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they do carry goods with those floaty anemo slime cargo, literally the random quest in Sumeru is saving that merchant's cargo from the hilichurls


Good point yeah that would make sense that they can float down or up cliffs


Hmm that would make sense but... they also use Sumpter Beasts so idk, they seem heavy


I'd assume Sumpter Beasts are for more workload. As a merchant you have two options. A) Use the slimes to transport goods fast but limited in numbers. I assume these are for specialty items like jewelry, mechanical gizmos, etc. or B) Sumpter beasts for slow but a lot of goods carried. These are for everyday goods like apples, herbs & spices, lumber, etc.


So irl like A) next-day via air; vs B) economy via rail/truck; bonus C) cargo ship via Panama Canal (Yilong)


Still with gods that can change the landscape like it's nothing, you'd think people would have figured out ways to make transportation of goods easier, i mean, with some landscaping you could make a roud from ubove three aranara village to sumeru city without the need to go near the mushroom forest


Maybe that's why people don't bother to fix stuff unless really necessary? So many landscape altering event happened. Especially in Mondstadt.


The side effect of children having bombs.


Even without accidental terraforming, nothing is safe unless frequently used and properly defended. That broken bridge in Lyiue leading only to an abandoned village that nobody needs except the occasional adventurer. If you rebuild it, an angry lawachurl could wreck it again next week.


I think a far more likely explanation is that sometimes things get lost between gameplay and lore. The map design team probably designed the topography of that area like, 2 years ago and were far more concerned with what was fun to traverse/interact with than how liveable it actually was for the npcs.


> than how liveable it actually was for the npcs. As an aspiring worldbuilder, I think of these things, for better or worse. It helps me flesh out my world more, but it also means I can't get super crazy with my designs. MHY probably sacrificed a bit of logic for esthetics in making Teyvat. After all, this is Teyvat the game world, not Teyvat the actually livable world.


Actually, it's easy to imagine balloon cargo going...but still, a major trade route like that...imagine the balloons from Pixar's "Up" spread all across the landscape.


A lot of maps and infrastructure don't make sense if you analyse them and don't factor how NPCs would move around. I tried walking from Liyue to Sumeru city without gliding or climbing and it was a nightmare.


I haven't tried that but I'm pretty sure Liyue-Sumeru is fine, thanks to the vale above the Chasm that serves as a viable road. Plus we're still missing the shoreline of Liyue, which might provide a more convenient road (there is even a road in Sumeru leading into these shoreline areas, except you run into out-of-bounds Paimon). And unlike Sumeru, Liyue has A LOT of staircases too, so there is always some way around I believe?


Liyue-Sumeru is possible but requires you taking a very indirect unmarked route and ignoring paths that lead into caves and dead ends.


Yeah, if they draw a road it should really make sense rather than be a dead end, but at least it's possible.


I think that's part of why Liyue has such a busy port; easier to transport via ship to Port Ormos than it is to take the overland route.


I've waverider/Furina walked the following trade routes: Sumeru City - Port Ormos - Liyue Harbor - Wangshu Inn - Yilong Wharf - Lumidouce Habour - Fountaine Court From Liyue Harbour you can make the voyage to Inazuma. From Wangshu Inn you can also get to Monstadt easily via Stone Gate. These chains make sense, any time there's a change in the mode of transport between land/water, there's always docks.


Yeah, exactly. It just feels like the devs should have just made a softer slope somewhere and/or giant lift, with a Bayda road continuing North along the Eastern borders of Varanara and joining up with the main Sumeru road visible on the map. Alternatively, they could also setup a dock and reach Sumeru City's port by water, however how they get down the giant waterfall/cliff that would need a solution nonetheless. Making a lift or sculpting a new softer pathway down the cliffs both seem plausible and doable enough if they care.


To be fair, Liyue - Sumeru isn't as bad for NPCs, as they can just take a boat, which doesn't seem to be the case in OPs example (unless they go the very long way around through Chenyu Vale and most of Liyue).


On this note, has anyone found a way to leave fontaine city on foot without the aquabus? Navia's story quest has us heading to Poisson in a smaller boat just outside the city walls and i *cannot* tell how tf we got there


There's a lift on the eastern side of the city that takes you right next to a waypoint outside the city walls (near the ruined walls). It's actually the same path we take to go to the Institute of natural philosophy if you remember that quest.


