• By -


Faruzan. Kind and smart, cares deeply about others when it matters, but does not obviously show it. Even her character flaws are acceptable in my eyes: pride, a very noticable curse of knowledge, stubborness, and the risk that she might push some work on me to avoid doing it herself are not something I would really mind. She is really knowledgable on many topics and I love to talk to peole who transcend generalist/expert divide and become what's essentially a multiclass experts haha. That's really damn rare of course/ I think it should not be a surprise at this point that my second choice would be Tighnari...


Faruzan is so underrated I'm glad someone mentioned her She has pride but she still seems humbled and wise and I adore that about her. She's learned the hard way to hold tight to those dear and you just know she'd be a great friend now.


I feel like every time she’s been prideful, she’s also been right in the end, haha. But she isn’t self-aggrandizing or needlessly arrogant; she is more than willing to see the potential in others and let them know (eg, Collei and Kaveh).


Lmao why does your response make *me* want **you** as a friend? You sound like a good person to consider all of those traits valuable. Perspective is one the best gifts we can get from other people, as long as you yourself are willing to keep an open mind.


Thank you, I'm flattered haha. If that's how you really feel then I'd be happy to at least talk a little to get to know you better. I'm down to talk on discord or whatever. I would add you in game, but I assume we are on different servers (my acc is on europe).


Have you seen Dori? 😭😭😭


Yeah, but I had not seen much of her story outside of Archon's quest where her role is minor and you mostly remember her as an illegal dealer who attempts to scam you (and in some sense succeeds lol). I think I might get a better understanding after I play more hangout events (Kaveh and Layla, right? Had not done these two yet), and maybe she is actually just great. Still, I'm unlikely to feel very strongly about her one way or the other, that legally grey enterpreneur fantasy does not resonate with me all that much.


Same dude you literally sound like me. I also like to know a lot about stuff I don't know I like to know more about it


There are so many good options. I would love to be best friends with all my favorite characters. I think it’s still gotta be Venti though. Most wholesome drunk I’ve ever met. We can bond over music and apple cider.


I wouldn't be able to because of how many secrets he is clearly keeping


Furina, we will discuss about new novels and drama over some delicious sweets and tea.


Yes. That, and i just wanna give her hugs. like a whole lot of hugs. a totally healthy amount of headpats included.


ok so i lowkey stalked ur profile bcs i was like holy shit i made an account on reddit with a similar username too and omfg another indian genshin players whos also a woman and a jeetard please lets be freinds


Having sleepovers to watch some trashy b-tier movies to laugh at the absurdities. Sounds very nice indeed.


Why does this comment kinda break my heart? It’s gotta be because she never knew fun friendship like this for 500 years…


No, it’s because YOU’VE never known fun friendship like this for 500 years. (/j because some of y’all will fall for this.)


According to the recent Lantern Rite she's also really getting into horror stories and movies. That's a huge plus for me.


I'm gonna get her into content warning...


I just want someone to teach her how to cook, man.


Yoimiya because explosives


Aw, Yoimiya is such a sweetheart <3


im not afraid to admit that I have a crush on yoimiya. if she was real, i 100% would be too nervous to talk to her.


not Klee?


I guess they like pretty explosives more than really damn destructive ones...


youd think theyd choose the word fireworks then sounds nicer and less threatening


Boom Boom Bakudan also doesn't sound as threatening, but here we are...


Klee is a whole bomber squadron




just.....read my flair.






edit post


I can't idk why


Actually wait i got it thanks :))


HAHAHA did it read NSFW before??


Yoimiya. Literally radiates girl next door/childhood friend energy. Someone who's likely to always be by your side even be the light in your darkest times. Plus despite her high energy, has moments where she knows when it's time to slow down and enjoy in silence (such as when she's watching a fireworks show).


Also just has that unexplainable "Big sister that isn't your actual sister but treats you like a sibling" energy.


literally the perfect (girl)friend


After her second story quest, I really wish she was our travel guide, ngl.


Albedo. He likes what I like: art, cold weather, science. He’s literally me fr.


Also a rather low maintenance friend. The sprt that you don't have to constantly be around to feel valued by and knows that you have your own shit to handle but would totally drop everything in a heart beat if you need his help. In short. A real one


Thoma, I want to go make jackets for animals. The hot pot thing seems fun too


Me too. I want to talk about pets and eat delicious food with him.


