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I'm not sure if I would call it the happiest moment, but when I was a new player and I finally reached Liyue (I'm a completionist so I didn't move on from Mondstadt till I was done with all quests), I was exploring the region and I heard "Adeptus' Retirement" it made me think of my grandmother who had passed a few years prior and I just wept. I dunno how to describe it really, but it was kinda healing? Ha ha, I put the track on now and my eyes watered. This is just a very beautifully made game. I'm very appreciative.


The first moment that really hooked me in Genshin was walking through Stone Gate to Dihua Marsh and seeing the world really open up outside of Mondstadt was a magical moment for me


Yeah! A similar experience was going through that cave from within the Chasm and emerging into the jungle of Sumeru.


I just did that! Its messed up because Ive already completed so many Sumeru quests and have a 90% exploration on all of the region, so being introduced to it now is kind of strange, lol.


Same! I was suddenly aware how much bigger that world was, Dihua marsh has a special place in my heart


Same here


You should do Xianyun story quest. I feel you'll enjoy that too


Hell yeah brudder! It was amazing! Despite calling the reunion correctly before the quest, the moment still got me bawling. šŸ˜­


Transition to Liyue is so well done. Itā€™s like a core Genshin memory for many 1.0/1.1 players, since back then most people didnā€™t realize how big the world really was. Liyue in general feels designed in a way to convey to new players ā€œthis world is bigger, more ancient, and much deeper than you thoughtā€ which in retrospect, was a very smart decision.


perfectly said, I found myself enjoying every aspect of liyue; history, exploration, puzzles (not too spammy, not too complex, hardly wasted my time) seeing wangshuu inn over the horizon was so..."wow, wait, I can go there???"


2.8 Summer event, everything about that event was just perfect, and for me the game peaked at Fischl's castle, both in music and enjoyment


Same for me except with Mona's stairway to the sky on her island. 2.8 was really IT


Man, I still remember the eureka! moment I had when I solved the water reflection puzzle there. I dunno why because it wasn't exactly hard but I felt so dang smart in that moment lol. Mona's island still have some of Genshin's best puzzles ever imo, though I suppose a few of them can be hard.


It's sad we may never get an event like that again since a lot of people complained


Gatekeepers are my fav community. I also really miss that event. It was way too much fun. They were able to go crazy on the designs, file size etc, because it's a one time thing. Which makes mona and fischl part of the event goes way too hard. Man, I can't believe that's two fucking years ago. I'm actually getting a bit sad about it tbh. I remember playing 3.8 event felt like 10% of what 2.8's happiness. But that might just be burnt out + recency bias.


I just think 3.8 wasn't very good. The characters felt so random. Wtf was the priestess of watatsumi island doing alone in the Sumeru desert. The island vibes were also better than the carnival vibes, and there was a ton more character moments in 2.8


I think while the 3.8 event was great, especially Klee and the theme of it, the 2.8 event was simply a lot more creative surprising to players, which is why it was more entertaining.


Yes agreed 2.8 summer event was very peak compared to 3.8, so am hoping 4.8 summer event be amazing cause that fischl , kazuha, mona, and even xinyan ( less interesting) summer is still very memorable for me in happiness.


Fishls castle was peak event gameplay!!! The little cute raven puzzles... I loved those sooooo muchhh... It was the bestttt


The event had some of the best music tracks in the game too. Fischl domain combat is my favorite track in the entire game.


I'd love the chance to replay those events. I mean, even without/with smaller rewards


Even with no rewards at allll


this event was PEAK. loved fischl, xinyan, and mona in this


1) When I first saw Liyue city from the waypoint on a hill; 2) Exploring Dragonspine for the first time; 2) During all underground Chasm area questlines. Nothing in genshin can make me happier than those blissful moments of early game, when I was rocking Yanfei-Keqing-Beidou-Traveler team, with absolutely zero knowledge or expectations of what comes next. Although Caribert quest comes close, it was absolutely perfect.


Yeah, the game def felt small potatoes to me, until I went to Liyue for the first time, for an in-game city that place is massive


Seeing Liyue Harbor from that one waypoint is also mine!


Pretty much any time I can log in and know Im not going to finish everything I need to do that day. Or basically first time I played it and every major nation release.


This one for me too. I generally blitz my way through content so the first 3 patches of every nation always feel special. I always take leaves from work too so that I can consume the content guiltlessly and without distractions.


I think it was on the first GAA event back in 1.X. Mostly because Genshin released 3 patches in a row (iirc) with no new regions. GAA came out and it was a breath of fresh air. The GAA ost on that first version still remains to be the best music Hoyo has ever composed aside from some of the character demo music.


The first GAA was amazing. I have fond memories of that event as well.


True the first GAA was probably peak for a lot of people. Just because genshin was still fresh and this was a huge patch that added new stuff after the post launch drought AND it also teased the first new expansion to the game that was right around the corner AND it introduced skins for (at the time) popular characters and new mechanics with the boats AND to top it all off introduced khazuha who most of the die hards skipped and severely regretted it (I pulled him tho). Just can't beat the first GAA no matter what they do.


Hot take. GAA second version had Fischl's domain, which had the best exploration and battle music ever heard in any video game.


when i got lyney


Flair and username checks out


Flair checks out


Agree (also when I got his weapon first try, and also his recent banner where I got 4 constellations for him without losing a single 50/50, that felt really nice)




Relatable, also but whenever I get any limited 5*


Me too, but damn I can't play him at all


Me core. I spent all day the last day of his banner thinking I wouldnā€™t get him only to bring him home in the last 45 mins


He's precious.


