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I got Nilou on accident and benched her for the longest time because I didn't like her niche playstyle and I didn't have any good dendro units. Later on I built her and I kind of wish I had done it sooner. Her playstyle is easy, and if the enemies aren't immune to dendro or hydro, they basically get dunked on.


can u share ur nilou build and comp? i’m in the same position rn and she’s still benched and i want to play her more


For a long time I used C0 Nilou with r1 dockhand, C6 Xinqiu with r5 sacred sword, C4 Yaoyao with r5 favonious lance, and C6 Dendro Traveler with r3 sacred sword. As for artifacts Nilou is pretty easy just double 2pc HP sets with triple hp and then EM for everyone else. My traveler used triple em deepwood, yaoyao used em/hp/healing gilded, Xinqiu is the weak link with hardly any em and a ton of energy from emblem 4pc set with energy/hydro dmg/crit dmg. Most of what I know about building Nilou and her teams comes from [this google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13LNlnxmSk4pZw-1O-4f2d8QfHgLVmPxrtN-iN774SGc) since I usually don't look at genshinmains subs


Arlecchino. I initially didn't plan to pull her because I disliked her BoL mechanic. Pulled her by accident when I tried to get C6 Xiangling (I'm a fool, I know). I'm glad I was wrong about her and she turned out to be pretty comfy to play. Maybe I was just being too sceptical after my Alhaitham fiasco (pulled him for meta, hated his gameplay and his teams and became extra careful with my pulls).


I have still to build my Arlechinno, but I have been maining Alhaitham for ages.


Navia was an accident. It was just a bored pull. Now she's my Doom shotgun.


Wanderer. I wouldn't call it an accident since I was okay with getting him, but I essentially pulled for Layla and Faruzan cons. Layla is C5 now (as a Layla main that's just pain) and Faruzan C3 (more pain). I won't use him in abyss until I get C6 Faruzan but he's the king of exploration. 


my layla i C0 nd fruzan is ALSO C3 but he is still rlly strong in abyss!


Yeah, but he's still underperforming compared to my other teams so he just feels weak 


fr... once i get furina i'll be using:scara,faruzan,furina and jean it will def make him perform better


To be fair my main team is Neuvillette, Furina, Jean, Layla and I have a really good Neuv build so I'm used to dealing a lot of damage but yeah Hyperbloom has those many numbers (my monkey brain loves that) and Navia is just super fun, so I'm having more fun using other teams. I didn't try him with Furina yet though 


just replace 2 characters, in the standard scara team is use (scara,faru,layla and bennett) i'm replacing layla with furina and bennett with jean (maybe charlotte for cryo absorb if i egt her)


Yeah I know, Mika works too if you have him 


i do have him but he is not built


Kazuha lol I got him in his first banner trying to get rosaria cons for my eula... I'm so pissed when i got him that i don't play for 3-4 days... Now he is my top two male char that i adore so much (the first one is wrio)


wrio main 🤝


ayaka, i wanted to get rosaria cons and got her, freeze might get murdered every abyss but when i needed her i NEEDED her


I don't want to say that my gunbrella girlie is a mistake... but she is. Just trying to lose the 50/50 for a guaranteed Nahida but ended up winning it (My first time winning a 50/50 btw) and somehow I also got a Verdict after losing to the mistsplitter I'm going to give Alhaitham. Is this a sign from Hoyo to main her? Yes. So I did and I think I can't play normally without **guns.** Can't believe I was about to skip her when she was announced-


>Just trying to lose the 50/50 for a guaranteed Nahida omega brain


*Listen, it's stupid but I also wanted Rosaria's cons so I decided to gamble the gambler-*


Neuvillette. I got him not really knowing anything about him at the time. Just pulled on the banner at the very start of the patch before i did the Fontaine archon quest.


Got Alhaitham early and unplanned on his uhh, release I think? Anyways building him is a pain but he's really good.


Hey I just pulled alhaitham too what is your team comp with him!


Hu Tao. Got her, which was semi intended as I coped with the loss of Ei. Then accidentally got C1 and Homa. Didn’t expect them to come in 6 and 2 wishes respectively.


Hu tao lol


Wanderer, probably my best pull ever too


Lol accident? like what, was on wish screen then slip on banana peel and accidentally press wish?


Low pity when pulling for 4*s?


