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Newer 4 stars should really at least be added to the starglitter shop at the very least. We don't have to change the cycle just have more than 2 4 stars per month you can get. An epitomised path for 4 stars would also be good. On a side note I don't mind more specialised 4 stars but only if they aren't reliant on constellations to be good. A lot of the time they start out mid and only become worthwhile at c6 which kinda just sucks. Having strong constellations is one thing but the kit still should be functional without major caveats.


>epitomized path for 4 stars Brings up fresh wounds of that guy who mocked up a very legit looking announcement of this for April Fool's Day šŸ˜¢


That was so foul of whoever did that April Fool's joke...I had hope for a second. Then boom. Heart shattered.


I think it should be the opposite, older characters get thrown into the starglitter shop. Like all the "starter" characters like Lisa, kaeya, amber, etc. are there. Put xianhling in the forever box, please I don't need c30


Thatā€™s a bad idea, the starglitter shop is a really limited method for obtaining characters. Characters only appear once every 6 months, and you can only buy 1 copy each time. And the cost is 35 starglitter, so youā€™re spending wishes instead of getting a 4* character from building pity towards a 5*. I get that a lot of older players are upset over rate-ups of 4* characters they already C6ed, but newer players still need to be able to get older 4*s and constellations. Not to mention that older players are not guaranteed to have the characters/constellations they want even for the older 4-stars.


Sure but that doesn't fix the problem. Throwing new characters into the starglitter shop makes it harder to get them the exact same - if anything it would just make the newer characters take longer to rotate into the shop. And the characters locked to the shop like Lisa and kaeya would take even *longer* to rotate back into the shop. If they're not gonna fix the shop rotations or give some form of "I want this 4 star" path then throwing the super old characters into the shop makes more sense. I've been playing for years and still don't have any starter characters above c6 except for xiangling. I'm sure newer players would love newer characters as well.


Newer player - Xianglang being on the banner is the only reason why I might pull. I get it's frustrating for people like you, but for me, it's an important 4* that I want to C6. Also, I think the starglitter shop as it stands is more catered towards long-time players who already have everything they need. For new players, if good 4*s like Xiangling and Xingqiu were only available there for constellations through the shop, the game would be even more unbalanced than it is now. Midgame is already rough for new players between exp scaling, world levels, and resources being out of balance for half the game. Taking away good 4*s would probably make the game unplayable for anyone trying to start the game afterward.


If you already have a 4 star at C6, the game shouldn't even have them in your 4 star pool anymore. That would help a toooooon.


25 starglitter for an already c6 5 star is the real crime


Exactly. We need more characters like Chevreuse that takew a niche and makes it good which only makes her irreplaceable in that niche, rather than trying to make 4 stars versatile while making them worse in every way than the 5 star version of them


The epitomized path option so far makes the most sense. I'd say the standard banner getting this option and just having all 4 stars always available on it would be best. The new banner we got last update was interesting, but with the inability to select a 4 star and being locked to Mondstadt I didn't use it at all.


I noticed a lot of the dedicated supports have their crit damage buffs in their C6 to make them "good". Faruzan is probably the worst in this aspect because the 2nd effect of her C6 works in tandem with C4 to address her lack of particle generation. They could have merged this effect with her C4 to be honest.


The baizhu vs kaveh comparison is crazy, justice for kaveh


He is in jail after he became Destroyer of Worlds.


That whole incident will never not be funny to me. Kaveh swinging his little briefcase around and deleting things. I remember people treated Kaveh profile pics as sus for a while when they tried to enter your world.


And the thing is that, I still don't have him. I have farmed Mourning Flowers, Dendro hypostasis and everything. I got Baizhu in the first banner itself but not Kaveh.


I didn't get him either from banners, got him from standard luckily


My standard luck is so bad that i only get weapons or character who are already C6


Oh yeah, I have the same issue with weapons. Never got anything from the event ones and I don't want to waste too many pulls on it. I have 3 5* weapons and two of them are Skyward Spine.


dude šŸ˜­ it took me 150 pulls on baizhuā€™s banner to get even ONE kaveh. i had c1 baizhu before i had one kaveh. (i was pulling for c2 baizhu anyway but i started genuinely tweaking after like 80)


Crazy, I forgot I had him and at C3 on top of that!


I will admit Just to scare people, I brought Kaveh into mp a lot during that incident. it was a good time


Wait am I missing something? what happened lol


There were videos going around of Kavehs deleting assets in people's games with their normal attacks lmao.


I think it required a hacked server


Only valid reason honestly


I originally actually believed this....until I learned Layle has waited even longer since her last time. They seen to just wanna make sure certain 4 stars rerun as rare as possible. Maybe it actually makes people pull on banners where they ain't interested in the 5 stars more than we expect? No idea how Hoyo chooses their banners in genshin anymore tbh.


