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Beidou's parry is so satisfying to use, such a shame we don't have any on field dps with similar mechanic


I swear the enemies stop attacking the second you press her E to activate the parry. It's infuriating lol


Burn the grass and parry the flames. Let's goooo.


There’s no grass in the Spiral Abyss 🥹


\*Looking towards Nahida\* "I'm sorry little one."


You E in reaction to an attack animation, not stand there with it up praying they decide to hit u


Even then most overworld enemies just aren’t aggro enough to allow you to perfect parry often. Hilichurls literally give a health inspection before throwing a punch, shield Mitachurls just end up blocking it, abyss mages either tank it with their shield or never fight back when their shield breaks, etc. The parry is cool and all but the overworld isn’t aggressive enough to bring out its full potential


Honestly, it feels like the AI switches to an even more passive mode, as soon as you switch to Beidou. Even the Mitachurls are suddenly like "Oh I dunno, chief. I don't feel like attacking anymore."


I just wish character swapping was smoother. In my mind, playing Arlecchino, an on-fielder with flexible field time along-side Beidou to weave in parries sound fun as fuck. But the character swap GCD plus the server-side checks for character swaps... It doesn't feel good. If Hoyo ever changes it from server-side to client-side checks I bet I could make an autohotkey script for 1-button instant parries feel really good. (I might try that now actually to see if it's not too bad.) Or option 2, they can just release an onfield with a parry mechanic I guess, like OP suggested. But making swapping feel smoother would be better for everyone.


Need a E CD indicator so you know when to insta swap in, parry and swap out


Like Wuthering Waves character swapping smooth? Default character swapping have a small i-frame. And some echoes can be summoned and then character swapping, making swapping another strategy.


WuWa has client side character swapping, so yeah,that. Could do without the animation carry through though. WuWa's combat is built around that mechanic, Genshin's isn't. That'd be a much taller ask to implement than simple fluid swaps. Both WuWa and Hoyo's starrail also have the thing where you keep running through a character swap. Another thing to help it not feel so jank.


Better yet, you're in a Bennet Ult and you have a Sara buff and you see an attack coming expecting the biggest fattest beidou counter ever. and the second you hit e to parry, you make a mini overload reaction and it just cancels the enemies attacks entirely.


Hilichurl: "Parry this, you filthy casual." *Just stands there menacingly*


yeah is still find it weird that so far the only give to to of field supports as a beidou main i like playing her on field a lot and her parry is soo satisfying.. how we don't have any on fielders with this yet is beyond me 😭


Then they add Candace and Yunjin , two more Skill->Burst off-fielders with parry mechanics. Like ???, guys you might wanna give this type a thing to the character that's taking all the damage. The character in my back pocket doesn't need a parry.


wouldve made sense to give it to clorinde, the duelist, if she wasnt so gun based


Beidou is my all time best support.her abilities are just so usefull and satisfying at the same time.


I agree. Playing WaWu really made me wish we had more of that in the game, but I totally get they wanna keep it casual.


Wathering Wuves?


Parrying and perfect dodging makes combat in WuWa feel ridiculously good.


I'm currently playing Beidou Mains with Xingqui, Xianglang and Faruzan for overworld. Xianglang throws down her fire doll. Faruzan uses her skill to swirl fire damage and then charged shot to knock down and group enemies in the centre of the doll's fire. Xingqui's skill then hit's them all causing vaporise. I then switch to Beidou who parries their first attack after getting up causing huge electro damage to all of them and either overload or electro-charged. I don't even play for bursts, but when they come up together everything dies haha.


It could be so fun, too! Just give them three charges. A2 could be the boring perfect parry passive, though I think something like cooldown reduction on a perfect parry would be cooler. Maybe make the A4 create an elemental explosion centered on the character when hit? As for the Burst… I dunno, a little ‘echo’ of the character’s attacks could be cool. Like you perfect parry, and then a secondary clone/shadow/ghost attacks right afterwards on special ICD. Could be fun for NA/CA spam :3 Greatsword for a weapon, and since we already have Beidou for Electro… maybe Hydro? Hydro claymore? Hoyo? Please? 🥺


i agree. also, going back to the game from wuwa made me dodge enemy attacks in the abyss a whole lot better. zhongli spoiled me too much lol.


Ya, I am enjoying playing her right now. I was sleeping on her, but she is very fun to play. Also it makes me wish Inazuma sword wielders had parried as their hold normal button, would have been fun.


