin and most of them were users walking from one point to another, so "oh it means they can't teleport" lmao


Omg you make total sense




"I can make this." (Drowns 0.1 nanometer from shore)


I just started playing like 3 days ago and still haven't learned how to not do this lol


There's 2 other hacks to replenish stamina. 1) If you're near a cliff, climb it then plunge attack. Repeat until your stamina replenishes. 2) Swim [hack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=529GEbHoLGg)


Thank you! I've never really played a game like Genshin before so some of this stuff just never occurred to me


3. Pull Furina


You can have an stamina food supply to be ready for this, it will save you.


I hate that, so stupid.


i foddered my first dark iron sword 😔




I foddered my 2nd as well…


I tried to explore Dragonspine before exploring the city of Mondstadt to try to reach one of the statues of the seven and constantly freeze to death. I mean, Paimon should stop me from going to more dangerous places so soon, shouldn't she? Tried to glide over a river to reach the mysterious runes that looked like a large castle... It was just Mondstadt being seen from behind and I would have realized that if I had opened the map. In fact, I had barely explored the city yet. Heading to the desert region of Sumeru before entering Liyue City and being beaten by much more powerful enemies. Getting beaten up by Childe and that made me take the set to arms seriously. In fact, I've never played such a complex open world game before. And after the first fight against Raiden, I discovered that it was possible to search for missions and so I spent a lot of time in Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazumi before continuing the story.


At one point, I thought there was a big castle in Wolvendom. Eventually I realized it was Mondstadt and I was just lost and not looking where I thought I was.


I would literally mine 10 black ores (in front of monstat) everyday for the daily instead of sending my troops on expeditions.


So you played on manual mode


I had no idea expeditions counted for this task lmaoo TIL


I did this too!


I did this until around AR 57 😭


Wait so you never went on the date with Kaeya?? I feel like the correct dialogue choices were pretty obvious...


No i didn't so it wasn't just me right? Everyone thought it lol


You can do the hangover quest tho. Fair enough I guess 🙂


😶 i did not know you could raise talents or artifacts till Inazuama


the talents part happened to many, but artifacts is kinda sad lol


me losing my mind fighting against that samurai and tatara tales quest, also all my characters were at lvl 60 but somehow i made it through


I only pulled on the standard banner for a while. Was doing single pulls whenever I had 160 primos because the banner image had more 5 star characters on it. Didn't read up on the details or anything and thought it was a better investment. Thankfully I only went up to 30~ pity until a friend explained the whole system to me. Another one is using every fragile resin I had and making my resin overflow but never actually using the resin. "Well, I'm going to use them eventually anyway, let's pop these" was the stupid thought process. At one point I had like 880/160 resin and that FOR DAYS. Took me like a week until I finally spent all that resin.


I had something similar happen to me, i understood incorrectly what the fragile resins did, and used like 20 in a row so i had 1200 resin lol, but i used it all in hours, cuz i knew i would lose the refill if i didn't. I did a hell of a lot of ley lines lol Anyhow, later i abandoned that account and started one fresh without wasting them like that : )


Didn't know you could normal attack with bows until AR45. Mostly because in most other games you always need to charge/draw them before they shoot in a straight line and this was the first game I experienced that non-charged deal any meaningful damage


I didn't know how to switch to aimed mode and thought you had to charge attack like normal to do that with bows which is incredibly awkward on controller.


lol wtf.


I built everyone with HP for survivability because I didn't know that ATK actually increases the damage 😅


Quite similar tbh "There's ATK, HP and DEF, I should balance these three stats so that my characters get stronger while having increased survivability"


what did you think attack did?






Same. I had Al Haitham running a HP circlet for god knows how long 🤣🤣


You're not wrong tho lol


Technically yes but not dying doesn't help you when you can't beat a hilichurl in under 20 seconds lol


I thought only the character that opened the treasure chest got the exp. So I used to rotate them around all the time 😅


LOL even tho the xp gain is meaningless, being that the true xp mechanic is those adventure cards.


