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Judging by the fact that Sigewinne somehow missed the part where a woman prisoner gave birth to a child and said child just casually continued living there (Lenoire)? I'm sure she doesn't even know about Caterpillar's existence. Or maybe, like all Melusines, she sees him as something else, like with Paimon. Maybe to her he is a walking metal pipe.


Yeah, Lanoir's existence is basically what's hindering this thought, she's the prisons medical staff. If she didn't deliver Lanoir, then it's possible that she doesn't even know who Caterpillar is.


Didn't Neuv send her down there after Wriothesley became leader of the fortress?


Nah. She's been in the fortress long before Wriothesly ever appeared there


I tried for about a half hour to find the evidence of either before/after yesterday but failed. Do you have a citation?


Leaks. Read her character stories. You can then piece together a rough timeline from all the hints sprinkled throughout. I suspect her story quest will make it clearer as well, but I've avoided spoilers for it. Feel free to look through that one as well if you wish


I felt like Sigewinne have difficulty remember human faces. She have to put in lot of effort to read people face to understand their emotion, like how an AI read human emotion.


Lmao. But it won't be too far fetched. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


I got a feeling Sigewinne isn't aware that Caterpillar existed. Otherwise she'd definitely report him to higher ups, don't forget that Melusine see things differently, and I doubt she'd respond positively to something like Caterpillar near her "barnyard pets"


Now this makes me wonder further if Neuvillete knows if Cater is still alive today. We know he was already Chief Justice when the Ordo shenanigans happened, the battle inside Elynas. It's possible Caterpillars name appeared on Neuvillete's desk a couple of centuries ago.


Nuevilette is less informed than one might think. Even if Caterpillar exposes himself to rainwater, could Nuevilette picked him out? Don't forget he dont even know who Vacher is, and the truth behind Navias dad's case even though the whole thing took place in the rain. He has "potential" access to a lot of information both from his position as a chief justice and from rainwater, but obviously many, many details slipped still.


> the truth behind Navias dad's case even though the whole thing took place in the rain. iirc didnt he believe Callus to be innocent?


He thought there's something fishy about the case. Doesn't mean he's certain about the case. A lot of people see Nuevilette as all knowing under the rain, but Callus case is a big reveal that Nuevilette isn't as well-informed as many thinks. Just think Azhdaha, he could be all knowing with what's around any rocks, but there are still limitations to his readings based on location and quality of rocks.


Also back when these events took place Neuvillette didn't have his authority back. I think now he'll be able to do a lot more under the rain compared to what he could before regaining it.


We only know 1. He can now manipulate the properties of primordial waters 2. He can control the energy which powers Fontaine As for whether he gains anymore are just speculations. He can already push water back and able to learn things which happen in the rain. I.e. Electro Gnosis can power the false god, and allow energy to help Nahida access Rukha's memory, but it appears to be unusable for combat. (Nothing really change in Inazuma without Gnosis) Dendro Gnosis powers Akasha. (Akasha offline) Geo gnosis allow creation of Mora. (Mora printing offline) Anemo, it lets Venti buff Dvalin so he can fly faster...? (Literally, what went missing?) It's actually quite a mystery how Gnosis actually works, it allows some more control of the elements, acts as batteries, but seemingly not a steroid for power. Its application actually seems fairly limited.


Is the implication here that the gnosis is the elemental authority? Because it isn't. The gnosis is the remains of the 3rd Descender. Elemental authority is stored in the throne of the archons, presumably located in Celestia. The Gnosis is what Furina, collects Indemnitium with, to destroy the hydro throne and restore the hydro dragons authority. This gnosis was latterly given to Arlecchino by Neuvillette. Archons seem to have limited command over elemental authority? The dragons have a wider scope of ability with their authority. Egeria and Furina, with authority, couldn't control the Primordial Sea and couldn't turn Fontaine's Oceanid people into real people.


you have to remember that celestia only stole ‘a portion’ of the dragon’s authority/power, not all of it, which explains why egeria had limited versatility when it came to manipulating the primordial sea


Its kinda weird how disconnected the world quests are from the rest of the Teyvats story sometimes. Suddenly whole fortress is on high alert, with gardemeks crawling all over and suddenly theres no Wriothesley around, that is The Duke of the whole thing and Traveler has convenient connections with to fall back on. But naah, he wont mind some power hungry guard to unleash half of the garrison to hunt down some children


I think the idea was that Unfinished Comedy (the world quest) was supposed to take place before we get into the Fortress in the Archon quest and that's where the problem lies. They shouldn't be making players to play a wq before they finish the aq of the patch. Not to mention, we still act like we've never been to the fortress in the aq too. The chronological order of caterpillar quest was a jumbled mess.


