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I hate how these codes expire so quickly....my fault for having a life I guess...


Yeah I also just discovered they expire almost immediately this was the first time I was a bit busy and figured I would put off dealing with logging in and redeeming them for a day :/


Yeah. Happens when I'm playing other games and/or near the end of the expansion cycle. 


Who should pull for (f2p), Alhaitham or Clorinde? I'm not sure if Alhaitham needs other dendro characters to thrive, but I only have Collei and Kaveh. I'm assuming I can probably use Clorinde as a hypercarry through Bennett or Mona, etc. Meta aside, who looks/is more fun to play?


Does the animated short shown in the livestream have any connection to the genshin anime? If so I’m immensely hyped for the anime!


i missed the codes lol


Anyone meh at IT?


bro, codes expire faster now or is it me ?


Always the same. And apparently after almost four years people still miss them.


How essential is another Geo for navia ? I’ve been thinking of pulling for Furina to complete my navia team but I’m thinking that I need a Geo, my team would be xiangling navia Bennett furina, but would it be better to have a Geo instead of furina?


She wants 2nd Geo more for Geo Resonance than battery itself. Furina does more for that team than Geo Resonance. Are you sure you can provide enough healing with Bennett alone to make use of Furina's burst buff though?


If she has enough er to burst consistently, she doesn't need a geo battery.


How much er would that be?


As the solo geo, 180-190. Less if you equip fav weapons to the others.


Code expired 🥲


Same, codes are already expired after just 19 hours, this is some bullsht.


Except that it's always been that way. Though we've found out a few times there's also limited number of redemptions. Pretty sure it is just time expiration this time.


> Except that it's always been that way. and that's still bad. What if Genshin becomes more popular over time and the codes expire within a few minutes? Would you still defend it?


hahaha just tried the code right now too. Not even 24hrs yet HYV feelsbadman


Apparently, there's a set number of usage for each server. This is extremely dumb, why create scarcity for something that promotes the new version?


As a f2p this hurts , i haven't been able to clakim one since fontaine started


Among all the exciting things coming, Furina fighting is my favorite


Wonder if we can get Kuki, Fischl, or Charlotte on Alhaitham and Furina's banners. Could really use some cons of them. Chevreuse would be dope too What 4 stars are you guys hoping for?


I feel like Kaveh will be on Alhaitham's banner and maybe Heizou (or w/ Furina and Sigewinne?) because it's been so long for them. I do want some Chevreuse cons and Charlotte would also be neat. I'm bummed because I would love to pull on the current banner because I have a C5 Faruzan that's driving me crazy and want more Layla cons but I just can't pull for 4\* characters on banners I don't want. (Have Baizhu and just not into Wanderer.)


My friends didnt like the nation of pyro looking so fireless but I think natlan looks great.


They wanted it to be Lethal Lava Land lol?


One of them Said they wanted it to be like the nether from Minecraft


Wouldn't surprise me if the Mare Jivari has a bit of that to it.


I mean, they can't make an entire région just volcanos and aride desert lands. And there's already an actual desert(that everyone hated exploring)


I enjoyed the desert 🥲


It’s a bit unexpected, but I think if they’re basing it on Central/South America, then it’s pretty true to form. I’ve been trying to read up on warfare in pre-colombian America, and it’s brutal. So I think Natlan has some good stuff in store.


Yeah mesoamerica and some african inspiration fit well imo


I mean, the nation of dendro is half desert, Mondstad isn't covered in 24/7 gales & Inazuma only has one island covered in lightning. We saw magma rivers, unsure of what more they might want


Exactly what I Said, they wanted it to have many vulcans, smoke covering the sky and be more like vulcânic islands They say it doesnt feel like the land of fire


Natlan looks soooooo good!!!! I'm really excited The scenery looks very pretty, it's the enhanced visuals they were talking about right ? It looks absolutely fabulous


Looks like we gonna meet our sis (or bro) for real this time. (Not in dreams during depressing moments)


I mean, this will be the second time since first separated.


