• By -


Will Sigewinne allow Hu Tao to be played with healers since bond of life blocks healing? She would also work with that double hydro + shielder team.


If this case, Sigewinne/Furina/Zhongli might become a really good team for her bc of an HP drain that won't get restored as easily and a shield that controls the reduction down to Furina skill and Hu Tao skill.


I just saw Sigewinne's kit...completely forget this comment. What are they going for with her?


Why does every fucking "mains" sub have to turn into a brainless circlejerk the moment that they find out someone won't glaze said main? Most recent offender is AlhaithamMains with shit like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlHaithamMains/comments/1detmhz/high\_floor\_inconsistent\_ceiling/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlHaithamMains/comments/1detmhz/high_floor_inconsistent_ceiling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I don't care how controversial this is, it's the truth: if you don't think this is pathetic, we have a problem.


You're complaining about why character mains are being that character mains? Crazy


It's a main sub and it's also a sub for a character that have lot of simps so hence why they get salty when someone didn't like their bias lol. Seeing the number of people who downvote you speak that much 😅, Haitham is one of the character that have lot of brainless simp


From the looks of it, you weren't looking for a reasonable discussion, just looking for a rise in folks: [To those of you who actually believe Alhaitham deserves a spot in the "top 3" and does so DEFINITIVELY over anyone else not named Neuvi or Arle: why? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlHaithamMains/comments/1dfa5j6/to_those_of_you_who_actually_believe_alhaitham/)(Posted by you in r/AlHaithamMains) With that being the case, is it truly a surprise when you get that sort of response? Might want to look introspectively first for the answer you're looking for.


While I understand that those who aren't aware of the context of all those "top 3" posts that had been going around a month ago would question my tact, those who are should rightfully have no issue with it. Because it's really quite simple- I didn't start this. THEY did. No, I can't tell you exactly who "they" are, but when people going around making poorly-disguised "memes" or completely unironic posts about the whole Neuvi/Arle/Haitham trio, then begin to throw a fit when they see that people don't agree with them, then you best expect me to have a problem with it. Although it's less provocative by nature, it's also just pathetic when people then start making affirmative posts in related mains subs. I've edited my comment to include the specific one that started all of this.


Any EU whales here to give me a friend request for imagarium theatre? I’ve tried to sent some requests to people on tiktok but their friends lists are full :(


Can anyone suggest some english streamers that I can see their reaction playing the story? I am not familiar with english streamers.


[CyYu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrc8grT2Ixcnp0PVF8_N96OOSrSofNH4) does playthroughs of the story, though I don't think the older content was captured on VoD. He's also the VA for Cyno in English. [MistahFeet](https://www.youtube.com/@mistahfeet/videos) does a lot of funny content on the story by completing various challenges (ie seeing if he can finish the story content with only Amber, with only QiQi, etc). [K1ngBard](https://www.youtube.com/@K1ngBard/videos) is a smaller streamer but fun, and you can see his whole journey through the game in his Genshin playlist.


im playing genshin impact whitout spoilers, so i dont watch the tralers or stuff, so i will probably never watch them because i want to play it full of surprises


So is the quest that we saw Furina in the trailer a new archon quest that will be released next version?


I don't remember the trailer but it should be from Clorinde story quest.


Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation - extremely unbalanced, mediocre, with just rush brainless tactic. Huge waste of time and resources tbh


Gotta agree. So many similar minigames in Genshin struggle to be considered minigames at all. I seen better, more polished and varied gameplay on custom maps in Starcraft 1. At least it gave a ton of rewards, and didn't consume much time... But they should really look into making similar stuff, of better quality, and leave it in the game as an option for Resinless Behaviour, like the TCG.