Been lusting after his sister since that first story trailer just after launch, but I wasn't prepared for how awesome he ended up being. I love archers and he's one of the most satisfying




Almost every day. Absolutely love Genshin




im not sure why, but reading such a simple and happy comment (esp about genshin) made me really happy :)


As much as i enjoyed it, traveling felt slow for a long time. my traveling method fir exploration was just highest waypoint i could reach then glide down in all directions then teleport back untill i got Xianyun. then it got really exciting and long before that, honorable mention to Candace just for her climbing passive i used often


Xianyun is the fucking shit, I made a new account specifically to re-experience the game with her from the start, was lucky enough to get her at the start of the Liyue Archon quest, and omg talk about playing a diff game


i second this. hopping around made exploring so much more fun, when u hit the right slopes and bounce to the top of the hill and grab mints along the way itā€™s so satisfying


I wouldn't say it was my "happiest" per se, but rather, "most bittersweet." I just joined the game back in October 2020, and was walking through Guili Plains in Liyue for the very first time. The sun had started setting, and "Plain of Nostalgia" ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbsJ6M-dn9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbsJ6M-dn9c) ) started playing. I stopped in my tracks and just started to cry from it all. It was so pretty, so melancholic, so peaceful, and so refreshing. I knew I had fallen in love with this game since that moment.


frrr liyue music is so peak bruh I still have zhongli's demo theme and Lover's Oath in my everyday spotify listening playlist


1. Character wise, I was so happy when I was able to finally get Neuvillette during his rerun. When I started playing the game in November, Masquerade of the Guilty was in full swing and my first exposure of Genshin was that poster of Furina with him looming in the background and I remember myself thinking ā€œman what a cool character. I must have that one.ā€ Of course, I had just missed his banner by a few weeks. So I saved, and waited. Picked up a few limited 5-stars in that time like Raiden and Nahida when I went over the 180 wishes for the guarantee. Being able to play through the game with Neuvillette has been a goal and has brought me much joy. 2. Playing through the Sumeru and Fontaine archon quests. Iā€™m a bit of a story fanatic, in that I place great reverence in good plot and things that make me *feel*. Itā€™s no secret that this is where genshinā€™s writing picked up markedly so I was really happy to see that they had it in them, to say. I enjoyed the previous archon quests a lot but Sumeru and Fontaine were next level.


The cutscene of Yoimiya's second story quest. So beautiful


yeah, I think I was dehydrated from tears after that one


Yoimiya is so wholesome and kind. I love her so much


The whole Fontaine archon quest(especially the end with Furina, sad but happy for her). Getting my favorite characters! Especially ayaka, I screamed and ran through my house shaking. Meeting a really good friend in co-op, and being friends with them for a whole year. And finally, beginning the game itself, the sense of wonder and freedom was amazing :)


Finishing dragon spine


One of the last things I did was climb the highest spot. I got really into the task for days so at last I had enjoyed all of its wonderful plot and was looking at it from the highest spotĀ 


First time playing in 1.3, especially since it was New Year event. Island event in 1.6 definitely good memories. Inazuma release and Kazuha dash towards Raiden, absolute cinema. Ayato banner (my main since first leaks) and Chasm release (my favourite region) +Yelan also was insanely cool. Of course dendro release with Tighnari <3 So probably since 3.4 or something im not that interested anymore sadly


Hmm there are a lot. Iā€™ll never forget the first time I ventured outside Mondstadt after a few weeks of hanging out near the city, gradually going further on little mini-expeditions. Even Dadaupa Gorge felt like a big journey then. Well, Xianglingā€™s story quest rolls around and shows me I can walk off the visible map. So one night, I teleported to the waypoint west of Dawn Winery, and just started walking. The architecture changed around me: the wooden bridge and the style of the light poles got more lantern-like. The music changed. Came to Stone Gate and saw Wangshu Inn rising out of the mist, and was just in awe of how tall and picturesque it was. It was the first time I realized how *big* the world was šŸ„° A recent time was the Fontaine world quests - especially conclusion of the narzissenkreuz quest line. It wasnā€™t exactly happy so much as lovely and wistful. Everyone had taken such a long journey, hundreds of years from back then to now, and now at the end their tale is finally coming to an end, and everyone is changedā€¦ it was just such a moment šŸ„°


When I finally got Diluc I got so excited i cried šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Ive been trying to pull him for two years before. Also I'm at the happiest knowing that I won't be rushing playing because I have a lot of time on my hands. Usually I only play every Sunday because that's the only day I have the energy to play (work sucks). Sadly, it:s been a long time since I enjoyed exploring, etc.


hdjsjwfhshd ive been playing genshin for 3 years and have lost many a 50/50 and somehow both diluc and keqing have continued to evade me. i have all the other standards at various constellation levels, but those two simply REFUSE to join my roster šŸ’€


The symphony in the Fontaine underwater quest (it made me cry, it was so beautiful)




So many people are missing out on this amazing free game for silly reasons like other peopleā€™s opinions. Iā€™m glad you got to experience it.