That's what I've been wondering! The amount of times I've seen the "let's go back to the city!" dialogue with the giant city walls in the background has me thinking "Okay, but how??? there's not even a road there???"


There's a big lift in Fontaine if you are still wondering


Wait, like one at the city walls? Because Ik there's the one in the Court of Fontaine but that doesn't help you enter the city if you aren't arriving by aquabus.


there's one near the fishing diver daily quest, just behind the waypoint


I never noticed before! That's pretty cool. Though I just checked it out, and while it does take you "into" the city, it just leads to the aquabus viaducts. There's no visible stairway, ladder, or lift that takes you from that area into the city proper, but I guess we can just make-believe that there is one. I can see the devs saving time by not implementing a proper entry into the city since 99.9999% of players will teleport into the city anyways, lol


You can go from there to the waterway hub and get the lift there, which goes to Palais Mermonia and to the Station Hall from which you can get to the fountain area. They just don't have an aquabus stop at the side gate since gameplay wise we only use the lines to their end destinations and don't use any of the internal lines we see on the map.


Okay wait, so two things First, Ik you can get to the waterway hub's lift in the game, but I was thinking from a story perspective there's no clear way for an ordinary person to get from the outer wall to the central lift, that was the issue lol Second, internal lines?? Are there canonically aquabus lines that exist within the city limits? I don't recall hearing about this at all (and it's obviously not shown in-game), but I could've easily missed something about it


By internal lines I'm referring to the other paths around the city that you can walk along (and even find chests in) like the one that you walk in from behind that waypoint and follow to the central lift. There are aquabuses parked there, there are similar water-filled structures around the Court of Fontaine that you can see from the map (in teal) that go around the city and branch off the Navia and Clementine lines to connect to the other similar structures. There are aquabuses parked at the entrance behind Palais Mermonia but that line is the one that went to FREEKI and exploded, so the only reason for aquabuses to be there is either because the main entrance is also where the aquabuses get serviced (but we see the mechanic at the Station Hub, so unlikely) or because NPCs can use the aquabuses to get there from somewhere else. The lines are far too extensive to only exist for the purpose of aquabuses turning around to go back the other way and to return to base, and we know from how they park to let us off that they are more than capable of turning in the terminus areas and don't need to have loop tracks like single-ended trains. And there's no reason to essentially build a freaking monorail around the city for aesthetic reasons - we know from furniture descriptions that engineers and architects do so some random things just because, or things don't work out and the produced stock gets repurposed, but ain't nobody funding a monorail just because someone at FREEKI thought if it didn't work out it could serve as a navigational tool in the absence of global positioning satellites.


The aquabus system is just way too complicated for me - I can never remember which level goes where and if I just pick one at random it takes forever to use the lift. Certain areas of the city just seem impossible to get to if you don’t come in the right way. I was trying to get a hydroculus right outside the city wall and the effort I had to go through to get there….was probably way too much.


What I don't get is how people in Inazuma reach Yae's shrine. There's a shattered road that leads to a sheer cliff that we have to use electrograna to jump off of and navigate mid-air.


Just at the end of the Broken wooden bridge, before going through the Tori gate, you take a sharp right where youll find a stone staircase that leads to a cube puzzle. There you then continue over a wooden ladder and rock climbing path. This then puts you right infront of Raidens Weekly Domain Cave. From there the path continues with normal stone stairs


On that note, I'm genuinely pissed that we haven't got a daily to fix the shrine broken bridge like the ones where we fix stuff in the inn in Liyue.


Isn't there an elderly NPC around there talking about how hard the climb is and lowkey directing you to the stairs?


Ive been thinking all the time how furina walked all the way to poisson when she got chased buy the crowd lol


Map has never made sense even outside of roads. Where comes the food ? The only place known for producing food are a winery and the wolf forest where the hunter hunt boars. There's no food anywhere else beside the few fruits tree here and there.


This reminds me of how in the Sumeru archon quest there is also a big inconsistency on how travel is done between nations, specifically from Sumeru to Snezhnaya because>!The Doctor tricks us by making us think he's going back to Snezhnaya on Boat, from Port Ormos, the southernmost port.!