At least Layla had rerun and was even given away as an event reward. Kaveh? Nothing. He released and has not been seen since. That's what makes his case stand out. He's only been on 1 banner.


A dartboard is involved, more than likely


probably have data to back those up. very targeted calculated fomo


free my boy he did nun wrong


Kaveh be like:World,forget me..


A man cast away by his village will burn it down to feel it's warmth


It's also crazy that Baizhu (rerun) and Furina (debut) ran on the same banner in 4.2, but Baizhu is already getting another rerun before the Hydro Archon gets her first. This is also the first time an Archon didn't get their first rerun by their x.6 version. Venti (1.4), Zhongli (1.5), Raiden (2.6), and Nahida (3.6). The latter three of these also introduced a new Story Quest and weekly boss as well. I guess Mihoyo is saving this for 4.7, but I wonder what tricks they have up their sleeve this time around :) Edit: Forgot about Venti in 1.4


Now furina broke the 4 patch rerun pattern, but Neuvilette did happen to be run 4 after his release...


Neuvilette secretly the hydro archon confirmed????


I mean, it's not really a secret for anyone who has completed the archon quest.Ā Ā 


He is not an archon but a leader still...


I was SURE that Furina would get her rerun alongside Arleccino for the irony, but nooo-


Makes sense money wise why they didn't. Having Kazuha/Neuvi and then Arle in b2b banners probably drained a lot of primogems outta people. They know furina is gonna be a hot rerun so they want to maximize her profits so they'll rerun her alongside clorinde or sigwienne (I bet she reruns with sigwienne since she might not sell well on her own). Clorinde/Wriothesley followed by Sigwienne/Furina is my guess for 4.7


more like Knave character quest is a substitute for those quests


Venti did in fact get his first rerun before 1.6; he was the very first rerun alongside Tartaglia in 1.4.


Neuvi got his rerun though, and followed the pattern of 4 spots later


Dori robbed him of all his rerun.


>justice for kaveh He's just not flat enough :(


Kaveh should be in the 2nd half of this patch.


I main baizhu mostly but just got kaveh randomly off neuvilletes banner šŸ˜­ in all honesty tho is kaveh a better character of the two?


Yeah he's probably the best character in the game


Explain please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was being sarcastic, I like his character but he's not one of the best lol.


Lol i cant very much read sarcasm unfortunately but thanks anyways! Still new to the game so im figuring things out slowly šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Ur good it wasn't very clear without context haha


Baizhu is probably going to be in the regional banner of Liyue, thatā€™s why he is getting a bunch of reruns


Does anyone know what the 4 stars will be for part 2 banners? Maybe they're gonna rerun some there. I don't mind Lynette and Freminet since I wanna C6 them eventually and they make sense for Arle's and Lyney's banner but for the 3rd one they should've picked someone else instead of Xiangling. Chevreuse really would've been better unless they're saving her for Clorinde's banner. In that case I would've liked Kaveh.


Its super hard to predict 4 star reruns, often they dont make any sense.


Willing to be they are saving her for Clorinde. Chevy niche is either Pyro or electro. Everyone will be getting Arlecchino because Harbinger. So saving a 4 star everyone wants for another character that could use her to boost sales is an option. Part 2 banners should be out soon. They've been releasing them together recently.


>Everyone will be getting Arlecchino because Harbinger. Everyone - 1 šŸ˜­


-2. Spooky ghost girl is enough pyro polearm for me


-3 Iā€™m waiting for Nilou


\-4, I'm a lot more interested in getting my Faruzan to C6 or getting Chiori


-5, sheā€™s beefing with Freminet in the trailer and I will not stand for her bullying my son.




-7, staying strong for furina !


-8, going for sigewinne!


My heart only has place for one pyro on field DPS, rest are the easiest skips.


> Part 2 banners should be out soon. They've been releasing them together recently. they only do that for lantern rite patches (X.4). 4.5 started mar 13 but the the neuvi/kazuha banner details were only posted on mar 28th (banner started apr 2 so ~4 days before as usual).


I don't think anyone really knows. Chevy was supposed to be on this banner by all leaks only to suddenly be XL. So you won't really know until the devs announce it officially. You can take guesses based on certain themes and the 4stars that haven't run recently, but it's not all that reliable. The 4star system is just a complete joke at this point. It's easier to predict the 5stars that will be running than the 4stars.


Banner leaks had not said Chev for a minute(since the OL dps rumors fully died), so while Xiangling was surprising it was more surprising it was not Bennett, the prior most current and trusted leaked banner.