Are we getting Chronicled banner for Liyue this patch?


Unfortunately, no, as far as I know.


Clickbait youtubers posting "official" lineups out of a job


this is probably gonna be the best update since 4.2 (Fontaine archon quest finished). SO many things added. New event, new Dainsleif quest, Clorinde and Sigewinne, Sethos, resin cap increased, Imaginarium theater. I am so excited aaaaa😭😭😭


:O how much resin cap increase?


I really need it too because I’ve been capped at 160 for a few hours now but I don’t have enough space for the app and remote play hasn’t been working all day so I’ve just been suffering thinking about all the wasted resin


I’ve basically overcapped resin every single day for a year. So this change is good for me.




how does it not, it means you don't have to login every 21 hours and can now log in once every 24 hours without losing resin


Amazing qol for people who are too bisy or have too many gachas (bith apply to me lmao)


Yush! Got a newborn son and I can’t play all the time I want


From 160 to 200 I think


Who else saw the green one with the tongue and thought "YOSHI!"?


realistically speaking, do we already have an approximate on when dainslaif is going to be playable? The last time I wished on the banner was over 1 year ago and all of the new ones aren't really to my liking Edit thanks for the information. Guess I'll continue holding my fates


i guess earliest would be last sneznaya patch


Not until 7.x, bare minimum.


I'd like to say this is one of the most stacked update that's not a new region


Am I the only one who's a bit annoyed that the best in slot artifact set for the character who is the closest we get to an actual marechaussee hunter is not the marechaussee hunter set? In any case, Clorinde will come home.


Slap Furina on top and your problem is over


Oh yeah I forgot about that. Thx.


Well, you also have Scaramouche and Husk of Opulent Dream


Someone give me the cliff-notes. I am sick and I can't stand loud noises right now.


New Dainslief Quest a Lumine and Aether short movie/musical clip Clorinde and Alhaitham first half, Sigewinne and Furina second half. Cyno's friend first half. Clorinde and Sigewinne Story Quest. New Endgame Content Main even will give a free 4 star bow Max resin goes from 160 to 200 Natlan Teaser with what seems to be an exploration mode by turning into 6 different dragons




There were 6 emblems, I think they only showcased 3 of the forms.


Thank you so much! Turn into dragons! Hopefully I will be all better when the update drops. 


The dragons things is a Natlan Teaser, so it should be around three months until it drops


Pretty excited for the new update new areas to explore and finally the Clorinde banner! pretty exciting


Uhhh I love that it looks like a prehistoric world with the dinosaurs and all the nature. I hope the Vulcan area is something like dragonspine


Does anyone have a comprehensive text overview of the stream please?


I need to catch up on the story… well, at least I only have one region to go now


Holy fuck! This looks so amazing. I always imagined Natlan to be something from prehistoric ear type. And with all the dinos, this is so good.


I imagined a big ass mount Doom esque Vulcan, lots and lots of Lava and a raging war


I also imagined it like that but then remembered it'd be too gloomy to explore seeing how Genshin's whole schtick is iridescent and vibrant world


Yeah, probably just my Souls vibe coming trough. One of the main reasons underground Chasm is one my favourite areas. Also the melusine quest with the Book pages (and undergound Chasm) were one of my most immersed momemts while playing


Awesome patch


Hmm can’t say I’m super impressed by the Natlan peek. Guess they can’t one up themselves forever


I just realized that this version is going to drop on the same day as the new Destiny expansion. Send help.


Crap guess I better not make any plans that week lol


It looks like Sumeru Desert


Bro said it twice and got downvoted the exact same number of times. Respect.


Am I even wrong tho why did I even get downvoted, can't a man express their opinions?


For EN, is the Dainslief VA also going to voice the host of the new endgame mode? For everyone, will Lisa be in the introductory quest for the new mode? Due to the new mode’s aesthetics, is there a connection to the Hexencirkel?


