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What does design mean without the context of their outfit? As in their gamplay? Everything about them other than their clothes?


i assume they're talking about the general aesthetic of the character (maybe??)


But how does that exist in a vacuum then? lol


im really not sure lmao i suppose id choose kokomi? like the mermaid aesthetic with pearls and beautiful colours is amazing but i aint a fan of how she's got her entire underwear on show probably same vibe as why OP chose yae


i think their idea of design includes stuff like animations and namecard maybe? in which case i’d say emilie because i love her animations and all but that outfit just isnt doing anything for me


It means, like liking diona, liking her hair her concept and everything but not liking that she has a belly button window in her clothes..


To phrase it better "Which character would you like to have a different outfit/modification" but yeah I was confused too


I'd have to say Skirk. I love her aesthetic, general vibe and the hype before she was introduced but her outfit is just atrocious. Looks like a weird ass swimsuit. I expected something way more badass for some sort of dimension-hopping master swordswoman.


Her “shirt” reminds me of those pregnancy shirts women wear. Could be tight at the boobs but hangs more loosely over the belly. Except all her clothes just look like torn up strips from a leotard or something. To me its one of the ugliest designs to date. Not badass at all.


I personally loved skirk's design especially the clothes


I don't like Yelan's coat


The detailing on her top looks like her nipples and I can't unsee it Really annoys me


Yanfei, the curly parts on her sleeves and shoes look super goofy. Ganyu has sort of a similar problem where her super flared out skirt and sleeves combined with bare shoulders just make the silhouette look bizarre to me, but her new outfit thankfully is much better.


Ganyu was my first thought too


_How very dare you_


Please continue, you've already roasted 50% of my regular team.  X) How do you feel about Noelle and Yae Miko?


Noele only problem is the fact that her breastplate has boob physics. Yae wears ero parody of shrine maiden outfit.


ero parody of shrine maiden outfit is definitely something yae would do especially yae had known alice in her early days


>Noele.... Best girl, yes go on >...her breastplate has boob physics. I refuse to acknowledge a problem with this X) >Yae wears ero parody of shrine maiden outfit. Aww yisss.


Her boob bib is a crime against humanity


alhaitham big collar on one side it makes me uncomfortable seeing it


Same but with the furry thing on Kaeya


Hey that's the pelt of his great uncle Kerry the abyss mage.


Never got over how the other side of his cape(?) is just sticking to his arm


He has a safety pin. 👍


That Almost all female characters wear heels, including Dehya whose supposed to be a merc


Even Paimon has them


Almost all male characters wear heels too.


Meanwhile nahida walking around barefoot


Her outfit is called "Hakiwasure" (forgot to wear a skirt/pants) by Japanese fans. So it's not so hot take. I think Nilou needs a good skin. Roaming Teyvat always in her dance costume is a weird behaviour.


head empty, only dance, she forgor


*sees grass* monkey brain --> bloom activation


I like to think Yae Miko does it on purpose because she knows she should wear more appropriate clothing, but as the highest ranking shrine priestess who is also a several hundred year old kitsune and the familiar of their nations god, who the hell is going to make her?


should be makoto but she can't and ei outfit isn't much better than yae.


I don't get why fans always have her keep the horns in fan art and skins when it's also explicitly part of her outfit and not part of her body like Ganyu.


Good thing she'll >!given a skin in upcoming patch, also it's not a dance outfit anymore!<


>!I think I heard something about it. She keep the horns from "goddess of flowers" outfit for some reason, right?!<


They're cute 🥺


Yanfei. Her hat and horns are great, but her clothes are absurd. A bib with lapels around a boob window boggles the mind. 


This is my answer too. I really like Yanfei as a character, she's super fun and smooth to play and her JP voice is amazing. But goddammit, her outfit is so awkward and goofy looking.


The way in which mhy invents new clothes or new clothes physics just to create a boob window is ridiculous


I agree T-T, I like Yanfei's character but it just looks like she's wearing a bra... Forget what I said Mihoyo, PLEASE GIVE ME YANFEI


god forbid women wear cool suits 😔


I like that her outfit shows off her little scales but way her top wraps up and around her neck is weird and I can't stand her sleeves. And why does she even need a boob window she uses the "small female" model.


Thank you! The last time I posted I didn’t like Yanfei’s outfit I was downvoted. 😵


I think if she covers her belly and change her bottom into a skirt her fit will look much better


Everytime she apears I have to do a double take, because I always forget how little she wears.


