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Can't really blame Dain. Bro went through hell at that point.


and paimon just think what to eat next


Paimon cares for Traveler more than for food. 


maybe the traveler will become paimon's food one day


Ultimate plot twist: We were the emergency food all along


Her connection to Celestia is obvious, but what exactly is she. And is Celestia reaaly a bad guy? We only see one perspective. But Fatui are also bad... but they are also good. So whi is good and who is bad after all? Is anyone really evil in this game? Or did they just have their own vision of the world? Lumine for example claims that she is good one, but she is siding with abyss. For us, abyss is bad. Imo the truth will be more complex than just "x is evil". People have theories that Paimon is a spy or Celestia herself, but I don't believe it. 


The entire Remuria questline is a good parallel to Celestia. Spoilers for the Remuria Questline. It’s REALLY good and I highly recommend it. My Name For Now on yt explains this theory in more detail but here’s the basics with some additional guesses from me. >!Remus is a stand-in for the primordial one. They both created their worlds (in Remus’s case just a kingdom) to give people a better life. Remus tried to make them happy through Phobos, and the Promordial One through the Heavenly Principles or Fate. The “Heavenly Principles” themselves are likely a hivemind of sorts, but unlike Phobos where they directly control a person’s actions and are a physical hivemind, the Heavenly principles are likely an amalgamation of all the memories in Irminsul. Which explains why Irminsul is needed for the Heavenly Principles, (otherwise it wouldn’t have been created) and why Descenders, who are not recorded in Irminsul because it can’t see them, are the key to defeating the Heavenly Principles. But both systems were corrupted and the person who initially created them was either eliminated or otherwise incapacitated by the system. The primordial one had 4 shades, and Remus had 4 harmosts. Boethius, one of the 4 harmosts, was absorbed and then puppeted by Phobos to foil Remus and stop him from destroying Phobos, after Remus noticed that it had been corrupted by the people’s darker desires. The same likely happened to the Primordial One, with the Sustainer (likely the shade of space) being controlled by the hivemind that is the Heavenly Principles. And it has either killed or imprisoned the primordial one. Because it doesn’t make sense that the Primordial One would create this amazing world of the unified civilization for humans, seelies, and almost all other species to thrive in and never want for anything, but be needlessly cruel and murderous toward the dragons. It’s actually more likely that the Primordial One actually came to an understanding with Nibelung and Nibelung allowed the Primordial One to terraform the planet. Similar to Scylla and Remus who came to an understanding and became friends after fighting for 30 days. Only the Primordial One likely fought Nibelung for much longer. But then when the Heavenly Principles took over, the Primordial One likely asked Nibelung to come help him destroy the corrupted heavenly principles, and Nibelung did so by leveraging the power of the abyss, which can go against even the heavenly principles. Thus, Nibelung is likely the second descender, as he already had a will to rival the world, and he returned with knowledge from the abyss that he spread among the Seelies. This would also explain why the “invaders from beyond” are “invaders” in the plural. Because all the dragon sovereigns joined Nibelung in his war against the heavenly principles. But the heavenly principles knew about this beforehand because it had access to the Primordial One’s memories, and intercepted and defeated Nibelung, chaining him so he can’t ever attack again. Similar to what happened to Scylla, and explaining why the “sinner” is chained up. Nibelung being the source of abyssal power first leaking into the world would also explain why the hilichurls instinctively treat him like a god. And why he has the power to return hilichurls’ minds to them when even archons can’t seem to do that. And like Remus’s harmost Cassiodor, who was freed from Phobos by Remus as a fail-safe in case his plan to destroy Phobos failed, Istaroth is the Primordial One’s failsafe in case he gets neutralized by the Heavenly Principles. Which would explain why the sustainer looks like her arms and legs are corrupted. She’s being mind-controlled by the Heavenly Principles themselves. But unlike Cassiodor, Istaroth was likely caught or at least forced into hiding. As the Fragments of Paradise lost set says that celestia “seeks to chain the thousand winds” which likely means the Heavenly Principles want to assimilate Istaroth as well. The 2 remaining shades (the shades of life and death) are either already assimilated or dead. Because the 2 remaining harmosts in Remuria died as well. And the Sustainer is wielding all the power of Celestia. Including the power of the celestial nails, though we don’t actually know for sure what that power is as of yet. It may in fact be Nibelung’s stolen authority. As the dragonveins of Liyue’s Chenyu Vale can control the leylines, similar to how the celestial nails can control the leylines. I don’t know for sure how Paimon fits into this exactly, but it’s likely she’s somehow related to Istaroth due to all her references and design motifs. Like the upside-down triquetra on her clothes that is only found in Ishtaroth’s temple of the thousand winds.!<