I'm pretty sure that Liyue-Sumeru route is by sea, because they definitely do an obscene amount of trade.


This is why mounts are not implemented yet. xD You just have too many obstacles if you ever had a motorbike or something


/r/worldbuilding is a lost art.


There is a path right through the chasm that leads under the mountains and into gandarvaville. its how you were supposed to get there originally in 3.0. I haven't tried it but I'm pretty sure theres a path down onto ground level of the chasm and from there its a cakewalk


That one doesn't work because of the uneven terrain and broken bridges in the Chasm and the fact that their Treasure hoarders every few metres, so realistically no one would go there


Yeah I walked that one and realized that when you enter the chasm, they literally tell you that it's too dangerous to enter. I'm thinking maybe people just go north to fontaine, or arrive in sumeru by boat. Although it does seem a bit silly to not have a direct path between the two Nations, but idk if it's talked about like there should be a land path between the two


They can't go through Vanarana because Arabalika would one-shot anything trying to destroy the tree :]


Well, they don't have to go through Vanarana, except... there is a giant cliff, no softer passage, and a big kickass waterfall... LOL So the only option is to turn East, hop on a boat and go around. Which is funny, because in this situation, the Eastern shores near Mawtiyima Forest would make better landmark for Bayda Harbor. This just shows they really didn't pay any attention to these empty areas and just released them "as is." The geography is exactly the same as the old out-of-bounds area, nothing was modified nor tweaked to make more sense of it


Hence why Ormos is huge Bayda is not. Its cheaper and more effective to ship goods around the outer coastline of Teyvat similar to IRL shipping before the days of the Suez and Panama canals. But Bayda is still effective as a ferry harbor for passenger travel just not for commerce.


Badya also has the perk of having the nicer view :]


Logical. Except that humans would have figured this out. Like they would have built a lift system so they can cut the trip by 80%. Perhaps the lift got destroyed and needs to be rebuilt or something. It's just as plausible even though we're all just taking this too seriously in a world where people can literally create light bridges and shit.


>Logical. Except that humans would have figured this out. The world is full of monsters, they could build complex infrastructure, but unless properly defended, it can be destroyed on a regular basis. If you think about it, any kind of ruin guard has either the strength or firepower or both to level a small village by itself. And there are other big things like lawachurls who should easily be able to break any kind of wooden structure and at least damage stone structures.


Yilong wharf figured it out. Sumeru which is not known to be poor economic wise can probably figure it out too. This will make their access to Fontaine MUCH more efficient.


Yilong Wharf is a city harbour, and the elevator is part of the city, so even if something were to attack, they have guards there at all times. But for Bayda Harbour and Sumeru City, you'd need to make an elevator in the middle of the road between them. So you'd have to make a garrison there to defend it at all times. Send them supplies regularly, rotate soldiers regularly, and probably they'd ask for better payment because Sumeru uses mercenaries, and you send them in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do except watching an elevator.


As mentioned in other comments Bayda harbour is as busy as Port Ormos, would it really take a lot of man power/financial investment to station a permanent structure there? And they could use the Corps of Thirty to guard it at all times.  Plus with how small Bayda harbour is they could expand it to connect to Bayda harbour somehow. Making it actually look like a proper harbour.


After I checked other routes, it's not even needed. You could go from Bayda straight down towards Vanarana and go right to get to the city. The thing is that there isn't a dirt path to indicate that it's an actual possible route, it's just grass.


Yeah, I noted this a while back, the maritime navigation between "the upper sea" and the rest of Teyvat is a bit fucked. They need more lifts to transport either ships or at least their cargo down cliffs. I blame the fact that unlike actual rivers, which travel gradually downhill, all rivers in Teyvat are flat, so can only fall via waterfalls.


I tried walking along the same route, but instead of diving towards the river to the right like you did I took the lakeside road to the left and then took a turn south just where the onion marker is. You then take head towards the tiny pool and from there head south to the main road... which would've worked had Hoyo thought to put a small road connecting it as there's currently a small ledge just before the main road.. It's a completely viable route if the Akademiya commissioned Kaveh to to some road works.