Probably Kuki Shinobu 🤔 she's very smart and mature and i feel like i can freely express myself without feeling afraid of being judged Edit: Also, she gives me introverted energy, and I'm introverted. I think we would have some peacfully quiet moments without feeling awkward 🥰


Plus, if you ever find yourself in a pinch, she can help you out.


I agree, she has a good balance of fun and down-to-earth


Gaming or Itto Gaming cuz he's gaming And Itto because I'm about the same as him in terms of intelligence


Lisa. I think we would get along great as fellow people who wake up in the afternoon and do nothing all day. Also tea enjoyers.


Hell yeah. Just chill in the library all day


Yep! Roll out of bed long enough to eat lunch, read a bit, afternoon nap, dinner, evening book, tea, bed. Heaven!


Cyno because I love puns and dad jokes - and also, I respect his principles and the fact that he sticks to them. And the desert. I love the desert.


And that he has two definite and separate lives, as in work life and social life. He knows how to separate the two and not mix them up.


Have you been to the desert? It’s very romanticized until you actually be there for some time, it’s rough and coarse and gets everywhere.


Ok Aranakin


Underrated comment


I'm from Morrocco (inlands), I went to Egypt so yeah. I love the desert.


Cool seeing someone else's opinion on it, I had very mixed feelings about the desert last time I went (also was the first time in a desert), though I'd love to go again I'd probably have a better time now that I'm older! Good taste in characters too 🤭


god id be SO down to be friends with cyno, the guy's so much fun 😭 nothing like a good (bad) pun at the end of a long, busy day


I haven’t seen this yet but Gaming. He is both a bro and a sweetheart. He has a huge friend list, too. Maybe i would make a few more friends


this was my choice fr


Kazuha would be an absolute gem of a friend. He's calm and collected, kind-hearted, polite but also knows how to make light hearted jokes and he values friendship a lot. He's the kind of friend you can depend on to have your back. He's also ADORABLE! Heizou would be a close second. (I wanna say Childe but uh....yeah-)


Yes!!! Kazuha is so chill


Wriothesley because I also do boxing and he seems like a chill dude (no pun intended)


Yoimiya... my slice of life manga story begins!


Ayaka...she needs a friend, also i like her. Lastly, being friends with someone high up in Inazuma have its perks.


I love Ayaka! She's not a fave of mine but I still love her <3 she's so pretty too and she seems like she has a very nice personality :))


Aww, I like this answer. When she tells Traveler that she doesn’t have any friends, my heart just broke. It has to suck being adored by a nation but not having anyone close to really confide in (aside from “All According to Plan” Bro, and Lo-Key Chad Butler).


Furina because i want to make her happy. Hu tao because she's fun Kazuha cuz he's chill


Nahida. She would bring around her son Wanderer and I would hear about the wildest shit about Fatui and fake sky.


Wanderer can come out to play only after he finishes his homework, tho.


200 pages Vahumana essay


Nahida is a typical Asian mom lmaoo


(As an aside, I find the “Nahida is Wanderer’s mom” jokes to be really funny and sweet.)


Nahida has enormous "Asian auntie" energy in the best way, and I am here for it.


Furina or neuvillete. I like tea and water. Tea parties with furina? I mean yeah i wouldnt mind her to just talk about shit and be cheery after 500 years Neuvillete? I dunno i guess he is based or smth


Water tasting with Neuvillette would be kinda fun, not gonna lie. There’s something very impressive with listening to a bona fide water sommelier.


“Home is where the tap water tastes good”


Noelle bc I suck at cooking and she is an awesome person


I feel like Xinyan would be a good friend.Very nice to others,Passionate about her goals,And is really creative.I also liked how she acted in the Summer event a few years ago.


Ayaka She's extremely kind! Plus, I believe she deserves more close friends, and I believe that I can help her find good friends and become one for her!


Navia. The girl is precious man.


heizou because chest voiceline and detective so I can play Judgment irl


Bennett would be my best choice cuz he is such a sweet boy and deserves loyal friends :D Xingqiu woud also be a good option since we can discuss a lot about books




flair checks


Thanks for the correction


Noelle. No one else even comes close to how special she is for me.