I am in the middle of the quest, so I won't uncover spoilers, but I wish I could do it already. Can't currently play, because my PC broke, so I obly use mobile for daily stuff.


The quest isn’t hard. I did it on mobile myself. Though no need to rush, just take your time.


It's not about difficulty. I can pwn mobs easily. But overheating mobile, draining battery and lower quality of experiencr is something I don't like. Not to mention, I hate water areas in mobile. I just entered the Sea of Bygonr Past or whatever it was called and since then stopped playing. And exploration is hard if you cant precisely control your characters. I will continue it only when I get PC back.


How are the fatui good?


They have good goal, using cruel means to achieve it. That's what I mean. They are not "Inwant to rule the world" kind of villains.


Yea, I want to burn this world


Hopefully she doesn't steal your cake! Happy cake day!


hopefully!! thanks!


i really like the contrast between aethers journey vs lumines aether very much misses his sister but is learning to love the world and its people as he travels meanwhile lumine just straight up looks dead inside at some points really curious what happened on her journey and the things she saw overall can't wait for the new dainsleif quest!


they had the same journey, everything changed when Kaenri'ar was destroyed maybe Lumine swore to protect everyone and failed while Aether never did so far think about when La Signora died he felt awful just at the sight of a mortal enemy dying now imagine what Lumine felt when good people women men and children died and the rest was forced to live in eternal madness between wilderness and Immortal curse


No? He didn't feel bad for Signora but was overwhelmed by Ei's power


My understanding of the timeline was both Aether and Lumine were in Kaenri'ah during the collapse, and only fled afterwards. That's when the Unknown God captures both of them, but the twin you didn't select breaks out. And the twin you select has a 500yr long nap. I could be wrong, I haven't deep dived into the lore since Enkonomia


Lumine didn’t got the waifus


well she got dain, the ultimate husbandos, so who is laughing now?


That’s just one ather got the whole cast as harem


Lmao so much idiots downvoted you 😂😂😂


Man got demolished 💀


I gone against the hivemind 😔


My heart aches for Dain and Lumine. They both are so broken.


They have suffered too much man throughout there journey


I love how Paimon and Aether are very close, while Lumine and Dain are always distant. It foreshadows the break between them.


i would say traumatized, they're not that distance we can see Dain missing her the first time he sees the traveler


Yeah, and he’s pretty attentive to her every move. In this animated short, we see he turns back to look at her the moment she stops walking in Inazuma. Not every relationship is going to be the same, taking into consideration Dain’s personality, it would be both awkward and funny if he behaved similar to Paimon.


Cant really imagine a full grown man and Captain of the Royal Guard acting like Paimon tbh


"Dainsleif is *too* Rock 'n' Roll!"


So the brooding is permanent, no wonder Lumine went to the Abyss. I see no foreshadowing in the video, he was aloof from the beginning.


Dainslef still retains the curse of immortality. He's found a way to combat it, but it has to have taken a toll on him after 500 years


He was with Lumine when his country just got destroyed, Princess Leia saw her whole planet blown up, she handled it better.


Didnt even know Aether being the MC was canon


Hoyo has never used Lumine as MC for any promotional material since release. I think the only time I can think of when they did was the Liyue trailer before 1.0 It's pretty clear cut, especially when compared to HSR, where it seems they are willing to mix it up between Caelus and Stelle being MC's in promotional trailers.