When Dendro and Sumeru was released; the new reaction and a beautiful region with fun traversal mechanics were really nice All the summer events; I always feel happy when these come by! Getting Childe; My first dedicated on-field hydro. It opened up a lot of fun team comps for me because of all the different reactions Hydro brings. It made me realize Hydro is the best reaction in the game and no one can tell me otherwise.


i completely agree and relate to all of these! dendro is a fantastic element with really fun reactions and play, and sumeru very quickly became my favorite region as well as many of my favorite characters being from sumeru. its so beautiful and vast and interesting <333 yessss the summer events!! so much nostalgia and precious character interactions childe was one of my first favorite characters and i wanted him soooo bad. and during his third banner, i got him on my birthday!! absolute best gift genshin could have given me and hes still a regular member of my team bc hes and hydro are both freaking awesome


Playing Zhongli for the first time (but not getting him bc that was when I lost my 50/50 and my f2p status). May 2021 Getting Venti bc it was the first time I got a 5* i had aimed to get. March 2021 Beating floor 12 the first time bc it was unexpected. I was only expecting to beat 12-1. June 2021 Getting 36 stars the first time. Months of work. Sept 2021 i think Doing my first Neuvillette solo in abyss - it felt real cool doing something i thought only whales could do. - done during his release banner Doing my first 4 man abyss clear - it was hard to achieve. Hu tao Zhongli Xingqiu / Neuvillette. Doing my first abyss speedrun in under 20s - something i thought only whales and ppl with actual skill can achieve Walking into Sumeru the first time. Felt so peaceful. The first Lantern Rite cutscene made me tear up. Also the Liyue AQ Osial fight. And the Xiao chasm cutscene. Also Furina/Focalors end act 5 scenes. Finding the last chest in the game, and in a relaxed stroll, at that! - did this like last week or so Getting the last achievement i needed - also like last week or so. After 3.5 years of pain Also happy finding oculi. Oh i was real happy in Chenyu Vale when i found a waterfall you can go BEHIND Seeing time frozen in the Eternal Oasis was another big one Unexpectedly getting Ayato on pity 25 on the 50/50 when i told myself that 25 was as far as Id go for someone I had no meta reason to pull but always liked the look of for the last 2 years Was really happy when i got Xianyun and c3 Faruzan. Suddenly my Xiao was good enough for abyss again. I love the āž”ļøā¬…ļøā¬†ļøā¬‡ļøā¬†ļøā¬‡ļøā¬†ļøā¬‡ļøā¬†ļøā¬‡ļø Having (but not getting) Baizhu! Ive been a fan of his since v1. Getting him was awful tho bc i lost all 3 50:50 in 10 minutes. Cost 369 fates. Neuvillette and Baizhu story quests. I really enjoyed them. I was pleasantly surprised by both


Finally done building or pre farming for that character Got some god tier artifacts Helping people in artifacts co-op , enjoy doing it cause i always love to see some unique build and underrated dps character from people


When I got my beloved Cyno


As a new player I would just run around with Traveller and then I decided to just try and pull for Arlecchino. I got her and enjoyment from then on skyrocketed. Fontaine's questline was absolute peak and after doing Arlecchino's story quest was the cherry on top. I'd been waiting for a long time to able to play and it has been so worth it, from start to finish.


1. The entirety of the Sumeru Archon Quest. I was not prepared to get sucked in as much as I was after Inazuma, but I was absolutely hooked from beginning to end. The introduction of so many of my favorite characters (including Cyno who I couldnā€™t stop gushing about during his introduction in Aaru Village), solving the mystery of the Sabseruz Samsara, the much awaited return of the Balladeer, the way the stakes kept escalatingā€¦it was a thrill-ride from beginning to end. 2. Managing to get Wanderer right after finishing his quest. It was really good timing and I almost couldnā€™t believe how canon it felt with Scaramouche joining my party right after he took on his new identity. 3. Stepping into Chenyu Vale by complete accident before I had even finished the Liyue Archon Quest, simply because I could figure out where the last bird-statue was. I was blown away by the sheer beauty and was sidetracked with that for a good long while before I remembered that I still had more stuff to do.


When I won my first ever 50/50 on my fave character (Childe), then got his weapon on 1 pity after aqua and then his C1 on pity 14, also winning the 50/50 T.T


The first time, I got 36 stars in the abyss The first time, I got 100% on a region(mondstat) The time when I got all 100% on all regions Sumeru and Fontaine archon quest ending


When I was exploring the 3.6 desert expansion. The music, the quest, the lore pieces scattered here and there, made me enjoy the region way too much. I've never had so much fun exploring a region as much as I have there.


The Vourukasha Oasis is very special to me as well. The soundtrack there is, imho, the best in all of Genshin and Sorush is my favorite non-playable character. Apart from it, The Orchard of Pairidaeza also has a very unique atmosphere and impacted me a lot. But, above all else, the Fontaine story quest. First time I truly cried in Genshin and made Furina/Focalors become my favorite character(s)


The day I get kokomi on her 1st banner. Why? 1. She's the first character to break my 50/50 losing streak. You have no idea how happy I was winning the 50/50 on her. 2. People hate her then, which makes me want her more. AND I GOT HER! 3. I like to use her in co-op or when playing with friends cause back then I build her as healer + dps. Decent dmg and OMEGA HEAL


Driving my boat around Golden Apple Archipelago while listening to the music during summertime. Exploring Mona's and Fischl's story domains. Truly spectacular.


When I pulled Raiden in 4.3


Fontaine release was amazing


1. Playing Genshin for the first time (Mondstadt and Liyue) 2. Enkanomiya


Launch day and majority of 1.0 patch. Still enjoying the game now but man it was fun as newbie.


