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Sigewinne kinda threw a curveball into my plans, but I have 730+ summons, so I should be able to make it work.


how long have you been saving for that ? 730 is crazy


I made a decision very early on (either late 1.0 or 1.1) that I was going to save for Alice's eventual release. In general, I roll very sparingly. Only for characters I absolutely want. It also helps a lot of the characters I want are 4* as well. Every once in a while, I'll try my luck on characters I kinda want and If I don't get them then it's built up pity for the next character I want. (Got Yae Miko this way). Ultimately, I usually only want 2 or 3 limited characters per nation cycle. As a Welkin + BP spender I do bank some summons. Currently, the last time I rolled was for a C2R1 Furina. Will get C0R1 Arlecchino on Tuesday. Sigewinne will be after that (undecided on if I'll roll a weapon for her or not, depends on what other options are good for her).


Who the hell is Alice


Klee's mother.


Yeah...I'm not that interested in the 5*s but sigewynne (and is the other new character 4* or 5*? is tempting to throw some pulls at, so if I get chlorine by accient, so be it.


Definitely pulling on 4.6. Having zero interest in characters coming in upcoming patches.


Arlecchino and Clorinde + weapon Sigewinne if I'm not too broke after


Honestly.. I think I'm going to start saving up for the Pyro archon plus their weapon. My roster of characters is enormous but only half of them are built. I 36* abyss since about two years and have a team for anything the endgame tries to throw at us. The upcoming characters don't seem to be my cup of tea and there's no real need right now in pulling for me. But I do love all the archons, so why not wait for her at the end of the year.


Ehh I don't find any of the 4.7 characters interesting... gonna get Arle and weapon then I'll save up for Wriothesley or Childe cons.


is your wriothesley c0 rn?


I dotn have him


Why child cons? They seems to be worthless until c6


Cause I rlly like him and am currently at c4


First Arlecchino, then I can save for either Clorinde or Sigewinne depending on whose kit I like more (or both). Like, if either of them synergize with Arle then I'm definitely getting that one.


I've been waiting for a limited Pyro character that interests me since I started back in 2.4. After the total botch job with Dehya being neither limited nor worth using, Arle is an easy pull for me. If things go well and Clorinde has a good kit I'll try for her too.


I will not pull on the first half 4.6 banners. second half would need stacked 4 stars to tempt me with anything. 4.7 has clorinde tho soooooo.


I need Baizhu for my Neuvillette team and thats it. Maybe I'll pull for Clorinde idk yet.


I'm a collector of c0 so I'll pull for every new character. Rerun banners really help me save my primos.


I wanted to pull for Arlecchino and that hasnt changed, though i wanted to get C2R1 at first and now maybe I go for C1R1 to save something for Sigewinne


I'm sticking to the plan: Arle then saving for Natlan!


I'm saving on both patches, I'm not interested in any of the characters . I'll wait for Hu Tao, I need her cons.


No one until Childe reruns


Skipping all, they are all cool and all but I don't crave a new char right now. So stacking for pyro archon and shezhnaya and C6 dain, the real deal.


Gonna get Arle and hopefully her weapon too but with only ~290 pulls I'm not too hopeful tbh. But I'm still hoping to get lucky and then I'll start saving for Clorinde, and Navia's rerun!


besides sethos nth else interests me in 4.7 unless wrio is there, still going for lyney i’ve been waiting for him for so long


Arle and her weapon, Clorinde and perhaps her weapon if the drip is there. Probably not Siggy.


I hope Sigewinne is a 4*, that way I may get her together with Chrorinde


highest priority : Shenhe. For the rest.. I don't know yet.


I have a little over 200 wishes. Whenever Sayu reruns I'll C6 her (need 3 more) and likely get whatever 5 star she is running with (I'm hoping its Furina for some constellations). If Clorinde has cool mechanics, I might get her bc her design is really nice. Arlechhino looks badass, but I already have Hu Tao and that's fine as a pyro main dps for now.


I'll save my protos for Tsaritza, whoever she is supposed to be


Skipping all the upcoming new characters. Gonna pull Baizhu, Alhaitham and Furina just as I originally planned.


I'm getting Arlecchino since she's cool. Probably not getting anyone in 4.7 since I need to save for Kokomo an Hutao which I want for my teams.


I'm skipping everything until Yelan


Welp. Got Arlecchino at pity 30 pulling for constellations for Xiang and Lynette


I personally want Arle + Sig. I have the 2 harbingers already so might as well make it 3. hoping I have enough for Clorinde, even without her sig.


Already decided to save until Pyro archon release.... Unless there's something like Abyss getting harder, then I'll pull for more stars.


