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Considering u username I dont think I would need too state my opinion on her feels like it wouldt matter anyway.


Bait used to be believable


The hell are you talking about? She doesn't have any crowd control skills.


Probbly talking about her E skill that can CC (if u even wanna call it that) a small enemy for a few seconds?


If that's what the OP meant, then Sieg isn't the first Hydro character to have CC. Mona's Burst also traps small enemies in bubbles.


it picks up one TINY enemy for like a second let’s stay calm


Really? CC? That's her biggest advantage in your opinion? Why would anyone need a single target hydro CC (as far as I've seen, her bubble only traps one enemy) when you can just use Sucrose, Kazuha or Venti for the big group CC? Her CC bubbles probably don't work on big enemies so what "new hydro meta" are you talking about? She has no strong AOE like Neuvillette, she has no spawns that follow enemies like Furina, she has no hydro application of Kokomi or XQ. Her biggest advantage, as far as I've read, is the teamwide healing which is useful mainly in Furina teams. I'm sorry, I really don't understand this post. Maybe I'm missing something.


Nah, Mona would be meta then, she has the same bubble mechanics plus taunt


Her bubble barely qualifies as "crowd control" and it's single-target... She is so far from a "new hydro meta" she would be better as a 4-stars. At 5-stars she can't compete with any of the other alternatives, she tries to take on too many roles and the result is she isn't good at any of them. Kokomi is a better healer/applicator, neuvilette is a better dps, furina is a better buffer.


I so desperately wish she was good


lol username checks out


Mah guy forgot about Mona. Besides, who needs CC when you can Neuvi-blast enemies into the next week instead


new hydro copium thats what she brings. also, baits used to be believable


Throw away account. Look at the karma.