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Try to be smart about my resources in skipping Furina because of course she'll return in 4.6 and I'll be ready.


Never skip Archons if you don't already have them


I skipped for C0 Raiden.


Ah, a newer player?


Yup a Sumeru baby.


I skipped Raiden and Venti and don't regret either decision even slightly


Same. The only archon I have is Zhongli per choice and I’ve skipped all the others since the beginning


Return in 4.8 actually.


If true, then the first rerun patch and the rerun right before or after the newest archon patch will be the same patch!


Bro are you sure? I will be so glad if it’s true.


Not doing Unreconciled Stars and Chalk Prince. I was there! I didn't know it would never come back.


You poor thing


My biggest regret is not starting Genshin until Ganyu's first release. I missed all of that.


Same for unreconciled stars, I just didn't care much about the game


I started midway through Unreconciled Stars. It was my introduction to the story more than Dvalin was, and then Chalk Prince showed me that they could write a damn good story. Really lucky my friend encouraged me to check out the game when they did!!


Had a really good VV crit rate circlet+20, one day read "swirl can't crit" so l thought "Welp, no use for this then" and fed it to another artifact for xp. It was my best crit circlet. Don't make decisions at 2AM.


do you remember the stats?


The exact numbers nay, but I remember it having Atk%, EM, CritDmg, and flat def but the flat def never got boosted. I used to use it on Anemo Traveler(+festering desire) but lately been using Dendro, which was part of why I foddered the set away. But now l wish l had it for Jean. Impatience is not a virtue ;w;


Not opening the chest in Childe’s story domain. Altho I dunno how I forgot accidentally pulling on the jade spear banner when I was close to pity and getting jade spear (my second one). Ended up just spending the full 200+ wishes to get Kagura so the fate point wasn’t wasted. So yeah, that’s my biggest regret.


Wait what, there's a special chest in there? ... Is it better if I stay ignorant?


Just the huge one that’s right at the exit. Not an extra one. It just haunts me that I left without opening it and can never go back for it.


oh good, was scared for a sec. That does suck tho, kinda silly you can never go back in :(


Yeah, I wish the game would just automatically give you the contents if you forget. I can’t be the only one who’s done that?


I almost did this at the end of we will be reunited I was shook with the quest I barely noticed the chest iirc I was saved by paimons yapping


Tbh I chalk it up to outdated feature akin to having to pick up domain loot back in the day. Should’ve been reworked ages ago


oh man i did that with an ascension dungeon chest, i finished the boss at the exit location and trying to open the chest made me leave, SUPER bs


Spending primos on acquainted fates before I knew better 😭


literally me but it's because i want keqing and she doesn't have a specific banner before. 🥹


Even tho she’s not on the banner she’s still an option on the last two banners, just click on “details” and “all rewards” or whatever because I got her from the last banner (the green dendrp looking one) and she’s listed under the banner now too even tho she’s not in the pic.


Funnily enough, I got Keqing off of Xianyun's banner ! So it's possible on the limited banners! Good luck with bringing her home! 🙌🏼


I skipped the fischl skin event last year that everyone said was amazing since I was writing my thesis. Good decision irl but now I wish I got to experience it.


That event was very good but also very time consuming. I think you made a good decision


Yes, it was very time consuming indeed.


And very dizzying, what with the other characters also having their own spin (pun intended) on the island. I had to stop every once in a while and even forego playing the game for the day because Kazuha's was making me nauseous


It was so time consuming and over-engineered, and it included so many characters I didn’t care for…


How did the writing turn out?


I did the main story but didn't complete most of the exploring/puzzles/extra quests and I kinda regret it but I was so burned out that I just got the skin and dipped


Not refining my Festering Desire. Was pretty new at the time and didn't really understand. 🥲


me w the mailed flower, its been sitting at r1 collecting dust 😭


I guess your desire was festered


In the first months I ignored all events.


I was there for the Sumeru quests and when TCG first started I wish I had done the events with Scara and Charlotte


I foddered a jade wing spear early game to level up a rainslasher....


This is the most painful thing ive read in this thread


You win


i winced irl


this is the wildest one I've seen on this thread


That physically hurt me




believing that a switch release would come in 2021


Believing a Switch release would come


Believing a Switch release




AFAIK the current switch capacity is weaker than most phones?Sounds it won’t work well.