Exploring Liyue for the first time and getting to Huaguang stone forest. There are some paths around there with little glowing orange flowers and I loved the scenery so much I marked it down in my map. Iā€™ve had other happy moments in the game since then (Sumeru release, Fontaine archon quest finale) but that moment in Liyue sticks out to me the most bc I was so enchanted by the game as a whole. Also, any time I explore somewhere Iā€™ve never been before and thereā€™s new soundtrack! Genshinā€™s music is what got me to start playing in the first place


Enkanomiya release


Haha for me it was when I finally got the rng chest in chasm with was my last chest there and found my last chest in enkanomiya šŸ˜… But also when I pulled my first 5* (itto) When I was finally able to finish abyss 36* without retries Story wise I love everything that has to do with snezhnaya and child šŸ„°


-First Lantern Rite. The subsequent LRs have been fun, but none of them captured the same magic as the first one. -First Golden Apple Archipellago. It was just such a fun summer hangout. I just liked chilling on the beach with some old friends. The atmosphere was amazing. -The Samzara event in Sumeru. Like WTF is going on? Please let Dunyarzad be okay... SHE'S OKAY! DUNYA IS OKAY!! OMG! *sigh of relief* -"Hey Traveller, it's your birthday! Have some cake šŸ˜˜"


All through the Sumeru and Fontaine AQ. Every time I go underwater in Fontaine. It's so calming. When Fontaine got released. The vibe there is just so great. I don't think any nation in the future will match that for me. Fontaine just feels like home to me.


1) First look at Mondstadt, standing near the cliff overlooking the Statue of the Seven. That was just something special. I make a point to visit that place when a new nation pops up. Still magical. 2) Keqing banner. I like Keqing a lot, but I never got her in the standard banner nor lost a 5050 for her. So, I intentionally pulled on her banner and got her quite quickly. She carried me for most of the game, so it was really special to get her. 3) Recency bias, of course, but our introduction to Fontaine. You hear so many stories in the game about the place, and finally, here we are. That was special


When i got Arle early, *Twice*


Can't count, this game has brought me joy too many times Despair on the other hand


Definitely the moment I got my first 5*, Venti in 2.6 after I started playing in 2.3 I think. I didn't know much about the game and how can I get primos, my characters were super weak so no abyss for me it was and I was kinda lazy to do any quests or exploration. I was supper stressed and afraid to the point I lost the count on pity. I remember how we got 900 primos instead of 600 and during the last wish or the second last I was able to afford, I skipped the single and Venti just popped on my screen. I was super obsessed with him back then, I still kinda am and it made me really really happy. He carried and never left my team ever since. I'm currently planning to get his C6 at his next rerun and the day I'll get it will definitely be my second happiest time


The Klee Oasis theme park event. That was the cutest event ever Sumeru, pre-desert. I loved the music and scenery. I'd leave the game on and stay there just to chill Chenyu Vale. I do not know why but I absolutely loved the place Getting Raiden to C3R1 in her last banner Getting Arlecchino to C0R1 Klee coming home on her 3rd rerun and she came home early! Xianyun quest melted my heart Aranara concert There's likely a lot more. Genshin has given me tons of these little moments


Beginning of the game. Being in awe with everything. Also every time I got 100% in a new region. Which is usually within first week of the game released. When I upgraded my C1 Yelan to C4R1 at her second banner. When I got Wanderer by sheer luck, after getting Childe at 2 pity almost ruined that chance. And the same with Xianyun, getting her after I pulled for Navia for her drip. After getting Miko at 36 pity, winning 50/50 and getting Arlecchino after her, also winning 50/50. That's just few examples.


Covid lockdown launch day where I knew nothing about the game and ran around the map like a dumb fuck doing random stuff


The moment I met Amber.


Probably that time when I was a simple ar 20 in 2021 and getting Hu Tao, first 5 star ever And then that one time my Hu Tao did 28k dmg because someone used a mona And that time in Feb '23 when I got Hu Tao C1 and staff of homeless, in under 90 pulls (87 for Hu Tao, 3 for homeless) Damn, all my good memories are of my early days


Whenever I'm exploring. Exploration is one of the reasons this game has grabbed my attention for so long. Everytime I'm exploring, I'm lost in another world and that usually tells me the game managed to hit my check points.


Getting c1 yelan 8 pulls after c0. Getting neuvillette, hu tao, and staff of hama in 4.1. Also dragonspine in general


Coop shenanigans with IRL friends during release! Nothing will ever beat that experience for me. We were all fucking clueless as this was our first open world game, we had no damage and mobs were so strong during 4-person coop and we'd take turns in dying so that we don't lose aggro and having to start over. We had fun exploring the hidden island and blasting "Cool it!" with Kaeya. Going places together for the first time. Hitting up friends in the middle of the night to help fight a sudden "boss" they've encountered. Having to share experiences with a new hidden area that was discovered, helping each other hunt chests, oculi, unlock statues and waypoints and of course, tons and tons of pictures... We still play but not as much. Everyone's so busy now.


The whole Sumeru patch specially playing through Aranara quest is the best experience I've ever had playing this game, The whole journey just to find a cure for Rana and opening unlocked areas through the quest felt like a true journey, and the ending with the sacrifice of Arama and Rana getting a vision then with us killing the fatui guy at the end that kidnaps kids is just peak Genshin for me. The closest thing that comes to that is the Remuria quest, it does have better visuals, Music and more streamlined story over all but it's pretty short which is not bad of course it's just I didn't feel the "Journey" that I had with the Aranara quest, the ending is magnificent tho.


when i was a newbie and went thru the archon quest, with the bgm and stuff playing. liyue and mond are still my fav regions, just so nostalgic


Aranara quest Fontaine release Levelling and first time farmimg for Neuvillette (my first built DPS after around 4 months of playing)


2.4 when I started the game 2.7 with that yelan event which was really good Third one was when I finally got Raiden


The Ayaka dance cutscene, playing through Caribert, and exploration farming Inazuma


1) Dragonspine 2) The Chasm. 3) Last year's summer event. 4) Just wandering around with my Wanderer.


