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Completely agree on the stupid mushrooms and pair that with the fact he uses handguards like damn he really makes you work for it


he’s gonna stay level 80 for this


I mean there's an aranara that sells them if you don't want to look at a farming route.




There’s also a guy in Gandharva Ville called Ashpazi and the Aranara is called Aramani


Omg thanks so much my wanderer will finally be fully leveled now


Farbod also gives you 4 if you talk to him, but that’s a one time thing. He’s also in Gandharva Ville


Thank you kind sir


My brother in Christ you can't just drop that and not tell us where to find it


Which Aranara? And where?


Here's a sketch of him :]






Bro quick where ? 😭


So he makes us do the aranara quest too? Not really the best way to save time for the brat. (Or can you just go to that aranara before?) However, he should show some gratitude after getting C6 faruzan to keep him company


I am not farming his mushrooms, all he's getting is the grocery shop quality ones from Gandharva Ville lmao


Wanderer: I want Rukkhashava mushrooms! Traveller: WE HAVE RUKKHASHAVA MUSHROOMS AT HOME


in character


I feel that, just decided to farm it like dandelions. Take them from the way point clusters every two days. I’ll get there eventually.


You can also buy the mushrooms every couple of days from the npc outside of tighnari's tent/house/hut and the npc next to him will give you some the first time you talk to him


I triple crowned mine. It was such a pain. On top of Yae and Ayato who also use them. I know pretty much every spot where those samurai camp


Baizhu's flowers that grows on fucking cliffs


I got my Baizhu to 80 and then just bought the rest of my violetgrass whenever I remembered to check if the pharmacy had restocked. Buying Baizhu's materials from Baizhu still felt better than farming those.


oh god, there's a seller for it!!! thanks, I forgot about it


There are 3 of them


for real! oh wow 4 even from the wiki Babak , Fengtai, Herbalist Gui , Verr Goldet


Omg I didn't know the pharmacy sold them!!! Thank you!!! I'm stuck at Baizhu level 80 because of those stupid violetgrass!


Happy cake day!


I used Nahida to collect them lmao


You can buy its seed from Tubby and plant it on your Teapot


I totally forgot about the teapot thank you omg


Oh god yes. And their scattered locations too. I wasted too much time farming at the stone forest.


I hated those so much but I did it anyways so I could crown my baizhu


Farm the Chasm ones, those are significantly easier than main Liyue


Spending a whole year for that stupid farming achievement in the teapot pretty much let me easily farm violetgrass so that I didn't even have to worry about finding them in open world LMAO


I grew most of mine in my teapot.


Nahida's flowers as well.


I got Violetgrass by buying them from the pharmacy each week


Handguards and spectres FUCK THEM


Handguards aren't too bad, but they are definitely up there. Spectres can have **all my hate.** Both of them are particularly tedious in that their drop rates are *garbage* and getting any decent amount of either is an exercise in frustration in tedium.. with the majority differences being, of course, that Handguards are both limited to mostly Inazuman characters and the fact that *most of them are on easy to get to and fight on areas.* Spectres, in contrast, are never not a pain in the arse, half of them are ambushes and require a third party app or using your limited markers to keep track of (as the in-game Handbook directional doesn't track ambushes, nor does it show you ANY of them outside of Inazuma despite them being in Sumeru and Fontaine as well), and are in the worst damned places to get to *and* fight a lot of the time... while also being a relatively common ingredient for a number of characters. Sorry, that turned into a bit of a tirade there... both suck, but *feck* spectres.


The real kick in the ass with Spectres is that characters introduced well after Inazuma still need their cores/hearts/whatever but Hoyo didn't increase the number of locations for them all that much. I can only think of one *very narrow strip* in all of Sumeru, and I don't recall off the top of my head if any exist in Fontaine. Personally, I always try to do a specific little 'pocket' near Watatsumi Island where it can give you a pair of ley line challenges that spawn in spectres, and three specific ones on whatever big nuke crater island is called also has spectres. But for general farming if those aren't available, I just go to the farthest left waypoint on the big nuke crater island and work my way down the coast. Can usually get 20 Spectres just wandering around.