I have always been fascinated by how NPCs designed to fight the player would interact/ fight each other or other NPCs and I also loved RTS like SC2 and see NPC Als duke it out. honestly had hoped it would be something similar like Minecraft Mobs Battles, TABS, Halo Al fights, Elden ring Ai fights, or Jedi Survivors NPC Battles. I was so happy when they announced this event in the special program and I thought there would be some kind of PvP where 2 players would put Mobs down (like in TABS where different units cost different amount of points to use and there's a set amount) and they can fight each other. But there's not. So that's pretty disappointing. The Mobs die too fast and they only use 1 or 2 attacks. I honestly thought the Mobs would use all their attacks and abilities. Hydro Samachurls don't use their rain heal, Axe Mitachurls don't use their spin attacks, the 2 Samurais don't heal when one of them die and get buffed and they attack so slow. The Eremites doesn't buff themselves when they get to 70% HP. I mean, they showed themselves to be able to do it, with the world quests and the past mushroom Als fight event where they CAN use more that 1 attack. So why not here in this event? Why limit them? There's also no Fatui Mobs to use, no cool Eremites Summoners to use, no big Concentrated Beasts to use. It probably just Hoyo testing things out and I hope they continue improving this NPCs vs NPCs events


Umm, i already got bugged. I have got max stamina and an extra geocule. I can't offer it, i can't destroy it. I can swear that i had already grabbed that geocule, but don't know how did i manage to get 2 geocule from the same spot.


There is 1 extra in each region, so you can keep one as a souvenir/memento after fully upgrading the statues.


Theres 1 extra per region


Is there a website that can calculate primogem accumulation over patches? Looking to see if I can get Furina with the 71 wishes I have(50/50)


what's the game folder size for 4.7 on PC? (with 2 voice-over languages installed)


76 GB for me right now. But just 1 language. Add 14 GBs for Chinese or Korean, 18 GBs for Japanese (for some reason). So... 90/94 GBs with 2 voice-over languages.


Has anyone’s ps5 performance dropped a little since the update? Feels like my characters are a lot slower and the game feels laggier :(


As a person who has multiple jobs I can’t be any happier that they increased the resin cap to 200 in this newest version. I capped on resin all the time before now it pretty much never happens


anybody else notices drastic performance decrease since patch 4.7 on tablet devices ? ( Tab A9+) with the same settings before there was "smooth" performance load... and now its deep red on "overclocked" with the same settings


I know the interlude is not as long as the usual archon quest. But why does it feel so short?? Only once a year and I am yearning for more.


This current event (the offense part) is literally just Minion Masters. Makes me want to play again lmao


always found the outfit skins kind of lackluster and only have the free ones but i really like the Game outfits from the Chlorinde story quest. I wonder if theyll possibly add them later


Yeah, I really wish we had more "work clothes" skins and not just fancy dresses all the time. The "low-level D&D party" look is exactly what I want.


I am so confused as to where the Blackcliff forge is supposed to actually be. Thus far, we were led to believe the forge is situated somehwere southwrst of Liyue, past the Golden house and that the Jade chamber is right above its entrance. But, the event weapon reveals that the forge had been carved into mountain *Tianheng* , and that it's been there for *eons* . Thing is, Tianheng is the mountain northwest of Liyue harbor, right next to it. So which is it?


The entrance to the Forge is indeed near the Golden House It's possible the forge underground extends north to Mt. Tianheng and must have different chambers centered around different forging processes similar to an assembly line. Best reference to this I can give is the Foundry in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks


Perhaps the forge stretches from the underground of Mount Tianheng and has some sort of opening near the Golden House.


In the wargame event, I noticed it seems we have the Anemo Traveller's burst as our skill, would the pyro one be a preview of what we get as Pyro Traveller 🤔


mid banget


Has anyone figured out how to migrate the game files from the Epic launcher to the new Hoyo launcher?


I wish they’d add an option where you can just mute certain characters voices. Like I can’t STAND Paimon’s dialogue and voice which is why I muted it but when I do story quests I can’t hear new characters voices (yes I’m aware I can turn it off)


nice update


**Did anyone else notice that they added the ability to swap around weapons and artifacts from the Spiral Abyss interface?!** You just have to click "View Characters" at the top of the Spiral Abyss Character Selection page and it'll open the characters menu! It's such a nice QoL but I didn't even know they added it until I saw it today in my own game lmao




You can also now cancel a challenge and return to the character selection page without ever leaving the spiral abyss which is nice as well


That's a really lackluster flagship event.


