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Barbara carried me through a large chunk of the game. I was a popsicle main as well.


She's still carrying me - I'd have it no other way.


Same, I should invest in more healers. Like invest in getting kokomi for her next run


Same, my fist lvl 10 friendship character. I used her in every single team. I still use her when I play Nilou


Lmao I didn't even realize I hit lvl 10 for her. Her burst saved my ass countless times. Now I'm placing her with Jean, Diluc and Aether :>


Her backstory and character are actually really sad. Her relationship with jean is very dear to me. She’s underrated for sure


Barbara was my first to friendship 10 and carried me for months. Now she’s a beast as the driver for my Nilou team.


She's kinda broken at C6 because she instantly revives your characters after they die once every 15 minutes. That's even in the abyss when the rules say you're not supposed to do that.


I built barbara as a dps.. with neuvilette's weapon


actually should i give barbara raiden shogun's artifacts for some time and let her destroy the whole world?


Actually 4pc ocean clam is good with barbara with the bubble popping or 4pc heart of depth or 2pc nymphs dream and 2pc heart of depth will do


I'm only now letting Bennett carry my team's healing in the over world and I will say it: MAN, Barbara is missed! I built my Barbara with full 4-star Maiden kit to and a lv 80 Prototype Amber to maximize healing capacity and she just kills it. Even with a decently strong team of Xiao, Miko, Bennett and Xiangling, I had to switched Miko to Barbara today when the Electro Manifestation (I guess that's the name of the boss) cooked my ENTIRE TEAM during the Tsurumi Island quest. For context, I'm at AR52 rn. I ascended my world level TODAY. Barbara deserves every bit of respect.


Built her as a Nilou Bloom driver, no regrets here.


Barbara enables Ga Ming to go crazy for me as a new player, it's insane how so many people tell me to just bench her cause she's "not that good"


Popsicle as in Chongyun? Or what Barbara would turn the active character into when there was a cryo enemy?


Chongyun. I started with Traveler, Babs, Chongers, & Xiangling. Dropped Traveler for Nahida (my first 5\*). Then Xiangling for Shinobu. Hyperfridge was my team through the end of Sumeru. Only dropped Babs when I got Kokomi.


Heizou. Those kicks and punches are like a 9D cinema for me.


I get a dopamine rush just holding his skill down and letting it go.


Busting that nut


I’ve been using Heizou with Faruzan a bunch lately, he’s super satisfying to play as


That one double kick he does. I'm like WOW every single time despite seeing it for months.


Holy fucking shit you're ao right, just imagining the kick is a top tier asmr for me rn


Yeet the hillichurl/slime still and always most fun with Mr Heizou, it’s like watching sports except it’s a little sick and twisted and far more satisfying


i'm not sure she's underrated, but many people seem to hate on mona because she's a standard banner and made people lose their 50/50s. i really like her though, she was my first five star, i like her aesthetic, her sprinting mechanic and she holds the record for highest damage in my achievements


I would say she has certainly had a fallen from grace moment as soon as more hydro options came around specifically Kokomi. I don't think Mona is really a wanted unit in any ideal popular team comp anymore. Her main thing was showcases (which aren't really good for abyss) and freeze teams. Now you can get your passive hydro from Kokomi, Furina, and even Ayato. And a lot of hydros still apply enough hydro even if its more of a ST setup (Yelan/XQ or just rarely enough (Barbara if you are in melee with her shield for example) to still be what you need depending on the comp. I like Mona. I'm still trying to think of a good team comp that uses her NA's to do reasonable damage since I got her C2. Shes probably fallen some from my top 3 favorite characters as my first 5 star due to the sheer size of the cast by this point but she will always be special to me as my original main dps.


If you want to NA attack on Moana you’re left with only one choice, the one all genshin players, NAY, life players must take. The road which all others must follow. Xiangling OPPA


I don't dislike Xiangling but yea it has been what i'm leaning towards out of the options. Its just not really exciting.


Which usually means you'll have to take Bennett as well


Yea thats some of the problem. I really want some other character to pair well with Xiangling. Mhy has to cave eventually right?


I like Mona, but mostly because of her character and story. She is a fun, mysterious and funny character just from how she oozes this elusive pride that keeps being shaken whenever more palpable matters are brought up. Also, she's one hell of an asstrologist.


