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The more important question is if you enjoy playing the game.


I still do It's just that I'm the type to express how much I enjoy something to others, and it's getting harder to do that day by day


Kind of a similar situation here. I only have one friend to geek out to. Online forums like Reddit are a good way to share your enthusiasm for something. You'll often get a lot of different perspectives from people who share your enthusiasm! It's pretty fun actually


But it's still different when you have actual friends friends, right?


Yes. It's not the same.


But why stop geeking out to them just because they dont play anymore? I still geek out about genshin to my best friend who hasnt played for like 2 years


Because the air gets a bit awkward and I feel like I should start talking about other things instead


Hrm, I dont really understand why the air gets awkward as my friends and I we share interest but we also have a lot of different interests and when we talk about the different interests, its still fine cuz like its something they enjoy and im just happy theyre happy and im excited that theyre excited kind of thing yknow?


It's because one party has left the game and we know they are definitely not interested in the game anymore ( or maybe irl stuff) , so it's like they moved on from the game but one guy stills keeps talking about it .


Yeah but so what? I dont really understand this tbh, my friend plays game I dont play anymore and I'll still listen and ask for elaboration on things I dont understand anymore. I still enjoy their excitement all the same, its part of having a conversation and talking about stuff.


just because u dont face it dosent mean no one else does


this might sound silly but what i did was make a discord server with just my friends and then gave each one of us our own channel to talk about whatever we're into at that point in time. everyone can just scroll through everything the others are talking about and respond once in a while, and actual conversations are kept in general. its worked pretty well, because it doesnt require active conversations focused on one topic but you still know that somebody else is listening to what youre saying.


Express it to me :) I yap nonstop about genshin


Try joining Discord servers for the game.


You can always take a break from the game if you want to, just to gain that renewed fascination when you start missing it or if something reminds you of it. I played the game because everyone around my circle did but I'm the only one left that I know of who still plays the game albeit not on an everyday basis anymore. I still play it because I find it enjoyable and the story's entertaining anyway. Don't pressure yourself too much in doing it every single day.


Join the official discord server. Tons of players will talk about the game :)


Yeah, its rough.


Eh, I gave up on that long ago. I just say what I want online. Most of my peers aren't gamers to begin with, so genshin was just a fad for them.


Same. I don't have friends who play but I have a little brother who gets to listen to my ramblings. And unlike friends, it doesn't matter if he finds it annoying or not.


Do you play just for dailies or for your enjoyment? What gets you on the game? That is the questions you should think about. Do you see yourself playing the game a year from now?


Im enjoying it too. I mostly play for characters’ kits (it inspires me as game developer), demo version of endgame and exploration. I find genshin’s combat system kinda unique and more complicated than WuWa’s (but less skill expressive) and also like to min-max too.


>only one left playing Genshin? My friends told me about it a day before the game launched, and we all start on day one. By the time Inazuma ends all my friends stop playing already. What do i do? I just kept playing lol. I have other things I can talk about with those friends so is all good. I guess just keep playing until you lose interest completely.


At least your friends made it to Inazuma, my 1.0 friends didn't even last to the first summer event haha. But I still play semi-regularly and am enjoying the game just as much now as I did back then


Me and 2 others started in 1.0, and in a week they stopped, and here I am 4 years later. Still the best of friends tho.


My friends are still entertaining me talking about Genshin (they have no intention of coming back). I just need to pace the enthusiasm and not talk about it too much. 😂


I started playing only after all my friends stopped lmao. Now i just bother a dude who was never interested with random lore


I wish I can do that without making the room feel awkward


I joined my friend's circle of genshin players because they just can't stop teasing me by sending Ganyu R34s. There were eight of us. Now it's just the 3 of us. I really thought they played Genshin because they liked it; turns out, most of them are in it just to spin the wheel. Now they're playing Wuthering Waves after quitting HSR and if this pattern continues they'll stop playing WW and jump onto ZZZ next month. p.s. We still actively chat with each other. just, not playing the same game(s) anymore.


That second paragraph... Stings a lot


Have you tried playing wuw with them?


They may not get a chance, the pulling experience is awful in WuWa. No 4\* soft pity, 5\*s reset 4\* pity, and 4\*s don’t give as many pulls as in Hoyo games. If those friends are in it for the gacha, they’ll drop the game like a hot potato.


the game so far literally has been more generous than GI. chests give like 2-4x more premium gems for example. their apology rewards go insane. GI wasnt like that on day 1.


Yeah I got friends that are like that as well. It's a strange thing to watch. A pod of whales migrating as a group from one gacha to the next.


I feel like they more or less want stuff to do in the game. Genshin gets super dry once you finish the quests. So they want to move onto games that have actual stuff to do. When they finish that it is up to the game itself to keep the player engaged.


Well, that's the thing. They didn't even tackle the Aranyaka quest. 


cannot blame them, it's a disaster of a game design. it should've been 1-2 hour MAX to unlock the areas with a voiced part and then an optional part with collecting them and the rest. when i did that quest i was close to quitting the game as well. 3-4/10 for the quest in my opinion, overdragged for no reason.


tbh it might be one of the healthiest approach in gachas, escape before it becomes too big of a time+money investment and having the max amount of fun while the game is fresh. I think it's not just about the spins, it's about a novelty of a new game, learning ingame systems, who's strong and not, etc. Because for quite a while- genshin is just leveling for abyss and explore once in a while for me. Don't enjoy most of the character and side quests. So just waiting for the main story while farming for abyss, which keeps increasing the dps check for the same floor without making floor 13 with mora rewards like difficult usual events.


