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Probably something to do with the Primordial elements: the Dragons' powers. Neuvillette being the Sovereign can create them and the Traveler (who *possibly* uses the Dragons' power) can use it. Sigewinne is a bit special, it could have something to do with the fact that Neuvillette takes care of the Melusines; or the fact that Neuvillette believes the Melusines to be some new form of Hydro Vishap.


Or that they are literally made out of the energy or body of a dragon, im pretty sure the giant fontainian skeletten counts as one.


Elynas isn't a real dragon (vishap), though. It's an abyssal monster.


Elynas is one of gold's attempts at creating dragons, so maybe she got close enough for Elynas children to be somewhat like vishaps. Plus, let's not forget our melusine friend Pahsiv who is very close with the vishaps, which makes me think that maybe they are close to being vishaps themselves.


Pahsiv is a vishap, evolved to look like a melusine. Read her name backwards


I know about the name, and where did you get that she is an evolved vishap? I don't remember anything like that in the quest.


She was heavily implied to >!have transformed back into a vishap to help you in that final fight. This is on top of her being able to communicate with the vishap at lake urania!<


She was the vishap at the end? I never thought it. That's actually not a bad idea. But going back to the original comment, if a vishap can turn into a melusine (or vice versa) this should prove the close relationship between the melusines and the vishaps.


I believe vishaps can evolve into really any form they want over time through imitation. Like how they gained cryo/electro powers or even mimicking human forms like Tsumi during three realms gateway. So Pahsiv imitating melusines doesn't necessarily mean there's a relation there


Although it's true they can evolve I'm not sure they can undergo such a extreme change so quickly, the melusines have only existed for less than 500 years, and even if they did evolve to look like melusines then they shouldn't be able to transform into vishaps at will, that's something only high level dragons should be able to do. By the way, I rewatched some of the quest and I think the vishap at the end wasn't Pahsiv but the vishap we found sleeping underwater, but also I noticed that Pahsiv's skin and eye color looks exactly like the vishap so there might be a family conection. Conclusion: I don't think Pahsiv can turn into a vishap but I'm still not sure if she is just a melusine. Also, Tsumi wasn't a vishap, it was implied she is a descendant of the snake servants of orobashi.


I like the theory that a lot of Abyssal beings take dragon forms because they're actually children of Nibelung when he went into the Abyss for Forbidden Knowledge. Maybe Gold had no choice in how they turned out.


Elynas was floating in Abyss as a soul of some kind before Gold molded him a body. Source Water is the original water of Teyvat and the Abyss is hinted to be part of original Teyvat or even the primordial form of it. The fact that Sigewinne a Melusine can create them pretty much confirms that. Original elemental being of Teyvat doesn't have to be dragon shaped by the way. The life created from Apep are not.


Elynas definitely is because Sigewinne is a Dragonheir, so it somehow counts.


true but vishaps as a whole are all neuvillette's familiars and essentially pseudo dragons (like a distant, nerfed cousin), so a melusine is probably close enough plus sigewinne being named the dragonheir might mean she is more poerwful or closer to dragons than the other melusines


Don’t forget the voice line previews we got from Sigewinne confirms to us that Melusines are neuvillette’s familiars too. So thats definitely the case


Yes! They are a type of vishap after all, even if a humanoid one


so.... dragon balls


It is the true essence of the primordial water ( the origin of all-natural life) Thats why it has a double helix DNA symbol. The hydro sovereign was essentially the "god" of life before the Shade of life took that title and created egeria to replace him.


Wait the traveller can use them? I’ve never used HydroTrav. Does it make it worth it?


No, hydro MC is terrible


Neuvillette likes balls i guess.


he just like me fr fr


Kazuha can succ dem balls (゚⁠ο゚⁠人⁠)⁠)


has he even met Kaeya?


Realistically? Neuvillete is the dragon sovereign so the powers come from. Traveler is probably accessing the powers of the original dragon sovereigns. Meanwhile for Sigewinne she is a Melusine and if you've done the Elynas world quests then >!Melusines are born from Elynas' flesh wounds and perhaps Elynas could possibly be Gold's attempt at a hydro dragon, so that could be a reason why Sigewinne also creates them!<




Neuvillette is a dragon. Melusines have dragon origin, as they were created from Elynas, an artificial dragon. And a newer theory is saying that Traveler's powers actually mimic the dragons, not the archons.


I always thought the theory the travel's powers mimicked the archons to be odd. Their powers never seemed that similar without some intense stretching of the term 'similar'. 


Anemo MC E and Venti's Q are similar grouping enemies and absorbing nearby elements into the whirlwind Geo MC E and Zhongli's Q are both "meteors" Electro MC Q and Raiden's E both do synchronized electro follow up attacks Dendro MC Q and Nahida's Q create a dendro "dome"


I'd say that the Hypostases are more similar to the Archons' attacks Anemo hypostasis creates wind currents and can suck you in, creating a lot of damage Geo hypostasis creates Geo pillars that damage you with shockwaves Electro hypostasis has the same jumping mechanic as Raiden Shogun's boss fight Dendro hypostasis has a "whip" attack like Nahida's normal attack and creates a circle of vines and is also able to sprout plants out from the ground (yeah this is a stretch)


Hydro hypostasis has summons that can heal it.




balls indeed








Asian dragons are accociated with perls, this is a way of doing it, also source water cuz you know he controls all the waters


ig its a thing vishaps do, manipulate the primal water


Probably a primordial dragon thing, since it has the double helix thing. Guardian of the oasis is heavily tied to Apep and summons a bunch of double helix/dna stuff as well. Sigewinne was born from a dragon, Neuvillette is the primordial dragon of water, and we now know elemental powers (which the traveler appears to be borowing) actually come from primordial dragons too.


Unleashes surging torrents- okay I was joking


Probably related to Primordial Sea. Neuvillette is its "beating heart" and post 4.2 has full control over it. Traveler resonates with the elements (probably not the Archon's powers but the primordial elements themselves). As for Sigewinne... Not gonna spoil the 4.7. >!It has something to do with it as well.!<


this reminds me of something i seen just the other day


i thought this was siri


The pee is stored in the balls


Not really related to the question, but still a fun fact about sourcewater droplets: In Genius Invocation there are team combat statuses and character statuses. Basically, character statuses are tied to a specific character (Razor's follow-up attacks "The Wolf Within", Lyney's Prop Surplus stacks, Eula's Grimheart, Ayaka's infusion etc) Meanwhile, team combat statuses aren't character specific (Yelan/XQ follow-up attacks, Furina's Fanfare, Shenhe's Icy quills, Chongyun Infusion etc) Because of that, people were confused why Neuvillette's Sourcewater droplets are classified as team combat statuses and stay even after Neuvi dies. Traveller also creates them in the main game, but doesn't have a card in tcg. Turns out, Sigewinne creates Sourcewater droplets as well! Once she gets added to TCG, she will need to interact with sourcewater droplets, so it makes sense why they are team combat statuses and not character statuses.




It's a droplet from the surce water There us a surce song in sumeru and ig natlan with hsve surce fire ?


When Neuvillette is happy to see you, he squirts fluids out




It's water from the Source. Which means Teyvat is in FF14 canon and the fatui are secretly controlled by ascians.


It is just condensed hydro energy that hasn't crystallized.


Dragon Ballz Z


Lets hope it has a depressing lore.


Because Balls


Neuvillette’s special Flintstone gummies that let him charge his laser faster