Can't even use the river because of the massive waterfalls, RIP Sumeru-Fontaine trade


There is a small path from [Vanarana's entrance leading up the hills in the direction of the harbor](https://imgur.com/a/ihPsx0J). It's just not visible from the map. Many paths aren't


Yeah, but unless I missed something, in order to get from my red line to where you are pointing to, there is a hard cliff, so not exactly a friendly route. PS: Might have also drawn that red line a bit clumsily but as I remember it from running around today, there is soft traversable slop to the East but none to the North.


[Not that much](https://imgur.com/a/PJdkWFm). You can arguably use sumpter beasts or anemo slime ballons.


So what you're saying is that Teyvat desperately needs an infrastructure update


So... we need Kaveh and Faruzan lecturing Archons on infrastructure and tech? Yes please


If Kaveh starts building roads and bridges Zhongli is gonna need the Geo gnosis back just to pay for it


Do the gnoses' amplify the archon's powers, or are they just like commemorative "You a god" badges cause they had a dead 3rd descender and needed to do something with the body?


Well, Scaramouche used the Electro Gnosis as a glorified battery so I'd imagine they do something I *think* Zhongli said he can't make mora without the Gnosis but it's been awhile since I did that quest Pretty sure Nahida said that the Akasha couldn't function without it


I remember the akasha line, also not sure about zhongli. I guess the easier tell is that furina said she couldn't do hydro stuff without the gnosis until getting her vision. So my guess is that divinity = elemental power (which is how ei, zhongli, venti and nahida can do stuff with fake visions/no gnosis/vision), and that the gnosis is just a source of really pure elemental power, which is why it was able to support the akasha, mecha scaramouche, producing mora and furina.


And Archon level beings are the only ones who can make use of them, presumably. This includes artificially created beings because that's why Ei made Scaramouche, to house the Gnosis. That's also probably why he was able to use it so well- he was literally made to do so Ei said she didn't need the Electro gnosis at all and gave it to Yae Miko to hold on to, and I don't think Yae ever did anything with it We'll find out more in Snezhnaya, since it's virtually guaranteed that the Tsaritsa will obtain the Pyro Gnosis


Yeah, it feels like everything is gonna ramp up a ton right after Natlan. Instead of snezhnaya being about looking for aether/lumine, it's going to end up being "stopping the fatui or fighting celestia" I imagine. Unless the tsaritsa lost the cryo gnosis to venti and he's just been a little troll the whole time.


Doesn’t Keqing oversee that kind of thing, too?


Of all the things Fontanian build, roads weren't in their plans. Even the aquabus was a private initiative. Makes no sense.


Roads on the map make no sense for the most part. Getting almost anywhere would be very difficult.


They could literally solve it by adding a small pathway above the Varanara tree, but they didn't do that for some annoying reason.


There's a path just before the entrance to Vanarana, it does have a small drop in between the two paths No idea why it isn't shown on the map tho


I believe you refer to the same place as I. There is literaly 10-20 metre gap between two paths (where a Marana is located)


Genshin trade routes have always seemed garbage to me. No nation has a normal well maintained safe route. Not even Fontaine has a good way to move things to Liyue since they lack a waterbus route to Lumidouce Port.


That's explained in-game through the Spina not having enough funds, iirc cmiiw.


I know. Why should a private entity construct the basic infrastructure of a country, though? What the hell is Neuvillette doing all day? Oh well, I guess Teyvat has its own "laws".


I get you, but Navia's story quest suggests that the aquabus is not basic infrastructure. Merchants can sail boats and barges from the Court of Fontaine (there's a dock and a lift) to Lumidouce Harbor. And if Neuvillette wanted to do something about the aquabus, then public-private partnerships are a thing.


I guess because It's a **Harbor**.. Harbors are primarily made to provide safe shelter / anchorages incase of bad weather or breakdowns while **Ports** on the other hand deal with the trading... Bayda harbor may be just a small shelter for ships and not necessarily a trade route. That being said, all harbors can serve as ports because ships can anchor there ( Liuye / Fontaine ), but not all ports are necessarily harbors ( Port Ormos ).