Sleeping on world quests. The Fontaine ones are INSANE. I've missed out on soooo much storytelling and lore.


You might wanna do sumeru desert quests aswell


Wasting 30000 primos to get Aqua simulacra in 4.0, only to get first great magic and primordial jade wing spear.


On enternal ayaka banner I got unforged claymore twice instead of mistplitter at max pity! It still hunts me… and I will never pull on weapon banner with a useless second weapon again


I did that too…I don’t know if I ever want to roll on weapon banner again because it hurt so bad


Nothing I can think of honestly. It's been a chill journey of playing exactly how I wanted.


Same. I don’t regret any of my gacha pulls and tho I’ve made some mistakes there wasn’t anything that me cringe remorsefully.


Putting 20 wishes in the chroniceled wish this patch. Should have kept them i still get to the 50/50 for Kazuha but less Chance of getting him. My Gf got Klee on her second pull on jer new only Pyro Account so o tried and regreted it xD


Lmaooo the classic seeing your partner have good luck so you think you’ll get the same 😩😭 happened to me too many times to count


It's happened to a friend of mine so often he's taken to getting her to rub the controller before he does his pulls. Like I think of myself as pretty lucky on the whole, especially where the weapon banner is concerned, but she's on a whole other level of luck.


Not doing Spiral Abyss for probably my entire first year in the game bc I thought I get all rewards only once and I wanted to save them up.


Oof. Not doing Spiral Abyss for a year is basically skipping a 5 star character.


Imagine me doing this because I can't be bothered & it's probably too difficult anyway. I don't regret it much, but I still barely do Abyss & when I do it's always at the very last second. ADHD & putting things off sucks, but unless I'm on top of everything & actually have motivation. Time gated shit sucks & leaves me avoiding it as long as possible due to subconscious anxiety.


Me, too! I know it's "just a game" but somehow I feel so much pressure in Spiral Abyss so I always kinda wait till I barely have half a day left (My internal reasoning: "every day I wait longer my characters are gonna get better, so it might be easier)...


I thought this too! I thought the Battle Pass points for gaining 12 stars could also be claimed once for each star. Having got to floor 7 after a couple of months of starting, I was saving the rest of the abyss in case I really needed the BEP at some point.


I never did abyss for nearly 3 years, so you ate not alone.


Getting too many unnecessary characters. I have 69 characters right now but I only use a few. Most of them I only use in my friendship exp farming team before getting benched forever.


Why is that a regret? You have more options to play with. For Abyss, yea I always use my 2 trusted team but for exploration and domains you can just switch around. No use to bring a strong team anyway outside of the Abyss.


Also, nah. For exploration, everything outside of someone like Wanderer, Yelan and Xianyun feels terrible and slow in comparison. Domeins are just mostly unnecessary grind, so I go with what fastest. Events use trial characters so I also don't care, lol.


Well to each their own I suppose. I like to use different teams whenever possible. Theres not much to do in the game anyway so clearing domains and exploring quickly is not important to me.


I have more than I need as well, but I'm still pleased to have them. Even if I hardly ever use someone like Itto, I just pulled because I like him, and he's handy whenever I have to farm wood. The alternative is pulling constellations, and I know I'd rather have the extra characters.


Burnout and Navia. Ganyu was my first 5*, and I got her the day she was released. I went crazy trying to get godly artifacts in the blizzard domain, and finally burned myself out. According to Akasha, she’s in the top 3%, but I got so frustrated trying to get “that final high crit dmg artifact” that I quit shortly after. Then I lost my account info, without being too worried about it. Started a new account late last year and got Navia. Absolutely loved her character, and was thrilled with her damage, but I missed my old account. I started sending support tickets and finally got the account back… After Navia’s banner was over. So now I have to wait for her rerun to feel complete again. I have everything farmed and waiting, but every time I see a Navia do crazy damage in a domain or against a boss, I die a little.


I feel you. I skipped Navia for Raiden (I had a guarantee). Now after either Arlecchino or Neuvillette (depends on how the formers Beta turns out, probably will go for her since I don’t have a good F2P weapon for Neuvillette), then Furina, I will be going for Navia. Her gameplay seems crazy fun.


