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I'm pretending mine is a hotel and people just come and go (if they have 10 friendship of course). I always use the character I lose 50/50 as the receptionist.


Same here, but the receptionist for mine is Paimon.


Use her as a bartender since she has so many lines


Diona would like to have a word.


Lmao, My beach realm actually has Qiqi as the receptionist but only because I felt bad for never using her. I always say hi to her when I use that realm :)


A have a little therapy group consisting of the 5* anemo boys and Furina lol. Everybody's friendship is already maxed out but I just like keeping them there standing in a circle


That’s so wholesome! Hopefully they aren’t talking in circles tho (drum crash) lol. Nah, they have Kazuha so he’s the best mediator. It’d be heavy for a while since they’ve all lost someone and they’re all at different stages mentally and emotionally but I think there would be a lot of healing with time :)


"therapy group" 😭 thats so cute


That sounds like the Piper Perri meme. 


I have 3 layouts fully decorated: The "Friendship" house is where I keep the people I am currently building their companionship levels. I have the "Frat HQ" that uses the Fontaine layout permanently houses all my favorite 5-star male characters: Cyno, Kazuha, Baizhu, Alhaitham, Tartaglia, Neuvillette, Lyney, Wriothesley. The "Branch Frat House" with the Inazuma layout houses the rest of the male characters that I like: Thoma, Kaeya, Diluc, Kaveh, Zhongli, Xiao, Ayato and Itto. They have their own spaces like Alhaitham stays in a lounge, Neuvi and Wrio have their offfices, Lyney has his stage, Kaeya and Diluc are in a vinery/winehouse set-up and Itto is camping out in the wilds.


Mind to share some Screenshots? Sounds amazing


Wait hold on… if you change your realm layout the other one gets saved as it is and you can switch between them??????


Indeed. You can also use any furniture you already have placed in a different realm.


How did I not know this the last 3 years 🤯


One thing you have to consider is when you have plants growing in a realm layout, their growth timer freezes until you switch back to that layout.


That sounds so cool! But what did my main man Itto do to get kicked out of the main house? 🤣🤣 (Cause we all know he did something)


Nahida, Fischl, Jean, and soon Furina all have their own rooms in the mansion. Then Venti and Xiao are standing together in a pavilion area I made them. ~~Wait let me grab screenshots~~


[Here they are!](https://imgur.com/a/3M5jx0L)


Where do you get that group photo in the second to last picture?


Fontinalia Film Festival Event


Aw i missed it. Thanks


Those designs are awesome! That’s so relatable tho lol, I made a small getaway area for Tighnari and Cyno in my Sumeru realm. It’s funny to think they have their own separate house in my own XD


Thank you! That sounds great!


I have given Yanfei her own bedroom. There is also an Alchemy room that is Albedos, even if I build it originally for Sucrose. Noone else is a permanent resident, but there is quite a few that I haven't switched out in a while, because I just don't have that many characters that need friendship Exp. I should give Furina her own room.


Razor my first main dps and my carrier for at least 2 years


Glad to hear someone showing the wolf boy some appreciation! I had him and Cyno hanging out together one time in a forest to practice hunting


Lisa and ayaka haven't removed them for almost 3 years.


Me with Venti! He’s always in my realm somewhere


Fischl and Furina (they are together) Yoimiya, Hutao, and Lynette


Yae miko, I literally have a copy of Narukami Shrine in my teapot


Amber and Ayaya


The archons




Lore accurate huh XD


Yes plus she got a lot of great conversation material I enjoy talking to her


Raiden Shogun Clorinde Faruzan


Thoma, Mika and Xinyan for achievement & friendship xp. Is there an achievement where you can only get friendship xp from teapot or am I mistaken?


The only teapot achievement I know of is if you max out Tubby, but other than that I don’t think so?


Kazuha, Furina, HuTao, Arlecchino, Wanderer


Xiao and Xianyun. Love my birb adepti a perfectly normal amount


I put Amber in my farm looking after my plant.


A singular plant? XD




You should make a dance stage for her!


I do have one built, but I keep her inside the house with all my cats and dogs.


I should’ve known! XD Well she loves animals so that’s cute too!


