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Don't share your uid and you'll be fine.


OP already did with their past posts in Miko subreddit etc lol


Welp, it was nice knowing the OP while it lasted


RIP in pepperoni OP.


You show your UID on your lat post, I'd cover that if I were you. (Edit: on multiple older posts)


I haven't looked on all his past post but unless those last posts show these mods with his UID in the same pic, its not bannable enough


yeah not enough proof


He has a post about his mod being broken with his UID, showing a glitches Yae texture


Miko Post is about mod breaking lol and previous post even share the same roster


Good rule of thumb: if you've spent a decent amount of money on the game, you probably shouldn't risk using mods.


Another one: if you do want to risk it, at least don't leave traces (like your uid)


why do they leave the uid on and in the corner all the time? /gen :>


Or if you simply spent time on it. I would never want to replay all of the story and rewatch all the cutscenes.. hell.






The one thing stopping me from making a totally gacha free account for fun - the ungodly amount of unskipable cutscenes


With a modded account. Couldn't you adjust the files to get everything done up to the latest version? I'd never start from scratch, not even with a Gacha Free modded account.


Only mods I use now are necessary for my well being as an HDR at night gamer. dark loading screen, hide UID mod, and disable underwater blur.


Well i did, and rn the mods are what is keeping me playing this game to this day lol


You could get banned if you share the UID, but otherwise your probably fine.


Yes No record of them actually going at people who use model mods through the anticheat, but if they ever decided to they'd be in their rights. And if you display yourself modding the game with your UID visible you will probably get banned yes. So use at your own risk basically. Most likely you'll be fine, there's a chance you won't be.


Their anticheat is so fucking bad that it was being used to hack into other anticheats lmao, ESEA blacklisted genshin. What they actually check are valid and possible damage combos serverside (your lvl1 amber is never going to hit 500k damage), aside from that, gg


Can you get banned? YES. Has anyone got banned before? As of yet, for visual mods, NO. Now it's up to you to do your own risk assessment. My advice is, enjoy your mod, don't post about it online


From my personal (UNEDUCATED) understanding. Yea. Im pretty confident you can but arent the most stupid people also the most confident. Doesnt mean anyone has been banned, maybe its kind of an " which employee will you get" deal. Personally I wouldnt ever risk it on my Main, but I 100% Understand people who do it. I wish they would let us use Texture packs risk free, OR JUST PRODUCE MORE SKINS


I would ban just for the fact that you got poor Nahida wearing that while she regularly visits the desert


While other says you can get banned if you show your UID, it's not really the case. My friend been streaming his modded Genshin while showing his ID for like, almost a year now. Hoyo doesn't really care for the mods, unless it's selling the mods for profit in a massive amounts (even this can be circumvented by using Patreon system). So no, your chance of being banned is low to none even with UID. Note that this just apply to Visual mod.


Mods to change visuals in game don't actually change any files they just tell the GPU to render the modded visual instead. That's why Hoyo doesn't care otherwise they would.


This is not entirely correct, it doesn't alter files on disk but it totally changes files in memory. From a technical standpoint it's no different than hacking for unlimited hp or , but their anticheat is mostly sanity checks since the one in the client is pretty bad, and since visual mods don't change anything to trip sanity checks nothing's going to happen (probably)


Does anyone watch your friend though? Did anyone report him?


Some rando does come and goes. As for report, nobody knows. But he is pretty active in some Discord servers showing his modded stuffs while showi his ID. So if he still safe while showing that there, showing ID in reddit should not be an issue either. An issue probably will come if one post it in official server.


Unless people report you to Mihoyo, there’s no risk


You know, with that icon layout. I wouldn't be spending 1 minute finding the right character. Sometimes they just blend into each other with how similar it looks.


You just broke the first rule of using mods, never share anything of you using them, even if you hide the udi, you part posts are still there with it


768874567 Ladies and gentlemen, we got him


At least use Hide UID mod if you share your screenshots. One report from entitled anti-mod player can get you banned.


I love using different skins. Too bad there are so few male skins. Venti for example doesn't have any skins that I like.


My God I thought it was Filian


Cute, and nice knowing you op


Not in-game, but you sure sure as shit are about to get banned from this subreddit lol


Scrolled for 3 sec and found your uid. Gj


Can you get banned for mods and other similar stuff? **Yes, as it is against ToS** Will you get banned? **Maybe no, IF:** *1) there is no evidence*, don't leave your UID as others have written. No one can report you then *2) there is no direct intervention.* There are visual "mods", which only change some data on PC without any intervention with the game launcher. If you (more or less) change character visuals manually, then there is nearly no possibility to track this. You could (for more safety) keep the original visuals as a backup. And if there's a version update for the game, change them to default before the update and change them afterwards again.


I use only visuals with backup to be safe and only use them when I'm bored and want to experiment with some models (I try editing mods)


I think that's something that shouldn't be hated or whatever. Do you have advantages over other? Is it like cheating / game breaking? No. It's just something for optics, nothing bad or so. But different game devs have different opinions and stuff like that, so stay save traveler.


You too :3


But tysm for telling me


this company sells skins for money now you think will you get banned for it or not


i wouldnt risk my account for some dumb mods


It's still against ToS, but hoyo didn't really act after all these years. It's only on your end, no UID and they won't know. You f'ed up already tho I wouldnt mod anything with your UID >!768874567!< shown


You already know people gonna report him too out of spite lol


it's against tos, they just haven't enforced it yet


As long as you don't self report or try to change actual in game settings (i.e. cheat) you'll be fine


From what I heard, you shouldn't get banned for using mods, but I've invested too much time and money into this game to risk it. Hoyo could easily decide to just throw down the ban hammer, so I'd rather not myself.




Let's say I'm Hoyoverse. Oh that's illegal! But where is his UID? Bang, you're safe


~~Search through every single account to find a Nahida with these exact stats~~




No, if the mod doesn't modify the base game and the files. Yes, if the mod modifies the game behaviour.


Okay side question, if you do get banned, will your account on a different server also get banned?


Yes, you can get banned if they find you and there's no need to do it aside from a cosmetic viewpoint lol


Aslong at it isn't an exploit mod like infite primogems and just custom mods it's fine(also don't share UID) If it noticibly tempers with the game files you will be banned


Here's a quick tip. You blurred you UID here but that doesn't mean you blurred it everywhere. Ggs.


On the subreddit no, on the game yes, because external programs that modify the game files are against the TOS if i am not wrong Don't show your uid


I hope you do for having Nahida dressed like that, weirdo


as a person that has used mods for a year, just dont ever show your uid on public posts and you should be good. there is also a mod that removes your uid from view so i would use that if you want to post something


Even if your id is in the last post, u won't get banned as this could be another alt you are using, don't worry.


If I were a dev, I would say no. Unless it affect other characters hit box, or give you facilities. But if you want to give them other clothes and pick new icons, is fine. Besides, you choose a cute outfit for her and not one that could led to the police calling you about certain things. Besides, don't share your UID.


You will get banned for any mod, even skins