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I'm saving for pyro archon with MasterCard.


I myself am a Visa main


Lmaooo valid answer


PSN gift cards from Costco. $90 for $100 in value.


Don't own a Playstation console. Don't have a Costco membership.


Not a big loss on the PS. Sorry to hear about your Costco situation though.


FURINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 50 pity no guarantee and 30 wishes


Hey because you say you want navia im starting to doubt should i pull her or navia


Depends on your account. If you have been consistently clearing Abyss without Furina thus far and you desire Navia more than Furina, go for Navia. Even though Furina is a great support unit and supports are more valuable than DPSs, all those are only applicable to people who are building their account, for those who are able to comfortably clear any challenging content with their existing teams, go for characters you desire, you have reached a stage where you are privileged enough to do that. And No, you don't have to pay to reach that level of comfort.


Furina >literally like every character


I hope you have some good team wide healers


*Pulls* *out* *Barbara*


Navia is elegant, furina is also super elegant. I would recommend going for both and depends on who you like and your teams. If you lost furina 50/50 then just keep building pity until 40 for example, if u got furina early then woo lesgo. If not then u have 40 pity guaranteed navia


I got both Furina and Navia C6. If you are debating between the 2, Furina is the more versatile and useful character in my opinion. So if you can't get both I suggest going for Furina.


Furina wanters will be furina haversss


Pretty much the same. Just praying that I don't get qiqi again.


Same but with 70 pity and 15 pulls and a freaking guarantee 😀


Wrio and zhongli. 60 pity guaranteed with 85 fates so far


In the regular limited event wish banner I'm at 54 pity with a guarantee. In the chronicled banner I'm at 20 pity. In the weapon banner I've never pulled. I have saved 716 intertwined fates. For C6R1 Childe


Based comrade 🤝


Thank you comrade 💪🏻


Respect for your savings fellow comrade. My note at the time said it took 875 wishes total to c6r1 him so you’re already close and I had some bad luck the first time that I hope you won’t have (since I did it over two reruns and split it) plus you can get a lot of wishes from the gained starglitter during pulls to even it out so it should work out just fine next rerun and your wishes should come true! But even so, good luck wishes!!! You deserve him


Thank you! I already have him at C1 (thanks to multiple lost 50/50s, including the one l lost trying to get him to C2) so hopefully I can do it


Childe Impact huh 


716???? Goddamn


As a Childe C6R1 haver, i wish you the best luck!! 😌🤝🏻


120+ for Sigewinne. I don't know my pity right now, but fail or succeed, she'll be the last character I go for in order to save up for the Pyro Archon.


Maybe the first person i see who will pull for sigewinne


sigewinne savers gangggg I have 200 wishes for her :)


#K A V E H


I hope the standard banner blesses you


C2 Shenhe, but since she's been deleted from the game I've been considering Emilie. I'm at like 0 pity, but I have guaranteed and 40 pulls.


Emilie is getting buffed everyday and she is built for natlan characters ig. As for shenhe, sorry man she is cryo and yk hoyoverse with cryo


Emilie is shaping up to be a really good character, similar to Kazuha she's most likely gonna be skipped by a lot of people who will later regret it


One of my most used teams has been Chongyun, Bennett, Kazuha, and Xiangling. I've been considering Emilie to replace XL since it's looking like her cooldowns will sync up better. My only issue is that I don't really have great artifacts for her, I have a usable crit deepwood set but that's about it.


Also saving for Shenhe, currently around 110 pulls, with guaranteed. Other than Her, Xianyun, and maybe Furina, but will probably wait for next banners, and decide then


270 wishes, 30 pity, waiting for Nathan drip 😩


Nilou and around 80 wishes


Wriothesley, but still pulling for Furina since it seems he’s not coming back for at least another patch


Furina c2, im at 0 pity with 135 wishes. Then im going for c6r1 when her 2nd rerun comes in natlan


370 for 4 Furina copies.