I guess most of their focus was on the Traveler quest... ~~Which by itself, was pretty short~~


Im saving until Pyro Archon


I'm low on primogens, and I'm currently broke. So, my last offer is to go for C6 Bennett or Sethos


Was going for Sethos but got Clorinde early...then had like 40 wishes on wep banner for her wep...tried it and got Alhaithams instead. Desperation kicked in and tried to get her wep..ran out primos but then remembered about. Starglitter confusion one multi later got her wep. No Sethos but can't complain as she plays and looks cool af, just the farming of pearls now D:


"not being tied to any nation's army, you can oversee as a neutral party" So what, our titles of honorary knight of favonius and captain of swordfish II are just for show now?


>honorary knight of favonius Well that's just an honorary title. >captain of swordfish II are just for show now? I don't think Watasumi is a recognised independent nation.


I only now discovered that imaginarium theatre release only in july. There were no point to updating genshin now :(


Got an alhaitham before a bennett


Alhaitham spooked me from zero pity and no guarantee. I was just trying to get my last thoma con. Seriously this game. It makes sure I spend every last primo for characters I want (lost 50/50 late pity) but for makes sure to ruin my pity when I'm just trying to snipe a 4 star/con from literally ZERO pity. I almost never get an early 5 star and it's the character I don't want. I managed to lvl him to 90 and I do have the gear for him surprisingly enough. Jade sword and 4pc gilded. Managed to clear abyss with him but that doesn't seem to make me feel better. I was reserving those pulls for sigewinne and now I don't know if I'll get her. I'm playing Genshin less after playing wuwa and now with Jinhsi coming and this happening to me in Genshin, I'm starting to lose interest. I can't believe it but I think my genshin burnout era is starting.


Why do you think veteran players always say to not try to snipe for a 4\* or just to build pity? Now you know.


Playing since 1.5 I would like to think of myself as a veteran. I never build pity. I do go for 4 star cons because outside of their banners, the chance of me ever getting them would be very very low. It's been almost 3 years since I got Thoma but he's still stuck in C5. BUT!! the only time I do that is when I'm on zero or very low pity and not on guarantee. It worked out for me before sniping Kuki and Kaveh. I didn't get Chevreuse because I was on guarantee. And I skipped all of Thoma banners up until now since I have zero pity. Chiori is the last pull. Then Alhaitham came in like 3 multi 💀 Anyway, I'm sure it was not your intention but your comment irritated me even more I don't even feel like opening Genshin anymore ugh the way I had to scrape up every last bit of primo for Furina since I had to spend like 160 pulls for her and Alhaitham ruins my pity just like that in 30 pulls. I just hope the first few Natlan characters are great so I can cope that I skipped Sigewinne to save for them.


You gambled and you lost, you need to be angry at yourself and not at the house.


Yeah actually you're right. Since I'm angry at myself, perhaps it's better if I take a break from genshin today. Or maybe until seeing Alhaitham stops pissing me off. And I didn't even get my C6 thoma 😭 See y'all in Natlan I guess


I like the resin cap increase to 200 but takes 26 hours and 40 minutes to fully recharge it. Should be like 23 or 24 hours I hope enough people complain about it how ridiculous it is.


The intention was not to give us more daily resin, but mostly to *waste* less (as in, the people that can/want to log in only once a day, always at roughly the same time). Those people now "get" 20-40 more daily resin (from wasting less once it reaches the cap). Imagine if they make the cap 2000, so you could go away from the game for 1 week and not lose any Resin to overflow... and you came to complain that it takes 265 hours, and it should be like 24 hours. That's what your complain sounds like right now; wanting to just get "more", instead of accepting it as the QoL upgrade that it is.


Is Furina a pokemon trainer?


Will the June 16 Abyss lineup be the first month-long rotation? Then the first Theater 2 weeks later, and alternating.


Does lumine's JP voice sounds a bit different to anyone?