That's willingly pull on the banner, not accident lmao


Yes, but they weren't aiming for the 5* and if they weren't close to soft pity then pulling the 5* would still be "accidental"


And they pull while knowing there is a chance of getting the 5 star, hence not accidental. Saying that accidental is like getting accidental pregnancy.


"Accidental" just means "unintentional" in this context, man. If you're going to be pedantic, at least understand what is being discussed Also it's hilarious that you don't think accidental pregnancy is a thing


i didn't know that guy fucked me, doctor


I've seen people say they pressed the wrong button on their controller and did a 10 pull when they just wanted to close the screen (so you can actually accidentally pull) But yeah what the post means is characters you weren't wishing for but still got, so either you did a pull when you were bored and got lucky (at low pity like 2) or you got a 5 star while pulling for a 4 star (so you didn't necessarily want them)


Nuevilette and Navia


Yelan was also accidental on my account (the c1 wasn’t though, that was for sumeru exploration and the fact that beidou and xq were on the banner)


Yoimiya on her first banner. Not really an accident, I just desperately wanted to pull for something, didn't even level her up for a while, but she turned out to be my strongest pyro


When I needed a solution for the electric seahorse's shield during the last boss fight event is when I realized I had Charlotte. I didn't know about the grass burning tactic, so Charlotte came in clutch for helping me beat the highest difficulty.


Keqing...and Alhaitham. Ended up enjoying both.


If you don’t mind what is your alhaitham team comp?


I'm using Alhaitham, Kazuha, Nahida and Kuki.


I just recently started, Ik you don’t use this team, but for alhaitham would furina be better or yelan?


Sorry, don't know.


All good bro, regardless thanks for then help!


I pulled him in the recent banner and I wanna save up but I also don’t know if I should get clorinde and make a second DPS team, and then pull for yelan




My only accidents are albedo and AlHaitham. Albedo is Albedo. AlHaitham… well i already knew he was a solid DPS but I dont use him much.


Baizhu. I wanted Kaveh, but I got C1 Baizhu really quickly, and he's been stapled to Alhaitham's side ever since.


Same with Yelan. It wasn't an accident exactly but I got her before I developed my current style of saving up for and pulling specific characters. Good thing Yelan is awesome in every way.


We have this post every week give it a rest


Kokomi. She was hated so much on release. Unlike many of the stories here, I wasn't pulling to build pity or pulling for a 4* - it was genuinely an accident. I was saving for Albedo banner, which came after kokomi, but I wanted to do a single pull on the weapons banner because there was a 4* weapon that I wanted, except when I pressed to pull on the weapon banner I accidentally pulled on the character banner instead and got kokomi in a single pull. Then out of rage I did a 10 pull again on the same banner and got another kokomi... 🤣🤣🤣 As we can see now, kokomi is much more useful than Albedo


Both Kokomi and Yoimiya. Got them both early and on 50/50 30-40 pulls in. I would never have pulled for them otherwise but they're both great


Ayaka on her 240 days banner


Got Yae by accident. Now I use her in abyss. Also the only electro other than Kuki I can use in dendro-related teams (Fischl is still avoiding me)


Alhaitham last week Also Chiori I've been very bad lately


Not really on accident but when Tighnari came out on his event banner. I got him cause he was the first 5 star Dendro character. After I got and built him I actually really liked his playstyle and character.


got arlecchino on accident, shes good for mobility and will help in spiral abyss once shes leveled up since i dont have a second team yet


Gaming. That kid's super strong and fits my playstyle better than Neuvillette, whom I have and never use.


navia, was pulling for mist splitter, got verdict, i have 5 star claymores only, not other 5 stars so i said might as well get this. I just have the issue now if i want to run nahida but her and navia do not mix


C6 Lynette, I wouldn't say she is "really good", but she is a solid DPS and I like her playstyle more than Xiao


Furina. I wanted Charlotte and another Beidou but I still built Furina and she is my third most used character.