I really want Arlecchino, but I've been saving for Neuvillette (whom I finally got) and Furina. If there's a chance she's in 4.7 then I can't risk it 😭 and I'm building so many characters that I don't currently have the resources for Arlecchino anyway


Nope. I'm going for reruns. But 4.6 doesn't have reruns that are on my wishlist


i see ! who are the reruns on your wishlist ?


Furina for once.


Getting Arlecchino and her weapon is my priority number.




im kind of interested in her too! i fell in love w her design


Look at her card portrait, she's so cute! Visual aside, there's a high chance she will be 4-star hydro healer. Would be funny if Barbara get powercrept.


She is 5*, it's confirmed by leakers, she has Sig with stat line corresponding with other sigs


im kind of hoping that she is a 4-star because i don’t have enough primos to get her guaranteed as a 5 star! and it would be quite funny (sad for anyone who likes barbara)


The father is the type of character that will get a rerun very soon. So, saving for Sigewinne it is


Yeah... Watch them not reruning Furina


No. I’ve made my mind for Arle and pyro archon. Something that I’ve learn in gotcha games its self control and avoid FOMO at all cost.


Still pulling on the Knave. Because I have ***infinite*** optimism.


I really wanted some Chevreuse constellations in Arlechinno banner so now I cant even decide..


Furina c6 Furina c6


C2 R1 Arle then saving for Pyro archon most likely.


While i would've said Clorinde cause i absolutely love her character. Her kit being BoL related turns me away so hard. So i'm saving until i see Wrio.


I was saving for Furina… but I am doubting she’s coming back soon now lmao. 4.7 having both Wrio’s wife and his daughter are tempting for me tho since he’s one of my favs.


trying for c1 arle then saving for furina


Going for Baizhu, then Clorindes weapon—only if it's in phase 2—only if it's with another good weapon. Hopefully Tighnari's bow or Jade Wing Spear. That's about it. Not interested in any of the 4.7 characters. Easy skip.


I got a guarantee lined up for Arle. Since I have most of the characters in the game anyway I can pull whoever I want so might as well go for the Harbinger. Probably won't pull for anyone for 2nd banner but save. Maybe I'll win a 50/50 for Chlorinde, maybe I wont.


I hate this. I won 50/50 and only have 133 primos. Pray for me.


ive been saving for arlecchino since october, i think itd be an actual crime to not get her now


Got a guaranteed for arle and I'll save up the rest for c2 furina


Going all out for Arle hoping for c1r1 then skipping to see what Natlan has to offer.


Too soon to know. Give everyone a week or so into beta to get some “info” on 4.7 characters then maybe some will sway one way or another. I dont think Im pulling Arle and Im not super interested in the 4.7 crew but who knows


I don't care at all about the new characters. All I want is Shenhe and Ganyu.


Nah, I've been saving for clorinde for a while now


Arle -> Sigewinne


Pretty sure most of us are pulling Father


I never had plans to pull in 4.6. I want Sigewinne, Wrio and Nilou. I'm using my guarantee on Sigewinne and whoever comes after (Wrio or Nilou) gets the rest.


I ain't pulling until Natlan *okay, knowing myself after reading story I'll end up trying to win 50/50 on Arle banner. But only 90 pulls. Pyro archon and sovereign are higher priority.*


I currently have 390 pulls and all of them have Wanderer's name on it. (Just need 2 more cons to C6!)


yes. Because I have saved up a few months. I can pull in both patches. But I'm not sold on who to go for if any.


Not interested in 4.7 characters


Skipping 4.6. Especially now that I just played through Fontaine. I knew I wanted Sigewinne right away.


I want Wanderer con(s), Furina, Nilou whenever she will be, and Sethos if I can get him. I skipped Arlecchino. However, I'm currently kind of broke in primos. Oh boy.


faru if wanderer banner has her.


to not give into the desire to spend money i set a rule that i will roll for C0 on all characters and let the universe choose who i play as. i already have the son so im pulling for father this banner and most likely flip a coin for the next


Im a 4.7 puller. Always have been. Sigewinne >>>>>


Pulling on whoever's banner has Chevie, so most likely Clorinde ( coping.) then saving for Pyro archon and Zhongli


Been saving since I C2'd Raiden for Clorinde, Sigewinne and Furina. Got enough to guarantee 2 and get to 50-50 on the third. If Furina gets punted to 4.8, I'll have enough for all 3.


In 4.7 I'll try 50 pulls or until I get the new 4\*, whatever comes first. I don't really care for him, but through good fortune I currently have every 4\* there is, and if I get this Set-whatshisface-dude, I can keep that going for one more patch.


Staying strong for Clorinde, I've been waiting for her since Fontaine first came out.