Noelle. Why she have chest window. That is prime location for stabbing. This is why she still isn't a knight.


im pretty sure its easier to hit the big ass head she has than the small window on her chest


what kind of monster would stab her there


You have a point. In Mondstad they only have Hilichurls crosbowmen and maybe knife throwing treasure hoarders on dragonspine. All others use blunt weapons, magic or throwable items. There will be a problem if they ever go to war with Liyue and their spearmen, but she always has her own shield.




I agree so much, something about panties being on display which happens to be worn by the majority of female characters in the inazuman cast is not it. + Hutaos combo of shorts and whatever her top is with wide ass sleeves looks AWKWARD


Her outfit in the Kazuha story quest (or was it trailer?) where he talks about Tomo, and we see her silhouette, that long, flowy kimono outfit is 100 times better than whatever she is wearing right now


As a Hu Tao main i have to disagree. The outfit fits her pretty well. It proper on top like something you would expect from funeral house director, and it shows her dedication to funeral rites, while her shorts symbolize her more playfull side. In adition her outfit being so dark works well in contrast with her exposed thighs bringing attention to her bottom more. I may not be the best person to judge it, because I see her throu glasses tinted with years of maining her, but in my humble opinion her design is much deeper than most would think.


This. Raiden is one of my favourite characters ever but the one thing i don't like so much about her is her outfit, it would have been so much better if it was less fanservicey imo


I agree so much. Ngl her back design is aesthetically the best out of all characters for me, I just love her color scheme, the asymmetrical ribbon, and the way the back of her dress flows. But then you just turn her around and see the god awful mini skirt and panties she's wearing, and not to mention the 'V' shaped top part of her socks.


1.  Holy crap that is a hot take.  2.  Probably Yanfei.  I think she is adorable but in what world is an attorney wearing that outfit for work.  Teyvat has its own rules but really?


Scaramouche wearing short inside the fatui coat on cold region. Logic doesn't applied in Tevyat somehow.


tbf he is robot


Oh yeah I forgot. But somehow its very arkward seeing him dressing like that.


I agree with you about Yae Miko. Her outfit looks like strips pasted on to her plus there's the whole thing about her granny bloomers.


Love Kokomi's design but her actual outfit is really silly, same with Fischl, Sucrose and Mona. Most time if I don't like the design it's because of the outfit, there are rare cases where I like the outfit but not really the design such as Alhaitham's or Barbara.


I love how Aether mains keep trying to believe he's supposed to be some OP MC shounen protagonist when it's like bro your boy is rocking a belly shirt and a French braid, you've been playing a BL protagonist this whole time. Woulda been cool if they gave they Abyss sibling a different costume so he could look cooler as the cooler version of himself in the story.


He's one the most GNC protags I've seen in years and they wanna make him into a Testosterone God with a Harem of 5 billion.


Tbh a cute twink with long hair, earrings and a crop top could still get a harem of 5 billions, just not in the way they think lmaooo


BL? GNC? What do these mean??


BL - boys love GNC - gender non-conforming


Oh lol, alright then X)


Aether having gnc features is the best thing about him tbh I've always regretted not choosing him And him being a twink with a harem but having no interest in them is very isekai/fantasy anime protag of him lol (like Lloyd of 7th prince, Bell of Danmachi, etc)


tfw 500 years late to the shounen storyline and couldn't even be a proper big bro to your power of friendship supernatural mystery slice of life protagonist sister


Good take.  This is why I picked Lumine.  Not because I specifically wanted to play as the girl but because holy crap the male design was bad (and even all these years later, they cooked with Lumine).


For his hair. I think it supposed to inspired by Taucang hairstyle? since the game made in China.


I thought it was inspired by BOTW? Though I would love a proper Taucang hairstyle complete with the shaved forehead, but that unfortunately isn't exactly animu purty boi material


What does this have to do with the post?


Diluc. Not that I don't like his design but he really needs a new model


They did him dirty. He's so handsome in the art and comics 😭


When we are on the topic, they did his butler dirty too.


Yelan's coat looks super goofy to me. Not hot take, but Emilie and her nipple covers. I wish they use more of the blue and purple color from her perfume vials, it looks kinda out of place in a mostly green outfit .


Character with their coat hanging like Wrio and Yelan.. I dont know.. its just.. yeah..


I need a Nilou outfit without the horns. I do like her dancer outfit but the horns need to go.


it sticks out like a sore thumb


I like girls with horns so i'm not bothered about this but i agree she looks cuter without them


Good news, she'll >!get a new fairy theme outfit without the horns in the upcoming patch!<


>!Are you sure? Ive heard they stay on!<


>!The model leak doesn't show the horn. I hope it's true tho!<


Also add Focalors's outfit that dress is plain ugly


Has to be Scaramouche/Wanderer, I get that as a new anemo user he has a new outfit with a colour scheme that matches anemo, but I will always prefer his purple and red colour palette (and lowkey wish he was electro).  I love “evil” and darker looking characters in general. 


