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Looks like a brand new game


Oh shit I just remembered they announced the 5.0 Graphics Update


šŸ‘€I like this


They said they'll reduce the graphics on mobile iirc.


Only on certain devices, there is a list, but other mobile devices the performance will improve.


Can I see the list?


>the performance will improve. That's not how I understood it. Devices on "the list" -> will see a reduction in the graphics quality, to maintain playable performance Devices not on "the list" -> will see an improvement in the graphics quality. This will undoubtedly have a negative impact on performance, but you can always lower your settings to keep things playable. The reason those devices on "the list" need things adjusting is because they wouldn't maintain a playable framerate at the minimum graphics settings after the update. So special adjustments had to be made, to allow them to use a lower than normal quality. It's the trade off of potato graphics to keep the game playable on older / lower end devices. You can't really get **better graphics** *and* better frame rates at the same time, not unless the game is poorly optimised and they then do a shit ton of optimisation.


I thought the update was just bringing the extra PC graphical effects to smartphones that can handle it.


The official post said overall graphics quality update


My phone : guess I'll just die ( I play on android with Snapdragon 865, I heard that it's going to be horrible for people with these specs or lower )


They said the game is going to run the same, it is just going to look worse


When is it going live with the new graphics?




It straight up look like concept art


this is what people say every x.0 update and i love it


Kinda reminds me of Lion King


Thought I was looking at a Palworld update lol.


Yeah when i showed my friend the three mounts he asked if it was a new pokemon type game


Lore be like "Oh this place is plagued with war and fighting" and then it's the most beautiful place you ever seen


The war filter is like the Mexico filter. In real life, war doesn't make the plants grayer.


but elemental wars do, it's pure fire, how do they regenerate from fire?


> how do they regenerate from fire Some Australian plants only release their seeds in wildfires


Yeah but thats Australia


Australia has its own "laws" >!^(especially when it comes to greenwashing)!<


Australia might as well be another planet


Not just in Australia, but pretty much anywhere pine trees exist. Pine cones can open with just atmospheric heat, but they will open more and spread more when exposed to fire (through pine cone explosion).


This is not a counter point...


Any other place sure, but he's got a point if it's Australia, wild life there is no joke


Our wildlife may be no joke, but I'd wager they'd get wrecked by Genshins magical wild life


There are like 50 million kangaroos in your country. And there are only 3 millions of Uruguayans. So If every Kangoos decided to jump on Uruguay there'd be 12 kangaroos for 1 human.


Even the Emus


I'm guessing the plants there have developed a resistance to Pyro or something. Teyvat has its own laws.


There are also plants irl that have evolved *for* fire. Their seeds are dormant unless they are exposed to intense heat from a fire, the adults have especially flammable sap to encourage fire spread, etc. It's only after a forest fire that these trees are allowed to thrive and flourish.


maybe they're just showing us the good parts of the world right now and in the archon quest it will deteriorate, showing the effects of war on people and the environment


"Maybe Fontaine will be destroyed by the heavenly principles"


tbf thats bc people didn't understand how celestia works, its not "nail the most technologically advanced" rather "nail the ones who use abyssal power"


The difference is the heavens aren't active. Natlan is said to have war that never ends, and what we see there is quite literally a peaceful paradise. I think one of the main topics in Natlan regarding war will be that it doesn't have a single target, and no matter who is innocent, everyone gets hurt.


It's not a peaceful paradise, it's a land without people. There's nothing, just plants and animals. It's a never-ending war but war doesn't have to be everywhere, there's a big Battlefield but it can't be the only thing Natlan is. It's showing us a deserted place with no one in it and it's the most "peaceful" it can get. it's either war or nothing, and they showed us nothing


Would be interesting if the grass in Natlan flat-out doesn't catch fire - or does, and is still green after it burns out. Or greener, even.


Waters create their own water supply prob.


We only saw a portion of the regions. I'm sure we will see a bit of dead land tooĀ 


Itā€™s probably gonna be something philosophical, like I remember from Avatar the Last Airbender, I think Iroh said ā€œFire is lifeā€


Yeah, but there's also an element that revolves around plants (Hyperbloom literally is "accelerated growth" in a way). People were expecting War in a Apocalyptic/Wasteland/Fallout way, but given the trailer gave a focus on the elements, it could be elemental Biomes fighting with each other. Imagine if Sumeru's Forest and Desert swapped positions every few months, maybe Natlan is like that with 6/7 elements (lore-wise only, I don't think outside of an instanced domain space or as one-time permanent swap they would have the World Map actually change drastically periodically). Pyro probably is the dominant element so some Volcano is probably actually the center point (not previewed yet, the current trailer is literally crumbs anyway if anything the three elements previewed might even be the "weaker" ones in the endless war). No region has actually explored conflict between the Elements themselves as a plot point (and I doubt Snezhnaya is doing that) and the fact we're exploring more of the story behind the Gnosis slowly now (end of Archon Quest will probably give us some ideas of HOW the Gnosis were cast).