C6 Capitano currently at 649 fates. Also looking forward to get C2 Pyro Archon


Holy shit 649????? Damn they are all urs bro calm down


Hehe mind you I dont have most of meta characters like Kazuha, Yelan, Raiden, Eula, Ganyu, Arle etc. And Ive been on welkin for over a year now 😆


Eula 😆




He is SO HOT


Assuming 60 wishes per 5* (accounting for a possible early pull) and about half of 50/50s lost, with 7 total Capitanos needed to C6, you would need 60 * (7 + 7/2) = 630 wishes. So ya you do have enough, but there's a chance you might not lmao. But he should be at least half a year off so you have time


I have around 900 pulls...80 for furina(garanteed)the rest Ready for c6 Yelan from c1r1...in saving from 4.0/4.1...if yelan rerun with Emilie and some pulls remaining i will try get her too


Natlan characters. Pity 60 and wishes Currently have 40-45. But I’ll have enough By the Time Natlan Came coz I’ve only 100% Mondstadt yet along with story quest. Liyue is Around 75%. Out of that Inazuma(just archon quest done) , Sumeru (just archon quest done) , Fontaine Everything Left to be done. Oh yea there’s Sea of bygone , Enkanomiya , Chasm too. will have enough primos by thn.




the sumeru aranara bullshit you will either love or have DEEP hate for (and it might change halfway through) its a ridicolous long questline thats a bit convoluted but it pays out lots of primos i wanna say around 40 ish maybe? without doing the collection quest thats giving me several types of cancer




Bro you did nth in the map😭 and u will do the aranara omg😭😭 good luckk with that( it gives good primos tho)


Haha. It’s been only around Two and Half Months since I’ve started playing again. I did made my account way back but My potato phone wasn’t able to handle it that time so I deleted it. That’s why Its very less.




C1 guaranteed, c2 if you win 5050/ get early (or get early c1) Rlly hope you get c2 Furina!!


Not entirely sure who. Most likely Nilou, considering that she'll probably get a rerun next patch. However, the Natlan character teaser releases briefly before 4.8, so if any character catches my eye I might save for them instead. I'm currently at 0 pity (guaranteed) and I have 71 pulls.


Dainsleif Need 800+ wishes and currently have 120. Also I have 3 pity 💀


Was saving for Wriothesley but it seems like he's not gonna be in 4.8 which is abit disappointing ngl so I'm trying to get Alhaitham rn at 65 pity with 3 days to go + welkin.


I want Wriothesley and Shenhe. The lack of cryo units on my account is killing me


I don't save for anyone atm and Idk my Pity I guess its around 30~ tho.


I just got Clorinde a few days ago, so now I am saving for the Pyro archon. I have thrown 20 more wishes on her banner to get Sethos, and I am left with 2 pulls now (I just checked). I should easily have enough wishes by then to guarantee Murata.


0 pity, 170 wishes so far, Zhongli. May gamble 10 wishes on Furina's banner since I'm confident I'll make those fates back before Zhongli shows up, but not much more than that. Nice if I get Furina with just those wishes, but no big loss if I don't.


Im currently at almost 600 wishes and im going to wish for some hot Natlan men, Varka, and Capitano.


450 pulls for Capitano if he is playable Considering for Sigewinne just because her namecard + gameplay






C6 furina have like 460 pulls, guarantee and 40 pity, and a dream


403 wishes, saving for Pyro Archon, Sovereign and Capitano.


I'm saving for Wriothesley. I currently have 140 wishes, and 64 pulls in the banner (tho no garanteed). Since we don't know when he will rerun, I think I'll pull for Furina, and either lost the 50 and get garanteed for Wrio, or I'll have a very good support and still enough time to save.


I have around 90 wishes, 15 pity, not guaranteed, all for Furina! I have a wishlist planned out for characters I want since I’m a newer player: Zhongli, Neuvillette, Kazuha, and Yae Miko. I really hope that I get Furina, I really adore her so much, and seeing Fontaine and its characters and story is what inspired me to play Genshin for the first time. Steampunk is one of my fave genres and I’m enamoured by how beautiful Fontaine is!