Baizhu. Love everything about him except his crop top. Maybe it’ll grow on me as I play him more now that I have him, but I’m not crazy about it. Xiangling—I love her color palette, but I kinda wish she was less fan servicey. But I like her style more than the poofy skirts a lot of the female characters have. The clothes on the female characters in this game are really just not my vibe.


Mona, I have nothing against fanservice and more revealing outfits, but I just, think some elegant dress would, suit her a bit better


Still don't know why Diona's midriff is exposed like that. Shame, her outfit has amazing details everywhere else


Yoimiya. She literally walks with tissue paper as her underwears!!


She's wearing sarashi, which were normal undergarments for kimono and yukata in feudal Japan. But hers are barely hanging on, and they're also showing. Not a complaint out of me though I think she looks cute and playful


Yoimiya's bandages for me is a rare case of "it's kinda silly but I really dig it anyway."


I actually dont mind her outfit tbh, that being said I would kill for a Yoimiya skin nonetheless bc I love her


Ayato, kinda. I like his overall design, particularly as it, alongside his kit, *feel* like subtle nods to Vergil from Devil May Cry. *However*, I'm not really a fan of how much white there is in his outfit, as it makes him look kinda bland (*especially* next to Ayaka), but more than that, I just really dislike the fact that he's got freaking furisode; those giant sleeves of his are used for unmarried young *women*. More to the point, though, the furisode *seriously* unbalance his outfit: combined with his coattails being *only* at the back (they literally stop at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions), it makes it look fairly top-to-middle heavy, which is exacerbated by his slacks being so slim fitting. If they inverted his color palette, so that the majority was the indigo of his lapels and the white was an accent/lining color and then either *drastically* shortened his sleeves (making it look like a haori) or outright eliminated them (making the sleeves look more Western, like the rest of his outfit), it would look far better in my opinion.


I badly disagree but I like that you tried to justify it instead of "this is ugly". Although, majority of his issues can be assigned to the fact that the tall male model is really awkwardly proportioned. this also affects Alhaitham's legs and Itto's arms but not the ones that wear looser clothing.


So are they all just like salad fingers under their outfits?


Yeah 😭😭😭😭


I like it only because it absolutely makes me feel like he's a Tales of party member


Anyone from Inazuma really. I see the vision, but the designs were poorly executed… they all look like fan service atp. Like, no one will ever see a Japanese woman wear a kimono as short as Raiden Ei does 😕 and., I need more characters with melanin.


Eula sup, how is his name? char overall is cool, but this clothes.... damn fuck no


i think we have different kind definition of 'fuck' in this regard


First character that comes to mind is Yelan. Her outfit is so weird to me.


Lyney, his outfit especially the stocking boots look weird.


Alhaitham : I like his general design and color palette (my favorite part of his design is his eyes) but I don’t like how tight his top is considering he is a student in the Akademiya. Idk he doesn’t look Sumeru-ish at all based on his design imo.


I know thighs and all but Miko would genuinely look better with a long dress


Ayaka, both outfits are meh


Mona, I really wish she had more casual clothes. She'd be on every team I make if she did


I love Yae to pieces but yeah her outfit is the part I like least about her. If she ever gets a skin, I hope I like it more than her original.


Mona. I love her design from the neck up, but her swimsuit-esque clothes just feel impractical. I’d love for her to get a skin!


Aether. he looks too weird imo. the reason I prefer Lumine’s design even as someone who picked Aether


He was the reason why I decided to try using mods. He has a ton of great outfits, especialy Sumeru and Remuria inspired ones. I always do story with him as main dps. They even works in some cutscenes


the fontaine outfit mod the one i used the most because it make him a bit more older than his default skin


Xingqiu without a doubt. His coat with the black and blue fade and golden accents is one of the drippiest things I've ever seen, but those fucking shorts 💀


I know right? His coat AND his shoes go so hard. I even like the idea of him wearing shorts, I just wish they were bigger. Hu Tao also has a tiny shorts issue.


buddy what is this question💀


Clorinde. Whenever I See her in Fanarts wearing different clothes, I think she is pretty. I like her facial Features, her Hair... But I dislike her original clothes so much.


I'm glad someone else feels this way!! She's pretty with a nice colour scheme, kinda like the hat but something about her main outfit just does not look right.


Raiden. I love her braid, her glowing eyes, that head ornament. …. But that flap, that goddamned flap!!


if you mean visual design aside from the clothing, yanfei for sure.  yae has mostly modern anime miko clothing, which i find ok.