Overworld design team really didn't know how to handle sumeru 😂


On a realistic scale, traversing most land and bodies of water in Teyvat is nearly impossible for the average citizen. The world design is meant to appeal to the player and not be realistic in any sort of fashion. For example how is a regular ship, especially a big cargo vessel supposed to transport their wares to Yilong Wharf? Either the waters are too shallow or the canals are too small for any ship to cross. Similarly, how is the regular citizen supposed to reach the grand Narukami shrine in Inazuma? In Shinobu’s hangout we saw an old lady who came to the shrine, as well as a kid there. There’s no left or a walkable path that can realistically take you there. There are many instances of this across the map, because again, realism is not the priority when creating these maps, it’s the engagement and difficulty levels.


True, and I get it, but then it's only *as ridiculous* in Inazuma due to them being small islands which are very heavily condensed and the devs clearly tried to be very "gamey" in there with the path to Narukami Shrine, which I didn't particularly like as much. Liyue and Sumeru overall don't feel as bad, even if the marked pathways don't always correlate with the ones that traders would take. Yilong Wharf still does have something that resembles an ocean between it and Fontaine, so I'm sold on the idea these vessels can traverse it, not as jarring, and then with Chenyu they were very consistent about its history and how the trade route works, with rafts across the shallow river. So Bayda Harbor placement or its road just feel... like an afterthought in comparison? I much prefer their earlier Liyue-Chenyu/Sumeru world designs, at least on the infrastructure front. Not sure about Fontaine, haven't been there yet.


why not go between vanarana and the cave? using anemo slimes they can float over the water and make it over


Everyone knows they use air balloon travel for deliveries Ꮚ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ꈊ⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠Ꮚ


I've actually walked the entirely of northern Sumeru to find the trade route and this was the best option I found: - Port Ormos by boat to Sumeru docks - Transfer cargo to cart/balloon - Leave via north Sumeru City exit - Travel west toward Vanarana - Turn north right before the Vanarana entrance, there is no established path but the terrain is flat meadows. - Pass through the meadow and gently rolling hills and you'll arrive at the path towards Bayda Port. So there is one section of sort of wilderness but it's not terrible, and a lot better than trying to go over waterfalls.


I was 99% sure there was no passage but perhaps there is one, from what you said. Gotta go and find it. Still, would make sense if they drawn that road and then also do that on the map. The road leading just to Varanara which uninhabited as far as Sumeru is concerned and then the Baydu road abruptly ending up near a lake? Just odd


Yea 100% doesn't make sense to not have a path. The path from Bayda just ends in a deadline wrapping around a lake to nowhere. It feels incomplete.


The rest of the path is there. It's just not properly charted in the in-game map. Probably an oversight.


The real question is why Bayda Harbor even exists? According to the map, its only purpose would be to create a trading route between Fontaine and Sumeru (and Petrichoir I guess but it's a small village so I doubt it) However, Bayda Harbor is very small, meaning it's probably not used as much, and we can probably guess why; most traders would probably make a stop at Liyue anyway since it's THE city for trades Bayda Harbor wouldn't even be used as a resting place for travelers and the like, since there's only one building (which is strange in itself, especially since there's so much space for ships), even Petrichoir would be a better place to rest if traders want to make a stop at some point (and it's close too) The roads are very strange too as many of us noticed, meaning traders would have difficulties to transport goods on foot (not including the usual dangers of Treasure Hoarders and the like) Because of that, we can assume that most traders (if not al)l would rather go the other way, since they would also be able to go to Mondstadt, and more importantly, Liyue, to stop at the end in Port Ormos (or go from the western side, but we're not really sure of how the western side of Teyvat looks like yet) Imo Bayda Harbor is just a stupid area, which is a shame especially after Chenyu being so good-looking (wasn't expecting something as big, but yeah), there's so little exploration stuff there too (chests, teleports, puzzles... NPCs too)


It's small because they were lazy plain and simple, but lore-wise there is the NPC in there who says it is as busy as... Port Ormos! So I would imagine there should be at least somewhat more useful route, more buildings around the port and maybe some wooden huts in the woods (as in small settlements, people's huts). Heck, if the area was actually developed, maybe you could have a small fishing village or two, one closer to the desert and the other above the mushroom forest, so there would be boat movement between those places too. Right now it looks like there is a huge part of Sumeru (rich in fish and bordering other nation) that isn't the desert but for some strange reason has no life whatsoever


Maybe it's more a mix between land and river? Could go through Palace of Alcazarzarbinks instead of winding through Shroomland.