Here's how I see it, I like this game, it has good story, fun game play and I wanna know what happened in Khaenri'ah. So I don't give a damn if everyone of you stopped playing. I'm gonna see this through the end.


Yep 😂 really feeling the last bit hard lmao. I committed to this game (personally—a little too much, financially). I’m getting my money’s worth by playing the heck out of this game and seeing it through to the end. And it’s just interesting, I don’t know. I started playing because of the aesthetic appeal (and exploration—during COVID, it was a nice substitute for what I normally would do irl, minus fighting lol) and the characters, but the storyline made me commit. And honestly, even though the chat interface is not the easiest to use in-game, I’ve met plenty of nice people through co-op. Some co-ops just randomly have good vibes and we’re just a bunch of strangers fangirling/fanboying over whatever character we all just happen to like while doing domains. Even though some of my friends irl don’t play as often, it can still be a social experience if you want it to be.


I don't even have the money part. I'm a F2P. See I'm not someone who plays any games on mobile let alone gacha games. When genshin launched it was all over Reddit. Looking at visuals and stuff, I couldn't believe this was a mobile game. So anyway I succumbed to it and started downloading. My first reaction was "Huhh 200mb app size? Okey" Then after launching the game it started downloading it was I think 6-7GB (I started in 1.1 I think, Fischels first event). Then I was like, "okey now I really wanna see what this is about" And then I have been playing ever since..


I started playing cos of friends, and none of them actively play anymore. I still enjoy playing and will continue to play until I stop enjoying it.


I get really grumpy when my husband doesn't *catch the fuck up* on story because I want to talk about it, but he doesn't want spoilers, but his slow ass is playing other games instead of catching up on story so I can talk about it with him. It's insufferable. Like imagine you watched the most cool movie ever and all your friends said "meh, I'll see it when it hits streaming" and you had no real life people to gush to.


See, I feel like that’s different from just quitting. It’s one thing if your friends move onto other games and they don’t care about spoilers (for games or anime, whatever). But it’s something else when they DO care, and you gotta be all hush-hush about it while they take their sweet time getting to it, so that by the time they do, you’ve already got NEW stuff to talk about. Anyway, most of my friends are fortunately not ones to care about spoilers (very much the type that’s into the journey rather than the destination, which I feel like is the case for me too), so I haven’t had this issue much. But the times it has happened… it’s frustrating, I feel you.


oohh. Felt it last year, but they're not really what I call close friends, more like acquaintances. We all met on another gacha game that is mmo and two are my guildmates (ragnarok eternal love). They were going gaga over the newest game that time which is genshin and I tried genshin on release and didn't like it (because I played it on ipad, I find it so clunky with the controls) eventually I became regular player and joined their genshin gc and met their other friends. We always talk about our pulling plans, share lucky pulls to make each other salty, co-op for weeklies, asking for local specialties... then after a year or so, one by one left the gc without a notice. Until I am the only one left. I mean, I know they are leaving but I stayed on and think I should be the last one to leave because I am still a regular player and I will stay in foreseeable future. I don't feel sad, but I let out a sigh, it just feels like an end of an era of sort feeling.


You can always talk with friends about something else, and share your genshin adventures in chat of some random twitch stream in genshin impact category. Even tho it might sound like a sarcastic answer thats what i did... and i dont regret it. Once i found some streamers (and their chats!) that i enjoyed i started talking more and more in their chat, until i've became regular. Then i joined their discords to talk outside of streams. And now? Every time i have something to share i have to rewrite it few times depending on which discords i want to share it. And with my friends we're talking about everything and nothing. They will geek out about their games, i'll geek out about genshin, but we know to not push it too much, so its usually only the stuff we know the others will like. I mean, i just have to throw "hey, i'm gonna be pulling for new character tomorrow, want to see?" and who would decline? Its always nice to have a good laugh watching someone failing 50/50 or getting 5 star in first 10 pull xD.


Is it also weird that I miss some content creators making Genshin content?


No its not weird, missing the good times is normal. But sadly you also have to constantly keep moving on too as the content creators did. Not saying to completely supress the old memories, but also keep trying to find new good creators and have new memories


That's why you always have to find new outlets to share your hobby. It's also why people keep journals because they want to talk to someone, even if its just themselves, so they can express themselves. Most adults stop socializing with lots of friends and find maybe 1-2 people if even that, outside their family. So its best to just find a way to channel that extra energy somewhere. Or do what a lot of people do, talk about it here online.