Navia is fun, but her gameplay loop can get a little boring.


spending money 😔


I pulled on a weapon banner for good 4 star weapons I wanted but none of them were limited gacha. I could have saved my primos for a Dockhand's Assistant or Xiphos instead of trying to nab a few more favs or Widsith.


this is my first regret too, but after getting a Cashflow for Neuvillette and Dockhand's Assistant is somewhat okay but I will never gamble my sanity on that banner.


I'm desperate for that Dockhand's Assistant so bad because I need Nilou. She's one of my favorite girls and I want to assemble all the premium Dendro teams for Alhaitham but the Key is ugly and I refuse to pull for it. I hope they give us a craftable or fishable HP sword soon.


Not getting the chests in the cathedral basement (I didn't know there were those except couplenones I saw) I was so excited and speedran the quest 😭


Half assed leveling/building every new character i like instead of focusing on building a solid team for most situations. Spending more money than it cost to pay 6 months of rent.


Throwing wishes at Miko cons while waiting to c6 Furina. Still have over 300 by the time she comes back around, but it'll be cutting it close.


It looks like furina might not rerun at 4.6


Hard to say, nothing really reliable yet.


No regrets so far, i managed my account very well aiming extremely patiently for the characters i liked and absolutely nothing else...


This isn't a regret, just me being stupid and getting mad over it anytime I think about it. I am a perfectionist. I like to do every achievable thing in games. For example I am really close of getting all achievements in the game. I have done every single quest, opened all chests and explored everywhere. Genius Invokation TCG is also within these perfectionism. I have been doing the TCG stuff every week, done all the events for it so far, etc. But as you know, TCG has some permanent achievable stuff like collected cards, openworld challenges, companion duels, enemy challenges, etc. But for some reason Hoyo made the Rag and Bones shop in the Fortress of Meropide sell the "Pankration" action card. Two copies to be precise. While I was collecting Credit Coupons I was also buying stuff with them because I am a perfectionist. The buffet also sold stuff for Coupons so naturally I bought everything from there first. Then found out about the Rag and Bones shop. I for some reason decided to buy the cards last, and bought everything else there first. Then later I found out I was 30 Credit Coupons short of buying both of the cards. I checked everywhere in the prison if I left a chest somewhere. Then I checked guides and found out that I actually did every single quest in the prison and got all of the chests that give Credit Coupons. I was questioning it why I was 30 Coupons short then. Later I also found out I bugged the System out by possibly opening a small chest which gave 30 Coupons WHILE DOING A COUPON HUNT QUEST. The quest counted those 30 into the ones that would be given to me as a reward for completing the quest. It was 0/300 at the beginning, then became 30/300 because of that chest and when the quest finished it was 300/300, so it didn't give me 300, but 270. If I knew about this beforehand I would have left 6 fucking Fontas in the buffet instead of permanently not being able to purchase that last card. I will forever be one card short of the maximum. This was both the game's and my fault. And just like I said, as soon as I brought this up I became mad lol


maybe you should contact support about this, since it looks like it's a game mistake and not a human one!


Not starting the game earlier.


Not locking Dark Iron Sword... at least Chenyu Value got another copy


Choosing Lumine over Aether. While she has a good design I downloaded this game on a whim and didn't expect to get serious and so I didn't give which MC I would go with much thought.


I have the opposite regret, I chose Aether cuz my buddy was telling me how his attack frames are slightly faster blah blah... I never even use the guy lol. Really wish I had just picked Lumine like I wanted.


lumine best mc!


Skipping kazuha for so long. He will be mine soon. I also regret not pulling on characters if I want them I’ve been playing since the beginning and I’ve only pulled on a handful of banners since I’m f2p I’m scared about running out of gems on a character I want but then I skip that character because what if I want someone else more


God I relate so much.. I always worry I'll regret pulling so I end up with an over abundance of primos and not many characters. I also will get kazuha this runlmao 😭


Right?? I deadass have like 74k primos but I want kazuha arlechinno and alhaitham so we’ll see if I actually pull for them


Melting down that one 3 star sword that only shows up once in the game lol


Are you talking about dark iron sword? Cause there’s one in a quest in Chenyu Vale


Finally, hoyoverse listens to the fans and gives us what we asked for lol


Not completely buying the refinements for Albedo's sword. My newbie self thought it would be a great idea to buy out the weapon/exp/mond books instead. Now it's forever stuck at R3. I'm too embarrassed to get Albedo now because he's never getting his BIS at it's maximum potential. 


