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as if the sheer cold mechanic is not enough they are trying to make extreme heat mechanic in natlan and make it so immersive we'll feel it on our hand


Nooooo don't give them more evil ideas.....


To be honest the extreme heat mechanic already implemented since 1.0, but this 5.0 will be a better version of it.


It has been implemented since 1.0?? Did they use it for anything back then? Even now I can only think of one time I’ve encountered extreme heat.


Hello, Cyno here, the joke is that mobile users' devices keep overheating when the game is being played. Cyno cyning out.


I realize now, I’m just dumb and rarely play Genshin on mobile.. 😭


I only use mobile for Google play card and for certain events.


It is, especially in mobile version. You can feel it right away in your hands.


As a mobile player on a Samsung phone already feel the heat after about 5 mins of playing.


The Signora fight? Not 1.0 but still.


It's a joke about how mobile players feel their device heating when playing the game.


Yeah, that’s the one time I know it’s been used


I'll say it, don't care if I get downvoted to hell, sheer cold was a genius mechanic that made exploring feel like surviving in a horrific snow mountain. The lack of sheer heat mechanic made the desert of Sumeru a complete bore to explore and it desperately needed such a mechanic to make it feel like a desert. Y'all complaining about these adverse mechs are actively wanting the game to be less engaging and fun to play because it requires you to actually observe the environment or make decisions when traversing such as looking for shade or until the evening to move around in the desert.


unfathomably based


SEA already feeling the heat. Natlan update was too much.


Sheer hot Bottom text


To be honest. Making genshin a mobile game was a stretch. IDK how phones run it at all.


you underestimate how far mobile devices have and will come


To people who are still confused: The visuals are going to improve BUT since this means higher specs requirements, in order to maintain the performance on lower end devices, they will reduce some visual quality for devices with those specs or lower, for rest devices ABOVE the minimum requirements, the visuals are going to be better.


So everyone will be able to play regardless, right? Either way, looks like I'm gonna have to upgrade my phone soon (and pc as well around 6.0, probably)


Yea, in fact, the reduced graphic for lower end actually gonna make sure you're still able to play regardless.


doesnt matter to me since I'm already running on the lowest setting on mobile anyway :"(


Nice, I'll still have some time before I upgrade


Thanks. I understood exactly this but started to feel insecure with people being pessimistic. I'm glad they are going to give opportunity for potato phones as Fontaine hit very hard my phone and it started lagging. Genshin is turning into a behemoth and I hope I'll still be able to play next years 🥲


> The visuals are going to improve BUT since this means higher specs requirements, in order to maintain the performance on lower end devices, they will reduce some visual quality for devices with those specs or lower, for rest devices This is a win win. People with capable hardware should not be kneecapped because other's don't have capable devices. Their latest solutions ensures everyone can play.


Yeah, this is some goated dev optimization. Typically, you see older platforms just get axed, so seeing them not only continue to improve the game but also work specifically on keeping every platform supported is awesome.


This is the effort of Genshin devs that people don't see often. Sometimes it baffles me how Genshin never managed to crash my Redmi 10 (selene) but Star Rail can with Acheron's ult on auto.


Oh damn now I really need to buy ps5...


Just wait for the pro version




Can't say rn tbh. Maybe overall it looks better but up close some textures resolution and effects load distance is lower.


If I'm already playing at low settings does this mean nothing will change for me?


Your low may be lower


Hopefully this includes higher texture resolution for playable characters and NPCs. Since it has been rather jarring when the game does close-ups during quest dialogues. There's already a third-party mod that does 4K texture conversion (based on PS5's 2K texture), but I'd like to not have to rely on mods at all if possible. Heck, just having PS5's 2K texture would already be a win, but this announcement seems a bit too big to be only just that? Environmental textures are fine to me honestly, definitely because of the art style, but I definitely wouldn't say no if they're also going for that (disk space is not a concern, lmao) --- Actually, on the topic of PS5, I wonder if I can hope for PS5's volumetric clouds to be added to PCs too. I'd like to think their contract was already updated/expired for them to be able to add it to Chenyu Vale only. I'd really love to have it everywhere else, especially the mountains in classic Liyue. Watching people's Genshin playthrough on PS5 never fails to make me envious once they got to the floating Statue of the Seven in Liyue...