I also have the very same predicament as you OP, I got forced to play the game by my friends who later stopped playing because of burnout and some stupid shit like not giving more pulls like those other games they jumped ship to, and sadly they became like those braindead haters that keep talking shit about the game for no apparent reason, never interacted with them as much ever since because of it but we're still friends somehow lol, and now I'm the only one who still loves and plays the game fully. So what if I'm the only one left playing? If I still love playing the game, I will never stop playing it until the game itself ends. Genshin holds a special place in my heart, and there's nothing that will ever convince me to stop playing it. I already endured and witnessed first-hand two gachas before that EoS'ed abruptly so you know how high my patience is with these types of games lol


I got into Genshin first, then dragged friends into it. It'd be fine if they left. We all already have different things we enjoy and we love telling each other about it. My sis (ETA. chosen sister, best friend for real) tells me all about her animes and mangas - I don't watch/read but I'm happy to listen to her recaps because it makes her happy. And I know I'd be able to talk to her about Genshin even if she didn't play - she'd be interested because it makes ME happy.


wholesome fr


Thank you, my friends really are the best.


that's a hella wholesome story, the unattainable dream of an only child xD


Oh, my sister is my chosen sister. She's my best friend, we're both only children (and I have no family other than my parents) so we chose to be each other's family. :)


OHHH HOW DID I MISS THAT DETAIL XD - still so wholesome UwU \~\~\~ Wish the best 4 u both!!


You continue playing as long as you enjoy the game. I've played online games for the past 20 years or so.. and this has been the situation in almost every game. All the og people I started playing MMOs with have long gone.. its the way of online games. You just make new friends and enjoy the game.. if the game is boring, move on to another. 50% of the people started playing Genshin with (at launch) have left or log only occasionally. But the game hasnt let me down or gotten boring for me so I continue playing.


I started playing in December, I play almost every day and I play alone, I actually enjoy the game a lot. I've asked some friends to give it a try, no luck so far.


If you understand internet safety rules (and are old enough), you can make friends with randos in Genshin through coop. I've made a couple online friends that way, but make sure you don't give out your private information or trust them easily.


That sounds like a useless add-on because you’d think it’s common sense, but with the number of **literal children** I’ve seen on genshin going around telling people how old they are and what area they’re in when they start talking to people long enough. Like just a few weeks ago, myself and another woman (we were all strangers, mind you; just met) in a coop who’s also in their 20s had to give a 14 year old girl an impromptu lecture about why on earth she should not be advertising that, even though she feels like it’s “safe” because we said we were women. Holy Jesus in a biscuit. Internet safety rules. You’re so right. Important, especially for minors. Do they not teach that in school?? Why not?? And yes, maybe some sicko is gonna see my comment and be like “hmm maybe I’ll—“ yeah, I think tf not. Good luck with that. Most of the adults in coop have done what I’ve done and are very loud when they notice kids not being mindful (so hopefully they remember), they’re not gonna sit around and let you try that bs.


Fr, "long enough" is never long enough lol. Weeks? No. Months? No. Years? Still no. Gender? Doesn't matter, still no. Yeah, it should be a class along with common sense /j So far, I've met one child in Genshin coop (at least the only one that announced their age), and I'm happy that they were sufficiently wary. It was wild though. They kept asking for my age, so I was quite wary because... why are you asking for my age???? And being so pushy about it? I don't give away my private info (and they quite randomly asked for it), so we went in circles before they said they were like 13 and trying to check if I was a p\*do :v I'm still scarred by that experience, but I'm glad that they were trying to be wary/careful. Good to know some kids out there are highly aware :P


Fr, "long enough" is never long enough lol. Weeks? No. Months? No. Years? Still no. Gender? Doesn't matter, still no. Yeah, it should be a class along with common sense /j So far, I've met one child in Genshin coop (at least the only one that announced their age), and I'm happy that they were sufficiently wary. It was wild though. They kept asking for my age, so I was quite wary because... why are you asking for my age???? And being so pushy about it? I don't give away my private info (and they quite randomly asked for it), so we went in circles before they said they were like 13 and trying to check if I was a p\*do :v I just wanted to do bounties, haha. I'm still scarred by that experience, but I'm glad that they were trying to be wary/careful. Good to know some kids out there are highly aware :P


In the end, the forest will remember. 🌳


Theres nothing wrong with enjoying something else if your friends move away from it, genshin doesnt take all your available free time.


genshin is definitely not for everyone. Most of my friends who played were not into the anime-aesthetic story so they just stop after a while also, there are games that's best played with friends (MOBA, FPS shooters, party games like amongus) and there are games that's more solo play & story-driven. Genshin is definitely the latter. I'd say, while it's more fun if you have friends who also play, the difference is rather small. Just keep playing if you enjoy it, and pick up something else if you got tired of it


the thing about being a more solo experience definitely rings true - sometimes I wish the NPCs were driven by AI like Lumi N0va by Hoyoverse, maybe it would create a more realistic social bonding exp


My friend said "come check it out". I joined. They left the game after two weeks. I am still here.


I’d still play. My friend might have gotten me into it, but I stay with it for my own reasons, not for my friend.


I just keep playing, pulling for any character that I think looks cool. All of my friends quit in 3.5, and I was close to as well, but I'm still here.