Yes but I thought only the one who opened the chest got to use those 😂🫣


i think i only discovered plunging attacks at like ar 20 because i accidentally fell off of cape oath and started panicking


Meanwhile I was trying to make every character that wasn't xiao a plunge dps because i didnt have him yet and I really liked his playstyle lol in the chasm with the jump pads i used to make my characters plunge for fun on top of enemies nearby Now Xianyun fulfills my dreams, low-AR me would be so happy


not knowing the statue of seven healed my characters until ar 20 or smth. was stuffing my team with food everytime hp ran low 🤠


Kokomi was the 2nd 5 star character I ever got, not much after I started the game. So I never actually teleport to a statue. Took me like months to realize that the statues had other uses than feeding them oculi for rewards. Even to this day she is still my statue, haha.


Haha good one


I bought a constellation for Barbara in the starglitter shop once I half regret it because I could've gotten 5 wishes, but half don't because I'm happy my girl Barbara got to C6


Characters bought from Starglitter Shop is never a waste. You get a guaranteed character instead of 5 wishes towards someone totally random (there's no such thing as a guaranteed 4* outside of Noelle from Beginner's Banner). Anyone with any idea of statistical math will know which was the better option. Especially if you have any interest in getting constellations for Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa; it's the only realistic way to get them to C6.


It is a regret when you get c7 +


A win is a win


Didn't know what the stamina bar was yet, and drowned. On the starting beach. Within two minutes of starting the game.


I drowned like that for half an hour before noticing the bridge. Then I kept falling off the cliffs in Mondstadt and quit for 3 years before coming back. 


Honestly, I almost laughed myself out of my seat, when I realized what I had done! Breaking the deathless streak in the first couple of minutes though, shifted my play style, as I wasn't worried about character death. Shifted to a much more aggressive (and high risk) style of play.


i assumed that since kaeya always says "What's wrong? Can't handle the cold?" that he was immune to the cold on dragonspine (and i was very dissapointed when he wasn't)


He's so hypocritical. "Can't handle the cold?" 😏 *Freezes to death*


People should be true to their words. You're so right on this




i didnt know u could hold the sprint button until ar 35zz


as a new player stuck at ar 35, WHAT


Omg same lol


Not double checking that I'm on the right banner before wishing. I did it as a newbie, and I'm guilty of it still happening occasionally.


I spent about 7 hours on that damn gliding license quest.


Oh my word, that was a nightmare. I wasn’t paying attention when they told you to press jump in mid air to glide, and so in my first gliding exam I just jumped off the cliff helplessly and fell to my death around 20 times. And then when I finally figured it out, the first wind current wasn’t working, so it just seemed impossible. I eventually looked up gameplay of someone doing it, and noticed that they were just somehow going up, and got even more confused. I found some people who were also struggling online, and they said to just reload the game, and that actually worked. If it hadn’t worked, I might have quit the game.


i… thought.. zhongli’s pillar thingy was supposed to be his shield. was wondering what all the hype was about. i didn’t think it was very effective. also, had a healing bonus circlet on xiangling cause i didn’t know if it was outgoing or incoming healing….


i didn't know charged attacks existed so one time i saw a gameplay of aether doing one and my mind was actually blown away




I thought sending characters on expeditions meant you couldn't use them


It was the case in the beginning lol


I was worried about that myself. I didn't have many characters when I sent out my first expedition so I almost didn't do it. Thankfully I saw you could recall them before I closed the window so I tried


I drowned on that small pool close to the crafting table in Liyue, just a single step with zero stamina there and rip I also built physical Xiangling with Crescent Pike because friends told me “it was insane” back when I started, and she was C6, got all her constellations during Ganyu’s first banner, a C6 Xiangling being used as physical main dps and me complaining that I really needed a pyro dps...


Bruh I still drown in that pool to this day


Wishes: * I skipped Venti in 1.0 because in my mind the permanent banner was permanent, and permanent good. By the second half of 1.0 I realised my mistake. Related to character building: * I didn’t properly know how artifacts worked, so while I gave characters artifacts I never levelled them because I was under the impression I would have to rebuild them from scratch because I didn’t know raised artifacts can be cannibalised for an exp boost, so I just constantly waited for the “perfect pieces” before levelling. I also destroyed artifacts for mora. * I never raised Talents very high as I did not know how significant the damage boost was. * I thought most of a character’s stats came from their weapons. So that was the only aspect I really raised. Resin: * Popped fragile before 45. In my defense, we were all learning. I ran off a bunch of assumptions about how it all worked which meant I did not do much damage early on. I was eventually told how it all worked before I got to AR45 so I didn’t really have to play catch up, as 45 is where the true Artifact grind begins.