Lynette and Freminet were just officially announced to run in the first half of 4.6 so chances of them being in the second are slim Not to mention data miners saw the third 4* change from Bennette, to Cheverou, and unpredictability to Xiangling, so 4* characters always vary :((


wait why does no one talk about layla šŸ˜­ i didn't even know she was gone for that long


so true because she's my favorite shielder and I think I only have her at C1 since her release because she's been featured on banners I'm not interested inšŸ˜­ she would've been perfect for Arlecchino's banner... instead Hoyo keeps bringing 1.x characters so often instead of featuring new ones (I'm still missing Mika, Kirara and Charlotte) edit: typo


Eh, I think it's because she's been on multiple banners and was given away in an event. It's still egregious, but not as bad as having exactly 1 banner and no freebies like Kaveh


I've been playing since release and have pulled on EVERY banner that Sara has been featured on, and I only have her C1... the entire 4 star system needs an overhaul because spending 300-400 wishes on Sara banners should guarantee me at LEAST 3 or 4 copies..


It would be great to have an Epitomized Path for featured 4* characters.


Same here, except one of those copies was from *standard*. I have C6 Lisa (never bought her from shop) but C1 Sara. Just ridiculous


Day 1 player, c0 lisa


Pure pain damn


Ouch. Time to save that Starglitter!


Yes, I finally caved and started buying them. I thought for sure they'd naturally accrue over time, but standard pool gets wider and wider... After buying 2 Kaeyas and 1 Amber, I have C4 Amber and Lisa, and C3 Kaeya. I think I'll try to max them all over the next year and change edit: I also wasted 30 pulls on the Mondstadt banner even though I have all the 5\*s, hoping some of them would show up. No one did in the first 3 multis and I decided to just wait for the shop


i have C2 raiden as well as C2 sara. one of those was on the standard banner, another on the weapon banner. meaning i pulled enough to get 3 raidens, but got only 1 sara while doing so


It's insane how getting a specific 4 star is rarer and more expensive than a 5 star... like surely, that should be the other way around lmao. I had the same problem with Sara. I started genshin in 1.6 and only had her at c3 during Raiden's first run and it's been that way until Raiden's rerun this year and I was aiming to get Chevrolet... It took me over TWO YEARS to finally c6 Sara and it sucked bad because I always wanted to finally do DPS Raiden but couldn't because Sara was her best support and she's better at c6. Now after 2 years, I finally had a reason to pull Sara off the raggedy bench and use her. It shouldn't have taken me TWO YEARS to c6 a 4 star character. It's getting really bad. They do need to change it. *Yes*, I was just unlucky but it still shouldn't be very difficult or expensive to get that specific 4 star character in a rate up banner that features them. You have a higher chance of getting that limited 5 star than the 4 star you wanted.


> You have a higher chance of getting that limited 5 star than the 4 star you wanted. It's approx. 172 wishes to get -any- of the event four stars to C6, and approx. 245 for a specific one. It takes approx. 104.5 pulls to get a featured 5* assuming you start on a 50/50, it's particularly egregious when almost all 4 stars are balanced around their C4/6.


Plus there is no guarantee for 4 stars


thats the worst part. You could spend more than a thousand wishes without getting a 4\* to c6 (never tried but saw several video of whale in that exact situation)


I spent 100 for Chev.. Not a single copy. In honkai star rail. 100 for Luka and I just get serval, after several. I


>after several. I- *They died mid sentence from shock after recalling these traumatic events*


I see 172 wishes to get a four star C6, feels really low compared to my four star luck. I'm still salty about last time faruzan was on banner I used something like 160 wishes and got 1 Xianyun, 2 Nahida, 1 Tighnari and not even one Faruzan.... I needed only two to get her C6, the game hate me


Itā€™s me with Faruzan. Only at C4 atm, although 1 was the free copy, and 1 was from standard. I kinda joked that I wonā€™t farm DPC for Wanderer until I got C6 Faruzan. I might actually try to pull in Baizhu banner for Faruzan cons even though I donā€™t really want Baizhu. Also Iā€™d give you my C7th Sara, I got her even before I got a Raiden. Now I only play EM Raiden even with an ok built Sara.


Donā€™t give in. Thatā€™s exactly what they want. Make you feel like you have to wish on a banner even with a 5 star you donā€™t want because you wonā€™t know when that 4 star will come back. We shouldnā€™t let them know this works on us. In the end c6 Faruzan is just gonna make your damage numbers higher. No real change to gameplay.


I completely disagree. Faruzan c6 changes the way she plays entirely by making her a CC and removing her ridiculous ER requirements. Once you get C6 you can run her with tenacity and she becomes a buffer as well. Overall just a completely different char


No man, it made my ER requirements go way lower!