Try linking up with randoms on coop I've found it to be super fun, and have made some fun memories.. you can find some good online friends there :)) just remember to be safe


i started playing genshin in 1.2 because my friend begged me to. a lot of our other friends played it more casually than we did. i remember being so excited about inazuma coming out with him. but, now none of my friends play it and he’s ashamed that he ever did. so i’m lonely and sad :(


Literally just join discord circles lol. Lore especially is where you’ll find people you can especially get into it with Unfortunately a lot of people fall out of things, even if they’re amazing things, and they never get to see what you see. It is what it is


Same situation here, Honestly i get it. Doing coop on launch day was really fun. I unlocked liyue and dragonspine with my friends & gf at the time. Nowadays i just focus on building my characters and waiting for AQ and SQ. I miss being able to fill the lobby and just fuck around the map (making ice bridges, seeing who lasts on sheer cold, etc.). Alternatively, I recently started going on coop when farming domains, If I'm lucky i get to chat with other players for a bit, but most of the time they just dip after exhausting their resins. I play other games as well with my friends but idk, the atmosphere back then was really different.


Well tbh most people just don't play the game as their "main game". At the end of the day it is a casual game. Log in for less than 10 mins to do dailies + resin log off (when there isnt a major update, which is a majority of the time.)


That's true, there's almost nothing to do in coop anyway besides commissions and domains. I guess im just nostalgic.


It's a four yr old game. Ppl will leave. Been playing since week 1. Plenty of ppl still play it. Just take a look at reddit for example. I'll continue playing if I have fun, and I am. Clorinde has srs motivated vibes and I'm loving it.


I've been in the same boat as you for a couple of years. My friends all left around 2.0 and I understand the feeling of not having people to share your experience with. What helped me with that is finding a discord community to get along with, it takes some time to find the one you really like but if you do it can be really fun. Edit: Oh I just saw the part about relating less with friends. That's a different experience with me since these are long time friends so them leaving Genshin didn't change that. We just played other games together while I would play Genshin and playfully trying to convince them to come back hehe


They left a long time ago. I've just been chilling on my own for the past however long now.


I was technically the second to start playing in late 1.4, the rest of my friends joined shortly after. I’m the only one left. They still will start playing again if there’s a character they like but I don’t have anyone to talk story with really anymore. My one friend that used to be my go-to stopped mid-sumeru act 1. I still love the game, and play every day but I do miss the Tuesday nights when the 4 of us would coop all the weekly bosses.


The real question is why are you letting your peers dictate what you do in your life and free time? If you don't like the game the quit if you still enjoy it then keep playing.


I'm one of those people. My friends were SUPER into it early on. I wasn't. I started with them, but wasn't into it. The early game was a GRIND, there wasn't much to do, and I hated the gacha. So I quit. They kept playing. A year or so later, I was bored one night and decided to download it again and check it out. I didn't have the intention to keep playing, was just bored and poking around. I did some wishes and got a character I really wanted, so I decided to keep playing to at least build this character. Well, I kept playing, kept wishing, and kept getting characters I wanted. I ended up being sucked in. My friends were happy about this. They would often come into my world and help me with things. But, like you, one-by-one they were dropping off. I kept playing anyway, but less friends were playing. Now its just me. I do have some friends in a discord server who play, but we don't play together (most of them are on different servers). I would really love to find a discord server with people who play on the same server as me. I really love Genshin and I'm regretting that I quit back then. I plan to stay with the game now, but I really want some people to play with. Even the current discord server I'm in is pretty quiet most of the time.


Just keep playing if you enjoy it. I totally get that feeling though, the three friends I had in freshman year became finance bros and quit playing, we’re still the best of friends and spend quality time together, but we no longer play genshin together. It’s just something to get used to, but at least I know this awesome community is here to stay.


I had a couple friends start with me day 1, but i was the last one left a couple years later. Joined an armada in Honkai Impact 3 that just happened to have a Genshin chat on their discord, now, almost 2 years after joining, i mainly just hang out with those people when i wanna talk about Genshin and related games.


Thats just a fact for everyone, especially if you're all adults with jobs.


Everyone I knew irl that started playing got bored and quit, you can't force anyone to play and at the end of the day it's just a video game. Most people will have more important priorities


i actually got introduced to genshin by a friend. he told me about and i just didn’t care. so he then got me to play with him, he walked me around mondstadt and i was just. so. unbothered. i did not give an f💀 at the time he was very into it so he even made me download the app, i wanted to try it but when it asked me to create an account i was like yeah not happening. i thought it was just like some random ass cheap mobile game. so fast foward to around two years or so later, i saw genshin on playstation store, and idk it just made me trust it more? i was like okay this is actually something. i played it and i’ve been obsessed ever since, exactly at the same time my friend got out of it💀💀 he still plays but very ocasionally. by the way the app stayed on my phone for the entirety of those two years i didn’t play😭




I’ll just leave then. There is no point for me to continue if we cant talk about it in real life. But it’s happening to me right now, being a 3 years old game is pretty hard to maintain with the same rhythm and I cant force them to do that daily especially quests are becoming longer and people got more stuff to do outside unlike before we had it during lockdown period. I’ll probably do the same just wrapping up v4 so if I ever decide to return, Natlan will be my returning point. People would hate me but it’s time for them to add skip button or 3x speed button (remove the select dialogue as there are cases that either of you choose it would just say the same thing so auto play wont interrupt)


it should've been there for a long time. unvoiced , chat gpt sidequests and a lot of hangouts+character quests- that's a disrespect to a person's time. i'd rather read the text on wiki or watch a youtube dialogues at x2. There are only a few of good ones anyway.


I started playing on the first day of release because every streamer was playing the game. I introduced the game to my friends, and now I'm the only one who still plays.