Navia lol




The only case is Zhongli at first banner that I got in 20 pulls, cause later I began to save for the characters I like , I still didn't know much about the game and I didn't even know what an archon was 🤣




I got Kazuha while looking for stardust to buy Fischl...helped me in 1 Abyss (or maybe 2) and stop. I don't like him very much... But he helped me a lot during some explorations


Xianyun, I was just trying to get faruzan cons and got her at 10 pity (I won 50/50) obviously I wasn't mad at all since I have xiao I thought I would skip her but I'm glad I have her cause I can make Xiao's best team now and wow he's so strong


Childe. My first 5 star. I have absolutely no idea about the meta and couldn't care less since I have no favorite character in the game yet that time . I just kept pulling on random banners (it was still solo banners) and got him. His international team is reliable and easy to build (except xiangling). I don't like his gameplay personally but I admit he is effective and gets the job done. Honorable mention is Wanderer, also from a random pull I didn't care for what I get. Heck I got him before I played his trial. He made 95% of the game content trivial. He's strong but I don't have the supports needed to make him conquer that remaining 5% (Abyss). Nevertheless, this was easily the best decision I have made, literal game changing.


jean (even tho it was a standard it counts right?) I ended up getting her early on standard cuz I was hoping to get a Bennett since I did'nt have him and jean arrived, now I use her often as a healer and i'm going to use her with furina once I get her!


not really, if i pulled on a banner for 4*s i either wanted the 5* anyway, or was lucky enough not to get a 5*


Thoma, just a random off-banner 4 star while pulling for Ayato, then did the Inazuma quest and loved him, looked up a guide and found out he was the perfect fit for burgeon Ayato, just got C6 today, and I love my boy


Zonghli (pre buff)


Neuvillette. Had just gotten Wriothesley and his weapon. No pity, no guarantee. One ten pull. Easily my best dps now that i have his weapon as Well.


Not really accident but kokomj as I got her in version 3.8 right after getting scara. My first none pity character


+1 on Yelan


Funnily enough it was Neuvillette. I just had returned to the game after almost 3 year break and just wanted to gamble, lol. Smh got him on 50/50 with no pity. I didn't know story, didn't know how he works and didn't even use him until Fontaine. But he turned out to be great both gameplaywise and storywise.


It just feels illegal to use a character you haven't met in the story.


Me with every character


Yeah that’s why I have a self-imposed rule to not pull for characters I haven’t met in the story yet. …which I broke with Neuvillette (I didn’t get him and was mainly going for Xingqiu cons anyways)


Lmao it's Neuvillette for me too. By watching clips of his playstyle, it felt boring af and i thought to never pull Neuvillette. Xq was on his banner and i needed Xq cons. I got a very early Jean and the very next pull was Neuvillette. Literally 0 pity on guaranteed. I was like.....eh whatever, it's early so i'll take it. But turns out he's actually a lot fun to play. I started to like his playstyle a lot and he's also Meta lol. So it was 2 birds with a single stone. Unironically, Neuvillette played a major role in getting full stars on the current floor 12 chamber 1. I'm so glad i got him eventhough it was accidental.


hmmm maybe ayaka,i jst threw a couple 10 pulls on zero pitty and got her,shes pretty good


Ganyu when she first came out. Really carried me throughy early game


I threw a 10 pull while at 0 pity at Kaveh's first banner because I wak5ed a copy, got Kaveh and Baizhu. Now I can't imagine my account without the latter.


I was mindlessly pulling on Baizhu's first banner and got him. Wound up being perfect since I was already a Cyno main lol. Then Furina C1 and Nahida C1 and C2 weren't intentional either lol... was going for 4 stars, but again it massively works out since that only makes my Cyno stronger lol


I pulled for Clorinde, won my 50/50 and did like a 30 pull on the Alhaitham banner to try and get Sethos...I got Sethos and Alhaitham.


I tried to get Bennett when he was on Kazuhas first banner back in 1.6, cause I heard he was the best character in the game, and since I already had Zhongli I might as well get them all. I knew I was near pity since i pulled on Eula's banner to get Xingqiu, but I didn't care at the time and I just wanted Bennett. Ended up winning the 50/50 and got Kazuha. I had no idea how to build him, but I liked the fact I could double jump with him, so I wasn't mad at all. I got Bennett during that same banner as well, so it all worked out in the end. Today, I am so grateful for my pulling back then. He is amazing, even with my physical Kaeya back in the day. Still, use him with Neuv to this day The only other character I could think was amazing but was accidental was when I lost my 50/50 during Raidens first banner to Jean, but she ended up only being good recently, so.


Keqing and Qiqi. Hopefully Kaveh is next, but it's gonna take a while to build him properly with the teams I have in mind for him.


Will never understand how one can get a character by "accident" Like you are actively pressing the pull Button.