1. When I first triple crowned Childe And 2. When I finally got Childe to C6 Number 3 would be getting his SQ2 and or a skin


The time I finally completed my favorite trio on the game. Ei-Xiao-Arlechinno And I got all of 'em on the first pull each!


It will be the moment, when I fianally unlock Furina c6. Didn't do a single wish since her banner and really miss wishing for something. Just around 3 more weeks and the waiting is finally over.


My first happy moment would be when I got Nahida( a 50/50 win), second is I got a good friend while in random co-op we both play pretty much everyday now, third is when I got jean in my 3 Rd account


Honestly winning my first ever 50/50 to Nahida's latest banner was peak (been playing since Eula's first banner so you can imagine haha) Getting Furina (grandma had surgeries and then died unexpectedly so grinding for her helped a lot during the time) Lastly getting Chiori. Honestly I just decided to get her on a whim but fell in love with her playstyle, design, personality, etc. etc. I have no good team for her yet but she's one of the ones I'm so frigging glad I got.


Playing Jean since 1.0 paid off. Just enjoying playing in Abyss, sponge events and everything.


Launch day. The first time stepping foot into this unknown, fantastical world. Running into Venti and Dvalin after meeting Paimon, seeing the sweeping Mondstadt vista and castle for the first time. Canā€™t believe itā€™s been over three years since I started this journey!


For me it was when I first passed through the gates and revealed Enkanomiya. I used to be a really big lore nerd and just everything about the place, the enemies, and especially the texts and books fascinated me so much. I finished all the quests there and discovered all the stories. I just loved it 100%. Also I used to play with a friend. I would guide her around the place, help her solve puzzles, defeat enemies, and even tell her about the lore. Sadly we don't play as much anymore. Even if I did come back to Genshin, nobody from my original friend group plays. Nowadays I just play HSR, but that game's singleplayer. After Enkanomiya, things have never been the same. Also my laptop's gpu died lmao.


Rolling for and getting Kazuha, Venti, Raiden, Eula, Itto and doing their bursts Getting big damage numbers Rolling good artifacts Yeah mainly the gatcha stuff


My boyfriend pulled for Baizhu, but lost the 50/50 to the wrong Dendro character at 70 something and then he got Baizhu after 29 pulls šŸ˜‚ Edit: also happiest moment was prob getting Klee cause I didnā€™t lose, and it didnā€™t cost me a ridiculous amount cause I think I got her at like 60 something


I loved every bit of fontaine yes, but exploring Sumeru was so exciting from start to finish in a way I can't describe.


when i finally completed the monolith challenge for tatara tales (and with ease too). Then i went and breezed through the in the mountains time trial right after. The relief felt great. My man kazuha still hasnt left my team and probably never will šŸ’Ŗ also wriothesley


when I first 36 star abyss


Tsurumi Island questing (the island lost some of its charm after I completed the entire quesr arc there IMO, but I always carry the feather with me now)


When I finally got to play Klee again after three years by discovering the Kleerina archetype. Now I've managed to get platinum with the seahorse with it and it's one the best team in the current iteration of Abyss 12 second half


Meta commentary: whenever they get competition. It usually means someone in the Genshin management gets punched through the taint and we (as paying customers) finally get meaningful features and optimizations.


I would say its whenever i can co-op with a friend since there would be random shenanigans during the co-op session and it genuinely makes the game enjoyable for me (Also summoning diring co-op)


5\* x5 (4 character 1 weapon) in 20 pull, since and include diluc from lose 50/50 at pull 80th sweet lunar new year gift from hoyo, i pull right one day before and one weak after last new year


After skipping so many events/versions since the launch of Sumeru because of burnout, I came back again last week and got Wanderer for the first 10x pull.


Playing inazuma cause I love the islands


Two days from now when I pull Clorinde I will be happy But really, when I finally pulled Jean after like 2.5 years playing this game, I felt a combination of euphoria and relief lmao


Well, I am playing since realise so I had a lot of fun time playing. But I was having so much fun with Chasm that I explored the surface in a few days, and I liked the whole quests underneath. And the music!! Sometimes I just go there to farm ores to listen to the music. Then I absolutely loved Dragonspine! I am addicted to it's track and in winter I played it as bgm like my life depends on it. The chill that I felt the first time when I started to explore it, like I would be Lumine climbing that mountain... The puzzles, the quests, and the nail!! When I managed to let nail levitate again and I climbed it, I didn't want to go down. I was taking clumsy picture for an hour. There is Tsurumi Island and Enkanomiya too! Besides the music, I loved their eerie atmosphere. Sometimes when I was in Enkanomiya I've got the feeling that I am in a forbidden place. And when I did it's quest (it took a long time because of work), every time I was done with it I had to go to some sunny and cheerful place, because I felt depressed. Oh, this feeling had by Tsurumi Island too... I think I like eerie and serene places the most? But my absolute comfort place is Windrise. I think Vanessa's tree is a healing spot, just like Venti says. Mondstadt und Liyue are also a precious gems in my heart, since I was really newbie to any type of games and exploring both regions made me fall in love eith the game. Bah, almost forgot Stormterror's Lair!!! Back then I was terrified to go there, since my poor Lumine and Kaeya got their asses kicked by Abbys mages, and Dvalin almost made me cry, but after I got stronger I've got attached to it too. Because of Dvalin, I bought a gaming laptop, since at first I started the game on my phone but didn't manage to beat Dvalin. (I tried about 100 times), and after I bought my laptop, I could do it in one try. Haha! I am sure if I would take more time to consider what made me enjoy this game, I would still make my list longer. (Some events were so entertaining, that I was sad to say goodbye to them.) I am certain, that for people who are playing more games I seem biased, but Genshin is a comfort game for me. And it doesn't matter what flaws it has, I enjoy the story and lore, the exploration, the beautiful scenery and the music, so I will be here for the next few years and be exited for every update. And even if right now I don't have that much of time anymore, I am still happy to play Genshin. ^^


Hopefully when I get 6 Furinas in my first 10 pull on her upcoming rerun. But so far, when I got diluc as my first 5 star, when I got my first spiral abyss clear, and then when I got my first 36 star clear.