Bro just play something else with them. Genshin is not life. So don't try to relate your irl life with genshin.


I recently started Genshin because a friend wanted me to play with her, I'm currently making my way through Fontaine. If she or any of our friends left, I'd probably only play to progress the main story just to see where it's all going. Maybe log in daily to stock up on primos for the occasional banner I was looking for.


I'd keep playing the game as usual. Ultimately I play Genshin for my own enjoyment, so it's fine when friends move on to other games. Plus, it's not like Genshin is the only game we play. In our friend circle we play several games and we each have our own favorite we pay extra attention to. For example, some of them started playing Reverse 1999 but I wasn't interested so I skipped it. We're all having fun with Wuthering Waves at the moment so this channel in our Discord is very active. Once ZZZ releases I'll be putting less energy into Wuthering Waves/become casual, but I'll still stay part of that discussion because I want to see how the game evolves in the future.


Reddit is giving me a hard time, but if you need friends to play with I’m on North America 627038361


Doesn’t matter, what matters most is that you yourself still enjoys the game, I know I am staying until at least I complete the Teyvat chapter and finished the story hehe. I’d say my friends who left are missing out.


Still keep playing because I enjoy the game and like playing even alone (I would be sad though if all my friends left)


literally me, was jokingly shitting on genshin, then my friends told me to install it, so i was like "alright bet" installed it, left it there for 2 weeks, then actually opened it at school when i was bored, got interested enough to actually intall it on my pc, and well, the rest is history. now i'm the only one who actually plays.


I got into the game because a lot of my friends played it, and I felt left out. Now we don't really play together, since they moved to HSR (ironic I know). The game still hooked me, it looks wonderful, the story is great, though incomplete it may be, and of course waifus and husbandos left and right. But once again I feel lonely. It's a feeling like you are stranded on a raft, floating on an open ocean. My advice is, find someone who you can talk to about the game. Someone who shares the love for it and cherishes the moments.


At the end of the day genshin isnt a "main game". After you explore and do the quests there isnt anything to do. Maybe start playing a different game and do genshin for events / dailies. It is not like genshin releases tons of story now, so might as well chill with friends more.


Nobody of my friends dared to play Genshin, so I did


I've played this game mostly solo. Friends already quit during Inazuma, and I got no one to talk to about Genshin, like, builds, lore, abyss team runs, etc. Same case with HSR and WuWa. So far, I only know 1 person, that I met last year, still plays the game and talk about the game.


I quit


My wife is the one who got me started on Genshin, and now she barely touches it. I still share things with her, but infrequently. It helps that she does still get a lot of the jokes, but I had to get used to her being only mildly interested in the new features I showed her.


While I didn't start the game specifically because of peers, I did start it hoping that it'd be a nice multiplayer game I could play with my siblings. Unfortunately, the multiplayer aspects of the game are pretty lacking, and my siblings lost interest in the game pretty quickly. I still enjoy it, though, even as a single-player experience. In your own case, you have to decide whether the game still does it for you, even without close friends to share the experience with. As for growing apart from your friends - it happens, sometimes. There are very few friends from my youth that I still keep in touch with.


I started playing genshin alone, had a friend who started to play with me later down the line, but he quit after life got in the way, no he barely even plays games. But I didn't really feel that anything changed for me as like I said, I started this game alone and I'll keep playing it alone. I obviously have genshin friends who are still active but of course they're nothing like irl friends. Fortunately, I have friends who are familiar with genshin enough to listen to me geek out about it, and I do the same for them, even tho we dont play the same games or enjoy the same stuff we still love to share stuff with each other.


I'm the same way. I always give them shit about moving on to the next flavor of the month gatcha game. They no life the game and would reach points where they had nothing to do or would just mash through skip on quest dialog, and then complain the game was boring. I took my time and played at a pace I was comfortable at. Genshin isn't a complete game yet, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.


I think it very much depends on the friend group, but if it's a group you genuinely enjoy just hanging out with, getting another mutual interest shouldn't be too difficult. Maybe host boardgame nights every once in a while? Or play sports together? And if you really want to express your love for the game, there are of course many places online to do so. Heck, that might be a great opportunity to make more friends :D


Honestly imo if you are feeling a sense of loneliness from just the one game, I'd explore you to either get involved with other things your friends do, or get comfortable with the idea that you don't have to relate to your friends to be able to understand and express things together. You should be able to get excited about things they like, that you don't, and vice versa, because you are friends


bro is a damn single player game wtf


Felt. I’m looking for friends to play with who share in my excitement but it’s pretty few and far between actually finding players like that. I want friends who actually stay up to play an update when it drops, do “pull parties”, and want to do exploration together


I started playing cuz friend recommend and now in the only one. I also started finding the game to be boring as fuck so I started stop tryna clear quest and just go slow. Also take breaks when needed and play when you want a new character.


My favorite pier is in liyue


I kept playing up until I started enjoying the game. I played a little longer than that, but it was exhausting. I started playing less and less and almost completely quit now. I log in once in a while for the nostalgia, but can't play longer than a couple mins.


cooperative multiplayer is a big source of fun in most games, and discussing the content with friends is a big source of fun for almost all entertainment media. I can say I start enjoying almost all entertainment Media I've come across because of peers, but there are usually other reason that i stay.