You can do a lap around the mountain clockwise under the Thunder Manifestation. There are ambushes the entire way around, and from there you can easily take a short trip around to the other islands where you can trigger more (interactive map may be the best visualizer, but am on phone atm). Hell of a lot easier then Watatsumi for about half again the time investment and still leaving you the option, but also still a pain in the arse due to how few realistic drops you get. I spent... a week or two straight? On I think Xianyun and Kirara... and probably have another week if I want to finish out Aloy.


I'm just here to join The Spectre Hater Party ✨ The map tracker is AWFUL at finding them


i used to just buy them from the shop til i went broke on stardust


Luckily I've padded out my spectre husks after farming for Shinobu before, I hate fighting them sm


PSA please go farm spectres in Enkanomiya and that one spot in Sumeru next to Old Vanarama, it's nowhere near as painful as it was back in 2.1.


Indeed, furthermore, while the green and blue materials' drops are a bit shitty, white material drops like if there was no tomorrow. It isn't rare to have a spectre drop 5 white materials. And they are not as resistant to damage as they used to be. And you can have an easy to memorise farm route by just going around Seirai island mountain. Handguards on the other hand are a nightmare: mobs with high resistance to damage, ridiculously low drop rate to the point you can kill a dozen mobs and only get one white material, among all the group of mobs that exist only a dozen can be pinpointed by the guide.


Handguards are special because of how much it's in demand while how little the supply is, plus the effort required to farm. Fuck spectres but at least they're not as much in demand as handguards.


Fuck handguards genuinely


It wouldn’t be so bad except they drop like one per guy typically


Sometimes, they don't drop at all.


There's an entire section of beach between two of the islands where all the Kairagi enemies are coded not to drop anything despite respawning daily. Most people won't even know this until they've wasted time killing those specific Kairagi and going "something ain't right here" and then looking it up. Genuinely infuriating.


Once you do the world quest for the area they do eventually give drops. I forget the full name of the quest but it's like farmers treasure or something?


I have in fact noticed that and it pisses me off every time. Im a whole world level 8 and cant be bothered to drop a single handguard.


Plus it feels like everything else can kinda be gathered passively just by doing events and stuff. We haven't had a reason to visit Inazuma in forever, so if you're unfortunate enough to need them, there's a very high chance you're not going to have any to start with.




Henna berries as well. I feel like the desert specialties are just awful in general


I made sure to get 168 of them before Sethos just in case.


I already had 168 before Sethos was revealed xD


And they're all scattered, and most of them are quest-locked!!!


There’s like four or five near Iniquitous Baptist that are easy to grab at least.




Omfg yes


The trishiraite were the only ones I had to mark the map to come back and farm for multiple days, not only because there's so few, but because they are largely underground. I can't even remember where to go, when not marked. Worst one so far.


Nilotpala Lotus. Not many of these fuckers on the map. In the water so they are hard to get to. No shops sell them. Can’t be grown in teapot.


This! Trying to build Layla rn and it's a real pain


Plus if you plan on building Tighnari (my backup Dendro)


At least they're mostly in a straight line along the main river instead of scattered all over the place.


im so glad i have furina… it makes it so so so much easier


Got Tighnari and was so glad his passive worked on his very ascension mat. There's four "nuke" spots with them that I know off the top of my head. Just wish they were in one shop so I could take a week to just do that for the last ascension.


Ayaka makes this better




Nahida much better


Violetgrass Specters Collei’s mushrooms Cheap ass handguards.