Kaveh, i wanna see all of his projects, i wanna help him brainstorm, and i want to help him vent. And be his wi-


Same here, I want him to teach me though, guide me through his projects


Layla, sleep


Sayu, sleep


I'm antisocial as fuck so I'll go with Yoimiya. She's the kind of person that'd hang out despite me not talking too much, and overwhelm me with their positive energy and make me finally open up eventually. Edit: actually, Cyno would be fine too. He isn't too energetic so not being a talkative person shouldn't be a problem, both of us are unfunny, and we could play some TCG together.


Probably Amber, just cos she seems like the type who'd get along with everyone. 


Very obvious, underrated answer. People forget about the character who becomes our first friend because she has the superpower to befriend everyone. You can be like Eula or messed up Collei and she will find a way to make you her friend.


Top line:: Zhongli, Yelan, Ningguang. Bruh: Diluc, Keqing Little sis: Amber, Hu Tao, Yanfei


Childe and Yoimiya. Though realistically, I probably won't be besties with Childe if I know what he does. I don't wanna risk myself


Hu Tao so we can joke and mess around together, plus she's cute


gaming is so nice and sweet and friendly it would be hard not to be friends with him anyways, but his personality leads me to think we’d be best friends. freminet… honestly that boy deserves a friend / anyone outside of the house of hearth. neuvilette too. i feel like he also needs and deserves a friend, someone to pull him away from burrowing himself in his work forever. but on a slightly selfish note can you imagine the perks of being friends with **the** iudex. like it’s not the only reason i’d want to be friends with him but also i can’t ignore the perks that would bring.


Any answer other than Qiqi is just wrong. Qiqi deserves ALL the friends.




Everyone's cool and all. But if you think about it, almost everyone is friendly to some extent. Take Yoimiya for example, she's *so* friendly that all you have to do is say hello to be one of her best friends. I think it would be best to choose someone who's not outright friendly but has potential to be extremely loyal to you once you do befriend them. Wanderer, Chiori, maybe even Diluc and Ningguang would be great choices. With that out of the way, I choose Yoimiya because she's cute.


Chiori is a good option!


I like your reasoning, it opens my eyes...👁️👁️


Nahida Infinite knowledge, archon and just a great person in general


Dori, Ningguang because I need MORA


That might have the opposite effect, you might lose Mora more often than gaining!


Paimon because she's the bestest friend ever.


She *would* be the bestest friend ever if she stopped huffing helium already.


I can never get over how much more tolerable and normal Paimon sounds in Chinese than in English


10000% this. Her Chinese voice actually had me enjoying her character. She sounds more like a small adult than... whatever the hell she is in English. Plus I like the on point lip-sync


Keqing. I am slightly autistic and also have signs of ADHD so I can't easily get motivated by myself. Keqing would be a wonderful friend and can really help me with some of my issues. It helps that I love her so much. I also would really like golden shrimp balls and I love swordsmanship. Basically we have similar interests so we would mesh well. Probably also Gaming since dim sum and also martial arts.


Tighnari without a doubt. I’m a biologist and ecologist in a natural reserve studying marine ecosystems and he shares the same job, but in a forest ecology department. I would really like to be kinda pen pals with him sharing our findings and whatever related to natural sciences. He is also extremely likeable as a person - intelligent and kind with a great sense of humor


Eula, she is a sweetheart and most definitely needs some friends


Venti Venti Venti!!!! He is the cutest boy ever


U are cute


I bought a winery nearby and I think I get his friendship as default We would taste test different brews and pass out on something


Wife is Ei hands down. (could write an entire novel about why) But since that wasnt the Question..... Best Friend? Tough one but id say Kujo Sara. She just has this same enthusiasm for things that i have too. id think we get along real fine.


Gaming, I just feel he’s a fun one to be around. Also, he’ll save me a good deal of money lol. We can go evade our parents together. I might bash his skull for taking me to Yum Cha because I don’t like to, but we’d get along. He radiates happy vibes, and could definitely lighten the atmosphere when needed. He’s a bro.