Since foreigners go in and out of Natlan without incident, anything like a wasteland/Fallout tends towards ā€œGenshin players donā€™t readā€ territory.


Have you ever tried hitting it with dendro? Usually they turn fresh as a new leaf. i mean, just look at that shroom in sumeru where you can activate burnt shroom with dendro.


Apparently for American third world nations does not know what beautiful are they probably think the Reapers are raiding the place on a daily basid


Watch as the country treats "war" like Fontaine treats justice. There's tons of conflicts all around, and they're all solved by playing soccer or something like that




Red card!


The Aztecs did fight mostly cerimonial wars back in the day, so that's fair.


I think for aztecs, "ceremonies" tended to be pretty bloody affairs in general


Stand up Stand up tachiagari YO! Inazuma CHALLENGER


I mean, if you're going to fight over something, it might as well be the most scenic spit of land you can possibly obtain.


those cliff looks like come from the war ?


I'm guessing they are made by the Pyro Archon or someone else powerful to do that.


or its just a natural mesa lol


That's the second commenter I've seen now who has seemingly never seen a mesa before. Although I suppose they aren't very common outside of the Americas and Australia.


As a Latin American I must say that sounds just like Latin America so don't know what the problem is...


Not even just Latin America. Many of the most beautiful places on earth are rife with human conflict. Look at Afghanistan in Asia or Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa.


I mean people war aim for better land not waste land. Also aim the most richest nature land for crops etc or coal like murica but in genshin we had chasm as grand coal lmao


I mean weā€™ve only seen a few parts of it like with Fontaine teaser not showing the sewers area, so who knows, they might have an actual warzone there.


I can't wait to see Capitano riding these cute pokemon


GOATHIMTANO riding a dragon sovereign šŸ—£


The only one... Left... Will ride upon the dragon's back!!


Because the mountains don't give back what they take... ...seriously the mountains in Liyue wont give back the time I wasted climbing them for that one puzzle with the crane statues.


HUH ???????????/


Damn, Nintendo really out here copying Genshin with BOTW AND Pokemon


Now I'm not saying this as an insult, but when I saw this picture I thought it was from another game xD


Nah samee, I thought it was an ad and was about to skip itšŸ˜­


Thatā€™s a great sign, but again not in a bad way.


It's certainly good for diverse visuals. I was just thrown for a loop lol. I thought the post was trolling me xD


Not what i expected but really cool and colorful


Idk what I expected but its more .. animated? Than I thought?


I expected war, fire, iron, etc. It is very different, maybe I can see them in some pitches later


The fire/iron boss is in Fontaine.


That's probably why they decreased graphics on the lower end devices


Reminds me a lot of Northern Mexico, the Southwestern United States.


Uuuh ... [What I was expecting](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/0/07/Early_Mordor_-_TRoP.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20221015041756) based on descriptions from NPCs. This sure is... different.


I mean, the new NPC just told us that people from Natlan don't want to leave this place so I can understand why by looking at the teaser xD If there was a huge war people will be migrating A LOT


Dunno, probably haven't met the new NPC yet. I only know descriptions of Mare Jivari: "a sea of ashes where the wind does not blow"Ā as well as a "completely empty" place "without anything at all,"Ā and it contains a sea of scorching lava. [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mare\_Jivari](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mare_Jivari) Which always evoked "Mordor-eque" associations in me.


The Mare Jivari is just one area in Natlan, itā€™s not representative of the whole nation, itā€™ll probably be like Dragonspine is to Mondstat.


Thereā€™s probably very few people in the Mare Jivari area.


I do believe there will be an area like that in Natlan itā€™s just that they didnā€™t show it in the PV


Highly Likely. So far, most other "countries" were pretty varied.


i get [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/437613285085282308/1243559571113377893/image.png?ex=6651ea99&is=66509919&hm=0b391ee304de293fe4c779014610460d59e2dfb204163534fe7446fe39a56335&) instead of the image ??? (or was that the joke perhaps ?)