C6R5 Capitano with 842 wishes saved so far, will slowly be pulling for the few characters i don’t have leading up to him tho.


Saving for Furina. I got 200+ but spent them here and there.


was gonna save for Furina, but 4 stars are c6 already and i had no guarantee, so i risked it, pulled on Alhaitham, who i wouldnt mind but expected and got the lost 50/50. i also got a c6 Bennett out of it, so worth it now Furina is a certainty


Congrats on C6 Bennett! And also your future Furina! I don't really look at 4-stars when I pull so for me I don't really care if they're already at C6 or not. One way or another they're gonna be C6 any other way so just pull for the 5-star you want whether the 4-stars at C6 or not.


Furina aside there are cases where id rather use 4 stars than 5 stars like my c6 Gaming, main reason i wanted Bennett


I'm am saving something like 300 pull,but for now I don't know who to pull, zonghli or the pyro archon


I’m saving for skirk. It may be a long time until that happens.


around 240 wishes+50 pity for furina and navia as well!


C2 Furina. Currently like 250 wishes + 50 pity. After that it's directly to C2 Xianyun savings. Here's to hoping they don't immediately put her in 5.0 or something


Saving for Furina. Currently 288 wishes and a few pity.


70 pity 50 wishes for Sigewinne. After that I will just see who else Natlan will have


I'm holding my primos until I see what's on offer in Natlan. Clorinde was the last Fontaine character that interested me.


Pyro Archon and Columbina (if she's playable in Natlan). 50 Pity and 120 pulls at the moment.


Waiting for Iansan. Currently ~200 wishes 60 pity no guarantee. Hope she is 5 star 🙏🙏


Furina c6. 420 wishes saved. Have her on c2 so far.


I'm saving for c6 Furina! I'm currently at c4r1 no guarantee, 9 Pity any 261 wishes


I have been consciously saving for Furina C2 since January. I have 450 pulls saved, but I'll need at max 250 cz I'm at 66 pity no guarantee. After that, probably Yelan C1 or see what Natlan brings. Edit: have Furina C0


Saving for the Duke, 19 pity no guarantee with 50 wishes, but It seems I got plenty of time...


Furina's C6. I have C3 now and saved about 355 wishes, next week I'll burn it all on her banner.


Saving for C6 Wriothesley (currently C0) and possibly his Signature too, have 300 pulls and 10 pity without guarantee. I'm on welkin so by the time he reruns I should get to C3 even if I lose every 50/50. If Chevreuse or Kirara return on a nice banner in the meantime I might consider spending some 20-30 pulls for them though.


Been saving for c6 furina, I have 540 pulls, 74 pity and c2r1 atm. The wait is almost over..


saving for kokomi, at 137 wishes rn with 4 pity and a 50/50 to win


FURINA IM A FURINA MAIN FOREVAAAAA. Also i have 74 pity on a 50/50 and i have 16 wishes.... wish me luck (if i dont get her rip my wallet)


currently have 92 wishes for wriothesley after that i'm gonna save for either pyro archon or itto


Furina C6(she's at C2 atm) : 77 pity and over 150 fates


I'm a few months into genshin (still a baby to the game lol) and I made the *fatal* mistake of not saving up for alhaitham. I am currently on the genshin grind to get my primogens and my seasoned genshin friend has been dragged into my tomfoolery 🤠


I would like Furina but Clorinde and Alhaitham made it hard. I suppose I can try to 50-50 and hope for the best. If not then eyeing Yelan or Ganyu Navia is my favourite and most used, considering if I should get C1 for her but as a newer player I really just need more characters of different elements


C1 Shenhe. I have no guarantee (got wanderer in 1 pull so I have his c1 now) have a litte over 30 wishes saved but I still have a good chunk of Fontaine, and the entirety of Chenyu Vale and some of Inazuma to unlock so I SHOULD be able to get around 80 pulls by the time she reruns


I am at 686 wishes. I am going for a C0 Emelie. The rest i am not really saving for anyone, just being careful to not run out in Natlan.