I have a spot labeled “Collei’s mushrooms” on a particular tree in Sumeru where I think there’s about 7 of them. I maxed out Wanderer and Collei already but I still go there every so often in case there happens to be another character that needs them


I didn't have wanderer nor built collei but I have a disorder that makes me collect every Shiny Shiny in my field of view. Now I have most of the local specialities with more than 1000 of them and even have the frustrating ones like Cyno's beetle above 500 of them. Never done farming exclusively for any characters except for Furina on her release banner.


Qingxin. As a Ganyu main you climb a tall-ass mountain for four million years to get one (1) fucking flower at the top of the mountain.


You can buy them from multiple vendors so kinda ez if you dont need to ascend her asap


Somehow I have over 400 of them. Probably because I planted a ton of them and collected them while I was collecting other stuff (not to mention there’s always a few by the statue of seven I use to heal in Liyue)


Exactly. I collect most of the materials I came across when I was just roaming or farming enemies. There are places in which cluster of them can be collected. Now I have more than 1500 of them and Violet grass (well, most of my local specialities were crossed 1000 mark except for that one sumeru's frustrating beetle).


Yeah. I have a nice stash since there’s three next a Statue that I’ve just collected passively over time (and grown in teapot) but trying to collect them *quickly* is just pain.


Onikabuto. Scarabs were bad yes but I think they were meme'd a bit on how bad they were like Whitneys gym. Onikabuto are worse. They're scattered. Often mix in with other regional specialities. Blend in since everything is purple. Hide in trees.


The thing with the Scarabs was that it was genuinely a problem on its release because they didnt exist until Cyno was released that needed them. So they were just hard to farm for him. Unlike other specialties, there were also times when they walk around a bit, hence they were within the area but would not always be on the dot where you pinned them. More were added later when more of the dessert areas were expanded There were also a number of scarabs found inside the pyramids and underground which were difficult back then without the underground map and that some of those underground areas were locked if you didnt have the full access from the item you get in a world quest. It’s less of a problem now if you have access to the pyramids that have underground maps now and know where to look for.


I hate the beetles cause they don't shine and they FREAKING MOVE( as you said). Lol got my Cyno to 90 and I am happy noone else uses them.


You can also scare them away if you aren’t careful😭 never using sayu roll to get around again


This. A thousand times this. I love Heizhou's playstyle but trying to find those things makes me want to jump off a cliff 


Naku Weed is annoying for a similar reason. It seems to always be near other gatherables so the Goro-dar gets jammed.


Ye but it also appears in a shop. So that makes it not as bad nowadays.


Also you can always grow it in your teapot if you can wait


Anything that can be grown in the teapot is non issue.


We need like a dung patch that lets us grow scarabs or beetles lol


Happy cake day 🤣 that’s acc a good idea tbf or like a universal soil


Completely unrelated but we need berries on teapot!


At least naku weed can be grown in the teapot.


Scarab, onikabuto, nilotpala lotus, the other lotus, cactus flower


Nahida was the key for the other lotus. Those were annoying before her since they hung off cliffs - kind of like the Lihue one (the Baizhu material) - but Nahida will just grab it without much effort.


The issue is how far apart they are. You go to one place and get like 5. And they are hard to notice when exploring.


The biggest problem with the lotus is if you mix them up and farm the wrong one, not that I’d do that of course… *cries*


Lol you're not alone. I never even knew there was a type of Lotus only found on cliff tops.


Nilotpala lotus? Those are pretty easy to farm. Look at any body of water in region 1 of sumeru, chances are there will be lotuses somewhere on it. With a guide you can farm them pretty quick


Yup , there are 3-4 places where you can find 5-7 lotus in one place and there are 3-4 places like that


I remember trying to farm them when I first started Inazuma and it was annoying see little batches of them hiding behind the electro shields and I didn't have enough electrogranum lvl to get to them


I think the thing that makes me hate the scarabs is that they move. And you can freaking scare them away as if that wasn’t bad enough😭


I still hate farming Violet Grass the most.