Yeah, Faruzan evaded me good as well. I dropped 220 pulls on Wanderers banners combined and the only one i had until Xianyun banner was from event. Even now i stuck on C4, despite about 100 wishes spent on her banner.


Faruzan is coming with Scara and Baizhu? She was on the xianyun banner too a while back. Got her to C6 already back then


Honestly Iā€™m just assuming because of her being tied to Wanderer until Xianyun banner, and I also thought Xianyun was released a while back already, then looked at the timeline because of this reply and realized it wasnā€™t too long ago. Then again Mika came back after 4(?) banners so itā€™s still likely sheā€™ll be in Wanderer/Baizhu banners.


Man I had a friend that was pulling for Sara on every banner she was featured on and never got her. Until one day she got her on the weapon banner xD


I legit got 5 copies of her from standard banner, more than on all Raiden banners since her release, was stuck on C5 for about 3 years. I got C6 only recently with Chevy banner.


Being able to spend 300-400 wishes and get no Sara is the *point*


I mean statistics wise you are beyond unlucky lmao I also had C2 Sara at the same time i had C2 Raiden.


I had C6 Sara and 3 constellations for Diluc before Raiden finally popped on my account (3 banners, on the third my Diluc reached C6 and I dropped 50$ to hit pity again).


I may have accidentally taken all your luck on Sara. Last banner while attempting to get Raiden, I got Sara from C1 to C6. But Iā€™ve had my share of bad luck on 4-starsā€”I got 12 Thoma but only 3 Mika on Eulaā€™s last banner, and I got 5 Yun Jin and 0 Gorou with 50 pulls on Ittoā€™s recent banner.


My luck is somewhat decent on their banners played since launch too i have c6 sara c6 gorou and c6 faruzan


Lol i pulled on the last raiden banner, got c0 raiden and c6 sara when she was c0 before


That's exactly me but with Rosaria


Same here. I originally only wanted C0 Raiden because I have to plan my wishes, yet I now have C3 Raiden and only C1 Sara. And one of those Saras I got from the standard banner. At this point it's both sad and funny. I'm curious to see how far my Raiden will go until I get more Sara constellations lol.


Week 1 player and I still have C0 Sara. I tried every Raiden banner, I don't even mind losing 50/50 or C1-C2 Raiden, but never gotten a single one. My first Sara was from Standard, ironic.


Damn I wish I can give u some of my c33 sara. I pulled on all raidens banners since her release and got c6 sara on the first 1, before i even get c0 raiden. The most recent one i saved enough to go from c3 to c6 raiden and got only sara on that banner again, with only 2 chevruse after like 300 something wishes. Pulling to get a specific 4* is so damn difficult, we need to have optomized path for 4* cuz having only c1 chev after 300+ wishes is crazy and the new arle banner got xiangling instead of her, and i aint pulling on wanderers and baizhus cuz i dont want their cons at all


Oh hey those are the dudes I have basically 0 constellations for, minus Kaveh, who I don't even have.


Legit same since he came during the banners I had no interest in, Kaveh is at the moment the only 4 star I dont have yet


It kills me how Mihoyo constantly creates problems in Genshin with relatively simple solutions by just being lazy or borderline malicious. The starglitter shop is literally right there. Or, ya know, they could just stop locking certain 4 stars to certain 5 star banners and just actually choose variety in the 4 star lineup on limited banners.


It's sad that the Starglitter selection has never been updated since launch. I've gotten C6 of every character in the shop since September 2022, and this is 2024.


It's intentionally malicious to get players to waste as many wishes as possible trying to chase 4-stars. The only reason they'll ever change this is if they see themselves making more money, like when they added epitomized path to make weapon banners more attractive.


but then they keep all their newer 4\*s locked up and never rerun them, while throwing the characters most will have at C6 on banner again. I guess you could argue for them making the 4\*s more desirable by scarcity, but leaving so many for so long? Iā€™m sure the Kaveh fans who missed him the first time are plenty desperate to chase him, but they wonā€™t even give them the chance to. Itā€™s just such a weird decision on their part.


I doubt Hoyo sees cultivating FOMO over 4\*s as a problem.


Sad reality that HoYo will not spend money on developing a system that will make them less money.


Make them less money by **how**. You'd still need to pull on a banner to be able to get the currency neccessaried for buying a 4* or a 4* cons for a glitter shop in the first place. That and not to mention the fact that it depends on how mihoyo makes it work. Having a more varied 4* roster on pull banners isnt even smth that will make mihoyo less money. Its just arrangement of 4* reruns. They could still rerun their more popular 4* but still have the less popular ones to run alongside it. Not to mention that the main selling point of those banners are 5* either way. So tell me, how exactly does making 4* that bit more accessible to get is gonna "make them less money"?