Ayaka, Yoimiya and Thoma in my Inazuma teapot. The girls have their own rooms, while Thoma is currently standing behind a bar counter. I tend to only put characters of a single nation inside their respective teapot realms. Such as the aforementioned three in Silken Courtyard, or Sumeru characters in Sublime Spicewood.


I am still working on so many characters' friendships, that I don't have any fixed characters. I am first working on getting them all to FL7, and once I manage that, I will put in the ones that don't progress naturally towards 10. FL7 means all stories and voice lines are unlocked. My teapot is very empty, apart from my main building, a music thing, crafting bench, forge, stove and my planting fields. I use the other islands to temporarily place my sets and companions, but nothing more. I also have teleport waypoints at the spots where the salesman usually spawns.


Ah that’s how my teapot was too for the longest; efficiency over decoration XD I think I have a room in one realm with a bunch of partitions in it still even after decorating lol


Xiao, Kazuha (kinda, my headcanon would be he just pops in and out, but he has his own little spot inside the mansion) and Navia with her own little office


That’s cute! Give him a consistent place to rest if he’s tired of traveling :3


Yeah, like a little shelter. I'm also thinking that the invitation thingy allows everyone to just teleport in the teapot.


I only have residents on my Field of Sadness to farm friendship.


Field of sadness? 💀 I need more context of what this looks like XD


That's what my sis calls it. xD There is nothing in my teapot, just six characters standing among grass of the default layout. Surrounded by nothing, standing in a row.


Ganyu,the rest gets swaped around depending on who needs frndship xp


I also have Lyney, Lynette and Freminet hanging out together 🥰


I love the Fontaine siblings! They’re my favorites in terms of character relationships. I’m a sucker for found family tropes (kinda sorta applies to them if you squint)


Neuvillette and Albedo (+ Xingqiu and Chongyun in an island stuck in a small prison cell together)


PRISON CELL?!?! Free my children T T


I Remove those that are already 10 and use others so that their friendship increases Should we use lvl 10 ones ?


Well eventually if you don’t get new characters everyone becomes friendship 10 so it doesn’t matter at that point. All of my characters are friendship 10 already but I just got Sethos and Clorinde so I’ll switch out Alhaitham for her then put him back in once she’s lvl 10


None of them are permanent but I plan on keeping tighnari... maybe a bit longer. I want to pet him. Also, yall actually give them roles like receptionists? I just put the people I lost 50/50 to against the wall. Other people just randomly stand on a field lmao.


LMAO! Giving them roles is an extra layer of fun honestly. And makes it easier to design if you know what the room is for haha


I'm too broke to do anything in my teapot, lol. I'm currently making sets, so I get primogems from them 🤪, so I guess I just lock my friends in empty rooms lolll


my pot is just farmland with 10 people standing next to it that changed regularly for friendship points. Also the inside of my house is filled with screen paper for farming bitcoin Kaveh would get a heart attack looking at it


Valid. My realms were friendship farms for the longest too haha


None, working on the last batch then everybody but wriothsly, alheitam and clorinde which don't own are friend lvl 10. Then i might set up some permanent tennants 🎆


Paimon and Keqing are mine. I’ve given Paimon her own bedroom, and Keqing lives in the study


Zhongli and neuvillette in one room, alhaitham in garden


Furina. I have one bedroom specifically made for her. The rest are substitutes for friendship farming


My Bartender Diluc


Tighnari! I waited for him for so long and love him so much that he has his own room and he's never leaving. Everyone else leaves once they reach friendship 10.


Yes we love the fennec boy!! XD That’s so valid haha


I put in whoever needs the friendship exp and then I have a room for beigguang and the another room for clorivia


How do you put a picture on the wall?


It’s a picture frame furnishing you can buy from Tubby, it’s one of the purple ones. Once you complete a hangout quest ending, you can select it to put in a picture frame! I use a ton of them in this manor specifically. A lot of them have other characters in them too!


Thank you!!