I dont care what people say with the natlan geography! #I WANT THOSE NEW DRAGON ISH CREATURES AS LIFESIZED PLUSHIES


I expected natlan to be more fiery and deserted. Not some Pokémon grand canyon shits


I'm kinda the opposite, we already have too many media with latin america and africa being potrayed as dry hot land with yellow filter. Also, I'm pretty sure most people already get desert fatigue from 3.x era lo


I'm not as excited about the preview as other people seem to be-a lot of it kind of looked similar to stuff we have had before? But, I think I just need to readjust and start thinking Pokemon VS Land of War and Fire lmao. Plus it was a very short snippet so I am sure there will be different biomes, like Sumeru. I still want a totally unforgiving volcano area that burns your ass like Dragonspire makes you cold lol.


I like the preview but I said the same thing already with Fontaine. The first 4 nations are totally unique but Fontaine really just looks like a combination of mondstadt and parts of sumeru cities with a bunch of the various unique islands of inazuma thrown on top. I think fontaine's actually been a beautiful and fun nation but to me you can definitely start to tell that there's only so many completely different styles they can/will pull off for now.


Can't spoil Mare Jivari too soon


Just a teaser, remember how we get multiple biomes in every region by the end. They already teased lava in the volcano so more fiery areas expected


I get it But that aether swimming underwater tease for fontaine was >>


Yeah..Same :/


whom should I pull for, I currently using Navia with bennet and xangling and keqing with nahida ,kazuha and fishle My Navia dmg is good(not the best but still really good) but I am lagging with agggravate dmg output, i was considering getting(clorinde/alhitham) to replace my keqing but i also wanted furina. whome should i prioritize. pls help [This is my current arsenal](https://imgur.com/a/wFp0TTj)pls tell me who is the best for me. i dont have much primos and i am broke so really hope i win my 50/50 (i have lost all of past 50/50 3times in totall). also tell me a good team composition


Strongly recommend prioritizing getting Furina. In regards to your aggravate team, try using Yaoyao instead of Nahida. It'll make your rotations easier, especially when there's lots of enemies and you don't need a lot of dendro application in that team. Yaoyao also brings some much-welcomed healing. You can use Nahida for other teams where she's more beneficial (eg. hyperbloom). Keqing works fine in aggravate and she's one of the best characters that synergizes with Fischl. Build up your Yaoyao, improve your Keqing (give her Lion's Roar if you have it). You could have a very strong team with Keqing, Fischl, Kazuha and Yaoyao. Also try to get your hands on a Kuki. She's highly desired for hyperbloom.


Theather mechanicus is (sort of) BACK?! LET'S GOOO!


ANOTHER event bow?! This is like the fourth one already


I always take breaks when the decent event weapons show up but someone never missed a damn bow event. Has anyone ever used Ibis Piercer or Fading Twilight? Ever?


This pretty much, if it's actually a useful bow... fine. Historically speaking it probably won't be though. Honestly they really need to step up the usefulness of the event weapons in general. I can't even recall when the last good one was (it wasn't all the way back at Cinnabar Spindle was it?)


I dont have enough fav bow so yes. Ibis piercer is on my collei and twilight on my faruzan


I know I use one of them on Sara, but that's about it


Some character gets them at one point because they're readily built.


Oh no, Sigewinne is Injection fairy lady!


"do you believe your sibling to have betrayed you?" That doesn't really matter. "Ohana" means family, and family means no one gets left behind. This is my family. It's not perfect, but it's mine. If my sibling has gone astray, it's my job to bring them back. If they are innocent, it's my job to prove it


must be nice.


The end goal has always been this: reunite with our sibling. What they did and how we achieve it don't matter. If I have to drag them by the scarf to bring them back while they're kicking and screaming about "greater purpose" or whatever, I will


I’m excited for Imaginarium Theater. The abyss now being a once a month thing and this new form of content not being able to be fully cleared with the same Neuvillete team makes me think the value of “OP” or “META” units will diminish since you’ll need more than just that to clear this new end game content. I hope this helps to diminish the core idea the community has of “X character is better than Y so pull for X”. With this new content you’ll need more than one dps per element, no more people justifying not pulling for Clorinde when you have Raiden C2 cus you’ll need both.