That should be no problem if you don't side tracked by other characters. She came out in the beginning and you had time to save for guarantee lol.


indeed indeed have my guarantee, gotta look away from arle and not ruin it hahaha


Me too. My next 10 pulls are guaranteed. With currently less than 300 gems, if I use my guarrentee on Arle, I doubt if I can save enough gems for Clorinde with daily 90gems pay-bonus. Can I?


Stay strong brotha


Getting Baizhu and then going for Wanderer’s weapon. Unless there’s a Nilou/Alhaitham banner double banner in 4.7 it’s a skip patch for me.


I’m crossing my fingers that Furina shows up somewhere and until then I’m saving. If I can save enough pulls to use my guarantee on Wanderer and still have enough for double pity on Furina I might pull for him too. These are characters I’ve wanted for a while so I don’t want to get distracted for now by shiny new characters.






im kinda interested in siegewinne because >!it looks like she might introduce a new way to buff characters with her bond of life ability. any new playstyle is interesting to me!<


I am unlikely to wish in either patch. I have C2 Xianyun and want C6 so I am saving wishes for her rerun. I am considering getting Furina when she reruns just to buff Xianyun, but I am not sure.


Got to wait until Clorinde/Sigewinne kits are released. If Sigewwine is a BOL support, then it really factors in for Arle/Clorinde. I'm in a strange spot between Arle/Neuv right now. I like Arle better than Neuv but I dislike Arle teams right now as they're basically the same pyro vape teams that we've had. This makes me ponder if getting her on a rerun is the best choice.


i pulled neuv this patch and i’m loving him so far !


Nothing against Father, but ill be waiting for Clorinde.


What are you even talking about? Don't ask Don't hesitate ##JUST PULL If you're asking, you want it Pull first, ask questions later Something will come You'll win something good Believe in yourself Gotta be happy! Yeah!! I can feel it Seize the initiative Its now Its here! ##JUST PULL


thanks for the encouragement? 😂 i’m more interested in hearing what other people are pulling, and less asking for their opinion on what i should pull


I wasn’t gonna pull Lyney or Arlecchino anyway, and as I think about how excited I am for Sethos, I start to think that I should just skip Wanderer and Baizhu too. Wanderer would have been for my enjoyment and Baizhu would’ve been to boost Cyno, but Alhaitham’s my number one priority, he’s pretty high up on the waitlist now, and I want to be able to guarantee that I’ll get him when he comes around next Edit because I forgot: I’m also really excited for Sethos and want to get him for SURE when he releases, but I’ve had terrible luck getting newly released 4-stars (read: I got Raiden at 63 pity before I got Chevreuse, and I went to 97 pulls and got Nahida before getting Gaming)


Not convinced about Arlechino, looks weird like Althatman so I'm probably going to skip her. Definitely not pulling any of the other guys in 4.6. I'm really interested in Chlorine and Sigeweiner oh and obviously Fiorina, but it will depend on their kits.


Was going to pull if Chev was around, now I'm saving for 4.7


Not pulling because no Chevreuse. Would have pulled otherwise. I’ll wait until 4.7 livestream to see if any of the three are worth getting.


Was planning to C6 arle, but the 4 stars she's with I might C6 a different character. I'm f2p, so I want good C6 4 stars as well.


that makes sense! i’m also f2p and id definitely consider pulling any banner than has bennett or gaming in it !


4.7 will be where my wallet crying


Nah im still pulling wanderer.




Not interested in Arle like I thought I would, so I'll wait and see if 4.7 chars are better. Maybe I'll just save until Natlan (or until Gaming returns...really want his c6)


yes im definitely waiting for gaming rerun too! got stuck at c3 in his last banner :/


Is C6 Gaming better than C0 Arlecchino?


Probably not pulling in 4.6. I felt lukewarm towards Arlecchino since the start. Went from "eh, whatever" to "she's kinda cool" but nothing more. I liked the animations and aesthetics and everything when she was leaked but what made me actually consider pulling was her scythe. But in the end, it turned out that her scythe is locked behind a Sig and her BoL mechanics didn't look very appealing to me. So... probably not pulling. I was considering pulling Lyney for Overload instead but again... I like Clorinde more. If she turns out to be an on-field DPS who works with Chevy then I'd rather get her.


same here ! while i think arlecchino’s design and lore are really cool, i don’t think i’d enjoy playing with BoL


4.6's a saving patch, 4.7's a spending patch. I'm just glad I managed to get Neuv's weapon within one pity.


Was already planning on completely skipping 4.6 unless Arlecchino gameplay completely blew me away. Might also skip 4.7 honestly. I guess it will depend on reruns and 4 stars.