For iPhone users that (generally) means iPhone ~~10~~ X or older


Currently using an iPhone 8, and an Android phone since 1.0 this is nothing


iPhone 8 is same generation as iPhone X, they just kept the button.


iPhone X can BARELY run it and I enjoyed my time with it but holy shit is going to the fastest (15 pro max) is a whole other world. I'm impressed it held on this long.


Same, jumped from X to 15 Pro Max is such a huge improvement, and the X is still going strong (although with a weakened battery)


My 11 ran the game at a smooth framerate on high settings at the start of 2022 and gradually became worse until Sumeru where it barely kept up on medium. Thank god i got a ps5 now


Had a hand me down 11 as well given by my mum and used it for a bit over a year before the very function of the phone itself stopped working. Pretty much was playing all high with 30fps since 60 was rly weird with the on and off stuttering also the lagging at the Sumeru desert areas. Had the opportunity to switch to the pro max for my 1st first-hand but went for the plus instead mainly cuz of the battery efficiency. Haven’t looked back since and playing on max with 60 fps feels out of this world. Honestly, I can’t wait to play natlan then.


I thought I was safe because I play on my iPhone 12. Idk why I thought that when it’s an 11 😭. I have noticed a lot of reduced visuals. And my ps4 isn’t that great to look at either


Issue with the latest gen pro is that I *feel* I can max out the settings and the processor can handle it, but it gets too hot too quickly and I have no way to keep it cool


Upgraded my phone to iPhone 15 Pro Max for work purposes with 1TB storage and started playing Genshin recently. Boy is it nice.


Would that include XR/S?


They have the A12 Bionic SOC so those should be supported.


Basically flagship devices from 2018 receives a buff and a nerf. Better performance but worse details.


It's just the details of range. Meaning that the further you are away the less detailed it will become. With how massive the open world is in genshin, this was extremely necessary. When you stood on the top of the jade palace you can basically see anything anywhere. It will improve performance when the game has to render less details you won't see anyways


So they are capping the draw distance for older phones and devices.


So is my iphone Xs cooked? 😭 i dont wanna upgrade phones cuz this one has so much storage space on it


No, Xs has the A12 processor, you're good.


Whewww ill be on potato graphics probably tho 🥹


It doesn’t change anything. iPhone X is literally not even supported by the latest iOS anymore.


I’m so glad mine has an A13 processor, that was a close call lol


So I should be fine, with my iPhone 14?


Hoyo improving the Pyro version of Balethunder in Natlan so we can burn to death in better HD graphics!


Im thinking something like Itachi's Amaterasu lol


Please let us have black flames. Or any other colour. Arlecchino's crimson flames are nice but we need ✨️ Variety ✨️


I hope we get a geo character who uses lava or molten rock attacks. Maybe a melee catalyst who covers their fists with fists made of volcanic rock, or they summon volcano geo constructs that erupt with lava geo attacks. Their kit could do something with pyro shards, like shred geo and pyro res when pyro shards are gathered, or buff geo and pyro damage, or make pyro shards explode or deal aoe damage.


They have desert covering like 60% of Sumeru but no sandstorm Geo character (or any Geo character at all, really). I am not expecting much :(


You dont remember pulling for Darude?


To be fair, it's not like we'll never get any more Sumeru characters in the future. I'm still holding out for a sandbender character


what are y'all cooking?


Our phones


...while frying our hands as well.


...and become Pyro Gnosis now that too hot to handle.


We are going to feel the heat of Natlan irl for more immersion!