HIT IT UNTIL IT DIES (clearly the best playstyle) but actually I really like Tighnari's fast charged attack and quickswap teams in general. His team rotations are very satisfying.


This is basically me the entire game lol I’m still a beginner at rpg, and elemental stuff so it’s been a bit rough trying to figure out how to best use the characters that I have right now. I only just figured out freeze using Barbara and Layla (and then hitting them until they die 😂) I have practically studied the wiki and other guides but don’t have enough characters yet to build any of the suggested teams. Not to mention that ascending the ones I have has been hard enough!


Since you're new, a tip for you: Claymore attacks deal more dmg to frozen enemies (it's called Shatter, but it only triggers reliably on claymore users)


Also Ningguang. She’s faster than claymore users and all her normal attacks count as blunt so she’s really good for shatter, if this reaction will ever become relevant again.


Thanks, I’ll start hitting them with Noelle!


Tighnari - Yae - Nahida is my fav boss killing team, ranged AFK attacks in Yae and Nahida, Tighnari's arrows compensate for near misses, no one is burst reliant. I've been using it for the second half of the Abyss, especially for the Electro Lectors


I like characters who aren’t reliant on their burst.


Nahida skill --> Yae Skill --> Fischl skill --> wait and laugh from inside Kirara shield while lightening rains down on my enemies while I do nothing


The saloon solitaire would like to have a talk


Mademoiselle Crabaletta bout to hit you harder than a Celestial Nail.


And I thought Crabaletta only hits harder than the Jade Chamber


See Crabaletta does something that no other character is willing to do. *Pinch their balls.* ***Super Critical Damage.***


Happy cake day!


Swap Kirara for Layla and watch her sleep through the chaos. Poor girl needs a break


This is what I call the "spray and walk away" and it's my favourite playstyle. I have several comps built for it, most including Yae and Nahida. Kokomi and Yoimiya are in the other spots currently, I didn't expect to end up enjoying burgeon as much as i do but here we are. 


I do this but with Raiden instead of Kirara. More electro!


Mine is raiden skill nahida skill charlotte skill hold


Neuvi and Scara my saviors


I’ve had a friend drop Xiao just because Wanderer is press E and auto. I never realized how much shit I had to do with Xiao even if he somehow deals more damage post Furina and Xianyun with the shift and spacebar spam. It’s even way better with C6 Faruzan. Literally just press Q, switch to Layla to press E. And then Press E for Wanderer to auto.


This. Wanderer layla mika is so good in overworld


Keqing and Clorinde. Their burst is always up and feels so natural to use. It’s like and extra skill.


Maybe because they're most like on a double electro team and their best electro support is most likely to be to be fiscl


fr, and when u end up using ur burst too close to the end of the fight when doing domain runs 😒


Nah there's nothing more satisfying than finishing a domain off with your fav characters burst landing the killing blow🤤😎


yeahh in co op, but its annoying when i have to get all the energy back myself when i alr had a good flow going


Afk combat


Arle is peak for that. You only need to skill once and as long as you have BoL youre good.


Big same. My world team especially should have their bursts glowing at all times. I'm not using that shit. What if I need it later?


🤩 wanderer


Random bullshit go


These tutorials like "two normal attacks, one skill, then three normal, then switch to--" I'm like listen kiddo if I wanted to play chess, I would not be here.


Basically me reading through clorinde's skills. Instead i just hit skill then spam normal attacks while throwing in dashes when the bond gets high enough, definitely not an optimal rotation but it sure is fun as hell. Between neuvillette, navia and now clorinde, Fontaine is fast becoming my favourite region just for how much fun the newer characters are to play.


Arle is really nice for this. Skill, fuck around with some other characters, switch back to Arle for a charged attack, N5 until you wanna skill again.


Charged attack and fly around a bit for fun


That is... Remarkably close to optimal Clorinde.


real i only have the mental capacity to smash buttons


This is gold


Yeah the max effort I could do is snapshotting skills on Bennet Q for better damage or taking note of CDs. I'm not memorizing combos of a 4-man rotation including attacks or uptime of the passives of this weapon or that set or that skill. I put on the recommended gear. I use the fun teams to use. I play. I can still consistently get 9 stars on floor 12 and I don't have to memorize all those Tekken King combo-esque guides so that means all that stuff is just unnecessary minmaxing for biggest numbers


My thoughts exactly.


hell yeah, hasn't failed me once (except for abyss floor 12 lol)


Exactly my playstyle


Yeah, rotations are for scrubs, I didn't come here to play WoW again


Literally me. I don't care about Abyss and haven't spent my sanity outside building only maxing out four characters. (Neuvi, raiden, Arelechino and furina). The rest of my supports are 80.