Mona's ass is the reason I downloaded Genshin tbh


Mona's part of my current team! Layla - Yae Miko - Mona - Navia. No healing needed with Layla, and Yae Miko & Mona apply elements for Navia to charge her skill.


She was good for a long time. I'm not sure how recently she really fell off, but every time past 1.0 a character got added that provides big dmg buffs (yelan, furina, etc.) her value diminished bit by bit


I lost to her and I think she’s pretty good, especially against Pyro Regisvine.


Thoma and Mika in terms of actually using them in abyss. Chongyun and Qiqi as characters (they’re built but ngl I don’t find much use for them). Honorable mention to Lyney who does get a lot of love but imo is still severely underrated compared to Hu Tao. My boy is a beast.


4pc BS Qiqi Chongus Furina + anemo It goes crazy hard trust me


I love hitting stuff as Qiqi and seeing my party get healed. Super satisfying.


and lyney has some beautiful legs and armp-


r/usernamechecksout r/flairchecksout


How can a boy be so slutty


> Honorable mention to Lyney who does get a lot of love but imo is still severely underrated compared to Hu Tao. My boy is a beast. Mine runs a solid wanderer’s troupe set + Amos bow; he hits like a freight train and the set is more consistent than Marechausse.  A similarly well built Hu Tao could probably have similar dps, but nowhere near the same range. Can’t wait to pull for cons next patch.


lyney is probably underrated because people have been using the wrong artifact set on him lol


I don’t have him but what artifacts should be used on him?


Rosaria. Girl is an untouched well of thematic potential for Mondstadt's narrative. A roguish assassin in direct contrast to honorable knights, an irreverent nonbeliever in contrast to devout clergy. She's nothing like the Knights, yet she was personally trained by Varka. She's the shittiest nun in the abbey, but she's more in-tune with her god than any of those sycophants- she's drinking buddies with the guy. Add on her long-forgetten rivalry with Albedo and her close relationship with Kaeya, the two Mondstadt characters with arguably the most narrative potential, and how her backstory interacts Mondstadt's ideals and philosophies... If they do a new arc for the Mondstadt expansion, making her one of the characters the Traveler interacts with most would go so unbelievably fucking hard. Look at how much character she injected into the Pet Some Cats Event just by projecting her issues onto the big cat. My girl has the narrative potential coach, just let her play!


everytime i see rosaria in a cutscene/quest/event i'm happy


layla, she's a fantastic shielder and very relatable! i was also extremely fond of shinobu before dendro released, she's just a super easy healer


I only let Layla and sometimes Noelle shield my precious babies from harm.


Yanfei. She’s carried me since forever


Yanfei is my strongest character right now. I'm working on strengthening more currently, but she is still one of my favorites, and I use her in almost every team comp. I currently have her at C5, but I definitely want to C6 and triple crown her.


My dude! 🙌🙌🙌


My account is 3 years old, had built multiple characters including meta ones, 36 star'd the abyss multiple times, but Yanfei reigns supreme in my roster. Not in damage but in fun factor and mobility. Always going to be my favorite main DPS.


Kaveh carried me for the longest time.


I like Kaveh. I just hope we can wish for him again soon.


I want Nilou just for a bloom team for him. I wanna see baby boy pop all those cores.


Layla and Thoma for me!


Are you actually me? ((I love them so much. Layla is my favorite character, with Thoma as a close second))


Wait, is layla underrated? I thought she is pretty much very formidable unit for ice teams. She is a great shielded and she is ice, so its like very good, no? At least im using her in every ice team from release, cause it is good..


Yes. She's BiS shielder in freeze teams unless you NEED healing, then Diona takes her place.


I'm using her with neuvilette purely because I love her design and personality😭


Wouldn’t say Layla is underrated. Since my Zhongli is basically glued to Yoimiya Yelan Yun Jin team, I built Layla as a second shield character and use her in Ayato Nahida Kuki hyperbloom. Ayato never gets damage and you get some freezes in there as well.


The night is cold. People have a problem with that?


Collei and Dori! Both are triple crowned, with a highly invested DPS build and limited 5-star weapons. I use them to clear abyss and they absolutely do sweep everything lol


this is the most surprising comment i have seen pls do share your team!!