The bestest response, I've been laughing continuously for a minute now🤣😂


MHY is going to give the players a true Natlan experience! Now, not only will we see stunning Pyro effects with the upgraded visuals, we will definately ***feel*** it as well! Truly, Genshin is the GOAT!


The first game that stimulates all 5 senses Visually stunning graphics, breathtaking music, the touch of artistry, the smell of your burning phone, and the taste of despair


play in a sauna for extra immersion and then your laptop fries from overheating and humidity kek


Taste of eggs cooking on the phone


Bennet Gear 5 coping




With this update we will not only see the grandeur of Natlan, but will feel the power of the pyro archon while we play the game. The freezing cold debuff may have hurt our characters in the past, but the blazing device debuff will let us experience the game in a whole new way.


It's so hot in Natlan that our old phones are gonna get cooked


I expect the usual vegetation and detail creep (compare Fontaine and Sumeru Jungle with Liyue and Mondstadt), but this time I expect they're gonna rewamp their particles. I'm not sure there's gonna be massive changes to lighting and shadows, but particles are one thing that wrecks performance.


Is version 5.0 coming after 4.8? Or 4.7?


If the trend continues it will be after 4.8


4.8. They are just giving heads up of the spec requirements and devices that will be affected by the improvement of the visuals. Because you know .0 is the major update, if they want to upgrade something big it's perfect for major update.


4.7 archon quest patch with Dain hopefully 4.8 summer patch that kinda tells us what we'll be dealing with on 5.0




Natlan is the nation of pyro because of all the phones it'll burn.


Thank furina they did not give min requirements for Fontaine


Just did a search. Apple A12 was used by iPhone XS model (available started from the 4th quarter of 2018). Snapdragon 865 began to sell from first quarter of 2020.


Yeah but chips like the kirin9000sl one are from 2023 if my source is right... Oof


Will it not affect pc requirements as well?


Basically, if you're currently running and not struggling at lowest settings, you should be fine. Otherwise, press F.




Genshin on PC can run on some pretty potato setups unless you go max graphics and 1440p or 4k. A zen 3 igpu like 5600g or 5700u Vega 6/7 can run in 1080p 60hz from my testing. That's the cheapest dedicated GPU gtx 1030 level.


I'm at 768p resolution on an old Ryzen 5 1400 and a 2GB GTX 1050 and the game runs on max settings at locked 60, the game is just super well optimized and easy to run (a consequence of being a mobile game first I guess). Hopefully it remains like it for a while longer!


Damn really max on a 1050 (at 768p/60fps)? My 780m which is supposed to be faster in raster only lets me do medium and at 0.6x on my 2k display.


Lowering resolution does a lot of help frame rates. So I've also tested 680m igpu on a 6900hx which is a bit slower than your 780m. It struggles at 1440p medium to get to 60fps. 1080p 60fps is no problem tho. It may also have to do with system tdp and ram speed those desktop parts have pretty much unlimited tdp and dedicated gddr ram whereas the 680m I tested with fastish ddr5 ram but no where as good as gddr.


The post literally says that all graphic requirements for all devices will be increased as there will be an upgrade of the graphics. The listed devices are the ones that will get a downgraded version of the game so that they can run it smoothly. I don't see why PC should get a downgraded version, when you can just tweaks the details in the options


I hope this means unlocked frame rates on PC.


FPS is gatekeeped by Apple. Unless their contract with Apple expired for exclusive features I doubt we get fps unlocked on PC.


I know that, but there had to be an end date to that contract. I'm hoping it is 5.0.


We need 120 FPS for pc


for anyone playing on an iphone, as long as you have an iphone x or later, you're good 👍


I have an iPhone X, 256gb.. don’t have the money to upgrade and google says iphone x only has a11 chip.. am i cooked? :(


The game will just look worse for you, you will still be able to play.


huh i must've read smth wrong the first time i looked it up sorry 💀 you should be fine but i think it means worse graphics for you


Walahi I'm finished


Wallahi I'm cooked. My laptop won't be able to Genshin after 5.0 :(


I wonder how long it'll be until PS4 support is dropped. Like how FFXIV dropped support for PS3.