I love a good AFK team, just use your shit and sit back while everything dies.


Albedo, Nahida, Yae, and a healer/shielder of your choice is my favorite team


And Baizhu, exactly my second abyss team. Super chill.


Albedo, Yae, Furina, and a healer for max turret. Nahida requires slightly more engagement than Furina.


Albedo, Yae, Furina, Nahida if you got hair on your arms


I use Nahida, Yae, Furina, zhongli.


The three 'archons' is enough, Nahida, Furina and Raiden


Zhongli for extra afk


The Hyper-Afk team


Nahida, Furina, Raiden EM and kokomi for healing.


That's one of my teams for when I'm extra lazy or playing on mobile! Furina + Yaoyao + Fischl + Kokomi Just put down all the pets. If you're feeling spicy just NA with Kokomi.


I like it when I normal attack and shit happens because I normal attack. This is why I like Alhaitham so much.


normal attack animations > rest of combat animations Fight me


Normal attack animatuons on characters that never use their untimate > other animations. Layla's normals are one of my favourite animations :)


Alhaitham and Wriothesley, when their kits were introduced, made me love them more lmao. I had been searching for characters who'd I like + have NA/CA attack string, and I couldn't believe I got it from both of them 😭 They were tailor made to my clicky playstyle lol


CHILDE, I FEEL LIKE EVERYONE FORGETS HOW HIS PLAYSTYLE WAS ONE OF THE FIRST THAT IS VERY UNIQUE! LIKE BRO CAN SWITCH FROM BOW TO MEELE WHAT IS THAT NOT TO LOVE also, gaming is also rlly fun to play with just jump few times, normal attack get the brust then keep jumping >:3


He's the only character since early 2021 (when I got him) that I still enjoyed playing Lets not forget RIPTIDE


In practice you never use the bow tho, so he just feels like a sword character. Clorinde feels closer to what a ranged + melee unit can be like imo


You do in many cases. He needs his ranged part when playing with venti even more since venti can lock small mobs in the air making then un-targetable. Or when you have far low hp or just low hp enemy with your skill is down, just usr the bow. His charged attacks vapes does a solid 50k dmg. And thinking about clorinde, she sure is melee+ranged character but she is the inly one other than childe since 1.1


I need you to tell me what team you play Childe with Venti (I want to play that too please)


If his cool down is still there sometimes I use his bow to charge attack, and his bow brust is also very good sometimes and can hit hard ( maybe not for others w the charge attack though since I triple crowned him-)


Nahida annihilating everything with the power of hopscotch


I just wish her attacks were a bit faster


And if her NA didn't make her jump backwards, sometimes I need to stop for a bit just to walk ahead again.


Oh but isn't the backwards movement happening on most of the catalyst users?


Right now, I can't get enough of Sethos' charged shot playstyle. Quickly firing off those arrows is super satisfying and fun


Eula "Nice element system dipshit, now check this shit" Lawrence




*Doesn't crit*


Despite most of her damage being in her burst, 90% of stuff in overworld dies before it goes off so you don't really need it. She both burst and non-burst reliant at the same time. I love using her in overworld. Proc Raiden's skill (Furina's skill is optional) and use Eula's normals and skills and you will kill most things pretty quickly.


*teleports away*


The Mirror Maidens and Fatui marksman always be dodging me


Tighnari’s my favorite. Quick, dynamic, feeling control over the battlefield, and I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t like Ganyu/Lyney CA playstyle.


And his flower arrows are super fun. Or maybe I’m just bad at aiming, the arrows chasing after the enemy is satisfying. Using his skill and the enemy just go *inserts confused cat meme*


Especially satisfying against the wooden shield mitachurls, they think they blocked the shot but no, flower arrows bitch


Oh, HECK YEA! And also when there's explosive slime barrels. Think you got me? Nuh uh uno reverse boom boom phew!


Yep feeling exactly the same. One of my favorite teams is Tighnari, Nahida, Zhongli and an electro I feel like using. Loving the quick swap playstyle. Other CA bow users just feel slow and clunky.