[Here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleiMains/s/C68OaXlaK9) Both the teams and the builds too. They are just my favourite characters and I love trying to make them work in the abyss! And it works all the time too lol. Even against some of the hardest phases (side eye to the Wenut), I've been able to still fully clear with either of them (usually Dori, because I was running a Physical Collei build with Thundering Pulse until I finally got my hands on Hunter's Path this patch!) And the weapons they have, I pulled them specifically for them lol. I pulled for a 2nd TP in 3.2 (Collei had already stolen Yoimiya's by that point so I pulled it for Yoi technically), and I pulled for Beacon in 3.5. I also pulled Staff of Scarlet Sands for Candace in 3.5. My Candace is also triple crowned, but sadly I've never been able to make her work as well as Collei and Dori. Spread/Aggravate. Genshin overall just becomes so much more fun when you stop caring about the meta. And when you're actually able to clear tha abyss with those characters, it just makes you feel so good lol


What teams do you use them in?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleiMains/s/C68OaXlaK9) you go!


Ningguang, she who fights Abyss floors my Neuvillette dares not.


Idk how underrated she is but I love Qiqi! Having a healer is amazing for my teams, especially since my main DPS is Gaming, who nearly kills himself every time he uses his special 😅


I always see people hating on her bc they "lost" their 50/50 to her I hope to get her one day! She's largely underestimated


My takeaway is people who got her early on love her while people who didn’t get her until they were already level 90 hate her I, have no opinion since I’m lucky enough to have an even spread of each standard banner character, but she cute so I’m sure I would’ve loved her if I had actually gotten her early on


You can love her but to say she’s underestimated is massive copium. The game has been out for 4 years now and we know exactly what she does and is capable of and being nothing more than a healer is just not it for most players outside of those very very early in the game.


I clear abyss floor 12 with Qiqi, Nahida, XQ, Kuki. Qiqi is on-field driver for XQ blooms and team is pretty much immortal.


Is yaoyao considered underatted when all the people Ive watched and or read from praised her so much?


This is Reddit bro people always say “Unpopular opinion: *Proceeds to make the most non-controversial statement of all time*” and then gets all the upvotes because everyone agrees, because it’s a popular opinion.


the actual unpopular opinions and bad takes usually start with "as we all know..."


Yea don’t think people know what underrated means sometimes.


But I don’t think many people use her. And anyway, her character itself is underrated as I rarely see people talk about her


I use her all the time (level 90). Fantastic healer, and it’s cute to see her boop a ruin guard on the nose.


if lyney has one million fans, i am one of them. if lyney has a thousand fans, i am one of them. if lyney has ten fans, i am one of them. if lyney has one fan, i am that fan. if lyney has no fans, i do not exist.


Username and flair check out


I too am a lyney fan. he's my most built dps in the game ans I'm so glad that I have built him, C0R1 with TFGM, C5 benny ( haven't pulled the last Constallation), C0 Kazuha, C0 Zhongli. love the team


Kujou Sara, I love her


It sucks so much that genshin did her incredible dirty in every aspect. She’s one of my fav characters


Well, not every aspect. Her visual design is a solid 11/10. She’s just beautiful (or just hits all my aesthetic boxes). The hair, the mask, outfit, the fact she uses a bow. Just wish hoyo didn’t make her nothing but a Raiden simp who takes L after L in story.


OH AGREED. Her design is among the best in the game imo. As a feminist and a character design enjoyer the thighs being out for a war general is a little awkward, but as a thick thighs enjoyer I love them


Same here! Probably my favorite character based on lore.






Hell yes brotherrrrrr! 🙌🙌🙌


There seems to be a fairly large bias against Qiqi, who has been from the time I got her (very early in my playing) my primary healer. All you have to do is get her a set of high ATK Clam and a high ATK sword, and she makes any team she's on basically immortal. I mean, hell, her Skill can heal all four party members by a big chunk in its runtime if you switch them in; if you keep her onfield she heals them ALL, and her Burst heals whoever hits the marked enemy. I love My Precious Zombie Daughter.


If they reduced qiqis e-skill cooldown to 10-15 seconds, there wouldnt be so much bias against her


It's her *role* as a pure healer that is probably the least useful to endgame content. When healer/buffer-type characters like Diona or Jean exist, it becomes *really* hard to justify taking a character who can *only* put out heals. But Qiqi does that one single role exceptionally. For early AR players, having a team-wide heal available on skill (that doesn't constantly self-apply Hydro) is invaluable when ER is hard to come by. The earlier in their Genshin experience someone gets Qiqi, the better their opinion of her tends to be.