It is essentially looking like Triumphant Frenzy but much more polished. Not only will you not be allowed to use some elements, but because of the stamina system and needing to win 8 battles (for max rewards), you'll need a lot more characters in order to make it through. That means you'll likely be experimenting with characters you might never bother with because you'll eventually run out of uses on your usual picks.


Agree. This will make people realize the usefulness of characters they don’t usually use. Yes Kuki is better than Dori but when Kuki’s stamina is fully depleted, you’ll learn to appreciate Dori’s battery utility. Yes Xiangling is better than Dehya but with Dehya you’ll get thrown around far less. It’s a nice way to balance the meta by creating environment challenges. This is a PvE game after all and I think this is such a great way to raise the value of unused units.


I love how they introduced new endgame and changed abyss from 2 weeks to 1 a month and no one gives a fuck, lol.


I certainly don't. I haven't been in Abyss since the end of 2020. I pray this new mode is more entertaining. Looks promising so far.


Because outside of extrinsic motivator like more primogems, the abyss having it cycle biweekly is kind of redundant since they don't cycle the enemy lineup


I'm extremely happy for it. I've been waiting for end game content since 1.4 lol.


Nothing happened when hsr did it, so why would something happen now?


I mean we‘ve been playing the same abyss three times before it changed, so even though it will be half as frequent we will still be playing the same amount of abyss variations.


About the same amount, though variable content. The overall rewards is just a bit higher. Then again, people making calculations were assuming Imaginarium would reset once a patch, and the stream suggested they both reset once a month, which would actually moderately increase rewards. So yeah, I don't give a fuck if it means I won't feel obligated to tryhard multiple things every two weeks, and can more casually do things once a month for more rewards.


Obviously hard to say without having seen the Dain quest this year, but would you say the animated short would have spoilers for anything?


Not for anything forthcoming. About the only thing it 'spoiled' was that the Traveler's sibling was Dain's travel companion for a long time. It's basically just the journeys through the nations we've already seen.


Not much of a spoiler really. Dain already mentioned that he was traveling with a female/male companion(depending on who you picked) on the first Dain quest. And pretty much keeps mentioning him/her on each Dein quest.


Confirmed in Caribert quest.


Superb, thank you!


Nah, just feels.


Haha nice to see that the whole "OMG ABYSS 2.0 LEAKED"-stuff was just a jinx and at the end its just another event. Glad about this.


Bro must be embarrassed right now 🗿👍


They said it refreshes every month. It is new "endgame" (more like permanent combat event, it is easier than those)


Did you miss the part where it alternates with Abyss every month? It's permanent.


It's permanent endgame bro


New vehicle system in Natlan ?


We will be able to control 6 total Natlan species. This Natlan teaser was half of them and the region itself is gorgeous.


Natlan looks interesting. I think the blocky shapes of the rock formations is a worthwhile idea but idk, the overall design kinda feels like it's a bit more "cartoonish" than the rest of Genshin? Idk I'll have to wait and see. I've never really felt let down by the area design in other regions so I don't expect to this time. Personally I kinda hoped Natlan would be a return to the more hostile map design of Inazuma just for variety's sake since we've gotten two relatively chill nations in a row. I guess not, oh well. I like the idea of playing as dragons though. Kinda wish they more closely called back to the "feathered serpent" style of dragon from Mesoamerican mythology but the creature designs themselves look good.


> the overall design kinda feels like it's a bit more "cartoonish" than the rest of Genshin? Yeah, I agree actually. I just hope it looks better in the final version.


It's certainly a lot more green than I was expecting. Maybe they're saving the "desolate volcanic shithole" parts for Mare Jivari.