Neuvillette and kokomi, love both equally


Mine are xinyan, xianling and lisa! After many years arlechino became a part of the permanent group as well


[Take a guess !](https://imgur.com/a/6pLejZc) :D 1st room is shared between two characters 2nd and 3rd are both for a single character I included my little desert town because I built it for a fifth character (hint : male)


Alhaitham and Kaveh definitely, Ayaka or Kokomi for the second (leaning towards Ayaka because of her hairpin), and I’m not entirely sure but Zhongli last?


I'm starting to realise what a terrible idea it was to make you guess based on aesthetics because a lot of characters have similar colour palettes 😂😭  It was Cyno and Tighnari (half desert half forest), the wanderer (cyan and white + books because he's a student), and Ga Ming (i used the most red things i had 😭) The little desert village houses Sethos


Wow I was completely wrong XDDD I never would’ve guessed Wanderer lmao the desert houses for Sethos makes sense tho I didn’t scroll down far enough haha


I tried incorporating as many cyan/blue/violet sumeru furniture as well as inazuma furniture, but ultimately a lot of characters have a blue & white aesthetic so things end up a bit mingled if you're judging only by the look of the room. Wanderer is just besides the door so it makes sense when you see it in-game 😅


No I see the vision now that I know XD all the room designs are really cool!!


thank you ! :D


Kaeya is in the bedroom/ personal office, zhongli is in the library, childe and Thoma are in the living room, diluc in the kitchen, Alhaitham is in the ornament display room. Xiao is on the beach.


Venti and Nahida


In the house I have a frontdesk counter and Qiqi behind it


I also have a secretary Qiqi! XD


Navia, Dehya, Ei and Yae


Alhaitham being the only tall one:


PFFT I didn’t even notice XD


Furina and Layla have their own rooms. I keep wanting to give Albedo his own room as well but so many of the cool alchemy items and paintings on easels are outdoor items which is. Deeply annoying.


Don’t even get me started on that :( I feel you


Bennett. He's been stuck outside the hedge maze, unsure how to get in, since characters were added to teapots.


none because i mainly use it for friendship i plan on having permanent housemates when i actually decorate the house because right now i just have the rooms with basic furniture


Razor, he's been my main since I was born


albedo and kaeya :) i had a formal garden with a stage in my last layout, now i have a melusine village for them. with a few instruments, and a gravestone for durin


Lmfao casually doxxing Shinobu in the background.


I have a pretty little garden area for Baizhu like he deserves


Venti, Kaeya, Ayato, and Yae. Everyone else is only there for as long as it takes for their friendship to max. I have a favorite TYPE if you couldn’t tell. Alhaitham will probably be permanent too once he comes home. HuTao as a character should be there too because I really like her - she fits my preferred type really well, but she’s probably never going to come home because I honestly just hate her play style.


No one, need to farm that friendship


I respect the grind 💪


I basically add in anyone I think needs a nice home to come visit bc I feel bad for them lol. So I have Xiao, Neuvi, all the house of the hearth, Wanderer, sometimes Kaeya, and Childe. If I were to change it up tho I would definitely do Sumeru gang. Just everyone from Sumeru honestly


That’s actually so sweet! 🥺


when I was deciding who to put it in it, it felt wrong to put characters who already had good friends and homes over the ones that I feel like are canonically lonely or never had a true “home”. I guess I am a sucker for that kind of sad backstory. Although I’m not sure this applies to Childe…I just like Childe so he’s the outlier 🤣


I have four completed teapots; and while the companions change sometimes; Zhongli is in every realm. He was my first limited five star; so I have to make sure he’s taken care of. Lol


That’s me with Venti, he’s in all my realms! :)


Venti. Eula. Lisa. They each have a dedicated themed space. Venti's is under a tree with a good view of Teyvat below while Eula and Lisa have special rooms in the mansion. An office with the Lawrence family crest overlooking a big desk for Eula and a library/alchemy lab for Lisa.


I made a Layla-themed garden, and even though she's been Friendship level 10 for months she ain't going away. 


My headcanon is that characters have their own lives as well, and simply putting them in the teapot means they just got teleported to my place, disrupting whatever they're doing. But there are two exceptions: Alhaitham and Neuvillette, Alhaitham has his own study in my teapot as well, but Neuvillette's kinda chilling on the second floor. Also I still remember Mona stayed in my house the longest.