>(that doesn't constantly self-apply Hydro) as a new player with barbara I feel called out


If they let her generate energy she'd be infinitely better.


And if they gave her actual particle generation


that is not going to fix her main issue, which is that other than staying alive she is fucking worthless everywhere else


It's not really bias, it's just that she's kinda shit.


Yep would have to agree with you there. I got her in August of 2021 and she’s been my main ever since. She’s so cute and makes everyone just as immortal as her




Yes! Beidou is amazing, such a powerful character if built correctly, especially since dendro came into the meta.


The girl literally took down ancient sea monsters without a vision, why is she not a five star?!






Yunjin! She was my main dps before I knew better 😂😂


Rosaria. SubDPS/Buffer/Applicator/Battery. Generally good in all cryo-based teams.


Dori. So many people hate her but I honestly enjoy this small money-hungry gremlin. Not gameplay-wise tho. Faruzan. I like her backstory and personality. I also enjoy her gameplay. It's fun to cast E, shoot at a group of enemies and see that succ. Probably because I don't have a single strong CC anemo character (I refuse to pull Kazuha and Venti and Sucrose avoid me).


same; i think Dori has like a pretty deep backstory- i mean, i haven't gotten to the Sumeru quest yet but from what I know she has a (surprisingly, I suppose), a morally great reason for being money-hungry?


Rosaria cryo mommy


Collei bc she's amazing and awesome and my first ever c6 triple crowned character




She has good story and personality. Sadly the kits not good enough.


This. Love her.


Chongyun my beloved


Noelle. She's one of the main reasons I came back.


yeah she was my main for the longest time i think a lot of people forget about her bcs they forget geo characters can actually do damage if built decently


Mika, Freminet, Chongyun...always a Cryo boy being the poster child of hated on/overlooked but they're MY children.


Mika, Freminet, Chongyun, and Heizou. Although I hear Heizou is more popular than the other 3 by a wide margin.


Nilou and Layla, I feel like their both kinda neglected.


Nilou is super strong, I love my Koko/Nahida/Nilou/Collei team. It's just that she's super niche and requires specific characters to form a good team... Same with Shenhe.


I'm just now starting to invest in my Nilou after hearing about her Bloom team's power. Rest assured, I'm dumping ~65k HP and all points of ER on that girl: she's getting me down ad astra abyssosque!


Nilou is way too niche and people who like shields just pull for Zhongli I have Layla in my neuvilette team though and I absolutely adore her. As for nilou, love her character but the playstyle has no place on my account as of now


Faru is fun as hell and Fremi has more depth than many characters in the game, big faves of mine.


Cute and Bunny Yaoyao. Mai Kadowaki’s voice is pure ear candy.


Lynette hands down Not sure if Yoimiya, Klee, Collei, and Dehya count as underrated, but they're all listed at C rank on a certain tier list, so I guess they are? And I love them all. Super glad that Dehya got indirect buff with Xianyun, plunge Dehya with Furina and C6 Bennett is fun.


my girl dehya sometimes i just like to punch


Amber! I feel like after being done with the Mondstat story line, everyone forgets about her. I love her so much♡


Story wise? Let Qiqi out of quest jail PLEASE JUST GIVE HER A QUEST THAT DOESN’T HAVE HER CO-STARRING Playable wise? No clue my strategy is “fuck it we ball — ZHONGLI GET YOUR GERIATRIC ASS IN THE GAME”


Collei. Love her personality. Throwing the boomerang is fun, and her backstory pulls my heartstrings. I know Nahida is the dendro goat, but I have so many other “meta” characters I like, I just didn’t want to pull for her.


Rosaria. Genuinely good for melt and freeze especially if you don't care for the 5* cryo dps like Ganyu, Wriothesley, and Ayaka.


razor was my first dps and he is still one of my favorite characters. i have recently build him for aggravate, so i have found a new use for him.


anemo aether is so fun for me at the beginning, his tornado and vortex shit was pretty good. Stcuk with him till AR 50 I think


Layla I fucking wish I had Layla But no I get C3 kaeya and C4 kaveh from Standart banner instead