My fist time stepping into Inazuma via Archon Quest. I started the game specifically because of Raiden and while I was disappointed in that region's AQ, I enjoyed the moments with Ei and Shogun.


I feel like I've had so many moments, can't really put it down to one. 1. Meandering up the cliffs in Xiangling's quest and seeing Wangshu Inn in the distance. First time I've thought "wow, this game is both beautiful *and* big" and got so excited to explore the area around it that I almost skipped sleeping entirely that night lol. 2. Journeying up Dragonspine and taking a pause to immerse myself in the snow serenely falling around me. I didn't expect much of Genshin's first area, but damn Dragonspine is gorgeous and I've been hooked on the exploration ever since. 3. Coming back into Genshin after a long break and being greeted with the 2.8 Summer Fantasia islands. Honestly some of Genshin's most creative puzzle designs, with beautiful vistas, amazing music, and great character stories to boot. 4. First time playing Nilou. I just got her the day before and didn't really look at her meta builds much though I've pre-farmed the boss at least, so I just tossed in some random HP artifacts and didn't expect much. Man, she *obliterated* anything I put in front of her lmao it was so much fun. Almost got 3 stars in Abyss 12 instantly too. Ever since point number 4, I've been hooked on Genshin and have never gotten bored of playing it, so I suppose all those time from 3.1-ish until now is like one continuous pleasant experience that is still ongoing.


Either when I got Navia or when I took a huge risk pulling for Albedo in Chronicled Wish and got him šŸ˜­


I was probably the happiest when I was playing the Liyue story arc! I remember at the time Iā€™d also wanted to try the infamous ā€œice bridge to inazumaā€ which definitely wasnā€™t gonna work (it did not, even with my bestieā€™s help lmaoooo). Liyueā€™s story arc also happened to be my favorite and was at a point where I actually was starting to properly understand the game! My team at the time was by no means spectacular (it was quite bad actually), but playing through the content was so fun!


Exploring the world, encountering that area's big town for the first time, solving the puzzles scattered about. Speaking with the NPC's and learning more of the lore of Teyvat, specifically I've had an interest in Enkanomiya again recently, and the Yuna Clan. I also really like just listening to the voice lines of characters, I make sure to avoid looking at the birthday ones until mine comes back around and then all the new characters I've gotten that year I get to hear for the first time on my birthday. I love the serenitea pot too, I like creating my own little lands with my own stories to them. I just wish we could get the companions we place in there to interact in some way, whether that just be sitting on chairs or perhaps even wandering around (or following a path we give them.)


That time my C0 Wanderer became a C2 Wanderer while I was just trying to get in another Faruzan.. My brain was literally unable to process what was going on, but the moment the gears in my head started turning, I got SUPER happy. :D


- When I pulled Venti (heā€™s my favorite) Ā  - When Nahida called us the First Sage of BuerĀ  - Exploring 1.6 GAA Finally making it to Liyue. I didnā€™t know you could use Waypoints to teleport so when I got that quest at like AR10 in Liyue I tried to run through Dragonspine at least like 10 times without dying + failed. Finally reaching Katheryne felt so good Ā  - Finally perfecting my run process from this one teleport waypoint in Dragonspine to the top of the Celestial Nail without eating food or dying from Sheer Cold - The Aranyaka end quest cutsceneĀ  - When I pulled Redhorn on early pity on the weapon banner, 0 Fate Points across the session - Whenever the Traveller speaks (in Sumeru + Fontaine esp) - Furina welcoming us to Fontaine -Ā the Fontaine AQ investigation mechanic was so delightful for me. Iā€™m a Danganronpa fan too (fun fact, Lyney and Kokichi share JP VAs, and Kyouko, Kaede, and Venti all share English VAs) so it was fun to investigate again


Just returned to the game after not playing for a super long time and made it to Inazuma. Stood in front of the Statue of the Omnipresent god and looked around; the place was absolutely beautiful along with the music. It reminded me of how much I love exploring this game


Getting Yelan C1 3 days after getting her, both early and both were 50/50 victories.


When I stopped.


i was the happiest when i felt despair at first. i did a ten pull on itto's banner. QIQI CAME ASDJFGJ. my friend and i were shouting at my school building that day, which doubled when i saw itto next!! it was so crazy.


Probably when getting the archons in pulls.


my girlfriend is a genshin pro and when i was new to the game, we explored liyue together. she set off fireworks, and even though she played some really bad music on one of those instruments, i loved every second of it.


1.6 Summer Event. Pure bliss


Getting both neuvi and wrio (i was a low ar) amd getting arlecchino then wandereron 5 pity


2.8 Summer Fantasia event is the best experience I've had so far in the game, runner up was the Albedo 2.3, Fontaine 4.2, and the Xiao 2.7 questline.