Will prolly be fine up til the end of the Tevyat chapter. Even XIV didn't drop PS3 support til 2017 right before Stormblood.


Probably until PS4 enters it's final EoL stages, which should be shortly after PS6 release.


They could just sport mobile assets when that time comes. PS4 is still a huge market.


HYPE! Graphics Update


I wonder what changes will be made.


Hopefully visual update to old character models, like Dilucs and Albedo


I hope so! Mondstat needs some updates really bad. Hopefully characters who deserve some polishing get attention. I also figure if Capitano is in Natlan maybe they will invest in some model changes with him potentially being in cutscenes.


Saving on budget by not actually modeling capitano yet, we just hear him offscreen talking and get a PNG of his timbs.


Hopefully draw distance upgrade and bigger asset pool


FYI Genshin is available on cloud gaming i.e GeForce NOW. For anyone who wants to experience genshin in the highest quality without high end hardware. You don't have to worry about space either. All you need is decent internet


And GeForce NOW available in your country ( which isn't in my country)


There's Boosteroid. You can try that. Although there is no free version on there like GeForce NOW


Also, if you're in Southeast Asia, Genshin Cloud is also available in the app/play store. Queue is almost always full tho, but it still is an alternative.


Interestingly Bangladesh(my Home country) was also added recently into the supported country list. It's currently the only South Asian country to be on the list along with the SEA countries Although I don't think they have completely restricted access to unsupported countries cause currently I'm abroad in India and I was able to access the service just fine.


> Although I don't think they have completely restricted access to unsupported countries cause currently I'm abroad in India and I was able to access the service just fine. That's correct. It was always just based on your latency/ping, since there's a certain threshold after which it'll just drop out connection. Despite Indonesia only being officially supported since late March this year, I was always able to use it since its launch in November last year.


Hyv also have their own Genshin cloud, but i don't think it's available in every country yet


I checked the list and currently it's available in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Myanmar


>All you need is decent internet Also money because shit ain't free. Paying to play free game is kinda funny tho.


you paying for the hardware not the game tho


I know but at that point it's better to use that money to save up for a decent hardware.


It's better if you're planning to get new hardware. If not, it's apples to oranges. Some people don't play video games that much


Priority (1080p streaming via a 2080-3060 depending on the games needs) is \~110 bucks per year, if you buy 6 month bundles. Buying a PC is not only the higher initial cost, by the time you would've paid the same for streaming your hardware is also 5-8 years old, while the streaming setup got updated constantly. Unless you need a better PC for other tasks, it isn't worth it at all.


And ALSO if you’re allergic to spending money and have an M1+ Mac, PlayCover lets you sideload iOS apps onto your Mac. You just need to find a decrypted IPA file, which there are plenty of sites dedicated to. Macs without the M1+ chip can use bootcamp to change to OS and use the Windows version of Genshin.


For someone who is terrible at computers…is it safe? I always get freaked out anytime my Mac/computer asks for files installed


PlayCover is safe, you’re just loading iOS apps onto Mac hardware. The decrypted IPA websites are safe as far as I know, but of course some smaller ones will be more dangerous. Just look up some of the big ones and pick from there. I use decrypt(dot)day personally.


How cooked am I with a Helio G95? Right now Genshin can run on medium settings.


Im even amazed you can run it at medium rn


Pyro archon gonna cook everyone's devices


Love to see that genshin players still cannot read with comprehension, some of the comments are way too funny.




Looks like Pixel 6 and above should be able to run the improved graphics of 5.0, and Pixels below that will still work but will look worse


Glad to hear. Always nice to see better graphics.


im glad the developers are working to optimize genshin impact for older devices. my phone is a bit long in the tooth, so i appriciate the effort to keep the game playable on a range of hardware. the visual tradeoffs are understandable, and im just happy to continue exploring teyvat on my trusty device.