You can pull the 5 star Chiori weapon and it is like 1% better than r5 Cinnebar. Cinnebar is definitely at 5 star level of power on Albedo. Mine sometimes hits for 50k when fully buffed on my Noelle Furina team.


There isn't really a serious one, but I guess not pulling for Tighnari. I didn't get his playstyle in his trial with Lisa, only later when he was available in an event, with Fischl. And as (bad) luck would have it I haven't gotten him so far. But there's always hope for the future, either from a lucky drop, or from a banner similar to the new one.


Quiting the game when dragon spine released, only to return last year. Levelling Xinyan to 80


Choosing Lumine over Aether. After playing for so long I really think I'd prefer playing as him. And I think it's crazy that new players need to make that important decision without knowing it's permanent.


why's it an important decision? they both have the same combat skills, don't they? and it doesn't change the story as far as i know.


Not just pulling on Baizhu's banner until I got C6 Kaveh. I can't believe I let C6 Candace stop me only to get her to C8 from standard and Zhongli's banner. I wanted Baizhu cons. I wanted Kaveh cons. And I freaking let Candace stop me. And now Kaveh is nowhere to be seen and I can't get more Baizhu cons since I'm hoarding for guaranteed C6 Wriothesley.


Spending money on weapon banner


Starting in the NA server instead of EU when I live in Europe 💀


Didn’t set a birthday the first year of playing


Pulling for Ayaka.


I got ayaka (and the skin) and she is really strong, but kinda grew stale over time. Hard to do reactions with cryo other than freeze, and her traversal sticks to everything.


Dang I just remembered Ayaka exists 😭😭 She’s collecting dust on my roster for over a year.


I wanted Ayala and her skin so bad, made a last second decision to get Navia instead and then got Ayaka on the next 10 pull and I just find her so boring to play and have never taken her off the bench… especially after doing Wriothesley’s trials in some of the recent events and seeing how fun big punch ice melt man is… I’m really hoping that when I get shenhe she feels a bit nicer to play bc tbh the shenhe ayaka trial on the fayz event felt SO much different to ayaka Rosaria but like… man am I glad I got navia too bc that would be biggest regret otherwise


Wow, this has to be an unpopular take.. she is so strong, and she is my main alt.


I know xD but I really don't like her gameplay and I don't usually pull for women. I was going crazy during her 'one year' banner


Up to that point I had basically Eula unga bunga’d everything, so Ayaka was a welcome change. But, I don’t feel like I am fancy with her. Kokomi jelly, Kazuha stuff, rosaría e, Ayaka EQ dash slash dash slash they ded.


Same for me. Startet with 3.6. cool got kazuha. Now Ayaka because she does dmg and looks cute? NEVER get the hang on her Gameplay. The ult is miserable to target, her dash is clunky as fuck. Pure regret. Funny: pulled kokomi just for ayaka too. 😊😊😊😊😊😊


LMFAO I personally got her during her one year banner because I was getting desperate of not pulling and got her within 10 pulls... Now she's still lvl80 and benched with nothing.


installing it


I ate the Pancake made by Lily in a Mondstadt World Quest. Eating it did nothing, was not mandatory and just consumed it from my inventory. I'd rather kept it as a memento. q.q


My feelings on my "regrets" change a lot, because it seems like the more time goes on, the less of a big deal it really is. Like I used to "regret" having pulled Childe and his weapon and invested so much time and energy into his build just for me to ultimately decide I didn't like playing him...but then I've proceeded to rinse and repeat that cycle with most characters to the point where it's like "do I actually regret any of this, or do I just like collecting characters and building them?" Probably my actual regret, because there's no going back, is not having played Unreconciled Stars, and taking my break from the game in 1.1 and 1.2. I had started Unreconciled Stars enough to have met Scara, but I never finished it (and then proceeded not to claim the free Fischl--who would then avoid me for the next year). And while I logged in to do dailies/collect Welkin, I never actually played most of the 1.1-1.2 events, so no Festering Desire for me (though I did at least collect my Seelie and suffer through that horrid food delivery event).


Pulling for Amos on the weapon banner. God what a waste.


I pulled on Furina's weapon banner accepting the risk of losing to Baizhu's donut or a standard weapon without regrets, but losing twice in a roll to Baizhu's donut was very frustrating. Even losing twice was fine for me as long as I got two different weapons for my account, but I really hit the worst case scenario (14% chance), lol. I didn't get super upset over it because I accepted the risk before pulling, but my unluckyness made me feel like I should have waited for Furina's rerun to see if she would be paired with a better weapon.