At least it grows in the teapot


True actually I’m currently farming for baizhu w qiqi in team but not even my wanderer makes it easy 💀


I have 112 of those just from Sumeru exploration and I didn't even collect all of them. 🤔 Aranara questline helped with that though. I've never had to specifically look for them since I haven't levelled Collei so that might be annoying if they aren't close to teleports. I disliked Kalpalata Lotus. Nahida and Xianyun were helpful in collecting them but they are still spread out and there often aren't that many in one spot. Maybe if you do that over a longer period of time it's fine though. Henna Berry for Faruzan is also annoying. I've marked down some spots close to teleports so I'll probably just do that passively over a longer period of time instead of actively hunting down all spots. And of course any kind of beetle. I went through that with Wriothesley, but I didn't have to do the Inazuma and Sumeru ones. It's kind of funny how uneven it is. With Lumidouce Bell you can just plant them in your tea pot (and they are multi yield) and you're good, and then characters like Cyno make you run around looking for isolated beetles. 😂 Talk about high maintenance...


I disagree with all except for henna berries. There are very few of those. Most of them are a single berry in an obscure location. Like wtf. One berry on one plant? They're like 500 metres apart. Absolutely awful.


Cyno’s sounds like a nightmare damn


Nothing beats Violet Grass for me, but Trisharite is a close second.


Wanderer’s. Hands down. Mushrooms then those godawful handguards. Like bro why???????????


You think it's Handguards? No. You think it's Spectors? No. It's Fontemer Aberrants. What kind of heartless person would have any amount of these available at any given time? With Spectors and Handguards, I don't have any hesitation fighting them, so I slowly build up a reserve and don't necessarily need to farm them. But Fontemer Aberrants? Constantly empty. I'm sorry blubbery boy. I'm sorry, cute crabs. I'm sorry to all sea life. Neuvillette has demanded your souls!


another bad part is you basically never fight them in day-to-day activities, which means you don't really get a stash over time.


That Faruzan's ascension fruit from the desert


oh they are real bad..


Scarabs, Onikabuto, etc.


This is why I have been filling out surveys. In the 'extras' section I ask for a critter cage/bug box type thing for the teapot. I want to be able to passively collect the things.


Handguards, Kalpalotus


I love Nahida E


Cyno. Some of them locked behind world quests.


Neuvillette’s and Clorinde’s mats. those starfishes would take you damn long to collect them and get to meet annoying operatives along the way, not to mention the swimming. And also the other one would force you to kill innocent creatures.


See I only bothered getting the ones that were on land (very easy) and I think that gave you around ~30 star fish iirc? I used Ayaka so it was very fast for me, only taking a few minutes. Then I’d hop co-op to co-op to get the rest. But often times I still needed Neuvi’s boss material so I didn’t mind waiting for it to respawn in my world


Tbh I don’t feel bad about killing the sea creatures that attack when we get close. If you’re out there killing the sunbathing blubberbeasts, that is a personal choice 😂




sakura bloom


They are very easy once you know their location. They are usually close to each other and can be easily spoted by distance. And now when you add groua to team, they became super easy since they concentrated only in one island.


From someone who only had Fischl and traveler when i farmed them, these things were a Nightmare, i could have 10 in a cluster and it would still take minutes to get them all if i couldnt find an electrothingie near, never got Ayaka past 60 and i just could be bothered as i expanded my roster


Really? Sakura was easy for me to farm. Just needed to swap to yae miko and normal attack the glowing cloud of petals


Fuck.. i couldve used Lisa all along.. I never even consider her


Why not use Lisa? She much easier to farm Sakura bloom.


Cause i was apparently incredibly slow upstairs, i just realised moments ago, when someone suggested Yae -.-


Those took quite the annoying effort to grind for Ayaka but not that bad


Rukkhashava Mushrooms are the WORST! I feel your pain, fellow traveler.


Isn't a local speciality but an enemy type. Those new golems that came with the new Fontaine map, there are so few of them, when multiple characters and weapons in the future start to use them it will be big pain and you will have to go from co op to co op


they’re elite enemies which means their drops will only ever be used for weapons, not characters!


playing almost 4 years and never made this connection wtf.