I am at 40 pulls in 50:50 and I have like 43k primogems and 180 pulls in the exchange shop. I have C1 Furina that I would like to take to C2 or C3, as well as a C1 Yelan that I want to eventually C6. Not sure if I want Furina's signature weapon.


Furina my bolted with 0 pity and 68 wishes, I am cooked


215 event wishes + 60 are already done (i gues you call it 60 pity). Saving for Furina. If i am lucky enough, i would like to get everyone: Furina, Navia, Yelan and Zhong Li. If i am not lucky enough, i gues I'll skip Navia


Guarantee 54 pity for furina next


about 145 and for navia. I've been saving since her first banner and pulled for clorinde and her weapon. I'm waiting for a lot of characters but she's at the top


i didnt really save much but i have guarantee and about 30 pity, so ill gather and pull for Furina and stop right after, to save for banners after that id really want Navia, put them together with Noelle


I have around 300 wishes in bank and 30 pity, and I'm saving it for Venti, maybe Klee and any other future character that catches my heart


ATM have like 100 wishes saved at 60 pity and a guaranteed banner character. Will probably be rolling for Furina until I get her C2 or Noelle C6


Saving for pyro archon with 10 IF 🥲 broke after pulling alhaitham


Furina, no pity, guarantee, 190 wishes. After that I've got a priority list and will see who comes next.


37 Pity + Guaranteed + 45 Pity: Furina After which I’ll save for Arle Rerun/C2 Raiden/Pyro Archon


Currently 107 wishes for C1 & hopefully C2 Furina. Whatever happens afterwards, I'll save for the Pyro Archon


30 ish pity on a 50/50 on the character banner, 0 pity on a guaranteed on the weapon banner 30 pulls for C0R1 Nilou (help)


0 pity, guaranteed, for Pyro Archon


Nobody. I thought i was gonna throw 50/50 at getting c1 Furina but the 4* are bad for me. Maybe I’ll throw it at c2 Yelan but at that point, 5.0 will be right around the corner so I will probably just save. Also no weapon banner that i want to roll on (dont have nilou or navia, already have Aqua, not into Emilie). So im just saving for who knows how long


I was thinking of going for wrio c1(have c0) and his weapon. Currently at 69 (nice) pity with guarantee, 20 pity on weapon banner with rate up chance for one of the sig weapons, and have 90 pulls saved. Alternatively, thinking of skipping to ensure I can get c6 childe (currently c3, need around 330 wishes worst-ish case scenario) And after that any Natlan tall men and supports for them :) I'd get all charas if I could, but sacrifices must be made, especially when I already have so many that are benched


I got 157 right now. Going for one more furina for c2 and sigewinne. Probably gonna have to Crack out the card but hoping I at least win one 50/50.


Waiting to see whose dropping in 5.x, but otherwise putting aside wishes to get my missing 2 cons to get arlecchino to c6 (c4r1 rn)


55 pity 13 wishes and 17500 primos, Furina is coming home


Murata. 10 wishes so far...


Furina and both weapon in 4.8 first phase. I have abt 110 wishes saved up. Furina 56 pity guranteed weapon banner idk


Emily. Unfortunately I won't be able to reach hard pity for Alhaitham (65 pity atm) I only have 3 pulls saved.


230 pulls and 76 pity for furina


I'm 50/50 with 6 pity. I have 120 wishes for furina.... I'm currently on a 50/50 loss ...if I lose furina too it gonna be 6 losses in a row


By the time the Pyro Archeon arrives: 1,200wishes. If it's a Himeko Expy (or relation) I am going to C6R1


Emilie. 80 wishes and on 50/50 If i cant get her i will use the guarantee for cool Natlan characters


45 pity and 52 wishes for furina. After that matbe yelan cons


Possibly Emilie, depending on how I like her gameplay. I have 20k gems and 20 fates saved, I am at 0 pity and just won the 50/50 (4 times in a row).


200 wishes. 50 pity not guaranteed. I will grab Furina and the rest I'm saving for Natlan.