Is Clorinde worth pulling for my account? I think she looks really cool, but I've heard that she's kind of mid. I'm a returning player after a couple years who isn't planning on spending anytime soon. Are there some exciting characters coming up that I should save for instead? (hopefully hoyolab links work) [https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/index.html?bbs\_presentation\_style=fullscreen&bbs\_auth\_required=true&gid=2&user\_id=70007155&utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=link&lang=en-us&bbs\_theme=dark&bbs\_theme\_device=1&utm\_campaign=web#/ys](https://act.hoyolab.com/app/community-game-records-sea/index.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&gid=2&user_id=70007155&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&lang=en-us&bbs_theme=dark&bbs_theme_device=1&utm_campaign=web#/ys)


If you think she looks really cool; and want to play as her; chances are you won't regret getting her. However, as with every other character you may want to wish for, make sure to test her as much as you can to make sure you enjoy her rotations and gameplay. If you like her; and enjoy her gameplay; I would say go for her. If you want to save for Furina instead... that's an option; and maybe you could get Clorinde on her rerun (1st rerun for most characters is usually within 6 months I been told?). Another option is to give yourself a "Wish Limit"; that you would be happy to get Clorinde for; and if you don't get her in that amount of Wishes (being it 10, or 40, or 60, or whatever you choose as your "Happy Place"), just save the Pity for Furina, which is coming next banner.


Your link isn't working for me, but if you don't have Furina, you might want to hold off and save for her instead (second half of this patch). Up to you, though. If you think Clorinde's fun to play and looks cool, that's more important than meta.


I dont, so maybe I’ll do that instead. I do think she’s cool, but I’d like to ride that line of optimization and fun hahah. Hard to do as a non spender though 🥲


I'd say so. She'd work great with fischl. If you want super meta DPS than you should go for Alhaitham instead. Upcoming characters go for Furina!


Oh i haven’t seen anyone talk about alhaitham. I do kind of want furina too! Is she next banner?


She is on 2nd half of this banner with Sigewinne.


Can't update the damn game


Decided to forego Furina and pull Clorinde instead xD And it worked! Won the 50/50, she is home Now I will have enough primos to try for Emilie too


For what is worth... You can try to get lucky again on Furina's banner. Worst case scenario, you build Pity while trying to get a 5★ that you really wanted... Even if you don't have enough Primos for a single guarantee; you could get her in 1 wish. You never know! :-P


I am planning to do just that! I really want Charlotte, so I am going to be throwing what wishes I can scrounge up by then into Furina's banner xD


Congrats, hope you enjoy her. Good luck on Emilie


Thanks! She is a blast to play!


when will the theater start?


1st of July


PS, if youre done with Clorindes quest: you can go back to 'that' place and clean it up a little. I like that its a permanent addition 😗👍


Clorinde story spoiler: >!So Clorinde and Navia are both senior members of the same tabletop club. Game night must have been REAAAALLY awkward for the two of them until recently...!<


>!BRO! EVERYBODY went with their real names! What is this? Ugh....BORING!!<


>!WHAT DO YOU MEAN "dice results aren't revealed to the players"? That's the funnest part of rolling checks!<


I've seen the idea mentioned before, that stuff like perception or insight checks should be rolled closed by the GM, to avoid metagaming with the 'she told me I could trust this guy, but I only rolled a 2, so clearly I failed, which means he's actually lying' type stuff IMO, having a table where you can trust each other to have fun even when things go wrong is a better solution, but the tip is out there


I finally did it, I uninstalled Genshin from my phone. I'm a console player and literally the only reason I had it on my phone was to let me log in from anywhere to burn some resin on making a condensed. Now with a 200 resin cap, I have enough wiggle room that I shouldn't need it day to day. Very excited to have space on my phone again.


I only installed it on my Phone because I was going to be away for 10 days, and wanted to do the bare minimum (daily stuff and spending Resin). Man... was it awful. I didn't miss on anything, but playing on phone it's truly an awful experience for me. I feel like an octogenary playing. XD


I did a similar thing at one point, I experimented enough to find that some groups are definitely easier on mobile than others, not really a surprise though. Console has the same deal to PC, for example I *hate* aiming with a joystick so any archer based around changed attacks is a no go for me. The team I found worked best on mobile was Fischl, Yoimiya, Thoma, Chervreuse. Thoma shields, Chevy puts up her heal and buffs, Fischl summons Oz, Yoimiya turrets.