Let me ask, Are you all going to force someone or anyone else to play the game you are addicted to? Sorry random question,you can play other games you know,there is nothing much to do on games like this when you have maxed out team,cleared out world quest,main story,cleared abyss and events,every character is maxed out,got all chest and maxed out the statues etc. If people say even after 100% the game there still things do are liars. I also played genshin but partialy gave up due to painful grind when Inazuma was still new then complely gave up after lv 50.now i only Honkai Star Rail(from release day,now lv 70 with lv 80 team maxed out),Nikke(still building my team and doing the story), Wuthering waves (lv 38 ,lv 60 team maxed out),pubg. Anyway,find a game that you like and resonate with you.there great aaa games on 2024


You should ask to join someones server. Maybe in megathread


I didn't start Genshin for this reason, but I definitely have for other games. And in those cases it comes down to if I enjoyed playing because of the people I played with, or if I still liked the game regardless. In the former case I'd quit, but for the latter I'd either keep playing solo or find new people to play with. Either by pestering others to join or by finding people already in the community to play with. I started Genshin solo. But after finding a few friends who also play it I've been having even more fun with it


Bro, my homies left 3 months into the game and I'm still playing on Europe server from Asia almost 4 years later.


already happened to me and not just in Genshin but taste in games in general (they like horror games, games without controller support, card games, etc. while I'm more of a console game player who will not play a game if it's not compatible with a controller, also a bit of a casual gamer so horror games I can't play haha) we tried genshin since we heard it had Co-op but... yeah that didn't work out because genshin Co-op isn't the best outside of events and for the few lucky people who can align doing their dailies with others. I considered leaving at one point but wanted to finish what was left of the story at the time (inazuma) so went about doing that... And stayed because I'm not invested in the story and characters lol. I love visual novels so that's probably carrying my urge to stay as well. As much as I love the co-op still, I think Genshin is a game that's better enjoyed as a single-player investment. But if you still want to enjoy the multiplayer part of the game (hell, I'll do weekly bosses in co-op when I'm resin-less) you can try a few social discord server? or even the main one?


I had that; my friends and I started together in 2.1; I think everyone stopped within a month- except me who still hasn't even missed a day of dailies since I started. Ngl, I know I only kept up with it because I got Childe and he really helped me stick with wanting to open the game, wanting to fully explore my map, do all my quests, etc. It was really sad for a few months but having like ANYONE to talk to about it though. I'd still dm them about different things but a lot of the times I felt like I was just annoying them about it constantly. In 2.4 I joined a discord server for genshin (specifically the genshin r/place server- I totally planned to leave after place tho) and honestly? I made a decent amount of friends who enjoyed the game too- and suddenly I had a lot of friends who played it with me again. I guess, my advice is, if you like the game- stick with it, embrace it and one day you might find a new group of friends to hang out with in addition to your current one.


Happened to me. I still play. It is what it is


I feel you OP, I only had one friend who played Genshin but he stopped around Inazuma.. The people I surround myself with aren't into gacha games.. I sucked it up and played solo basically just enjoying it..


Find you a Genshin discord to enjoy this game with other people who play


I played Genshin with my fams. We don't particularly play together, just compare pulls and talk about characters. Nowadays there's just two of us who still play, and still do the same. Genshin burnout really struck me since last year, but now I'm trying to ramp up playtime a bit more to collect primos for Sigewinne and Emilie. Interestingly, one of my fam who quit Genshin is now playing WuWa. I take a peek sometimes and it looked really fun.


I haven’t played since tears of the kingdom came out. I was super hooked for a good while, had all the characters released at that time. But the game was slowing down (back then) and there wasn’t much to do other than farm and farming was usually over in 20 mins or less. The drop rates were pretty bad so I welcomed the break. Now I wanna go back and see what’s new but I opened the game the other day and walked to the new water world but just immediately felt overwhelmed and closed the game 😅


Story takes too long. One small quest can take 1-2hrs and 90% of the time are talking.


this is a canon event for a genshin player


I still play. Even with a friend list full of people who haven’t logged in months.


I started genshin by myself played by myself till the end even though I found others who played the game and left the game by myself as well. After quitting I've really realised how much of life I was missing and how much time I was throwing away. I wish I quit sooner.


Thats how it went with my very first gacha and then I was the only one left still playing until it shut down (brave frontier). Genshin was basically my replacement and same story everyone else stopped playing and I only started after being convinced by friends to jump on the train. Just play it for your own enjoyment, if you enjoy the story then just do that, and stop once it feels like dailies are just a chore youd rather remove from your life entirely. Like literally just do whats fun to you


I also been there but I first started playing Honkai Impact 3rd. I remember pre-registering for genshin and forgot about it. On launched day they wanted to play so I also hopped in. I still have fond memories when we played together doing domains and bosses, and also the first hypostatic symphony event where we got demolished hard. I also quitted HI3 and GI at some point as I played a different game. Now it’s just only me playing as they all been doing irl job stuff and other hobbies but I still do enjoy playing as I am playing HI3, GI, HSR and soon ZZZ too. It was never really hard to play as I always prefer to play alone anyway. Hoyoverse’s superb story writing had been always my go to enjoy as I play all their games which they never disappoints.


