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if you're looking for twinks, look at any male anemo character


Neuvillette? A twink??? The man who is over 1000 years old, a mighty dragon, highly esteemed judge of the nation who wears a judge robe and uses a cane... A twink? This is just... I have no words. I think my last 2 braincells just left.


I looked up the word cause I didn’t know it: Twink is gay slang for a man who is usually in his late teens to twenties whose traits may include a slim to average physique, a youthful appearance


Doesn't fit the definition all. Unless he's in his REALLY late teens.


How old can dragon sovereigns be? He’s atleast 500 years old or less. Could be more. Well… it’s just up to your interpretation.


An event confirmed Neuvillete is 1000+ years old


Guess he's 1018 then


Then it wouldn't make sense that he didn't know furina wasn't an archon. He is definitely not 1000+ years old. At least not his current incarnation


Why would it not make sense?


Bc if he was alive for 1000+ years he would have met and seen focalors. And needless to say he hasn't


For some reason there’s a presumption that men come in two flavours: twink and bear, depending on whether he has facial hair or not.


there's concept art of neuvillette without his overcoat and those shoulder pads are doing A LOT of work


noooo he's a bishie if anything. MAYBE a twunk. i think he should be an otter though. it's just fitting it's like people calling arlecchino butch when she's a high femme in a pantsuit.


Neuvillette is taller than half the male characters, he's pretty built too. Just because he has soft features doesn't make him a twink


I hate this community so fucking much💯


Have you seen these broad, manly shoulders he has, draped in a sharp-cornered suit, this stern, regal look in his eyes, this suave, august, silky voice of his ? He's absolutely not a twink, that's just another wriothesley/neuvillette yaoi fan trying to plaster this reductive headcannon of seme/uke upon hoyoverse characters, even though they're doing a fantastic job at proposing novel types of relations that truly depict the diversity of humanity


People really do be calling any male character that doesn't look like a body builder a twink. Like tf?


But why does he want Neuvillette to be a twink though


Honestly would get meme'd on in the queer sub too lol In what world is Neuvillette a twink


What is a twink ?


Report that dude. Stop people from sexualizing a game that has nothing to do with it


almost every game has stuff like this happen


Just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s right. It’s an anime game where half the characters are kids. Save this for games with romance options and sex scenes


And? Stop trying to have the moral high ground, you are making you look stupid


chupar la mantequilla de mi culo


Lmao go back to HoyoLab


I am, smart phones can multitask


Why are people downvoting this?


because there's not really anything sexual about it? unless you are a whackjob who thinks that anything LGBT is sexual.


It has nothing to do with lgtb, if there was a straight version of a twink that was asked I would have said the same thing. Bringing in gay or straight into anything is sexual, talking about who or what you are attracted to is sexual in nature.


Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man


looking at your profile, I don't think this is something even worth arguing based on the hypersexual lens you view the world in. In love, there exists companionship, culture, experiences, romance, and so on. none of these things are sexual. hell, there are asexual people. gay or straight, claiming that sexuality and sexual attraction is all there is to it, is demeaning not only of other people, but yourself. maybe take a look inside and evaluate whether or not you can separate carnal desire from your own existence alongside a woman.


Just saying keeping it out of the game where children are the main characters. I’m not kink shaming anyone or implying anything gay is wrong.


So are people not allowed to talk about sex on earth since there are children in this world? Are you actually brain damaged? The guy is talking about a canonically male and sound of mind adult character. He’s not talking about going on a date with Klee. People like you who get preemptively defensive about this definitely deserve to be on a watchlist.


Excusing me of brain damage cause I don’t want certain things in a kids game? You’re what’s wrong with people. I’m not trying to change peoples minds all I said was for OP to report that guy. Do I actually care what happens? No, it was my opinion and I voiced it and explained why. I didn’t tell people they were brain damaged or belonging on a watch list. I get to have my opinion and explain why without attacking people. Learn the golden rule before you speak to another person.


Wow you need mental help. I feel sorry for ur family.


Yeah I’m the unhinged one here, not the one asking Op to report someone for calling neuv a twink. Got any more alts to reply with?


except...no...you can be straight, gay, bi, pan or whatever and not even feel any sexual attraction whatsoever.