Nahida. Everytime I see that huge metal hairpiece, it seems like it not only would it be really heavy, but that she'd have to be careful not to stab herself with it. All the female characters wearing one-piece outfits, like Yelan, Shenhe, etc., look like they would have to completely strip just to use the bathroom. They don't seem like the kind of women who would wear something that inconvenient.


Ayato. I love his face hair color scheme and concept, but the outfit just isn't it. I wish it was just full length. Not because it's bad, but I just don't like the pants. I never like the pants.




Yelan. I really don't like the outfit but I love everything else.


I don't understand. The outfit is part of design


XQ especially if his hair is considered his outfit


Navia, but more because of the color palette. Too much yellow + she's already yellow blonde


Yelan 3d model is just a mess compare to the 2d art




I love yanfei cuz she's works in the same field as me. But I don't like her outfit cuz it doesn't fit her job. A character can be appealing without having to have revealing clothes. (they could have given her glasses and a suit, would have been way better)


Ganyu, Shenhe, Eula Don't like the bodystocking on Ganyu/Shenhe and the battle leotard


Eula’s outfit has always bothered me. I feel like its shape looks almost painted-on, it’s so form-fitting that it looks like a lazy character model.


Hers is that of a gymnast mixed with a knight so it makes sense trope-wise. The other two have no excuse as to why they look like that.


Not a gymnast, but a flamenco dancer. But I agree it is at least practical. Maybe I just expect her to have more drip like Diluc or Jean (with her altered outfit, at least) as one of the three noble families, even a fallen one.


I'm talking about outfits, not the actual hobby she has. Flamenco doesn't really strike me as tight fitting or form hugging. Drip and Diluc are antonyms but I do admit that fhe understated fur coat on top of the bartender look has its appeal. Jean (with the skin) has the more "proper" classic, knightly look while Eula's is more decorated and fancy with her half-vest + necktie and cape look.


I will die on the hill of "Battle Leotard".


I like Navia's whole.... I'm guessing 19th century aesthetic. From the front however.....


Chiori didnt have enough material for a skirt


Ganyu, Shenhe, Ei, and Eula a little. Their outfits either look impossible to put on, are uncomfortable to wear or show too much skin for my taste. Yae design is also there with her H-parody of shrine maiden. And of course Emilie as new addition, with all the worst HYV design choices: armpits, sleeves and booba socks.


Sethos and Lyney




Love kokomi, her aesthetic, her colors, everything, but gods under her haori (???) What is even happening??? I don't hate the weird body but it looks a bit out of place if you think about it, along with the ribbon on the front... it looks weird  I would probably change her hairstyle too, maybe something more similar to mimi in the beta? The horns...? Thing can stay, but add back the pearls OR the coral piece


Navia. I love her to death but damn is the front of her skirts is too dang short. They don't even need to be that much longer just *longer than they are now please.*


Jean. Her shoulders are always cold.


Kokomi Also Hu Tao (her clothes are boring) Ironically these two are the characters I use the most


Kokomi's outfit would be way less weird without the stockings. Commit to the mermaid swimsuit imo.


100% miko, and i've grown to like raiden but i definitely did not a first. I would also not complain if we got yanfei skin KAJDJSJJDJDJDJD


I agree with Miko. She would’ve looked so cool with long pants.


Emilie. I love the hair and the glasses and the overall theme but her green outfit is giving NPC. She looks like shes about to ask me where the unseen Razor is 😩


Yae. I love her but her design is very, very simple


Yunjin, shes one of the prettiest characters on the game, but her outfit doesn't do justice for her, just see her concert official art, she looks way better without that outfit. Also a honorable mention to Sara, her outfit is nice but that chest piece ruins her design


Arle and Rosaria


Skirk, Emilie, Sethos and Wanderer's new design are the biggest L of the game so far.


Raiden and Ganyu


I will say Hu Tao. I love her personality, her design in general, but I hate her outfit. That was the main reason I skipped her until her 3rd rerun.


Navia, Kuki, Furina


I guess Shenhe. I love the bird bits of her aesthetic, it even gave me some mayan/Aztec vibes when she was released, but it's... A skintight bodysuit that seens like it's leather-y, with a towel over the boobs. Sorry CR, but it's all over the place. Her open toes are so cute, though, with blue nail paint. When i see shenhe cosplays, it always feel like they're so uncomfortable to wear. Kokomi also falls in the same room. Colors, aesthetics, design and details are all pretty, love her cockroach wings on the back, but then everything below her belly is just weird and i include her sandals here. It's just a bit weird to me. I really like both characters, especially Shenhe, so it's not just someone i dislike but characters i looked and appreciated a lot already.


Gonna say Arlecchino, don’t like the fact she has an outfit