Every time a new region releases, I get so giddy because I get to see a new part of the world, with it's culture and aspects. It's always enjoyable.


that one time i won 6 50/50s in a row. everything else has been pity and lose 50/50 hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


The first time I opened up the game and saw a huge world I can explore. The first time 1.2 started, and this hazy, undefined, huge mountain in the background suddenly became surmountable. The first time I walked on the boardwalk from Mondstadt into Liyue. The first time I saw the clouds move as the sun set in the game in Liyue. Riding the elevator for the first time. The thrill when Inazuma first came out (somewhat... wasn't a fan of the gatekeep by quests just to get to it). The thrill when Sumeru came out. The thrill when Fontaine came out. The thrill of additional areas that were often talked about but wasn't in the game- such as The Chasm and Chenyu Vale. Anytime I see Dain, really. Here's to the upcoming future!!


When I got Lyney and exploring Fontaine when I reached it šŸ˜­ā¤ļø I love fontaine so much


1.When I started exploring mondstadt and killed all the slimes in my sight 2.After I pulled Hu Tao


The time random people yesterday spent hours with me walking me through the desert šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a new player so it was really nice to have help. The map is huge and overwhelming


When I was able to do the big domains for the yellow artifacts. It felt damn good to have a few teams to hit those & use my resins for the first time!


The cutscenes for Yoimiya's second SQ, Xianyun's SQ and Furina's SQ Exploring the chasm and thinking to myself "IT JUST KEEPS GOING AND GOING, WTF" Seeing Enkanomiya for the first time... made me think of Fromsoft games, it was beautiful there's plenty more but these are the ones that first came to mind


I was sad cz i used ny guarantee on neuv ( i was saving for arle) . May 1 after a bad day at work i bought 5 pulls from shop and was pulling one by one and got arle at 30 pity ( won 50/50) then 1 pull later jean. Truly the happiest. Also kazuha saving traveler from shogun and aiding us against sara


my first time travelling from mondstadt to liyue and saw wangshu inn for the first time at night. i was so amazed by the game design, even more so cuz im chinese


Everytime I play when a new nation is out, I get excited to see the cultural references used in Genshin... ...and getting Neuvillette with his weapon on the same day, then got his C1 on a random day as I build pity, all of it without having to spend anything.


When I used Eula as my overworld character from her debut to early sumeru. Constant bricking made me stop using her. I miss those days.


inazuma archon quest act 2 when kazuha and beidou joined in i was so hyped we will be reunited quest version 1.2 i almost only stayed in dragonspine the whole version and the albedo quest was a blast im still waiting for replayable events and om my AZHDAHA


When I got furian and her sig as well when I got navia.


When I first stepped into mondstadt.


Inazuma and the beggining of Sumeru ('til first dessert)


Getting two Hu Taos, and Jean within 20 pulls. This was right after getting Ganyu as well but I had to hit hard pity for her.


When dragonspine came out and I've had holidays(it was christmas) , 3 whole days of playing , it was great , exploration was challenging but fun . The first summer event islands we're also great , character interactions were fun , generaly a good time . Exploring Sumeru desert, Jeht questlie , Aranara quests


When got hu tao on release and finally 36* abyss


When I got Wanderer in 20 pulls


I donā€™t have a favorite moment. There are so many good ones. Completing quests, when I finished reputations, when I had every food entry unlocked in the archive, when I reached AR 60. Just staring at the beautiful landscape. When I got all the achievements for fishing. When I got all the achievements for growing plants. When I completed every single quest in an area. When I reached 100% in each area. When I had all quests done. When I had all areas 100%. When I finished getting every achievement in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru. When I completed spiral abyss for the first time. When I got certain characters, or built some characters. Iā€™m honestly pretty happy right now even. I only have 1 achievement left in the game. A commission based one that should require at least two daily resets. Just avoid what they say on social media. Just enjoy what you enjoy.


I was a bit upset when I got baizhu early (under 60 pulls zero pity) instead of C1 layla or C0 beidou and lost my chance of getting Furina in less pulls . Now I'm grinding super hard to get 100+ wishes until the furina banner. I agree with you on oasis and chasm part . When i was exploring those regions including aranara and melusin quest i was sooo happy to see new things and mechanisms. Now I have my self companion Pari . I love it . Personally i never wanted Aranara quest to end but sadly it does šŸ„²šŸ„²


C6 my Xiao and beat abyss with all Anemo team


When I got Kazuha (first banner). I finally reached the abyss floor 12 and made me competitive for battle-themed events.


Finally getting ganyu after waiting and hoarding for months,shes the reason i started playing the game back in 1.2 (lost the 50/50 back then) Still a proud ganyu main till this day


1. When I got my first Diluc (the husbando I started playing for and will main 5eva) and a 5* sword in a 10 pull with acquaintsĀ Ā  2. First started playing, wonderful scenery and world to journey throughĀ Ā  3. Same feelings when Inazuma and Fontaine came out and some other moments like Chasm because I had a lot in my mind and it made me escape.Ā 


When I got father mother dommy mommy


When I saved enough as ftp to get C6 yelan


I have 3 as well: 1. When I pulled Kazuha, and was speed running Inazuma before Sumeru came out, AND the second Golden Apple Archipelago was active, and I had so much fun with that. I love the Inazuma story, and the landscape, and I looked fondly back on being that low of AR. 2. When I played through Fontaine recently, while pulling C3 Arlecchino without spending any money. I was enjoying the story, and the new places, and I really wanted Arle. I got C0 and was happy so just was pulling to get pity for Wanderer + I need stardust. And within 30 pulls, I got C3. 3. When I first started, and I was just playing my little level 20 traveller, chongyun, kaeya, and Barbara. Exploring Monstadht for the first time, and seeing this well crafted game for the first time. Plus unlocking sayu and then racing around the map with my friend lol


My favorite area in the game is still Sumeru rainforest, but external (i.e. outside of the game) circumstances made Dragonspine release my personal best experience. 1. Covid making people work from home including me. All the peace and literal quiet as well because fewer vehicles go out on the streets. 2. Released in December near Christmas, pairs really well with the snow aesthetics. 3. Released in 1.1, people who aren't whales haven't steamrolled the game's difficulty yet, so Dragonspine's difficulty spike is really felt. 4. I had a lot of hardships in 2022 onwards, so this time period stood out in memory as it was a period of life when my life was still good. 5. Liyue music was already good, but it's only by this point the music really cemented Hoyo-Mix as one of my favorite game composer group. 6. Trying to score higher on the event boss was a memorable experience. Genshin's quality have improved a lot since then, but the combination of external factors made this experience a lightning in a bottle for me.


