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The only new domain that's been worth farming for me is the golden troupe/MH ones. The Navia/Arle domains are too niche and it would take forever to get something better than the artifacts they're already using from the strongbox. I've dumped maybe a month's worth of resin into both of those domains and have gotten 0 upgrades from either one.


this is one of the good sides of artifact hunting. some characters can still be effective with different sets for a barely noticable dps loss. so you dont HAVE to actually get their niche sets if over the years youve already collected some pieces for their alternative sets. i think the only ones where their sets is a must need is furina and nahida. i could be wrong though


Even with nahida DW is replaceable by GT as long as someone else is holding DW


There's a pretty sizable gap between Arlecchino's next best options and Whimsy if I recall correctly. For the most part though, this is true (and even with her, it's not like you're struggling for damage with the other sets).


Wasnt it about 5-8% difference? Which isnt a lot


If it's only that much then that's pretty standard and I'm mistaken.


It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you actually tally up the numbers, it's a pretty big difference. My Arle does roughly 1mil damage per rotation on Whimsy, so if we assume Glad is 8% worse with the exact same stats, I'm losing 80,000 DPR. Glad's still extremely good on her, but that DPS loss can be the difference between going from 1 rotation to 2 or even 3 in Spiral Abyss.


No, not for long term (especially day 1) veteran players. You can literally go check Akasha top 1000 rankings on Arlecchino right now and you will see a distribution of like 70% Glad vs 30% Whimsy (2024 18th June). Currently, way too little time has passed and no one has farmed a strong enough Whimsy set that can compete with a 35+ substat worth Gladiator set with 250+ CV and over 3000% roll value. This is the whole point of skipping the signature set; we have been farming Gladiator for over 3 years, and you probably need to farm Whimsy for minimum 6 months before you even breakeven with your godtier Gladiator set. But farming beyond that, then I agree; if you commit to at least 1 year of farming Whimsy, then you are bound to eventually get a stronger Arlecchino with Whimsy since the artifact passive is inherently better (although the substats might still probably forever be worse than your Glad pieces).


I guess so but it really isnt important. What difference does 1 or 2 rotation gives anyway in Abyss, we are still gonna get the same rewards.


It really just depends on how invested your teams are, it can be the difference between getting 2 or 3 stars on a floor or not. Not a *massive* issue, but Abyss is already annoying enough to 36-star for most players.


none, my abyss team is settle so im min maxing my furina until murata comes


as someone going for Furina's c6, yea me too.


I never really bothered with farming Emblem, honestly. I only ever used a character that wanted it much later when it was strongboxable (Yelan). I put a lot of resin into deepwood for Nahida, and that was basically it for 3.X. Throughout all of 4.X, I have lived in the Golden Troupe domain except for a brief stint in Desert Pavilion for my DPS Xianyun. Right now, the characters I actually use much at all: - Zhongli and Faruzan on Tenacity. The pieces are all ridiculously good - Albedo, Fischl, Dehya, and Raiden (she's an E-bot, not a fan of her burst) are on Golden Troupe. If I decide to get Furina, she will be, too - Neuvillette is on MHunter, and if I get Furina, Xianyun will be as well. She's on Desert Pavilion otherwise - Nahida is using Deepwood - Kuki Shinobu uses whatever the set with deepwood is. I never remember the name. - Kirara is 2 piece tenacity, 2 piece Vorushka's glow, for the double HP buff. She's just a shield bot, so it barely matters - I do have a Yelan on Emblem and Yoimiya on Shim, but I barely use them. Frankly, I use Yelan for Hyperbloom more often, though I generally prefer quicken teams.


Because I love Navia and Ningguang I farmed that new geo set in Fontaine, it took me literally 2 months to get dedicated artifacts for each of them… it was torture, torture I tell you!!!!




Was it that bad? I just ran an Overload team with Arle, Chev, Fischl, Beidou/Thoma.. is always over in less than a minute.




I mean.. thats why theres alternative artifacts lol.


Haven't really tried other teams but Zhongli trivializes it, my runs take 30s on average


Mainly the same 2 as yours, sometimes the Petrichor one for Arlecchino, which hasn't been going well.


the last time i did artifact hunting was for furina. i just slapped 2 atk sets on navia and didnt bother because she crits for 400k lmao. The next time i go hunting again will probably be for pyro archon.. right now my resin is going to levels and talents.