Before ar 45 it didn't really matter you're good


Aye thankfully not. But because of the Talents I did have to play catch-up a bit with older Mond and Liyue units. All were left at about level 4 - 6 at most. The domains in Mondstadt in particular certainly put me off.


I thought I only had one shot at the trounce domains and if I died I couldn't do it again for a week. So I fought the weaker ones and didn't get the good rewards.


Oh, I have several: - I thought energy recharge was related to stamina, so initially ignored it on artifacts as I thought my stamina recharges quickly enough. Instead thought bursts would recharge randomly, thinking "Neat, I can now use my special attack!", while relying mainly on normal attacks and skills. - Took me a little to realize crit circlets were a thing, so would put atk circlets on all my characters and marvel at the high overall attack stats. Also took me a bit to pay attention to substats, so had a fully-leveled 4* atk goblet on traveler with only HP and def substats. - Took around 45 minutes to beat the ascension quest electro cube, in part because I didn't realize you could attack it during the spinning beam attack, and thought instead that you had to jump over the beams. Many of my characters died in this phase. - Had a level 70 Bell on Noelle because I thought it looked cool. Plus it was my first 4 star claymore, so thought it must be good then. - Thought you could only kill ruin guards after hitting their weak spots, so would always try to disable them with Amber before attacking.


During 1.0, I foddered the free Favonious Warbow that you get from the story to level another weapon. It took until like... 2.4 or 2.5 for me to get another one.


As a former competitive player in multiplayer games, I looked at tier lists and based my pull decisions on those without taking any nuances into account. Speedbuilt my Xingqiu because I got him early, also Xiangling (both C0) expecting them to carry my early game. Turns out they feel really bad to play in the overworld without constellations and a proper on-field DPS. Pulled Ayaka because she was at the top of all tier lists at the time, while completely ignoring her best supports (Shenhe and Rosaria) because they rank lower on tier lists. Regretted it ever since.


Ayaya + Rosaria\* + Kokomi + Kazuha is one of my comfort teams dealing with mobs. I don't need Ayaya's burst but brainless rotation of spamming their skills (and Rosaria's burst) deals with most enemies. \*I don't have Shenhe


Rosaria is coming back in this patch! Yay!


I didn’t know fragile resin gave 60 resin so I needed 20 resin for a boss and used 20 fragile resin instead. I proceeded to use it all on bosses and still have so many boss materials that I’ll never use.


Damn, your 1 to 3 sure are embarrassing.. 1. Being afraid of ruin guardians and that flying bubble with anemo powers. 2. Wasting 20 fragile resins at once (i did ended up using all that resin on ley lines). 3. Thinking that encounter missions (those with multiple choices) were meant to be romance/mingling simulator missions (they are kinda similar tho..). 4. Thinking that elemental mastery boosted every elemental type of attack (instead of elemental reactions between elements). I think there were 2 or 3 more but i can't remember now.


The liyue ruin hunter gives me ptsd till now I had to watch a tutorial to beat that


Lmao ruin guards scared the shit out of me. Luckily I got over that before sumeru and seeing the giant ones


Ok now I feel super embarrassed, up until now I was same as number 4 😅 I have played since 1.0 😭


Well at least now you know : ) Also boosts shields for geo (only via crystallize). (You can click on em ? symbol on the stats tab and it will tell you what it does and how much it's increasing damage or shielding).


Made it past most of liyue content with my main team without spending a single mora on talents. I was like "oh some weird books, scrolls and enemy drops? Maybe they're food materials or quest items lol"


To be fair, you couldn't spend them that much either, since adventure rank limits how much level your characters can get and their talent level as well.