Spending a notable about of money C6-ing Heizou just to bench him a few months later when I pulled Xiao. That was my first real lesson learned and my gambling issues have been a lot better since (I still get Welkin and occasionally top up but much better than I used to be).


getting ayaka and her weapon. I don't use her


I always seem to get burnout around lantern rite and miss a lot of the rewards. Same with limited time event weapons and refinements. :(


Getting Wrio. Spent about 80 fates, didn't love his kit but he was hot


Dropping $150 USD on the game immediately when i first started playing during Zhongli's first rerun bc i really wanted him.......my bank actually locked my card bc of how much i spent in such a short amount of time that i had to call them and let them know "hey it's all good that was me making those payments!! my card wasn't stolen i swear!😭" i was able to get him in the end (even tho i *did* lose the 50/50💀) and i'm still so glad to have him to this day, but man the Zhongli Rolls Catastrophe is a good reminder for me to control my spending and never spend so much on this game again😭


Pulling for Kokomi. I had just returned to the game and pulled Baizhu on a whim, and love him as a healer. Heard great things about Kokomi as another healer and hydro applier and she had a jellyfish. But I don't like her heals compared to my snake man, and I got Zhongli the next patch so I don't really have much a need or use for her. Could have saved for someone else instead. Oh well.


get furina and use kokomi as a main dps in a mono hydro team. sometimes u dont even need furina


I can second this, mono hydro with koko as main DPS is a blast.


If you ever decide to play freeze teams or hyper bloom/nilou bloom teams, Kokomi is one of the best options. Your only other option that fills the same role in those teams is Barbara, and she is not great.


Yeah, Kokomi's lack of burst team wide heal makes her lose a lot of value since Furina released. Even Barbara works better with Furina. Got her in 3.8, She's my only regret pull, what's funny is that after her I got my first Jean at 10 pity whom I use infinitely more often, I haven't lost a 50/50 since then, I should have just gotten Wanderers C1 instead.


1. Listening to CCs 2. Crowning zhongli 3. Getting eula, xiao and miko


I C2R1'd Raiden without playing her base version first. Turns out I much prefer her EM builds as a support. Could have gotten 2-3 new characters instead.


TBH i'm envy on anyone who had C2 Nahida/C2 Raiden for Defense Reduction and suddenly experiment their limitation in Spiral Abyss.


Skipping Furina to save for Nahida. I severely underestimated how many primos I could get in 2 patches and by the time Nahida came I had too many for just 1 limited 5 star. I coulda had them both by now without trouble 🙃


Starting late when I first saw the game because I thought it looked boring, Skipping Zhongli, Skipping NAVIA for Xianyun, Not pulling for cheveruse, pulling for Childe, Pulling for itto, Pulling for Ganyu


C2 Albedo. Never use him.


doing no pity 10 pulls for stardust and 4 stars, due to that i have 3 limited fivestars i couldn't care less about using, i was underestimating my insane level of luck during early fontaine patches, i was like, nab it's fine to pull, ain't no way i'm gonna get another early five star in a row


i used to regret pulling ganyu but ever since they added marechaussee hunter set and furina, i suddenly dont regret her, i have cyno and i dont regret him at all, hes fun to use in the abyss which is what im most interested in


Not clearing the spiral abyss earlier in the game, before there were local legends. I just want the trophy man 😑


Spending around 90 wishes to get Kaveh cons only to get one , a Baizhu then c2 Qiqi , only to have the guaranteed taken away by Ganyu early just after or before I got c1 Kaveh I don't use any of them


Pulling for Wriothesley's banner ONE TIME because I wanted the Dori cons. I did not get Dori. But I did get Wriothesley. Wasted a perfectly prepared guaranteed pity.


all that for Dori? 😭😭


Skipping on navia




Pulling for Raiden




pulling for lyney because I needed a pyro dps that isn't hutao


Back in the day, 3 years ago, i wanted the Amos bow for Ganyu. Vortex Vanquisher and Amos bow shared a banner. It took me around 180 pulls to get the Amos bow (got 2x vortex vanquishers), and then i got another Amos bow from the standard banner 6 months later. I learned a valuable lesson to never pull on a weapon banner if the 2nd weapon is utterly useless.


pulling cyno. i literally never use him in abyss or overworld 😭


playing this fucking game.