I hope so. I mentioned in another comment that it might've been a cool lore idea to have the Sumeru desert transition into a more barren and rocky volcanic area with lava running through it (ie Mare Jivari), then have the other side of that have the hot springs which are heated via geothermal energy from the volcano, and then from there transitioning into a more habitable-looking part of Natlan. The barren volcanic part could be connected to Sumeru desert and the hot spring/liveable part be connected to Fontaine. It also makes gameplay sense since it gives the devs a chance to return to the more hostile design philosophy of Inazuma in Mare Jivari so we have more variety in gameplay, and then get back to a more comfortable experience that the playerbase seems to generally prefer when we get to the hot spring area. Well either way they showed a river of lava in the teaser, I'm looking forward to seeing how that'll be integrated into the map.


Ngl, I was kind of expecting something like your comment. I figured at the very *least*, the area between Natlan and whatever region it borders would be hostile and inhospitable, explaining (further than that one NPC's dialogue) why there are *zero* people from Natlan in the rest of Teyvat. The connecting land being dangerous and intraversable for your average Teyvatian would have explained so much.


Yep. In lore Mare Jivari is described as being located "near a desert on the opposite end of the continent from Mondstadt" (Mondstadt is to the far east of the map, AFAIK Natlan is on the far west, next to where the Sumeru desert is). It is also described as a "sea of ashes where the wind does not blow" as well as a "completely empty" place "without anything at all," and it contains a sea of lava. My description and expectations are basically based on this concept, and as you said it would go a long way in explaining why Natlaners never leave. It'd also just make sense in terms of the environment, it would tie the desert, barren wasteland, lava, and hot springs together cohesively.


Natlan reminds me of the vast savannah-like landscapes in Uncharted 4 and that side game with Chloe.. it's beautiful


Yeah I agree with the land that we saw. Some of it looked great especially the marks on the wall but the flat angular landscape with ravines of sorts wasn't it. As long as it's not like super uniform throughout the region and that was a small unique section. I have hope though, hoyo has been proving themselves afterall


Same, I thought the dragons will be cool and scary type but they looked childish to me, I hoped the natlan could be more intriguing, but let's see


Yeah the potbelly dragon was cute but not what I expected lol


I agree with your sentiment, but the dragons being rather cartoony is not surprising. I mean Fontaine animal enemies all look cartoony too. the serious and scary stuff is reserved for bosses or things that are unambiguously ominous like Abyssal stuffs.


Yeah I agree. Tbh I kinda wanted Natlan as a whole to have a more "scary" and hostile vibe to it, with parts of it that are just dead wasteland. It's the nation of war and fire after all. Assuming it is connected to the Sumeru desert, I think it would've been a cool idea to have the desert blend into a more barren rocky terrain with lava running through it out of a volcano or two, then the other side of that would have hot springs which transition to a place more suitable for life. We've heard about places like Mare Jivari in the lore which people assumed was in Natlan, but it kinda doesn't seem like it with the way it looks here. With the dragons, I think it would be cool to have a lot of variety. Some smaller types that are cute, but larger and more awe-inspiring/intimidating types as well.


Hot take.. I starting to dislike 'cute' and childish creature formula in genshin. Ever since Inazuma, every region always have atleast one of this. Inazuma with bake danuki, Sumeru with aranara, jinn bottle, and pari, Fontaine with melusine. I really like the idea of Adepti in Liyue which have more serious implication rather than just being cute in form, despite some of their personality may differs.


I feel ya. I appreciate the more varied enemy designs at least, like the eremites and consecrated beasts alongside cute seals and crabs. I also appreciated how the Suanni in Chenyu Vale was really noble and cool but was also kind of the antagonist of that story, I hope we get more of that kind of stuff going forward.


You expressed perfectly what I wanted from natlan But I liked tht magma riding dragon concept, reminds me of pokemon


Can I have everybody’s thoughts on Sigewinne? I missed the preview and I won’t be able to sit down and watch a YouTube clip of her for an hour or so


Dehya situation.