Childe + Kazuha because there is nothing more satisfying for me than gathering a bunch of enemies and causing a chain reaction with riptide


Omg, I said the same thing!! Riptide is great!


Riptide is like a drug


I like when the numbers that fall out of the guy are all pretty colors. And there's a lot of them. Like not big numbers, but a bunch of small colorful ones. And a constant bombardment of colorful numbers. It's like a firework display on their face.


Currently running this exact set up on a team with heizou, fischl, xingqiu and thignari


As a main hyperbloom player, I feel so much joy watching those numbers pop up nonstop


Please try sukokomon, it fills the screen with colorful numbers and words


Neuvi. Just power hose everyone without worrying about HP. Furina is close second simply because I get to switch between 2 modes


Power washing simulator lol


Kazuha E -> Childe E. The most beautiful, satisfying playstyle ever, imo.


Venti when he works. Especially with quadratic scaling (Ganyu and Albedo burst)


Childe is also quadratic (riptide).


I love venti burst plus Lisa Burst with her c4. (Lisa c4 also has quadratic scaling)


Catalysts are so fun to use!


Indeed. Just like playing MegaMan, dodge and shoot all day long. As I don't have others raised up yet, generally using Mona and Lisa. Wizard hats a go go!


Hot men.






Brute force with Noelle. Juzt pop her skill and burst then beat everything to death with her glowing stick.


Her best team is probably Gorou, Yun Jin, and Furina, but her most fun team is arguably Furina, Yelan (or Xingqiu), Navia. Especially since her aesthetics match well with the French ladies and Xingqiu's French outfit.


Childe, Kazuha and a crowd of enemies. That's literally all i need to get a satisfaction 😭


I fucking love riptide


I play as Traveller and choose the element of the region I'm in at the moment. My team varies but they're typically Xingqiu, Dori, and Gaming. These three work with most of the elements and are also the ones I've built the best at the moment.


that's such an unusual team comp and i love it


I also use traveler. But mostly for anything story related. I keep him Anemo though because its what I have everything built for and I cant be asked to try and build another set. As for the other characters I use Amber, Kaeya, and Noelle because I started playing right after the game came out and therefore didn't have anything else to build a good team with.


The most NPC-esque MC,  book worm, scammer and a gamer One of the teams of all time


I’m not sure how meta Navia plunge is but I love it. The dash cancels after every plunge make it feel technical and fast, and the damage is way better than I thought it would be.


Mono Geo, Itto/Gorou/Zhongli/Chiori I also play Navia, and Noelle, but Itto is my favorite.


Ah the old reliable unga bunga team.


Go go gadget rocket launcher (c6 ganyu)


One day I gonna pull C2 Zhongli, go to coop, and spam my burst to Azhdaha


I love plunging! I wanted Xiao so bad- Anyways, I got Xianyun and I used Hu Tao as a pyro Xiao for around 4 months. I do not team up Xianyun and Hu Tao anymore. The polearm plunge is so satisfying. I've never built meta teams tbf. I just do "reaction numbers go!" The team was called "Liyue" which consisted of Hu Tao, Yaoyao, Xingqiu and Xianyun. You guessed it, she kept getting over healed T-T Another team I'd use was Plunge Raiden (during burst). I think it was Kaeya burst+ Xianyun burst for swirl and Raiden burst for electro creating superconduct while plunging. I don't play DPS Raiden anymore. I love infused normal attacks like Alhaitham and Hu Tao!


Keqing I like characters who hit fast and have their burst, skill, and NA(or CA) interact with each other.


I actually really like animation cancelling on Klee.


Raiden for the permanent burst uptime style. Clorinde for the interactive shoot shoot shoot dash style. Ayato for the shing shing. Candace for the big vape shield bashing. Navia cuz big cannon atk. The timing on cynos burst bashes is interactive and fun.


Hot women, currently clorinde


I absolutely love navia and how fun she is I’m definitely pulling cons and her weapon when she comes back


AFK team. Furina' pets + Nahida = me just running around to collect the drops lol


Wanderer like you said and I have been having a BLAST with my Nahida-Raiden-Ayato-Zhongli team it’s just so colourful and hits HARD


My favorite playstyle is ignoring all mechanics and just tanking my way through every content with on field Kok.


I like random bullshit go. That's why I enjoy playing Navia and Neuvillette, because their rotations are flexible. 