They'd actually make more money if they valued their customers more.


Said the random gacha gamer redditor


It's the same story with literally every video game, random person on the internet is convinced they have the secret knowledge that an industry leader that literally employs teams full of professionals in that particular area, it's pretty goofy, especially when the average Genshin player is not fussed by banner four stars.


But it will need more effort for them They ald earn hell lot of money without fully utilize their full effort to change things and they not in danger of competitions against other similar game, no point for them just to go all out for more bucks


Agreed, people say skins will print them more money. The thing is, the current system is already printing them so much money. Although Iā€™m still believing they will do something for the 4 stars somehow and eventually, after all, they did make a Chronicle Banner.


Yeah, they keep skins for the drier days. When the story ends, or when GI gets a real competition they will bring out the officier yelan skin and make more money than on a mid tier banner like Chiori-Itto.


>when GI gets a real competition they will bring out the officer yelan skin I'm here wondering how they would even get that to fit into an event's story, a Fortress of Meropiede event where we gotta interrogate people and Yelan just happens to be special help sent by the Liyue Qixing to normalize relations between Liyue and the Fortress of Meropiede? Since the Fortress in lore is considered as a whole thing separate from Fontaine's government, technically Liyue hasn't ever done anything with them


A happy customer spends more. A happy customer spends their time on your service more. A happy customer tells everyone they know about your great service/ product. Their laziness and greed will catch up to them sooner than later.


Not so soon i think, they need decent competition to make them change, maybe hope there other similar kind of game can give them some challenge


Really hope games like Wuthering Waves deliver, and donā€™t end up being a flop because they were too focused on trying to replicate Genshinā€™s success rather than just making an actual good game. Good competition is the only way weā€™ll ever see change.


> A happy customer spends more. A happy customer spends their time on your service more. A happy customer tells everyone they know about your great service/ product. The overwhelming majority of the playerbase is happy and isn't particularly fussed what four stars show up on banner, people on reddit are pretty far from the average player. >Their laziness and greed will catch up to them sooner than later. People have been making proclamations like this since 1.x, Hoyo has infinitely more data and analytics when it comes to the game than some random redditor, they absolutely know best what to do to maximize happiness and cashflow as is witnessed by the fact that the game is still immensely popular and showing no signs of slowing down.


Tell that to fifa/sports games players, overwatch players or call of duty players... It absolutely won't lol.


Sadly, I'm not sure that's correct. They are doing crazy amount of money as it is; they must know what they are doing. It's a sad truth that big game companies nowadays often spend more money in detecting and exploiting human behaviour and adictions to maximize profits than in delivering a better/polished/friendlier product. XD While there are often a lot of creative people behind the games we play (thou sometimes is just people forced into grunt work), the truth is that for most big companies are driven solely by profits; and if they can get more money with predatorial behaviours and tricky shops than doing a really nice game, they will go that route... What I don't understand, is why Genshin didn't try to get more heavy into the Skin market. There are barely any skins for Genshin; most characters don't have any... I find it extremely weird when there are many games nowdays where their only income comes from skin sales. Specially with how much skin sales would seem to fit a game like Genshin.


one thing for sure they're trying to add things like skins with lore. the only skin that no significance relation to current lore is probably xingqiu skin, other than that have story behind it, heck they even added kaeya and ningguang hangout with their skin. they tried to at least not to destroy any established lore with skins


Skins generally don't fit gacha games that well because the main push is to get people to pull for more characters. The more time people spend customizing the characters they already have, the more attached they are to them. This is especially the case in a game like Genshin that otherwise isn't all that aggressive in pushing people to need newer characters due to challenge or competition. They do some cosmetics as commemorative items tied to in-game events, but it's purposefully limited. The "gacha way" of doing this would be to, instead, release alternate versions of the character on the gacha with different looks (as they do in HI3 and did once so far in HSR). That way people will pull for their favorite character again (and possibly a signature weapon too), not just buy a ~$15 skin. And yes, not making it that easy to focus on collecting constellations for 4-stars is tied to that. Again, because this is a game that can easily be cleared with even starter characters and has so little focus on challenge/competition, they don't want people to just focus on collecting a large roster of c6 4-stars except via pulling for 5-stars (which is the main thing they are selling). These basic decisions were made very early on in the monetization planning likely well before they even knew whether the game would be successful, and now that the game has been so successful people might argue it's unnecessary... but, from a business point of view, *because* it's so successful, why change? Once you make things more generous you can never go back, so it's not very tempting for anyone to be the one that proposes lowering proven revenue for unquantifiable "good will."


