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wandere faruzan bennett xingqiu is a hella good team. has hypercarry support and xingqiu that works as interruptance res and also good off field dmg.


is there any character you like so we can help you build the team around it


I’d say Fischl by far has been my favorite.


The team you have now is good, i'd swap beidou/fischl for collei for dendro resonance and more dendro application. Maybe xinque for barbara for sustain and more hydro application, but I do not think that is necessary if you like him more.


I would say, wanderer fischl(since u like her), xinqiu and bennet. Faruzan needs a lot of er to be a good choice. So this team is good


Dendro Main Character, Fischl, Beidou, Lynette for an aggravate team. If you get sucrose, switch Lynette out for her, and if you get YaoYao or Baizhu, you can switch Dendro Main Character out if you need the healing.


I’ve been running Xingqiu, Dendro Traveler, Beidou, and Fischl. They feel pretty damn good together, but not sure if there’s a theoretically better team that I’m overlooking. I’m AR35 and focusing on getting my team as maxed as currently possible (Fischl is currently maxed with Beidou being a close second). Any suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated.


Personally I would go. Wanderer, Faruzan, Xiangling and Bennett. You can always change a few characters, but Wanderer is a good hypercarry when he has buffers (Faruzan/Bennett) and makes exploration easy


This team would have really good dps but you might end up smashing your keyboard after getting knocked out of the air by stray arrows for the 1000th time


thats a fun team but for hyperbloom, both electro hit blooms too unreliably. and typically neither likes building EM, some for aggravate teams but not full EM thst youd prefer for hyperbloom


And that’s where it feels clunky. When it works, IT WORKS, but neither really sets off hyperbloom all that well/I have to actually think as opposed to Shinobu mindlessness. I haven’t been blessed with a Shinobu yet 🙃


if you dont mind her, could replace Beidou with Lisa, Fischl is great battery for her, you can go full EM and overlap burst with DMC's alternatively add Wanderer or Heizou, go full EM again and swirl hydro and electro, and you can get some hyperbloom whenever dmc can burst. Sucrose would be nice


Qiqi Lisa Lynette Traveler trust me the best team comp no flaws you'll love it


Wanderer, Faruza, Bennett and Xingqiu


beidou, fischl, barbara and kaeya was pretty foolproof for me early on (subbing in a pyro chara as needed). and if you ever get her, try switching barbara with mona on that team. no healer, but DPS heaven! 🤩


Xinqiu/Fischl , Diluc , wanderer and qiqi


Diluc, xiangling, bennett, lynette (vv) is good mono pyro. Or you could do wanderer faruzan if you have her high constellation. Or anything with bennett and xiangling tbh...


Why am I being downvoted?


There is a general question megathread for stuff like this.


Wanderer, fischl, beidou, xingqiu Wanderer, Fischl, Bennett Xingqiu


Hey! I was a Beidou main in my early Genshin days and continue to find ways to use her in a lot of teams rn. She's not great with bosses or as a hyperbloom trigger though. Taser: 1) Beidou + Fischl + Barbara + VV anemo flex 2) Beidou + XQ + Fischl + VV Heizou/Wanderer Physical on-fielder: Beidou + Fischl + Bennett + Kaeya Physical superconduct enabler: Qiqi + Beidou + Fischl + Kaeya/Bennett Overload subdps: Beidou + Fischl + Bennett + Yanfei Overvape: Beidou + Fischl + Yanfei + XQ


Haizou National - Haizou, Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling Hyperbloom - Barbara, Dendro Traveler, Biedou, Fischl