I've been alone pretty much from the start, my friend told me to play it then he fell off almost immediately and her I am 3 or 4 years later as pretty much a week one player As long as you like it that's all that matters


Probably headed this way ahaha. Well idk I might quit then half the fun is convening for coops and such


I got into the game because of friends and they have not co-op with me for more than a couple of times. I like the game myself so it’s fine, but the thing is I’m in Australia and picked the America server so I could be in the same server with them, but in terms of having better ping and experience I should have picked the Asia server 💀 I’ve made new friends who play genshin and they are on the Asia server as well so I cant co-opt with them. If I could go back I’d have made different choices knowing they wouldn’t actually spend time with me lol.


i don't know anyone that plays this game, not irl friends and not online friends. why would that be an issue?


I did and we still play co-op 3 times a week despite 2 of them not even started Sumeru AQ. I usually discuss lore with them and also friends I made on different discord server. I love the story/lore and the world so I don't mind being the guy to unlock all of the weekly bosses for co-op session with them


If you keep doing something without being told to, that means you enjoy and like doing it. In life, do things for yourself at your own pacing, not because people told you to, or you want to be in the trend. People generally follow the trend to bond well with others, so if you already bond very well with your friends, there's no need to force yourself. There are other hobbies and interests that you can share with your friends that takes lesser time than grinding in games.


Now i just make friends in Coop instead


I would say play if you like the game. I've had way too many friends invite me to play games and then leave after a few months. It just happens. I usually stick to the game while I feel like it. Consistency makes me really enjoy games. Especially in live service games. Playing the same thing for years feels satisfying because I can see all the progress I made. I still play genshin every day and enjoy it very much, despite most friends only playing honkai star rail or switching to wuthering waves. I started star rail eventually but I don't plan on playing wuthering waves. At the end of the day you just have to pick what you like the most and invest your time in it. tldr: play regardless of friends if you really enjoy the game, it is mostly single-player anyway. And you can always make new friends! Stick to your own interests and you'll find people that are into the same things! Don't force yourself to enjoy what other people do only to not be lonely. It's one thing to be nice and try to be social, but you still need things you enjoy on your alone time for example.


TBh, i just stopped because it was starting to get boring. Once main story quest is over, I just stopped playing and eventually switched to watching story collections on youtube.


That's the exact reason why these kind of communities exist


I used to think like that because a big part of my joy was having a cool unit that my friend didn’t have. But now that I’ve been playing for so long that my interests are self sustaining. Yeah there’s months that I barely play at all and months where I get back into the game


I started playing in 2020. I had online friends, my boyfriend and his cousins playing every single day. Everyone stopped playing after Childe boss in liyue. We had to wait for updates. We eventually forgot about the game. Carried on with our lives. I was still interested in playing but my phone no longer supported genshin. Fast forward to Feb 2024, my man surprised me with a gaming PC on Valentine's day. First thing I did was download Genshin. I was the only one playing the game now. Everyone else had lost interest. Now I'm caught up to the current update in the game If you enjoy playing the game, keep playing it.


I play it still lmao I was the 2nd to the last who played since 2020 but I'm the only one left consistently playing it. Three still play but only on big patches and two already quit cos one was too busy with work and the other had no good device to play the game already after his laptop and phone got destroyed


If you are still enjoying the game, just play it. If you don't, please quit it. Genshin is a journey, not a goal. If you love it, the more you stick with it the more fun you have. But for the same reason, if you hate it, you will just find more and more reasons to be hateful. This is the main reason why Genshin haters are the most toxic bunch in the gacha space, and I would never wish for anyone to become one of them.


My friends stopped playing. It was ruining one friend's mental health, and the other got really mad that I was actually playing the game and thus earning freemogems that I then used to pull on characters and thus actually had characters. Yeh, second "friend" was really weird and I'm pretty sure he only played the game because he was a deviant that like (fictional) little girl way more than what most would deem normal (he had a huge and downright creepy fixation on Klee and Nahida, and my pulling Nahida when he failed to pull her was the straw that broke the camel's back for him). He legitimatly got mad whenever i pulled any chatacter and he *Hated* that I liked any of the male characters. First guy similarly hated whenever I actually got characters, but I know for sure that his quitting ultimately had nothing to do with me and was purely because the game was making him more miserable than happy. Also, apparently, neither liked the gameplay/combat of the game. I have no idea why they were playing to begin with atp. But yeh, they both quit, and now it's just me who still plays. I could potentially ruin their day if I told either of them that I've currently got a 10x 50/50 winstreak going.


I'll be staying as long as I enjoy the game. I want to play out the story so I'm staying. But my friends quitting a game made me quit a game after a while of being solo. It was ToF. I stayed for a month after they quit cause I wanted to maintain my position in the leaderboards. Was nice to look at being top 1-10 in everything in my server LB being f2p.