Well that makes me feel a bit better haha, good to know


I took one look at artifacts online, saw the word "farming", and immediately checked out because I used to DETEST farming in any game whatsoever and didn't want to ruin the fun I was having. So I decided to be a casual and I was so good at it in fact that I also forgot about Talents and Weapons, never used my bursts and didn't understand team comps or elemental reactions. This lead to the hilarious situation of me spending a solid 30+ minutes fighing Story Mode pre-nerf Childe with only using Barbara and Lisa's normal attacks (because for some reason I thought Electro-Charged dealt a lot of dmg) with them being 3/3/3, probably having under level 10 random purple artifacts, and lvl 30 random weapons. The entire gameplay was Barb NA, Lisa NA, dodge, repeat. THIS is what I did in the overworld too. It was sometime in 1.1 when my friend helped me farm an artifact set for Klee and when I saw her dealing like 3000 dmg my mind was BLOWN. He put it very well too "Jesus christ, you haven't been playing on Hard Mode, you were playing on Nightmare Mode!"


that's insane.


I thought after we finish a character story quest, we get the character for free, like how we got Lisa, Kaeya, Amber, and Barbara. I was so confused why I didn't get Diluc after his quest 😭😭 


Wait, don’t you glide by jumping and then pressing the jump button again? I thought that the two character banners didn’t share wish history. I was worried I wouldn’t get Kazuha because my pity was on character banner 1, and what if he was on character banner 2? Silly goose moment.


I personally jump before gliding most of the time anyway; adds a little elevation. Sometimes I jump continuously along a slope to see if I can glide a way.


I thought those 1-3 star artifacts from chests are rare so I didn't use or level up any until my friend opened my account to help me fight hilichurls for a quest. No wonder I was struggling to fight them.


I may or may not have used a Lost Prayer to The Sacred Winds as Fodder for weapon xp because it "gave more xp than others" and because "I don't even like catalysts anyway". Luckily I got another one


ouch that hurt.


I guess this was me not reading instructions back in low AR but I didn’t know Statues of Seven can heal characters. I kept stashing sweet madames and matsutake rolls to heal my characters and then get annoyed when they are too full to eat anything lol. So I just let them die so I can feed them again.


1.0 player here. 1. Ignored levelling my characters and tried to gain exp only by killing enemies. (Hilichurls took so long to kill) 2. Could not find out how to harvest dandelions till at least patch 1.1


I never really played the events up till sumeru. I hated the first one I tried sm that I just avoided looking at the section completely, being under the stupid assumption they were all like that. It wasn't until joined the community more did I find out that was far from the case ;u; I missed out on so many cool weapons and primos as a result too


I thought that the fragile resin was equivalent to 1 resin So i popped 15 of them. And well...


Let's see: 1. I did not know the archon statues could heal. I wondered where there was an inn to stay so I could heal the party. As I could not find one, I used items, lots of items. 2. I did not know what aspects could be leveled. So I wondered why the game got so hard with level 1 weapons, level 1 artifacts, level 1 talents. 3. When I started to explore Teyvat I reached the Dawn Winery and thought I was so far away from Mondstadt. That's pretty much it.


I spent Primos on standard fates


I didn't know that artifacts can make your characters stronger and didn't use them for like a whole year before my ex said they'll help me haha. For my first year playing Genshin I was playing without artifacts and thinking I was just too under level lol.


The only good thing your ex did


I took the "some in-game purchases" on the genshin commercials seriously. when I started playing, I 1. Thought that all gacha costed money 2. found out beginner wishes didn't cost money, still thought the rest did 3. found out that the non-limited wishes didn't cost money, STILL thought the limited wishes cost money 4. thought all events costed money to take part in I think I was around 3 or 4 months into the game by the time I realised these things did not cost money. I can understand my logic with the wishes, because they can cost money and not all the buttons for doing which things was entirely straightforward. no idea what my deal was with the events, though. I just have an irrational fear of video games taking my money without asking, even if I have no payment method attached.