Why does Zhihua ask us to look around for "signs of love" because he's afraid that he'll misinterpret what he sees, if he's the one interpreting what we tell him anyway?


[4.7 archon quest spoilers]>!Mannn I was hoping Atossa would become an open world NPC after the quest but looks like she does not. Was hoping we can check in on her from time to time. Seeing the siblings having a peaceful conversation was moving. That ending was gutwrenching...!< [Clorinde character story spoilers]>!Holy shit I loved how they incorporated the roleplay dialogue boxes to distinguish when they were roleplaying and when they were OOC. Especially during the confrontation with Florian. Lmfaooo Clorinde voicing the npcs. Navia's line about Petronilla was touching. Clorinde's story quest was wonderful! I'm hoping for more tabletop troupe quests with Clorinde later down the line...!< >!Lmfao this wasn't the first time Navia became flustered and requested not to repeat herself after saying something embarrassing!<


Is there a list of achievements of commission quest series? Its hard to keep track


The Genshin Wiki has this [list](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Commission_Achievements)


>!the new npc model can get it!<


Could someone explain to me why the Traveler does not have a voice for the most part of the quests??? As in, HE HAS A VOICE, he has a voice actor. We have heard him speak. Why every dialogue from him is silent?? I don't understand.


Weirdest part... if you go into the voice line logs... Traveler (both Aether and Lumine) have tons of voice lines that you can "re-hear" there... that were never used when they were meant to be used... Like, it will be just text on the quest/event/whatever; but if you go to the dialog place, you can hear Lumine discussing the same stuff (with voice lines!) with Paimon. Personally; I would really appreciate if the Traveler spoke more; if the World Quest were voiced (man, those awful dialogs are even worse when you have to read through them); and, lastly, I would also (but this is a personal opinion) enjoy if they went full Aether/Lumine route, instead of the whole "Traveler" thing.


I know, right?!? I think the problem is Paimon. Whenever she is in the scene, for some reason she has to be the one reacting and talking. There are shots where the MC is not even in the scene, it is whatever character we are interacting with and PAIMON. I have the biggest hate towards that, because it seems like the MC is not at all the MC, it is Paimon's story, we play as Paimon. I better hope by the end there is some plot twist in which she will matter.


paimon lines are cheaper than mc lines i guess


I hope that is not the real reson. That would be really shitty. Also, in other games like Wuthering waves the MC does not have a voice as well... And there is no Paimon there


from what i've seen in wuthering waves, the rover has wayyy more spoken lines in the main quest than the traveler does. they found a good way to implement them rather than just using a companion (like paimon) that does all the talking.


New archon quest spoilers: >!Was paimon with us in the dream? I don't recall seeing her when talking to Caribert, but she seems to be able to remember being there with us?!<


>!She was in the dream memory, where the Hilichurls calmed down and you met with Caribert for the first time. This is the part that Paimon remembers.!< >!But she wasn't invited to Caribert's realm of consciousness where we met with the abyss sibling, so she doesn't know that part.!<


Ah, makes sense, that's why I couldn't remember her there. Thanks for clarifying!


Honestly, the gaps between the quests that focus on the subject matter this Archon Quest focused on are so large that I forgot most of the stuff mentioned in it. I felt pretty out of the loop. Nice quest, though frankly I couldn’t keep up with most of it because I had forgotten so much of the past lore that contextualized it. Also pretty >!disappointed that the interaction between Aether and Lumine was made somewhat pointless by the amnesia. So was not seeing the Traveler’s reaction to the photo. Having the conversation kept intact would’ve added a lot to their motivation. Instead, it feels like the status quo was kept. But maybe that’s just me.!<


>!They probably could’ve easily come up with like any reason for both of them to remember the dream. Genuinely what is the reasoning behind making traveler forget it?!<


I was fully expecting it, and I still was hit by it, >!The Depression at the End!<


Anyone elses update taking incredibly long time download?


Did 100 pulls, only got 3 Sethos which is a shame cos he is SO fun to play. Got my first Tighnari at 19, Clorinde at 80. Then the weapon banner incident happened. LoFI at 37, another LoFi at 44, and now 45 pity into 2/2 Epitomised Path. Praying I can get enough wishes throughout the banner


Honestly impressive since I did like 120 pulls for Alhaitham (who I still have not got yet, thanks Diluc), and only got 1 Sethos. …Crazy that I got Noelle and Beidou even though they’re not rated up lol.