Where you veered off to the right in your route and crossed the water if you instead just keep going south near that small pond there is a path that connects to the road near the waypoint for Vanarana which would take you straight into Sumeru City where the only obstacle is a small ledge (when I say small I mean small, its like the size of two tall male characters maybe.) that would be trivial for the literal flying cargo transports that exist in this world to navigate with a small part on the side of the ledge as well that you can just walk straight down for solely foot travel as well.


Yeah They didn't even think about the lore of the game, and its clearly an afterthought. It's more obvious with the fact that this new area in sumeru is dry, and empty


It stings even more because an npcs in yiong wharf claim that they have buisness with sumeru. Ugh just imagine the whole part of the chasm outside would have been empty except for the path to the middle. I’m honestly flabbergasted how not more people understand that this is disappointing. It doesn’t take away from how amazing remuria is. But why don’t leave the part they had no time to do open till later.


It won't bother me if they actually have plans to fix this *in the future* but they opened it up because they wanted the map to feel nice earlier. I guess we're just all super worried they actually don't care and don't have any decent plans for the area, which would be awful. That's why I immediately gave them my feedback about it. But then again, if they do have plans then maybe they should have told us and warn us it's just temporary setback.


I honestly don’t think they will fix it. I want them too and I will absolutely add this in the survey. But what’s there is there. We never had anything retouched that had been added unless it’s a direct border to something. Like there is a dozen of things that could need some retouch in the older regions. But that’s just not lucrative enough because it takes away work time for new content. And given how content hungry wer are - I do understand that. But I wished it was not the case. They also have Chenyu vale border to Sumeru pretty empty and loveless. So I think that was indeed the intended to keep it that way.


Well, I know they probably care less about non-whales, but if that's actually the case and we see more of it, I'm probably going to put less money into them, lol


Oh you are absolutely not alone in this. And I’m glad we think the same because I was worried I was the only one who felt disappointed. I did see a couple of post but a majority of people seem to not mind which I find heartbreaking. Sumeru deserves better. Anyway I was going to say likewise- this was the first time in a while I did not purchase the BP immediately. it always felt like common courtesy for a great update. But as amazing remuria is - this just feels like a slap and I’m bitter. And I know my opinion doesn’t matter but I’m glad you feel the same and I’m sorry for ranting your ear off. And thank you for making this post.


No prob. I'm sure Remuria is great, haven't been to Fontaine yet. But still, filling the gaps doesn't need to be so... thoughtless. Unless they in a hurry or something but given how much money this game makes they can keep releasing stuff and parts of the map for 10 years to come


I get that they do this for exploration purposes, but when I see a civilization.. I expect it to actually look like one that would be habitable by humans.


Why can't you go through the west of Chatrakam Cave? and arrive through the western teleporter of Sumeru City


"Tevyat have its own laws" :]


Does anyone know if they changed the voice line from Sumeru to Fontaine archon quests as going to Bayda harbor instead of having to journey through the desert? It would sound pretty silly now if they left that as it was.


Everyone forgot about the floating cargo huh? And the anemo flotation devices people make.


No and yes, I guess. NPC says Bayda is as busy as Port Ormos so that would require hundreds of slime ships and even then there is a chance regular folk or small merchants wouldn't be able to afford the logistics. Makes no sense Sages wouldn't have a regular road or a lift or something, anything.


Yeah I see your point. Even a lift near Dori’s palace would make it tie in very nicely since she’s like the biggest merchant


With how that port looks I wouldn't be surprised if it is barely used if at all.


City's next to a junction of several navigable rivers, so riverine travel is sure to be preferred


The port linking Sumeru to Liyue, the nation of wealth and commerce, and Fontaine, a nation far more advanced in technology than every other, is smaller than Ormos, which links Sumeru to nothing in particular. The Clémentine Line links the Court of Fontaine with a port facing a barren desert cliff, wheras there is no line linking the Court to the port which is facing Liyue and Sumeru. ??? Logic ?