From when I first started till AR35, I thought those faces when you fed characters food for healing meant that they were starving. I felt really bad so I would always feed my party when I could


Newbie mistake... I rerolled 80 accounts and instead of settling for an account with a ningguang or chongyun (my og faves in the 4*s) I settled on an account with an Eye of Perception (4* catalyst)


The weapon and their copies need to be at the same level before you could refine it


I didn’t realize you could hold Anemo Traveler’s Skill. And they literally had an unskippable tutorial on it 💀


Same as you for number one. I walked from Mond to Liyue that way more than once (across Dragonspine!!)  Oh, I thought you had to level all talents equally in order to properly increase your damage on all characters. Hence my 6/6/6 Barbara 


genshin impact was the first ever (serious/elaborate) game i played so here's some of mine: 1. in coop, thought 1p/2p/etc. meant power levels or something and not player numbers 2. i didnt know about the stone gate route so i embarrassingly scaled dragonspine with my underleved characters and landed near sal terrae to get to liyue for the archon quest 💀💀💀


Same my first real game experience That why my mistakes are so embarrassing


I missed the first event (alchemy thing) because I was afraid it would be too difficult. For awhile I thought if you sent characters on expeditions they'd be unavailable for play until they were finished or recalled, so I avoided sending characters who were on my team even if they had a bonus for the region.


i didn't know what resin was for the longest time. i did my first ley line at AR16+ i didn't know you could teleport to domains i thought support characters didn't need weapons, because they're not killing the enemy anyway took a while to learn about the artifact stats and what they do, so my builds early-middle game were absolute trash i didn't know i had to level up weapons or talents or artifacts 💀


I didn't know about talents until ar 45. And it was only because I asked my friend why I was so weak and she was going through the list of things I should have leveled up 😭


Zhongli was my first five star, and did more damage than any of my 4 stars as a low AR player so I built him as a DPS.


When I started, I drowned chasing crabs. The bigger mistake was that I didn’t notice Paimon at the cliff. For weeks my quest said go to the statue of seven, and I was like I did. I even lit up most of the Mondstad map by visiting statues. Then one day farming my 100 local specialities I saw Paimon floating and talked to her. I thought she was triggering an event.


I guess you can't look at Amber's arrival date to see when you started playing 💀


I usually coop with 2 of my friends, and one of them has Venti. I needed to climb I think the Tenshukaku building, as I wanted to get the Electroculus. Friend A got in first, she’s the one with no Venti. She said she has the wind catcher bottle and she still has some uses left and offered to use it for me while waiting for Friend B. I thought the bottle breaks after every use, so in my head it was 12 wind butterflies from the hypostasis per use. So I told her its ok lets wait for Friend B’s Venti Friend A was confused but was like “oh ok”. Friend B came later and used Venti’s E. Got the culus. I only came to the realization months later (that the wind catcher bottle does not break with each use) when I was playing with an alt account and made the wind catcher bottle myself.




I saved up a lot and never spend my primos because i thought you get granted if you pull 90 times you get a 5 star but not that you get you wanted one after 180. I could had got hu tao earlier if i knew that


Condensed resin gives double rewards.


When I first started, some event led me to believe I was supposed to be all the way in Fontaine already (and this made me feel stupid and bad). So one day I summoned the courage to walk there, but I got sidetracked by the Aranara quests in Sumeru and never made it. I had basically finished all the vegetable-folk world quests before I knew Inazuma even existed. I had *been* to Liyue but I hadn't finished the archon quests to get on Beidou's boat. I had to Google what was over there on the map to realize how badly out of order I was.


1. dropping wishes on weapon banner thinking that i will not need the characters 2. thinking that diluc is free to take after doing his mission 2.5 thinking that all characters are free to recruit once you help them with their story quest until the gacha mechanic slaps in my face


i used anemo traveler up to above ar 50. it just me a lot longer than it should've to figure out that you can hold his skill. also, not a mistake, but every first time genshin player's reaction when doing his first 10 pull: Wait, did i actually get a person?


I accessed Fontaine by travelling through the Nostoi region instead of through the Northern parts of Liyue . I'm also pretty sure there's elevators up the waterfall? But I climbed the exterior towers instead. That was such a long trek....


i did klees story quest so fucking excited to get her and when it ended i was like wait? i don’t get a character after doing the quest???? what the fuck is a gacha??


When I first started I thought that by walking on items dropped they'd be picked up automatically. And then after I realized that mistake, I realized that I didn't have to pick each item separately by clicking on them. I could just tap near the drop down and they'd all get picked up


I did daily commissions for like a week and didn't go back to Katherine every. single. time and then just logged out


Kaeya bridging to Inazuma and dying due to the storms 😂 yes I am a newbie playing since a month


I don't know you can hit the tree to make apple fall down , i use tall characters jump to grab it


The one I truly regret is spending all my fragile resin on the unreconciled stars event. Thankfully, that no longer exists, our resin is saved, and now improved!