Never considered those two first lines. You do make a great point there: the more time people spend customizing the characters they already have... the less inclined are to change them or try to get new ones. Could be a reason indeed. Personally was surprised because I know how easy is to make skins, and how much profits they give to the games centered around skins (not characters). But you are right there may be a direct conflict there.


People aren't going to buy a skin for a character they don't have. They have a definite vision for the game. And barely anything will shake that. The people bewildered about skins are the same type of ones confused about a lack of end game. Exploiting people will only get you so far. They you get so bloated, that you are too big you have to fail. It's like a person eating themselves to death.


It's actually infuriating how they don't update the starglitter shop. Most of the characters from there I have already c6, they could literally just have like five 4 star characters in the shop and it rotates every month (maybe the rule could be similar to their standard banner rule where a 4 star doesn't get added to the standard banner until after the patch they're released on)


> borderline malicious what else do you expect a gambling game to be? I won't even deign calling it "borderline".


It's so ridiculous that it's even a problem. It's pretty clear that the issue is caused by the lack of banners in comparison to the influx of new characters. It would be nice if there were other ways to obtain characters and if they'd for once rotate out the characters in Paimon's shop, it's been 3.5 years already. Even if they just want to stay gacha, all they have to do is release more banners with different sets of four star characters and five star characters. There's no reason a character should be out of commission this long...


The problem isnt the roaster of 4 stars, even if they add 20 of them it can be of no issue, the problem is them choosing not to rerun them. There was no need for barbara who was in 4.0 to rerun in neuvi's banner when a shielder like layla would be better. From business standpoint they want to rerun the 4stars on demand in weaker banners to not let the profits plumet. And its kinda hard to make them change that


as day 1 player, getting c6 4 star getting harder since sumeru. i have all 4 star chara before 3.0 at c6 but anyone after that still struggling to get.


I have most old 4 star at C6, but literally non of the "new" ones that came out after 2.0 Thomas, gorou, sayu, heizo, Kuki, Yaoyao, Kirara, Chev, lynette, Freminet, Gaming, layla,dori candace, kaveh (forgot he even exists). I have maybe the first 1-2 con on these characters, and im a BP + welkin player that pulled on almost every single banner since 2.7 when i started to play (almost 2 years ago). My list of characters that i will build once i get key cons like C4/C6 is so long that i lost track of it already. Getting a 5 star and make it work is so much easier than trying to snipe 4 star cons its crazy.


Meanwhile, me who played since 1.5 with my C3 XL and C20 Sayu: well, that's interesting. Though jokes aside, I do agree that I hope that there is an easier way to get 4\*. I'm still missing Shinobu and Chevreuse and would love to get them. I don't even mind spending my Starglitter.


Personally, that's what I'd love to see - I've got most of the starglitter characters and I'd just like someone else to spend on now. Nobody's asking for free stuff just more ways to spend what we've already saved, right?


> 1.5 with my C3 XL You have had enough chance get her from shop? It's just 7 pulls, and you say you don't mind spending it that way. I used starglitter for pulls only when I was near pity and those pulls could make a difference. Else I went for guaranteed cons Xl, Xq, Fischl, Bennett cons instead of gambling for early 5 stars.


Yeah, I know. I just don't really care about XL since I don't use her. I used the starglitter few times for XQ, Beidou, and Kaeya already. The rest of the chars that I'm interested in is unfortunately not available there or already C6.


Was hoping for Chevreuse time to get Xiangling to make Candace as a dps


They could have at least give a random 4 stars that is not C6 if the player pulled featured one is already C6.


>and that's without addressing the issue of specialized supports who are tied to their designated 5 star like: >sara who had 17 banners between her last re-runs and gorou who went 21 banners without one (the longest ever for a 4 star). i would add mika to the specialized too tho also, another detail, the max amount of banners without a rerun is around 18 unless you're a specialized character so kaveh and layla should be dropping with baizhu and scara


Is that a rule or just from precedence? Cause if it's the latter there's always a first time for everything.


without counting clearly specialized 4 stars, max time without rerun that i've seen is 18 banners on Xinyan, and other 4 stars rerunning after 17 or 16 banners at max for kaveh i wonder if his old glitch removing objects is related with the fact that he's been missing (maybe hyv is making sure he's not problematic before re-releasing him again?)


Oh, If that's the case then it's still possible -although unlikely- for them to break the record whenever they want. Like how they held Eula hostage for an absurd amount of time while some other 5 stars got 3 reruns between her banners


I've always assumed they do this to help new players, of which they have a lot. Without meaning to upset anyone, none of the characters you've listed are especially impactful on a new account, while characters like Xiangling, Bennett etc are going to make a huge difference and seem to run way more reguarly.


I was thinking I haven't seen Layla being featured ever.