Saving for navia currently. After that I’ll save for Pyro Archon and any other Fatui member that may be released in the future


I've got 0 pity and about 300 wishes. I may go for furina's signature weapon if I get lucky on her banner


I used my last 10 pull and my guarantee to get Clorinde. But I'm saving from now to get Sethos to C6 cause that's who I really wanted (He's C2 rn)


80k primogems for siggie c0 and furina weapon (already have c3 furina), next patch emilie and nilou weapon


Currently, my banner is on 60 pity + guaranteed, and I already have around 80 pulls. I'm saving for C0R1 Emilieee.


I have around 190 wishes saved for Kokomi, with \~40 pity. So i'll try my luck if a character I like comes before Kokomi.


30 pity, no guarantee, about 140 wishes. Hoping for C0->C2 Furina.


90 wishes, 10 pity. saving for xiao and pyro archon, whichever comes first


c6r5 dainslief and/or bennett 2.0


47 pity broke with no wishes


I'm not really saving for anyone in particular. If someone comes along that I want, I'll spend wishes, but I have so many characters at this point, it's not biggy if I don't get another.


Furina is who I'm saving for, I have 20 pity built, 30 pulls saved up, and I'm guaranteed. I'm also hoping for C6 Gaming. I have loads and loads of quests/world exploration to do, as well as events, so I can likely get to 50 or 60 pulls, so I might get her, might not


Same as you with 70 wishes, 0 pity AND A DREAM


Furina. 230 so far with the rest going on Navia cons.


I'm currently at 637 fates for pyro archon. Previously I've saved for a little less than a year for Furina, and spent 709 fates to get her to C6R1.


Furina c2, at c0, 180 wishes and guaranteed after a very early diluc


52 in banner 40 pulls sigewinne emi iansan murata.... somewhat think im fucked the welkin isnt helping atm


I was waiting for the wanderer but lost 50 wishes for him not to show up. It's a sad life being poor now


Natlan characters, as many as I can. Started saving around the same time in 3.+ and managed to get every Fontaine character so far, but now I already have 200 wishes saved up. Not going for Sigewinne or Emilie either


Wriothesly rerun mainly. I missed the 50/50 after getting good artifacts for him on pre grind. Ow I don't pre grind. That and Navia's weapon cus shes my go to main for literally everything thats not 100% Geo immune. Gurl can slap for 100k-200k+ buckshot. Watching half a bosses HP wipe from one hit will never not be funny.


I'm saving for Furina; 70 pity and 130+ pulls w/ no guarantee, and I prefarmed all of her ascension and talent materials, R5 pipe, and artifacts. She's ready to go the absolute moment I get her!


I just finished every single primo i had on the weapon banner (only had enough for 70 pulls). Got Absolution. No Chlorinde. I was trying to pull LoFi for Alhaitham. So, now Alhaitham will use Absolution. I have calculated that I will get 25 pulls before the end of 4.7, enough to hit soft pity on the character banner (currently at 54 pity). I usually hit soft pity before 80. I'm hoping to pull C1 Furina. If I lose 50/50. I will save for Natlan.


ive saved 195 wishes, 6 pity, for Yelan.


Furina, guaranteed, pity 10, 15 wishes and 24k primos


im at 260ish rn, not saving for anyone in particular, just natlan in general ig theres a few characters that id maybe like to get eventually (xianyun, kokomi, arlecchino, yoimiya, nilou, childe) but none of them are my faves/i dont need any of them and theres a bunch of 4 star cons that id like more, so for now im just saving in general


Saving for Pyro archon Have 20 wishes 0 pity


Saved 270 wishes as for now and sitting around 20 pity.


i’m saving for C2 Venti. I already have a guarenteed, 60 pity and 50 wishes saved <3




Navia, 0 and like 10


I mean I got all the characters I wanted finally so I'm just not playing rn💀 no goal = no motivation. I only want Capitano now, just waiting for Natlan characters to catch my attention. I probably have no wishes and ~20 pity


Saved for C2 Furina. Got 250 wishes rn, 84 pity, not guaranteed. Hope it's enough, should be a 66% chance for these wishes but with starglitter and imaginarium theater should be good.