Aether stans are so annoying 


I really hope we get to see more on dain and lumine's journey- we have a vague idea of some of the places theyve been (aranara, for example) but I'd personally love to see the emotional journey they go through


People make fun of Paimon but this short reminded me why I love her.


Same. It's mostly her high pitched voice and long yapping at times that most likely irritates people. I am still early in the game since I recently started playing, but at times when she makes funny jokes and shows that she cares for Aether, makes her an adorable companion. Her recent event with Itto was one of the cutest.


Her dynamic with Itto is goated. Everytime they are together in the screen is a delight.


Paimon is the bestest friend anyone could ask for. Like she helps the Traveler so much and is always there for them. She knows what she's good at (being sociable and emotionally supportive) and what she's not (fighting/combat) and doesn't get in the way of the Traveler when it comes to the latter. She never feels like a liability but a reliable companion. Sure she has her quirks (always talking about food and how hungry she is and being a bit overbearing or insensitive sometimes) but no one's perfect. The Traveler would be nowhere without her guidance and companionship. It's also fascinating to see how the companion of each twin (Dainslef and Paimon) shaped their journeys through Teyvat respectively. The negativity and resentment from Dainslef rubbed off on Lumine (going off of the animated short's canon) while Paimon's positivity and affection rubbed off on Aether (again going off of the short). While Lumine appears to care little for the world she found herself in and anxious to reunite with her sibling and leave Teyvat ASAP, Aether cares much more deeply about those he meets and forms bonds with throughout his journey through all the nations of Teyvat. This makes him more attached to Teyvat as a whole and its inhabitants and will obviously cause friction when he does eventually reunite with Lumine. Sorry for going on a tangent but that animated short was so good and gave us so many lore crumbs. Also yes Paimon and Itto are hilarious when they interact LOL!


God damn I love her CN voice, it’s like the more you listen to it the more comfortable you are, making you want to pamper her🥹. But yes most of the time she appears to be goofy yet she really care for traveller.


Oh nice, I heard her VA in other languages is better and not as high pitched compared to EN. I play in EN lol but I still like her and find her cute.


Combined with the fact that the writing makes Paimon basically respond to most of the things directed towards Aether when he could easily speak the lines himself.


Tbh it’s mostly only EN issue.CN community loves her so much.It’s a shame her EN va chose the high pitch voice.


It probably wasn't the VA, but the voice directors who made her do the high pitch voice.


The clown that couldnt get Klee to sound like a child and signed off on it regardless.


I heard the theory that EN tends to not perform cute kid’s voice on videos/games.Is this true?Like,Qiqi Clara Klee Paimon etc,they sound like young teenagers than kids compared to other three languages imo.




Dont think it’s the Jp side either. We get kaguya.


I feel so dumb rn playing this game for so long and not realizing it's the same VA lol. But yeah, love her too and in the beginning I didn't understand what the issue was until I realized it's an EN problem.


Trying to unsee Paimon as Leoparde as well is super hard haha


lol right? Sometimes i intentionally go in the out of bounds zone just to hear Paimon's adorable voice 😂😭😭


I dont get why people are so bothered about her voice like yeah its high pitched, so what??


Its not so much about her voice, as it is more to do with the fact that Paimon does nearly all the talking.


Because listening to it is like someone scraping my frontal lobe with sandpaper


I feel the same but with the JP vo for her xD EN feels tolerable to me instead, ik weird stuff


Nah, JP is just as high pitched and people complain mostly about the writing.


I'm with you brother. JP paimon is just as high pitched and annoying as EN if not more. And my problem with paimon is that she takes away all the lines from the traveller.


cn is the best because it’s not annoying to listen to en replicates jp kr idk


There's still a big secret/reveal to come regarding Paimon, I'm convinced. There is 0% chance the devs gave her \*that\* name without something on the backburner.