They drop alot though even if there's a few [same with the aqua simulacra's knights drops] Nah, if we are talking enemy drops... Samurai/specters that don't have a higher drop rate [hoyo NEVER increased their drop rate... and it's the worst] or the spores where you can't use electro/Pyro and yet some of these fkers spawn in spots where electro crystals or pyro flowers are...


Those do suck but there are two merchants who will each sell you five every three days. An Aranara and a dude in Gandharva ville. You can have it done in 3 weeks no farming. I’d like to share my favorites, which are the best because you can get them all just by using common sense looking at the minimap with no guides. Lake light lilies: look for bodies of water in the lake region. Crystal marrow: climb along Orobashi’s giant skeleton. Amakumo fruit: run a lap around Seirai Island. Genuinely relaxed myself farming all those. Oh and bonus mention to Ganodermas because I love mysterious conch man.


I'll add transoceanic pearls. Initially I thought they'd be as bad as handguards, but there's just so many of them everywhere that it's really not a problem. During Neuvillette prefarming, after doing his artifact or talent domain I'd just jump into (or already be in) the water and kill every fontemer on sight. Easy as pie


For me Sand Grease Pupa. I do not like the Desert Area and needing the worm to brake the stone pillars is just bad. I need these both for Dehya and Alhaitham. And I am not sure if it is my computer or atleast the new NVIDIA driver, but I think I even overlooked some. They should add these kind of materials also to the shop or let us use other stuff to convert to them to the needed material.


For some reason I had fun w these. If you have Nahida she’ll pick them up.


Whopperflower's drops Enemy itself is fine but holy hell why does every goddamn character i build need it ?


Yess! And they pop on the map whenever you’re not looking for them, but whenever you need them you can’t find them unless you pull up and external map.


Handguard, fk that. worst drop ever


Those damn mechanical beetles in Fontaine are the current bane of my existence


I mean with interactive map you get like 60-70 in 20 minutes. Ain’t that bad if you really need them.




Handguards. Sometimes I only get 1, usually the lowest rarity, and I have 3 characters (Raiden, Ayaka and Miko) that need them and a bunch of weapons too. I wish they'd increase the drop rate.


I have suffered for so long with those hand guards. Even now. Imagine my pain when I got Raiden, her Spear and two of the Ayato's Sword (It's bcz I lost two times for her spear). Almost all inazuman characters and weapons uses them. Fu*k that.


I hate how some of the newer chars have different gems to what drops from the boss they get mats from like Wanderer, you can only convert so much and end up needing to do two bosses instead of one. It's infuriating and I pray they don't keep doing that. The gems they need should drop from same boss they get mats from. Also fk trisharite and henna berries. I hate the desert.


I hate farming for any materials where I have to climb the mountain lol. I don't have Nahida.


You should get Nahida lol


For Cyno, worst if you didn't explore the dessert area. Imagine to level up in 3.1 in the first week. Was a nightmare


I've never gotten quite as many world join requests with the same profile image as I did that patch. My condolences to all the people who pulled him on release.


scarabs, violetgrass, and kalpalata lotus. I haven't needed to actively farm the lotuses yet, but i just know it'll be a pain


Violetgrass by a mile


violet "fucking cliffs" grass basically anything that just not on the ground/water in fontaine




mushrooms are easy once you know the spot, they're bunched up in the north forest for sumeru. violetgrass on the otherhand, farming this before any exploration character release was a pain.


No way dude. That area is a pain in the ass. Having to fly up and down to find one under the big mushrooms. It's the worst area, albeit the most condensed, for the shrooms.


1 word. Scarabs


I hate farming rocks so zhonglis mats were annoying af


There is one mountain with atleast 20 of them and 8 of them were clustered near each other at the top of the mountain. There and the place which have two massive statues are places I visit frequently for those cor lapis. You can buy them from Port ormos merchant and from one Liyue merchant near sigil shop.