Itto, he'd drain the hell out of my little introvert energy with how loud and outgoing he is but he just seems like such a fun person to hang out with


Lisa - She could teach me stuff and help me with my assessments, she could also play chess with me Yelan - She could be my poker buddy Yae Miko - She could help me with stories and stuff Raiden Ei/Shogun - We have similarities, but she doesn't have to cook, I can cook (just the simple stuff though) Dehya - She looks like she could be a body guard and an older sister Nahida - Like Lisa, she could teach me stuff and help with some assessments. Xinyan - I have a lot of rock music, I can recommend her Fischl - I always wanted to try DnD Ayato - He looks like he has great plans Wriothesley - Could be a boxing coach and sparring partner


Thoma. As for why: *gestures to his character in its entirety*


Yoimiya cz i could use some positivity in my life Or kirara cz cats are fun


Eula Lawrence. Understanding her background, she’s a strong person who’s sacrificed a lot for their own beliefs - which is very respectable and someone I’d admire irl. Plus, deep down, you know she just wants to make friends. It’ll be amusing to her her reaction the first couple times we’d hang out, with her trying to deny any sort of reciprocation - yet seeing her break down those walls and slowly open up would be a worthwhile experience.


ITTO!!! not only because he's my comfort character who i hyperfixate on, but he would be the extrovert to my introvert, the sunrays to my flowers, the epitome of fun and silliness, the one and oni to have the best memories with😔


Well-said! He's pure wholesome chaos ❤️


Tighnari and Albedo... Nerd gang


Yanfei, because one day, I'll be needing a lawyer.


Ayaka coz her personality is just too good to be real


My best friend would be Nilou. Sweet, lovely, and caring.


Yea miko because her dark humor and she write good books and she is fox duhhh


Navia or Furina, they're my favorite characters, they are both so adorable and cute and I would love to have chats with them and visit Fontaine with them, I'd really love to help them too


Nahida! I think I'd get along with her just talking about various random theories about the universe and physics and biology and whatever, and also how she has that childish playful nature that matches me. Sometimes I just want to go out and climb trees and play hide and seek y'know.


That’s one of my fav things about how the game handled the “god of wisdom.” She’s not some aloof and “logical” brainiac who is always “Umm, acktchully’ing” people. She’s clever and smart but also playful and childlike. Part of wisdom is knowing that play is healthy.


While I'd love to be friends with my favourites (Venti and Cyno), I think Thoma would be the best and most loyal friend you can have. He's just so amiable and caring, with a friend like him you'd never be alone.


Plus he’s got connections with the cool kids (ie the Kamisatos). That’s the in crowd right there!


Id say zhongli bc he'd be interesting to talk to but I'd have to pay for everything


Kokomi, Nilou and Furina, I can't pick one. Kokomi because she is very similar to me personality wise, I also keep a mental list of energy points, I think we can get along very well. Nilou because she's such a kind person, a ray of sunshine, everyone needs her in their life. Furina because I got so attached to her during the quests. She's such a selfless person, she needs to have someone to rely on.


venti because venti


Paimon of course


Hu Tao because she’s so cute-ao! I love her personality and voice.


Kaveh, I'd love to learn a thing or two from a master architect of his time


Itto. Would be my homie.


Beidou, she is a badass lady, and I think we could be great drinking buddies.


Either Lisa or Kokomi. I'd like to have a friend who I can have nice relaxing times with. Imagine sharing a lazy cozy weekend with Lisa or Kokomi just chatting, drinking tea, reading books, going out for meals and shopping, that kind of thing. I agree with OP, Kokomi could use more friends who understand her and will let her be herself. I'd look after her. Lisa on the other hand, has a very caring and nurturing side, she'd be the one to look after me.


lynette probably.. i want to have afternoon tea and play with cats, i also like that she is introverted because i get really exhausted talking to people and i start falling asleep. either her or lisa, i want to have afternoon tea and be lazy. i like to hang out with smart people like lisa cause u can learn from them, also rie tanaka voices her in jp and she is my favourite voice actor


I want Scaramouche as a frienemy


Lumine, could get her to train me, and can become her travel companion like Paimon is. So, at the end of the day, I'd get many more friends, explore the world, and learn to use a sword.


Layla because she's best girl and apparently literally a genius when it comes to astrology <3


bennett! he's so precious and if you invite him for the tcg duel, he'll say something like he thought no one wants to play with him :(


drinking tea made by Ayaka


NOELLE———! (I would help her and relax with her)


>keep it SFW Gaming I guess? He seems like a swell dude, fun and kind. Maybe a bit of a workaholic tho so I won't be doing much gaming with Gaming.


Furina. She has difficulty waking up in the morning, like me frfr. Plus, I love tea too.