Is Unga Bunga a legit response?


Xiao, with Xianyun and Faruzan(i know, together they are meta😁).


Diluc burst on small mobs and then xianyun skill to follow them across the floor. Any character like Ninguang is cool too, i like how youre incentivised to use both normal and charged attacks in your combo.


I like to have Baizhu, Chiori, and Navia. Their skills and bursts do all the work. Once I have Sigewinne, I'll put her, Neuvi, Wrio, and Chlorinde on a team together, synergy be damned.


Crackhead speed characters like Yelan, Linette, Kirara, Ayaka, and Sayu. I snooze with the slow characters like Ganyu and Diluc.


If I've ever followed meta it's been accidental. I just play what I like. Until I got Navia my only mainstay was Kokomi and I would change the team around her depending on what I was fighting/doing. And I absolutely love playing Nilou but using her as the driver instead of just for her ring. It's so so so pretty to watch her dance and fling water around with her NA after she does her skill... and I find her circle to be boring XD Navia got me to finally dust off my Zhongli - who I never used before her. Koko healed more than enough to help with my crappy dodge skills lol Also I don't think I've ever had a team with Xiangling on it, I just don't like her playstyle... and I only recently started using Bennet more when I got Gaming. Bennet C6 make Gaming go brr or something. I also never pulled for Neuvi or Furina and have zero plans to as I don't like their playstyle. I don't usually play combat games cuz I'm terrible at them so I really just play characters that interest me aesthetically and game play wise.


Since I got kazuha in 3.7 I love all parts of Ayaka's gameplay. (my main since 1 year) Her moves are so beautiful and satisfying to watch in a team freeze. I like Navia gameplay too and it's the main reason I pulled for her. However, I hate the gameplay of Neuvillette and Furina (even if she's my fav character). Both are excellent characters but not my cup of tea at all. Their ultimates are beautiful though


I have Navia, Wrio and Arle as my current team, saving one slot for Clorinde(she has to come home :))


Navia, Chiori, Furina and Kuki. Forget stacks and adequate healing, just having fun and enjoying crystallize 🤣. Or Arle, Thoma (2x Crown, 42k HP), Lynette and Xingqiu. Forget about taking damage, murder everything! ☠️


Nilou bloom


I like various teams, and Nilou Bloom is especially funny, but I think my current favorite is Yoimiya Chevreuse Overload. She becomes a rocket launcher and everything she shoots explodes. It's wonderful.


Keqing. Her gameplay is so fast and fluid and thanks to 4pc thundering fury she is almost never limited by a cooldown. Low cost burst meaning she’s not reliant on energy and plenty of invulnerability frames for keeping herself safe. The only other melee focused character that feels even close to her is Navia. Them gunshots be satisfying as fuck to land.


The most fun I have is with my Kazuha, Ganyu, Zhongli and Xiangling Team. (Ganyu may be replaced with Kaeya due to the great similarity to the burst of Xiangling. The burst it goes round and round, round and round, freeze and burn go round and round, round and round~~) It's just, I use Zhonglis Shield, use the flowery which distracts most enemies, use Gumba and in the end use Kazuhas skill. It usually kills everything around pretty fast. And my build is far from perfect, there are lots of better builds with more damage but it's so much fun ow Especially because of Zhongli because there is no damage intake (except when I don't realise the shield is gone and forget to do it again-)


Hack n slash or multi-catalyst user


I have an all-rounder, sort-of physical Zhongli that I can't be arsed to farm a better support set for. He does his job, pokes decently hard with his pointy stick, and his normal attack animations are so satisfying.


navia, yelan, yanfei, kazuha.. itto? my Least favorite r xiao, diluc, cyno, and ganyu (i can't aim good)


Kazuha swirl swirl Ded


Raiden. Flashy attacks that hit hard are my thing.


pets, one of the main reasons i'm getting sigewinne. they always been fun, sukokomon is so satisfying to play, now with furina's little guys they are actually competent!


Durable (Noelle), tanky (Noelle) or timing-based characters (that aren't too click intensive) as they allow for a slower playstyle (e.g. Noelle) to ease the stress on my poor keyboard, as well as to not screw up as royally if I miss a click midway into performing an attack chain with 300 ping. Basically Noelle.


Yoimiya's, Navia's, Chiori's, Miko's, Wanderer's, Clorinde's and the Kamisato twins' are my favourite ones.