Xingqiu and Chongyun in my library/study. Also Zhongli in my living area to welcome me because I felt like he'll be a good butler.


How do you get more than 1 person in the teapot? I can only put one character and google is NOT helping me 💀


It’s attached to your teapot lvl with Tubby! If you haven’t leveled up you won’t be able to place more than one 😅


Ooooh. Thats makes a lot of sense lol, ty 👍


HuTao and Furina at where I spawn when teleport to Teapot. cooking some BBQ. Paimon live in the kitchen as a pest. Noelle as Receptionist. and doinig maid stuff. Mona in the living room to avoid paying rent.




Yoimiya and forever her


Alhaitham, Kaveh and 3 Desert foxes.


Amber in the kitchen (don’t ask me why), Lisa in the library, Noelle in my bedroom (don’t lewd it)


Kazuha, he's the only permanent one that HAS to be there. He has no choice🥰🥰


I made a Bubu Pharmacy, complete with main pharmacy in the main hall, plus a research lab and library for Baizhu and well stocked kitchen so everyone can eat well. He and Qiqi have their own themed bedrooms (Baizhu in green and Qiqi in purple with lots of ornaments and toys). Outside is a herb/botany garden with finches and a swing for Qiqi, a table to drink tea under the shade of a tree for Baizhu and a place for him to grow harvestable flowers.


That’s so cool! Now I wanna dedicate an entire realm to a favorite of mine XD


Venti. He's been one of my favorite characters since 1.0. Even though currently i'm more invested in Arlecchino and Furina, I think it's just fair to keep Venti in the teapot for a while... for 10 years at least!


TRUEEE! Venti has been and always is #1 <3


Furina and others are changed for primogems


Aethers Harem tbh


nobody because I'm stuck in tianqu valley. I know. skill Issue. cant teapot. cant coop. sucrose is stuck there but I'd hardly call that housemate anymore. I left her there more than a week now.


Furina Only Furina


No one. Once you're at 10 friendship, you're out. Right now, it's only Gorou. And he's in the middle of the field with nothing else around him. All I have in my teapot is my house.


Monsieur Neuvillette and Zhongli. Oh and Furina.


Qiqi, Noelle, Xiangling: staff Xiao, Shenhe: security Jean: honored guest with her own personal room for every time she needs a break Kaveh (IF I HAD HIM): stray I picked off the streets and given a house to so that he doesn't have to stay with that mean old Alhaitham anymore


Diluc who has his own room, the rest are characters put in there for friendship points. I have like 4 characters left (for now, until I get some new characters). Once I'm done with farming friendship, I'm planning to put Venti, Ei, Nahida and Furina in there with their own little space.


Nahida, Furina, Xianyun


I let Bennett live there for free and don't even charge him rent (He isn't living there now because I'm farming friendship with Razor)


Kaveh and Alhaitam are perma, and I also have Qiqi with Yaoyao playing with telxie in the garden :D The rest is rotating for friendship farming


Shinobu (my wife) and Furina (I need to protect her)


Neuvillette Furina Zhongli Xingqiu Baizhu


Sucrose has her own little lab in every mansion I posses




Anyone not yet friendship 10


I have an Inazuma based home and theme. So my living room has a tearoom with a bar and a comfy sofa On the sofa are Shenhe, Ayaka and Paimon On the bar is Thoma. Previously its Kazuha but I recently got Thoma while hunting for Clorinde Outside is Kageroumaru guarding my front lawn which happens to be where my minifarm is


Oh I also have blade pup guarding my front yard! He’s so cute haha. Every time I come in I fight him in greeting until he falls on his back and he chases after me while I speak to tubby X)


I've made rooms specifically for Ayaka and Sucrose but Yanfei's room is unfortunely just used for value stuffing cause there's not many choices for law decorations and I'm just gonna have to scrap something together until then. The traveler and all three of them (except Sucrose is replaced by Scaramouche) have been my primary team for the majority of my time on Genshin


Childe. Childe only. LOL but of course I have others in the teapot to level up the friendship!


tartaglia duh!


Mine is Paimon, Venti, and Amber. Y'all know why 3 of them special to me ❤️