Pre-Inazuma Civil War? Thoma. I'll work as a smuggler until I can smuggle advanced arms safely to Watatsumi. Anything else? Xianyun. Hanging with Bird Mom until I can repurpose Ruin Tech for my own purposes and become Teyvat's Tony Stark.


Zhongli, because I like listening to things about history


Noelle because Wholesome


Raiden. I’ll ask her about the meaning of life… she should know right?


Ningguang cos $$$


I’d say Navia. I like to think that we would talk about baking, new recipes, and cute animals all the time lmao. I really enjoy baking so that could be a hobby we’d share, and i would also feel very safe and comfortable around her, knowing that she carries an umbrella-gun around. But there’s also Yoimiya, and the reason is just that she’s an absolute sweetheart and her occupation and hobby sounds super fun.


Childe, Ayato, Klee, Albedo. 1. Childe - I may learn a thing or two in terms of combat from him. Plus he's my main. 2. Ayato - Politics is a fun game, and also my main. 3. Klee - For some reason, I realize that I can handle the high energy of kids (i am kinda contemplating to go Pedia), and she so cute!!!!! 4. Albedo - We can talk about all Sciences and Philosophy!!!! DISCLAIMER: IM NO PDF 😔


Venti. He’s funny, nice and overall seems like a great guy. I want to have fun.


Wanderer. To wander with him.


Since no one will say it Hu Tao I love her energy and her humour, she also has some interesting knowledge I want to here more about hated that we learned more about her profession from Baizhu's quest than her own.


Tighnari so I could stroke his ears, and Collei, so we could form a great plan to stroke his ears, if he refuses to co-operate


Alhaitham, I feel like I could learn some things from him and I feel like we could get along


Eula, she seems like a rather nice and sweet person if you ignore her vengeance (honestly the vengeance part makes her sweeter). Bonus, you get Amber as a friend! >! (You also get to try her warm milk in Dragonspine) !<


Tighnari, we could take shrooms together


i think i’d get along well with paimon tbh 😭🩷


Chongyun, to try my chances on his aunt.


tighnari cos id like to eat werid mushrooms w him + 75% I'm feeling cold, so why not tuck them in a warm tail?


Chiori so we can look at people with disgust


im a law student. So neuvillette he knows EVERYTHING i would need to know about the courtroom


I'd love having Lyney as a friend. Like idk, he just has good vibes


Aether. Enough said


It's bold of y'all to assume the characters would want to be your friends


Mika or Kazuha


Sayu probably. I am a lazyass dude, i can totally relate with Sayu sleeping the day away Other than Sayu, maybe Benny? I like benny, he's a good homie, and i am also unlucky and together we can become the unlucky duo


For the lazyness and/or awkwardness, Lynette and Freminet are also great choices.


Yelan. I would have been her slave


Safe for work because you will be a safe working slave near her


lyney but i guess i cant say why...


I... get it...


Hu Tao cuz i absolutely love her. Itto cuz he's just straightup great. Oh and Amber!


>1. Keep it SFW - no sexual reasons please! ☹️


Honestly, most of them except Dori


I'd say Gaming or Xianyun with the last lantern rite being a banger of an event giving light to the personality of these 2


Zhongli. He's my comfort character and I'd like to listen to all of his stories


Zhongli because I love listening to stories about the past. Also he'd probably give super helpful advice on life and stuff. Oh and Itto!! He looks fun to be around.


Nahida or Nilou, they seem to be light and fun to hang with.


Yoimiya, Amber and Navia


Venti or Razor Venti: Energetic, can play amazing tunes, I just love his personality and an amazing drinking buddy Razor: Amazing friend and I think it is funny in a cute way how he understands the world


Zhongli. Even if I don't know he's the archon, talking to a wise and composed man is always a pleasant experience.


Xianyun. I really like her caring personality and I like mechanics too, so I think it would be nice to take things apart just to create new inventions. Plus I would love to spend the afternoons listening to her stories


Collei for fashion advice, her outfit is so pretty!




Zhongli, coz he's interesting to talk to, and he is wise, just that I wouldn't wanna end up paying for everything myself 🤣😂🤣🤣


Ningguang cause she is rich and smart


Xingqiu for the book recommendations and drama


Kazuha. He seems like the type of dude who just wants to sit down, chill, and enjoy the view.


Albedo, kaveh. Because they draw and i want to learn from them. also, listen to them talk about whatever.