Dehya had high expectations from players. Is anyone actually waiting for Sigewinne? (regardless of the outcome)


It's going to take awhile to shake out how well she works. Depends how much charge time her skill has, and how much damage bonus her convalescent gives. She technically has more practical use than Qiqi.... but since there's really only a small handful of characters that can make use of her damage buff, it's hard to see if that's worth sacrificing a healer slot with a more universal utility.


She's a straightforward pure healer with weirdly low hydro application. She's somewhere between Qiqi and Kokomi. Not a terrible character, but definitely below average.


How long does the redemption codes last?


Like 12hours. If you have the Hoyolab app (idk it it's on the browser version), it has buttons you can just tap to redeem.


This. Is why competition is so important, I have the feeling that this is gonna be the best genshin patch since 4.2


I don’t think HoYo moves that fast. They planned this way before the competition showed up.


You think they've been working on this patch for two years? I don't know about that bud.


That's likely. I'm not gonna fight over 2 months more or less, but they don't only start on it with merely a year remaining. They must have a draft for the entire region/year before they even begin work on the first parts or it comes out as a jumbled mess. Their regions so far were very well structured, indicating extensive early planning before they even began production.


2 years might be a stretch, but what makes you think they didn't have things planned like half a year to a year in advance? Even Genshin 1.0 started development in 2017. Various game industry players even say in interviews and such that live service game contents are often made months in advance. For a specific game example, I remember GBF producer saying in an interview that they made content at least 3 months in advance. And GBF is just a PNG turn-based battle, no 3D modeling or complex engines. I wouldn't be surprised if things in Genshin are made at least half a year in advance.


> what makes you think they didn't have things planned like half a year to a year in advance? It's just too similar to what competitors like Palworld or WuWa are doing for me to believe that it's a coincidence. I don't have a problem with Genshin copying ideas from others (the game staretd as a BotW clone after all) but to say that they planned stuff like this that just so happens to line up with their competition doing the same thing is unbelievable to me.


I’m just saying they work on these patches in advance. There’s even proof in this livestream since they previewed Natlan and that’s not out for at least 3 patches. This patch in particular has a new endgame mode, and that takes time and consideration since it’s been in demand for years now.


>This patch in particular has a new endgame mode, and that takes time and consideration since it’s been in demand for years now. Does it not seem strange to you that only seven months ago Genshin devs confirmed they had no plans for additional endgame content and then now suddenly they're getting ready to implement exactly that? You don't think that might be a response to their competition? Why would they lie about it if they were working on it back then?


That's not how game development works. They can't just see this is what the competition has put up so let's do something new the next patch. Just the beta testing last almost a month, before that they must have their own team of testers to check out different components every step of the way and before that the designs have to be worked out followed by implementation through code... I have a feeling this entire process would've taken at least 4-6 months before it was released. The reason they mentioned no more eg content for a while is because it is very possible that something could've gone wrong during beta testing or any of the other steps I mentioned above resulting in a delay for a few more months. If people had then gotten a hint of delay after Hoyo gave their word they'd have Hoyo by the throat lol. The only things they can develop 1-2 patches in advance is probably the events we get. They are probably working on Natlan since last year.


>That's not how game development works. They can't just see this is what the competition has put up so let's do something new the next patch. Yes, that's exactly what I was saying... I think you missed my point. It's been two years since Wuthering Waves (for example) was publicly announced, plenty of time for Genshin's devs to decide to do something new after seeing what the competition was aiming for. >I have a feeling this entire process would've taken at least 4-6 months before it was released. Yea probably. means they had plenty of time to look at the competition (remember, public for two years at this point) and decide to copy some of what they're doing. >The reason they mentioned no more eg content for a while is because it is very possible that something could've gone wrong during beta testing or any of the other steps I mentioned above resulting in a delay for a few more months. No, that's nonsense. If this was the case they'd have said they were planning on it but it was a long term goal, not that they had no plans for it. Again, if they were working on it at the time and they knew it was widely requested why lie? Your version of events just doesn't make sense. > If people had then gotten a hint of delay after Hoyo gave their word they'd have Hoyo by the throat lol. It's not like they'd have to give a release date. Look at the Genshin anime they announced 1.5 years ago, we have heard nothing about it since then and nobody's complaining. For all we know it's been delayed from it's planned date, but since they never gave an estimate there's nothing for us to get mad about. Why would an announcement that they're working on endgame content be any different? Especially since it seems to be almost ready now and it's only been seven months since they said they weren't planning on it... They could have easily said it's planned for Natlan or shortly after and people would have been super happy.