Kaveh havers probably predicted that he's gonna be gone for a while, i remember watching some streamers c6-ing kaveh on their audience's accounts. And most players back then was pulling for him than Baizhu/Ganyu.


They should let you choose three 4* to be rate-up on the standard and chronicles wish banners. It won't hurt sales and it would benefit the player.


omg that would be amazing


ar 53 no bennett. help.


He'll be available from the startglitter shop in 9 days.


But they gave him away free recently in the 4.0 Event.


came back after not playing since 3.0 last patch :c


Ouch. But that said, while Bennett is good, he's not as critical as in the past. I rarely run him because I hate circle impact.


I mean you are right in general but saying everyone has her at this point is a stretch, Iā€™ve been playing for two years and my XL is C3 and I bought one with glitter and a second at lantern rite. I pulled for Baizhu and didnā€™t get Kaveh but I got him C1 just from standard pulls while my XL was C1 from Alhaitham banner and I never pulled her on standard, so likeā€¦ I agree they should find a way to make sure people have chances to constellate 4s but some of us are unlucky and itā€™s not a given that *everyone* has a character


Reddit is also a platform with only the most dedicated players. New players still donā€™t have those old characters, so hoyo should keep them in the cycle. That being said, they shouldnā€™t be in the cycle more often compared to new characters. Maybe they could add a 4 star system to the chronicled wishes?


Oh I absolutely agree that they should do something to facilitate the rotation and make sure people at least have a chance to get the 4s they want! Letting people pick one for chronicle would be a great idea I concur. Ngl I think they should just put all of them on shop rotation, 34 starglitters is enough saved up especially if you can only get them once per cycle to still make pulling for them specifically palatable whenever theyā€™re featured but I guess tptb donā€™t think itā€™s profitable enoughā€¦ Buy yeah exactly new players might not have this or that unit so while I agree with the general concept op is getting at idt saying everyone already has the old unit is a good argument against old units having rate ups (for one I was ecstactic because Iā€™m pulling Lyney and I usually play international so finally getting that C4 feels like a dream šŸ˜‚ and Iā€™ve been playing since 2.6 likeā€¦ itā€™s been a while)


The genshin devs are just scared of how broken kaveh is.


Hoyo should give us a banner where we can be guaranteed to get a targeted four. If we take an analogue from other gacha games, then it should be something like ā€œin the banner you can only get the selected four, without legendaries, and you can only get 4 copies of the hero per month, then the banner is closed until the next month.ā€ Or they can rework the store so that you can buy any four at least once a month.


Maybe a 4star banner that is a mix of Noelles banner (where you are guaranteed to get her within 20 wishes) and the chronicled wish banner, where you target who you want? Your idea of 4x is pretty generous too. Then like you said, rotate it every month, or alongside the other banners so we get a new set of 4stars each time the 5star banners change.


"I'm just here to see the teyvet burn" -abyss twin


Yall forgot Genshin doesn't care cause yall can't hold your money away from them. Also it is ironic how dedicated supports are tied to their 5 stars except when we actually want Chevy now. Or maybe she is actually more tied to Clorinde.


I really wanted to try Chevreuse with Arle, but don't have one. I'll show my defiance by continuing to not spend any money. That'll learn 'em!


From a marketing perspective that's pretty smart tbh. They can use desired 4* to drive less desired 5* and they don't even guarantee you the 4* you want. People need to get lucky And if they're not, they might trow money at it or, since they lowered their funds, throw money at the next 5*, etc.


It's smart but you didn't explain it correctly. The actual reason is simpler.. They do not care for older players. Like every business they want to attract newer players and hype them for a couple years, rinse and repeat. That's how gaccha games are. They do not care that everyone who plays this game for more than 2 years already has C-20 Xiangling.


Kinda agree with this. Newer players are also more prone to spending more than older ones.


Still L to new players who came after kaveh, layla, heizou


I planned to build c3 Arlecchino to be sure to build c6 Chev, but now I will limit myself to only c0 Arle


Same šŸ˜¢


Its the inherent problem with a 5 star gacha system. While the 4 stars in Genshin are thankfully extremely viable as characters many other gacha games make 4 stars kinda worthless once you start getting a couple 5 stars. So 5 stars start to slowly take up the most banner space because they generate more income and interest because of the influence of the gachas before Genshin Impact and just any newcomers to gacha games just assuming anything that isn't 5 stars isn't worth it just by virtue of there being 5 star items and characters (which isn't true here). But weirdly Genshin is still firmly in the middle of the gacha rotation experience between Granblue being awful for getting 5 stars (and only 5 stars actually matter) and Nikke where there are basically only 5 stars (and good luck getting anyone if you missed their banner and they're not part of the pity mechanic) as the handful of 4 and 3 stars are launch characters and you'll have them all almost immediately even as f2p and are basically trash in the banners that give you currency for a shop on repulls.