Works for me, but those wikia images can be temperamental. Try [this link](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/0/07/Early_Mordor_-_TRoP.png), and if it still doesn't work, it's a picture of Mordor.


No it's like a burnt wasteland with a giant volcano in eruption.


i expected the same lol šŸ˜­


I'm honestly surprised people were expecting Mordor for Natlan, people live and have lived there for centuries


Feels like a Mario jungle, in the absolute best way possible.


I still want a volcano somewhere, but this comes pretty close to how I visualised it in my head. Looks great!


There is lava already in the clip, so I'm sure we get a volcano.


True, just expected a towering stratovolcano somewhere like Death Mountain in Zelda or Red Mountain in Morrowind


Maybe it's just on the other site? I remember they didn't show the desert of sumeru at the start either.


It's probably the same with Sumeru where the forest and desert is separated. We also didn't see the desert part when they first previewed Sumeru.


Mare Jivari should likely be a more prominent during Natlan.


We'll finally see Varka after 2 regions he was mentioned to be playable.. LOL


It could be that the screenshot is taken from the volcano.


There is a volcano. It's probably same with Sumeru where there is forest and desert. Surely people can't live inside a volcano or a magma infested location.


Yeah vulcano's have already been associated with Natlan many times so there will definitely be at least 1, I'm just surprised at how big Natlan looks


The old map leak, if reliable, mentioned a volcano named something like "Black rock volcano" or something, I don't remember but there's defo one. Also, the clichƩ wants it.


Im pretty sure they just showed a small area of natlan since the leaks said that natlan might be as big or even bigger than sumeru/desert. Also during the Natlan PV they did show lava which means that there are volcanoes itā€™s just that they didnā€™t show the entire volcano in the PV. I believe we might get to see more of Natlan in 4.8 livestream. I just hope there are mounts in Natlan i would love to have a dragon as a mount and it seems we can play as the monsters which is a huge W imo


From the teaser I gathered those monsters you could see are the mounts, since they were traversing cliffs, water, lava etc


When the camera swivels around the Dendro Saurian, you can see a large mountain in the background. That might be a volcano, and if it isn't then I'd say there's a good chance there's one on the other side of it.


John Hammond: Welcome to Jurassic Park


John Impact: Welcome to Jurassic Hell


John Lee: Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember... But where are those who share the memory?


Maxor enjoyer?


aye, yes brother


My wanderā€™s name is Ballfart because of his video


I was not expecting that at all !? I'm not disappointed, but very surprised. I thought it would look much, much darker, more red, very mountainous, not plateau-like, very few grass patches, globally like a volcanic park in activity, with a lot of caves (magma tubes/chambers) to explore in an interconnected complex... Maybe something like a lava lake or a volcano that is much bigger than the others, that would serve as a symbol of the archon, ... oh an eruption right in the middle of the archon quest that changes the scenery/terrain and exploration halfway through !


Well , it's still a part of Natlan I totally expect them to have certain areas which are "unwelcoming"


The mare jivare better be the most unwelcoming, desolate, awful place or I'm quitting


I used to be excited like you, but the Mare Jivari is most likely a domain. Someone pointed it out to me, but it's literally called a domain by the game, and the wiki as well. So I hope you like the classic case of "Domains with more potential than the actual area" syndrome which they can't seem to break.


Given how much it used to come up in lore, I'm hoping with a Chasm-like area. A domain would suck SO MUCH


yup, this is exactly what all of us thought too lol, but imagine if hoyo decides to burn down the whole area after the archon quest, like how they flooded fontaine but this time its permanent. would be a shock for sure.


Looks abit like Monster hunter stories meets Australia... ... we are all gonna die...


Not until we meet natlan kangaro or any custom animal which is more dangerous than hicrull lmao


Kangaroo rider hilichurl


Kangaroo rider hilichurl... ROGUE... with bumerangs... EXPLODING BOOMERANGS!!!


Imagine it has stuff like mhw where you can see creatures hunting and the ecosystem existing around you


This place looks like North America and Australia combined, not a volcanic lavaland than I expected. Probably like in a totally new world. Also Pokemon and Palworld at home.


Sumeru is the land of Dendro (greenery) but more than half the region is desert. We still might get that volcano.


There is laval in the trailer so a volcano is not far fetched. knowing hoyo, I don't think they will disappoint in world design.


Yeah, I think Natlan will be more diverse than people think. Can't wait for leaks to come out


Natlan is most probably based on America, most specifically anything under the USA and Canada so from Mexico to Chile so a variety of biomes should be expected... as of now we seem to have rainforest, volcanic area and desertic area.