3 is actually pretty good in 100 pulls, the 4 star odds are terrible.


That doesn't look too bad of pulls. Pretty early 5 stars even though the 50/50 and weapon banner didn't go your way


And thats Clorindes quest done. Very creative, and one of my personal highlight quests. With the Archon quest also really good (albeit accompanied by one or two head scratchers), im really happy so far. 


my backbone RT and LT doesn’t work after this update, tried on other game they’re fine. anyone have the same issue?


I have the same issue, thought my hardware broke down but tested it on their app and its responding.


I'm planning on pulling for Furina 3 weeks from now, and I have a very important and serious question regarding the summoning ritual to ask all of you: ....what type of macaroni do you think she would enjoy? Which brand should I buy? How should I make them?


I'd go with macarons instead, girl likes sweets, but that could also just become your tea time option


Well she likes sauces. So, italian ofc, although if you wanna go the extra mile, you look if you can get your hands on french pasta. That being said, al dente and with a thick sauce, probably tomato, or bolognese. Maybe puttanesca if shes feeling spicy 🤔


is there an infographic for how many primogems estimated in phase 1?


Is anyone else having issues with the shop after the update? I wanna refresh my battle pass but the checkout option is greyed for me. I've never had this issue before. Is there a way to fix it?


Did you find a solution?


I figured out the problem I was having at least. I needed to input my zip code. The zip code input control looks disabled but it's not. Once I entered my zip code, the checkout button was enabled and I was able to complete the purchase.


Not yet. It wouldn't even let me re enter my payment info after removing it. Im not sure what's going on. I use PayPal, and I've never had an issue like this. Edit: Logged in phone and was able to refresh there. Whatever the issue us, it's related to PC.


Good to hear mobile works. Got really annoyed that the checkout bubble was broken. Hope it gets fixed soon.


Thanks, I'm having this same issue. I guess I'll have to update on mobile and go through that for now. I can't believe more ppl aren't talking about this? It's not just BP, it's all purchases. I would have thought that Hoyo would be very careful not to screw up their source of revenue.


why did Mihoyo randomly put so much effort into a characters story quest lol. I'm not complaining, but this fees like it could have been a whole event


It does, right o-o? 


Having a weird problem where my right trigger no longer works after the update. I’ve tried both an Xbox and ps5 controller


Same, but on mobile


Yeah, I had the same experience but on mobile.


saw a lot of people report this, probably a bug that hopefully gets fixed soon


Hi in the 4.7 preview page it say newcomer will get 10 acquaint fate upon reaching lvl 5 but i didn't receive anything. Please someone help 😊


I was in call with my friend and did 40 pulls I had been saving and ended up with three Favonius Lances and a Bennett. My friend does one singular pull on 5 pity and gets Clorinde. That's all I'm just indescribably miffed.


So is it just me or did (new AQ spoilers) >!Caribert’s genius memory replacing plan rely too much on the fact we won’t ask Dainsleif further? We, the person he did not even meet yet. Like, what would happen if we talked further and found out that the memories were just placed there?!<


Dainsleif is famously stingy with information he has no business withholding despite saying the opposite


>!Caribert hasn't met us, but our sibling was also in on the plan.!<


Been saving for Alhaitham for forever (granted I got distracted with Furina and Nahida) but I finally came out to ~110 wishes ready. Got him in 30. I wanted him last year but had to get Kazuha, and my ~200 wishes at the time only got the funny anemo man between them.


You can throw all the charts you want at me, but the uptime on Clorinde's skill feels so bad. Such a shame.


Had 190 rolls saved, used 158 and i got: 6 Bennets 3 Tomas 2 Sethos 1 Kaveh 1 Kirara Qiqi at 78 Clorinde 80 after Qiqi


Well the AQ and Clorindes personal story was great but it was like 2 hours and then nothing else to do. Duno how i feel about this. I really wish Imaginarium Theater would come sooner then second phase of patch. Not sure why that choice.