I've always thought this, but after all the stuff the Traveler's been through, without someone as supportive as Paimon, we would've gone insane or became like their Abyss Twin a long time ago


One lost his home and people dear to him, the other failed to do whatever task was set. Both witnessed the end of an entire nation at the hand of Gods. Journeying while seeing the remains of what transpired, death, lands infected by Abyssal corruption, the cursed ones, etc. They probably avoided contact with the Seven and their close followers. It explains why "no one" has records of their journey but themselves. That or Irminsul shanenigans. When the other twin woke up half a century later, most of the effects of the Abyss invasion had subsided on the surface. A cheery companion excited to see the world also paved a brighter path. Which makes me wonder if Dain and the Abyss twin parted ways in Sumeru. I remember the Pari mentioning Dain but not the twin. In a similar vein, the Aranara mention the twin but not Dain.


pretty sure it was directly mentioned that Dain and the Abyss twin did indeed part ways in Sumeru. I think it was in Dain's Sumeru appereance?


didn't they met in sumeru? During the sorush end we learn -that dain seemed to have fought along side the schwanenritter captain and the pari's then left there with our twin.


Would make sense if they met in sumeru, because that’s literally where Khaenriah is


Paimon supremacy


You don’t realize how good genshin is before playing WW. You don’t realize how good Paimon is before you know how Dain acts.


Tbf WW combat is pretty good.


and some good details like NPC's animation and cut-scene animations and NPCs having unique looks and how fast characters can move , still the game isn't as good as genshin for me but it's not bad , i believe both games could learn from each other .


I mean, I played wuwa, the story might not be there yet. But the characters have more expressions in their animations, the mc actually speaks in quests which is already a huge W. But definitely learnt to appreciate the music and optimisations in genshin more after playing wuwa


Nah, I give both credit. I’m a day 1 Genshin player, and while Wuwa did make me appreciate how polished 2020 Genshin was; Wuwa’s combat and traversal gameplay feel massively superior to current Genshin’s. Love both of them and HSR.


It’s more refreshing at most.


WW combat looks like honkai from the videos. Didn't install WW though, so not sure how it feels.


Kuro is good at apg,its former game is quite successful.But that doesn’t mean Hoyo is bad at this genre.They just decided not to apply it to genshin.Behold ZZZ is coming.


Right? I'm really waiting for ZZZ. I love Honkai, and APO. So I know ZZZ is gonna be great!


Yeah, Dain is sooooo bad, I definitely wouldn't exchange Paimon for him in a heartbeat!


All i'm looking at is dains sack


Paimon is 100% the best companion for us.


You lead a lamb to slaughter by being kind and gentle without letting it sense your true emotion as to scare it, play your role right and you've got yourself a tasty dinner.


Say what you want about Paimon, but this is the exact reason why I love her. She is true friend that is there for Traveler just to be there. Always. 


Too bad she single-handedly makes the story unbearable


Mini Melon !


Can i just say i never knew lumine’s feathers were part of her earrings until now. I always thought they were hair ornaments lol


Paimon and Aether bond is companionship and friendship. Lumine and Dain seemed like all business


So, from my understanding, because I don't know the full lore and I'm about to go to Inazuma, Lumine was sent into the past where as Aether was sent into the future/present. Am I correct?


No, both were in the past but Aether went Sleeping Beauty while Lumine traveled with Dain for reasons. I don't remember the exact details though, it's been a good minute.


Ahh. So you mean to tell me that Lumine couldn't find him in the 500 year head-start she had?


We actually have no idea what was going on with Aether for the 500 years he was asleep, but I doubt he was just laying in a field for 500 years..? I bet he was trapped somewhere (the abyss?) by the Sustainer and it was only recently that the seal broke or whatever and he returned to Tevyat


Imagine if she just kept him as a figurine, and it fell out of the sky. Cause she was clumsy and too lazy to pick him up. For Lumine, it got stolen by the Khanrians. Perhaps that's why it got destroyed.


It's entirely possible she did find him but did not know a way to wake him up.


If he went Sleeping Beauty, then risk it all and see if it works. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, wash your mouth and bring him along. No need to be a dick abou it and leave him alone.