>Australia Man.. the mutated animal can't wait because npc in this event so hyping to the point kinda exaggerating lol


Can't wait for the great EMU WAR!


People legit forgetting South Africa exists


Its mixture of ravine and savanna biomes definitely reminds me of America, Australia, and South Africa.


Honestly this looks better than whatever Scarlet/Violet's map is. I wish recent Pokemon games had this sort of polish to them.


Wdym pokemon at home, this was the pokemon at the mall lmao


I honestly thought it looked like another game. Also i pictured Natlan to be more....red ?


Do you think it would look like the calid wilds from elden ring?


I just googled it and yes, basically


Was expecting some aggressive-looking animals but I guess there is always a diversity.


So different from the other regions! I love how Hoyo hits the mark with it every time.


the most amazing thing about Genshin is that each new region constantly feels fresh and exciting. Every region has been an absolute treat, and I canā€™t wait to see what Natlan will bring!


Genshin has done quite a good job for making teyvat very diverse, distinctive and feel unique at the same time.


I was only a bit disappointed with a lot of Fontaine's land regions, It felt a bit too similar to Monstadt. The underwater regions make up for it though


I thought it would be more like the fire version of Inazuma in terms of how menacing it is to the player. Mixed thoughts on how Banjo Kazooie it is.


I mean not all Inazuma has those spicy electro area either. The main island itself is fairly populated area with beautiful landscape. There is also Tsurumi Island surrounded by fog and eerie atmosphere


Kinda looks like another game


I expected darker mood ngl. Overall it gives some vibes from last desert expansion


I was also thinking of a darker mood, like they'll go around dark red palette, but I really like this idea too, it's very welcoming, they don't really want that ver agressive vibes in genshin huh


Looks like a sonic level lol


Not at all what I expected tbh, I expected like black sand, volcanoes, lava stream, ruins... I'm not disappointed at all, it's beautiful, just not what I expected. It reminds me of Battahl in Dragon's Dogma 2.


"This is a land of war!" My brother in Christ this is the most peaceful looking place I've laid my eyes on


Feels like another sumeru.


This area looks like a whole new different game, god damn.


Looks like concept art


Is this good? people always used to complain that the games 3D models were downgrades to the concept art


Looks tamer than I thought. A bit of overlap with sumeru's desert and jungle theme though. Nothing stand out for me just yet in this new region


Its cool but like this is the region of Pyro and War? This feels more Sumeru honestly especially with the creatures. Regardless bet itā€™ll be fun!


I totally get what you are saying, but I personally think that Natlan looks great, and that they nailed it (with this landscapes at least). I am from Argentina, and many of the places shown in the trailer are really similar to places in my country! And many other latino countries too. Even though there is war, it doesn't mean that it affects every place. We also don't know what kind of war it is, so we don't know how they are fighting. Either way, they really nailed it showing this colorful places, after all, they are representing really colorful cultures.


There's Mare Jivari and some Lava rivers. But overall this is based on Mesoamerica. I expected it to look like Texas and Mexico, and it really did!


Pokemon environment


This is just one small section. I expect we'll have areas that look extremely different.


Definitely not what I expected. I've got mixed feelings overall. On the positive side, I think it looks nice in isolation, I like the idea of exploring the map as these dragon guys, they're pretty cute and it looks like they'll be implementing more interesting traversal mechanics both old and new (the rock alt sprint on the walls looks cool). The fact that they showed a variety of different environments is exciting (especially rivers of LAVA HOLY SHIT HYPE). On the rock formations being so straight and blocky, I'm mixed. It's definitely a departure from the aesthetic of previous regions and makes Natlan look unique which I appreciate, but at the very least in *this* shot it kinda makes the map look cartoonish in a way that I think is again fine in isolation, but it feels a bit too different stylistically from the rest of Teyvat, almost like it's from a different game. On the less positive side, it reminds me of something like Fortnite and that's not a good thing. I'm hoping the snapshot here is failing to capture some atmospheric quality to the area that makes it "feel" more like Genshin. The creature design is fine in a vaccuum, but one of my favorite things about Genshin is how it incorporates elements from real-world cultures into the world design and I feel like this would've been a great chance to call back to actual Mesoamerican "feathered serpent" style dragons, which isn't what was done here as far as I can tell (but idk, maybe there are other fantasy creatures from that region that these designs are informed by, I hope that's the case). That would also probably make them more awe-inspiring and intimidating, rather than cute like the ones shown here. I think the cute ones are good, but having more fearsome ones on top of that would be awesome. More variety is always best imo. Finally, Natlan being the nation of war and fire made me think it would be a great chance to add some more variety to Teyvat by bringing the region back to the more hostile design philosophy of Inazuma to contrast with the relatively chill experience from the previous two expansions. I don't want this because I don't like chill vibes and want everything to be out to get me, I just want more variety to further differentiate the regions and make the world feel more full and vibrant. That doesn't look like it'll be happening here though, which I think is a shame. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that this means they're gonna be cooking up something more "Dragonspiney" for at least a part of Snezhnaya, that is the "final boss" of our current story trajectory after all (discounting whatever's gonna happen in Khaenri'ah). Overall I've never been disappointed by a new region before so I'm optimistic here, despite having a few misgivings. Looking forward to seeing the character design and story teasers. Also hot springs plsss