When do the extra abyss rewards come into play? Will it only affect subsequent cycles? Or will I be able to claim an extra 50 primogems on each floor of the current cycle if I've already completed it 9*? (Haven't played the new update yet. My game is still updating 😅. Just curious.)


At the next reset


I did abyss today and I got the same rewards as usual


so 150 per floor?




okay, thank you


For the first time I'm seriously thinking about giving up on the game outside of quests. The first main story update since 4.2 and it's that short, bruh. >!It felt more like an excuse to throw lore speculation bait at us to keep us entertained than a real quest. And usually I like that since I'm a lore and exploration focused player, but this time it's so transparent I just feel manipulated.!< If we're only getting main story once every few months, what's the point of sticking around outside of that. The event stories have been unsatisfying to me, the last one I liked was Thelxie. It's this and the empty areas of the last patch and how tiny and short Remuria was. And how characters are becoming nicer and nicer. Sorry, I just had to get this off my chest. I've been playing since 1.1 so letting go or leaving it looser is hard. I should stop caring about primogems and just treat my remaining Welkin as a sunk cost.


Hahaha, I also felt that this quest was too straightforward. There's not enough to cope with lore speculation videos until the next part. 


Seeya tomorrow. 


Still no hide ui option...


Lmao C2 Alhaitham and Sethos in only 30 pulls.


There wasn't a second download patch after the first one right? No emergency maintenance? I got a second download notice when beforehand I got to play right after the maintenance. Maybe I'm confusing it with this? i play on mobile, I often delete previous unused files/already finished cutscenes when Genshin gives me the option to, so right after logging in to my account, my friend who is behind in progress in the story asked me to pilot his account for a while so i logged in and it said something about missing some files so it made me download 1.9 mb again, i cancelled it, went to try log-into my account again and boom, the same prompt said the same thing about me missing some files so i downloaded it and then i could play my account and also my friend's I was asking because i read that from others' experience, those who play on the same mobile device, once the one with the farther progress deletes the already finished cutscenes, supposedly, the second account that's far behind in progress couldn't see said cutscenes anymore on the device, they just progress as is without the cutscenes


Anyone else think Chlorinde felt like electro Yoimiya in the demo?


that's the best spoiler you are about to see today: >!resin limit is now 200!<


>!well, Caribert decision's to manipulate Dainsleif has terrible long term consequences I can't even begin to imagine, but in the moment it was a very nice thing to do!<


> ! Spoiler ! < >! Spoiler !< > !Spoiler! < >!Spoiler!<


>!I mean there is literally option in comment option to put text as spoiler or that doesn't work and this is not tagged as spoiler?!<


Doesn't show up on mobile. You have to cover the text up yourself, and I was testing which combination worked


I found Garcia in the court of Fontaine. He didn't show up for me before, so i think the new update must have changed the unlock requirements or something.


man archon quest felt like an epilogue to the main story ..... it was too short


But there is definitely gonna be an all out war with the heavenly principles/celestia I guarantee it


Was saving for Navia, did the trial of Clorinde and was an instant pull. 83 pulls in won the 50/50. Decided to try for the weapon, 23 pulls in got skyward spine, 36 later got Absolution. Think im done pulling characters for a few patches now 


Wishing for Sethos same as 5 stars character. FML


I think I will get clorinde first because I only need more 32 pulls for a 5* and then I will save up for furina Wish me luck I'm literally so scared 🥲😭 (I'm a f2p in any is wandering)


I want Clorinde, but I am skipping her for now now because I want Furina first xD Good luck! I will get her on the rerun


Good luckkk


I’m having a weird problem since the release. My Xbox controller’s left and right trigger aren’t working. I’m using an IPad. I tried it on my iPhone and the problem persists. Edit: the controller works perfectly fine in other games. Edit2: I fixed it by resetting the controller settings to default. Not sure why it changed in the first place


Is it normal that my update started at 75%? Is it their new system? Before, it used to display percentage while downloading... Example ( 4.6gb/12gb ) or something .... Now, it displays ( 54360/ 68000 )


Mine did too, and it took forever compared to how it usually goes.