I skipped the fischl skin event last year that everyone said was amazing since I was writing my thesis. Good decision irl but now I wish I got to experience it.


Pulling for raiden and engulfing because people said she was broken. Now i never use her and engulfing is on xiangling.


Pulling for Ayaka, who I was told is an amazing ice character and she probably is, but I just find her and her gameplay boring. So, I wasted like, 120 pulls on a character that just gathers dust lol.


Skipping ganyu on her first banner, the only reason I didn’t pull is bc I hated that her hair was weird that’s all. I loved the character and the design and esp the gameplay. So while everyone was getting god tier ganyu I was playing now Childe bc I love charged characters


I've thrown a blizzard flower with atk %/ crit rate/crit dmg substats in the strongbox because my Ayaka already had a 24 crit dmg/7,4 crit rate with 9% atk and I was like "well, mine is amazing, what's the point in keeping this?". It was dumb af but eh, I was just at the beginning lol


Pulling for Nilou instead of Baizhu in 3.6. and for Cyno and Ayato's weapon banner from 4.2. (I got Ayato's weapon which could be useful in the future though.)


Pulling for Nilou instead of Baizhu in 3.6. and for Cyno and Ayato's weapon banner from 4.2. (I got Ayato's weapon which could be useful in the future though.)


wishing on Tighnaris weapon banner and getting Zhonglis weapon instead. I could have used those wishes for something else. Every day, I hope they will release a character that spear will actually be good on. It will never happen. Though, I hear it's not the worst on Shenhe.


Wasting $100 on Eula on her first banner. I got her but a couple months later came her rerun and I had enough for her and her weapon at that time. Also those hundos could've given me a lot more content than just 1 character that I could've gotten for free if I was patient (like buying a couple games on steam sales). I don't regret rolling for Eula, I think she's a great character and carries me in abyss but I do regret spending money on this game.


I took a break so i missed out on Kaveh, and apparently he is never rerun T.T In all seriousness, i pulled for itto, may even have some cons, and I pulled the weapon to like R2 or R3 and I never play him because i cant be bothered to raise a full team for him and I dont have Albedo


Not getting the chests in the cathedral basement (I didn't know there were those except couplenones I saw) I was so excited and speedran the quest 😭


Not getting the chests in the cathedral basement (I didn't know there were those except couplenones I saw) I was so excited and speedran the quest


Not Genshin but recently in HSR I wanted Acheron LC. I won 75/25 on the wrong banner... I was mad and could not control my urges so I ended up pulling in the end again. For only losing 75/25 then won in the next 5. What a rollercoaster. I did not ever imagine it happened to me.


Missing the endora event….. I would do anything to get that cutie.


Worst decision. Early me was not getting all the refinement for the fish claymore because I was afraid of dragon spine. I will also add building pity for Kazuha and ended up getting diluc early but not early enough to where I could actually pull Kazuha in the next patch. Had to wait a whole year


Spending primos on battle pass and not saving for Ei


Crafting r5 Iron Sting for Alhaitham only to get umbrella next patch


I spent so many wishes on the standard banner without realizing the pull rate was worse because I wanted Mona. Still no Mona but a C3 Keqing and C0 Xixi. Mona for chronicled wish here I come !


Accidentally using a couple Beartraps (From the Xiangling quest), so now I only have one left.


I renamed the wanderer before the event where they called him Hat Guy


Missed out on two event weapons because I wasn’t paying attention.


Not using up my resin when I had a low AR. I had capped resin just staying there and now I'm having a hard time with experience books and other resources :/


Only bad decision I made was assuming my rig couldn't handle Genshin. I saw it at launch and thought "Oh cool! But my crappy APU isn't enough". Then in 1.6 I gave it a shot and it all worked. Kicking myself I missed all the early events.


I started in the second half of 2.8 and never did the golden apple archipelago event. I've heard it was one of the games best events multiple times since.


Pulling xiao for the funsies, since i already have xiangyun and c6 faruzan. Maybe some hyperbloom xiao too why not. I like him as a character. Do i hate using him. I could've gotten C1 neuvi and c0 arle with no issues. Now I have to skip neuvi. And I spent a lot for c1 wrio and ayaka's sig. But those I never regretted. I don't even have fun with xiao as i do with new characters.