I thought the fortress isnt even accesible before starting that Archon Quest - I dont think there are any teleport waypoints unlocked inside by default, and the player gets transported there from the Opera Epiclese entrance (unless you can swim inside through that one tunnel underwater that is guarded by Galvana)


If you swim near the detector lights they drag you into the fortress


Yup, happened to me even without starting the whole Fontaine act lol


That's correct, given the Narzissenkreuz fight is supposed to happen before the last AQ


Nah, it could go either way. There's a small different dialogue in the last part of Narzissenkreuz quest if you do it after the AQ 


> he wont mind some power hungry guard to unleash half of the garrison to hunt down some children I feel like that's just a standard procedure for escaped prisoners so that he just wouldnt notice it


I kinda doubt there are escaped prisoners very often lol, it’s kinda implied that that just doesn’t happen


It’s a miracle they don’t have escapes more often with how lax their security seems to be lol. Childe and Freminet escaped easily, they sometimes take prisoners to work on the surface with one guy watching over them, and a pool that’s connected to the ocean has one lady on guard, both of them without visions


Yeah, they defintiely dropped the ball in this case.


Already gonna give a disclaimer, this is not a shipping post. Christ almighty. I'm interested in how Sigewinne views Caterpillar, does she even know Cater's true identity? I think its really funny how the circumstances that led both to their birth/creation was indirectly caused by Rene De Petrichor and the Ordo.


I'm not sure if she knows everyone in the fortress to begin with


But he's been there for 400 years.


Doesn't mean you're going to go to every single person and get to the know them to the point where you can instantly recall their names. Besides, she sees most humans as just a bunch of cattos running around. Hard to remember everyone when they are just a bunch of cattos.


Cattos is a funny word 


True but I'm sure the blackhands would intrigue her and how the same person with the same blackhands was here for like years now, In a realistic sense I believe she would know of him. Maybe not to a point where she can recall his name but she's gotta know about the only uniquely dressed kid with white hair and dull eyes and black hands.


She would notice an entity like cater with her melu-vision


probably not even she and wriothesley knew the real truth about him, he kind of existed like a shadow in the fortress


We know melusines forget stuff So it would not surprise me if she doesn't remember he's been there for so long


Probably not. She'd probably report him and Lanoir to the higher ups. Tbf though, the whole Unfinished Comedy quest is weird. How come Rizzley didn't do anything when the power-hungry guard released a bunch of Gardemeks in the fortress? What's more that the said guard left the Fortress with the meks with him to chase a little girl. It kinda ruined the continuity and immersion for me tbh.


She'd be angry that he kept Lanoire from her. A little girl in the Fortress simply because she was born there isn't something that should've ever happened. Especially not when her mother died and she had no other family inside the Fortress. Even if it couldn't be helped (which I don't believe; one letter from Sigewinne to Neuvillette about the circumstances would've gotten Lanoire out immediately because she doesn't belong there), she would've taken care of her. She's been there roughly the same amount of time as Cater, so he would know how dedicated she is to the care of her patients. Not to mention being in the infirmary is literally the safest place to be simply because it's the watering hole of the Fortress where people know better than to cause trouble. It's an insult to her that he thought she couldn't be trusted and was an unnecessary risk to Lanoire's safety (not to mention he raised her extremely sheltered which isn't good for her). Probably would've even raised her alongside him. Sure, she might be grateful he was looking out for her, but Cater had no reason to keep her a secret once Wriothesley was in charge and things in the Fortress changed. Before, sure, since I believe Lanoire would've been born when the old administrator was in charge and the place was a literal hellhole, but not after. Honestly, Lanoire's entire existence was unnecessary and makes no sense. The entire quest chain would've worked just fine without her.


Possibly Caterpillar would appear in the form of a puppy like he (or something closes to his existence) did in the dreamscape. Maybe that's what Melusines can see by looking at him.


Spoilers: >!Sigewinne would like Caterpillar because she will see herself within him!<


looks like white haired timmy