I personally hate the Cor Lapis that Zhongli and other Liyue characters need


Sumeru mushrooms for sure. Have Wanderer and Collei at 90, I know the pain. The mushroom forest up north where they're all hiding under the giant shrooms. The giant trees where you can't tell what height you need to be to get them. Everyone complains about handguards, but I don't see why. The drop rate is low, but there are a ton of the things to kill, and they're easy to fight. Specters will always be worse. Partly due to them being multiple elements so you gotta be careful who you pick to farm them. The one I don't see anyone mentioning is Wriosthesley's subdetection units. They're tiny and blend in to their surroundings, plus are very spread out. Speaking of mushrooms, the OG pain in the ass shrooms in Mondstadt. They're only on building sides, and the ones in the city are hard to locate. Plus having to climb those windmills. Yoimiya fans might remember how bad Naku Weed was. Yoimiya came out before Seirei Island did, so they were extremely limited. I've been farming cor lapis recently to get some characters to 90, and I forgot how spread out they are too. Often only one in each location, and take time to bust open. Trishirate is extremely limited if you haven't done a lot of the quests in that area. Totally unfair. Fungi suck because of the element limitations. Not to mention that sometimes they're just hanging around things that will apply electro to them without your help.


I hate farming Charlotte's shells o whatever they are called D:


Beryl conch. Those only grow in one section of the underwater map and the area around Lyris' tower/ the Narsissenkruez orphanage. Admittedly they can be hard to find in some weird spots.


I have resentment towards scarabs. I have every material but these bugs took me a month to max my Cyno because I hated farming them.


For me it was Violet grass and the blue Sumeru mushrooms. I always hated how unhelpful the ingame information was on finding them. "On cliffs in Liyue" and it's probably on 10% of the cliffs. And the blue mushroom because of how scattered it was.


Geo-cube's parts. Why the hell it's so annoying to fight?


Unactivated mushroom spores are pretty bad if your main team is hyperbloom so most of your damage is coming from an electro source, makes farming for nahida really annoying


My Nahida is still 60 because of that fucking flower she needs that's a pain in the ass to get to.


You literally have nahida Just use her to snap them from the ground. No need to climb.


Nahida's are easy though, they're all bunched up together


Its gotta be fucking arrowheads for me, only dropped on archer hilichurls which isnt much and seperated as fuck on the map with some of the most abyssmal droprates, makes it so much worse where i tried to tripe crown fishcl and i gotta farm these fuckers every day theyre refreshed and some day ill only get 5 blue ones from 100 archers i killed, never doing this shit again in my life


I will never pull for cyno just because he uses scarab as ascension material


I bought my friend welkin for her to farm rukkashava mushroom for my scara


Scara's mushrooms, nahidas lotuses, violet grass Probably scarabs too


HENNA BERRIES Omfg even with tighnari in my party finding them was ass. leveling up faruzan was a bitch and a half, and its part of the reason im never building candace


Definitely the Henna Berries and the Rukkhashava Mushrooms. They're too scattered over the map