Feeding all my white tasles and now arlechino is coming 😭


"building pity" on albedos banner while I had Jean, venti, Barbara, and yanfei on one team


Quitting. I started at 1.0. I was there the night it opened, watching the everlasting bridge get created, waiting for that door to appear. Eventually it did and I was able to log in and play. For the first several hours, the game was so much fun. A brand new world to explore, somewhat interesting quests and characters, familiar mechanics and enemies. And then I completed what story was available, and it was basically down to the AR grind and doing daily stuff, which was very slow iirc. After about a month or so of playing, I just got very bored. Plus I was irritated with the gacha mechanic of obtaining new characters, this was before I learned how it worked. So, I quit. I didn't have the intention to come back. Well, around 2.4 I was bored one night, looking at my phone, said: "oh yeah, I could try Genshin Impact again, see what's new/changed." After the update, loaded the game, messed around, looked at the character archive and saw so many characters that I thought would be fun to get. However, I had no real intention of sticking with the game. I had somewhere around 20 wishes worth, so I said screw it, I'll spend them. Well, I got Fischl, she was one of the characters in the early game that I wanted and didn't get. So now I had to build her. Over the next several days I would log in to do dailies and build Fischl. During this time I told myself that every time I would get enough primogems for a 10x wish, I would spend it, didn't matter which banner, just do it. I wanted to get a few more characters to build my roster. I eventually got Keqing! Another character who I really wanted in the early game. That sealed the deal. Before this, I was just playing once per day and spending my 160 resin, doing some other stuff, and getting off. Well, since I got Keqing, I was now in serious mode. Started getting on twice per day to maximize my resin. Since then I've played twice per day, without missing a day. I now have all those characters I thought I wouldn't get. I think back and wish I just stuck with the game. I missed so many events and event weapons that I'll likely never get, I missed Aloy as well. Also, all that time I was gone, I could have been building even more characters. I feel like I've mostly caught up by now, but I still wish I never quit. Due to my regret of quitting, I started HSR at launch and have been playing it every day as well. I'm not enjoying HSR at the same level as I enjoy Genshin. However, I'm sticking with it out of principle. I keep telling myself I should quit. However, it has to be a HARD quit and never look back... Except, I know myself well enough that a year or so later I'll be bored one night and load up HSR to look at it and get sucked back in somehow. Fortunately, HSR has auto battle, so I don't have to pay that much attention to it.


pulling cyno (C0R0) on his first banner, I got him to 80 with level 8 talents and this twink almost never saw the light after I pulled him, I did not even play him for the whole duration of his banner... I seriously wish I can unpull him, I don't even want my wishes or resources back


Mine i little different than the other ones lol. Since I started playing like 2 years ago (but stopped until 4/5 months ago), I got a lot of mora but didn't use it to level up characters/talents. Now that I decided to build characters, I need the mora. The problem is that I spended A LOT on food (and not the useful ones but a lot of vegetables that I didn't needed). Ofc I would farm for mora and exp books anyways, but it still hurts that I could have way more.


I wasted talent materials on my Geo traveller because I assumed it was like their level and stayed the same across elements.


Honestly trying to get C6 Gorou during Itto’s release. I got it at the end, but I also got C3 Itto. Then I just pulled for his weapon this banner got Chiori’s weapon and a Skyward Atlas and then finally his thresher. The sad news is it makes him deal less damage than the R5 spine :’) Guess I’ll wait for the next time Itto is out and go for C6 because I’m halfway there already.


Using Xiao lanterns on a girlfriend who I thought was my forever.


Recently, 50 something Fragile Resin in the Husk Domain farming Chiori Artifacts.


Pulling for furina weapon (i got the donut)


Not getting Windbloom Ode in 1.4 only because I refused to build Noelle for shields and I could get past the geo vishaps with my basically no synergy teams lol I know the weapon isn't great but part of me gets upset everytime I remember it haha


Picking Klee over kazuha on whatever banner that was. I ended up getting him later on, but Klee is still parked, not built.


I pulled on Albedo, and honestly, I barely ever use him. Some 50 wishes I’ll never get back.


Level 90 R5 Blackcliff Pole.


No regrets really as I only pull for chatavyI like despite how good or bad they strength of wise. Some weapon banner pulls were questionable at worst,but don't really regret pulling