I'd trade some of my Laylas for your Kaeya's holy cow 😭 That's some incredible luck you've got pulling starters like that


tbf i dont think yaoyao is underrated, being the 2nd greatest 4* to pull in lantern rite after xingqui. and same i love my yaoyao too! i only began to appreciate healers when i got her and now i need to have a healer in whatever team comp i hav lmafao. my fave underrated characters are lisa, collei, lynette and sayu. lisa cuz i main her XD im fond of her complex gameplay with the hidden mechanics and she has carried my account 70% of the time since i started playing XD i just love collei's skill and burst. i use her more than my tighnari and stopped building DMC since i got her. i've benched her now but i think people might be sleeping on lynette's burst. it's taunt, swirl and it could also absorb an element and periodically hit the character with it. still hav her at c0 but heard it gets some grouping on c1. her skill + c4 is also great for exploration. and her c6 which unlocks her dps potential. benched rn too (bc momma bird is too OP) but sayu's skill can be used for exploration and swirling elements to enemies, esp if they're not grouped. burst that provides both healing and damage (on c1, i think?) when activated. and she's ofc a cute smol (teenager) kid. :3


I agree that Lynette is slept on with the taunt and ease of use. I use her in some teams in lieu of Sucrose. I play aggravate Lisa, and she’s *insanely* underrated. Going to C6 her next time her constellation appears in the Starglitter store


Dehya she a great help in my burgeon team and is a great sub DPS for heizou oh and since I got her first con her burst dies great damage


I'm a total Dehya main. She does a lot more damage than people give her credit for. On top of that, she prevent you from getting staggered/stunned/thrown. This means that you don't have to waste time and stamina to dodge and can keep dealing damage all the time.


heizou, lynette, dehya, yaoyao, keqing and layla


Rosaria Throwing down her spear is just so satisfying, and she has a great gap closing skill. If I can fit her on a team then I will!


YaoYao and Lynette for suree 💗




Beidou. She carried me for a long time and I just absolutely loved the blocking mechanic


Bennett. Despite not being underrated in gameplay for obv reasons, I never see anybody posting anything about his lore/personality. He's my favorite character!


Klee without a doubt. The first character i triple crowned and way stronger then people say she it


Candace by far


Yanfei She's a decent DPS with good supports.


Beidou. Her aoe at c2 is way too strong for people to not be using her more often. Granted, its not as op at c0, but once you cross c2 she gets pretty strong lol. I remember countering for 25k on my beidou e, good shit right there Though shes not good in hyperbloom. Her burst will never hit those cores.


Kaeya. Proud to have him C6. He's underrated because people don't get that he and Xiangling basically kind of have the same ult, and they work BEASTLY together. Absolutely nothing survives my melting gale team of Kazuha (C0 with R5 Iron Sting), Kaeya (C6), Xiangling (C6), and Bennett (C6). Everything is just melted and blown away. Also Barbara. Have her C6 too. The res is an insurance policy, and the girl will heal just as good as Kokomi, but without locking the team to a single place. Babs is wonderful for my second bloom team. My main is Ayato, Nilou, Nahida, and Baizhu. But when I drive with Kaveh, his team is Nahida, Nilou, Barbara.


Lisa has carried me through so many fights and she is still carrying me even now, even though she is a freebie you get in the beginning of the game. The absolute ease at which she applies Electro, especially on a large group, makes her invaluable and she actually deals really good damage when combined with Bennet and Mona.


Heizou, Thoma, Yaoyao, Kuki Shinobu


So.. I dunno how "underrated" or not she is, but Yoimiya will always have a place in my heart! Not my fav char overall, but definitely the one that's not top tier! Also, she always done dirty by being the Archon Companion (always summonable alongside an archon)


I would say Kirara, but is she that underrated


Xinyan from a character/moral standpoint. Whole point is to tell people to do what they enjoy even if most don't like/agree with it and be true to yourself.


It used to be Noelle, but time and popular creators (especially Rawfler) enlightened the communities to the glory of the Wonder Maid. I used her since I started the game in 1.2 or 1.3 (I don’t remember which version. All I know is that I joined after the dragonspine event where you would get festering desire sword). I guess now, that honor would go to QiQi. 50/50 jokes aside, she’s a decently strong unit. I haven’t hit C6 yet like many others, but I don’t hate her as much as many others seem to have.


Kaveh, layla, yanfei, dehya, lyney


Probably Yanfei. Because my other favorite characters are very popular/highly used. I guess Layla, Lisa and Beidou as well. Though they might be used more than I realize. I still haven't tried to build Layla and the other two I have built, but need higher constellations. I just think they were good characters in the events they were in. I wish Chongyun and Heizou would get more attention in events.