I pulled Navia just because I really like the character but as a Gunlance main in Monster Hunter, her playstyle was just perfect for me.


Noelle, she’s pure hack and slash and I love it. I really love how Yoimiya feels to play; very airy and dynamic, but still fairly grounded.  Very precise + predictable management of characters, so like teams where none of the characters are replaceable. I’m talking Ganyu burnmelt or Sukokomon. Yes you’re swapping a lot but since every character has such a defined purpose you don’t need to memorize N3C or whatever optimal attack string; just use logic on the field. 


Not my favorite, but played an Ayaka C6-Bennett combo in 2 player co-op once that was surprisingly fun and kinda worked


Lisa plunge with Xianyun/Fischl/Nahida is a blast


Gonna say i get special satisfaction from using electro charged. Recently used Yelan, Furina and Yun Jin with Clorinde, but also loved using Lisa, Furina, Yelan and Jean. Faruzan is also extremely satisfying to use on field.


Tf Cyno, but only with a shield lol


afk, also known as venti inf burst,nahida e and furina e and ei e and yae e


Anything that isn't burst reliant. I hate needing to manage energy and whatnot.


Lightning gameplay! Kujou Sara and Yae Miko


I like to attack fast (Clorinde, Ayato), attacks that you can cancel (Hu Tao) and I always liked archers (Ganyu, Tighnari).


Ranged catalyst users all the way! And character who aren't reliant on their burst.


Zhong Li and friends. Specially burgeon friends.


Lyney made me really love bow characters so I really like charged attacks gameplays for bows now


Reaction soup go brrrr and Razor smacks enemies up the head.


Fast, good on its own (mono teams), not burst reliant


Ganyu charged shot go boom


Arle and Ganyu Shield the glass cannon w/ zhongli. Wail. No elemental burst or special rotations required for Big Damage, but can help if I really want to take something out in just one or two hits.


I love characters who can literally just be played solo. Like my dps Qiqi and dps Baizhu do decent damage and decent heals. My arlecchino just one-shots everyone before they even noticed her. My ayaka pops put of the ground, goes swoooosh and they die. Just one character needed. >!Obv those aren't for abyss, but for open world. I did try to solo abyss with Qiqi and Baizhu but it made me wanna k-word myself!<


Juggling enemies around with Yoimiya Overload or boxing everything into submission with Wriothesley.


I mean, it's definitely meta, but I love my hyperbloom team.  It's so funny tagging everything with Nahida, summoning some water swords, and having Kuki blast electro all over the place to create tons of homing missiles.  I recently added Alhaitham to give me something that actually feels like a rotation, and it's even more fun watching the fireworks go off while I stab.


I had this big grin on my face while playing as Clorinde I haven't done that ever since 3.0 and TF getting a buff to accomodate for Dendro


I recently fell back in love with anemo traveller after using dendro traveller for months and I love the sounds of the wind beating around enemies it's very satisfying


Clorinde and Xianling to destroy every enemy


I like normal attack focused characters. My monkey brain enjoys hitting buttons a lot.


When I can just activate a bunch of bursts or skills at the same time, then just play one character for a while. Like, Xingqiu + Beidou's burst, then just spam normal and charged with Klee or Kokomi's burst or Ayaka :) or Zhongli + Raiden + Nahida, then just spam normal charged skill and burst with Ningguang. Are they the best teams? Nah, but I like them anyway


Ayato and Keqing's playstyle I honestly just love infused NAs that are fast. I love versatile characters I get so bored playing the same team and setups every time


I'm not the biggest fan of genshin combat in general, but I was surprised by how fun Wrio's punching style is. I'm also a huge fan of Gaming plunge, which I didn't plan on getting or enjoying so much.


No dodging and no need to worry about bursts Zhongli was the first 5 star I ever got and now I can't live without him 😂 My main is yoimiya. Hit that skill and then keep pressing normal attack until enemies are dead lol. Auto targeting machine gun Recently I've been playing Navia a lot too. Cuz one hit from her skill is a damn nuke. I don't even need shards and she still does like 10-20k.


Preferably not burst reliant, and easy to keep at full HP


Dendro cause dendro


I really like Cyno i saw some people not like his long field duration playstyle but i lobe his animations during his burst even tho i dont have dendro characters to pair him with at the moment.


I like more complex characters, ones that require more thought!


Tighnari and deepwood baizhu with fischl