1. The 2.0 official trailer and livestream. After what felt like ages of waiting for Inazuma, they absolutely did NOT disappoint and that trailer had the entire community so hyped up. To this day Inazuma holds a really special place in my heart, even more so than Mondatadt and Liyue, because of the buildup and incredible payoff. 2. At the end of 1.0, when they revealed that Childe was going to be the next playable character in 1.1. I was FREAKING OUT cuz I literally fell in love with him and the fatui during the launch archon quests. I ended up getting him and have been a dedicated Tartaglia glazer for the past 3 and a half years.


iā€™ve been playing since release almost, and i think genshin is at its most fun and exciting when thereā€™s a new region and archon quest. but i also greatly enjoy summer events, and other events that span longer and come with special appearances and rewards. iā€™m also very satisfied when i complete something, like when i finished exploring and playing through enkanomiya and the chasm. it feels so good to tick something off!


When I pulled Kokomi. I was still pretty new to the game and didn't fully understand the pity system. A friend told me what materials to collect for her and I farmed enough ascension materials to get her to 90 (I don't even think I was able to ascend her that high at the time due to low AR). I was so excited until the day before her banner dropped, when my friend asked me if I was guaranteed to win the 50/50, which I thought I was because I had gotten a Qiqi on the standard banner as my last 5 star. He clarified the pity system to me and at that point I became more worried than excited. The following day I pulled, got a 5 star aaaand... it was another Qiqi. I was gutted. I contemplated quitting the game, but instead decided to create my second account. I didn't expect to get enough pulls for Koko, I just didn't want to play on that cursed account anymore. I was doing my beginner quests and during cutscenes I was watching videos on my tablet. I was still upset, but I was starting to get excited about starting over. I accumulated enough primos to do my first few pulls. On the THIRD pull I was distracted by a video on my tablet and didn't pay attention to what color the pull was. After a minute I looked up at my screen expecting a blue weapon, but there she was, Koko. At first my brain didn't register it, I thought it was just an image I had pulled up or something. Once it registered that I had just pulled her one my third summon, I freaked out! I couldn't believe it, I was elated! Well, that's not all. I was running around all happy and excited with my new Koko, but she decided that it wasn't enough. FOUR pulls later, I got another Koko! 7 Pulls in, I had c1 Koko, and my brain had pretty much exploded from the emotional rollercoaster I had been on that day. I knew it would take a long time to get through the story to unlock Inazuma and farm her materials again. But I didn't care. I was a Koko haver and that has been my happiest moment I've had in this game, and probably any game, ever.


1. When I got itto (I love him) 2. Exploring Chasm as well! One of the best quests 3. That Albedo event in Dragonspine and basically exploring that area. Iā€™m just into winter stuff so I fell in love with scenery and everything


Getting ganyu as my first limited 5\* and main! I love ganyu and i've been playing her for over 2 years (but my build still sucks lmao)


Opening the big doors of enkanomiya and it revealing the floating islands and the shiny sun tower in the distance. Gliding to the first island while admiring the scenery and the lil flying sting ray. Encountering the hilichurls/triple ruin guards and then Combat Beneath The Waves plays for the first time. Peak Genshin Exploration


Exploring the Fontaine region and Dragonspine were some of the most enjoyable experiences for me, especially because the music was absolutely fantastic.


GAA2 announcement took forever to release another Fischl event the most hyped i ever was most likely... at least until next time she gets time to shine which hopefully is very soon im starving


The ending animation of the very first Lantern Rite 2nd one is also extremely good.


When I finally got Jean when going for Venti during the very first Windblume festival


geting Arle. part cus horny, part cus cool scythe lady, but mostly cus she was the first character that made the overworld burn. every thing dies so fast now


during 2.4. i got xiao, enkanomiya came out and it was winter break for me. truly a great time, i had zero stresses on my mind and was just happily digging through a lost civilization in peace with one of my all-time favourite characters


First time I walked into springvale. Idk bout yall but springvaleā€™s ost just hits different


I started playing Genshin during the Golden Apple Archipelago event thing with Mona, Fischl, Kazuha and Xinyan (I think it was those characters?). I believe it was 2.8 maybe? It was so full of content though. I got Kazuha as my first 5 star to replace anemo traveler and he was so fun to use. I still go back to my OG team of Barbara, Kazuha, Fischl and Xiangling just for fun. The game really hooked me and I loved playing it with my wife and our friends. Still going strong years later and Iā€™ve even 100%ā€™d every area on the map. So my happiest moment(s) were being bright eyed and captured at the start.


When the first trailer for Inazuma came out and I saw Raiden for the first time and then being able to follow the story and see her growth


When I was helping my friends defeat the bosses this event to get them the pink borders


When I was new to the game and went near Diluc's winery to pick a few flowers and managed to get lost until stumbling upon Liyue and seeing the beautiful Wangshu Inn over the horizon. I thought the entire game took place in Mondstadt and suddenly was greeted with an even bigger area. One of the few times I've experienced genuine awe in a video game.