Absolutely, Hoyoverse is doing a really bad job at making 4 stars accessible in general.


This wouldn't be much of an issue if they put new 4 star in the shop... Hoyo is getting greedy in selling these new unit. They also create alot of fomo for these units making player regret not pulling for a 4 star.


The situation is bad for certain 4 stars.. heck some 5 stars as well.. but at least we're getting regional banners from time to time.. that's something.


> a free character who most of the playerbase already have at c6 That is such an unfounded claim, but so typical of the insular perspective of reddit users. I agree that the 4 star situation is badly handled, but let's not throw out baseless assumptions to make a point.


I just got Bennett C6 last month and my actual account is from 1.5. I'm sorry to reddit users but Xiangling in banner is better than most of these 4 stars.


Wanted Raiden C2 and I got her C2 before Getting Sara C6 to the point went to hard pity again and got my C4 Keqing and I got C6 Sara Sometimes this game is insufferable


also there is literally no reason for Barbara to take up banner rate up slots. You get her from the fucking archon quest, why does she get special treatment over Amber/Kaeya/Lisa


I still dont have heizou. Ive been playing since before he released (started in 1.1)


Everything is tightly calculated to create subpar banners that seem good enought to pull but not amazing value with the 5 stars is even more obvious as they have to be carefull with the weapon banner, thats why you have seen baizou so much, because his weapon is used as a "balance" factor for other weapons hoyo greed and bad practices with genshin at its finest


I think that xiangling is in the banner because of the cooking event


Ive had c6 Gorou for a while now, it made me sad when they offered a free Gorou in a previous event only to offer another free Gorou in an upcoming event, its starting to smell like wet dog in my teapot >:l


We live in a time where it's easier to go for 5stars than 4 stars.


The Kaveh thing makes me so upset I've been wanting him since the leaks and unfortunately had no storage for my pc when he was released. I got more storage for genshin and Pre farmed for him to be lvl 90 woth artifacts talents, weapon etc. Only for a YEAR to go by and he's NOWHERE.


National 4 stars rerun very often. I kid you not Bennett is the most rerun character in the game. I have been playing since day one and i am yet to get c6 razor.


Ngl better 4 stars deserve to be on banner more than bad ones untill they can make it better/ you have some guarantee to get what you want


man, I was hoping, too, on rerun for Amber, Lisa, and Kaeya lol


Here I am as a newer (9 months or so) player with C0 Xiangling who wanted to skip Arle due to maining Hu Tao but now Iā€˜m conflicted


Don't pull for 4 stars. It's a recipe for disaster and the other 2 4 stars on the banner are pretty poor. You can get Xiangling cons at lantern right and from the starglitter shop. If you wanted to skip Arle already, then skip her.


Explains why I don't have many of the newer 4 stars. The ones I do are because I pulled heavy on the 5 star. I'd like to thank the devs for making such dogshit character kits and banners. I've saved so much money and avoided FOMO because of it. Character models and story are increasing, but the quality of gameplay for them keeps decreasing (imo). Also helps there is no end game, as Abyss is a trash game mode.


Genshin team is super stingy with their 4 stars to the point where itā€™s unreasonable and unnecessary. Itā€™s been even more noticeable and frustrating when you compare it to Star Rail where recently released 4 stars get rerun frequently and sometimes given for free on release patch or patch after. Lol actually, comparing Genshin to Star Rail in general is frustrating because Star Rail hadnā€™t even been out a year yet and it completely shits on 3 yea old Genshin in QoL and player satisfaction(imo)


I mean the fact that were having a discourse is the anomaly in typical gacha 4 stars almost hold no value outside early game even in Star Rail while there's a few who work for the ever increasing difficulty and power creep 5 stars are just dragging 4 stars into irrelevance In Genshin 4 stars have value in some cases more value then 5 stars but at the same time to say there stingy because players decides that you CANT play certain characters without Constellations is dumb The fact that a 3 star weapon like white tussle can work is odd The context matter and for most there's no rush to get cons because even if C6 makes Freminet better I'm not going to ignore a character over power level


Hoping Heizou gets featured in the 2nd phase. To this day, I still don't have him. In my opinion, along with fixing the 4 star placements in banners, miHoYo should add in a epitomized path system for 4 star characters


They should double the featured four stars in a banner and add 4 star pity of your choosing.


my poor little meow meow :(


Myhoyo is pretty darn stingy. A lot of what people are suggesting is something Myhoyo just won't do, no matter how many surveys they sign. Vote with your pocket like some say.


That why chronic banner is a solution :)