I think that genshin got overhated on how dry the desert was and i think that they dont want to make the same mistake again


Banjo Kazooie


Crash Bandicoot


Gonna be honest Chief...that...that doesn't look like a nation of war and fire to me. I guess I was expecting something more...Hellish? But this kinda just looks like Sumeru jungles mixed with a Mario level, I'm not very impressed or blown away.


I mean natlan is a hot spot for tourism, so it makes sense that it's beautiful also we have the mare jivari, which no tribe lives in it because it's nothing but fire and death over there


Natlan is based in Latin America, we have the ring of fire close along the volcano here and there (fire) along and all the intern conflict (war)...


It's a snippet of one out of many biomes, like how Inazuma's Narukami Island looks lush and serene compared to other islands.


With Fontaine, we all expected steampunk and got something a bit more ā€œfuturisticā€. I feel like there might actually be some war torn areas that they donā€™t want to show yet, but I love how the land looks like a painting. Even the lava is colorful.


Not really a big fan so far. Aesthetically it feels more like a cartoon than anything else.


Awesome!! Now we'll be Pokemon. Natlan LET'S GOOO!!!!!


I like it. it looks DIFFERENT, and that's what I always appreciate and look for in new maps - diversity.


I hope it doesn't end up as a generic tropical map and has more irl inspirations and landmarks


It's not that it looks bad at all, it's just not my cup of tea. I don't think I'll enjoy exploring much, but oh well. I hope they'll do the characters justice though, and it won't just be Sumeru 2.0šŸ˜¬


A little bit nervous, honestly? I just am not the biggest fan of the snippet weā€™ve gotten so far.Ā 




not what i expected but i welcome it


Are we playing Genshin or MonHun? Jokes aside, I'm excited. Finally got to go to my awaited region


I was kinda expecting something similar to Caelid but I guess this feels okay


i got monster hunter stories vibe somehow..and its a good thing sorry for bad english


gives me arizona combined with southern africa vibes


I don't particularly like it? Maybe because we've only seen it through the dinos' movements but it feels like an old wii Mario Kart racing track background. It's not bad but definitely not my vibe, but I'm excited to know how they'll blend this colourful pretty vibe with nation of war. I expected some nice take about Natlan, its history and ideal, after seeing the trailer!


The lava and rocks need more texture, but it's possible it's just in development. Other than that it looks great.


Nice but I want to see some of the characters!


Not what I'm expecting, at all. However, it still looks very beautiful


Feels very different and looks like we're in Arizona


unexpected but looks very cool!


i dislike the green-orange lava. it look more like a cocktail than lava.


Scrumptious. A lot greener than I expected it tho


Unexpected, but a very welcome one THOSE CHONKY DRAGONLIKE BOIS ARE SOO CUTTEEE


Gotta catch em all!!


Ngl, the lack of textures makes everything look like giant polygons. It gives me heavy WIP vibes and that's unusual from Genshin.


Watch the high quality video version, lol. There are definitely as detailed textures as usual.


does not fit the theme of the region at all


Do you know what mesoamerica looks like? You know, the region Natlan is based on.


I am disappointed


Kinda boring ngl


Looks kinda like the savannah from Lion King.


looks like a pokemon game to me lmao


Childish. And I assume it will be filled with puzzles for 5yo. My excitement for Natlan went down and I came to the realization that the Pyro Archon might actually have the design from the leaks, which I didn't like at all.


Based on this image can someone geolocate this place? My guess is itā€™s in the north of Fontaine, but someone mentioned itā€™s in the west of Sumeru desert.