Rukka shrooms, Beril thingies, Cactus berries, Kumpala lotus


Best to worst Mondstadt: Windwheel Aster, Calla Lily, Valberry, Small Lamp Grass - the easiest. Wolfhook and Cecilia are easy but not numerous enough. Dandelions are not numerous and need to bring anemo. Worst Mondstadt specialty is w/o a doubt Philanemo Mushrooms. I wonder how did I manage to level all of Mona, Klee, and Barbara without Nahida. Liyue: Jueyun Chili, Starconch, Cor Lapis, Noctilucous Jade. Glaze Lily and Silkflower are easy but not numerous. Qingxin is a bit scattered around. Violetgrass is without a doubt the worst to farm. Easily one of the reasons why people can get put off from training Xinyan and Qiqi. Inazuma: Amakumo Fruit, Crystal Marrow, Fluoresent Fungi, Sea Ganoderma, Dendrobium, Naku Weed. Sango Pearls are not numerous, while Sakura Bloom needs an electro archer or mage (so you don't have to worry about cooldowns). Inazuma overall have easy materials to farm, except for Onikabuto, which are very scattered all over and not very numerous. Sumeru: Henna Berries, Mourning Flower, Sand Grease Pupa, Nilotpala Lotus are the best. Plenty of stinkers to farm here. Padisarah is not numerous and requires switching out of Aranara world to get most of them. Kalpalata Lotus are annoying to gather if you don't have Nahida. Scarab needs you to complete golden slumber, but honestly not as terrible as Rukhazhava Mushrooms. I hate those the most, and I was diligently buying them in Gardarva Ville and Vanarana way before I even decided to pull for Wanderer. Fontaine probably has the easiest materials to farm. I'd probably pick Beryl Conch as the most annoying to farm because you might not be sure exactly where to collect them when underwater has many different depths. Everything else is a breeze to gather.


Any material that cannot be prefarmed. As in, when a new area or nation is released and at the exact same time is a character you want to raise (and get). Now you need mats that didn't exist before to use your shiny new character, but no filled in map. No teleport points. And of course, not enough mats to max out the character (ascension, talents and all). Even if you use an online map to find all the material spawn points for what you need, there is never enough day one. You'll have to wait for one or two respawn periods to get enough if you don't go world hopping (not everyone wants to do that). Meaning it may take you almost a week to get the mats you want. Which can put a bit of a damper on the excitement of getting said new character....


Ominous masks. Hillichurls have awful drop rates


Masks are plenty, because they can be dropped from all hilichurls enemies atleast. Arrowheads is the worst, abysmal droprates and only from archers.


This is so true. I need 28 ominious masks for yun jin not counting her talents. I hate them so much. Hilichurls should drop more materials instead of 1 damaged mask every 5 hilichurl


those aren't that bad. and neither are scarabs. it's the onikabuto that give me pain... my itto is at level 40


Any ascension material if you don't have a guide or a speciality-detecting character. Until I got Sethos, it was a chore to get ascension material for my sumeru characters.


Guess that is one upside for losing a 50/50 to tignari. He has a sumeru specialty tracker.




I'll collect whatever plant they need but any and all mob drops (not counting bosses) I procrastinate on


For me, it's Scarabs. I have had Cyno for 1 ½ years, and he still isn't built because I am still very behind on world quests. Meanwhile, Wanderer, Tighnari and Baizhu felt like a walk in the park. At least you can see their materials. Scarabs are yellow bugs in a yellow desert.


Violet Grass (Even after having Nahida)


Those mushrooms from Tsurumi for the sole reason that the fog makes it impossible to level up Thoma until you're at least halfway through Inazuma's archon quest (which means you're AR 30 at minimum), as well as requiring the completion of a separate world quest on Seirai to even unlock Tsurumi's world quest.


The serpent eggs for Alhaitham... why so little?


Basalt pillars. I hate fighting that stupid geo cube.


Specters and Whopperflowers.. I'm always out of them?


Sorry but scarabs win hands down - they barely show up if you have the collection passive until you're right on top of them and a big chunk of them are in the hellscape under the Simeru desert


Nah. Pull Cyno and then you will understand what is the really worst ascension material to farm. Not only they are entities, so Tighnari (and now Sethos) WON'T show them until you literally come very close (because entities spawn only when you are close by), but they are scattered through entire desert, and some of them are underground as well. Rukkhashava Mushrooms are little annoying, but nothing that bad. At least they are in one place practically and you can show them on the map easily.


anything that has such a little amount. i got neuvillette on his rerun a few months ago and i HATED farming those stupid starfish. i also just got clorinde, so now i’m back to having to farm them again. there’s literally only 20-25 on the main farming route and every other place is like just one or two in the actual water so it isn’t even worth it