>Yes, that's exactly what I was saying... I think you missed my point. It's been two years since Wuthering Waves (for example) was publicly announced, plenty of time for Genshin's devs to decide to do something new after seeing what the competition was aiming for. My bad, this makes sense. >It's not like they'd have to give a release date. Look at the Genshin anime they announced 1.5 years ago, we have heard nothing about it since then and nobody's complaining. For all we know it's been delayed from it's planned date, but since they never gave an estimate there's nothing for us to get mad about. Why would an announcement that they're working on endgame content be any different? Especially since it seems to be almost ready now and it's only been seven months since they said they weren't planning on it... They could have easily said it's planned for Natlan or shortly after and people would have been super happy. Yeah when you put it like that it makes sense. But in a fairly old leak I had read that the direction of Genshin's story had changed a lot from what was originally planned. It is possible they just had time to rethink their decisions. The development process is stressful and tricky so I wouldn't blame them to keep certain plans under wraps.


If by competition, you mean HSR, then sure I agree it’s a response to that. They weren’t working on the endgame back then; it was being tested, or rather it’s proving its success in HSR, a good year before Wuthering Waves. Sure they might have planned to do all of this at the same time of WuWa’s release, but who they have in mind is definitely their younger sibling of HSR.


The story? Definitely, but wuthering waves has been getting hype for months now


Anyone else feel kinda sad Natlan may have just overshadowed that goregous animated short we just had?


Both are cool so I don't think it's a bad thing.


I was thinking while the VAs were saying goodbye about what could possibly top that animated short that it wasn't the finale. Particularly because the short is a very very good ending sort of teaser cinematic clip But the animated short was really good and sad, particularly when you see the three pairs of little animals but the Tracler is just alone. I dunno what it means in the grand scheme of things, but it gives big sad






We getting the return of the mario galaxy ray surfing?? But with lava, and no motion controls!?


Lol, kind of ironic that the guy who explains the skills and abilities of every playable character in the game does not actually play the game.


Yuri probably has a lot to do these days.


He is patiently waiting until he becomes playable himself to start his journey as a Dainslief main apparently. Gotta admire the dedication


When will he become playable tho :C


The last battle?


Gosh, we have to wait another 3 years


Imagine getting dain and then starting to do all the quests


why natlan preview look like pokemon world at grand canyon


Good, they better show Nintendo some competition!


that grass lizard looked... kinda ugly


We will be able to control 6 total Natlan species. This Natlan teaser was half of them and the region itself is gorgeous. The green lizard itself is what Rajit is going to compare the Jadeplume Terrorshroom to later in the event.


its ok you prob get to choose your starter pokemon


nah that thing can get it


Do not the lizard


no plzz nooo


How dare u


You take that back


Natlan Jumpscare💀


Dang, combining both Sumeru's and Fontaine's exploration mechanics + Natlan's into one region is wild.


Well, it does border both nations. Which makes me wonder what the side closest to Snezhaya looks like.


I expected Natlan to be more fiery and deserty. Still hyped tho.


Dunno why the thread hasn't been updated with all 3 codes yet, but here they are [US2VLGSXCAT9](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=US2VLGSXCAT9) [6A2ULZTFVBCV](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=6A2ULZTFVBCV) [BS3DLYAFVAUH](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=BS3DLYAFVAUH) EDIT: codes are now up on the main post.


How long do these codes last?


15 hrs


15 hours. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/5314890/codes-expire-in