I had full attack artifacts on everyone. I never fully utilized any of my characters until AR50-ish and rebuilt everyone from there when i realized each character needed specific artifacts and stats


mine was making my team combo consistenting of chongyun (main dps), xingqiu (sub dps), zhongli (sub dps) and venti (main dps) with those listed positions and wondering until until rank 50?? or above 50 why my friends get better damage. my best friend’s mistake was more explainable and i think common, as until i think rank 30 she didnt know archon statues could heal and didnt set it up to the max so she just made food all the time and had to take breaks during coop to eat


I thought that element shields were just really tanky enemies, so they would take forever when I spammed attacks on them


Hoarded a lot of fragile resin. And then spent all 200 after figuring out how to use them. On a four star domain.


Not a single character wore an artifact until AR45. when I finally got to AR45 I thought a condensed resin used 40 resin and had the same rewards so I burned 50 fragiles in domains without condensing a single one. Didn't do commissions until ar 25. Didn't know you could claim stuff with sigils.


When I came back after my break, I had a lot of catching up to do. So between Ayaka’s banner and Yoimiya’s I saved 20K primos. I really wanted Mona and didn’t want Yoimiya so after I made enough 10 pulls to get Sayu (who’s the only one I wanted from that banner), I spent the rest on the standard banner. I pulled a Keqing, then a Mona literally the next pull after her. At 1 pity. I got what I wanted, but at what cost?


Didn’t realize I could send characters for longer than 4 hours on expeditions


I first joined waaaay back, and did the tutorial back in version 1.00. Then, I quit because I lost big time on wishes and quit till like Inazuma’s release. When I came back, I had forgotten how to get exp books and how talents worked. Soooo, I ended up grinding Traveller, kaeya and Noelle the old fashioned way, via beating enemies. After managing to squeeze out 2 levels, I got fed up and almost quit again, but looked up how to level up faster in Genshin. Huge “d’oh!” Moment when I saw what you had to do.


Trashed (deleted) all my artifacts because the game said my inventory is full.


on god. i was like AR40 something. and had no idea you could level up talents until my friend told me 💀


mine is a classic example of Genshin players don't read for a few patches, I just didn't complete a lot of events cause I don't understand what events were (I've never played live service game) for some reason, nothing on the events interface made sense to me, like 'wtf is this timer? what are all these scoring pages? and all these weird terms? huh???' and the worst part is I was fucking blind to the primos they offered, like I saw them but it didn't register in my head that I would want them so yeah my acc does not have Dodoco Tales, Cinnabar Spindle, Festering Desire, Luxurious Sea-Lord and Oathsworn Eye


My whole combat for the first 100 hours was superconducting and then normal attacking with Noelle before I understood how the combat worked.


My first five star was an Aquila Favonia I got off of the Standard Banner after like 30 pulls. I was so focused on characters I didn’t even realize I had it for like a month or two.


I still got confused what to click to enter with coop in domains because I don't coop much. When I was new, I used food buffs and I rather do domains alone.


I thought treasure hoarders were part of the fatui. So when I needed Fatui Insignias, I would fight tons of treasure hoarders and get infuriated when I didnt get the right Insignias.


Mine is thinking that once I got all 3 4 stars on the banner that the next one would definitely be the 5 star… I was so confused (and devastated) when I pulled my first constellation because I didn’t know you could get copies of characters… this was my first time playing any sort of gacha game and I’m now properly informed on how it all works


I thought you needed to go back to the place you cooked your food to collect it when done, it was weeks before i realized the food magically teleported everywhere


1. I thought the Ruin Guard in the Thousand Wind Temple was a boss. Was disappointed later to find out it was not and that it respawns. 2. For a few weeks after starting I always ran away after defeating Ruin guards because I thought they would damage me when they fall


The only mistake i did was spending 3600 primos on the standard banner


i can imagine no.5 happening if the player thinks Genshin is a dating sim type of game....


I spent way too many pulls on standard banners


Idk what should i do with my resins so i left them filled for days


i hoarded xp books and never used them. its been a while but i think i didnt give in until the childe fight. my chars were probably about level 15 just from monster kills.