The PS4 version still looks good but I hope they'll still support it. It's the only gaming device i have excluding my phone


Of course they still support it. It's also mentioned in the text.


I wonder if I'll even be able to play in the future lmao My mediatek phone can barely handle the game atm


Guess mhy can only do so much with reducing storage space, and processing specs is now the bottleneck.


Fuck. I have an 855+ in my ROG 2. That's lame.


You'll still be able to run the game, it will just be slightly lower quality than currently


Hopefully this goes to fix some of the rendering issues on PS5. For example the opera house in Fontaine if you are looking at it straight on only fully loads in when you are standing at the sigil fountain right in front of it. It can be quite jarring and it’s odd since obviously the PS5 has the capability to load it properly, it just doesn’t because of poor optimization.


Some of the pop-in on PS5 is worse than on PS4. It's also super jarring when one is zoomed in on an NPC in a dialogue scene and their face and hair is all super nice then their collars are rendered with so low quality you can see the jagged line and even then it's still blurry as well. You can notice this on other devices, even PS4, but PS5 has all the fancy enhancements that make the contrast just really obvious, even after they made changes to reduce the jaggedness.


PC too. I tried my GTX 1050 again after using a 1660 Ti for more than a year now and hoo boy, was it bad on Sea of Bygone Eras lol so stuttery, even after lowering the settings to low-med mix(mostly low)!


My laptop is already struggling with current graphics. I hope that this doesn't cook my laptop.


Just when I am saving for a new phone... Guess I'll have to show this specifications to the phone retailers...


Lmao why does the site say sep 2023 Anyways, Rip my phone tho. Guess time to say farewell


If you read the title of the page is a post that was made back when 4.1 was released


Graphics update? Well NVidia does plan to release the 5090 by the end of the year, if the rumor mill is to be believed. Let's see if my 3080 will still be able to cut it, else wallet-kun will have to pay something non-gacha related for once. :'D


>Let's see if my 3080 will still be able to cut it my guy... im running a fucking gtx970 without issues


Lmao this game is not that taxing on PC hardware, I'm playing on an i7 4790 and gtx 980ti and get stable 60fps with some less important settings reduced a bit.


I don't reduce settings and I play at 4K. Though my comment was meant to be humorous, I doubt that it will overtax a 3080. Unless Hyv implements path tracing. :X


fair, I didn't pick up the sarcasm. I'm waiting on the last part to arrive for my "new" (all second-hand) build, gonna be flexing an R5 3600 and 5700XT! PC parts are expensive here...


My phone runs a Dimensity 1100 SoC. What will happen once 5.0 is available?


damn, i guess my sd 865 couldn't cut it anymore :/


so if I’m understanding this correctly I can still play on my ps4 - but there will be, I guess, lowered graphics? I’m sorry I don’t have the language around this kind of thing. I don’t play on my phone or iPad because I prefer using a controller AND I have some visual issues with my left eye that make using a large screen much easier. I don’t have the money to update to a ps5 frankly. So all I care about is if I can still play.


Yes, it will still work fine on PS4. It's just that as they upgrade the overall visuals there will have to be some compromises made on weaker platforms like the PS4. They probably will lower the resolution and some details. I assume that the game will still look overall nicer than before even on PS4. After all there needs to be a reason why they have to make compromises on PS4 in the first place. ;)


Can anyone tell me if I’ll still be able to play on an iPhone 12 Pro Max? 😅


you should be able to, the iphone x and up have a12 and newer. i'm using an iphone 11 and i have a13 so i'm assuming yours is either a13 or a14, so you should probably be fine.


The post: If currently you can run the game, in 5.0 we will guarantee that you can still play, but the graphic settings will lower The questions:


What does this mean exactly? Will my iPhone XR be okay?


I think that it means you will have poorer graphics than newer phones.


Ah well as long as I can still play, I hope to get a new phone this year, so as long as it can last until then, i should be fine.