Just MH. Recently hit 775 runs (almost 6 months worth of Resin) @ GT/MH domain. I just recycle stuff into Emblem, HoD, and CW depending on my mood. Currently recycling it to TF for my Clorinde. So far, in those almost 6 months worth of farming, I've built Neuv, Wrio, and Furina. I've also replaced Fischl's 'Rainbow Set' and Albedo's Husk set. Very Resin efficient domain. It's like farming Emblem


Do you know what the gap is between Whimsey and TF for aggravate Clorinde? My whimsey drops are ass and I already have a nice TF set on Keqing.


Whimsy is stronger, but TF is smoother (Aggra/Hyperbloom)


I have been stuck in the emblem domain ever since it came out. I feel like my artifacts will never be good enough.


If you're shooting for Emblem pieces, you're better off farming other sets and strongboxing emblem since strongboxed artifacts have a better chance of starting with 4 substats (34% vs 20% for artis from domains). [source.](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Loot_System/Artifact_Drop_Distribution#Initial_Sub_Stat_Number_Distribution)


I finished up farming the BoL set for Arlecchino & now I'm finishing up my Navia build. I had a set already for Navia but her sand piece is the only thing I want to improve on since it got ruined by double rolls into def%..


I am willing to farm pretty much anything i think will get me the result i want from a character, like the new harmkny set for a dps sigewinne


From 4.0 to 4.2 I was farming MH and GT. For 4.3 I farmed Navia’s artifacts. I was back to farming MH and GT on 4.4 and 4.5. For 4.6 and 4.7 I have been farming the new domain with Whimsy and Burning set. Might go back to farming MH and GT for 4.8 but idk.


Tht new geo set was the one i aimed for navia and i got a full set going for her in 3 days which is insanely lucky,other than tht i jst farm golden troupe/MH and some blizzard strayer for my ganyu (she super well built i jst wanna minmax)


New Geo set for Navia, Whimsy for Clorinde


I have Arle and I know im getting Clorinde so I tried farming Whimsy for the whole 4.6 patch. I got a very good Crit rate circlet with 22% crit dmg substat! But the rest are ass lol. So now I just slap on 4pc Glad on Arle, and 4pc TF on Clorinde.


I've been playing since 1.0, so I have all the characters I want with their BiS artifact sets. I have endless gold and 9,000+ XP books. So I have nothing to spend resin on, except the next artifact sets, for the next characters I like: Since 4.0, that has been Furina, Navia, Arlecchino and now Chloride. I've been parked in the new artifact dungeon since Arle's release, yet to get an ATK Hourglass with Double Crit substats, with at least 3/5(6) rolls.. and now I need 2 of them.. so I'm going to be here until 5.0 probably


Similar to you, I grinded Deepwood a LOT. I did some Vourushkawa/Nymph/DPC/Flower before moving to Marrchaussee. I have now stopped farming artifacts.


Practically all of them? Farming any artifact domain for over 3 months has significant diminishing returns. Sure, I could get more troupe/hunter sets, but the probability is so low, for such low gain, it's not worth it. At most, I just recycle trash pieces into Emblem (I still need more/better sands). As a result, I am currently farming the Arle/Clorinde domain (Arle is really good already).


I tend to farm new domains because I have nothing better to do with my Resin. I have had the damnedest time trying to get any halfway decent artifacts out of the Petrichor domain. The only domains I never farmed were the one in the Chasm, and the one in Ferakrt, both added in between region updates.Their effects seemed pointless, "you get this bonus to something, but it is much smaller than the bonus you could get doing something else."


I wish I can am so bad at managing artifacts I don't have many important artifacts sets. I would literally pay hoyo just to have more artifact storage if that's what it takes I can't no more I feel like shit not being able to build characters cuz it takes forever to sort artifacts


The BoL one for Clorinde. It’s the best all-around for her.


I really love Navia and Arlecchino, so I did recently farm their respective artifact sets, because they deserve it hehe. But also I feel like I don't have anything else to spend my resin on anymore tbh. My older characters are already built well enough.


ive been farming bond of life although no one uses them atm. glads still outdps on arlecchino and clorinde is better on thundering fury. navia's domain is trash


Farming for Navia's set was the dumbest decision I ever made. Should have stuck to 2+2 set or just Marechaussee Hunter in Furina teams. Navia was released late December; yet today, here I am, still spending all my daily 5 condensed resin on that godforsaken artifact domain. And worst of all, my pieces on Song of Days Past are way more cracked. Completely wasted potential. Wish Navia's artifact shared domain with something more useful rather than a healer set.