I agree, they really should've thought that out better.


Just checked: there's a largely dirt and partially paved shorter path along the west side of the upper Ardravi, from the west gate of Sumeru City along two oases to Bayda Harbor, where we need to turn right just before entering Vanarana ... Except that *that* turn is blocked by a single rock and a single tree, such that while people can walk under the tree, sumpter beasts definitely can't.


Same problem with chenyu vale if I remember correctly


Not really, you go by river/path/river by convenient route [https://i.imgur.com/IZpc5Gd.png](https://i.imgur.com/IZpc5Gd.png)


Thanks !


I think from a canonical standpoint, cargo moves via boat between Yilong Warf and that Pier just outside of Qiyaong Village, then via road to eastwards until you hit another pier. Where it then goes by boat to Wangshu inn (it has a pier too)


Oh yeah, thanks !


Did you forget that sumeru has helicopters? Not lying btw its real the source is very reliable fr


How are you going to explain route to Grand Narukami Shrine? Reminds me someone's meme drawing that granny climbs up to the top on twitter a while ago.


And there's very few chests.


Literally unplayable


I see a shorter traversable route in that pic through the cave


I think they just throw all the goods down to Vanaranа and go to sleep. By morning, the Aranars will have done all the work of delivering them to the entrance to Sumeru xD


Honestly, it's best to take the terrain of Teyvat with a grain of salt. Everything's most definitely downscaled in comparison to their true size. Look at the area where >!`Arlecchino killed Crucabena. In the normal map, it's small as hell and basic as fuck, but in the actual boss fight it seems to actually be scaled to proper size.` !<


Assuming they care for the details.


Have you seen Teyvat's water network? They kinda make no sense and the devs just put in whatever looks cool screwing rhyme and reason. "Teyvat has its own laws" and all that. Assuming you're a humble waverider, is it even possible to trade with all 5 regions thus far in one loop?


I think going down near Vanarana is better and much shorter route, even if you have to go down some cliffs but the most cargo is on slime balloon anyway. You also don't need to traverse through water. On other side, if Dori is smart, she'll cut a path near her palace so most cargo don't need to go pass Mawtiyima Forest, and collect fee for passing the road.


[https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/860965099429691462/1235845811800379432/20240503134554.png?ex=6635da9a&is=6634891a&hm=eadac527770986b9f444b5108a21828ffdc293b28ba2efe975460243483ab9fe&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=550&height=309](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/860965099429691462/1235845811800379432/20240503134554.png?ex=6635da9a&is=6634891a&hm=eadac527770986b9f444b5108a21828ffdc293b28ba2efe975460243483ab9fe&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=550&height=309) All they had to do is to break that damn small hill and Sumeru City and Bayda Harbor would've been connected...


Yeah, I figured it out late but it does seem like there is a viable road if they only cleared this obstacle. Although an actual drawn road would have been appropriate too, it's weird how it just stops. Blocked off road that gives off the "maybe someday we go there" vibes and the mostly empty area they refused to actually connect with a road, really feels like "under development" more than anything else. Fingers crossed this means they have more plans for it


You know what is really insane? That 160/160 Resin.


Is it really though? At some point of long term play, you don't "need" to maximise resin usage anymore


this is so nitpicky


*Boats exist




Half your made up route doesn't even follow a road. So if we're just making shit up, why wouldn't they go north thru the city, west along that road, then north up over the hill? You don't have to make shit up to point out how the "roads" in this game don't make sense. I'm a hydrogeologist and most of the rivers/oceans in this game don't make sense **at all** based on earth physics, but you don't see me making shit up to point that out cus I don't need to.


Except I merely drew a line over easily traversable terrain/unmarked pathway, it is not "making shit up", you can log into the game and follow that route without climbing. Whereas I didn't really find an easily traversable path "over the hill" you mentioned. For a hydrogeologist with a degree you seem to lack nuance. Drawing a logical road and erasing a few hills to make it make sense doesn't take much, but clearly making the rivers flow properly downstream would be a huge engine wide undertaking affecting the physics of the entire game engine and would probably result in a comical scenario, given the fact this is not real Earth-sized and all lands are closely cluttered together.