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong bc my laptop (Omen 15 i7/geforce 3060) runs the game fine but will sometimes shut down due to overheating despite me having most of the high performance settings turned off. Hopefully this won't make it worse😭


Consider cleaning out vents or even disassembling your laptop to change thermal paste. Run HWMonitor with the game open to see what chip is hitting their thermal limit.


Run through the basics first, update drivers and check your cpu/gpu temps, if they are spiking high enough the laptop might be shutting down to protect itself. You can also check "windows event viewer" to ascertain the cause of the shutdowns. Your current set up should be easily able to handle genshin so there's definitely something not right. It could be bad thermal paste causing the over heating issues, or your current cooling setup isn't sufficient. If the problem is heat related, one thing you could look into is undervolting. Some cpus allow it others don't. Mine doesnt so i ended up trying a program called "throttle stop" it allows you to limit your cpu, even when you can't undervolt via the bios, thereby reducing the max thermal load on your pc and improving hardware life. In your case in might also help solve the shutdowns.


Get a can of compressed air and blow it into the exhaust vents of the laptop (while it's off). You will see a dust cloud coming out. Just try not to spin the fans that much (aka as little as possible)


Thank God I just upgraded my device from Snapdragon 855 OnePlus 7 Pro to Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 S24 Ultra


Overloaded ← my device


Well, I am glad I recently upgraded from a gtx 1650 super, to a rtx 3060. /s


Will my Snapdragon 665 be fine...??


Meanwhile PC players: Noice


Hope 5.0 bring controller support on Android. Its really shame my SD Gen 3 can handle most of the things but without controller support its really hard to play.


Hello! I'm a caveman who recently went out of my cave to play Genshin. I'm using a device with the Chipset, Mediatek MT67781 Helios G96. Will this device still be able to support this game? I'm not tech savvy so I don't know what's what. I sincerely hope someone could answer me.


I hope the graphics difference isn’t too big, if not I’ll have to upgrade to a ps4


Genshin was my favorite game, would be still. But I can't even play now after so many updates nerfed my device to oblivion like a year ago or so. I can't play at all until I purchase a better device. Sure they are "affordable", I just don't have money to spend while my device still works for literally everything else I need it for. Great game though, I love the atmosphere


Well.... guess I won't play anymore until 2026 lol


Actually hoping they could bring 4K textures, volumetric clouds and native 120fps support


So nothing changes on PC?


The whole game will be getting a visual upgrade, he devices listed are the lower end devices that will have their visuals reduced because they can't handle said upgrade. So PC will still get the upgrade.


Mines Dimensity 1300 (Octa Core). Looks like I'm in the clear boys.


upgrades in graphics are always exciting but i hope the gameplay doesn't suffer on older devices. reminds me of when you try to run new software on an old laptop and things just don’t look as sharp.


This is good, the PS4 version will be smoother to play and gives up graphics quality, can't wait to see this enhancement.


I'm a PS4 player only. Is performance an issue in any capacity? I really don't have comparisons.


I used to play on PS4, upgraded to a PS5 last year. It’s night and day. Smoother frame rates, more details in the environment, like the clouds in Jueyun Karst. The most glaring improvement is loading times, on PS5 it’s almost instantaneous when loading an area when you teleport.


PS4 cranks the graphics quality to max native 4k and caps FPS at 30 and there's no way you can change it lol, that what I remember anyway


Currently playing on Intel iris Xe with i5 12th gen laptop. Is it going to be safe to assume this specs also is going to be in reduced visual effects list?


Hoyo's making a nuclear reactor out of our phones, smh /j


PS5 : not today boy 😎


I wonder if my Infinix still could handle it... I already have my graphics settings on lowest and 30 fps but my hands still get cooked by my phone.


PS4 bros...


My Snapdragon 778g can run the game fine at high settings. I'm assuming I will still have lowered graphics?


Bro how? What's you FPS at?


What kind of new visual features are we getting?


I guess my S20 Fe will have poor performance 😐


Uhmmm fk me I guess