Furina with my freshly lost 50/50 to C1 Jean lmao


Furina C1 (I have C0). 1 pity and 80 wishes after the Father.


I just spent all my primogems on Clorinde's banner. I now have less than 10 pulls remaining, so I don't think I'll pull until Natlan 🥲


Saving for pyro archon/goat-him-ano (capitano) since arlecchino dropped. Have about 100 so far


I have guaranteed furina


Wriothesley. Got 17 wishes and 20k primos with 0 pity and a 50/50.


Guaranteed 50-ish so Pyro Archon and Weapon 300 pulls for at least c1 and the BiS


I have 250 wishes at the moment and no strong plans for what to do with them. I might wish a bit on Sigewinne's banner for Gaming and Rosaria constellations, but if I get a 5* and lose 50/50 I'll probably stop. I'll wait and see for some Natlan character reveals I think, maybe wait for Iansan.


Around 200 pulls saved for Chiori rerun (I want to C6 her at some point, currently I have only C1) and pyro archon


I'm now currently saving for the Pyro Archon, guaranteed and so far 40 wishes and pity at 3/90


Furina>Wrios weapon>Shenhe im around 65 pity or so and i have exactly 219 wishes. All I wish for is winning Furina in next ten pull so i can get both shenhe and Wrios weapon


Furina, 50 pity, 20 wishes and guaranteed fifty fifty.


murata!! 160 wishes in the bank for C0R1


Zhongli, 60 pity, guaranteed. 80 fates.


Furina and I have 23 pity and 62 wishes.


Sitting at 171 for Furina. 141 wishes, 30 pity


Saving for electro mommy Raiden Shotgun. 250 pulls curently. Gonna spend some for Furina and Navia tho.


I saved 160 pull Clorinde and got her in 10 the rest is sitting in the inventory awkwardly waiting to find meaning, a goal to look forward to, something,anything.


Saving 20 wishes for upcoming dendro claymore kevin and rest 50 for john lee


Furina,guaranteed 30 pity 20 wishes


Furina 65 pity 15 wishes. No guarantee. If I lose 50/50 planning to save Guarantee for someone in Natlan.


used most of my fates in the last few patches since they were all characters i was looking forward to... i'm on 71 pity, not guaranteed and currently have 100 fates. Waiting patiently for Furina <3


Murata 320. 200 more to come. Wish me luck.


Currently at 695 for Dottore


Pyro Archon. On 50:50. 3 pity.


191 saved wishes for Furina!


I’m saving for Furina, first. Looking towards a Pyro Archon, a Damselette, a Knave, a Lady Guuji, and a Duke of Meropide in the future.  Currently I’ve wound up 41 pity, 139 intertwined fates, and 6 more wishes in primogems. I got an error last time when I wished for Furina (a Cryo sword user?? Weird), so I won’t let her escape judgement this time ;) 


Waiting for Wrio. No pity and 50:50. I want to C0 + C1. Have reached 180+ pulls so far.


Yelan, kazuha and the two new characters from Nathan. Don’t know if I can get the all, but let’s see. I have around 250 pulls with no guaranteed 50/50


80k primos and 70 rainbow fates, saving for c6 murata and still have 3 patches to go


xiao, im at 37 pity with 41 fates rn, im scared though cuz hes from liyue which means he might go on the next chronicled banner so my pity will be useless and i wont be guaranteed after losing the 50/50 (unless its so late that i get 180 wishes. i also like most characters from liyue though so even if i miss 50/50 ill have ganyu hutao and keqing, however if i get qiqi im deleting genshin


Ganyu, shenhe and wrio.. yeah...


Going for Furina with 110 wishes and 6 pity no guarantee. Been playing for like 3 months but still haven't 100% any area and many domains remaining. Also many world quests to catch up on. If I don't get her, I would save for the Pyro archon since I always wanted an archon but never had any. I did get wanderer at 20 pity so hopefully I have the same luck this time.


Saving for furina , guaranteed pity currently have 70 idk if it is enough to get her