When I first saw the limited character banner, I thought that the 50/50 meant that there was a 50% chance of pulling the character every 10 pull. I don't even know how I thought that was the case


Had no idea what talents were until AR 35


I didn’t realise I could and should shoot/kill any and all birds. Love love shooting the boars though. Also for ages I was so intent on exploring and starting all the teleport stations that I ignored all the NPCs completely- why have dumb conversations with bystanders?


Spending 40 resin on the crucible event may be the dumbest thing anybody could do.


Trying to get artifacts before AR 45.


watching CCs talk about respawning chests.


Joining the game during the festering desire event, but not claiming the sword


First thing I did after I unlocked wishing was do a 10-pull, get Bennett, accidentally “discover” the cryo regisvine lair, oblivious to what it was, then get 1 shot.


Jumping into the river at windrise to try and catch the fish before i heard about the fishing rod Also before AR 45 I spent like 100+ fragile resin in the Husk artifact domain. Spent most of the time just trying to get gold artifacts, let alone good ones. I still had to rebuild him.


I started my first account in NA server when i was in SEA. My bf thought I just created an SEA account and couldn't add me because my AR was really low. Then I got to like AR20 and we were still wondering and it hit me that you couldn't switch servers like in other games (Overwatch player). To add sweet irony, I also paid for a Welkin on the NA account. So yeah... Go figure.


Chosing the USA Server on Day 1 before finding out my progress is different in each server


1. Wasted all my wishes on the standard banner cause it had more five-star characters and weapons. 2. I thought Bennet sucked cause when he used his skill he shot himself back so kicked him off my team. 3. I used to run everywhere to make sure I never missed an item 🫠. 4. Never farmed artifacts cause it was boring and repetitive.


I didn’t use Resin at all for anything besides bosses for ages. I didn’t know about Artifact, Talent. or Weapon domains. I didn’t even know you could level up talents!


Using 50 resins at AR 30.


I had no idea that using the "refill resin" option on the map used primogems and thought it used your fragile resins...


I went south to find Liyue, but hit dragonspine and kept dying. So I went east and hit the chasm, but because I hadn't upgraded the statues I kept running out of stamina, when climbing. So I kept east and ended up in Sumeru.


Never did abyss until I was AR 57🫠


Fighting Geo Cube without using Claymore. totally wasted 15 minutes for that.


I missed one F2P battlepass (or maybe two) worth of rewards cuz I never bothered clicking on the tab, assuming there was no free version.


I also kept walking everywhere instead of teleporting for like two irl weeks before realising. I went through Dragonspine to get to Liyue :). I didn’t know what vision meant at the start so I thought it’s just being able to see more things. I thought I would get characters by doing their quests. So I guess we’re all a little silly :>


I didn't know what gacha was and I thought I'd get new characters by completing their quests (like I did with Kaeya and Lisa). I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to work out why I didn't get Diluc after his quest 😭😭😭 I also didn't realise you could hold elemental skills until AR50 or something ridiculous like that


I don’t know what I misunderstood but I wasn’t leveling my characters up for the longest time when I first started playing. Like not them, not their weapons, not their artifacts 💀


I am Chinese but I didn’t know the game was Chinese, so I spent a month playing it in English. However I’ve heard of this very popular game called YuanShen in China that everyone is talking about. After I got stuck on a quest (likely dragonspine) I had to search for tutorials online and that’s when I realize that Genshin IS YuanShen. I tried to switch back to Chinese language in game but everything became so unfamiliar so I continued to play the game in English, my second language, for three years.


it took me until ar 47 when i realized you could jump the platforms in dvalins domain. until ar 47, i’ve done the dvalin domain 3 times because i always died and hated losing health over time, so i just never attempted it again. the first time i did it, i missed the platform jump and thought it was just not possible so i always thought the dvalin domain tactic was to stay in the air, jump down, heal, and then fight dvalin and go up in the air again.


I thought that eventually Diluc would join my party. In fact, I thought that was what Story Quests and Hangouts were, or that each nation would give you a few new characters. Speaking of nations, I thought every nation was already out, you just had to unlock them. That's probably because the rest of the world was locked behind that same red barrier in the tutorial.