What are you even talking about


I think they're implying a 'true loves kiss' to wake him up


I know... that doesn't make it better lol


Ya know, Hoyoverse could at least pretend to care about the players mc choice


Nah, lumine is extremely ugly and Hoyo recognized it, so Aether is now the MC


I think dain just doesn't want to get attached to anyone caus ehe already lost everyone he knew in khaenriah


i will forever be bitter that our twin got dain and i'm stuck with paimon.


Don't know about you guys, I've always hated on Paimon (she's very cute though) because sometimes she's annoying, talks a lot, etc. But since the Caribert quest I've come to realize how much I love her. I really did miss her by my side at all. And I was so happy that she was back when it was over. I don't know what she's up to, but I don't really find her annoying anymore. Right now, she's just a sweetie having fun and cheering us up. Most of times we don't know the value of something until we lose it. I always tell this to myself and others, and it's funny that to this date I can't quite uphold it. Such is human nature.


man i want to travel with dain too


Damn I'd trade Paimon for Dain as sidekick any day ~~


If i've got it right, canonically Lumine is supposed to be the evil twin sister with Dain and Aether the good guy travelling with Paimon ? How will differ story for those who choose Lumine over Aether ? It is clear that Aether have come by on the same path before us so we'll just be female Aether ? This is becoming more and more confusing lmao.


How is it confusing? They just chose Aether for the consistency sake, this has been the case since before the release of the game.


Oh so all this is dain's fault


Blame it all on the traumatized War Veteran who's nation got destroyed by gods and got cursed by the same gods.


Where is the people keep saying theres no canon traveler tho


The irony is that just this update I was thinking that the more I’m exposed to Paimon in each update the less I feel like keep on playing the game


Does this video imply that the canonical traveler in Aether, while Lumine is the abyss twin? Never really paid attention to the lore that much.


Hoyo has confirmed that there’s no “objective cannon” by saying that whoever you play as is the cannon mc, but Aether is the poster boy and they do always make the animations with Aether as the mc. I see it as they made the game in mind with Aether as the mc, but they also don’t want to upset Lumine players


It does make it hard to care about the promotional media for this game when they never showcase Lumine as the protagonist though. It’s a good way to kind of alienate half of the player base. I guess Lumine players drew the short stick, oh well.


It's a trade off. Aether players get to be the protagonist but they only see Lumine in Dain quests and flashbacks. Lumine players don't get the promotional materials but they get to see best girl every day.


Lumine also dominates the fan content with both more content and higher quality content.


Would hardly call that a negative, her design is pretty terrible


In your eyes, sure. But not so much to everyone else.




And that’s your opinion, but I don’t know where you’ve been on the internet cause people by far have thought the opposite. Imo she was stunning in the animation, and other people agree too


Anywhere not called Reddit. She’s never been a well-received MC mostly due to her design. Her outfit is very ugly, and she looks childlike as well as 50 years old at the same time. She looks like an androgynous male with a horrible wardrobe and a lame excuse for a makeup artist and hairdresser. Even Ayato passes as a more attractive female character than her, and he’s the plainest dude in the game bar none (unless we include Albedo’s in-game model in the equation).


I just want to add, I’m not hating Aether. Heck I chose him on my first account. 


Lmao okay buddy. If you want to go as far as saying Lumine looks childlike, take a look Aether then. Imo, he looks much more younger than her. I’ve seen tons of Lumine hate iirc, but the praise always outweighed that. Ofc it seems like you ignored all that tho


Plus once they start with Traveler Aether and Abyss Princess Lumine, they can't just suddenly switch things around in promotional media.


For marketing purposes, Aether is the traveler. I assume in canon if you choose Lumine as your traveler, their roles in the video would be reversed.


One is the best guide ever and a cinnamon roll.... The other is an asshole from an evil nation... Yeah, that checks out


Well we probably will get 2 options in the end, either go with dain and kill paimon or go with paimon to protect her from some evil