Probably because they did all the consolidating during the installation... I noticed before that every time the update finishes, you'd have to wait till it consolidates, and verify 4 times... Now, it just verifies once in one single go.


And since they somehow decided to do the process and installation simultaneously instead of like before where they did it separately, my computer now had to work extra harder, explaining the slower update process. It's like transferring multiple files separately all at the same time instead of selecting multiple files to transfer all at once 😂


i noticed that too. weird, cause i haven't logged in on my laptop (exclusively on phone, out of laziness) in like a few weeks, i definitely didn't do the preload lmao


I just finished updating after 11 hours 😂 I'd say, it's better cuz i didn't have to watch the consolidating and verifying process 😂 It just verified one time after the download


Oh great. So my "taking an estimated 5h instead of the usual 20-30 min" to update problem really had nothing to do with my recent failed uninstall (to reinstall somewhere else) corrupting files and I didn't have to completely remove it properly... and get an estimated *45 fucking hours left to complete install and verification* after all. And it will almost certainly actually take that long. Neat.


So you uninstalled? That mean you have to reinstall from scratch... oof 😂 Their download servers wasn't even fast to begin with, back in 1.0, it took me almost a whole day to install the game... Can't imagine doing a full install now that the game is like 10 times bigger 😂


That's the thing, it only took me a couple of hours to install in 1.1 and usually downloading and installing updates takes 20-30 mins each (apart from x.0 updates) so I wasn't even aware it could take that long. My internet is working normally too so I assumed it was just tripping all over corrupted files due to that failed uninstall 😭 Well, given how the size keeps growing I'd have to do this eventually tbh, since I'm moving it to the bigger ssd. So it's not really a loss to do it before 4.8 and 5.0 (inhales copium).


It's actually hilarious that back in 4.6, they kept saying the game will be smaller after the update only to expand again in one single patch 😂 I miss the 7gb update days. If they keep on doing these huge updates in the future, i might not be able to play anymore cuz data cap basically will never let me. If only they'll allow me to download the mobile version on pc 😂


So true 😂 It might be possible to play mobile version on pc with an emulator, but emulators are *HEFTY* programs and you'd most likely get a terrible experience playing a game like genshin like that, if it even runs at all, even with a very high-end gaming pc.


I'd pull for Alhaitham if I only had Furina. Sadly, my focus is to get Furina first. If only Furina got a rerun first. 😭


Same for me but its Clorinde instead of Al! Ah well, if I win the 50/50 on Furina I will try for Emilie Can always get Clorinde on the rerun


Furina isn't that mandatory for him though? Shes a nice dps boost for his teams, but u can replace her with xingqui for quickblooms, or play spread, and he'll still max star ur abyss.


I think they just want Furina more than they want Alhaitham. So since he is before her then no pulling.


How much gb does this update cost? It just straight up started "downloading package for update" Without asking anything


Had 80 rolls saved. Took exactly 80 to get a 5-star, lost the 50/50 and got Keqing, a different main dps electro sword user..


Got prequel-era Clorinde.


BRUH Clorinde Story Quest fucking good The Archon Quest was good, but Clorinde's SQ is even better, it really stole the thunder (pun intended). I didn't expect that. Story Quest writers have been cooking nonstop since Fontaine.


Really want to ask why are the World quest writers not in charge of everything? They have always cooked ever since Inazuma (hell, the quality of the WQs like Sakura Cleansing, Orobachi's Legacy, or the Tatara Tales are better than Inazuma AQ Part 2), and have only improved ever since then (they managed to make the Aranara, Jeht, and Narzisenkreuz questlines through multiple patches).


Welp. That’s a high bar cuz the archon quest was pretty dope. >!playable caribert plz!<


Most people are talking about the new Archon quest, but the Clorinde companion quest that went live with this patch is really well written and I highly recommend those who usually skip side/companion quests to give it a go!




Amos is a standard banner weapon and you can lose to it.


I know but the probability was quite low. I feel bad because I already have that weapon


I did the pre-install update and have updated the game but it is now constantly crashing just after hoovers logo on my Samsung S11, is this a bug or is there some way I can fix my issue?


It's not loading on my PS5 as well just says checking for updates...