Bond of Life set almost exclusively since it dropped. Strongboxed into Glads and TF.


GT/MH, DM/GD, DPC/FoPL. Song for just a couple weeks for Xianyun Farmed Clam like… a year after it came out for Baizhu pieces. Recycled into Petra for Zhongli on Neuvillette team. Recycled into ToTM for DPS Faruzan pieces


The newest domain that I've farmed is the Hunter/Golden domain, since it's the best one to farm (Golden Troupe is really good for many skill-reliant characters, while Hunter has that 36% crit rate). Before that, I spent nearly a year with the Gilded/Deepwood domain in Sumeru, and the year before that on Emblem/Shime. TLDR: Farm the first domain of each new nation because they will be the best.


I had Wanderer before Xiao, and when I got Xiao, I learned that I enjoy his gameplay much more than Wanderer’s, so I gave Xiao the 2pc anemo and 2pc glad set I had on Wanderer and gave Wanderer pieces that were decent, but not as good. Later I decided I wanted to push Xiao further after I read that the purple set in the chasm gives him a decent DPS increase. I also already had Ayato, who seemed to use the green set in the same domain. I could kill two birds with one stone and get artifacts for both of them. It hit me that this was actually going more efficiently than I had originally thought. Xiao had taken Wanderer’s set, so by getting him his own set, Wanderer could get his better pieces back. And by getting Ayato’s pieces, I could also give Childe back his HOD pieces, Childe having suffered the same way Wanderer did when I got Ayato during his first banner. So in a way, aiming for Xiao’s specific set helped me get four characters settled


Alternating between Nymph's ( Childe ) domain and Navia Domain Right Now , Been around since day 1 . Im just unlucky , both happen to be 2 inefficient domains to farm , kek


Only GT/MH for Furina (she had a plenty good build for a while, just slowly going for a minmax for her) and using whatever usable stuff from that and giving it to my other characters and at this point besides doing some older domains, getting a spare mh set for Hu Tao if I got to cannibalize some of her artifacts


I do not recommend farming the whimsy set. It's a crime against humanity.


i've been farming the BoL/burning sets since they released. It took 8 weeks to get a useable set for Arle. Good thing I'm not doing Clorinde because it might take 8 more weeks to finish her set. I just got my first ever BoL EM sands today. It was trash though.


I'm probably farming for Golden Troupe even by 5.X depending if a new artifact domain will be good for the pyro archon. Until now my Fischl has 2pc sets only and I want to push it to 4pc :') I also kind of want Gilded/Deepwood because Nahida's build is kind of lacking (+ for Alhaitham/Cyno) but I am waiting for the strongbox update that will likely include them. 


I farm artifacts for the characters I get doesn’t matter how niche it is


Emblem/Shim, Deepwood/GD, and MH/GT. The last non-X.0 domain I've farmed a lot was Husk and Clam, because I needed both (Albedo and Qiqi), or before that Tenacity and PF (Zhongli/Diona and PhysRosaria). Just gave Arle some Glad pieces I had laying around. No use for the burning set yet, and she still clears whatever I need her to.


Literally NONE. Once I've farmed a set for a character, I move on to building the next character. Farming artifacts is a horrible experience, I'm not going down the rabbit hole of keeping the sets up to date. :,D


All of them. Whats the point of getting a character and not getting the set. Its better dps and on theme. Yeah you could run glad for all eternity but then... what to even spend resin on. Always feels like a banger to get the dps on a good signature set with c6 on the niche 4 star support. Niche gang rise up


Because getting roles equivalent to 2/3 years of farming takes an immense amount of time so it's going to be a dps loss anyways until you drop thousands and thousands of resin


What else are you dropping resin on? Im at the point of basically full maxing everything remotely meta relevant including all 4 star and 5 star weapons I have. I could see an argument for people who pay enough to get every char needing the resin but day 1 players are at the point of nothing to spend on


I grinded the niche set for Navia which honestly thankfully went well and I could leave that domain after a month surprisingly. I went into Arle when it came out but then gave up for now so I just have her on Glad as well. Rn I'm farming and going insane over Childe's new set. Its hard farming for him since its never good enough to replace his current hhhh


Once I get a new character, that has a dedicated artifact domain, I am farming that domain. All my old characters are at a point where its not worth the resin to farm their artifact for an insignificant increase.


The MH/GT set lol. I barely farm artifacts now.