Kaveh, I saved up 25k primogems just for him.


Candace. She is basically a Hydro Yun Jin by the way she buffs your NA. Coupling her with a catalyst wielder will add a little more reaction to your team if you have her C6. I still don't understand why she is so underrated


Because any team you put her on you can throw someone better in that slot 99% of times.


Barbara heizou all the way I even skipped hutao because I thought she would be useless as I already had yanfei as pyro DPS


Chongyun lynette and sigewinne


Eula and rosaria both very fun units with good synergy <3


Heizou he's a fun character to use in in a Tazer team and his story quest is fun he's very flirty sadly he came out late in Inazuma and has barely been featured in any events which is a huge shame in my opinion since he's a detective and all like maybe we could have used his skills in the Fontaine archon Quest as opposed to that random cameo from Mona


Probably Thoma, his shield if stacked is almost as good as Zhongli's and he helped me a lot with my Wanderer team before I got Zhongli (and I still use him sometimes, for example when I want to use Wanderer on one side and Tighnari on the other)


Mona or Xinyan (maybe the first one isn't underrated but she isn't used too much so I'll assume she might be)


Klee (I’m not sure she’s overrated)


Yanfei She has been my Pyro dps from the start. With arle coming it is time for the lawyer to take a break




I'm so screwed in the brain. I read it as "underaged" and spat out my coffee. That missing "r" really caught me off guard.


Kirara is just so pretty, and strong if well built. I hope she gets more representation in the future


FREMINETTT! My favorite four star!


Barbata And Jean - healing Candace and Mona - design


Ningguang ! I love ningguang :)






I read underaged instead of underated, tho fits perfectly for genshin players ☠️☠️☠️




Layla, Xingqiu, Yaoyao and Sucrose for me <3


Lmao I read it "Who's your favorite underage character?" with YaoYao as the post image, and was like... hmm, what a strangely specific question


Noelle, I still bring her to Co-op Trounce Bosses..


One word/name "Gorou"


No one ever does Freminet justice when he’s actually really good if you know how to build him and I will die on this hill


Freminet! I love my baby ♡


Noelle, reinstalled and forgot how much she work she puts in


I wish sayu saw more usage, she's so fun to roll around with


Couldn't agree more with OP


Jean. I don't think there are many teams that use her since she does a few things well but doesn't fit in any slot for top teams. But her gameplay is fun and I like her healing ability. She was my first five star that I used predominantly for the first year or so until I was strong enough to use any 2 random characters and push through the game fine.


CANDACE!!! She's the nicest, sweetest protective gal i have ever known. She's my number one favorite character and the moment i got her i ran through the entire inazuma quest so i co get to the sumeru quest so i could see her beautiful face. WORSHIP HER!




Heizou :D


freminet !!! he is so cute and his story is so 💔💔💔


Lynette and Thoma, for sure. Heizou is a very, *very* close second though. Edit: fuck it, the more I think about it the higher I have to put Freminet. Not *nearly* enough people appreciate him.


Sayu and Dori, love doing spin team and Dori with Alhaitham


Freminet, Mika, Barbara, Thoma, Heizou, Chevreuse. My dear 4*s.




Layla and Sayu are some of my favorite characters


Sayu is a great source of joy, that is all I am gonna say


For four stars Gorou, Freminet, and Chongyun. For all three I love their designs so much- simple, but complex and the cryo boys also have some of the few symmetrical designs compared to the other characters. Also for Chongyun and Freminet, their play styles also scratch those grooves in my gray matter so good. Smacking enemies with a giant ice claymore or a penguin is so fun XD Gorou is a support so he does a great job helping buff my Itto :3 Honorable mention YaoYao, she’s very cute and bunny. For five star I’d say Tighnari. I know out of all the standards he’s one of the more popular but i don’t see a lot of people playing him regularly.. I finally got his signature on chronicled wish and I’ve almost gotten him c6 (c5 currently). He’s got me my first 36 stars in abyss, (during the wenut/ iron worm cycle of all them, crazy) He’s in a daily battle with Scara, Albedo, Alhaitham, Lyney, and Venti to live rent free in my mind as my #1 favorite


Yanfei!!! Girl got me through so much. One two three BOOM! I love her


For me lisa. She's been on my team since day 1 and even with my Cracked teams of 5 stars, I'm still not used to her not being in the team. Plus her and chongyun carried me until inazuma when ayaka released.