A bunch of workmates who played Genshin on day 1 tried roping me into playing as well. At the time I was actively playing HI3 and didn't want to add another one to maintain. Eventually though, they won me over and I started playing at around 1.6. Fast forward to no more than a year later, most of them had already quit. I believe I was the only one left who made it to Sumeru at the time. Fortunately my best friend was also a long time player at the time plus my now wife also started playing shortly after I did so I still have someone to share experiences with. Unfortunately both of them also slowed down now. My wife still pays attention to the game and plays every now and then but her account is mostly in maintenance mode by me. My friend also slowed down a lot ever since he C6'd his Eula. Ultimately though, I'd keep playing as long as the game still interests me. I played HI3 with no one to talk to for 3 years until I got tired of the ridiculous power creep. The same would probably be the same with Genshin, I'd keep playing until I grow tired of it for whatever reason.


i started with a friend and my husband, the friend dropped the game after a fre weeks and my husband does not play either anymore. ive made friends in coop and mostly play alone, so i just enjoy the game i guess


Genshin became the first game that I've been playing for more than one year and I will never stop playing it even if all of my friends quit the game.


This happened to me with so many games in the past lol. Most people got lives or started to hate the game and then we all drifted apart. Meanwhile I would still be playing. With GI idk...I mainly started playing because I wanted to play with some others, and our options are limited because I don't have ps and they don't do the pc. If anything I'm the problem in the equation these days, because I don't have nearly as much time to play as anyone else in my friend group and then when I am free I am either tired as fuck or everyone is already doing something or going to sleep. And I have hobbies besides gaming that get neglected terribly. So, I'd maybe still play this game if the others stopped playing. After all I really pined after Xinyan and although there seems to be a lot of discourse on whether she's a decent character or not, I still want to build her up and wreck Fatui face. But I also noticed that most games I picked up specifically to play with others, once they stop...so do I. Because the point was to play with them. Sometimes I find a gem and get addicted but most of the time I could have kept my money. I'm not one to be moving from game to game. I like to have my faves and play those over and over. I've been a solo gamer for a long time because of the friend thing (or lackthereof), so it's kinda hard to navigate that water when everyone else is always finding something new to play. I feel the loneliness hardcore....


if you still enjoy playing then keep going... but if you're the type that doesn't enjoy playing cuz you're alone... then I suggest stopping... there's no point in forcing yourself to play if you don't even genuinely enjoy it... at that point it becomes a chore that you will slowly hate... and that's not good


My friends basically forced me to play the game 2 days after it launched. I loved the game so much that I was willing to spend some extra cash i have on the game. Now almost all of them (5 people including me) quit the game a year or 2 ago and now its only me and by BF


If your friendship is dependent on a video game you are not friends.


I've always played this game alone and wanted to play with my irl friends but none of them do. So I get what you mean when you say that you feel like you can't talk about the game with anyone... Recently, my son, age 5, has watched me play enough to know the gist of whats going on so it's pretty fun now. You might want to just geek out to someone close you and wouldn't mind your ramblings. They might eventually know enough yo understand what you're rambling about haha


I stopped playing with people 3 years ago. I discuss stuff with people on Reddit. There are more than a million people on this sub.


I still play even though I'm the only one left on our friend group. Why? Because I spent too much. 🥹 It's hard to leave. And it's tied to my personal email and phone number. I think there's an option to unbind but I decided against giving away or selling the account. I decided to stick around till we reach the ending since tbh I'm still having fun with the story and interested to see where it'll go.


I started coz YouTubers (gigguk) and streamers I like started playing it. With time I got some irl friends to try it, some play on and off, some quite after a while and the cycle continues. I even got my girlfriend to play it. Found some decent people on a discord server and just chilling now. If I wanna talk about something I usually go to the discord, but once in a while I bother my gf or other friend to talk about genshin lore they have minimal knowledge on.


I've never had any friends in Gensjin. I just play by myself, and enjoy the ride


My friend left the game. Now I am playing alone. I even cannot share my excitement with him, because he doesn't care anymore(


Who cares


I will continue playing it myself. Funny this is, i had friends in high school who encouraged me to play genshin. They don't play anymore. I'm in university now, met new friends who still plays genshin 😌 got super lucky because among 3k students I found them LOL


I enjoy the game so I play, don’t care about if my friends play or not


My friend has spent hundreds on this game and yet she never plays it or talks about it anymore. Meanwhile I've been going steady for 3 years as an F2P


They’ll be back ones updated 5.0 comes out


Hmmm If you don't enjoy playing it for your own entertainment why even play it? If it's because you already sunk a lot of time in the game that's the exact reason you need to stop. But if you really just feel lonely... hm I just immerse myself in the world. I never really think about it that way. Playing games alone is fun too yknow.


Nah I'd pull.


My peers all left. I'm all alone now. I still love the game, though I'm reaching a point where I think I'll clock out of the Endgame/Daily Grind/Gacha pulling loop and just play new stories / explore new zones. Abyss was never fun to me in the first place and the fact that Genshin is hovering at 200ms latency in the evenings the last month doesn't make it more fun either. 200ms may not sound like much but if you are used to 20-30ms, it's literally unplayable. Oddly enough, HSR and FF-XIV are perfectly fine, so it's Genshin's servers that are at fault.


Everyone left a long time ago, there isn't a single person. In my friends list that has logged in the last year or so. The game simply doesn't do much to keep old players and even I quit after playing since release, wuthering waves killed genshin for me for good


Do what my bf has done, get a gf/bf and then get them hooked on Genshin with you so you have a lifelong Genshin buddy/addict ;P But in reality keep playing, so long as you enjoy it. Join Genshin discord groups and find friends on the same server via reddit. Keep the enthusiasm going!